Name days in April boys and girls in the church calendar. Name Day in April Boys and Girls on the Church Calendar Video: Important rules for choosing a name for a girl

Blocks 01.07.2021

The birth of a child is one of the most joyful and memorable moments in the life of parents. Undoubtedly, almost every pair wants their child as long as possible in such an early age.

But no one has canceled the laws of nature, and the kid will soon begin inexorably to grow quickly, showing himself and its character.

And it seemed before the parents of the baby, that such a carefully chosen name would undoubtedly suit their child, but still children change in maturity.

Not only age and appearance is changing, but the character and manner of the child's behavior can also change. Therefore, choosing the name of the child, relying only on the behavior of the baby at the moment, many parents allow a big mistake.

Before you finally decide on the choice of name, with whom the child will walk all his life, you should carefully study what it will grow, the future character of the baby, and the compatibility of the name with the zodiac sign, which he was born.

How to choose a suitable name for a girl born in April

First of all, the name should clearly approach the nature of the baby. But to correctly make a decision, you need to know what character will be in the girl.

Babies born in April, very bold and witty, decisive and purposeful. But still they are not always possible to fully reveal and realize their potential fully.

The character of April children is more solid than those who were born in March, and, accordingly, their names should be different.

Most often, they will be worried about the financial and material component of life. Because of which they will rarely seek the tops of the career ladder. Good luck will always be on their side.

Kids are smart and judgment. And therefore, before making a right decision, they will weigh everything in and against, and only then will begin to solve the problem.

They hardly perceive all new and some change in their lives. It is difficult for them to abandon the old lifestyle in order to let the new paints in it.

Such people will prefer to stay in old, gray and routine life. Since she is more familiar with them and we are familiar than that new and unknown.

April girls always in the first place will be family life, and only after it is material security.

But still, despite how much they will go on with the family, emotions in personal relationships are moved to the background and rely only on the mind and logic.

Such kids are not very dreamed, they always know what they want. And always achieve their goals by any paths.

Despite all the advantages of April children, they have and cons.

They are selfish and stubborn. And to achieve their goals, honest methods do not always use.

To mitigate such a solid nature, girls should choose soft and feminine names. They emphasize all femininity in the baby, and therefore the character will not seem so hard and steady.

Names for girls born in April

When choosing a name, not only your preferences should be taken into account. Imagine that the chosen name has become for the moment yours. What they will think about the name others, and whether the baby will be comfortable with him in adulthood.

For girls born in April, you should choose the following names:

They are considered happy for girls born in April the following names:

  • Sabina
  • Lidia
  • Svetlana
  • Galina
  • Irina
  • Karina
  • Larisa
  • Lidia
  • Alexandra
  • Daria
  • Maria
  • Anastasia
  • Claudia

Names for girls in April for every day

In addition to character, you should consider in what day the baby was born. After all, for every day there are happy names. They will attract luck to the girl all her life.

Happy names for girls born in April for every day:

April 2: Alexander, Efrasia, Claudia, Maria, Efimia, Matrona, Feodosia, Juliana, Anatoly, Ulyana, Praskovya, Domnina, Svetlana;

Names for girls in April by horoscope

In April, the girls are born under such signs of the zodiac as Aries and Taurus. They look like them, but still there are differences.

Aries are more cheerful, agile and energetic. They are distinguished by straightness, enthusiasm and stubbornness. Girls prefer to seek everything they wish, any ways. Names in such kids should be strong and brave.

Names for girls born under the sign of the Zodiac Aries:

  • Eugene.
  • Zhanna
  • Rimma
  • Karina
  • Kalery
  • Margarita
  • Marina
  • Roxana
  • Martha

Taurus girls in turn are characterized by optimism, hard work and leadership qualities. They can be called gourmets in life. They are kind and responsive, can sacrifice all sake of their relatives. Names in such girls should be soft and brave.

