With what to drink calcium to a child. Dr. Komarovsky about calcium. place. "Calcemin Advance"

Finishing 01.07.2021

The body of a child is very similar to a house under construction. For the successful construction of this house, you need the most durable bricks, namely calcium. Calcium is an important trace element for the health of the baby.
First of all, it is a lot of microelements, protein, biologically active substances and vitamins. Let's figure out whether to give calcium to children.

calcium for children.

If the amount of any component decreases or the ratio between these components is disturbed, this will lead to the loss of the integrity of the body structure, which means health in general.

One of the important substances for the body is calcium. Everyone knows that calcium is the basis of bone tissue. Lack of calcium can lead to brittle bones, bone deformity, and can also negatively affect the condition of the teeth.

The topic of calcium has received the most attention in recent years. Specialists are actively discussing calcium diets, which are enriched with this element, drugs and regimens for taking these drugs. In pharmacies, in turn, there are new forms of calcium, that is, a very important trace element necessary for the health of the baby. But the number of questions does not decrease. For example, how to make the right menu for the health of the crumbs, and at the same time take into account a sufficient amount of trace elements? When to start sounding the alarm about micronutrient deficiencies? Do I need to give calcium to prevent various diseases? At what age should you start giving calcium?

Calcium is an important trace element necessary for the health of the baby, it is needed for the formation of teeth and bone tissue. Up to 90% of calcium is actually involved in the skeletal system. Thanks to calcium, the hardness and strength of the musculoskeletal system of an adult and a child are ensured. But beneficial features calcium does not end there. Calcium is also involved in the implementation of complex reactions of blood coagulation, muscle contraction, and also with its help an impulse is transmitted along the nerve fiber, hormones are released and have an effect. The amount of calcium in breast milk does not depend on the diet of the mother. The content of calcium in milk is a certain constant (constant).

Scientists conducted studies on the composition of the milk of a nursing woman and found that when consumed per day from 600 mg to 2400 mg of calcium, this composition did not change significantly. But this, of course, is not a reason to neglect your diet, as the mother's body will be squeezed out like a lemon. The consequences will be reflected in the teeth and hair, feeling unwell and muscle weakness.

As soon as calcium enters the child's body, it rushes to the bones. It enters the blood, the very first hematopoietic system reacts to its lack. The regulation of calcium metabolism is no less complex. The endocrine organs, as well as the kidneys and digestive organs, are responsible for the calcium content in the blood. With chronic lack of calcium, various pathological conditions develop, which often require long-term treatment. Calcium can be "washed out" of the bones by the endocrine glands to replenish blood reserves. If, on the contrary, a high level of calcium is maintained long time, then certain hormones contribute to its deposition in the bone tissue and soft tissues of the body.

The body of a child in the first year of life uses calcium, which is received during pregnancy from the mother.

Some evidence suggests that a breastfeeding mother can provide calcium to a child up to three years of age. But there are some nuances. For example, premature, underweight and twin babies especially need a regular intake of calcium in the body, as they have smaller reserves. Also at risk are babies who have limited mobility for any reason, for example, children who were born after a previous pregnancy after a short period of time, or babies with birth injuries.

The main thing is not in the amount of "eaten" calcium, but in the degree of its assimilation. The degree of assimilation depends on the health of the crumbs and on age. For this, it is important that the diet is balanced, since calcium in some compounds is absorbed well, while in others it is worse.

Breast milk is the main source of calcium for the baby. In mother's milk, the amount and form of calcium are optimal for absorption. And vitamin D in mother's milk is not enough, therefore, in the autumn-winter period, its additional introduction is recommended. If the baby is bottle-fed, it is very important to use age-adapted mixtures. They are balanced and take into account the main trace elements.

Calcium deficiency in children.

Feeding children divorced cow's milk(unadapted mixtures), late or early introduction of complementary foods can provoke a later lack of calcium.

Small and premature babies suffer from calcium deficiency much more often. In the last trimester of pregnancy, more active transfer and deposition of calcium into the fetal skeleton occurs. Accordingly, the crumbs that were born ahead of time, they do not receive their share of the substance. The higher the degree of prematurity, the more calcium deficiency the baby will have. Therefore, such infants are given vitamin D earlier than others, since it is a conductor of calcium. For children under 12 years of age, only a doctor should prescribe calcium. Note that not all complex vitamins contain calcium.

