Hairdryer Shui zone in the house: how to find and activate. Sectors and zones of apartments on Feng Shui, impose Bagua or Lo-Shu to plan Calculation of the number online

Panel houses 01.07.2021
Panel houses

Do you dream of something?

If you believe in some higher strengths, acting and in miracles, then they will definitely come true!

And will help you in this table desires on Feng Shui. How to make up, make a wishes and "run" the card to come true?

Map of desires on a hair dryer: how to make it right?

Creating a map of desires is a very creative process, interesting, exciting and ... Responsible. Here you will see how much your mood will rise during the work, and the soul will literally sing from happiness! After all, it will be a picture of your desires, written in person personally! So, where to start the process of creating your card?

  • select a day favorable to create a map;

For this, a good helper will be a calendar of Feng Shui, in which you will find appropriate information - and the map will embody your dreams into reality even faster. The Chinese calendar is very useful to view and in front of any important events, solutions, plans.

  • preparation of instruments;

Depending on how much you want to make your card, you will need Watman or a large paper sheet. You can take a tight paper to hang a map, but you can give preference to a more subtle option to twist the map like a scroll. Even a regular album for drawing, notepad, notebook is also suitable. In addition, you will need glue and scissors to work with pictures; Feltolsters, markers, pencils, handles - for desires.

  • zoning card and work with desires;

Divide Watman on the sector. Together they form a circle divided into the following zones: health, money, glory, marriage, family, creativity, knowledge, career, travel.

From this point of view, it is better to choose Watman or sheet of paper: in the album you do not draw this circle. But if you chose exactly the album format, for each sector just assigned a separate sheet. Next, the very responsible stage begins - the formulation of desires.

  • activation of the card;

When your card is ready, you need to "run". To do this, in its center, take a picture depicting, for example, your favorite chocolate. You can buy my favorite delicacy at any time, thereby running the card to work. Regularly review your card, admire it.

  • storage card.

Map of desires - the thing is intimate. It should be constantly in sight. But only you. The perfect place is the inside side of the door in the closet, which is visible to you, but not available to others.

How to correct the desire for hairdryer shui and zonate the map

The wording of desires is one of the most important stages in creating a map. At this stage, you must think well before writing your desire on the map. Do not hurry when you work out each zone: the card can be done so much time as you need for it. In this case, it is not the speed, with what you do it, and the degree of concentration and the wornity of each desire. You remember that desires come true? So it is very important to make them right correctly! To begin with, it is worth leading a couple of common to all desires and sectors of the Rules:

  • you always write our desires in the present, accomplished time, as if what you want, you already have. That is, writing a desire, you state the fact that it has already come true;
  • apply creativity and fantasy: make somehow a specially special card, you can draw in it, write different colors - it depends only on your desire;
  • you can create a kind of desire calendar, speaking the dates of execution of a dream.

  • health sector;

This is the most important area on the map. She is exactly in the center. Plore your photo to the center card. Choose the one you are happy. If you wish to become slimmer, cut out the fashion model from the magazine, get it on the map, but the head stick your head.

  • marriage and love sector;

It is in the upper right corner. Here you enter all your dreams associated with love, romantic and marital relations. If you have a second half, stick your joint photo and sign it: "together forever", etc. If you wish to enter into legal relationships, choose a photo of the bride and groom, and instead of their heads and glue your own.

If you do not have a second half, but you dream to meet your loved one, describe it in the most detailed as possible: age, appearance, character, the occupation, as he (she) belongs to you. But if there is a person you want to see next to you, but he does not have any response feelings for you, it is better not to "touch" it, because you can harm yourself and this man.

  • sector of the house and family;

This is the middle sector on the left side. Here you fit all your dreams of friendly family and a cozy homeie. These are not only married relationship, but also children, parents and other relatives. Think what you would like to see your relationship, and enter them into the sector, not forgetting the rule to write in the present time.

  • sector of creativity, hobbies and children;

This is the average right sector. If you want a child, it is here that you should record your desire and place photos of kids and pregnant women. If you crave creative development, then enter the desire and support the photos that match your hobby: drawing, singing, music, etc. Write that you always have inspiration for new creations.

Career, Money, Glory, Travel Areas

  • money sector;

It is in the upper left corner of the map. Here you are writing all your desires regarding material goods. You can glue pictures with the image of the currency, and you can use the Talismans Feng Shui: Tightly stuffed wallets, Chinese coin, wanting. This zone loves concretps. Therefore, write clearly, for example, what salary you want to receive or what kind of car (model, color) you want to buy, etc. Again, write that you already have this salary or car. You can cut a photo of the car that you dream, and stick your figure or just head, as if you are driving the wheel of this car.

  • sector of Glory;

This is the central top sector. All your ambitions, ambitious plans, thirst for recognition - the Slava Sector is responsible for all this. Do you like to sing and want to become a famous singer? Or have you been doing sports since childhood and dream of becoming a gold medalist at the Olympics? Write that you have already reached it! You can find the relevant photos and glue your head: for example, to the figure of the winner of the championship at the award ceremony or the famous singer speaking on stage. Do not be afraid to dream - everything will work out!

