True Name. What is it and how do you know it? How to find out the name of the future husband, how to see him in a dream? Fortune telling in the name of the future husband, conspiracy, prayer, so that the future husband would dream How can you find out the name

Walls, partitions 13.12.2020
Walls, partitions

Do you want to quickly find out what the name of your betrothed? Have you decided to use certain techniques, try to open the veil and see the future? There are several traditional ways, very simple, to help find out the name of the future husband. Immediately stock up on the necessary items, memorize the algorithms and get down to business. It is quite possible that the results will reveal something unknown to you, you will take a fresh look at your acquaintances, you will begin to be more attentive to a person who has not previously piqued your interest. It is worth using not only "air" methods based on chance, but also quite practical. Combine intuition, fortune-telling and a reasonable approach. Then you will definitely get the information you need.

How to find out the name of the future husband? We take hints correctly
Not everyone believes in fortune-telling. It is worth using a few secrets so that the "wonderful" information really benefits you.
  1. Don't expect one hundred percent. Guess, but do not make the ultimate truth out of the results.
  2. Consider the results. Consider what you get when you tell fortunes about your betrothed - this information can really be useful to you.
  3. Without Borders. Never put yourself in the way of knowing that your future husband's name is not what you would like. If you already liked a person, it is in your power to conquer him, to win the heart of your beloved.
  4. Expanding the horizon. With the help of different fortune-telling, do not narrow, but expand your horizons. Be more attentive to the surrounding men, notice their features, character traits, do not dismiss someone as "inappropriate" at once.
  5. Manifold. Use different methods at the same time. Imagine how interesting it will be if you get the same name several times in a row. But remember - you are not a magician or a wizard. Try to get the most out of the different methodologies, and in addition apply algorithms based on objective analysis.
To make things easier, you can start with magic ways. They will also give you hints and help you find out the name of your future husband, narrow down the circle of applicants for this place.

Find out the name of the future spouse. Several easy ways
The best time for fortune-telling is Christmas time. However, you can do this any day if you don't want to wait long. The main thing is your right attitude. Who knows, what if a secret will be revealed to you? Use different methods.

  1. The first comer. In the evening, on Christmas Day, stand outside your house. Wait for a person to pass by you. The first person you meet is a symbol of your betrothed. Your husband may have exactly the name that this passer-by will call you as his. Perhaps if a friend walks by, you don't even have to ask for a name. When you first see a stranger, ask him to give his name. Please note: it is best to guess with a few friends, let them stand next to you. Was the woman the first to walk in front of you? Apparently, you will not have time to get married in the current year, or this fortune-telling "has not been revealed to you."
  2. Ring and photography. Do you already have a contender for your heart? Have you decided to find out if he will become your husband? Take a photo of your loved one, a wedding ring, and a long string. Tie a ring on a string, you should get something like a pendulum. Bring the ring to the photo. If it begins to make circular movements, this person may well become your spouse. When the ring begins to swing back and forth, it is considered to be a harbinger of parting. Think: what if there is another person near you, to whom you simply did not pay attention?
  3. Ring and different names. Your pendulum ring will still come in handy. Take a piece of paper and tear it into several small pieces. Write a male name on each. The names should be chosen both arbitrarily and in accordance with your circle of acquaintances. Pass your ring on a string over all the pieces of paper with names in turn. If it starts to rotate over one of the pieces of paper in a circle, pay special attention to the owner of this name.
  4. Apple skin. You can find out the name of your future husband thanks to the usual apple skin. It should be long and fairly straight. Gently take it in your right hand and throw it back over your left shoulder. Then consider exactly how your skin fell to the floor. Perhaps it now resembles some kind of letter? Most likely, this is the first letter of your spouse's name!
  5. The ship. For this method, you have to build a whole "sea" and "ship". Take a walnut shell, a candle stub, small pieces of paper with names written on them, a bowl of water, and plasticine. Attach the leaves in a circle to the edge of the basin. Insert the candle into the shell. Let your "boat" sail from the middle of the "sea". Wait for it to land on the "shore". He will show you a piece of paper with the desired name.
Guess with pleasure, but do not dive into this activity with your head. You also have objective methods that will help you find out the name of your future husband with a greater degree of probability.

What is the name of your future husband? We are looking for a betrothed among friends and analyze
Try to use not only fortune telling, but also more practical methods. Then you will surely come closer to the truth.