Names for girls born under the sign of the zodiac Taurus:

  • Zinaida;
  • Lydia;
  • Isabel;
  • Wanda;
  • Tatyana;
  • Lada;
  • Irma;
  • Nina;
  • Lucition;

Girls in April for the church calendar

Choosing a child name has always been a complex process. Nevertheless, sometimes parents cannot choose Orthodox names for the girl born in April. In this case, you can contact the church. It can provide the names of the saint whose day the baby was born.

There is a belief that people are not in vain are born these days, so God shows what name should choose for a child.

After all, it is not for nothing that they say, if you call the name of the saint, in whose day the baby was born, then he will keep the whole life and protect a person.

If the parents still could not decide on the church name in April for the girl, you can provide this choice by the father. He will choose the name of the saint on the calendar compiled in the church.

The name of the girl in April according to the Orthodox calendar

If the parent decided yet to call the girl across the sacrons in April, you should take a calendar in the church to which they belong.

It will feature all the saints whose names, and what day it is desirable to call your baby.

Orthodox names for girls born in April by Scholes:

  • April 1: Daria, Vassa, Sofia, Matrona, Illaria, Maria, Matrena;
  • April 2: Claudia, Praskovya, Fedor, Svetlana, Anatoly, Juliana, Ulyana, Alexandra, Julia, Matrona, Maria, Feodosia, Olesya, Domn, Evfimia, Feodosiya;
  • April 4: Taisiya, Daria, Polina, Vasilisa, Agnat;
  • April 5: Anastasia, Feodosia, Lydia, Pelagia, Varvara, Maria;
  • April 8: Alla, Praskovya, Larisa, Anna;
  • April 9: Matrona, Maria;
  • April 11: Vassa;
  • April 13: Anna, Miroslav;
  • April 14: Maria;
  • April 16: Feodosia;
  • April 17: Maria;
  • April 18: Fedor;
  • April 20: Evdokia;
  • April 21: Maria;
  • April 22: Martha, Martha, Maria;
  • April 25: Maria, Athanasius;
  • April 26: Martha, Marfa, Alina;
  • April 28: Vasilisa, Anastasia;
  • April 29: Irina, Fedor, Vasilisa, Arina, Nika, Galina, Susanna, Victoria, Tamara, Maria, Karina, Anna, Marfa, Agnatia;
  • April 30: Zhanna, Yana, John, Marfa, Tamara, Lily, Susanna, Maria, Martha;

You need to choose the name of the daughter with the mind. After all, it should emphasize the hardness of character, but at the same time smoothed it a little, and show all the femininity of the girl.

Video: Important rules for choosing a name for a girl

Memorial Day of Martyrs in Tunisia

April 9 in Tunisia is honored by the day of the memory of martyrs, timed to the bloody events that occurred on the specified day of 1938. The holiday is officially established by the authorities and is considered a day off. On April 9, 1938, during the bloody demonstration, thousands of Tunisians were sacrificed for the benefit of the Motherland to protect their country from colonial France and gain independence. On March 20, 1956, Tunisia was recognized as a sovereign state. On special days, such as the Day of Memory of Martyrs, Tunisians consider the holy duty to honor people who were honored by the native state and presented independence, a minute of silence to future children.

April 9th \u200b\u200bDay of the Air Defense Forces (Air Defense Day) of Russia

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006, "On the establishment of professional holidays and commemorative days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" annually on the second Sunday of April marks the Day of the Air Defense Forces (Air Defense Day).

The establishment of the date of the holiday is due to the fact that in April, the most important government regulations on the organization of air defense of the country were taken, which became the basis for building a defense system of our state, organizational structure of air defense troops, their formation and further development. The history of anti-air defense, as a special type of armed support in the protection of the state, has several decades. In December 1914, the first units equipped with machine guns and light cannons appeared to combat German and Austrian aircraft.

April 9 in the folk calendar

Matron Mantowie, Matrona Semperpic

On April 9, Orthodox reports to the memory of Saint Matrona Solunskaya. Holy at the turn of the 3-4 centuries in Thessaloniki lived and was a Jewish slave.

