Signs of a tumor in the colon. Benign and malignant tumor of the colon What are the signs of colon cancer

Jigsaws and circular saws 13.12.2020
Jigsaws and circular saws

Colon cancer belongs to the most common of its tumors. Colon cancer ranks third after cancer of the stomach and esophagus among cancers of the digestive tract. Among patients in surgical departments, such patients account for 0.2 to 0.9%. Men get colon cancer more often than women. Colon cancer is more common in patients aged 40 to 60 years. In more than 50% of cases, colon cancer arises from single polyps and colon polyposis. This process selectively affects a number of sections of the intestine: the hepatic and splenic flexures of the colon are most often affected, then the cecum, the descending section and the sigma, and much less often the ascending section and the transverse part of the colon.

It is customary to distinguish between two forms of colon cancer: exophytic, when the tumor grows into the intestinal lumen and leads to its partial or complete closure, and endophytic, when the tumor spreads towards the peritoneum. Exophytic tumors, which are often lumpy, include polypoid and villous cancers. Endophytic tumors have the character of ulcers, annularly covering the intestinal wall. Exophytic cancers are more often observed in the right half of the large intestine, and endophytic ones - in the left. If the tumor is located near the Bauhinia flap, then stenosis develops quite early. The progressive growth of a cancerous tumor towards the peritoneum causes a response from nearby organs (loops of the small intestine, omentum), which fuse with the tumor and form a large conglomerate. Further development of the tumor can lead to its perforation into the free abdominal cavity, which entails the development of peritonitis. Ulceration of the tumor from the intestinal mucosa can lead to massive bleeding.

Multiple colon cancer is rare (0.6 to 7%) and occurs mainly with polyposis, less often on the basis of ulcerative colitis. Its course is more malignant than single cancer.

As for the microscopic structure of colon cancer, there are predominantly adenocarcinomas (80%), then mucous colloid (12-15%) and cerebral cancers.

Colon cancer symptoms differ depending on the shape and structure of the tumor and its location. Sometimes colon cancer is asymptomatic for a long time or manifests itself with nonspecific symptoms that are characteristic of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With different localizations and forms of the disease, belching appears, sometimes offensive, aversion to food, alternating constipation and diarrhea with mucus, especially a smelly stool with a lot of gas. This "bowel discomfort" should raise the suspicion of colon cancer. According to BL Bronstein (1950), the phenomena of discomfort are noted in 14% of cases. Pain refers to the constant and relatively early signs of the disease: patients complain at first of heaviness in the abdomen, then the pain intensifies, and with intestinal obstruction they become persistent, periodic and cramping. On examination, only in emaciated patients can one find a large tumor, intestinal distension proximal to the tumor. Percussion is of little help in identifying the tumor. Palpation allows you to establish the size of the tumor, its localization, mobility. Sometimes patients themselves feel the tumor in the abdomen. In 20% of colon cancer, blood is determined in the feces, and in the early stage of the disease it is only in 7% (BL Bronstein). Excessive bleeding in colon cancer is rare, but is sometimes the first sign of the disease. "Unreasonable anemia" of hypochromic type and accelerated ROE give grounds to suspect a cancerous tumor. Anemia is more common when the tumor is located in the proximal colon. In 37% of cases of colon cancer, fever is observed - and not only with an extensive cancer lesion with decay, but also with a moderate development of the tumor in combination with an inflammatory reaction. With sigmoidoscopy, a tumor of the sigmoid colon can be detected and a biopsy can be performed, as well as cytological examination of smears taken from areas suspected of cancer.

Contrast X-ray examination of the colon plays an important role in the diagnosis of colon cancer.

Currently, surgical intervention is the only radical way to treat colon cancer at an early stage, that is, when not only the tumor, but also regional lymph nodes is removed by resection of a part of the intestine.

If radical operations are unfeasible due to the severity of the patient's condition or in the presence of metastases, palliative operations are performed to eliminate the phenomena of intestinal obstruction, which consist in turning off the part of the intestine affected by the tumor and in applying bypass anastomoses.

Colon sarcoma is rare and accounts for 1 to 3% of colon tumors. Colon sarcoma occurs at all ages - from 7 months to 63 years, but most often between the ages of 20 and 40. History often includes abdominal trauma. The cecum is most commonly affected. The size of the tumor ranges from the size of a small apple to the head of an adult. Colon sarcoma is often in the form of a dense, lumpy node, welded to adjacent organs and to the anterior abdominal wall. Often, sarcoma of the colon is in the form of a sleeve, while the intestinal wall is uniformly thickened over a considerable length. Narrowing of the intestinal lumen in sarcoma is less common than in cancer. Sarcoma develops from the submucosal layer, the peritoneum grows late. In the large intestine, round-cell sarcomas predominate, then lymphosarcomas and spindle-cell sarcomas. Colon sarcomas grow rapidly. The duration of the disease is up to a year.

At the beginning, the disease is usually asymptomatic, and only with a far-reaching development of the process does anorexia occur, as well as diarrhea, alternating with constipation. Colon sarcoma often simulates chronic appendicitis. With a disintegrating tumor, the temperature rises to 39.7 °.