  1. A diary. Train yourself to keep a diary. Keep them short, but regular. It will not take long, but you will be able to later learn a lot of useful information from your diary. We often forget different events, situations, and people are simply smoothed out of memory. This is especially true for those who communicate a lot. Your diary will be useful for you to identify the main applicants for the place of your husband, will help refresh the memories of different men with whom you have ever talked.
  2. List of positive memories. Sit back and relax. Take sheets of paper and a pen. Try to make a list of your positive memories from the past few months. Men should be associated with them, preferably unmarried. They can refer to the situation indirectly.
  3. List of names. Now get down to making a list of male names. On a separate sheet of paper, write down the names of all the men you know who in some way relate to your positive memories. Then make another, longer list. Include all the men with whom you have interacted in the past year.
  4. Analysis. Now you can start analyzing your lists to find out the name of your future husband. Find out which of the men you like more, whom you have not remembered for a long time, and now you are interested in these people. You will probably be able to discover something new for yourself. Refer to your diary, compare different lists.
  5. Assessment by criteria. You can define several criteria and evaluate all men according to them. Let one positive result on one criterion correspond to one point. Make a single list, and write the number of points next to each name. You will notice that you actually begin to delve deeper into your attitude towards candidates, notice something previously hidden in the depths of your subconscious, and also see the positive qualities of men that you did not even think about.
  6. Criteria. The list of criteria depends on your personal preference, supplement it with your own points. It could be something like this:
    • reliable;
    • responsible;
    • decent;
    • successful;
    • honest;
    • has a sense of humor;
    • paid attention to you;
    • made compliments;
    • helped;
    • offered help without requests from outside;
    • delicate;
    • hardworking;
    • courageous;
    • you have many acquaintances in common with him;
    • you like it.
  7. Results. Then evaluate the results of the work done. You will be convinced that you have opened many acquaintances in a new way, otherwise you will look at the men to whom you are already accustomed and have ceased to notice them.
You already have a list of spouse candidates' names! Choose the one you like the most. You managed to find out the name of your future husband. Now go ahead and win your love.

Each person has an earthly (everyday) name and a true (secret, spiritual) name. The true name of a person is a sound expression of his essence. It is believed that, having learned the true name of a person, you automatically gain some kind of power over him. When you know the sound of someone's essence, any of your words addressed to this person becomes a word of power for him.

The name of the monad also has nothing to do with the earthly name of man. Each monad, when separated from the Primary Source, had its own unique characteristics - various combinations of energies, geometric shapes, colors, sounds, and probably some other signs that we cannot imagine. The esoteric tradition says that the true name of a person can be revealed to a person either by his Teacher, or in a state of deep meditation. But most of us live our lives without knowing our true name.

In many primitive societies, man had two names. One for ordinary, everyday use, the other, real, was kept secret. Sometimes it was not even known to the owner himself, since it was uttered to him in a whisper by his mother in infancy. This tradition has been preserved to some extent in Western countries, where a person, in addition to the usual first and last name, has a second, third, or even more, "intermediate" name.

Those who have read "War and Peace" by L. Tolstoy probably remember the episode where Pierre Bezukhov, fascinated by Freemasonry, calculates the Kabbalistic code of his name and learns that he has a great mission to change the course of the history of his homeland. Kabbalah claims that in ancient times there was a language that has been lost today or hidden from us. Today it is included in all modern languages, and it can be discovered by numbers. Each person has his own numerical code that determines a lot in his life. This code is expressed by the number of the date of birth and the numbers of the name, patronymic and surname. Moreover, the meaning of the names changes if a person moves to another country or switches to another language of communication. The alphabets of each language of communication have different numerical values \u200b\u200bof letters. It should not be surprising that the character and destiny of a person can change significantly due to a change of place of residence.

In Kabbalah, the name means attainment. When a person defines something, gives someone a name, it means that he has comprehended some of his properties or attitude towards himself. And if nothing is known about someone or something, then it is impossible to name him. Therefore, the basic principle in the science of Kabbalah says: "The incomprehensible is not called by name." That is, in all true Kabbalistic books there is not a single name, not a single name or description that would have been invented in any artificial way. All names and titles, every word are given in Kabbalah from the inner comprehension of the essence of the phenomenon.