There are a number of diseases in which you need to prescribe calcium supplements. These diseases include: rickets, osteoporosis in underweight and premature babies, severe diseases of the endocrine glands and kidneys. Crumbs with allergic reactions, as well as children with a forced restriction of certain foods, provided that the baby shows a lack of this element (bone deformation, thinning of tooth enamel, late teething), need additional sources of calcium.

Taking certain medications (for example, anticonvulsants) helps to remove calcium from the body. Of course, giving a child a pill is much easier than feeding him properly. But another question arises whether this pill will benefit health.

One of the most important trace elements necessary for bone growth and normal functioning of the heart muscle is calcium. The substance is of particular value for children. The main source of this trace element is dairy products. To treat calcium deficiency, doctors prescribe special medications. children are recommended to give for a variety of diseases. The drug is produced in several forms.

What is a medicine?

Calcium gluconate is a very popular and time-tested remedy that doctors can prescribe for various pathologies that have nothing in common with each other. The active substance - the calcium salt of gluconic acid - has the form of a white powder. The component regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body. Calcium, in turn, is necessary for the formation of bones, dental tissue, nails and hair. Besides, chemical compound participates in the transmission of nerve impulses and the work of the heart muscle, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, it is necessary for blood clotting.

The drug is produced by many pharmaceutical companies in various forms: tablets for chewing, powder and solution for injection. Is it possible to give a child gluconate Many pediatricians recommend this drug to children even in the first year of life (in a certain dosage). After all, babies need constant replenishment of the reserves of this microelement in the body. This is necessary for the proper formation of the skeleton and the development of muscle tissue. Lack of calcium often leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the body.

Composition and forms of release

The most popular form of release of the drug is tablets, which may contain 250 or 500 mg of active ingredient. As auxiliary components, talc, potato starch and calcium stearate are used. The chewable tablets also contain fruit flavors.

Solution for injection (10%) is contained in ampoules containing 10 ml of medicinal liquid. In one ampoule - 1 g of active ingredient.

Indications for use

Calcium is involved in the most important processes occurring in the body. Each person needs to consume 800-2000 mg of this substance per day. With a shortage, a variety of pathological conditions can develop (both in children and adults).

  • (lack of vitamin D);
  • hypoparateriosis (deficiency of parathyroid hormone);
  • toxic liver damage, hepatitis;
  • violation of calcium metabolism;
  • increased excretion of calcium from the body, associated with long-term treatment with certain drugs;
  • increased need for calcium (pregnancy, lactation, adolescence);
  • bone fractures;
  • bleeding;
  • micronutrient deficiency in food;
  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • poisoning with oxalic, fluoric acid, magnesium salts;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

Application in pediatrics

Calcium gluconate is prescribed to children quite often. A direct indication for the use of the remedy is, first of all, a lack of a trace element in the body. If the baby has milk protein intolerance, calcium-based preparations are indispensable. Parents should remember that it is highly undesirable to prescribe a remedy to a child on their own. The dosage is calculated depending on the age of the baby.

What are the benefits for children?

Calcium is vital for the baby even in the period of intrauterine development. With a deficiency, such children are often born with insufficient weight, and in the first six months of life they may develop rickets. To avoid such a pathological condition, future mom should monitor their diet and take vitamin complexes. At birth, the baby may also be prescribed drugs containing calcium.

Can calcium gluconate be given to children and in what form should it be given? Quite often, this question is asked by parents to local pediatricians. Simple and inexpensive remedy proved to be exclusively on the positive side. For the treatment of calcium deficiency in children of various age categories and other ailments, calcium gluconate tablets are mainly prescribed.

Plain white pills do not contain sugar, flavors or colorants, which is a significant advantage. In this form, the drug can be given even to babies prone to allergic reactions, and with high blood sugar.

Calcium gluconate: instructions for use

For children, the dosage of the medicine should be selected by the doctor. Usually, experts recommend giving 500 mg of the active substance three times a day to babies in the first year of life. The tablet is pre-ground into powder and stirred in a small amount of milk mixture or breast milk.

For children from one to four years old, calcium gluconate is prescribed at a dosage of 1 g at a time. 3 g of the active substance (6 tablets) should be taken per day. From the age of 5, the drug can be given to a child in the amount of 6-10 tablets per day. A more accurate dosage should be chosen by a specialist, taking into account the condition of the baby and his need for a microelement.

For children who are in primary school, calcium gluconate is recommended to be given 4 tablets at least twice a day.

