What does a straight nose say? The proportions of the nose. Big nose for girls, women, men: what character

Pest control 31.01.2021
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For quite a long time, it was believed that a large nose in men is a sign of their sexual power. More precisely, it was directly associated with the size of "manhood". But as has long been proven, there is no relationship between the size of these two organs. Thus, the myth that supposedly short nosed and bald men are entirely sex giants is pure fiction.

True, scientists advise you to pay attention to the size of a man's thigh if you

want to determine by his appearance his sexual capabilities. It turns out that the longer the thigh is in relation to the entire leg, the more pronounced the sexual activity in a man.

Now it is clear where the myth about the "strength" of short men comes from? Yes, in a short-legged person, the size of the thigh, as a rule, significantly exceeds the size of the calf. And short-legged people are usually short people.

But a big nose can tell about some other qualities of a beloved man. It's not for nothing that the Chinese believed that the nose is the master of the face. They endowed him with the determining ability to influence the fate and career of a person.

In ancient times, it was believed that a large nose is a sign of seriousness and responsibility of character, the ability to create, refinement and hard work. Many scholars and religious leaders had sharp facial features.

But if the absence of a depression at the base of the nose is added to the value, then this signals stubbornness, sharpness of mind and a tendency to do everything in his own way, regardless of the opinion of others.

A large nose with a hump is inherent in brave, strong, strong-willed men. True, they are also distinguished by their special impatience and ardor. Such representatives of the stronger sex do not know how to compromise, which can often cause conflicts both at work and with loved ones.

But if the nose resembles a bag, expanding downward. That is a clear sign of the ability to conduct financial transactions. True, such people and everything around them measure exclusively in monetary terms, taking advantage of any chances to increase their well-being.

The color of the nose should also be taken into account. Unless, of course, in front of you is a person with alcoholism, then a reddish nose may indicate significant financial problems in the life of its owner, as well as the impossibility of significant promotion. By the way, this may even be due to the fact that for some reason such people do not evoke sympathy. It is always difficult for them to form a positive opinion at the first meeting. In this case, only a good flexible character helps.

To all of the above, we can add that large noses are also great

a barrier against infection and even allergies. Since the owner of a large nose inhales all the necessary volume of air through it, it is well filtered with the help of the mucous membrane. But those with thinner facial features have to breathe with their mouths, which naturally leads to a greater likelihood of all kinds of colds and infections.

It should also be noted that people with non-standard appearance, as a rule, have excellent and artistic qualities.

Thus, it can be summed up by expressing a deep conviction that a guy's big nose is a rather attractive trait, indicating the originality of a given personality.

Physiognomy is a method for determining the qualities of a person and state of mind by external facial features and facial expressions.
The art of reading in the face was born in ancient China and during the time of Confucius it was already extremely popular. The Chinese are sure: those who learn to read by the face will be able to penetrate into the soul of a person and even discern his fate!
The nose is the most prominent part of our face, it gives the face proportions and creates balance. Therefore, according to physiognomists, to determine the character by the face, the nose should be paid attention first of all. Check what your nose can tell you about you!

Character on the nose

Roman nose

An elongated nose with a slightly bent down tip speaks of courage, determination, masculinity of its owner. A person with such a nose is able to make difficult decisions without hesitation, has an analytical mindset, and easily climbs the career ladder.

Fleshy nose

People with noses like this are blessed with creativity. They are passionate and charming, generous and intelligent, always ready to come to the rescue, protect, help ... Women with this type of nose are excellent housewives and caring mothers.

Upturned nose

These are people with a great sense of humor, optimists in life. Sensual natures, they are subject to frequent mood swings, but at the same time they fascinate almost from the first minutes of acquaintance!

Greek nose

Hardworking and serious people. They are always confident that they are right and even tend to show some stubbornness. But behind the seeming inaccessibility is a very vulnerable nature, which needs praise and approval.

Snub nose

A snub nose differs from a snub nose in that the tip is rounder and fleshy. When you meet a man with a snub nose, you inevitably gain confidence in him. These people literally radiate reliability and calmness, have the gift of eloquence, are always ready to provide help ... often to the detriment of their interests.
This is probably why the owners of snub noses always have so many friends and acquaintances!