A true name is a measure of similarity to the Creator. The essence of the Creator is knowable, but incomprehensible. But we can cognize Him through His Creation and His Actions, because all this reveals the sides of the Creator - His Names. This is the level of comprehension of the Creator and determines the true name of a person, because it expresses his highest spiritual attainment. We are not talking about an earthly name here. The name is the spiritual level of a person, the level of his disclosure of the Creator, and this level gives him a name.

Here is one of the practices, but
designed for those who
already have experience in magic
please note you must
understand exactly and believe in
do. On this
magical influences.
read the practice and
think about how she
works before
start it. After all, knowledge
to find your
name enter deep
trance, imagine plunging into
your consciousness /
sub3rd / world /
entity-in general who
how trained. You must
dive into what and
is you, but
it's like an outsider
man. The best way is to visualize this
as if absorbing you
swirling darkness.
Further formulate
mental message (or
matrix, thought-form)
the question "who is he" ".
Collect this thought into a ball
and then run into this
gray abyss
which is
really you.
Follow 3a as this ball repeatedly
reflected from
formations, structures
your "I" ".
Keep your attention on this ball,
wait for this
gray abyss to you
will come
answer) may come to you
an image, a gesture, but more often it is
there will be some unclear
Listen to him,
catch the rhythm in it and
some more or less
consisting of one
or from several syllables.
and there is your true
But remember that nothing
is eternal, depending on
thoughts, worldview
your soul changes too
(consciousness / essence /
sub3rd, in our world
for the same
there are dozens of things
titles like you
taught). Like this. Knowledge
its true name gives control over
by yourself,
emotions, etc. Also
helps in self-hypnosis.
I really don't advise you
reveal it to other creatures so that they do not
could use it
against yourself)

Quite often there is a need to obtain information about a certain person, who is a potential counterparty, client, seller / buyer of real estate, a borrower in a bank, etc. Internet to help you!

Thanks to the database for searching people on the Internet, such an opportunity is now available for citizens of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Latvia, who can be “punched” through this database, even if you only have their passport data. In fact, any search begins with checking the validity of a passport.

What does checking the validity of a passport give

It can be checked on the website of the Federal Migration Service by entering the series and passport number and captcha (code in the picture) in the appropriate fields. Here are the answer options:
this passport is "Valid": it means that everything is in order with the passport;
this passport is "Invalid": either it is fake, or it has expired; if it was replaced with a new one, then the message will indicate - "Invalid (REPLACED WITH A NEW)";
if the answer is “Not listed in the electronic records of the FMS of Russia”), then it is not at all necessary that the passport is invalid. It is possible that the information about the passport has not yet been received from the relevant territorial authority that issued it, or the record on the passport is currently being tested in the database software.

How to get information about the TIN number

This can be done on the website of the Federal Tax Service just follow the link and fill out the request form, after which the TIN number appears.

If the answer reads "According to the information you specified in the FBD USRN, the TIN assigned when you were registered with the tax authority was not found," then this means that this person does not have a TIN. True, this happens extremely rarely, so it is worth checking if you entered the initial data correctly when requesting.

How to check tax arrears

To check whether a person has a debt, you need to know his TIN number (see the previous paragraph). And tax debts can be clarified on the website of the Federal Tax Service

First, you will have to carefully read the verification conditions and give your consent to them, after which you will be automatically redirected to the data entry form, where you will enter them. As a result, you will receive a List of debts available at the date of verification.

This list contains not only the amount of debts, but also their type (unpaid taxes, penalties, fines, alimony, etc.). This, incidentally, allows you to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe property owned by the auditee.
Since you are on this site, punch yourself at the same time - what if you have some kind of unpaid fine that you just forgot about? In this case, the consequences can be the most unpleasant: from the appearance of bailiffs to the ban on travel abroad.

If you have a debt, you need to select a payment method, put a tick on it, drive in your home address, print a receipt and pay on it, although electronic payment options are also possible. The main thing is that the debt is liquidated.

How to find out the address of registration (registration) and the home phone number of a person

As for the home phone, many, especially the advanced youth, prefer a mobile phone, and the home phone simply does not start. But as for registration, more precisely, registration, then everyone, except homeless people, has it.

You can find out the registration (registration) in the address directory you need to select the country, then the city and enter the name of the person being checked, after which you will receive the address of his registration and, if any, his home phone number.