  • knowledge sector;

This is the left corner at the bottom. If on the nose the introductory or final exams, write here that you have passed them to "excellent", entered the desired faculty to the university, which planned (specify it), got a "red" diploma or "golden" medal. Maybe it is important for you to get some specific knowledge in a specific area, pass training or courses, and everything is not possible - write down and it.

  • sector of work and career;

Do you want to get the work of your dreams, but still does not work? Or do you work for one post for several years and want to grow on a career ladder? Write that you are already occupied by the desired office. Or what have you been taken to the state to the company in which you want to get. You can reinforce your desires with the help of incistent photos. It can be famous people who have achieved in your height area. Or the logo of the firm in which you want to get to work. You can back up the zone symbols from the money sector: Want or bills will be very by the way.

  • travel and patrons sector;

The lower left corner is a zone that is responsible for traveling and activates patrons. Want to be in Paris? Boldly, in the photo of the Eiffel Tower and myself next to her. You can make a schedule or calendar when you visit one or another place. Want to attract assistants? You can glue pictures with deities, guardian angel, saints, depending on your religion.

Feng Shui - the ancient Chinese doctrine of the symbolic organization of space. Right Organizing the hairdryer shui zone in the house, you will notice the improvement in your life. Moreover positive changes Do not make yourself wait long.

Hairdryer Shui zones in the house, apartment, office is very important not only to determine correctly, but also intensify.

About how to do it, which means Feng Shui zones in the house, as well as about several working secrets Ancient Chinese teaching read in this article.

How does Feng Shui improve life?

Arrangement of space on Feng Shui harmonizes Energy Q.. House, apartment, office, separate room, even desktop - anything can be organized, pushing out ancient knowledge of the harmonization of space.

Q. - Not just energy, it is a substance that organizes everything in the universe, a positive, creative vitality, leading to the movement of being. In different religions, the teachings are called this energy in different ways, but the essence remains uniform.

Interestingly, Feng Shui zones still work in people skeptically related to this practice. There is a simple explanation - the laws of the universe act even when a person does not know about them. That's just ignorance of laws, as you know, does not frees from responsibility.

Do not worry! In the world everythingharmonious. If you don't know something now, it does not mean that the universe does not favor you. You will get it certainly when the best time for knowledge comes.

If you first meet the princes of the organization of arrangement of space on Feng Shui, reading this article, has come time Improvements you Life!

Not surprised if you find that you and without Knowledge Fen Shui correctly organized their space in the house, apartment, office. Intuition - The best source of information, the gift of heaven inherent to everyone without exception.

Hairdryer Shui for home - This is one of the many practical possibilities to create your life happier. Take advantage!

Mesh Ba-Gua

Fen shui for home is practice. Follow these steps: now:

  1. Print or redraw the Ba-Gua grid.
  2. With the help of a compass, determine where the sides of the light are in the room, as well as the central part. If you do not have a compass, download the appropriate application to the phone.
  3. Find or draw a room plan. Denote the north point on it.
  4. Knowing where the north, having accepted it for the starting point of reference, draw on the plan equal hairdryer Shui zones in accordance with the Ba-Gua grid.

Mesh Ba-Gua - octagon divided into 9 sectors. It is a hairdryer shui zone. One of them centraleight other correspond to parties of light:

  • North,
  • Northeast,
  • East,
  • Southeast,
  • Southwest,
  • West,
  • Northwest.

Rarely when the apartment fits perfectly into the octagon of Ba-Gua. May turn out that some kind of zone absent. Activate this sector in the room, distributing the hairdryer Shui zone specifically for it. For example, the richness zone on Feng Shui falls out, turns out to be outside the house. In this case, organize it in the southeastern part of your bedroom.

In the Chinese philosophy of Taoism, each side of the light correlates with one or another spring of human life:

  • North - Career,
  • Northeast - learning, wisdom,
  • East - family, health,
  • Southeast - wealth, material wealth,
  • South - reputation, fame,
  • Southwest - love, marriage,
  • West - Children, Creativity,
  • Northwest - assistants, travel.

Cent symbolizes personality - you and your health.

After the location of all zones in the house is known, proceed to them activation. Special attention is paid to the zone, for development, the improvement of which is most of all sending your strength, attention, as well as where you want to attract the life-energy qi.

Light Energy Q. not Comes to a house where a lot:

  • dirt, garbage,
  • old, unnecessary things
  • objects, with bad energy,
  • dishes with cracks,
  • ripped linen and other things.

Ruthlessly throw everything!

If there are good things, but unnecessary - give someone.