Gluconate up to a year

Komarovsky Oleg Evgenievich is a well-known pediatrician, whose advice many parents listen to. The doctor claims that the main reason for calcium deficiency in the body of a child lies in the lack of microelement intake along with food and malabsorption in the intestines.

For allergic diseases, rickets, blood clotting disorders, skin pathologies, a well-known pediatrician recommends giving calcium gluconate tablets to babies. Komarovsky also advises prescribing the drug with a tendency to dermatitis, muscle weakness, and increased vascular permeability. The medicine will bring significant benefits in the treatment of colds.

Calcium gluconate for allergies

One of the effects that the drug has is to reduce the production of histamine - the substance responsible for the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Scientists have found that in the body leads to an abnormal reaction of the immune system. For children, this problem is particularly relevant today.

Calcium gluconate will help smooth out the symptoms of an allergic reaction. The instruction (the drug is absolutely safe for children) says that the medicine will help to quickly remove toxins from the body, strengthen blood vessels. Most often, the drug is used in the form of tablets. However, in some cases, intravenous administration of the solution is indicated.

The drug is effective for such manifestations of an allergic reaction as urticaria, angioedema, dermatitis, itching skin. In some cases, it is prescribed in combination with other medicines.

More than one generation of doctors has been practicing the use of calcium gluconate to combat the symptoms of allergic reactions. calcium salt, which is used as active component, is well absorbed from the intestines and absorbed into the blood. The maximum concentration of the active ingredient is fixed 1.5-2 hours after taking the medicine.

Contraindications for use

You can give calcium gluconate to children and adult patients who do not have a history of certain contraindications. In pediatric practice, the drug is generally used only after consultation with the attending physician. It is forbidden to use calcium gluconate for treatment in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • intolerance to substances in the composition of the drug;
  • hypercoagulation;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • renal failure (in severe form);
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • calcium nephrourolithiasis.

Is it possible to give calcium gluconate to children if there is an age limit in the instructions? Pediatricians argue that if the dosage and treatment regimen are observed, the medication will bring only benefit to the child.

Application features

For better absorption of the active ingredient, it is recommended to take calcium gluconate before meals or 2 hours after meals. Tablets should be chewed or crushed into powder and washed down with water. Babies are advised to give the drug along with a small amount of milk.

It is forbidden to take calcium supplements and iron-containing medicines at the same time. The minimum time interval between taking these drugs is 2 hours. In combination with tetracycline antibiotics, insoluble complexes will form.

Side effects

Despite the safety and effectiveness, the drug is still a pharmaceutical product and may cause some side effects. You should familiarize yourself with these phenomena, described in the instructions, before it is advisable for children to give the minimum dose of the drug at the beginning of therapy and after a while evaluate the reaction of the body.

Long-term treatment with the drug or a constant excess of the dosage can provoke the development of the following undesirable effects:

  • constipation;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • polyuria;
  • mental disorders;
  • muscle weakness;
  • increased fatigue, irritability;
  • bradycardia;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • hypercalcemia.

Probably, there is no person who does not know about the benefits of calcium. Our bodies need it to maintain healthy teeth and strong bones. But is everything so simple and is this the end of the mission of calcium? Can calcium be harmful, and if so, in what cases?

For our body, the benefits of calcium are unconditional. But few people know that it brings this benefit in tandem with other elements. So, without phosphorus, supporting the health of bones and teeth would be unbearable, and without magnesium, calcium would not be able to ensure working capacity. of cardio-vascular system. To calcium fully absorbed by the body, he needs, which helps calcium penetrate tissue cells. But you do not have to run to the pharmacy for vitamin D, although this will not be superfluous. A daily 15-20 minute exposure to the sun guarantees our body the full independent production of the vitamin D we need.

However, the beneficial properties of calcium are not limited to the effect on teeth and bones. Why do we need calcium?

  1. It is directly involved in the processes of muscle contractility and in the excitability of nerve tissues. If you have cramps and muscle spasms, if you feel tingling in your wrists and feet, you are not getting enough calcium;
  2. Calcium affects blood clotting- is one of the elements that are involved in the formation of blood clots that clog the places of tissue ruptures;
  3. It is one of the elements that make up the nucleus and cell membrane, and also affects the permeability of membranes;
  4. Included in tissue and cellular fluids;
  5. Calcium able to fight cholesterol by blocking absorption saturated fat in the gastrointestinal tract;
  6. Calcium plays one of the key roles in the activity of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, gonads, pancreas and thyroid gland, its deficiency or excess leads to dysfunction systems data.