If the information you were looking for was not found in the above address directory, then here are additional search options:
address directory 2
address directory only for Moscow

How to check your criminal record and the courts going on at the moment

which city is it registered. If there is a copy of the passport, then the registration is indicated in it. In the absence of a copy of the passport, find out the address of registration (see the previous paragraph). If the person is not registered anywhere, then see the previous place of registration. By the way, if you received information about a person's registration, if there is such an opportunity, look where he was registered earlier.

If the area of \u200b\u200bregistration of a person is known, you need to find on the Internet the court of this area, since in accordance with the law, an application to the court is filed at the place of registration of a person if he acted or is acting as a defendant. But if you need to find out whether he himself filed a lawsuit against someone, you will have to check all the courts in your city in the same way. True, there is always the possibility that this could have happened in another city.

It should be remembered here that some courts have a different name. For example, in St. Petersburg in the Admiralteisky district, the court has the old name - "Leninsky District Court".

Having found out the name of the court, you should go to the page "Information on the movement of cases" (sometimes it can be called "Legal proceedings") and enter the name of the person in the search bar. Review the information received very carefully, since sometimes the names are the same, so it is important to pay attention to the initials.

Here you can find out in which court cases a person acts as a plaintiff or defendant, what is the essence of the claims. Since the case number is also indicated, you can go to it by the link and study the information card containing information about the progress of the case.

How to check for wanted suspects in a crime

The easiest way to do this is on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service, and an advanced search is possible. In the search bar, you need to select your region, fully enter the last name, first name and patronymic of the person and click the "Find" button.

If in response you receive the message “Nothing was found for your request”, then everything is in order with the person, and he is not wanted. But to be sure of this one hundred percent, you should click on the link "Show all results from the selected region", which provides a list of all persons,

How to check on the wanted list for enforcement proceedings

This can be done on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service select your region in the search bar, fill in the full surname, name and patronymic of the person and click the "Find" button (moreover, the search is possible and extended ).

If in response you receive the message “Nothing was found for your request”, then everything is in order with the person, and they are not looking for him within the framework of enforcement proceedings. Just in case, click on the link "Show all results from the selected region" and study the list of people wanted in your region (pay attention to the initials).

How to check if a person owns a car

This can be done on the website of the Traffic Police Base (, however, it is somewhat outdated, but here you can also find useful information about the car of the person you are looking for and its state number.

Checking for the search for debtors' cars

On the website of the Federal Bailiff Service, you can check if the car is on the wanted list: for this, in the search bar you need to select your region, drive in the state. car number (you can use the advanced search) and click on the "Find" button.

If the response message is “Nothing was found for your request”, it means that the car is not on the wanted list within the framework of enforcement proceedings. Still, just in case, click on the link "Show all results from the selected region" and check if the number you are looking for is present there.

How to check a person on the databank of enforcement proceedings

This is done on the same website of the Federal Bailiff Service, only here the search is carried out in two subsections - individuals and legal entities.
Indicate in the section "Territorial bodies" the region of official registration of an individual or, if we are talking about a legal entity, the place of its registration with the IFTS. It is not necessary to indicate the date of birth of an individual, but if the data coincides with someone, then filling in the field in the format DD.MM.YYYY will allow more accurate identification.

Having driven in the full name, click on the "Find" button and you will receive not only a list of debtors, but also the number of enforcement proceedings, as well as the subject of execution. All this must be carefully studied.

If you have a number of enforcement proceedings, then information from the database of enforcement proceedings can be obtained in the section "Search by number of enforcement proceedings".

How to check a person through Internet search engines

Internet search engines (Yandex, Google, Mail, Rambler are the most popular) can give a lot of useful information, for example, that the person you need registered on sites of interest, was mentioned in the press, gave advertisements for sale, etc.

In each search engine, you need to enter the full name of the person, as well as just his last name with initials. Following the links received, carefully study all the information found. These can be ads or all sorts of mentions, as well as photos and videos that should also be watched.

Then, re-enter parts of the information received in the form of phrases in the search bar and continue to follow the links received. There can be a lot of information.

The same must be done with its phone number in different versions:
+7 921 XXX XX XX, or 8921XXXXXX, or 8-921- XXX-XX-XX, etc. It is desirable to summarize all the information collected in this way in one document.