Hairdryer Shui Zone: Table

Hairdryer shui zone in the house Universal ways to activate
  • reinforced lighting
  • the music of wind,
  • (see ary.),
  • turtle statuette,
  • room fountain (for career growth),
  • photo / Picture of good water (to secure success at work)
  • reinforced lighting
  • wise books
  • educational literature, dictionaries, reference books,
  • objects associated with learning (for example, a globe will help in excellence in excellence)
  • reinforced lighting
  • sharing family photos,
  • image of forest,
  • flowers in pots,
  • objects associated with relatives,
  • things made of wood (perfectly, if you own)
  • reinforced lighting
  • gems,
  • precious metals
  • money symbols
  • silver vessel with water,
  • aquarium with goldfish (if you are not Aries, Sagittarius or Leo),
  • room lantern,
  • money Tree,
  • item symbolizing your element by zodiac sign
  • reinforced lighting
  • pigeons figurines,
  • stones (but not from the sea),
  • your awards, certificates, certificates,
  • item symbolizing your element by zodiac sign
  • reinforced lighting
  • sharing photos with loved ones / beloved,
  • red and white candles (pair),
  • pair of clerk-tangerine,
  • couple geese
  • pair of pigeons
  • pair of butterflies,
  • aphrodisiac essential oils,
  • sex toys
  • items that symbolize yours with her husband / wife of the elements on the signs of the zodiac,
  • objects associated with joint happiness
  • reinforced lighting
  • bronze statuettes of Deity-defenders,
  • pots with young plants,
  • items, symbolizing the elements on the signs of the zodiac of your children,
  • crafts of children, their pictures, photos
  • reinforced lighting
  • statuettes of keeper deities,
  • photos of spiritual mentors,
  • photo places in which you want to visit
  • stock Foto Tourists,
  • photo of vehicles,
  • item symbolizing your element by zodiac sign
  • maximum lighting (perfectly crystal chandelier),
  • wooden things
  • flowers in pots,
  • bonsai tree (closer to the east),
  • clay jugs
  • green items,
  • pictures with the image of nature, sea landscapes,
  • figure crane or deer
  • bamboo or pine branch
  • odd number of peaches,
  • vasuchka with fruit

I wonder what Feng Shui zone your home is not limited to them, they continue to the universe, infinite. Therefore, if you want, for example, get rich, travel more often to the south-east (zone of money).

Ba-Gua grid can be drawn on a large sheet of paper - it turns out map Hairdry Shuya.This card is called map of desires.She fulfills wishes!

Wise organization of its physical space - first Stage on the way of improving life. Continue climbing fortunately! Recommended free, fast and very positive master classes psychologist Polina Goncharova. Ottipe the skills of creating the lucky reality that you imagine as the best! How easy it is! Just breathing easily! Just take and make yourself a happy person!

House, room, bed and pillow for your happy home on Feng Shui

Chinese Method Purple White in Fencing Feng Shui Stars is used to determine the environment of a person in order to strengthen its luck.

There are 9 types of Feng Shui charts. These charts have names on the basis of the so-called Gua (QU) numbers (or group numbers) - these are 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9. These eight numbers are divided into 2 groups - Western and Eastern. Guo numbers 1,3,4 and 9 belong to the Eastern Group. Rooms 2,6,7 and 8 - Western Group.

connection stars, element, trigms, colors, groups

Flying stars are used to determine the orientation of the house, bedroom, man and time period. Feng Shui strongly recommends that a person lives in the house of the same group, the room of his group and was married to the man of his group.

House type and home entrance door on Feng Shui

The orientation of the house (on the sides of the world) defines the type of house on Feng Shui. If you are standing outside the house and look at the front wall of the house, the direction of your face determines the number of Gua at home.

If you are not sure which side of the house is a frontal (facial direction), try the following: Stand up at the main door to the house and look inside the house - the direction where you look define the Gua at home. This is the same if you sit in the center of the house and look at the entrance door - in this case, the direction of your back will determine Fengsui Guo number.

Chinese books usually say the "house sits" in the direction in accordance with Gua number. Each house has a "face" and "rear". "Sits" (back direction) is opposite to the facial direction. For example, if the house sits north, then the face of the house south.

Happy Feng Shui House

A good house for the eastern group of people should have the main entrance to the south, north, east or southeast. For the Western group of people - to the West, North-West, Southwest or Northeast. Feng Shui says that such types of houses make people rich that the Chinese mean not only money.

Your Gua (Kua) Room and Type by Feng Shui

To determine your type (group) on Feng Shui, you need to know your personal number of Gua, determined by your date of birth. If your number is 1, 3,4 or 9, you feel about the eastern group. If your number is 2.6,7 or 8 - you are the person's Western Group.

If you are the Eastern Group's person, your lucky south directions, north, east and southeast. If you are a person's western group, then happy areas for you - West, South-West, North-West and Northeast.

Type of room by its location in terms of Feng Shui

Room position (in accordance with the sides of the light) defines the type of room

The same rule for the room - people should live in happy directions in accordance with their group - Eastern or Western.

Room type and door type

The main entrance to the room is determined by the type of room on Feng Shui. If you are standing at the door to the room and look inside this room, your face looks in the direction, which determines the number of the GUA of this room.

A good room for people's eastern group should have a door opened in one of the 4 directions from the Eastern Group, i.e. East, South, North, South-East. A good room for a western group of people should have a main door in, respectively, Western, North-West, southwestern or northeastern direction.