Roman nose

They are natural born businessmen! They have a special flair for money and unmistakably make good deals. And they are also great teachers, ready to give all of themselves to work.

Small nose

A short nose speaks of the flexibility of the character of its owner, the ability to make compromises. These people are open, optimistic and attractive, but at the same time, they are very vulnerable and need support and approval.

Straight nose

People with a strong character and clear mind, have an exceptional aesthetic perception, deep understanding of art and all that is beautiful. In the professional field, they confidently go to the goal and achieve success!
The art of reading in the face gives our sense of smell an important role in determining vitality, intelligence and sensuality and health.

The nose occupies the epicenter of the Three Zones and is of particular importance in facial reading as it serves as a fulcrum for assessing balance. In terms of physiognomy, he rules over the years from 41 to 50 years, when the question of success or failure is mainly decided.
Ideally, according to ancient Chinese manuscripts, the nose should have a straight back, a well-rounded tip and beautifully shaped wings. By a well-rounded tip, physiognomists mean that the nose should not be overturned, and thus the openings of the nostrils should be hidden. In addition, both in height and in length, an ideal nose should have a kind of streamlined shape, from the bridge of the nose to the tip.
It should not have a slope “to either side of the face, and should be in harmony with the contour of the face and other features. Finally, a perfect nose should be well rooted at its core - a small patch between the eyebrows and the eyes. This means that it must have a strong bone base.
The perfect nose, known as the "lion nose", is a sign of unrivaled masculinity and a strong, passionate nature. A person with such a nose has a strong sexual power, and he can succeed in many endeavors with much more ease than people who are not so well gifted.
According to Chinese physiognomists, a person with an ideal nose is most likely to occupy responsible and high positions, however, it should be emphasized that the character or fate cannot be definitively determined based on only one single feature, in this case, the nose, because it should always be studied in relation to other traits, in terms of balance and proportion. Of the Five Most Important Features, the nose has the most deviations from the ideal shape.
It is interesting to note that KKtai physisgiomists believe that there is a connection between the nose and the development of the lower half of the brain. This development is slow. Therefore, as they explain, a child whose brain is still developing has a plump and short nose.
They also believe that there is a relationship between the nose and the spinal column. Since the nose fully develops only by the age of twenty, physisgiomists conclude that by the end of the second decade, a person has stopped growing and that the lower half of the brain reaches maturity.
Another school of Chinese thought believes that since the nose is an organ for breathing, then it is closely related to the lungs. Therefore, breathing through the braid is only easy when the lungs are healthy. If a person constantly breathes through his mouth, then physiognomists claim that this is an indication of a serious illness in the future. In essence, of course, the physiognomist draws a diagnostic conclusion. If a person lies in bed and breathes heavily through his mouth, then it is quite obvious that he is "seriously ill." We must bear in mind that the method of reading personality and fate and their interconnection of conclusions, which, although confirmed clinically, may, however, seem somewhat outlandish today.
The following analysis of the nose makes this perfectly clear.
usually indicates a conservative person, often also contemptuous and arrogant and capable of intellectual, artistic and / or technical achievements. Such an individual is not suitable for business ventures or in the commercial world.
An extra-long nose includes the characteristics of a long nose, but further indicates that the person is likely to have a spiritual nature. Individuals with very long noses are often unrealistic, capricious, and speculative. However, if the nose is long and wide and even if it does not even match other features - especially the eyebrows, eyes and cheekbones, then this is a sign of a person with a stable character, with a calm temperament, and who is destined to "live a good life"
perfectly balanced with eyes, mouth and chin, with two deep lines on either side of the mouth, it is ideal. The combination of these elements indicates a person of great authority, good temperament and honesty. Such people are sexually active, proud and active.
usually indicates a person with an open character, optimistic and friendly. Such people are capable of adhering to a very free sexual morality. They don't like little things and do their job based on emotional impulses. These are the type of people who work best with the appropriate encouragement, that is, "patting on the shoulder."
means a lack of concentration in a person. If the nose is too high in relation to the face as a whole, then it is probably a proud, arrogant and difficult person to communicate. Such a person, being in power, invariably has problems with his subordinates. Such an individual is lonely, and even in a relationship with his wife does not go beyond simple tolerance.
In all cases, a bony nose with a slight hump or high kink indicates a proud, stubborn individual. Such a person can be aggressive and determined.
often belongs to a person living a lonely life. Such a nose, if it is slightly bony, but looks quite full and flat and has a pointed tip, also belongs to a person with a very adventurous spirit. Individuals of this type are adventurous and impulsive.
This impulsiveness often repels friends and loved ones, condemning such a person to loneliness.
is called in Chinese "the root of the mountain", i.e. root of the nose. This platform is very important because it is related to the possible aspirations in a person's life and whether he will be accompanied by success or failure during the heyday of his life.
A high platform speaks of a loyal individual, with close family ties. She also indicates long life. If this site is flat, but full, then this means that this person is with a warm heart and sincere, and if married, then he is happy.
If this platform has a kink with a depression and with horizontal lines crossing the bridge of the nose then this indicates poor health and, possibly, early death. If it is low and combined with fierce eyebrows hanging over the eyes, and the nasal bridge is tilted to the side, then this indicates that the individual will have poor health in the middle years and / or become involved in criminal activity.
