Why is Temperature dreaming? Disease temperature Dream interpretation why the temperature is high

Sealants 21.01.2021

Dream interpretation high temperature

The upward creeping mercury thermometer in dreams often indicates malfunctions in the body. Such a sign will hint at an unsuccessful fight against the infection, the consequences of which will affect the dreamer soon after sleep. Will the fever always be interpreted as a harbinger of disease, the dream book will tell.

According to the esoteric interpreter, the feeling of heat and aching bones in a dream warns of impending problems, both moral and physical, but safety measures taken in time will keep the body and mind healthy.

As the modern dream book says, the temperature will hint at unresolved problems existing in reality, oppressive thoughts in the head, personal problems.

Fast and clear

Have a fever or fever in sleep

In order not to waste time looking for that only true prediction, dream books give dreamers short interpretations for review.

  • If you have a fever in dreams, your health will deteriorate.
  • An intense fever can be seen as a sign of unexpected events that will shock you.
  • The vision with the measurement of body temperature symbolizes the upcoming changes.

If the thermometer shows a temperature under 40 and above, then a flurry of hard-controlled emotions will fall on the sleeping person.

The degrees are creeping up

The high temperature in the steam room is identified with good health and longevity.

For the birthday people in May-August, the interpreter gives contradictory meanings. Patients with elevated degrees promise a speedy recovery. For healthy people, on the contrary, dreams promise a deterioration in well-being.

See high degrees on a thermometer

According to G. Ivanov's newest dream book, the fever embodies criticism from close relatives.

The dreamer will receive unfavorable news when his head is spinning due to the heat in the bath.

Influenza, fever, other illnesses

Why dream of a temperature that is kept at around 37-38? Reality will provide the sleeping person with the opportunity to correct the current situation, it is only necessary not to miss the fateful chance.

The future of his family depends entirely on the dreamer, if he intends to measure the temperature according to the plot.

Feeling a chill according to the scenario of visions, the dream book will tell you that now is not the best period for the implementation of ideas.

What does a fever in a dream portend? Beware of failure, says the interpreter Miss Hasse.

Summer heat

I dreamed about the heat on the street - feelings of love will rush, there will be a desire to create.

Summer heat dreams

The eastern dream book warns that in reality you need to follow the statements, sayings, so as not to incur the wrath of the collective if you dreamed of the midday heat.

According to the lunar predictor, the higher the degrees on the thermometer creep, the faster a person adapts to a new workplace.

"Hot" story will tell about career takeoff, implementation of global ideas, - believes the interpreter Loffa.

Miller's opinion

How does a psychoanalyst explain fever or chills?

  • A fever may dream of someone who is in an awkward position.
  • As Miller believes, a fever in a baby will indicate existing problems at work.
  • Lack of shade, high air temperature is associated with impending hindrances, obstacles.

Inexpressibility torments a person who constantly becomes ill in dreams due to a sharp rise in temperature.

Other interpretations

Urgent matters will wait if you dreamed of a fever, warns the spring dream book.

Your mood is changeable when the degrees on the column of the measuring device jump up and down.

Fever, flu, acute respiratory infections in a loved one can be seen as a symbol of the existing abyss of misunderstanding between the dreamer and the hero of dreams.

Measuring the temperature will tell you about upcoming intrigues, spreading gossip.

If you dreamed that you had a high fever, then perhaps you should pay attention to your health. There is also the possibility that, having seen a column of mercury in a dream, "run away" upward, you should be prepared for the coming period when danger will be on your heels. Therefore, interpreting why the fever is dreaming, dream books recommend paying attention to all the nuances.

Miller's dream book

Did you dream that you have a fever and high temperature? This unpleasant vision means that you can find yourself in a very tense situation, with a heated relationship and feelings. Did the fever overtake the child? A dream is a reflection of problems in business or at work.

But, the sultry weather seen in a dream means some factors beyond your control that will interfere with you and your plans.

Brief interpretations

If you want to get laconic answers to the question that interests you, what is the dream of high temperature for, then pay your attention to short interpretations.