The same rule for the corners of the room, where to put the bed in the case of a bedroom and a table in the case of a cabinet.

Pillow and bed in the room

The bed is installed in a happy corner, i.e. For the Western Group of People - West, North-West, Southwest or North-West. For the eastern group of people - East, southeast, northern or southern corner of the room.

The pillow must be in the best direction for the person, which is determined by his personal gua and lie in the "head" of the bed.

What if you can not find, buy or rent an ideal home or apartment on Feng Shui?

Missing zones and 22 taboo in Feng Shui

Feng Shui flying star. Combination of the numbers "Pearl row"

Three pearl rows of consecutive combinations
In the Feng Shui Schui "Flying Stars" are used figures from 1 to 9, which are indicated by flying stars. The combinations of combinations of these numbers are called combinations of flying stars. Among these combinations there are happy and combinations that bring misfortunes, diseases, losses and other troubles.
Whether the combination of numbers will bring good luck or Mount Master Feng Shui are determined by several parameters, and, above all, on the basis of the theory of 5 elements. The theory of 5 elements teaches that there are 5 elements (water, wood, fire, soil, metal), which interact with each other by the so-called circle of generating and the circle of destruction. Accordingly, if the elements interact in a circle of generating or neutral to each other, they create a favorable energy that carries the success of fate in various aspects of human life and activity. If the elements interact with each other in accordance with the circle of destruction, then they generate devastating energies and bring all sorts of misfortune.
All in the universe is related to 5 elements.
So each number of the flying star corresponds to a certain element.
In addition to the happy combination of the numbers, which is called the "Parent String", there are others, in particular, three pearl series of sequences. This is a special combination of flying stars, very favorable.
For this combination, you must have in each of the 9th sector of the Natal map of the apartment (at home) serial numbers. For example, for houses 7 periods tons a combination in homes with the front direction of SZ 2/3 or YUV2 / 3.
Such a house will receive an additional benefit from the location of the mountain (high object in the city) at some distance in the front part and the water behind. However, after February 4, 2004, residents should immediately change the period at home by 8.
Such a combination of Feng Shui numbers must be activated. Especially favorably, if the house in the distance will be visible 3 peak. According to Chinese mythology, this situation means that a child will be born in the house, which will become the emperor.
It is necessary to activate mountain and water stars, which will triple luck.
For the 8 period of the house with the front direction on the SIA1 and SZ1, there are a combination of a triple thread of consecutive series of numbers.

Happy numbers in Feng Shui. Combination of numbers 2-5-8

In Feng Shui flying stars there are so-called "special", extremely happy combinations that give good luck, money, health and excellent relationships. What else is needed for complete happiness?

One of these combinations of the numbers of flying stars 2-5-8. This is the so-called "parent string" or "three period combination".
This is a very powerful and favorable combination that foreshadows luck in three periods.
The figure shows how these three periods look like and form happy combinations 1-4-7, 2-5-8, 3-6-9.

These numbers (flying stars) indicate a truly amazing good luck for residents at home. If these three combinations are presented on your natal map, then you and your entire family enjoys incredible successful recognition, health, wealth, love, success, respect and harmony, as well as wonderful descendants who will make the pride of the family.
Three periods mean that luck will last three periods. It also protects tenants from premature or violent death.
For houses of 8 periods, these happy combinations on the maps of houses with the front direction SMO2 / 3 and SV2 / 3.
For houses with such a combination of stars. The presence of a mountain (high object) behind the house and the water object in front of the house is not so necessary, and even if there is a mountain in the front part and a small quiet water behind - it does not make the house worse, so happy combination ( According to Grand Master Feng Shui Lilian Tu)
Such a combination is considered happy in the periods of the soil element - 2.5 and 8. Twice appears in periods 4 and 6.
But in the period 9, which will come on February 4, 2024, as well as in periods 1 and 3, this combination will not be happy.

Qi Lin in Feng Shui

The most happy home that gives its tenants to good luck in everything: health, money, relationships, for the 8 period, which will last until 2024 - this house with the date of construction is not early on February 4, 2004 and with the facial direction of the SM1 or SV1. The rest of the houses built in 8 periods have a middle luck or bad. Also, almost all houses built in periods of 1 to 7, have unhappy energy in 8 periods.

Of course, not everyone is lucky to buy and live in a house built in 8 period and south-west-oriented 1 (this is a south-west in the range of 202.6 -217.5 degrees) or northeast 1 (22,6-37, 5 degrees). Most of the houses are either older or not so happy. You can make a reconstruction so that the house gets the facial direction to UZ1 or CB1, while you need to fully replace the floor, roofs and doors, at least. Either you can "treat" an unhappy house.