However, if in the previous case the general outlines of the face are quite long and straight, the internal energy is strong enough, the skin color is light and clear, the voice is loud and sonorous, then the difficulties that will arise in front of him will not be so serious. A word of caution: The kink or hollow effect can only be truly analyzed by comparing it with other facial features, especially the eyebrows and eyes.
The bridge of the nose (positions 44, 45) plays an important role in determining artistry. The ideal bridge of the nose should be high, straight and smooth. She portends a long life.
A person with a full, well-rounded bridge of the nose very artistic and will be happily married. On the other hand, a full and well-rounded nasal bridge, extending from position 28 down to the tip of the nose, without any defect, bodes exceptionally good success, widespread prominence and general acceptance.
An area specifically associated with longevity is best seen in profile. If positions 44 and 45 are low and tilted to one side, this portends an early death .
If the nose is narrow and looks like the edge of a sword , then it portends a life full of hard, exhausting work. If the bridge of the nose is flat, large and well balanced by both wings of the nose, then this indicates wealth and a cold, calculating nature.
If the nasal bridge is flattened and crossed by horizontal lines, then this person is in for misfortune.
If the nasal bridge is broken, and with many small ridges, then this indicates poverty and deprivation.
The bridge of the nose, widening in the middle and covered with flesh only slightly, combined with low cheekbones and small nostrils, means a boring, banal life full of hard work with meager pay. A woman with such a nose is destined to be a widow.
The bridge of the nose, crossed by deep lines, portends serious disasters in life.
For women, this also means a difficult marriage that ends in separation and divorce. If veins are visible there, then this indicates an unauthorized love affair, indicates early success and late failure in life. This is easily identified by the presence of a hollow between the eyes (position 41). A person whose nasal bridge is neither high nor low, but inclined to the side, perhaps he will have unloving children and be constantly plagued by failure.
indicates birth in a family with a high social status But such a person will meet in middle age with disasters, and deprivation - in later years.
The tip of the nose, like other facial features, comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. The most favorable tip of the nose is the one called "hanging gall" (gall - ink nut) , i.e. the tip of the nose hangs like this nut hangs. The round shape of the tip of this type indicates a prosperous person who has a strong position in society.
If the tip of the nose hangs down like a piece of meat, this indicates a supersexual nature. A pointed, not fleshy tip of the nose indicates a treacherous, treacherous personality.
The tip of the nose, like the beak of an eagle, is placed across the path. "
If the tip of the nose still has a reddish tint, then such a person is unsteady, lazy and unsuitable for a sustainable career. Usually such noses are called aquiline or hooked. They indicate foresight and discernment.
- kind-hearted, warm, sincere. They are usually ready for self-sacrifice, but this property must be considered in combination with the characteristic of the eyes, considering first of all whether the glitter of the eyes is controlled or uncontrollable. The latter is a sign of an unfriendly nature that compromises an otherwise good nose.
A drooping nose that covers a significant part of the upper lip is also a sign of betrayal and treachery, especially if its tip is pointed and skinny. An exception is a nose with a well-rounded tip, healthy flesh and lively coloration, even if the nose is drooping. This compensates for the negative in other ways.
A person with a snub nose and nostril openings , as a rule, is not able to keep secrets, has a very free sexual morality, prefers the bohemian lifestyle and does not think ahead. Such a person spends easily, without putting it off for a rainy day.
In general, the tip of the nose in men should be full and round. ... It should cover the part of the groove above the middle of the upper lip. Such a nose is called the "European nose" in the Western world. A person with such a nose often has extraordinary energy, boundless business acumen and an astute mind.
indicates a suspicious, suspicious and shy character, which is quite difficult to deal with, such a person prefers to solve his problems on his own, without help. However, such a person has an original mind and often manages to solve problems in his own way. A split nose tip is a bad sign if it is associated with large, poorly balanced eyes that have white on three or four sides. ... In such cases, especially if the upper lip is too short, this could mean a threat to his personality or impending disaster.
The tip of the nose should be supported and balanced by the wings of the nostrils projecting to the right and left. The wings of the nostrils, proportional and free from defects, indicate that a person is likely to do well in life. As a general rule, if the wings and nostrils are large, then the person is likely to become impoverished and unable to accumulate wealth. If such a person is characterized as resourceful based on analysis of other facial features, then he will have an unstable career. Another general rule states that small nostrils mostly belong to people capable of sustainable careers and sustainable earnings.
or wings that are too close to the middle of the nose indicate that a person is not able to "make money" or even if he does it, he still will not be able to save it.
If the wings spread wide at the tip of the nose, , then this indicates that a person belongs to the type of people who are able to ascend from rags to wealth. It is also a sign of a sensitive, aggressive, sensual person. Slow-minded people should be wary of such people.
As for the color of the nose, the ideal nose should have a shiny and light red, radiant coloration.This indicates the prosperity and high honors of its owner. The color without shine and dark, speaks of a low birth and a short life, if the area between the eyes has a bluish tint, then this portends misfortune.
A persistently red nose is associated with treachery, especially if the nose tilts to one side. A red nose usually indicates a tough struggle to survive. A red nose, strewn with pores, reminiscent of a spoiled orange, is characteristic of people who are always in financial difficulties, as well as prone to promiscuity and drunkenness.
As a general rule, a bright, yellowish pink tip of the nose indicates a "tailwind" in any endeavor. Intense yellowish spots at the tip of the nssa indicate unexpected wealth. Black spots mean illness, blue - imprisonment or captivity, deep red - heavy losses.

