Merilin Kerry Conscription from loneliness spectacular quickly. How to attract love in your life. Council from Merlin Kerro. Stone spell on Marilyn Kerro

Professor 31.01.2021

Extrasens Merilin Kerro talked about five ways to fulfill desires with magic rituals. This will require only a great desire to fulfill the conceived and several simple attributes that will be found in every home.

There are a long time for powerful magic mirrors for a long time. Merilin Kerro argues that with the help of a mirror you can perform your cherished dream. It is necessary to take a mirror, which has long been in the house, and write its desire on its reflective surface. Make it better what is well erased. After that, you need to take a glass or a plate with clean water and wash off the inscription. The remaining water does not pour it, it should be sprayed in the place with which the desire is connected. If the conceived directly concerns a person, then this water should be given to drink it. This is a way for a short time to execute the mandated.

To fulfill the desire, which is due to the outcome of any case, you can use a bottle ritual. To do this, take a blank glass bottle, better opaque. A bottle of green is perfect for this rite. The neck of the bottle must be leaning to the lips and quietly talk to it what you need. After that, the glass vessel should be firmly clogged and take with him where the dream can come true. At that very place the bottle must be opened. In this case, the desire can either come true, or simply this ritual will attract good luck and luck.

With the help of candles, you can also perform any desire. Merilin Kerro argues that the candle magic has an incredible force. Candles can give information about the future, heal and, of course, to fulfill the dream. The next ritual must be carried out strictly on the growing moon. You need to take a candle and scratch your desire on it. After that, light the candle and put on the windowsill. It should burn to a small flag and to curb herself. The remaining piece of the candle must be worn with you until a desire is fulfilled. When all the molded is happening, it must be thrown into the fire.

These three ritual are committed with certain rules that need to be followed for the success of the ritual. Desires who are written or pronounced in the process of the ritual, it is necessary to formulate short and clearly. During the rite, a person must be one indoors. All doors and windows must be closed, and no extraneous sounds should shoot down from thoughts. But the main key to success, according to Merilin Kerro, is a strong faith in that, then the desire will be fulfilled.

Recall that the participant of the "Battle of Psychics" 14 of the season of Merilin Kerro is engaged in Voodoo magic and clairvoyance. In his practice, it uses simple magic attributes: candles, mirrors, knives and other items. After all, all this, according to her, has strong energy capable of creating real miracles. We continue to root for Merilin on the "battle of psychics" and put

16.11.2013 12:48

Extrasens Merilin Kerro told on its official website about the method of attracting money. She shared secrets ...

Around the brightest pair of "battle of psychics" - Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro - there are many rumors. Some even ...

Merilin Kerro

Personal techniques, sale of dolls and skulls - the Russian Starhit portal found out what brings the income of wits and magicians. Next week will be the winner of the "battle of psychics".

Until the final of the "Battle of Psychics" remains only a week. The gift of the finalists of the very mystical project in the history of Russian television, perhaps already suggested to them, who will become the owner of the cherished "blue hand", but the TV viewers still remain in ignorance.

However, users of social networks already have their undoubted favorites. For them, their idols are a priori winners. Some are based not only on those tests that, on the ester of the sensational television fleet, performed the strongest magicians and witches, but also on their own experience of communicating with them. On the eve of the coming final "Starhit" made a selection of reviews from people who were convicted personally to communicate with the extrasens of the 16th season, and also learned what business makes the wizards for life.


The victory could be in the hands of the red-haired Estonian two more seasons ago, but then the witch divided only the joy of winning with his beloved Alexander Shepps. Now many viewers have already dubbed Kerro winner in absentia. The official group "Vkontakte" is literally overflowed by intersedar stories about how and whom Mary helped not only on the screen, but also during personal techniques.

"All who doubts whether to go or not - go," such nodes can be found in each second message left in a special group.

ichny meetings of the witch pool in need of needless, but with great pleasure arranges training seminars along with Alexander Shepps. By the way, both on the screen and in the life of Maryllin and Alexander are practically inseparable. First of all, after a meeting with psychics, fans celebrate: the conversation was more like a friendly conversation than at the reception. With the help of several master classes, the witch and magician promise to help open the abilities that dormant in every person.

Marilyn Kerro commented on her pregnancy

In addition, like many other participants of the "Battle of Psychics", Kerro offers to acquire unique products with magical properties, is a voodoo doll. Such, for example, as "bishops", "Leprechaun" and "Isis, created magic". For 200 rubles you can please yourself with unusual stones from Alexander Sheps. Maga amulets will cost 4.5 thousand to 12.5 thousand rubles. Also in the assortment there are all sorts of boxes, chests and larks, cost from 700 rubles and candlesticks with candles at a price of 120 rubles and slightly higher.