Mrs. Matrona - Pavtila - in every way she forced the slave to renounce the faith in Christ, but the Holy did not want to refuse Orthodoxy and secretly attended the temple. Speaking about it, Pavtila ordered to beat the Matron of Dubinki, and after - left to die in a dark and cold room. The body of the martyr was dropped from the city wall for the orders of the Jews. However, Pavtile was no longer destined to live. Giving says that she, stuck, flew after the matron and crashed to death.

In Russia, the Holy Matron was given two nicknames: Mantist and semi-reptile. The first is associated with the onset of spring thaw, and, as a result, the surface of the remaining snowy snowdrifts was covered with a solid infusion. And the second nickname was Matrona, because he was considered a patronage of the economy. On this day, as a rule, the holy asked to give people a good turnip harvest, since the repa was one of the main ingredients on the peasant table. On the Matrona, the people looked at the pennate brothers. If the birds are screaming and frolic in the evening, the weather of the next day will be established clear. But if they fly over the earth itself - the nearest week will be dry.

April 9 Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem from Western Christians (Palm Sunday)

The holiday of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem (also often called "Verbal" or "Palm" Sunday) is celebrated a week before Easter, in the sixth Sunday of the Great Post. The Jewish people who were under the domination of the Roman Empire expected the Messiah as a political liberator, and many seemed to many that the wonderworker, able to resurrect the dead and feed five thousand people to several breads, and there is one who will lead the Jews to political freedom. Therefore, Jesus and welcomed as the king - palm branches. Of those who were then on the streets of Jerusalem, only one Christ knew what his mission actually consists of: Instead of the earthly kingdom, he brings the kingdom of heaven, instead of getting rid of earthly slavery, he frees a person from slavery much worse - from slavery sin. He one knew that the path was deemed by palm branches, leads to execution on the cross.

Historical events April 9

In the entire history of the Board of Peter I, they published more than three thousand all kinds of documents. A number of his reforms were aimed at improving the quality of life of people and beautification of cities. Given the fact that the sanitary condition of Moscow in those times was very deplorable, literally on all the streets of the city rustled dirt and garbage, the emperor issued a decree complying with purity in the capital. The document obliging all residents of Moscow to abide by the purity in the city, follow the residential sites, streets, bridge and alleys. Throwing any garbage on the streets punishable by law. Such people were established a large fine, and those who continued to pollute the capital, beat the rods. At the work of janitors, the emperor followed especially carefully. Also, during Peter, the cities began to install sewers and garbage urns. And Muscovites, fearing the imperial wrath, began to litter much less.

In 1966, the Vatican officially announced the abolition of the so-called index of prohibited books, which was incredible for churches and outdated publications of early theologians, philosophers, scientists, and other works of writers, not relevant, in the opinion of church leaders, truth. The first edition of the index had to 1559 by decree of the Pope Paul Fourth. And his last reissue occurred in 1948. It consisted of four thousand items of various scriptures. Among the prohibited, the authors as spinosa, Jordan Bruno, George Sand, Balzac, Descartes, Emil Zola, Danie Didro and many others were listed.

April 9, 1989 - American D. Engelbart received a cash prize in the amount of half a million dollars for the invention of a computer mouse

The invention was "born" into the world a little earlier in 1964. The first computer mouse was a small wooden box, driving on the surface of the table using the built-in wheels. When the Engelbart was asked why he gave such an unusual name to his invention, the American replied that the folded design was very associated with his mouse. So this name and rooted for a computer mouse. In addition, Engelbart admitted that he was not the only creator of the "boxes", he only filed an idea and developed a concept, and the device itself constructed Bill Inglish.

The team later joined Jeff Rutifson, who managed to significantly improve the design of the mouse and develop special software for it. Thus, three people participated in the design of a computer mouse. Currently, one of the American universities stores a unique documented information information, where Engenbart demonstrates its invention and shows it amazing for that time.

