Trigon of the moon and saturn. Moon and Saturn. Aspects and compensation. The influence of the trigone on the character and behavior of a person

Hall, living room 01.07.2021
Hall, living room

Trine is a harmonious aspect, thanks to which the native manages to be successful and prosperous in many areas of life. The astrological images of the Moon and Saturn are different, but united by the aspect of the trigon, these luminaries act in a coordinated and constructive manner.

Responsible for the period of childhood, and - for maturity and old age. If there is a trine of these luminaries, then the native knows how to build relationships with people older than him, takes care of his parents and has a pedagogical talent.

The moon is a moving light and describes the subject's ability to adapt. Saturn is associated with rules, regulations, instructions and directives. The owner of the aforementioned aspect is able to follow the instructions of his superiors, integrates into the hierarchy without problems, maintains order in the house and at the workplace.

The influence of the trigone on the character and behavior of a person

A person with this configuration makes the impression on those around him of a serious, responsible and prudent personality. Such people are thoughtful, patient, practical and thorough. At work, they are entrusted with important affairs and projects, and at home they play the role of guardians of family values ​​and foundations.

In unfamiliar surroundings, subject is cautious. Tactfulness, good manners and delicacy help him find allies, and the ability to obey the established discipline and strictly follow the rules of the game - to achieve recognition and success.

The owner of the aspect is distinguished by practicality in everyday life, knows how to save and save what he has acquired. Such people take the advice and recommendations of doctors seriously, because they do not want to allow the development of serious and dangerous diseases in themselves and their loved ones.

Aspect configuration in the male horoscope

The moon in a man's horoscope will describe the nature of the relationship with the mother and with the opposite sex. The harmonious aspect between the Moon and Saturn will tell about the parent-child relationship with the spouse. They have both control and care, and a clear distribution of roles between partners.

Best of all, a relationship will develop with a hardworking, economic, business woman who strives for stability. The couple will have values ​​and aspirations such as creating a strong union and a strong family, acquiring real estate and a solid financial position.

Aspect configuration in the female horoscope

If in the horoscope of a woman there is a trine of the moon and Saturn, then in her image and character there is seriousness and wisdom beyond her years. The owner of the horoscope is trying to make a career and achieve success in her chosen activity.

Having become a wife and mother, such a woman assumes many responsibilities for the house and household and copes with them successfully. A lot of joint affairs are planned and carried out with the spouse. The children of the owner of the horoscope are well educated, accustomed to work and discipline.

Aspect configuration in the child's horoscope

A child with the mentioned aspect is distinguished by modesty, diligence and diligence. He does not need to be brought up by force or forced to do something. Such children interact well with adults and enjoy the opportunity to do something with them together.

Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Trigon in most cases unites planets located in the same element. The interaction of the Moon and Saturn is especially effective when they are in the signs of Water or Earth.

If the luminaries stand in water signs (in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), then the owner of the horoscope is unusually productive in the creative field. He can understand and enter into the position of any person, which allows him to establish fruitful cooperation with everyone.

If the planets are located in earth signs (in Capricorn, in Virgo or in Taurus), then the native knows how to create reserves, earn money and solve property issues.

If the trine that united the satellite of the Earth and the planet named after the god of fertility (Moon-Saturn) appears in the natal chart of a person, then he will be promised success in all spheres of life. Consider the significance of this astronomical phenomenon for a child born under his auspices in the personal horoscopes of adults and in the synastry when comparing birth charts.

How is the Moon-Saturn trine reflected in the character of a person in the natal chart

Despite the fact that the spheres of influence of these two heavenly bodies are significantly different, an aspect such as a triangle is able to unite their forces for the good of the person in whose birth chart he will be.

Since the satellite of the Earth is responsible for the infancy and childhood of a person, and the planet of the most ancient god rules over mature age and old age, a native with this aspect in a personal horoscope is able to find a common language with representatives of all generations.

Holders of such a trigon are indispensable workers who understand their leaders perfectly and responsibly approach the execution of various assignments.