Anemia and cachexia are less common than with cancer. Frequent complications include tumor invasion into adjacent organs, perforation into the abdominal cavity and, less often, intestinal obstruction, and intussusception. Intestinal bleeding is rare. Sarcoma can compress the inferior vena cava or portal veins and cause ascites and peripheral edema, and when the ureter is compressed - hydronephrosis (I. Ya. Deineka, 1960).

The diagnosis of colon sarcoma is difficult. The thought of sarcoma should arise in the presence of a rapidly growing, slightly painful, lumpy tumor that does not cause intestinal stenosis, especially in young people.

Treatment of sarcoma of the colon is surgical and consists in the possible early resection of the affected segment of the intestine with the removal of regional lymph nodes and tissue. The prognosis is unfavorable.

Benign Colon Tumors very diverse: these are polyps, fibromas, lipomas, hemangiomas, fibroids, leiolipomas, etc. These tumors retain their small size for a long time and do not show themselves in any way. As the tumor grows, symptoms of narrowing or intussusception may appear.

Colon polyps and polyposis deserve special attention. Polyps are: hyperplastic with excessive development of the mucous membrane, inflammatory - with chronic inflammation (dysentery, tuberculosis) and adenomatous, or true polyps, based on tumor growths of the mucous membrane glands. The cecum is most commonly affected by polyps. Polyps are found primarily in young people. The size of polyps ranges from the size of a millet grain to the fist of an adult. Polyps can be broad-based or have a narrow stem.

The symptomatology of polyps and polyposis is not the same and depends on the number of polyps, their localization and structure. Single polyps may not manifest themselves for a long time. At the same time, adenomatous forms are accompanied by loose stools mixed with mucus and blood, often along the colon there are pains in combination with constipation, and tenesmus occurs when the sigmoid colon is damaged. Patients lose weight, become anemic. In some cases, it is possible to note small pigmented spots of the mucous lips, cheeks, palate, wings of the nose (Petz-Yeager syndrome). With sigmoidoscopy, polyps of the sigmoid colon of various sizes, shapes and colors are visible. Colon polyposis is not so difficult to diagnose with careful X-ray examination.

Treatment is surgical and consists in excision of single polyps and in resection of the affected part or the entire colon. The prognosis is serious due to the fact that cancer can develop on the basis of polyps and polyposis.

Of the benign colon tumors, lipomas rank first in frequency. They are located under the mucous membrane (in this case, they are called internal) and above the serous membrane (external). Most often they are located on a wide base, but sometimes they have a leg and are then called polypoid lipomas. Lipomas come in various sizes, from a pea to a male fist; found mainly in persons over 40 years of age.

Lipomas are asymptomatic for a long time. With a generally satisfactory condition, patients develop constipation, followed by diarrhea, sometimes with mucus and blood. Lipomas that have reached significant sizes can be palpated through the abdominal wall and freely displaced on palpation. Intestinal intussusception is possible. The prognosis for colon lipomas is favorable with timely lipoma removal. The operation consists in resection of a section of the intestine with a lipoma.

Colon fibroids are very rare

Colon cancer, the symptoms, causes and treatment of which will be discussed below, is a fairly common disease. It is especially common in people living in America, England, Africa and Greece. In our country, this ailment ranks third among oncological diseases, second only to breast and prostate oncology.

Such a geographical spread of intestinal oncology is due to the way of nutrition. Each of the regions adheres to a certain type of diet, using in its diet foods that change the intestinal flora.

In this flora, bacteria develop, which by the products of their vital activity not only poison the patient's body, but also produce carcinogenic substances that accelerate pathological cell division and form a tumor.

According to statistics, the male population from 50 to 70 years old is more susceptible to this disease.

Classification and stages of the disease

Intestinal cancer is a rather broad concept, since a tumor can develop in different parts of it: in the cecum, in the colon and rectum, or in the anal canal. The neoplasm develops in the mucous membrane and grows along the intestinal wall. Further, the tumor grows into all intestinal tissues and begins to affect nearby organs.

In men, rectal cancer can spread to the seminal tubercles and the prostate gland, and in the female body it spreads to the vagina and uterus.

There is a specific classification of colon cancer that develops in humans. Depending on the shape of the tumor, the following forms are distinguished:

  • endophytic;
  • exophytic;
  • saucer-shaped.

By the type of cell structure, there are:

  • adenocarcinoma;
  • mucocellular bowel cancer;
  • undifferentiated;
  • unclassified form of cancer.

Adenocarcinoma appears most often, accounting for 80% of all known cases.

Speaking of the stages of cancer that affects the intestines, there are 4:

  1. At the first stage, the tumor is localized on the mucous and submucous membranes, while its size is small.
  2. At the second stage, the tumor has already increased in size, has pronounced symptoms, but has not yet metastases.
  3. At the third stage of development, the tumor has increased and its size already completely fills the thickness of the intestinal walls. Metastases appear that affect nearby lymph nodes.
  4. The fourth - the last stage, at which the tumor has already reached a huge size, metastases are found not only in the lymph nodes, but also in neighboring organs. At the same time, treatment does not work, and the prognosis for the patient is not reassuring.