As you can see, calcium is useful for the body as a whole, and not just for its individual organs. However, a large amount of calcium is washed out of the body every day, and the use of caffeine, protein and salt contribute to this process. Eliminate these foods from your daily diet, or at least reduce their consumption, and you will bring invaluable benefits to your health!

In summer, calcium is easiest and easiest to get, because by eating foods such as dill, blackberries, grapes, apricots, celery, strawberries, parsley and spinach, we get it enough! In winter, you need to eat honey, dried fruits and almonds, because they also contain the calcium we need. Universal products that contain both phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin D are fish and beef liver, raw egg yolk and butter.

Products Calcium content, mg/100 g of product
Cottage cheese95
Sour cream90
Hard Swiss cheese 600
melted cheese 300
Eggs (1 pc)27
Fish (medium)20
Herring (fresh)50
Cod (fresh)15
Sardines in oil 420
Salmon (fresh)20
Shrimps (boiled)110
Ham and medium fat meat10
Chocolate black60
Black bread100
White bread20
Cabbage 210
Fruits with stones (plums, apricots, etc.)12
Pears, apples10
Dried fruits80

In nature in general and in our body in particular, everything is logical and natural - both deficiency and oversaturation lead to imbalances in systems. There is only one way out - the golden mean and moderation.

The role of calcium in the body and its benefits

Calcium is a macronutrient in the human body. Its total amount in various tissues is about one and a half kilograms. Most calcium accumulates in the bones. About 2 thousand proteins and enzymes cannot be synthesized and active without calcium.

Other features:

  • regulates vascular tone, the passage of nerve impulses to the muscles (including the heart);
  • ensures the coordinated work of the cells of the immune system;
  • important for kidney function;
  • needed for the reproductive system;
  • regulates the formation of dental dentin and enamel.

Calcium deficiency is manifested by brittle hair and nails, poor skin condition. To compensate for the lack of this macronutrient, doctors prescribe pharmacy forms. The most popular drug for children is calcium gluconate, which is given to babies as needed starting from the age of 6 months.

Calcium gluconate for children: general characteristics

Calcium gluconate is commonly prescribed for calcium deficiency. This is a salt of gluconic acid, in which calcium is about 9%. The substance, when taken orally, is absorbed into the small intestine, from where it is carried with the bloodstream to tissues that need calcium. Unabsorbed residues of the drug are excreted in the urine.

Forms of release of calcium gluconate:

Calcium gluconate in the form of ampoules is usually intended for intravenous administration in a hospital setting. The drug in tablets is recommended from the age of 3, when the child is able to chew them. Smaller children need to grind it.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

One of the important advantages of using calcium gluconate is the breadth of application. Instructions for use of the drug indicates that calcium gluconate is useful for:

  • neurological disorders;
  • liver problems, allergies;
  • dermatoses, dysplasia;
  • frequent bone fractures, etc.

A significant disadvantage of this drug is the low content of the active substance, which is why you have to take several tablets at a time. This makes it difficult for young children to consume.

Indications for use in pediatrics

Babies who receive breast milk or special formulas usually do not experience a lack of calcium. Deficiency of this substance in children under one year old can occur if its absorption is impaired or if there is a lack of vitamin D. Calcium gluconate is prescribed for babies with diagnosed muscle weakness, disorders in the thyroid gland, kidneys and liver. Indications for use are determined by the doctor.

Calcium gluconate for colds is not prescribed to children, as well as for ARVI. Modern clinical studies do not show any effect of the drug on the course of these diseases. Inactive calcium gluconate with a cold.

The instructions for calcium gluconate indicate its possible use in combination with other drugs for atopic dermatitis. This is due to the ability of calcium to slightly alleviate itching and accelerate the restoration of the integrity of the skin. With hives and allergies, children tend to scratch itchy skin. This increases inflammation and slows down healing. Therefore, calcium gluconate for allergies is often included in complex therapy.

What form of release to choose for a child and how to give the drug

Newborns are usually not prescribed calcium gluconate. If necessary, a calcium preparation is administered intravenously. If the element is recommended for infants, it is advisable to give him a syrup containing calcium to drink.

How to give your child calcium gluconate:

  • distribute the tablets in accordance with the prescribed daily dose into several doses;
  • for babies, it is good to grind the drug into powder, and then mix it with food or give it to drink with milk formula;
  • older children are allowed to chew the tablets, they need to drink plenty of clean water with the medicine;
  • the drug is taken before meals.