Among the distinctive character traits are:

  • prudence,
  • seriousness,
  • a responsibility,
  • practicality,
  • patience,
  • diligence,
  • thoroughness.

Such individuals know how to comfortably equip their life, they always adhere to discipline and are economical in their acquired property.

They take their health very seriously, always seek professional advice and follow the recommendations.

As professions of this type, education or volunteer activities are suitable.

What this aspect promises for men

The presence of such an astronomical phenomenon as the Moon-Saturn trine in a man means that he will have many positive qualities. This individual easily builds a trusting and warm relationship with his mother, is caring and reverent in his relationship with his spouse.

In his soul mate, this type of men is looking for:

  • thrift,
  • efficiency,
  • hard work,
  • stability.

The meaning of the trigon Moon-Saturn in a woman

If a woman has a Moon-Saturn trine in her natal chart, then she will have such traits as:

  • wisdom,
  • seriousness,
  • a responsibility,
  • purposefulness,
  • perseverance.

These ladies never stop there.

For them, it seems that there is no chapel to perfection. These individuals strive to succeed in their careers, but at the same time they do not forget about the family.

They make household, attentive and loving wives. These women approach raising their own children with their usual seriousness and responsibility.

Significance in synastry

If the trine turns out to be in the synastry when comparing the horoscopes of both sexes, then such a union will be strong, reliable and long. Both partners will always follow moral standards.

How this astronomical phenomenon affects children

With this trigone in the birth chart, modest and diligent children are born. They always listen to their parents, are distinguished by obedience and contact.

Parents of such a child will be incredibly lucky, because he will understand his mom and dad perfectly.

In raising such a child, one does not need to resort to corporal punishment and coercion. The best pastime for him will be joint games with adults.

How the signs of the zodiac are combined with the trigon of the moon and Saturn in astrology

This aspect will be able to reveal all its strengths if it finds itself in the constellations belonging to the Water or Earth element.

Water signs in combination with the Moon-Saturn give the world creative personalities who also have sensuality, empathy and contact.

But the Earth signs in alliance with this trigone will endow the native with the ability to make money and save money.

Having learned what character traits the Moon-Saturn trine in the birth chart endows a person with, you can reach significant heights, relying on your strengths.

If the position of the Sun determines the motives and aspirations that dominate in a person's life, visible to the naked eye, then the position of the Moon in the sign tells about secret desires that may not appear or not come true, and aspects of this planet affect the spheres of the subconscious, the past.

What do the harmonious aspects of the Moon mean in the horoscope

In a boy's life, Luna usually indicates his relationship with his mother or her substitute.

Harmonious aspects of the Moon in the horoscope strengthen the connection with the mother, and tense aspects (for example, a square with Saturn) mean problems.

In the girl's horoscope, the position of the Moon relative to other planets gives an idea of ​​her attitude to motherhood and the expected role of a mother from her on an emotional level.

Aspects of the Moon in a horoscope affect feelings, needs, emotional reactions to people and events, the manifestation of the feminine principle in children of both sexes.

Moon connections with other planets

Moon conjunctions enhance emotions and the subconscious mind. This aspect always includes women and relationships with women.

He also controls instinctive reactions to events and situations indicated by the sign and the house of his location.

The moon is the fastest of the planets, it has the ability to endow the planets that come into aspects with it, changeability.

The conjunctions of the Moon in the horoscope with other planets will mean the following:

Moon - Mercury conjunction

A person always knows exactly what he is feeling, and can tell about it in detail, sometimes bringing the interlocutors to white heat by listing all the nuances of their impressions.

Always notices everything. He may be unable to keep his mouth shut even to save his soul. As soon as he starts to worry, his hands begin to move, not to mention the intestines.

This aspect connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain, the conscious and unconscious mind.

Your thoughts are heavily influenced by emotions, but your emotions are a conduit for information hidden in your unconscious. You have a sharp and often poisonous mind.