The first and second stages of development are best treated. In the third stage, the probability of living another 5 years is 30%.

Intestinal cancer causes

The disease can develop against the background of erosive lesions of the intestinal walls, due to inflammatory processes in the intestine, which violate the integrity of the mucous membrane and provoke the formation of a tumor. Colon adenoma can also cause cancer.

Among the predisposing factors that can cause bowel cancer in women and men are:

  • heredity;
  • improper nutrition;
  • diseases of the large intestine.

The first symptoms of oncology may appear if a person eats a lot of animal fats and there are no plant fibers in the diet.

As a result of improper nutrition, the intestines do not receive enough of a substance called hummus, which improves intestinal motility. Instead, with food, a person receives a large amount of bile acids and neutral fats, which tend to move very slowly through the intestines and at the same time irritate the mucous membrane.

As a result, the microflora in the organ changes, and, as described above, atypical cells are formed. People who play sports and often use synthetic mixtures, such as gainers and proteins, are also at risk. Bad habits, namely alcohol abuse, also play an important role in the development of pathology.

Cancer diagnosis can be genetic. If your family has had similar cases, then the probability that you will get sick, too, increases by 20%. If close relatives - brothers, sisters and parents - were ill, then the probability is even higher. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor who can calculate the likelihood of your illness.

Cancer can be expected if a person has diseases such as polyps, Gardner's, Peitz-Jigers, Türk's, Cronkite-Canada's, diverticulosis, Crohn's disease, perrectal fistulas, and untreated rectal fissures.

Symptoms of oncology

Symptoms of colon cancer at an early stage are rarely recognized; a tumor at the beginning of its development can be seen only with coloscopic examination or palpation by a doctor. In the second stage, the tumor grows in size and begins to manifest itself with visible signs. Symptoms in the early stages (1-2) may look like this:

  • unmotivated weakness;
  • loss of appetite and aversion to food;
  • sleep disorders;
  • drastic weight loss;
  • heaviness after eating;
  • bloating;
  • ascites;
  • unsharp abdominal pain;
  • rumbling and flatulence;
  • frequent constipation or fecal incontinence;
  • impurities of blood in the feces;
  • false urge to empty;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • ribbon-like feces.

Often, the patient develops belching, nausea, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth and vomiting. Fever and anemia are less common, but they are formed against the background of infectious and inflammatory processes in the body, which further complicates the diagnosis.

If there are signs of colon cancer, be sure to see a doctor and get a complete diagnosis, as this disease can have unintended consequences.

Colon cancer diagnostics and conventional treatment

Before treating an oncology, it is required to undergo a series of procedures that will confirm the diagnosis and provide the doctor with more information about the neoplasm.

If colon cancer is suspected, the diagnosis consists of several stages:

  • examination and questioning of the patient;
  • palpation of the rectum;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • analysis of blood and feces;
  • colonoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the abdomen, small pelvis;
  • endorectal ultrasound.

Based on the data obtained, treatment for colon cancer begins. If there is a first or second stage of cancer, then chemotherapy is carried out with drugs such as 5-fluorouracil and Ftorafur. Unfortunately, the drugs help only 10% of the examined patients, in other cases surgical treatment is prescribed.

Before removing the tumor, some patients receive several sessions of radiation therapy, this allows you to stop cell division and slightly reduce the size of the tumor. Surgical treatment consists in the complete removal of the tumor along with metastases.

Before operating, the patient needs to be prepared. In recent years, orthograde bowel lavage has been used. It is carried out by the introduction of 8 liters of isotonic solution through a probe, which is installed in the duodenum. Old methods such as enemas and diets are used much less often.

When diagnosed with colon cancer, treatment will depend on the location of the tumor and the presence of metastases. If there are no complications, then the doctors remove the sections of the intestine and regional lymph nodes affected by the tumor.

The scheme of the operation is developed in advance by the surgeon, depending on how much the tumor has spread and whether the deep parts of the intestine have been affected.

After the operation, chemotherapy is required, but it is indicated for those people whose tumor has grown into all layers of the intestine. At the fourth stage, the operation is no longer carried out, chemotherapy is possible, which is aimed exclusively at improving the quality of human life.

Sometimes chemotherapy is used to prevent disease recurrence. The patient's rehabilitation period after surgery is 3 months. In the future and throughout his life, he will be prescribed special drugs to maintain normal bowel function.

It is impossible to give a positive prognosis with confidence even with a correctly performed operation, since a number of complications may develop.

Prevention and alternative methods of treatment

As a prevention of bowel cancer, first of all, it is required to note a healthy diet. Modern medicine releases substances that reduce the risk of abnormal cell formation. These include:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • selenium;
  • vitamin A;
  • beta carotene;
  • vitamin E.

By consuming foods rich in these substances, a person will not only improve their well-being and increase the body's defenses, but also, possibly, avoid intestinal oncology.

According to statistics, the risk of developing bowel cancer increases if a person works in sawmills and chemical industries. At the first symptoms of the disease, change your profession to a safer one. If polyps or inflammatory bowel diseases are found, treat them promptly.