Reading a woman's nose requires special discussion.A woman's nose reveals a lot about her marriage prospects. If the nose is beautiful, then she will marry a handsome man. Superficial or other defects in the nose suggest otherwise. However, the study of only one nose does not allow to state this with certainty. The nose should be examined against a background of balance and proportion with other facial features.
A relatively high nose in women, not balanced or not supported by low cheekbones, indicates years of need until the age of 35, because such a nose overshadows the eyebrows (positions 31: 34). At the age of 35, her eyes begin years (positions 35: 40) and here she can perk up again, especially if her eyes are well shaped, large and bright.
A woman with a small nose, compared to other facial features, is capable of being petty jealous and subject to the vicissitudes of life. In some cases, a small nose can indicate subtle sensitivity and discernment.
If a woman has a high nose with a protruding back, she is said to have a "masculine nose", and she is probably able to compete with men for a high position. She can get married very early, but if she does not, then after 35 years it is unlikely that a successful marriage will turn out.
Finally, the openings of the nostrils should be carefully examined in a comprehensive analysis. These holes can be subdivided into
five basic forms A B C D E .
The following table shows the relationship between nostrils and personality type.

One of the landmarks in the science of physiognomy is the human nose. It is clear that for a complete picture it is necessary to use his connection with all facial features. How to determine a person's character by his nose shape?

Human character along the length of the nose

You can say the starting point in defining character. The ideal length of this part of the face is considered to be one third of the entire length of the face ... A nose exceeding this length - long not reaching her - short .