With favorable aspects, you have an excellent memory and heightened intuition. With unfavorable aspects, anxiety and increased sensitivity to criticism arise.

Moon - Venus conjunction

He is very afraid of ruining relations with people. He is so kind and helpful that he looks like a feather bed.

He needs softness, and from the discomfort he just turns pale, thinner and withers away. He desperately needs kindness and attention, and at the same time can be monstrously greedy without noticing it. It's a pleasure to spend time with him.

Life is very easy for you, especially if you are a woman. You are physically attractive, it grabs the attention of other people. You are lucky in romantic relationships and friendships and in general with women.

In the male horoscope, this aspect means all sorts of bright personalities, next to whom other people are pleased to be.

You may be a little conceited and complacent, but so what? You deserve it.

Moon - Mars conjunction

A courageous person who will fight back anyone who decides to threaten him. He has a very short period of fear and cannot stand being afraid.

Quite tough in his reactions, but not inclined to attack first. He is either hot or cold.

Your emotions are intense and you have a fast, expressive mind.

This combination can lead to artistic or musical ability; combined with conjunction with Venus, you can develop into a great artist or musician.

Usually this aspect involves successful financial affairs. In a female horoscope, this means a magnetic personality and the desire to achieve prominent positions or recognition that are commensurate with male ones.

Your aggression and intense emotions sometimes lead to destructive relationships. Emotions have a profound effect on your health.

Moon-Jupiter conjunction

This is a man with a big and wide soul, for whom the whole world is ready to throw off if he suddenly finds himself without a piece of bread.

A person with such a conjunction of the Moon in the horoscope is hospitable, but if there are few guests, he is bored.

He loves spaces, and his house is vast, even if for this he has to live on the street. He may be claustrophobic.

Your compassionate and generous nature allows you to win friends among many very different people.

There is a certain nobility in you that people respect and gravitate toward. Women are especially keen on you. You are most likely in good health.

You enjoy traveling, especially with family members or soul mates.

Moon - Saturn conjunction

A bit dry, to say the least. Constantly afraid to break a rule, which makes him restless.

He always feels sorry for himself, because he is always guilty of something, overlooked something, did not take care of something and did something inaccurately.

You are by nature very serious and thoughtful. You are a hard worker in all your pursuits, carefully and successfully taking all the steps that are necessary to achieve your goals.

Your harshness sometimes hurts others, but you don't see it.

You tend to be introverted, can be emotionally depressed, and sometimes act like you are the center of the universe.

On the other hand, Saturn can give structure to your emotions and guide them in a more constructive way.

Moon - Uranus conjunction

Emotionally inadequate. He does not cry when everyone is doing this, and weeps when no one sees the reasons for this.

Seems unfeeling, detached, reacts to the wrong things. He notices not what is shown to him, looking not at the main, but at insignificant details and reacting precisely to them.

You are the perfect original, eccentric, independent and fearless. You often behave so unpredictably that people don't know what to expect from you.

Your imagination and intuition are highly developed and changeable. Lice family life is unusual in its own way.

Moon - Neptune conjunction

Very gentle and never completely sure how to react in this particular situation. The observer is intuitive and always cared for.

It is very sensitive to half-tones, intonations, smells and everything that is unclear. Shy.

You are mentally attuned to other people, to their emotional environment. In some situations, this trait can be so prominent that you become a psychic sponge.

Depending on other aspects of the natal chart, this can cause mental and emotional confusion or heightened abilities of the medium, which can lead to spiritual insight.

Moon - Pluto conjunction

A brave man who is attentive to the actions of others and notices, first of all, the deeds.

Strong feelings, violent reactions. The owner of such a conjunction of the Moon in the horoscope can be dangerous when attacked. Popular with decision makers.

Get off the deck! Your emotions can be so intense that other people have trouble putting up with you for long periods of time.

However, others will be drawn to your charisma. Your willingness to accept emotional risk leads to periodic cleansing of your closest relationships. Sudden and radical breaks with the family are possible.