Among the folk methods that will help alleviate the patient's condition, it can be noted:

Remember that you should not get carried away with folk recipes, they can go as an addition to traditional treatment, but not as the main therapy regimen.

Any disease is treated at the initial stage, so be attentive to your body and visit a doctor for preventive purposes.

Now we know what colon cancer is, the symptoms, causes and methods of its treatment. In ancient times, they said: knowledgeable means armed. In this case, this proverb fits perfectly. Being theoretically savvy, a person can easily identify the body's alarm bells and seek help in a timely manner.

Benign colon tumors are small overgrowths of cells, the type of which corresponds to the type of cells of the organ from which these tumors were formed (in this case, the cells of the large intestine). They are formed from the inner layer of the colon and protrude into the lumen.

This type of tumor is quite common, and most often occurs in overweight people over 50 years of age. Mostly benign colon tumors are located in the rectum (more than 50%). Some tumor cells can lose all or part of their differentiation. In this case, the tumor degenerates from benign to malignant.

Disease symptoms

Often, benign tumors are detected by chance during an examination associated with another disease, since this disease is often asymptomatic.

The following conditions can become a clear sign of pathology:

  • When the rectum is emptied, streaks of blood are visible in the feces.
  • Painful sensation in the rectum on emptying.
  • Localized in the lateral parts of the abdomen and the anus, pain that intensifies at the time of defecation. They are aching or cramping in nature, subside after defecation, are almost completely removed with the intake of enzyme preparations and the use of a warm heating pad.
  • Frequent or vice versa -,.
  • necessary for the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the cells by the blood.
  • Accompanied by painful sensations, false urge to empty (tenesmus).
  • The absence of cancer intoxication, characterized by rapid fatigue, weakness, sweating, weight loss and decreased appetite.

Types of benign colon tumors

Several types of benign neoplasms can develop in different parts of the large intestine.

These include:

Colon polyps

Cells that have lost their differentiation (tumor cells do not correspond to the cells of the tissue from which they are formed) form adenomatous benign tumors of the large intestine -. These are one of the most common neoplasms.

They are of three types:

  • Tubular adenomas (tubular), which are neoplasms with a dense and smooth pink surface.
  • Villous, characterized by branched outgrowths.
  • Tubular villous.

If any tissue element of normal tissue develops disproportionately, there is hamartroma - nodular tumor growth.

For adults, the most typical hyperplastic polypslocated mainly in the rectum. The tumors are small.

Acute inflammatory disease may result in inflammatory polyp, which is a neoplasm from the intestinal mucosa. This type of polyp attaches to the intestinal wall in various ways and can be of different shapes.

Tumors with a slightly elongated or rounded shape, the surface of which can be velvety or covered with papillae, are called villous tumors.

Diffuse polyposis (the appearance of several overgrowing polyps) is of two types:

  1. True (or family) - it is characterized by a large number of rapidly progressing polyps (from hundreds to several thousand). The disease is hereditary.
  2. Secondary - it occurs as a result of the inflammatory reaction of the intestine to damage of various types of the colon.

Polyps, depending on their number, are divided into:

  • single;
  • multiple (for two or more).

Hereditary polyposis, causes of occurrence

The process of renewal of cells in the intestinal mucosa is normally regular. In the presence of any violations, uneven renewal leads to the appearance of benign tumors.

Factors that play an important role in the development of neoplasms:

  • Heredity. If a family history suggests colon polyposis, the risk of developing benign tumors increases.
  • Improper nutrition associated with excessive consumption of food containing animal fat and a lack of fiber, which is present in large quantities in vegetables, fruits, bread and others.
  • , which have been taking place for a long time, and their treatment was carried out with irritating mucous membranes.
  • Age over 50.
  • Low physical activity ().
  • Smoking tobacco products.
  • Various bowel diseases

Pathologies that can lead to the development of benign tumors of the large intestine include:

  • , which can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, but most often affects the large intestine. The disease is inflammatory and affects all layers of the intestinal wall.
  • , characteristic mainly of the large intestine in its mucous membrane. Represents numerous ulcerative formations of an inflammatory nature.
  • , which are diseases of the mucous layer of the colon of an inflammatory nature.

Important: the sooner a patient seeks a doctor, the higher the chances of reducing the risk of complications and maintaining health. The oncologist is involved in the treatment of the disease.

Diagnosis of the disease

To determine the pathology and make the correct diagnosis, carry out:

Treatment of the disease

Drug therapy for benign colon tumors is considered ineffective, so they resort to surgical intervention.

Endoscopic equipment is used to treat single formations. A flexible endoscope tube containing a loop electrode for capturing the tumor and removing the pedicle of the mass is inserted into the patient's anus. Removal of large tumors is performed in several stages. To detect malignant cell transformations, the removed tumor tissue is sent for examination under a microscope. The described method is well tolerated by the patient, while the person's working capacity is restored the next day.

Diffuse polyposis is treated by total colon resection... This is necessary because there is a high risk of malignant neoplasms. After removal of the large intestine, the patient's anus is connected to the end of the small intestine.