"In the room where Marilyn is receiving, very cozy. Looking around and absorb the situation is infinitely, until Mary appeals to you. Then I want to just look into her eyes and not to break. My minus was just this - I wanted the whole hour, or even a half, just silently look at her. It was like a trance, and right up to late evening I did not understand that I forgot to ask her about several things that interest me. In any case, much Marilyn told himself. That neither the word is all to the point, "said one of the visitor to Kerro's visitors.

"Marilyn is a beautiful, honest person. It came to her at the reception, but she refused to take money from me. She said that I need to turn to a psychologist, not to psychic, "he writes one of the fans.

At the moment, acceptance of applications for a meeting with a witch is suspended.

Victoria Rydos

One of the strongest participants in the entire history of the show, to the great regret of his fans, the techniques are not yet satisfied, which is why business fraudsters flourishes. Victoria Rydos, perhaps, the only psychic, who had to face a huge number of complaints about the swords. Dozens of pages are created daily to sign up for a personal meeting with the witch. In addition, supposedly on the official website are offered to receive advice online.

Victoria Rydos: "After what happened in my life, I will not be more painful"

To do this, you need to answer 36 questions: the name, the zodiac sign, the strong qualities of your personality, and also tell, for example, how you react if your colleague is better than you in some kind of business. There are still fortune-telling for love and answers to the question: how to remove the vow of celibacy. True, before you finally find out the coveted prediction, you must send an SMS with the code to a four-digit number. After you write a decent amount from your mobile account ... You naturally do not get an answer.

Victoria Rydos is receiving in the center of another participant "Battle" - Natalia Banteva. It is known that there is no fixed bet on the witch. Each situation is individual and the price depends on the essence and severity of the problem being solved.

Nicole Kuznetsova

White magic specialist, as indicated on the official website of the widow of the Japanese criminal authority, are most often addressed by people suffering from love.

"I already live with a girl who I don't like," "I don't have a relationship with my husband," "I think I don't at all attract men", "I am almost 30, and I still haven't found my chosen one," People write on the witch's red-haired page. Like other psychics, Nicole stipulates the reception price depending on each individual case. Non-famous, though, skeptically refer to such personal meetings.

"Everyone is discussed individually, depends on your level of income and degree of your lochyness," answered one of the men to the question: how much will the Council cost from Nicole. "She has no extrasensory abilities," says the girl named Victoria.

However, there are opposite opinions: "I am very grateful to God for meeting you! Everything changed and fell into place: the work of rushing, the husband does not drink, in both in rhyme! ".

Unlike colleagues, the girl earns not selling artifacts, but lessons in its own educational institution. One of the most popular participants of the "Battle of Psychics" believes that the mystical gift can be destroyed from those who have to this deposit. To this end, the red-haired witch plans to open his own school of psychics soon.

Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro told how to choose stones, how to clean the stones from the negative and how to charge them.

Estonian witch who recently, Marilyn Kerro, does not cope with the flow of those who want to get to her at the reception.

On this occasion, she wrote a post on his Facebook page: "After the opening of Mecca, many of you stood in line, including visitors to the seminars. Many of you have already received help. In any case, today the situation is such that due to the fact that I rarely visit the Motherland, the queue is moving, but slowly. After all, I do it not as on the conveyor for the purpose of earning, but leading only when I have for this energy and forces! Receptions I arrange even every day! Please understand that I am just alone! I ignore the demand and push. "

"The leitmotif for those who comes to me is health. We do not discuss communication problems, and I do not give advice on this part! I do not accept these questions. I urge everyone to thoroughly think about, why treat me, because I just did not accept interest and curiosity. I am very frank and concrete, so I ask to be ready for this and take a case seriously. I do not change the world and people, you yourself helps yourself! ", I added Kerro.

And with some of their own problems, people can cope with themselves without visiting Kerro, but using her advice. In particular, Marilyn told about the stones - about how to choose them and how to care for them.

So, it is necessary to be neat with the cleaning of stones (crystals): "The crystals can be successfully cleansed with citrine, selenite or, for example, carneol. They are cleaned themselves and do not require purification, and therefore it is excellent cleaners of other crystals. For example, selenites and malachite do not tolerate water. Therefore, you should always follow exactly which crystals are supposed to be cleaned.

Just acquired stones should always be cleaned. And if there is no cleaning stones at hand, I recommend cleaning the sea salt and water.

Leave crystals that carry salt and water overnight in water with sea salt. The ratio of sea salt and water should be equal, and crystals should be placed in this solution.