  • Long nose. Common features: poise. Striving for power. Sexually active. Pride, refined taste and great sense of humor. Activity, seriousness, responsibility. Stubbornness.
  • Short nose. Common traits: flexibility of character, impulsiveness, openness and attractiveness. The stimulus in love is approval, in work - praise. An open soul, optimism.
  • Big and long nose. Common features: willfulness, stubbornness, high demands on people around.

Nose shape and human character

Bulging nose

Character traits:

  • Efficiency.
  • Inability to easily express your emotions, feelings of happiness, inner joy.
  • Aggressiveness in pursuit of financial well-being.

Sunken nose

Character traits:

  • The complete opposite of the owner of a bulging nose.
  • Ease of expressing emotions.
  • Calm about the financial situation.
  • The generosity of the soul, which manifests itself both in relation to feelings and in spending finances.

Narrow nose

Character traits:

  • Treating love as a difficult job is tense and responsible.
  • High efficiency.
  • Ability to value your own and other people's time.

Flat and wide nose

Character traits:

  • Prudence, coldness when making serious decisions. Especially regarding money.
  • Perfect mastery of the art of love.
  • Loyalty to a loved one.
  • Devotion to the family.
  • Good nature.
  • Unpretentiousness.
  • Sometimes sloppy.

Straight and smooth nose

Character traits:

  • Indifference to "high", earthiness.
  • Materialistic mindset.

Combined with blue eyes:

  • Constant pursuit of the unattainable.
  • Inflated requests.

Fleshy nose

Character traits:

  • Charm and kindness. Thrift.
  • Emotionality, bad luck.
  • Loyalty and devotion to the family.
  • Ease of rise, love of travel.
  • Increased sexuality.

Greek nose

Character traits:

  • Integrity, leadership, diktat.
  • Pride, independence.
  • Ruthlessness to liars, loyalty to friends.
  • Control over the family budget, but no greed.
  • Sarcasticity, love of money.

Snub nose

Character traits:

  • Sociability, kindness, generosity.
  • Touchiness, painful pride.
  • Decency, loyalty, neatness in everything.
  • Intolerance to intrigue and gossip.
  • Charm, cheerfulness.
  • Attentiveness to spouses.
  • Great taste.

Potato nose

Character traits:

  • Slowness and phlegm.
  • Soreness in childhood.
  • Hot temper.
  • Directness. Intolerance to lies, squabbles and gossip.
  • Success with the opposite sex.
  • Slowness.

Hawk nose

Character traits:

  • Kindness, promiscuity in partners, increased sexuality.
  • Flammable in relationships.
  • Imbalance, gambling.
  • Unpredictability and conflict.
  • Intolerance to criticism, lies, to new circumstances, to injustice.
  • Vigor, ease of lifting.
  • Love for beautiful clothes, comfort and jewelry.

Hawk nose with hump and raised nostrils

Character traits:

  • Analytic mind.
  • Abilities for psychology, politics.
  • Peace of mind regarding the financial situation.
  • Demanding on the opposite sex.
  • Erudition.


Character traits:

  • Sharp mind, excellent memory.
  • Easy attitude to money (spenders).
  • Wit, sociability.
  • Picky and boring family.
  • Hot temper, laziness.
  • Condescension even towards enemies.
  • Moderation in sex.
  • Grumpiness for old age.
  • Superstition and gullibility.

Sharp nose

Character traits:

  • Intractability and persistence.
  • Sharpness, categoricalness, persistence.
  • Striving for leadership, condescension to other people's weaknesses.

Determine the character of a person by the tip of the nose

Human character by the shape of nostrils

It is impossible to say for sure whether the shape of the nose really has an impact on a person's life. And in particular, will the character change if the hump or "meatiness" is removed from the nose? It is believed that, changing the shape of the nose (or, for example, the name given at birth), we change our destiny ... And no one knows - for the better or for the worse.

The article contains the most common signs regarding the determination of character by the shape of the nose.

The proportions of the face and the overall balance depend on what kind of nose we have. Physiognomists have long used the shape of the nose as the main feature for determining the personality traits of a person. What can you tell about the interlocutor by looking at his nose?

