What is the dreams of feces: interpretation of a nasty sleep. What dreams of the defecation in the dream book to KakAn in the water

Sealants 01.07.2021

What dreams to try? It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this question, since each detail of such a dream is very important and can give a new direction to its decoding. It's one thing - to sit cacked on the toilet in a dream, and completely different - to crawl into the panties.

If the act of defecation takes place by negligence, spontaneously and in an unbelievable place for this (for example, to make it right on the street), sleep may mean uncontrollable emission of aggression, emotional discharge, which is why the sleep will subsequently will have a number of morality.

The dream in which you had a chance to go to the toilet on the Big House, Kakak in the toilet in a relaxed atmosphere, personifies the situation of voluntary rejection, refusing something. And, no matter how unethical it sounds, the feeling of pleasure experienced is of great importance. Empty in a dream, while experiencing a huge relief, ease of body - evidence of deliverance from something unnecessary, which has become superfluous in your life. If I had to go in a dream with difficulty, experiencing pain - it means that the refusal of something or someone in life will be given to you very difficult, you will suffer. However, the dream speaks for himself - what you leave, you don't need more and only prevents you from living on.

If the person in a dream crap himself, not knowing how - deciphering the plot will also depend on how it turned out to be at the same time, because to try to pants at home or in a deserted place and to shit in the panties in public - these events entail absolutely incompatible According to the power of experience.

Sometimes a witness to how you crap in a dream is a narrow circle of friends, otherwise one person is altogether. Of course, life events in the context described above will directly concern this person. At the same time, the role of this person is important - you were ashamed because of his presence or did he help you eliminate the consequences of annoying surprise? And maybe he was the cause of frightened and followed by this act of defecation? Answers to these questions will determine the role of this subject in the interpretation of sleep.

Dreaming, worthy of separate attention - to Kakaki at all in a dream consciously, without the shadow of embarrassment, appeal. In this case, you can say both about the disgust for anything and about the challenge, which rushes society, its morality, and stood. Therefore, if you have dreamed that you are empty at all, and it doesn't bother you at all - think about what, perhaps, your actions in reality, no matter how attractive it looks in your eyes are seeing others, to put it mildly, quite different. Before you challenge the society, put your revolutionary opinion as an advanced and only correct - look at all of this from the side.

There is often a situation when a woman sees how she crap in a dream with a partner during sexual contact. No prediction is not prediction in itself, but only reflects its inner fear, the complexity, fear of doing something wrong or look at some point of proximity to unattractive. Observe in the switches of complexes and phobias, for they prevent you from getting real pleasure.

If you have dreamed of a measure, detect on the dream dream book

Activate in a dream - the personification of indifference to something, wave for some kind of business. It is good or bad - depends on the other details of the dream.

To impose in pants, try in a dream - the plot says that in the desire to free yourself from something you will not take into account all the details and as a result not only do not get rid of it, but also cater for new troubles.

At all to Kakaka on the street - sleep to losses.

He dreamed that the bird was drunk on his head - to money or gifts.

If the bird has dried with you in a dream someone familiar - he will receive something from you.

Seen in a dream, as the child crumbled - some new business will bring success, arrogance. Even better if the child has skipped you.

A familiar man was crushed, and you were in a dream to witness - in reality you have to pull him out of some kind of trouble, the scam, in which he will fall in his own fault.

Diarrhea dreams of very large financial costs.

What dreams to shit, crap - esoteric dream book

It is not a completely legal way to deteriorate in a dream.

It is unnaturally a lot to Kakak - such a dream says that the profit will be unexpectedly big, but you will not be able to dispose of it with the mind or do not have time.

Paved the child - to the successful completion of some business.

If in a dream I slept first swayed under myself, and then removed - I will be able to avoid shame, dishonor, which he inevitably brought himself to herself with a certain reckless and ugly act.

I dreamed that birds were glowed on you - to new clothes.