After that, clean them, rolling down under running water, as water will take away the entire additional negative, and then put it up. Charge them on the window, and the Moonlight will be the perfect means here! You can resort to burial. It charges and clean your crystals for one day!

Crystals Always choose the intuition! Do not read anything in advance, choose what you immediately attract and lures. So you will always pick up the right stone!

I do not advise clutch space stones. Since many crystals have similar properties, enough pairs of stones!

Excel from your need and always concentrate on the most important issue and choose, based on this. When one problem is solved, proceed to the next one.

And in the end she emphasized: every man himself is the Creator of his fate and the trick of the path.

Unrequited love is considered a constant attribute of carefree youth. It passes quickly and leaves the wounds that heal with time. At the same time, everyone knows that unrequited love brings great suffering to a person. Without love, we all go crazy, and with love without reciprocity just fall on the bottom. Marilyn Kerro knows exactly how to bring love to your life. A simple way from this material will give you harmony and bright feelings. So…

Stone spell on Marilyn Kerro

To attract love with a stone champ, you need to first define your stone talisman on the sign of the zodiac. You need to get a decoration with this stone and wear it regularly. The conspiracy stone will attract attention to you from the opposite sex. If you want your chosen one in love, this is the best way to achieve his attention.

Conduct a conspiracy to a stone-charm on the day of full moon or new moon. These days, the energy of the moon is especially strengthened, which affects the result of any conspiracy or lifting speech.

Lower the decoration with a stone on the bottom of the bowl with water, which should stand in a seven red candles in a circle. Lower the left hand into the water and whisper say the words of the conspiracy:
"In the stone my strength and beauty, my love and luck.
Yes there will be a slave of God (person's name) let me give me happiness
Everything will come true, yes it is said. Amen"

Leave the stone in the bowl at night, cover it with a red cloth. Extended candles also do not remove until dawn. By morning, your guidance decoration will be charged with strong energy and will be able to attract the right person.

For those who want to fall in love with, Extrasens Marilyn Kerro have simple advice on attracting the attention of chosen without special efforts and rituals:
If the person liked is already linked to love on the other, it will be quite difficult to separate them. You should not resort to black magic, so you just suppress the sense of a person to choices, but do not attract love for yourself.

The participant of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics" is confident that following its advice, you can easily make it so that you want to get in love with you whose attention you achieve. Take advantage of Marilyn Kerro's spell and in a short time you will hear the long-awaited "love" and gain personal happiness.

Attract love, to gain happiness and successful marriage for women for many centuries help various tricks. Female spells go and exquisite cosmetics are exquisite, and attracting clothes. But there is a lot of secrets and mysteries in a woman. One of these riddles is a female soul that is sometimes the most unbridled desires.

Pay attention to which stones are called love stones

Favorite in the east pearls for no accident decorate national costumes and clothes of oriental women. Mighting about their fertility, it is easy to conclude that pearls not only brings more wisdom, softness and femininity, but also contributes to love.

Red and pink corals also bring love and are considered love stonesBut to wear them is constantly not recommended. Otherwise, the stone is able to make the character of a woman tougher.

Lazurites will encourage contemplation, unity with the world of nature, will give health and attract love to human life.

Rodonit will help to cope with the past experiences, will cleanse the memory of the confusion of the years and will configure new relations, a new true love.

Love Magic - Voodoo Magic Merilin Kerro

But, estonian Merlin Kerro advises Do not just wear love stones With yourself or in the house. On television was shown some special love ritual from Merilin Kerroin which it uses love stones. So, in the 17th series 14 seasons she says:

"There is a special ritual For women who helps attract love. And in fact, every woman can do it without the help of psychics.
You need to start in full moon.
This requires 4 candles, black cloth and love stones. All the time you spend on the manufacture of dolls, you will need to constantly think about the image of the man you want to get.
Needles need to stick to stimulate the heart chakra.
And when your toy beloved will be ready, from the remaining candles will need to make a female doll ... for yourself. The main thing - they will need to be connected along with the help of threads. This is the connection between a man and a woman. The next morning you need to go and immediately bury it. I did it many times and most importantly, it always works. "

Each woman decides for itself, how to attract a man. Whether the bloody sacrifices use whether to make a voodoo doll to attract a man, Whether to fly with candles with stones. This is the case of every woman. She is given a special gift - beauty, and this particular gift can be used as a woman wishes. Decorate yourself with a pendant of rose quartz and attract a fervent love, or put on earrings from a purple pomegranate or a moon stone and find an ardent passion. Walk or charm?

And maybe just to remain a mysterious woman who even stones in her sincere desire to follow their nature - to be loved!

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