This aspect is mentally strong and is often an indicator of true psychic talent. This aspect was in the horoscope of Edgar Cayce.

You are deeply interested in life after death, reincarnation and other metaphysical topics.

Moon Conjunction - Lunar North Node

You keep your finger on the pulse of public opinion and use it to your advantage. Your relationships with women are generally good and somewhat beneficial to you.

Conjunction Moon - South Lunar Node

You don't feel the time well. You never get to the right place at the right time. This can lead to depression, bitterness, and finally isolation.

But if you can overcome your emotional reactions and learn to discipline your efforts, you will overcome all inconveniences.

This aspect may be related to past lives in which you misused wealth and power.

Conjunction Moon - Ascendant

You understand the feelings of others. The experiences of early childhood you carry with you throughout your life, and they color your emotional responses in adulthood. You are deeply attached to home and family.

Moon-Mid-Sky Conjunction

If your life is not yet open to the public, then at some stage in your life it will be so. This aspect is preferred by actors and politicians. Women will help you achieve your goals.

Connection Moon - IC

The moon rules naturally here, so this is an excellent aspect. Strong family ties support you emotionally.

Your intuition is well developed, especially when it comes to children, parents, family and home. You probably live or want to live near water.

Conjunction Moon - Point of Fortune

Listen to your intuition, pay attention to your dreams and what your emotions tell you. Then go ahead.

Sextiles and Moons with other planets

These aspects deal with the expression of emotions, early childhood, and your relationship with your mother and women in general.

Sextiles and Trines of the Moon also focus on harmony in your own home with certain qualities of memory and intuition.

Moon and Mercury Sextile

Your memory is excellent. Your emotions and mind work together in perfect harmony.

Your communication skills are highly developed and you can use them in almost any profession you choose.

This aspect favors writers or others who use communication skills in the profession, or work outside the home.

Moon and Venus Sextile

You have immense charm and a generous nature. Your artistic interests and leanings are wonderful.

In a male horoscope, this aspect means that you get along well with women and benefit from your relationship with them.

In a woman's horoscope, he indicates that you are sociable and sensitive. It also signifies fertility and a prosperous, happy marriage.

Moon and Mars Sextile

You are an emotionally active person, and your energy and vitality helps you fly through whatever needs to be done.

You may flare up at times, especially if provoked, but in general are not inclined to hold a grudge against anyone. You are known as a person who does everything that he undertakes.

Moon and Jupiter Sextile

Your hunches and gut feelings about situations and people usually hit right on target. You have a huge body of empirical knowledge and an excellent memory.

You almost always get to know the best in people.

Moon and Saturn Sextile

Your patience and discernment allows you to understand the inner workings of personal relationships.

You are able to structure your subconscious feelings, so you work with them consciously, consciously. You have excellent business sense.

Moon and Uranus Sextile

You welcome change and use it to your advantage. Your keen intuition allows you to quickly grasp the complex inner principles of any situation.

You are different from other people, but that never bothered you.

Moon and Neptune Sextile

Your imagination and psychic abilities are equally powerful and mutually reinforcing. This is an excellent aspect for writers, physicians, and psychic healers. You may have a photographic memory.

Moon and Pluto Sextile

Somehow, you are always able to restore yourself through your emotions.

You dive into the deepest levels of your soul to find the answers or create the opportunities you need when you need them. This aspect implies a great purpose and a sense of purpose.

Trigons of the Moon with other planets

Trine of the Moon and Mercury

You have good common sense and are quick to learn. Your ability to reconstruct past events is almost unique, but you don't linger in the past.

You get along well, especially with your family members. A good aspect for people working with their hands.

Trine of the Moon and Venus

Financial prosperity and the element of luck are the advantages of this aspect. It indicates that you are adorable, sophisticated, and physically attractive.

You like to surround yourself with beautiful things. You are an optimist, love children and want your own or have already had one. Indicates also a harmonious marriage.

Trine of the Moon and Mars

You control your emotions and passions well, you have a quick, sharp mind. Your emotions and mind rarely contradict each other.