Control endoscopy is prescribed one year after removal of large polyps or multiple neoplasms. If polyps are detected again, they are removed. In their absence, the next examination using a colonoscope is performed 3 years later.

Possible complications and their consequences

If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, the following complications may occur:

  • The appearance of bleeding from the rectum, due to damage to tumor tissue.
  • Degeneration of benign cells into malignant ones.
  • Perforation of the intestinal wall (opening). As a result, inflammation of the abdominal organs occurs ().
  • Complete or partial due to the overlap of the intestinal lumen by large neoplasms.
  • Acute entercolitis (inflammation of the intestinal wall). The disease progresses very quickly and can be fatal.
  • (decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood).
  • The so-called "" - hard and dense feces resulting from prolonged constipation.

Prevention of the disease

No specific prevention of this disease is provided.

  • Eat right (limit the amount of fried, smoked, spicy and fatty foods, reduce the use of coffee, fast food and soda).
  • Increase the amount of foods in the diet containing fiber, dietary fiber (eat vegetables, fruits, buckwheat and corn cereals, whole grain bread, dairy products and vegetable oils).
  • Increase the volume of consumed liquid up to 2 liters per day.
  • Undergo an examination by a gastroenterologist using an endoscope at least once a year (especially for patients who have reached 45-50 years of age. Remove neoplasms if found.

»Physicians understand several types of diseases at once, accompanied by the appearance of malignant tumor neoplasms in the mentioned organ. Such ailments can be very different from each other. So, intestinal tumors are usually classified according to the zones of their localization and distribution, the types of cancer cells that form during the development of the disease, etc.

All such ailments have one thing in common: their victims most often become residents of countries famous for relative economic stability (for example, England, the USA or the Russian Federation). Doctors associate this pattern with the causes of colon cancer. So, usually the development of tumor formations is a consequence of unhealthy eating habits. According to the study, the most susceptible to cancer are lovers of meat and sweet pastries who neglect healthy foods such as cereals, vegetables or.

A little less often, tumors in the intestine arise under the influence of other negative factors, among which a genetic predisposition (that is, "bad" heredity) can be distinguished. This type of cancer usually develops in older people. As a rule, the "impetus" for the formation of a tumor is the presence of other diseases of the intestine, for example, polyps or chronic constipation.

Colon cancer has four stages.

The development of a cancerous neoplasm, as a rule, occurs in several stages. Speaking specifically about colon tumors, there will be four such stages:

  1. First (initial) stage. At this stage, the tumor is very small in size and is localized strictly within the boundaries of the mucosa and submucosa.
  2. Second stage. The tumor increases in size. At this stage, malignant neoplasms are still quite successfully treatable through chemotherapy due to the absence of metastases.
  3. Stage Three. The tumor spreads over the entire width of the intestinal wall and begins to metastasize to the nearest lymph nodes.
  4. Stage four. The malignant neoplasm is becoming rampant. Its metastases spread far beyond the intestine. Affected are not only closely spaced, but also located at a sufficient distance from the focus of the disease, organs and lymph nodes. Due to the large number of metastases, the treatment of cancer at this stage through chemotherapy is generally recognized as ineffective.

Curiously, according to the described scenario, any malignant tumors develop, regardless of their shape (endophytic, exophytic, or saucer-shaped) and cellular structure. However, this does not mean at all that these signs do not play any role in the diagnosis of cancer.

After all, it is the classification of tumors according to their cellular structure that allows doctors to choose the most competent strategy for getting rid of one or another malignant neoplasm. What is cancer like? On the basis of the cellular structure, doctors divide all malignant into the following groups:

  • adenocarcinomas;
  • mucocellular cancer;
  • undifferentiated neoplasms;
  • unclassified cases.

If we talk specifically about tumors affecting the large intestine, then in about 80% of cases the patient has to deal with adenocarcinoma of the mucous or nonmucous types.

Disease symptoms

Bloating can be a symptom of colon cancer.

Unfortunately, like any slowly developing ailment, cancer rarely manifests itself in the early stages, which greatly complicates its diagnosis during this period.

However, the ability to carefully listen to the state of your body can help the patient to identify problems with the intestines in time.

In particular, the following alarming symptoms will allow suspecting a malignant neoplastic neoplasm:

  1. stool disorders (or, conversely, fecal incontinence);
  2. uncontrolled gases;
  3. bloating;
  4. frequent false urge to defecate;
  5. traces of blood (usually in the form of streaks), pus or mucus in the stool;
  6. sudden weight loss;
  7. unhealthy pallor;
  8. general weakness;
  9. decrease (up to its complete absence) of appetite;
  10. anemia;
  11. discomfort or pain when trying to empty your bowels.

In the later stages of cancer development, the symptoms of the disease become more and more specific. So, for the described disease in its "neglected" form, frequent are characteristic.

Often this cancer is accompanied by ascites (that is, the accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity). In the absence of adequate treatment, in the later stages of its development, the tumor can provoke complete intestinal obstruction.

This condition is characterized by a pronounced pain syndrome, complete absence of stool, and in especially severe cases - and fecal vomiting.

How is cancer diagnosed?