How to check a person through social networks

There are a lot of social networks today: Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, and My World on, and LinkedIn; there may be others less well known. Go to those where you already have registration (and, if necessary, register) and start searching.

Information obtained earlier from the Internet will be useful as search parameters: place of residence, hobbies, photos and videos, etc. You can start the search by full name (do not forget that women can be searched by maiden name).

When a person suitable for all parameters is found, it is advisable to determine the circle of his interests and acquaintances, level of education, interests, place of work, contact information is often indicated. If necessary, add yourself as a friend, then you can find out any information that interests you from his friends.

Pay attention to photos and videos posted by users, signatures, shooting date and circle of participants; view the status history. Collect all the information found in a separate document.

How to punch a person by car number

If you know the state number of the car owned by the person you are interested in, then on the website of the Traffic Police Base ( it is enough to drive this number into the appropriate column to find out who the car is registered to, and its phone number owner.

You can also use the site of the social network Numplate True, this social network is still young, and therefore is not widely promoted, and its base is not very large, but you can get the required information if you drive in the required state instead of the proposed example x000xx00. number, so you can get a link to the car owner's page.

How to punch a person by phone number

If you know your home phone number, then in the telephone directory you can select the country at the bottom of the page, then the city, then select the desired phone number and get information about the person's full name and home address.

If the information could not be found in this source, then you can search in others:
telephone directory 2;
Moscow telephone directory; here you need to drive in a phone number in the format XXXXXXX and click the "Search" button, information about your full name, age and home address will be provided;
if we are talking about a cell phone, then in the directory you can find out which operator services a person uses and how long this number has existed.

To punch a person by a cell phone number, you can use the search engines Yandex, Google, Mail and Rambler. It is better to enter the number in several versions: +7 921 XXX XX XX, 8921XXXXXX, 8-921- XXX-XX-XX, etc.

If the number was mentioned in ads, next to photos and videos, in social networks, etc., then it will definitely pop up. The information obtained must be re-entered into the search bar (it may be some kind of phrase, for example) and continue to follow the found links. It is advisable to save the collected information and summarize on a separate page.

But what you should not do is use the services of Internet scammers who offer to break through a cell phone number for a minimal fee and find out who the subscriber is. The same applies to offers to buy a database of all mobile subscribers, since the information is considered closed, its acquisition is considered illegal distribution and, accordingly, is punishable by law.

How to punch a person by ip address

If there is information about the ip address, then you can learn a lot about its owner. For this there is a special service - whois. On the Checking ip addresses website, it is enough to type in the ip address in the WHOIS Lookup window, and then you will receive all the information that is available about it.

If the ip is static, then this service will indicate the full name of the person to whom it is registered, his e-mail address and phone number and a number of additional information: when this range was rented, for how long and for which organization.

If the given ip address is dynamic, then the service will give only information about the provider.

How to check a company

You can check a company for existence both by name and by OGRN / GRN / TIN on the website of the Federal Tax Service by filling in the search fields and clicking the "Find" button. The search will return a list of companies that match the parameters of your request. It remains to choose from them the one you are looking for, click on its name and get the current information about the legal entity and about the entries that are entered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in relation to it.

How to find a company

The easiest way to do this is on the yellow pages website by typing in the name of the company in the search bar. You will receive information about its actual address, location, phone number, website.

How to find out the name of the husband (future)? This mystical question is asked by almost all girls who dream of finding family happiness as soon as possible. It should be especially noted that today there are quite a few fortune-telling that will help you find out who will be your spouse. Someone uses fire, water, fruits and other attributes in the process of rituals, and someone relies on their palm.

Today we will present to your attention several options for how to find out the name of your husband (future). Their reliability is not one hundred percent, so you should not take funny girlish fortune-telling too seriously.

How to find out the name of the future husband by hand

Palmistry, that is, fortune telling in the palm of a person, as you know, is the most popular way to find out your future. But with the help of palmistry, no one has yet been able to determine the name of the alleged spouse. After all, the data that a specialist collects when looking at the hand of a girl or woman is more general in nature. So, an experienced palmist can tell you about which man you will marry (personality traits, appearance, etc.), how many children you will have, whether you will live with him all your life, or your palm predicts another marriage.

If you are anxious to find out who will be your spouse, then you can use other types of prediction for this.