"First number", which is recommended to overcome the undesirable effect from flying stars - this Qi Lin with ho that. Symbol Ho T.- A special character from the Ho River detected Fu Si. This sign was drawn on the unicorn, which, according to the ancient records, rose from the yellow river to show himself Fu Si and so much knowledge was received feng Shui. However, actually shows secrets underlying the universe, humanity and nature of all things. The presence of such combinations has the ability to overcome bad flying stars in any situations, to pay bad luck in a good house, affected by unwanted stars. This happens because how the combinations determine the time dimension. This is an ultimative treatment and an amplifier generating good energy, an overwhelming and treating / improving Feng Shui space in an extremely bad situation, where other Feng Shui funds are considered as not sufficiently strong to overcome the influence of bad flying stars.

1. Houses built up to 8 periods.

2. Houses built in the period 8, not having the facial direction on the UZ1 or SV1.

According to Feng Shui, is the main tool for analyzing the energy estimate of any space, whether it is an office, a house, an apartment, a household plot. This octagon with the location is an energy card divided into 9 sectors, including the center. Each sector describes a certain aspect of human life. Below we describe each of them.

Magic Square Lo-ShuIt is a square with nine sectors, which is as well as the Bagua octagon, serves as a tool for analyzing the power of the premises. According to the legend, four thousand years ago from the River Lo, the divine turtle crashed ashore, depicting numbers on the shell, the order of these numbers is the basis of all Feng Shui formulas.

Different Schools Feng Shui use either the magic square of Lo-Shu, or the octagon of Bagua, both tools give almost the same result, but there is still a small difference, but we will not consider it in this article. For novice practitioners of Feng Shui, I would advise using the square Lo-Shu, as it is easier to impose on the plan of the apartment.

How to use square lo-shu

Square Lo-Shu One of the main tools Feng Shui to assess the energy of any premises. To use it, you will need a plan of your apartment or office, home, household plot, etc., after which you will need to determine the orientation of your room on the sides of the world. To do this, take any tourist compass, stand up with your apartment's entrance door, and make measurements with a compass, when measuring you need to take into account interference from iron structures. Therefore, take a step forward from the door and take the second dimension, and if they match, it means no interference and your measurement is accurate. If the results do not match, try to determine the source of the interference and perform measurements at a distance from it.

After you have completed the measurement by the compass and accurately determined the orientation of your apartment. On the plan of your apartment, apply the square Lo-Shu together with it accurately with the sides of the world. Now you have an energy card of your apartment, with this map you can influence different aspects of your life, below we will look at everything in order.

How to apply the square Lo-Shu on the room plan

According to the practice of Feng Shui, the right form of the house is a square or rectangle, in such premises the energy of qi is distributed evenly, and put the square Lo-Shu on the plan of the house, will not be much difficult. To do this, take the plan of the house, apartments and draw on the carrier walls of the house of the line, you need a square or a rectangle depending on the form of the structure. All that fell abroad, balconies, protrusions, all non-residential premises do not need to take. Next evenly distribute this square or rectangle to nine identical sectors, you should have nine identical squares or rectangles. After that, in the diagram, mark the sides of the world.

If your apartment plan has an incorrect shape, that is, is not a square, a rectangle. For example, your apartment is the letter "g", then also on the bearing walls, draw it to a square or rectangle.

As can be seen in the figure, the Eastern region of the apartment is completely absent, this sector refers to the family, below we describe them all. According to Feng Shui, the residents of this house, there are disagreements with parents, misunderstanding with children and with all the fact that the family sector is connected. If you have a similar situation and missing any sector, do not be discouraged, there are corrective Feng Shui funds that correct these situations and make the favorable energy of your home.

Sectors and zones of apartments

Knowing the descriptions of all sectors and zones of the apartment, we can analyze the energy card of our house, and find out what sector it is worth activating first of all to feel more successful, happier, richer and so on. You will learn in which area it is best to locate

1. Career, Life Path - North

Main element: water.

Powering element: metal.

Colors to activate the sector: white, blue, blue, black.

The career sector belongs to how you earn a living, it indicates your life path and your goals to which you are striving. The idea is that if you are really on the right track, then at work you feel very good, you are full of enthusiasm, and you like your job. If this is not the case, then you should pay attention to this sector in your home.

2. Relationships and Love - Southwest

Main element: Earth.

Power element: Fire.

Colors to activate the sector: red, pink, all shades of brown.

The sector of love and relationship is responsible for your relationship with a close person, as well as for relationships with friends, family. If you are alone or you have a marriage problem, it is worth focusing on this sector and bring it in order. To activate the sector, you can use pair things, such as two vases, red candles and so on.

3. Family - East

Main element: Tree.

Powering element: water.

Colors to activate the sector: brown, green, blue, black, slightly red.

The family sector is responsible for your relationship with children, parents, as well as your relatives. If you have disagreements with parents or children, you should pay attention to this sector and bring it in order. Live flowers can be used to activate the sector.

4. Wealth - Southeast

Main element: Tree.

Powering element: water.

Colors to activate the sector: purple, green, lilac, slightly red.