If the bird fell did not get on clothes, and a good idea comes to her head.

It dreamed that the dog was groaning in your apartment - this is a warning: be less frank with your friends, one of them can harm you, although not specifically, but by negligence. It will be better if they know less.

Dreams in which feces were dreaming, it's impossible to call pleasant simply. But despite this, their value is favorable. Such such sleep financial profit and rapid career growth. To more accurately find out what feces are being shot, you need to contact your dreams, but only after the entire night script will be played in the memory.

Dreams in which feces were broken, nice to call simply impossible

For an accurate interpretation of the night dreams, in which fecal feces have dreamed, it is necessary to take into account many details. It is from them that the value seen is dependent:

  • feel their smell - relationships with the surrounding people are quite complex;
  • to see the feces by chance - the dreams are experiencing certain difficulties, solving problems and is more relumed on others than on himself;
  • search from where there is an unpleasant smell - Soon someone from the close circle will unceremonably intervene in the life of the sleeping;
  • animal Calla - a new business will be the most profitable. There is a favorable period for investment;
  • human feces - conflict situations arise, surrounding poorly relate to sleeping;
  • get dirty - increase wages, getting a premium;
  • take an analysis - the emergence of financial problems;
  • remove them - dependence on another person;
  • fall in them - soon to get into a very unpleasant situation and even disgrace.

There is in a dream of a poop - it is worth thinking about your own habits, perhaps something needs to be changed.

Feces in dream interpretation (video)

See human feasible masses: what is

It can dream by a person anything, but the special meanings are those night dreams, in which the feces of man are being seen.

The meaning of them may be as follows:

  • big pile - great money replenishment is expected. Perhaps soon will be lucky enough to win in the lottery or find a highly paid job;
  • fall into the street toilet - a difficult period in life. The dreams will not be able to influence the development of events, whatever efforts make;
  • to smear into them - the goal that was delivered will soon be achieved;
  • on the bed - familiarity with a very influential person, thanks to which all financial problems will be resolved;
  • in the toilet - it will be possible to get a very easy profit;
  • baby, in a pot - successful investment;
  • on the floor - the dreams are very naive, for this reason he may soon experience financial difficulties. To preserve your finances, he needs to look really for life.

It can dream of anything, but those night dreams are possessed by special meaning, in which

Get painted in their own feces in a dream

Night visions in which a person falls into its excrement is possessed or dirty. Most often, such a dream is rich, but in addition, the dream book serves a few other dreams:

  • solving problems should be more vigilant. Due to negligence or adoption of rapid decisions, many failures are possible;
  • it is worth paying attention to your own health. The problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract are not excluded;
  • big profit;
  • revelry.

A favorable meaning has night visions in which a person falls into its excrement or dirty

See animal excrement

Often in dreams may not have human feces, but animals. Naturally, there will be something else to mean such night dreams. Depending on the one who owns excrement, sleep may foresee the following:

  • doggy - cooperation with a partner will be fruitful;
  • cow - Vintage this year will be very high;
  • mouses - one of the important items for a dream will soon break, but this breakdown can easily be eliminated;
  • feline - a significant change in the financial environment. Not necessarily they will be positive;
  • birds - a significant improvement in the financial position, it is possible to obtain an inheritance or a significant increase in wages.

If the excrement in a dream of a dog - cooperation with a partner will be fruitful

Certificate, walk in large in a rustic toilet or toilet

Even those dreams in which they have to be emptied are of particular importance. They cannot be left without attention, but if interpreting it is necessary to take into account everything without exception. It is absolutely everything, even how the toilet looked and what actions were produced in it:

  • strike, but wrapping pretty - a considerable amount of money will be received. Income will be lightweight, the dream will not even have to apply the slightest effort;
  • wooden toilet in the village, in which I slept failed - all the cases will be as successful as possible, in all endeavors a dream will be accompanied by luck, the conclusion of a transaction on very favorable terms is not excluded;
  • streking because of the lack of partitions - in the past, a person had an unpleasant experience and because of this, he could not confidently go to his goal and to date. You should get rid of shame that suffers for many years and try to express yourself from the best side, to be implemented as a person;
  • search for a place to be practiced - a person is trying to embody plans that will subsequently bring considerable profit;
  • walk to and at the same time talking to someone - in order to realize their plans, you will need to help others, it is not necessary to refuse from it;
  • the defecation process on the toilet - will be able to show its natural talents. It is thanks to them that they will be able to get the maximum profit;
  • empty with a large cluster of people and do not feel the constraint - the dreams deserved authority, it has a rather high position, the surrounding people listen to his opinion;
  • to suffer from constipation - sleeping can not easily express his opinion;
  • diarrhea - before expressing your opinion and act, you need to think well;
  • walk through a large public toilet - soon it is possible to obtain a cash premium;
  • the village toilet is already crowded with feces - in order to achieve financial well-being and achieve maximum success, it will have to attach titanic efforts;
  • look at the village toilet from the outside - it is worth consulting a doctor and conduct a full-fledged examination, serious health problems are not excluded.

Even those dreams in which they have to be emptied are of particular importance.

Long sit in such a toilet - a person lacks vital space.

Fekalyia in the dream of Miller

In one of the most popular dreams, it is said that such night dreams are promising financial profit. Everything conceived will soon succeed without much effort. Good luck in all matters will certainly accompany the dream.

This vision has a special meaning if he saw his businessman or a major investor. All investment will bring to him the maximum profit, bonuses will also be accrued, the interest rate will be increased.

What dreams of feces (video)

Night dreams in which feces are seen, in dream books are most often described as precursor financial well-being, receiving an unexpected profit. But this is not the only meaning of such unpleasant, causing disgust of night visions. To obtain an accurate answer, it is necessary to take into account that whose there were feces, where they had to see what emotions were accompanied by a dream and many associated parts. Only after a full analysis of the seen you can learn about the true meaning of night visions. If you respond to them on time, to correctly interpret and begin to actively act, then only favorable changes can be expected in life. Despite the mass of negative emotions from such a dream, the meaning of his very positive. All problems will remain in the past, and further life will be prosperous and happy.

ATTENTION, only today!

Learn from online dreams, what is the defecation, after reading the answer in the interpretation of the interpreters.

Defecation in a dream: Interpretation of 100 dreams

Psychoanalytic dream book Samokhvalov

If you dream in a dream. Defecation

Failure or aggressive discharge, autistic density. The situation of disgust or helplessness.

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the defecation

The situation of refusal, aggressive liberation or discharge, disgust and helplessness. Enhanced attention to sensations, going to the anal sphere, can be associated with autistic problems (man's deg ratio, from the outside world), as well as with aggressive eroticism.

Defecation - you did not fully revealed your potential and suffer from that.

What dreams of defecation in the dream book:

Defecation - you despise or condemn yourself or others.

Dream Wander (Terentia Smirnova)

Interpretation of defecation from your sleep

Defecation - depressed emotions, feelings, sexuality; tension, delays in affairs, difficulties, failures; unrealized need for recognition or self-expression; The desire for spiritual cleansing.

Must dream of each and often) I mean shit and sorts. Despite the fact that shit is not nice to appearance even, this dream is one of the good precursors.

What dream of shit? Very simple ... shit dreams to profit, for money!

If the sorts are shot, but they do not have shit, let's say, then the profit is also inevitable, but not today, but let's say in 2-3 days.

It happens that you are looking for sorts in a dream to protect your needs, then it's a different case: just you want to go to the toilet while sleeping, but you sleep and it dictates a dream about a sorter.

Moreover, it often happens that you seem to be in the booth, and you can't care, it means that your "alarm clock" simply did not touch.

Strictly speaking, sleep about shit and sorts - entirely and completely obeys the principle of inversion in the interpretation.