Fortune telling by hand in the name of her husband

Palmists are powerless in this matter, but by hand you can still find out which letter the spouse's name will begin with. Surely, everyone in childhood made the so-called "nettles" to their friends. For divination, we need the same scheme. You need to ask your friend to take your hand in the forearm area and "twist" the skin in different directions as if you are squeezing out underwear, and the distance between your palms should not be less than 10 centimeters. While your friend is holding her forearm in this position, you should look at your skin. After the described actions, multiple folds should form on the inside of your arm. Looking at them, you can see various symbols. If a letter catches your eye, then it is with it that the name of your spouse will begin.

The first man he meets

You can find out the name of your future husband as follows: in (immediately after the chimes) you need to go for a walk and ask the first man who comes across what his name is. This name will be the name of your future spouse.

Apple peel

How to find out the name of the husband (future) using an ordinary apple? To do this, take one large fruit and spirally peel it, being careful not to tear the ribbon of the peel. Next, it needs to be thrown over the right shoulder. The symbol that comes out of the peel will be the initial letter of your spouse's name.

By clover

How to find out the name of the husband (future) using an ordinary plant for this? To do this, you need to find a four-leaf clover and place it in your right shoe. The name of the first man with whom you will meet later will be similar to the name of your spouse. It is likely that this guy will make you a marriage proposal.

On pieces of paper

There is another proven method that can tell you what the name of your future spouse will be. To do this, on New Year's Eve, you need to take a blank piece of paper and cut it into 20 equal squares. Next, write any male name on each piece. After folding the pieces of paper, place them under your pillow and go to bed without talking to anyone. In the morning, without getting out of bed, take out one piece, unfold and find out what name your spouse will have. It should be especially noted that in this way you can make any wishes, but only for New Year or Christmas.

With water and nutshells

How to find out the name of your future husband during Christmas carols? For such fortune telling, you will need a basin of cold water, half a walnut shell, a small candle (stub), matches or a lighter, plasticine, paper and a pen.

Before proceeding with the prediction, you should cut a blank sheet into several pieces, and then write on each of them any male name. Next, the pieces of paper need to be glued to the sides of the pelvis (in diameter), using plasticine for this. By the way, you must first pour cold water into this container. After that, you should take a nutshell, put it in it and light it. Having lowered a kind of boat into the center of the pelvis, it is necessary to wait and see which “shore” it will sail to. Your betrothed will be called exactly as it is written on the piece of paper to which the nutshell "moored".

With a gold ring

As you know, the gold ring is a symbol of marriage, family and fidelity. It is this kind of decoration that will help you find out who your betrothed is. Take a blank sheet of paper, cut it into several small pieces and write any male names on each piece. Next, they need to be laid out in a chaotic manner on the table. Take a gold ring (it is undesirable to use someone else's wedding ring), thread it with a regular thread up to 15 centimeters long. Holding the thread with your index and thumb, the jewelry must be brought to each piece and freeze for a few seconds. If over one of the pieces of paper the ring spontaneously sways or makes circular movements, then you should remember the name written on this piece of paper, because this is how your spouse will be called.

Christmas divination

If you want not only to find out the name of your spouse (future), but also to see him, then the next one will suit you. On Christmas night, you should loose your hair and comb it well with a comb, sitting in front of a mirror by candlelight. Next, you need to place the comb under the pillow and go to bed immediately. Many lovers of such predictions claim that their betrothed comes to them in a dream that night. If no one dreamed of you, then this means that this year you will never meet your love. But do not be upset, because the next meeting will certainly happen!

On Christmas Eve, the best time for fortune-telling begins, it will last until Epiphany (January 19). It is believed that these days all prohibitions are lifted, mysterious forces rush to the Earth, and girls begin to divine fortunes, successful marriage and future children.

If you are not married yet, then be sure to try one of these fortune telling. What if it comes true?

1. Fortune telling by the book

No, this is not the kind of guesswork where you need to guess the page number. It works a little more interestingly.

What you need? Book, preferably fiction and about love.

What to do?

  • Open the book to a page equal to your birthday. Write down the letter on which the page begins.
  • Open the page equal to the day of the month of birth and write down the first letter.
  • Open the page equal to your father's birth number, and also write down the first letter on this page.

Did you get three letters? These are the initials of your future spouse's name.

2.With small pieces of paper

What you need?Paper, pen, bed, pillow.