A complete blood count will help identify a tumor in time.

Due to the nonspecificity of the symptoms of intestinal cancer, it is very difficult to identify it in the early stages. That is why it is so important to contact specialists in a timely manner at the first sign.

This is especially true for people for whom the risk of tumor formation is considered to be increased (we are talking, in particular, about people over 50).

One way or another, if during the conversation with the patient the physician has reason to suspect cancer in the visitor, he will refer the patient for additional diagnostic examinations. In order to timely detect a malignant tumor, doctors carry out a number of research procedures. Among them:

  • visual examination of the patient;
  • collection of anamnesis;
  • examination of the intestines by palpation;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • analysis of feces for occult blood;
  • colonoscopy.

All of these studies are carried out strictly in the order described above. Usually, the procedures mentioned are sufficient to confirm or deny a diagnosis of colon cancer. In other cases, the doctor may refer the patient to other, more detailed examinations:

  1. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  2. endorectal ultrasound;
  3. intestinal biopsy.

It should be noted that a tumor formed in the lower parts of the intestine, as a rule, can be detected by palpation. However, with neoplasms that have spread to the upper part of the mentioned organ, everything is not so simple.

Often, to detect them, it is required to conduct more than a dozen different analyzes and examinations. That is why, having discovered one or more alarming symptoms that can indicate intestinal cancer, one should not neglect any of the available diagnostic procedures.

Colon cancer treatment

Colon cancer can be treated with surgery.

As soon as the disappointing diagnosis of a "malignant tumor" is confirmed, doctors begin to develop an individual strategy for treating the disease for a particular patient.

Practice shows that it is possible to completely get rid of cancer only by completely removing the tumor itself from the body, as well as all parts of the tissues affected by its metastases.

However, it is no less important to free the intestines clogged with a malignant neoplasm from the feces accumulated in it. It is clear that in this case one cannot do without direct.

How to prepare for such an operation? Before identifying a patient "under the knife", doctors prescribe him a special therapeutic food. The essence of such a diet is to cleanse the body of toxins.

In parallel, the patient is prescribed cleansing enemas (the procedures usually begin no earlier than a few days before, directly, the operation). In especially severe cases, the patient can be directed to forced washing. As for the operation itself, it is carried out as follows:

  • doctors remove the tumor from the intestine, trying, if possible, not to touch it (otherwise, you can provoke the spread of malignant cells throughout the body along with the blood flow);
  • depending on the level of spread of tumor metastases, doctors decide to remove the affected part of the intestine or leave it intact;
  • if necessary, surgeons form a colostomy (usually this happens only in cases where the disease is so "neglected" that the patient in any case can no longer defecate on his own).

In especially difficult situations, for example, when the cancer proceeds with complications, the surgery is performed in two stages. At the first stage, doctors remove the tumor itself. On the second, all other necessary manipulations are performed.

It should be noted that in cases where a malignant neoplasm has already managed to give a large number of metastases, surgical treatment of the disease will be ineffective. In such situations, doctors often prefer such methods as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These procedures are especially effective against adenocarcinoma, which, as we said above, affects the intestines most often.

How do these methods help to heal? The fact is that adenocarcinoma cells are extremely sensitive to radiation. Accordingly, by irradiating the tumor, it can be significantly reduced. Under the influence of radiation, cells foreign to the body will begin to die.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of the described method is not one hundred percent. Therefore, it is usually used in combination with "standard" surgical treatment. In such cases, the task of radiation is to prevent “disturbed” cancer cells from spreading throughout the body, affecting previously untouched tissues and organs.

As for chemotherapy, its main goal is to slow down the growth of malignant neoplasms. Doctors manage to achieve the desired effect through the use of a special drug - 5-fluorouracil. If the latter is not effective enough for a particular case, it is replaced by irinotecan, capecitabine, or flutorafur.

Sometimes chemotherapy is used as a "fixing effect" procedure after a "standard" surgery. This measure can significantly reduce the risk of disease recurrence. It is not uncommon for a patient to be prescribed medication at the same stage. The attending physicians issue recommendations in this regard to their patients on an individual basis.

Although neither chemotherapy nor radiotherapy can cope with cancer on their own, the combination of these methods with classical surgery allows doctors to successfully fight the described disease. If the tumor was diagnosed at an early stage, the patient's prognosis for recovery is usually very optimistic.

However, it should be understood that no doctor will be able to give a 100% guarantee for the cure of colon cancer. Too much here depends on the nature of the disease itself, as well as on the area of \u200b\u200bspread of tumor.

On the prevention and diagnosis of colon cancer - in the thematic video:

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Colon cancer suggests the appearance of a malignant tumor in the area of \u200b\u200bthe large intestine, its location and shape may differ

Unfortunately, modern medicine has not yet learned how to conquer all diseases. This also applies to oncological diseases, which rank second in mortality on the planet.

Bowel cancer is a relatively common type of carcinoma. It suggests the appearance of a tumor of a malignant type in the area of \u200b\u200bthe colon. Its localization and form in each case may differ.

Forewarned is forearmed. This article will describe the symptoms of colon carcinoma, its classification, prognosis and methods of treatment.