Calcium gluconate intramuscularly is not prescribed today. AT this case experts agree that the substance is absorbed from muscle tissue much worse than when it enters the intestines.

The dose of calcium gluconate per day for babies up to a year should not exceed half a gram (1 tablet). Children from one year old can be given 2 tablets per day. A more precise amount and regimen for which the child should take the medicine is determined by the doctor.

How much calcium gluconate is given to children per day:

A single dose and daily volume of the drug is determined by the doctor based on indications for the use of calcium gluconate. Dr. E. Komarovsky recommends higher dosages: up to a year - 3 tablets, up to 4 years - 6 tablets, at 5-9 years old - 6-12 tablets, at 10-14 years old - 12-18 tablets per day.

Contraindications to the use of calcium gluconate

In children with increased blood clotting and those prone to blood clots, calcium gluconate can cause an exacerbation of the condition, therefore it is forbidden to take it. It is strictly forbidden to drink it with hypercalcemia, severe renal failure.

Other contraindications include:

  • calcium kidney stones;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • vascular disorders;
  • high activity of the blood coagulation system;
  • hypercalciuria.

The child may be hypersensitive to the components of calcium gluconate, then it will have to be abandoned.

Possible Side Effects of Taking Calcium Gluconate

Usually the medicine has no unpleasant side effects. However, the child's body may react to the calcium preparation in its own way. Parents need to carefully monitor the condition of the baby, not only on the first day of taking calcium gluconate, but also a week or a month after the start of use.

If the drug or its dosage turned out to be unsuitable for the child, constipation may develop, an allergic rash, nausea may appear. When calcium gluconate is drunk for a long time and a lot, sometimes calcium stones can be seen in the feces. Frequent urination and leg swelling can also be a sign side effects calcium gluconate. More serious consequences are considered violations of the heart and kidneys when taking a calcium preparation. Any side effects are a reason to consult a doctor and stop the medicine or adjust the dose.

Interaction of calcium gluconate with other drugs

Calcium gluconate should not be drunk if drugs based on digitalis are prescribed at the same time. Do not combine calcium gluconate and antibiotics, bisphosphonates, quinolones, fluorine and iron preparations within one dose. Between their use should be at least 3 hours.

When a child is prescribed calcium gluconate, you need to stop taking high doses of vitamin D. It enhances the absorption of the macronutrient and can provoke the risk of hypercalcemia.

Analogues of calcium gluconate

Medicines similar to the calcium gluconate preparation usually have an indication of this active substance. Calcium gluconate with a fruity taste, calcium gluconate Vial, Extratab, LekT, B. Brown are considered analogues.

Talk to your doctor before giving your child a drug similar to calcium gluconate.

Other calcium preparations

Known preparations containing calcium differ from each other in what kind of calcium salt is used as a base. Usually it is lactate, citrate, phosphate or calcium carbonate.

Some calcium supplements for children:

Pediatricians consider calcium gluconate as the drug of choice in emergency cases, when the baby has convulsions against the background of hypocalcemia, and calcium must be administered intravenously. Of course, it is not recommended to give a child intramuscular injections of calcium gluconate. Such injections carry a high risk of muscle tissue necrosis, but do not increase calcium absorption. The active substance is much better absorbed from the intestine.

Parents note a good effect of calcium gluconate when it is included in complex treatment for allergies, prescribed for slow growth of the child or impaired teething.

See Dr. Komarovsky's opinion on calcium gluconate injections in the video below.

If we compare human body with the building, then microelements will be bricks to it. One of the most significant and necessary for the full functioning of the trace element is calcium. If, suddenly, it turns out that it is not enough in the body, then this will affect the condition of bones, nails, hair and, of course, teeth.

But, before prescribing a course of calcium supplements for yourself or your child, do not forget to consult a doctor, because an excess of a substance in the body is also harmful. Everywhere there should be a measure. And only when the doctor prescribes a calcium intake, you can study the rating of quality vitamins to choose the most suitable complex for you.

The benefits of this mineral are so great that it helps a person even before his birth, or rather, contributes to the birth of a child. How does this happen? The fact is that the tip of the sperm aspiring to the egg has a point of calcium and it is thanks to him that it penetrates the cherished shell. And as soon as the baby is born, this element is also required for its development, and it receives it from the mother's breast milk.

Calcium is one of the main elements for the "building" of our skeleton. But the substance easily leaves the human body when natural processes such as sweating or defecation occur. If after that it is not provided additional income microelement in the body, then the removal of calcium from the bone tissue begins.