What to do?

  • Tear a blank sheet of paper into many small pieces of paper.
  • On each of the scraps, write one male name (there can be as many as you like, remember any names you like, or the names of all your friends).
  • Roll up the pieces of paper carefully.
  • Place them under your pillow before bed.
  • When you wake up, take out one of the folded pieces of paper and you will see the name of your future husband.

3.With small pieces of paper and water

What you need? A container with water (basin), a candle (stub), walnut shells, plasticine and pieces of paper with names (see point 2).

What to do?

  • Attach pieces of paper with names with plasticine to the sides of the container with water from the inside.
  • Light the stub of a candle and place it in a nut shell.
  • Place the shell in the water in the center of the basin.
  • The shell from the candles should stop near one of the pieces of paper glued to the side. Then you will find out the name of your chosen one.

4. On apple peel

What you need? Apple, knife.

What to do?

  • Peel off the apple peel carefully so that it doesn't break and looks like a spiral.
  • Throw the peel over your left shoulder, and then watch how it falls. It is believed that in the position of the peel, you can see the first letter of the name of the future husband.

5. With a frying pan

An interesting fortune-telling in which you will need the help of your mother. If you live separately, then visit her one of the Christmas days.

What you need?Pan.

What to do?

  • Put a frying pan under your mother's bed (there is one subtlety - she shouldn't know about it).
  • Before you go to bed, say to yourself: "The betrothed-mummer, come to visit your mother-in-law to eat pancakes." If a mother dreams that she is feeding some young man with pancakes, then he will be the daughter's fiancé.

6.Using wax

What you need?A candle and a dish of water.

What to do?

  • Light a candle and let it melt a little.
  • Tilt the candle over the saucer and start dripping wax into the water.
  • After a few seconds, the wax will harden on the surface of the water in the form of one or more letters. This will be a hint of the name of the future husband.

By the way, such fortune telling is known in a different format. You ask the question you are interested in, pour out the wax and see what happens. Usually, the figure is the answer (an asterisk - good luck at work or study, many stripes - there will be many trips a year, a flower - a happy meeting, etc.).

7. On bulbs

What do you need?Several bulbs.

What to do?

  • Write on the bulbs the names of the men who care for you (or whom you care about).
  • Put them in water. The bulb that sprouts before everyone else will mean your man of life.

8.Using a needle

And we will need papers with male names again.

What else is needed? Needle or gold ring, silk thread.

What to do?

  • Thread a 15 cm thread through a ring or needle.
  • Use your thumb and forefinger to hold the thread and bring the needle / ring to each name sheet. Freeze.
  • If over any of the names the ring begins to swing like a pendulum or revolve around itself, then this is the name of your betrothed.

9.With lock and water

What do you need?A basin of water, a lock with a key.

What to do?

  • Take the lock and hold it above the water.
  • Lock it with a key, saying: "Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink." Whoever dreams will be the groom.

10. By shreds

This fortune-telling will help to find out the appearance of the betrothed.

What you need?Pieces of fabric in different colors (white, black, red, brown), box.

What to do?

  • Place the shreds in a box.
  • Ask the question: "What color will my spouse have?"
  • Pull out any piece. White means blond hair, black - dark, red - red, brown - light brown.

In the same way, you can find out the color of the eyes and other signs.

11.Using a comb

What you need?Comb, pillow, bed.

What to do?

  • Before bed, comb your hair with a comb and place it under your pillow.
  • Say: "My betrothed, dream of me" and go to bed. In a dream, you should see your future husband.

12. By the mirror

The most terrible and difficult fortune-telling. At midnight, the fortuneteller should be alone in a dark room.

What you need? Two large mirrors, candles.

What to do?

  • Place one mirror in front of another, place candles. A "corridor" should appear in the mirrors.
  • Concentrate, look in the mirror intently and motionlessly, peer attentively into the "corridor". In the mirror, you will see the face of your future husband.
  • Consider it and say a charm spell: "Out of this place!" After these words, the image of a man will disappear, and everything will end.

13. By the name of the first comer

Be careful with this fortune-telling: it can be dangerous to leave a beautiful girl alone on the street at night.

What to do?

Leave the house at midnight and ask the name of the first man you see. It is believed that the name of your betrothed will be the same.

Are you going to guess on Christmastide?

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