Roughly speaking, what is disappearing in a dream - nice in real life, here is such a leap). Well, of course, the more shop will see in a dream, the bigger profit is waiting for you in real life!

Interpretation of dreams from dreams Dream values

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Dream - Shit

Shit in a dream - a sign of failures, treason, losses, disappointments, divorce, troubles and goat enemies.

To see shit in your home can sometimes mean the change of residence due to some troubles.

Empty in a public place is a sign of failures and losses due to the fact that some secrets will be known.

See interpretation: Exchange place, manure.

Interpretation of dreams

Try to remember all items in a dream, perhaps you still have dreamed of other things, as well as events in a dream, they can also symbolize something.

Interpretation in the dream dream book

Why do you dream of defecation in a dream? - Knowledge and experience gained is something that cannot be underestimated.

By Dream Longo

Defecation in a dream - value - Your feelings are mutual.

By the dream of Pythagora

- Means in reality to experience anxiety and excitement.

By dream of Hasse

What does the defecation mean in a dream - Often, it means that she actually seeks to keep his beloved, by the way who began to cool in life to her.

Interpretations for the dream of Ezop

Defing in a dream - what does this mean? - Do not give jealousy to overlook you.

Interpretation of the Dream of Freud

You will have a profit;

Decoding in Gypsy Dream

Sleep value defecation in a dream - A breakthrough in consciousness, more often, is associated with the spiritual practice of sleeping and refers to self-knowledge and gaining secret knowledge at all.

By Dream Mayan.

What dreams of defecation in a dream? - Sleep says that in real life you still can find a way out of seemingly completely deadlive situation.

Did you have a dream "Defing in a dream" and you want to know the meaning of this sleep?! This online dream book will come to the rescue and give sleep values \u200b\u200bin different dreams.

What dreams of defecation in a dream?

Interpretation of zodiac signs

Is your zodiac sign?

  • Aries is a sign that's exactly what completely all feelings can just just turn your head.
  • Taurus is a very good sleep that foreshadows success in affairs, profit, good luck in business, victory in the competition and other kind of struggle.
  • Gemini - You risk overlooking the real chance to correct your financial situation, be careful.
  • Cancer especially such a dream is good on the eve of important cases and events in which you need to show courage, determination, perseverance and even arrogance.
  • Lion - with this transit, problems are possible at work due to excessive chatter, scattered ...
  • Virgo, you should pay attention to my image.
  • Scales - in reality, you can get an unexpected blow from the person who you trusted, is often a relative.
  • Scorpio - Sleep hints that at present, the dreams are not able to solve the tasks set.
  • Sagittarius is a honest sign that foreshadows death or infectious disease.
  • Capricorn - think so as a wife could die soon.
  • Aquarius - a dream dreams to the upcoming fun.
  • Fish, foreshadows not justified hopes.

Interpretation of weeks

An important factor is the day in which you dreamed of this dream.

Interpretation of men and women

For women defecation in a dream - separation with loved ones.

For a man - visit grandparents.


Incessant knock, whose perseverance caused anxiety. If you really think of becoming a sister of mercy, why not sign up for you. Their conversations have become rare and larch.

If you did not find out the decryption of sleep, send a message in feedback and we will not have a detailed interpretation for you.

Her voice was slightly trembled, and she devoured her eyes with his eyes, as if she wanted to forever capture her in memory. A canister with the brain Kimek was put on the sidelines, in the snow, and forgot about. Olya and herself said so about the former, from which he concluded that all women were the same. Oh, yes it's all. And if you do not make a puncture, it will almost certainly die.

In his youth, it is unbearably tormented by these premonitions boredom, but then the humility comes surprisingly easily. He penetrated the sympathy to the Red Army, who helped him, giving the opportunity to fill the remaining time. Having descended from the hillock, he turned around and waved his hand. There was a deep abyss between them. He did not publish a sound, just closed his eyes and became still paler.

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