  • In a dream, you have a fever - to a sharp deterioration in health.
  • Someone else is in a fever - be careful when making decisions.
  • You see that you are measuring the temperature - your luck depends on your ability to concentrate.
  • The midday heat is a sign that a career can skyrocket.
  • The hot air of the bath symbolizes excellent health and high efficiency.

Fever as a symbol of danger

The simplest interpretation of sleep, explaining why body heat dreams, is given by Miss Hasse's dream book: beware of diseases! And in the Modern Dream Book there is another version: a high body temperature is a sign of an unexpected and offensive failure. Especially if the fever happened suddenly and without symptoms.

Do you see in a dream that one of your acquaintances is rushing about in a fever? This dream promises suffering and grief due to the fact that you will not take seriously someone's promises. To knock down body temperature in a dream - to the solution of all those issues that cause difficulties.

Summer heat is a sign of career achievements

Anyone who dreamed that looking at the thermometer outside the window, he sees that the outside temperature is very high, you should follow your actions, as well as the words in the team, because such a vision means a tense situation around the dreamer, as the Eastern dream book believes ...

Another version from the Lunar Dream Book: a career will take off at a rapid speed if you dreamed that the mercury column of the thermometer froze at the upper divisions of the scale. I agree with this interpretation and Pastor Loff's dream book. Its interpretation is similar: you diligently built your way to the heights of your career, so if in a dream the thermometer notes that it is hot outside, then this means a completely natural and well-deserved increase.

When the degrees are in favor, or you will be healthy!

Do you want to know why the high temperature in the steam room is dreaming? There is nothing difficult! According to almost every interpreter, such dreams predict excellent health and well-being. For a person who is sick, a dream promises a speedy recovery.

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Dream interpretation - Body

Seeing a body fat in a dream, with countless folds of fat, portends health problems. A slender tanned body is a sign of success in love, constant attention from men. A bleeding body is a misfortune with a loved one, streaked with scars - to difficult trials, tattooed - you will experience oppression.

Dream interpretation - body part of the body

In their dream meaning, everyone is closer to the physical and mental state of a person.

It is also surprising that different parts of the body up to the cellular microlevel have their own consciousness, that is, they have their own mind!

From this point of view, a dream is an integrated manifestation of consciousness of various layers of the psyche, expressed by parts of the body of the sleeping person.

By the symbolic meanings of these parts of the body, various physiological disorders and diseases can be predicted in advance.

At the same time, individual parts of the body have a closer symbolism of their own in their eventful life expression.

For example: "teeth" (depending on the species) reflect the general state of health or ill health of the sleeping person or indicate other people (relatives);

"Back" refers to our past;

"Hands" is a deed, an action, the nearest field of our activity;

"Hair" attractiveness, expression of vitality and mood;

"Feet the course of events";

If you dreamed that you had a high fever, then perhaps you should pay attention to your health. There is also the possibility that, having seen a column of mercury in a dream, "run away" upward, you should be prepared for the coming period when danger will be on your heels. Therefore, interpreting why the fever is dreaming, dream books recommend paying attention to all the nuances.

Miller's dream book

Did you dream that you have a fever and high temperature? This unpleasant vision means that you can find yourself in a very tense situation, with a heated relationship and feelings. Did the fever overtake the child? A dream is a reflection of problems in business or at work.

But, the sultry weather seen in a dream means some factors beyond your control that will interfere with you and your plans.

Brief interpretations

If you want to get laconic answers to the question that interests you, what is the dream of high temperature for, then pay your attention to short interpretations.

  • In a dream, you have a fever - to a sharp deterioration in health.
  • Someone else is in a fever - be careful when making decisions.
  • You see that you are measuring the temperature - your luck depends on your ability to concentrate.
  • The midday heat is a sign that a career can skyrocket.
  • The hot air of the bath symbolizes excellent health and high efficiency.

Fever as a symbol of danger

The simplest interpretation of sleep, explaining why body heat dreams, is given by Miss Hasse's dream book: beware of diseases! And in the Modern Dream Book there is another version: a high body temperature is a sign of an unexpected and offensive failure. Especially if the fever happened suddenly and without symptoms.