Sector Wealth is responsible for material benefits, prosperity and prosperity. It also applies to the inner to your perception of the world, whether you feel happy, satisfied with life. To activate the sector, you can use aquarium with fish, a fountain, and live flowers with round leaves will be suitable. If you are pursuing financial failures in life, then you should first pay attention to this sector, bring it in order, remove the ruins, if any.

5. Health - Center

Main element: Earth.

Power element: Fire.

Colors to activate the sector: beige, yellow, terracotta, orange.

This central sector is responsible for your health as a whole, for your well-being, as you quickly restore your strength. This sector has a special location, being in the center. It combines other sectors together, so it has an impact on all sectors in your home. The word health conveys the direct meaning of this sector, the health of other adjacent sectors depends on its health, that is, if this sector is not in order, there are dumps - it will adversely affect all other sectors and to affect all aspects of life. Or, on the contrary, if you activate this sector, then positive will have a positive effect on all other sectors in your home.

6. Assistants and travel - North-West

Main element: Metal.

Powering element: Earth.

This sector is responsible for traveling, patrons, support for friends in difficult moments of life, as well as for spiritual mentors and intuition. Do you have to contact your difficult moments of life? Do you have authoritative familiar who can help you, in irresistible situations? If you have problems with all this, you should pay attention to this sector and bring it in order.

7. Creativity and children - West

Main element: Metal.

Powering element: Earth.

Colors to activate the sector: gray, white, golden, silver, yellow.

This sector is responsible for following how you spend your free time, active vacation in nature, or as you express yourself through art, sport. As well as your relationship with children and their upbringing. If you have problems with conception, it is worth paying attention to this sector. This area also applies to your statement of life plans and their implementation, the materialization of your desires.

8. Knowledge and wisdom - Northeast

Main element: Earth.

Power element: Fire.

Colors to activate the sector: orange, yellow, terracotta, beige.

This area is responsible for how you learn, know the world, gain experience. If you experience the problem in the field of learning, you should first look for the reasons in this sector of your home. Another sector is an ideal place for home meditation, and yoga classes.

You have so many times heard about Feng Shui, about his healing properties for human life. Probably, you even read a lot of interesting articles about him, and perhaps our article is the first on the way to the opening of your limitless opportunities. Why limitless? Yes, because Feng Shui is really able to help you in the implementation of the accumulated potential.

So, what is Feng Shui? Feng Shui is a Chinese teaching age in two thousand years about the harmonization of human life according to the laws of nature. And even despite such a number of years, this science remains popular and requested to this day. And not only in China. Feng Shui has zones to which the room is divided. And these zones are like an impact on the overall course of life. The grid of Bagua is responsible for the location of the zones indoors. What it is? - Ask, - and we will now tell you everything quickly.

Grid Bagua - What is it?

Although it is an unfamiliar phrase and sounds frightening, but, in fact, there is nothing to be frightened. Grid Bagua is a zoned octagon. The name itself comes from two Chinese words: "Ba" - eight, "Gua" - a trigram. In every corner of the grid (and, as we just learned, eight) there is a zone according to division into parts of the world: north, south, west, east and, accordingly, their derivatives, that is, adjacent sides.

So why do you need a grid of Bagua? The grid of Bagua allows you to correctly divide the room to the sectors, when activated which your life turns out of the sloping river into the raging stream. Well, it is figurative, of course How it works? Very simple: you just need to impose a grid of Bagua (or the square of Bagua - a type of the presented grid) on the plan of its home. How to do it? Now you will learn everything in the smallest details.

How to find zones in the apartment on the grid Bagua

To start working, you will need:

Some free time;



Printed (or drawn) Bagua grid in A4 format;

Drawn apartment plan \\ home \\ rooms in A4 format (to match our printed grid)

Compass (or, in the conditions of its absence, observation and pair of windows in the apartment);

Cooker * Wink *

As you can see, nothing supernatural is required. As soon as we prepared everything you need, proceed to the definition of the parties of the world. There is as many ways.

Method number 1.

Take the compass in the hands and go to the front door of your apartment \\ at home. Stand back to her back, and to the "entrails" of the apartment face ("Hut, hut, stand up to the forest in front of ..."). Masters usually advise here not to laugh, because it is really an important point * Good *

Taking the right position, pay attention to the compass: it must lie on your palm horizontally, its red arrow should point to the north (always!). There is one little secret: if the input door is iron, then the "compass" measurements may be inaccurate. Yes, such is the effect of iron items on a compass. For loyalty and accuracy of indications, make measurements from different points of the apartment. So it will be more reliable.

If there is an iron fireplace in the measured room, then it's better to move away from it. These are simple tips. As soon as you decide on the sides of the world, mark them on the plan of the apartment \\ at home. So you will be more understandable in Feng Shui home \\ cottage. Zones, by the way, find it in this way will not be difficult.

Method number 2.

In the absence of a compass, you can take advantage of your observation. Yes, now many masters can throw us with sticks, because "Feng Shui - the science is accurate, respectively, requires maximum accuracy in everything."

Suppose that it is so, but what if you really want to change the life today, while there is a couple of free minutes, the mood, and even the lack of "extra" people in the house that your desire may not like.