April 9 born

Lev Copellev (Born in 1912) is a famous human rights activist, philologist-Germany. Copellev argued that the main condition responsible for the preservation of life on the planet is tolerance. Since childhood, he owned three languages \u200b\u200b- Russian, German and Ukrainian, and at the front was a requested translator. In the spring of 1945 he was presented to the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree, but in a month they were arrested, sentenced to ten-year camps.

Ernst Unknown (Born in 1925) - an outstanding sculptor and schedule, the author of such famous compositions as "Shakhtar Kuzbass", "Tree of Life", "Sorrow Mask" and "Monument to Sergey Dyagilev" (his last work). As a result of the conflict with Khrushchev, Ernst was excluded from the Association of Artists and deprived of the right to artistic activities. Leaving the Soviet Union, the artist lived in Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, and then in the United States. An unknown personally came to the USSR to visit his native places and created by them sculptural works. Ironically, one of the artist's monuments is resting on the grave of his abuser N. Khrushchev. Most of their legendary work created outside of Russia, Ernst handed over his homeland.

Jean-Paul Belmondo (Born in 1933) - Popular French Film Actor, Cummy Million Women. After Belmondo played a major role in the film "In the last breath", he was proclaimed by a key figure of a new French cinema, the personification of a modern acting image. He starred both in the classic Truffo, Rene, De Brock and Melvil, and Commercial Adventure and Comedy Genres.

Name Day April 9.

Name Day April 9 will be celebrated: Ivan, Matrona, Paul, Feodosius, Makar, Maria, Alexander, Markel, Immanuel (Emmanuel).

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The birth of a child always brings joy. What could be better than to look at a small miracle, which is the continuation of his parents. It is this kid that carries the features and mothers, and dads. But besides all this there are certain character traits and a set of qualities that are inherent only. In all her life, they can change, disappear or more tightly strengthened in his personality. Everything will depend on what circumstances and life situations will meet in his way. But parents may be a little initially correcting and laying some features in the nature of the newborn. This can be done using the name. You can choose the necessary name for a girl or a boy in the name of the church calendar in April or with a clergyman. To choose a name correctly, it is worth knowing what capacity will be inherent in children in certain months of their birth.

Mainly the church calendar includes men's names in April, as well as other months. The custom of calling a child in honor of the saints appeared after the adoption of Christianity and the baptism of the people. Our ancestors were confident that the saint whose name wears the kid will protect him throughout his life. Also, the child will take all his positive qualities from him.

Such also protects the child and distinguishes evil spirits from him. If the child was named after the saint, then the day, when it is remembered in the church calendar and call the birthdays of boys in April.

The name day of male names for the church calendar in April is mainly consisting of church or old Slavonic names. It happens that parents make the baby with a modern name, which is not in the list. In this case, it is worth turning to the priest and it will help to find the consonant with him.

List of men's names:

  • 01 - Ivan, Dmitry, Innokenty;
  • 02 - Victor, Vasily, Vissarion, Ivan, Herman, Maxim, Miron, Sergey, Nikita, Sevastyan;
  • 03 - Yakov, Vladimir, Kirill;
  • 04 - Vasily, Isaac;
  • 05 - Alexey, Vasily, Ilya, Georgy, Makar, Sergey;
  • 06 - Zakhar, Vladimir, Martin, Stepan, Peter, Yakov;
  • 07 - Tikhon;
  • 08 - Abraham, Vasily, Stepan, Gabriel;
  • 09 - Ephraim, Alexander, Ivan, Paul, Makar;
  • 10 - Ivan, Vasily, Hilarion, Nikolay, Ilya, Stepan;
  • 11 - Isaac, Ivan, Kirill, Mark, Cornelius, Philip, Mikhail;
  • 12 - Ivan, Zakhar;
  • 13 - Ivan, Veniamin, Innokenty, Joseph;
  • 14 - Ivan, Efim, Makar, Sergey;
  • 15 - Gregory, George, Efim;
  • 16 - Nikita;
  • 17 - Georgiy, Adrian, Ivan, Veniamin, Joseph, Nikolay, Nikita, Fedor;
  • 18 - Georgy, Alexey, Mark, Plato, Nikolay, Semen;
  • 19 - Ivan, Grigory, Paul, Sevastyan, Peter, Yakov;
  • 20 - Arkady, Daniel, George, Peter;
  • 21 - Ivan, Sergey;
  • 22 - Gabriel, Vadim;
  • 23 - Gregory, Alexander, Dmitry, Terente, Maxim, Fedor, Yakov;
  • 24 - Ivan, Efim, Nikolay, Prokhor, Peter, Yakov;
  • 25 - David, Vasily, Ivan, Sergey;
  • 26 - Dmitry, George;
  • 27 - Anton, Alexander, Valentin, Martin, Ivan;
  • 28 - Alexander, Andrei, Victor, Aristarkh, Kondrat, Lukyan, Leonid, Sevastyan, Fedor, Trofim;
  • 29 - Leonid, Paul, Mikhail;
  • 30 - Alexander, Adrian, Ephraim, Mikhail, Ivan, Semen, Fedor.

Names for girls

The choice of name for the girl is also not too light. Many parents want their baby to always be a princess and choose enough rare names. But it happens that parents come up with names independently. Sometimes they are quite peculiar.

The name day of female names in April for the church calendar consists of such:

  • 01 - Sophia, Daria;
  • 02 - Claudia, Alexander, Praskovya, Maria, Ulyana, Svetlana;
  • 04 - Daria, Vasilisa, Taisiya;
  • 05 - Varvara, Pelagia, Anastasia, Lydia;
  • 08 - Alla, Larisa, Anna, Praskovya;
  • 13 - Anna;
  • 14 - Maria;
  • 17 - Maria;
  • 20 - Evdokia, Akulina;
  • 21 - Maria;
  • 25 - Martha, Maria;
  • 26 - Martha;
  • 28 - Vasilisa, Anastasia;
  • 29 - Nick, Vasilisa, Irina, Galina.

Based on women's name days in April, you can choose the most you like, but it is not necessary. You can simply look at the meaning of each name and choose the characteristics of which will most match your baby.

Features of the selection name for a child

There are certain tips on choosing a name for a newborn. We recommend first to get acquainted with them:

Pick the name that will sound well with patronymic. Sometimes the parents do not give this time enough attention, and the child in adulthood suffers.

Be ridiculous if you want to call the child in someone's honor. It is advisable to familiar well with the biography of this person. It is believed that the name imposes a certain imprint on the fate of a person. But there are such cases when the character traits of one person can be transferred to another. Moreover, the child can repeat some episodes of the life of his namesake. So be careful and especially carefully go to this issue.

How to identify the name of the child, if it was not called on the day of the holy name

It happens that I liked the name of the saint, but it meets on another day, and not on the birthday of Chad. In this case, priests recommend to view the church calendar and find the name of the saint after birthday. The first one will meet and will be the day of the name. And if the name does not occur in the calendar, it will be necessary for help to a priest who will help choose a consonant.

Name days or the day of the tozo-estate is called one of the main and important in the life of every Christian. This day is considered the day of the heavenly patron of the child, in honor of which he was called. Priests recommend to such holidays to come to church and read the gratitude prayers with their guardian angels for protecting you.

Baby name when baptism

It happens that when baptized, the priest comes the child with a different name. This is explained by the fact that when the damage or other magic rituals, the church name of the child is used. That is why parents are forbidden to speak him to someone. It is believed that the saint patronizes the baby and protects it from negative influence.

Remember that the choice of name is quite serious for every person. It is necessary to think well before making a decision. After all, the child is given once and for life.

The Lord is always with you!

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