The relationship between the length of the nose and the character of a person:

The length of the nose is the starting point in defining character. It is believed that this part of the face should ideally occupy a third of its entire length. If the nose exceeds this length in size, then it goes into the category of long, but the short nose does not reach the third part of the face in length.

What is the character of a person with a long nose?

  • The owner of a long nose is balanced, strives to achieve power. A man with a long nose has a refined taste and a great sense of humor. This is an active person.
  • You can rely on such a person, because his responsibility is elevated to an excellent degree. Among the properties that complicate communication with such a person is his stubbornness.

What is the character of a person with a short nose?

  • The owner of a small nose is impulsive, open to communication and attractive in appearance. A person with a short nose is characterized by flexibility of character. It is important for him to receive approval for his actions from close people, especially in relations with his soul mate.
  • It is important to get approval from your superiors in your work. The owner of a short nose is an open-hearted optimist.

What is the character of a person with a long and large nose?

  • The owner of a large and long nose is stubborn and headstrong.
  • Such a person knows how to make money and is distinguished by high requirements for others, especially those who are of lower status.

What is the character of a person with a long nose with a slightly curved tip down?

  • The owner of a long nose with a downward curved tip has an analytical mindset. Distinctive features are courage and dedication.
  • A person with such a nose is courageous, capable of making informed decisions in extreme situations. A person with such a nose easily reaches career heights if only he sets himself a similar task.

What is the character of a person with a fleshy nose?

  • The owner of a fleshy nose is endowed with creativity. He is sincere, passionate, and extremely attractive to the opposite sex.
  • His generosity and intelligence help to find like-minded people in what he loves, and such a feature as a willingness to come to the rescue and direct all efforts to protect the victim, contributes to the acquisition of new useful acquaintances and loyal friends.
  • If the owner of a fleshy nose is a representative of the fair sex, then her main qualities boil down to the following: they are good housewives and caring mothers.

What is the character of a person with a snub nose?

  • A man with a snub nose has a great sense of pestilence. He is an optimist and sensual person.
  • The owner of a snub nose is characterized by sudden mood swings, but such changeability does not prevent them from charming others in the first minutes of communication.

What is the character of a person with a Greek nose?

  • Some stubbornness is characteristic of a person with a Greek nose. He is hardworking and responsible. It is difficult to argue with him, because confidence in his own righteousness is his main feature.
  • However, if you praise such a person, it turns out that behind the mask of inaccessibility lies a rather subtle and vulnerable nature.

What is the character of a person with a small nose?

  • A small nose can tell a lot about its owner. For example, that its owner has a flexible character. Such a person is capable of making compromises.
  • He is open, exudes optimism. A person with a small nose is easily offended. He needs the support of loved ones and their approval.

What is the character of a person with a straight nose?

  • A person with a straight nose has a strong character. He has a clear mind and exceptional aesthetic perception.
  • He understands the intricacies of art and all that is beautiful. As an employee, such a person is purposeful and successful.

A nose with a hump in a girl, woman, man: what character?

  • A humped nose is not a flaw, but a beautiful facial feature that emphasizes the individuality of its owner. The shape of the nose with a hump is considered aristocratic and refined, which affects the character. Suffice it to recall the story of the beautiful Nefertiti.
  • A person with a crooked nose, regardless of gender, is brave and determined. His judgments are rational, and his attitude to finance is reasonable and logical.
  • The income received is not spent just like that. Holders of a hump nose are judicious. They give a lot of time and attention to family and loved ones.

Crooked nose and character

Characteristics of a woman with a crooked nose:

The fair sex with such a nose is distinguished by a good mind. They are ambitious and strive to achieve personal happiness against all odds. The latter is guaranteed to bring success in work, business and any endeavors.

Snub-nosed nose of a girl, woman, man: what character?

  • A snub nose differs from a snub nose in a more rounded and fleshy shape. A person with such a nose is easy to communicate, because the interlocutor is imbued with confidence to him.
  • The owner of a snub nose is distinguished by eloquence and calmness.
  • Reliability and readiness for mutual assistance simply emanate from him, even if their work and business suffer from this.
  • Snub nose gives the face a special charm. As a rule, such a nose is found in people with Slavic roots.