Suddenly you remove the apartment from the elderly woman with an inflexible Orthodox-Christian point of view on all the events occurring in life? Then what a hair dry shui is there: the houses will take out, also a broom from the hostess grabbing ... Therefore, this method is suitable for those who do not want to lose precious minutes in search of a compass in stores.

So, if there are two windows overlooking the opposite sides, then you are extremely lucky. You will need to pay attention to which the sun comes up or sits. If you are lucky enough to meet dawn out of the window - then you are the eastern side.

If the sunset is respectively, Western. In the event that neither dawn, no sunset, you do not see, then watch over the windows during the day, from about 13 to 15 hours. The party that will be most lit or even chopped the South side. And the one that remained in the shade and less bright compared to the other - North.

If there is no such possibility, then walk early in the morning through the surroundings. And watch where the sun rises, and where it comes. Then, with the definition of the North-South, there will be no problems. Well, if you still noticed the "topographic ignion" syndrome, and you, after the definition of the East-West, it is difficult to mentally mentally remember the location of the North-South, then remember the map of the countries of the world, which once diligently studied at school (in any case, you see, it is better than running and look for moss on trees from the northern side).

The West is the USA, the East is China, the north is, it is rude, Canada, and the south - also rudely suppose African countries. Presented? Now you understand that if you are standing face to the West (USA), East (China) - behind you. Then to the right of you will be the north (Canada), and on the left - South (African continent). If it happened so that you look east, then the map plan works in mirror mapping.

Mentally deploy this card before your eyes, and voila! - You finally decided on the sides of the world. It remains only to transfer them to the housing plan.

After you have decided on the sides of the world, it's time to determine the hairdry shui areas. How? We read further.

How to determine the zones of Feng Shui

Now we sit comfortably at the table, we in the hands of our apartment / houses with marked parties, a ruler and pencil. From the external corners of the apartment laying thin diagonal lines so that the total point of contact appears in the middle of the house plan. This is our middle. The epicenter of all events, we would even say.

Now the time of the printed grid of Bagua is coming to visually represent the diagrams of the hair dry shui. We impose it in such a way that the dwelling center coincides with the center on the grid, and the light side of the Bagua (or, in a different way, sectors) coincided with the already marked by you.

Now you can accurately note not only the main sides, but also derivatives: Northeast, North-West, South-West, Southeast. These sides of the world are the same zones of Bagua on Feng Shui. Mark their lines on the plan for visibility. Here, in fact, all the location of the zones on Feng Shui.

Now it's time to do the improvement of the zone that you need the most at the moment. Why do we propose to activate to start only one zone? Because the great masters of science advise so much. If you do simultaneously improvement at once (yes, at least two) zones, then break the procedure for the flow of the beneficial energy of q. You will create chaos and get a completely reverse effect. Therefore, do everything gradually, without superfluous. At the same time, and check how relevant for you this zone, and all the science of Feng Shui in general.

Still, the masters urge you not to just arrange the Chinese figures in the corners, but also correctly distribute colors and furniture in the interior. And here, as they say, the bird is a bird.

All of the above tips relate not only to the apartment, home, but also to any room, including some separate room. In this case, you will need a printed Bagua grid and a room plan on an appropriate scale. Then you will have a hairdl shui zone in the room.

Activation of Feng Shui zones

Now let's talk about zones and activate them. As we have already found out earlier, all zones in Feng Shui correspond to the parties of light. Moreover, they have their numerological importance, color palette and scope. To activate each Feng Shui zone, an appropriate attribute is required, including symbols and talismans Feng Shui. Colors in zones generally have almost a magical effect.

Let's start our review. According to the octagon of Bagua, the zones are the following names:

Career Sector

North -Zon Career and prospects responsible for career growth, professional success and development of your trade-order skills.

If you work for years, and at the same time still go to the position of a simple employee, then the activation of this zone is simply necessary for you. The elements of this sector acts water (colors of the zone on Feng Shui: blue, blue, black), number - 1.

Sector assistants, travel

Northwest - Areas of Assistants and Travels. The presence of the sector allows you to receive help from friends, patrons. Helps to hear the voice of their mind and contributes to the development of intuition. If you dreamed of going on a trip, but did not find time, forces, opportunities, or money for him: activate the zone and get what you want. Element sector - metal (colors of a hairdryer zone: white, gray, silver, golden), number - 6.

Wisdom Sector, Knowledge

Northeast - the zone of wisdom, knowledge, studies responsible for all your success in school, the activity of mental capabilities, the ability to perceive and assimilate the necessary information.

The sector is simply necessary to schoolchildren, students and all those who gnaw granite science or expands the borders of their knowledge. Element Zone - Earth (colors of the zone on Feng Shui: terracotta, brown, beige, sandy), number - 8.

Children's sector, creativity

West - the zone of children and creativity. This sector helps to activate your creative potential, find inspiration and generate ideas. If you want to conceive a child - the activation of the sector is simply necessary, as in the event that there are difficulties in the upbringing of existing children.