The appearance, development, stages of colon cancer

The number of patients continues to grow. In Russia, every fourth cancer patient is given a disappointing diagnosis of colon cancer. According to scientists, the disappointing increase in cases is directly related to the increased consumption of beef, pork, and a decrease in fiber in the daily diet. Scientists have come to this opinion - vegetarians suffer from this form of cancer much less often. Elderly people, residents of states with a good standard of living were at risk.

Photo of colon cancer from the inside

How does cancer appear? In most cases, it becomes a consequence of an adenoma, which is considered a benign tumor. Can be large or small. If the tumor is small, it may not manifest itself for several months or even years.

How does the disease develop? Scientists have proven that poor nutrition contributes to this. If you eat only meat and disdain fiber, carcinogens begin to form in the intestines. Frequent constipation also negatively affects the "well-being" of the intestine. As a result, normal cells are reborn into malignant ones.

Due to the rapid division and subsequent growth, the tumor can occupy the entire lumen of the intestine. Intestinal obstruction is observed, blood vessels are destroyed, bleeding opens.

Subsequently, the tumor can metastasize to nearby organs, which ultimately leads to the death of the patient.

Colon tumor development stages

The emergence and subsequent progression of a malignant tumor occurs gradually. At first, a tumor forms on the walls of the intestine, but then it can affect adjacent tissues. It is extremely important to recognize it in the early stages - then the treatment will be successful, and the prognosis is favorable. Modern medicine uses the following classification of cancer stages:

  • Stage one... Detection of a tumor both on the mucous membrane and on the submucosa of the intestine.
  • Second stage (A)... Malignant formation occupies less than 50% of the intestinal lumen. Until it goes beyond, but does not penetrate into the walls. There are no metastases.
  • Second stage (B)... Education has dimensions similar to the 2nd stage (A). It does not protrude beyond the limits, but begins to grow into the walls. There are no metastases.
  • Third stage (A)... The tumor becomes larger, occupying more than 50% of the lumen. It begins to completely grow into the walls of the colon, but does not yet cause metastases in the lymph nodes.
  • Third stage (B)... The malignant neoplasm reaches a large size. You can find metastases in nearby lymph nodes.
  • Fourth stage... It is characterized by an impressive focus of tumors. Carcinoma has long sprouted into the intestinal wall, but now it also affects connective tissues and organs. Among the numerous metastases, distant ones begin to occur. In the absence of proper treatment, the fourth stage leads to the death of the patient.

What the stages of colon cancer look like

Only a professional oncologist can make an accurate diagnosis and determine the stage of cancer development. For this, a thorough examination of the patient is carried out, a biopsy of suspicious parts of the intestine is done, and lymph nodes are examined.

Classification and types

How to classify this oncological disease? 21st century medicine has two classifications of cancer. It all depends on the nature of tumor growth and histology. Given the form of growth of the neoplasm, cancer can be:

  • Exophytic... The tumor was detected in the intestinal lumen.
  • Endophytic... The malignant formation is located right in the thickness of the walls.
  • Saucer-shaped... A dangerous tumor, more like an ulcer. Combines exophytic and endophytic forms.

There is also the so-called intramural growth. If the patient has exactly this nature of the development of the disease, four types of tumors are distinguished:

  • Mucous adenoma... Causes colloidal cancer. It is characterized by a fairly decent appearance of mucus and its large accumulation. This type of tumor is diagnosed more often than others.
  • Signet ring carcinoma... It has no clear boundaries, it appears inside the walls. Quite often affects men and women under the age of 35. It is dangerous for its metastases, which appear quickly enough and affect the surrounding tissues.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma... Occurs in various parts of the intestine, but most often in the distal third.
  • Glandular squamous cell tumor... It is found extremely rarely.

Why cancer occurs: causes

We have already talked about the fact that excessive consumption of meat can cause the appearance of a tumor. However, this is not the only carcinogenic factor, there are others:

  • Genetic predisposition. If a relative has colon cancer, there is a possibility that someone else will develop the tumor.
  • Incorrect diet. A person consumes a lot of meat and fat, as well as flour dishes. At the same time, food of plant origin is almost completely excluded from the diet.
  • Bad habits.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. It is not for nothing that they say that movement is life.
  • Elderly age. According to statistics, people after 60 years of age suffer from this form of cancer much more often.
  • Indigestion, various bowel diseases that have occurred before.

Of course, only one of the factors listed above is unlikely to be a catalyst for the emergence of cancer. However, a combination of several has every chance of leading to not very good consequences. Nutrition, predisposition, chronic diseases are especially influential.

Colon cancer and the first symptoms

Like some other forms, a malignant neoplasm in the intestine remains unnoticed for a long time. Nothing bothers a person, there are no unpleasant sensations as such. Unfortunately, noticeable symptoms begin to appear when the disease progresses with might and main. Among the unfavorable signs are:

  • Discomfort in the intestines.
  • Dull aching pain that does not stop.
  • Prolonged bowel obstruction. By the way, this sign may indicate that the patient needs immediate surgery.
  • Weight loss, appetite is completely or partially absent.
  • Constant bloating.
  • A sharp rise in temperature, weakness and malaise. The person becomes pale and does not feel well.
  • There are bloody clots in the stool, as well as mucus.