A woman's snub nose: meaning

  • The snub-nosed ladies are optimistic, kind and responsive. Such ladies are energetic, with a rich imagination and a penchant for adventures, which makes them participants in dubious adventures.
  • Snub-nosed women give themselves up to love impulses completely, not thinking about the consequences of their romances. Such women tend to change men like signs, because they are not constant. The support of family and friends is important to them.

A man's snub nose: meaning

  • Snub-nosed men are generous and kind. In their work, they show such qualities as accuracy, scrupulousness, responsibility.
  • Snub-nosed people are born extroverts. They do not tolerate intriguers and gossips in their environment, therefore they are valued in the team as decent and fair.

The nose is wide for a girl, woman, man: what character?

  • The owner of a wide nose is emotional, loyal and devoted to the family. Such a person is charming, kind, easy-going. Both a man and a woman with a wide nose are distinguished by increased sexuality and love of travel.
  • Doing household chores for them is in the foreground.
The nose is wide

A straight nose for a girl, woman, man: what character?

  • The owner of a straight nose is indifferent to the "high". Such a person is distinguished by a materialistic mindset, down to earth.
  • A person with a straight nose (regardless of gender) constantly strives for the unattainable, while her demands are too high.

Eagle nose for girls, women, men: what character?

  • The owner of the aquiline nose is a born businessman. Such a person has a special flair for income. He is able to make profitable deals, while not making mistakes.
  • A man with an aquiline nose can also be an excellent teacher. If the owner of the aquiline nose chooses teaching, then he gives himself up to work completely.

A narrow nose for a girl, woman, man: what is the character?

  • A woman with a narrow nose has a tense relationship in love.
  • At work, he shows himself as a responsible person, on whom you can always rely, with high efficiency. The owner of a narrow nose knows how to value her own and other people's time.
  • A man with a narrow nose is vulnerable. However, in response to the insult inflicted, it is capable of a stinging and vengeful reaction. Having met his soul mate, such a man becomes a good spouse and an excellent lover.

Duck nose for a girl, woman, man: what character?

  • A man with a duck nose is not prone to depression. He is always optimistic. Such people do an excellent job of leading at various events, feasts.
  • They have a developed sense of humor. They are characterized by softness and easygoingness, the need to help others.

A girl, a woman, a man has a big nose: what character?

  • By nature, people with large noses are domineering and strong. Their hard work and perseverance often bear fruit - a high position or rapid career advancement, moreover, they achieve all kinds of benefits on their own. If someone offers help, they refuse.
  • A person with a big nose is a great leader. He is responsible, educated and wise. In any professional environment, he acts according to long-term plans, relying solely on logic and common sense.
  • A large nose hanging over the lip speaks of the tendency of its owner to gossip.
    If the nose expands downwards, then you can rely on such a person in difficult times.

The nose is small for a girl, woman, man: what character?

  • The owner of a small neat nose, regardless of gender, a harmonious and disciplined personality. Accustomed to discipline in the family, such a person is trained at school, institute with medals, diplomas, awards.
  • However, he does not become a nerd. He is characterized by punctuality, methodology, an amazing sense of pestilence and healthy irony. Such a person does not betray his soul mate, is constant in feelings. He tends to think logically and decisively in difficult situations.

A sharp nose in a girl, woman, man: what character?

  • The owner of a sharp nose is intractable and assertive. In his judgments, he is sharp, categorical. A person with a sharp nose, regardless of gender, strives to be a leader.
  • He is condescending to the weaknesses of others.

A potato nose for a girl, woman, man: what character?

  • The fair sex with a potato nose seems at first glance to be a simpleton. However, this impression is misleading. This lady is smart, quick-witted and prudent.
  • It is characterized by the penetrating power of the battering ram, therefore it achieves its goals by moving forward. At the same time, such a woman is not interested in the feelings of other people, which affects relations with others. Women with potato noses are sociable, they have a developed sense of pestilence.

The nose is long for a girl, woman, man: what character?

  • The owner of a long nose is distinguished by foresight, rational and conservative outlook on things.
  • Such a nose is considered the “thinker's nose”.

Video: The shape of the nose tells everything

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