Element, carrying responsibility for the sector - Metal, (Colors of the Feng Shui Zone: Silver, Golden, White, Gray), Number - 7.

Health sector, family

East - Health, Family and Wellness Area. Activation contributes to improved health, preservation of well-being in the family. The zone is aimed at both a specific person and the needs of the family as a whole. Sometimes health zone is distinguished by the central part in the Grid of Bagua. But most often the masters call the central place - the epicenter of the personality. That is, the center is the beginning and the end of all actions and circulation of energy. Therefore, it is east, most often, acts as a married zone and a health area. The corresponding element is a tree, (colors of the zone on Feng Shui: all shades of green), number - 3.

Sector of Glory, Success

South - zone of glory and success. Reputation, success, influence and position in society - for all this zone is responsible. You work, and you do not notice? Are you an empty place in the eyes of society? And why? Because the sector is not activated. And you thought?

It is necessary to urgently do it, and the zone (well, if you have already had a merit * Wink *) Element - Fire (Colors of the Feng Shui Zone: Red, Yellow, Orange), number -9.

Sector of Love

Southwest - Love Zone. Want to find a satellite of life? Or do you want to marry the current applicant? Well, nothing complicated - just arrange this zone.

The element responsible for your personal happiness is the Earth (colors of the Feng Shui Zone: beige, brown, sandy, terracotta), number -2.

Wealth Sector

South-Rostok - Welfare Zone and Wealth. Carries money rivers and earthly material benefits in your life. Empty wallet?

Then pay your gaze to the southeast zone of your home and activate the sector correctly. Elements - Tree (colors of the zone on Feng Shui: Green and all derivatives of shades), number -4.

That's all the zones of Feng Shui. The activation of zones in the apartment will bring you, as the masters assure, the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions. Well, what about otherwise? After all, in theory, you will need to get everything to seek what. On a saucer. With blue cutter.

It is important to remember that the colors of the Feng Shui sectors and the numbers are shown in our review not just like this: they contribute to the enhancement of zones and provide a favorable energy flow of q. Stick the color palette, do not miss the element responsible for the zone, stick to the specified numbers when the colors in the vase, the number of talismans.

Strengthening Feng Shui zones - an important point, by whom it is also more expensive. How else to strengthen Feng Shui zones? Read our full-length reviews for each sector. There you will find all the most necessary: \u200b\u200bTips on activation of the Haird-Shui zone, symbols and talismans Feng Shui, colors along the zones of Feng Shui and even the location and equipment of these most zones.

Correction of missing sectors

Of course, it can happen that in your apartment \\ your house does not get any zone. This happens due to non-standard architectural designs. For example, g- or T-shaped dwellings. Some masters advise in this case to come to humble or hang on the walls of the mirror, thus "imitating" the presence of zones. Of course, you can take advantage of this advice, but it is important to remember that the mirrors (in any case, large and directed to the relax zone) is not a place in the bedrooms, children's rooms and in the corridors opposite the entrance door. The benefits in these cases will not be only harm. It is better then to leave everything at all as it is.

But there are masters offering "superstructures" of missing zones. This information is relevant, first of all, for owners of cottages, large houses. The missing area is created using attachments or otherwise filling space. It all depends on the missing zone.

If there is no eastern part responsible for the health and well-being of the family as a whole, then place a small pond with lake fish in this place or put a small garden fountain. If there is no western part responsible for children and creativity, then you can safely put shrubs, flowers, or create a children's corner with a sandbox, swings. By the way, the children's corner can be equipped in any missing area: laughter of children, their energy and life force will contribute to the development and prosperity of any sector, since children are a favorable energy of qi in their lively incarnation.

If you want to change anything or not such an opportunity, you can quite activate the missing sector in some separate room. Or altogether located in the single room all zones. Feng Shui zones in the room - a completely self-sufficient approach. Well, why not? Thus, the effect will be the same, but it will be directed to the owner of the room. Although, if you place the zones in the living room, it is quite possible to force areas to work for the whole family. It is only necessary to solve for yourself whether you want to solely get enough success or divided it with all households

Studio and Feng Shui

Since the living room is touched upon ... The masters assure that the studio-studios currently popular in Russia is completely unfavorable for Feng Shui. The space in them is not delimited, and the living room is directly conjugate with the kitchen. And this is the most categorical taboo when distributing zones in Feng Shui. The living room should be located separately from all rooms. Here is a great task, you will notice sarcastically, and you will be right. Our Russian cavity does not know the barriers. You can always use interroom partitions or zonate the space shelves, cabinets, plasterboard and all the fact that your fantasy will tell you. As you can see, there is a way out of any problem.

The most important thing is what the master is calling by the choir, - to ensure the complete, as close as possible to the ideal, order. Say the solid there is no dust, dirt, whip, old and broken things. Throw unfortunately broken plates, vases, broken chairs and sofas, old clothes and other old trash. Correctly, if everything is abandoned by the bill, then where to put Chinese talismans and a hairdry shui symbols? * Victory *

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