As a rule, after the age of 35, people experience bone loss. A natural aging process takes place, the element is excreted from the body slowly, but constantly, and as a result, this can backfire with health troubles. For example, the arrival of diseases such as osteoporosis or arthritis does not bode well.

In modern megacities, the level of air pollution is high, in some places radioactivity is increased, which is fraught with cancer. Calcium ions also play their beneficial role here, as they resist the settling of strontium in the bone tissue.

In addition, calcium should be credited for helping with digestion, participating in the work of digestive enzymes, resisting allergic reactions, regulating blood pressure, creating conditions for normal blood clotting and normalizing the functioning of the brain.

10 facts about calcium - in the video:

Daily rate

Our body cannot produce calcium. We get it exclusively from food or in the form of drugs.

  • Babies receive their micronutrient norm (about 200 mg) along with mother's milk.
  • Children under three years old need about 500 mg. Children under eight - it is advisable to use up to 800 mg.
  • Adolescents under 13 are advised to take up to 1300 mg.
  • The norm for adults is 1000 mg.

An adult person can get his element rate by drinking a liter of milk, but at the same time he will be provided with extra calories, get too much saturated fat and milk sugar. You can try to get your norm of the substance with the help of sesame or poppy seeds, which are rich in calcium, but gastrointestinal tract may react badly to this, because everything is good in moderation. That is why it is often easier to get your daily allowance with the help of special preparations.

So, for example, being an avid lover of the healthiest dairy products, the consumption rate can be safely halved.

Which one is better absorbed

Pharmaceuticals offer an abundance of calcium preparations, and one can get confused wondering which company is better to choose and which one will be absorbed as much as possible.

The most important thing is to understand that calcium intake should occur simultaneously with vitamin D, otherwise there will be no sense. It is vitamin D that is a conductor of calcium in the human body, it allows the intestines to absorb the microelement and ensures its full absorption by bone tissue.

Medicines that contain calcium can be divided into three types:

  1. Monopreparations. These are products where the trace element is found without additives (calcium carbonate, calcium lactate, calcium citrate and others)
  2. Combined. These products include vitamin D, which is very convenient, as it eliminates the additional purchase of the element.
  3. Multivitamin. These are preparations containing a whole complex of vitamins.

To find out which company is better to buy the drug, study our rating of quality medicines with calcium.

Rating of the best vitamins with calcium for children and adults

11th place. "Calcium glucanate"

These tablets are designed to fill the lack of a mineral in the body, reduce intoxication, fight inflammation and resist allergies. It is better to take "Calcium glucanate" when the meal is already completed, and at the same time, do not forget that after chewing the tablet, you should drink a glass of water. Children from 3 years of age are allowed. Suitable for pregnant and lactating women. Price: about 200 rubles.

calcium glucanate


  • Large scope;
  • Treats various diseases;
  • Rebalances an element.


  • May cause constipation;
  • Prohibited with a tendency to thrombosis.

About the benefits of the drug in pediatrics:

10th place. Complivit Calcium D3

The vitamin-mineral complex Complivit Calcium D3 is very popular with buyers. These vitamins are recommended by dieticians to maximize calcium and phosphorus metabolism. They are made in the form of fruit lozenges that are chewed or absorbed during meals. The calcium content is 500 mg. Suitable for people over three years old. It is better for pregnant women to refrain from taking such a drug, and if they do, then only with the permission of a doctor. Average price: 250 rubles.

Complivit Calcium D3


  • Relieve the symptoms of osteoporosis;
  • Compensate for the lack of Ca or D3;
  • Price.


  • Possible manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • There are contraindications.

9th place. "Kalcepan"

For women who want to alleviate the symptoms of osteoporosis and regulate the hormonal background that has changed after the age of forty, the combined substance with calcium "Calcepan" is suitable. It contains not only Ca, but also various herbal extracts, as well as microelements B2, B6, D3 and C. The release form is in the form of dragees. Cost: about 450 rubles.



  • Due to the rich content of the drug, normalization of calcium metabolism occurs;
  • Takes care of the beauty of hair and skin;
  • Helps to synthesize collagen;
  • Restores bone tissue.


  • Not suitable for children.

8th place. "Vitrum Calcium + vitamin D3"

"Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D3" can be called a family complex, as it is suitable for different age categories and will be equally good for children (with the exception of age up to 8 years), women, men and the elderly. The drug perfectly compensates for the lack of Ca and establishes the full functioning of calcium metabolism. The average price is 250 rubles.

Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D3


  • Containing both Ca and D3;
  • Serves for the treatment of osteoporosis;
  • Suitable for elderly patients.


  • Children under 12 years of age are prescribed only after consulting a doctor;
  • There are contraindications;
  • In case of kidney disease, the reception is prohibited.

7th place. "Calcemin Advance"

The combined vitamin and mineral composition of the drug is designed to compensate for the lack of vitamin D3 and improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system. Tablets "Calcemin-Advance" have an oblong shape and pink color. The active substances contain 500 mg of calcium and 200 IU of vitamin D3. It is prescribed in cases where it is necessary to replenish the supply of a trace element, as well as for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system and for the treatment of osteoporosis. The approximate price depends on the form of release of tablets and varies from 400 to 900 rubles.

Calcemin Advance


  • Suitable for teenagers;
  • Quickly fills the lack of an element;
  • Enhances nail growth.


  • Unacceptable for urolithiasis;
  • Age restriction;
  • There may be individual sensitivity.

6th place. Calcium D3 for children, manufacturer "LUMI"

This vitamin-mineral complex has proven itself as an additional source of calcium and vitamin D, and is well tolerated by children. The course of taking the drug promptly compensates for calcium deficiency, which ultimately contributes to the full growth and development of the child, strengthens bones, and has a beneficial effect on overall well-being and learning ability. The drug is recommended for children from 3 years. It is produced in granules for the preparation of a suspension, in sachets of 2.15 g. The price in pharmacies is about 8-9 rubles per 1 sachet.

Calcium D3 for children, "LUMI"


  • convenient packaging: one sachet at one time;
  • pleasant taste that the child likes;
  • price.


  • possible individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • age limit (from 3 years).

5th place. "Calcium D3 Nycomed"

Having studied the recommendations of consumers, we place Calcium D3 Nycomed in fifth place in our rating of quality drugs. This is a vitamin-mineral complex containing both Ca and vitamin D3. Available in the form of round snow-white tablets with mint or citrus flavors. Its main purpose is to regulate the exchange of trace elements and eliminate their shortage. Suitable for children over 3 years old, teenagers and adults. Dosage 500 mg of elemental calcium. The average price of a package is 285 rubles.

Calcium D3 Nycomed


  • Improves the external condition of the skin;
  • Fights brittle nails;
  • Suitable for the prevention of osteoporosis;
  • Normalizes the activity of the heart.


  • Not suitable for small children;
  • There may be an allergy to the ingredients.

4th place. Calcium Sandoz Forte

The French preparation Calcium Sandoz Forte, which is a combination of macro and microelements designed to stimulate phosphorus-potassium metabolism, has proven itself well. Outwardly, they are white effervescent tablets with a barely pronounced citrus aroma. Dosage 500 mg calcium ionized. Suitable for adults and children from 2 years old. The price is 330 rubles.

Calcium Sandoz Forte


  • Perfectly proved itself in osteoporosis of various origins;
  • A good helper for allergic reactions;
  • Liquid form of application, suitable for patients with swallowing problems.


  • Possible problems with the stool;
  • Migraines may occur.

3rd place. "Multi-tabs Baby Calcium"

If you have Small child from 2 to 7 years, then a wonderful option for a balanced combination of vitamins will be the package "Multi-tabs Baby Calcium". This drug ensures the proper formation of bone tissue, helps to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent insidious caries. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor. The average price is 500 rubles.

Multi-tabs Kid Calcium


  • Variety of tastes;
  • Remarkable composition;
  • Like children.


  • Perhaps the appearance of an allergy;
  • Price.

2nd place. "Vitacalcin"

Part medicinal product contains the active substance calcium carbonate. Assign to patients suffering from hyperacidity of gastric juice and associated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Designed to neutralize hydrochloric acid, and thereby reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Also indicated for use in osteoporosis, childhood rickets, tooth decay and other health problems. It costs about 100 rubles.



  • Wide range of applications;
  • Price availability;
  • Efficiency.


  • Allergic reactions may occur;
  • Difficult to find for sale.

1 place. "Calcemin"

Often consumers ask themselves, what is the difference between "Calcemin" and "Calcemin Advance"? The answer is simple. The difference lies in the amount of the trace element. In Calcemin, it is half as much, only 250 mg. This has a certain advantage, since when a person consumes a decent amount of dairy products per day, a large dosage of Ca is completely useless to him. In addition, "Calcemin" can be used by children from 5 years. The duration of the course of admission is determined by the attending physician. The price varies from 300 to 900 rubles, depending on the number of tablets.