The larger the tumor becomes, the larger and brighter it begins to declare itself. Subsequently, loss of consciousness and dizziness are added to the symptoms. Stool color may change.

It should be understood that the listed symptoms can manifest themselves in completely different ways. You need to look at the stage of the disease, the form of cancer. In the last stages, severe bleeding is noted, along with pus in the feces. In some cases, ascites is recorded.

Bleeding in the intestines is especially dangerous, therefore, at the slightest manifestation of it, you should immediately consult a doctor. The help of a specialist will also be required in case of severe constipation - the problem is solved by surgery.

Primary symptoms may be similar to other diseases

Forecast and how long patients live (statistics)

It's not for nothing that intestinal carcinoma is considered a life-threatening disease. If treatment was started at stages 3-4, complications are almost inevitable. The disease begins to affect other organs. Among the most common complications are abscess, peritonitis, phlegmon. The development of fistulas in the vagina or bladder, as well as intestinal perforation with paraproctitis, is not excluded.

Whatever the complication, it will require additional examination and effective treatment. The prognosis worsens if the patient is diagnosed with several complications at once. Hence the conclusion - the earlier the disease was diagnosed and the fewer complications it gave, the more favorable the prognosis.

However, let's get back to specific numbers. Due to the fact that in most cases the disease is diagnosed at advanced stages, every third case ends in death. How effective is the surgery? It all depends on the depth of growth of the tumor and its size, as well as the presence or absence of metastases in the organs adjacent to the intestine.

In the first five years after surgery, the chances are high that colon cancer will return. If during this time the relapse has not occurred, the risk of a tumor is very low.

As for the stages of the disease, everything is quite simple here. If colon cancer was detected at the first stage, and treatment was provided in a timely manner, the probability of survival and the fact that the disease will not return is 74%. With the fourth stage, everything is much more complicated - here the survival rate is negligible and amounts to 6%.

In case of recurrence, metastases most often spread to regional lymph nodes, but can also affect the liver. According to doctors, in 70% of cases of recurrence of colon cancer affected the liver.


Today, the main and most effective method of cancer treatment is surgery. Modern medicine has several types of operations. Their choice depends on many factors: tumor size, stage of the disease, localization. The following methods are mainly used:

  • Intra-abdominal resection.

The section of the intestine affected by the malignant formation is excised. After that, its ends are sewn with a special device or manually. Sometimes one end of the intestine is brought out onto the abdominal wall.

  • Operation according to the Hartmann method.

If it is not possible to sew the ends of the intestine, the tumor is removed first, and then the "upper" part of the intestine is brought out to the abdominal wall. The other end is sutured. Over time, the operation is repeated, the colostomy is sutured.

  • Abdominal anal resection.

The affected area of \u200b\u200bthe intestine is excised. After that, both ends are sutured, and the intestine extended into the anus is excised.

  • Laparoscopic resection.

A fairly popular method. It is characterized by a lot of advantages, it allows you to stop the progression of the disease, improves the quality of life.

Of course, treatment is not limited to surgery alone. Other methods are used that have worked well in the treatment of any form of cancer:

  • Radiation therapy.

It is successfully used in treatment. It is not capable of replacing an operation, but it helps to avoid relapses and consolidate the result. Can be applied at any stage. For example, conducting therapy before excision can reduce the tumor and simplify the operation. It is then used to reduce the risk of relapse.

  • Chemotherapy.

It is used before and after surgery. Helps to remove metastases, prevents re-development. The quality and longevity of human life are greatly improved. Among the main drugs are platinum and 5-fluorouracil, leucovarin, calcium folinate. The use of "chemistry" allows you to achieve a favorable prognosis.

Colon cancer prevention measures

Of course, it is better to prevent any disease than to try to cure it. Diagnosing cancer is not always possible because it may not manifest itself. On the other hand, the use of preventive measures can reduce the risk of cancer:

  • We find ourselves in a risk group (you are over 40 years old, one of your relatives died of cancer), regularly undergo a doctor's examination, and take all the necessary tests. For example, checking feces for blood. Colonoscopy or proctosigmoidoscopy is recommended every three years for all people over 40.
  • Always treat polyposis if diagnosed. Do not let the disease take its course if you have been diagnosed with colitis. This and some other diseases can become chronic.
  • Normalize your diet. First, review your diet. If there are too many meat products in it, remove them. Include in your diet foods that prevent constipation. Don't forget about complex carbohydrates - they should always be in your diet. As well as plant foods.
  • Give up bad habits.
  • Move more, play sports. Try to keep your vitamin content at the proper level. First of all, this concerns beta-carotene, some antioxidants and A, C.

As you can see, adhering to these rules is not difficult. But their implementation will help prevent cancer in any form, avoid expensive and painstaking treatment. At the first suspicious symptoms, contact a specialist.

If treatment is started in a timely manner, the carcinoma can be defeated! But for this you need to be attentive to your health, eat right, regularly undergo an examination by your doctor.

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