Do you see in a dream that one of your acquaintances is rushing about in a fever? This dream promises suffering and grief due to the fact that you will not take seriously someone's promises. To knock down body temperature in a dream - to the solution of all those issues that cause difficulties.

Summer heat is a sign of career achievements

Anyone who dreamed that looking at the thermometer outside the window, he sees that the outside temperature is very high, you should follow your actions, as well as the words in the team, because such a vision means a tense situation around the dreamer, as the Eastern dream book believes ...

Another version from the Lunar Dream Book: a career will take off at a rapid speed if you dreamed that the mercury column of the thermometer froze at the upper divisions of the scale. I agree with this interpretation and Pastor Loff's dream book. Its interpretation is similar: you diligently built your way to the heights of your career, so if in a dream the thermometer notes that it is hot outside, then this means a completely natural and well-deserved increase.

When the degrees are in favor, or you will be healthy!

Do you want to know why the high temperature in the steam room is dreaming? There is nothing difficult! According to almost every interpreter, such dreams predict excellent health and well-being. For a person who is sick, a dream promises a speedy recovery.

Contrary to the obvious belief, dreams of ill health usually carry good news to a person, but even in this case, one cannot do without exceptions. So why is the temperature 40 dreaming? What do they warn about or what do higher powers promise when, for no apparent reason, a temperature of 40 degrees is dreamed of?

What if the temperature is 40?

There is a grain of truth in the fact that a dream about temperature does not pose any threat to a person: such a dream really does not threaten in any way a deterioration in health. But instead, the owner of the dream may face other problems related more to the spiritual side of the issue.

First of all, these problems cannot be called problems per se, since a dream is a warning. So, a dream about a high body temperature indicates that it is time for a person to change the direction of the course of his life and begin to pay attention to more important things. If you do not leave trifles and continue to worry about them, then soon a person may have a feeling of emptiness, which will inevitably lead to depression. So it's time to change your social circle and set priorities according to a person's ideas about their importance.

But if the dream contains the temperature of relatives or friends, then it means something completely different.

The feeling of temperature in a dream may not always make any sense, because sometimes a person unconsciously imagines his illness as a dream. Accordingly, waking up the next morning with a real temperature, there is no need to talk about any meanings of sleep.

It is a completely different matter if a person dreams of a temperature of 40 degrees and a hot forehead from his relatives and friends. In this case, it is worth really listening to the interpretation of the dream book, since such a dream promises an impending deterioration in health associated with off-season colds. To avoid illness, you need to take care of your loved ones and advise them to take care of themselves when going outside in windy or rainy weather.

Another omen is that a high temperature can be dreamed of worsening domestic relations between cohabitants, especially for young couples. After a dream, it is not recommended to stir up a scandal because of not washed dishes or socks scattered around the house, since such a quarrel can end very badly, but it would be because of what, right? ..

At this time, it is generally better not to be at home, but to devote the day to your family or your loved one.

What portends?

A dream in which the dreamer is in a fever portends a similar ailment in loved ones and relatives, and for the owner of the dream himself, this threatens only with a warning that it is time to allow external changes to enter a calm and balanced life.

Also, such a dream portends possible quarrels on the basis of domestic conflicts, which is characterized by a high temperature, or a tense situation between family members. In this case, giving up or leaving the "scene of action" will be the best solution.

Many dream books also say that people who may have a blockage at work or problems in their personal life can dream of a temperature of 40 degrees. Accordingly, such a dream foreshadows something amiss: it's time to either change something, or completely abandon something, because it will come out more expensive for itself, and this is already stress, apathy and depression. But if a person cannot make quick decisions, the desire to change his life on the sly is also a result that will certainly be justified! After all, the main thing, in most cases, lies in the very start.

Thus, a dream about a temperature under 40 does not always indicate a direct deterioration in health: in most cases, it is a warning about a possible "heat", advice from above that it is time to get pain relievers. But what they will be for a certain person is up to him.

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