  • In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it ensures the absorption of the Ca element;
  • Helps slow down the process of bone tissue destruction;
  • Improves the condition of hair, nails and skin.


  • May cause nausea and vomiting;
  • Allergic reactions are possible.

The best vitamins with calcium from the budget price category

5th place. "Calcium gluconate" manufacturer Pharmstandard-Leksredstva

Universal preparation for children from 3 years and adults in the form of tablets with active substance calcium gluconate - 500 mg, due to which muscle contraction improves in muscular dystrophy / myasthenia gravis, vascular permeability decreases. Potato starch, talc and calcium stearate monohydrate (about 2 g) act as an auxiliary substance.

The taken pill causes excitation of the sympathetic nervous system and enhances the production of adrenaline; has a moderate diuretic effect.

The average cost is only 33 rubles.

Calcium gluconate, manufacturer Pharmstandard-Leksredstva


  • The number of tablets in the package;
  • Long stored - 5 years;
  • Suitable for children and adults;
  • Budget;
  • In free access.


  • There are contraindications.

4th place. "Calcium D3 for children" at a dosage of 400 mg manufacturer Kvadrat-S

Biologically active supplement for strengthening bones for children from 3 years old, compensates for the deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3. The drug is in the form of round chewable tablets with natural orange flavor.

Important! The use of the drug is not recommended for children suffering from diabetes, overweight, individual intolerance to components that have a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. In this regard, before buying it is necessary to consult a doctor.

For the effectiveness of dietary supplements, the course of administration should last 1-2 months, the daily rate is 2 tablets.

The average price is 47 rubles.

Calcium D3 for children "at a dosage of 400 mg manufacturer Kvadrat-S


  • Beautiful packaging;
  • New;
  • Released without a prescription;
  • Affordable price;
  • Chewable like candy.


  • Lack of taste;
  • Fast consumption.

3rd place. "Supravit Calcium + Vitamin C" manufacturer Kendy Pharma

The drug for adults over 18 years old in the form of effervescent tablets, dissolves well in water, is used as an active biological food supplement, provides an additional source of vitamin C and calcium.

Convenient intake: 1 tablet is diluted in 200 ml of drinking water during meals 3 times a day. However, there are contraindications that limit the duration of the intake or do not allow it at all. These include: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding and phenylketonuria.

The middle price segment is 84 rubles.

Supravit Calcium+Vitamin C» manufacturer Kendy Pharma


  • Delicious;
  • Effective;
  • Convenient sealed packaging;
  • Suitable as prophylactic from a cold;
  • The duration of the course is not more than 3 weeks;
  • Value for money.

Effervescent tablets in a sealed capsule for strengthening bones, are a source of calcium and vitamin D3. They are used as dietary supplements, have a rich mineral composition, which has a beneficial effect on the formation of strong bones and teeth, maintaining healthy gums. The drug is responsible for the stable work of the heartbeat and the transmission of nerve impulses. Calcium lowers cholesterol levels and prevents cardiovascular disease.

It is forbidden to take people with individual intolerance to the components, pregnant and breastfeeding.

Directions for use: 1 tablet per 250 ml of cool water, 1 time per day with meals. The duration of the course is no more than 1 month.

The cost of the goods is 89 rubles.

Arnebia Calcium+Vitamin D3 Nutrilo


  • Convenient form;
  • Delicious;
  • Democratic price;
  • Good quality;
  • economical consumption;
  • Ease of acceptance.


  • A slight powdery aftertaste remains on the tongue;
  • Side effects in case of overdose;
  • Contraindications.

1st place. "Calcium D3 500 mg" manufacturer Kvadrat-S

A biologically active food supplement with the active ingredient - calcium carbonate, developed in the form of chewable tablets for children aged 7 years and over. The composition also includes other substances: vitamin D3, sucrose, talc, calcium stearate, potato starch, natural flavor (several flavors: orange, lemon, mint).

Usage: one tablet 2 times a day with meals for a course of up to 2 months or more (if necessary). Adults take 1-2 tablets in the same sequence.

The average price is 100 rubles.

Calcium D3 500 mg "manufacturer Kvadrat-S


  • Large volume;
  • Suitable for adults;
  • Various tastes;
  • With chewing effect;
  • Ease of acceptance.

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