Your self-confidence and ease in dealing with people are impressive, they help you achieve what you strive for.

Trine of the Moon and Jupiter

Subconscious desires can push you to travel abroad, in which you look for evidence of ancient cultures or your own connections to these places in past lives.

Your spiritual teaching, be it orthodox or unconditional, forms an intricate part of your inner life!

Your optimistic views and generous nature inspire others. This aspect usually means a happy, satisfying family life and financial prosperity.

Trine of the Moon and Saturn

You are by nature reserved and careful, but do not let this limit you. You change when the time for change comes.

You are loyal to your family and friends, and they respond in kind. You are able to structure your creative impulses into practical projects.

Trine of the Moon and Uranus

Your magnetic personality attracts stimulating people.

You are a progressive thinker who is usually so time-oriented that you instinctively know when to seize an opportunity.

The past matters to you only in what you have taken out of it; the future interests you much more.

This aspect often indicates a connection with metaphysical groups. With this trine, there is often an interest in astrology.

Trine of the Moon and Neptune

In this aspect, self-expression is especially strong through dance, art, music, theater, performing arts and literary creation.

You are by nature spiritual, imaginative, gentle and compassionate.

Trine of the Moon and Pluto

The intensity of your emotions is well controlled and constructively directed. You use it, consciously or unconsciously, for spiritual development.

Others guess this property in you and because of it they are drawn to you.

Sextiles or Trigons of the Moon with other planets

Sectile or Trine of the Moon and Lunar Nodes

Although you remember the pain and losses of the past, they do not pull you back. You learn from them and happily greet your future.

Your instincts rarely fail you. Listen to them. Develop your inner voice.

Sextile or Trine of the Moon and the Ascendant

You are sensitive to criticism, but as you get older, you begin to understand why. You are well aware of the mood of society and use it to your advantage.

Your sensitivity to other people's feelings helps you get along with just about everyone.

Your family and close relationships are vital to your emotional and physical well-being.

Sextile or Trine Moon and Midheaven or IC

Pay attention to coincidences in your life; they lead you on the path to the greatest prosperity.

Women and family members support your career and support your professional ambitions. Trina usually enhances the chances of professional success.

Sextile or Trine Moon and Points of Fortune

Look at the house where the Fortune Point is located; this is where you will find those benefits that are sure to set you on the path to your greatest prosperity.

Various sources for a child's horoscope

Your child is hardworking, perceptive, and has self-esteem, common sense, and a sense of duty, but may be prone to sadness. He lacks confidence, the expression of feelings can be restrained. It may seem to him that one of the parents, and maybe even both, do not love him enough, and he sometimes feels very lonely. Parents should give their child as much positive energy as possible, praise him, show his love. The child should be taught to deal with feelings of sadness and anxiety as early as possible.

Het Monster. Aspects

Caution, conservatism. Common sense, organizational talent. They can withstand considerable difficulties in order to achieve the goal. They know how to be cunning, but not very resourceful - they develop business on the basis of familiar, once learned principles. Often a Spartan lifestyle. Self-esteem and a sense of duty are characteristic.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological Dictionary

Trine, sextile: aspects that combine subtle sensitivity and firmness. Restrained temperament, complete control over emotions, peace of mind, the search for confidence in the material, everyday life, in the family. Often there is a tendency to restraint in the manifestation of emotions, caution, the need for peace and solitude. Lack of imagination and the ability to adapt: ​​the mind inhibits the movement of the soul. A person is faithful to the family hearth, but is alien to unnecessary tenderness.

Absalom Underwater. Aspects

Moon Trine: Ingratitude is a wall that protects a person's personal happiness from the disharmony of the world as a whole.
In the spheres ruled by the Planet, it is difficult to emotionally hurt this person for a long time: his ability to restore the balance disturbed in the subconscious is amazing. Trine Moon - Venus gives extraordinary inner resistance to love experiences, trine Moon - Sun - to any imperative circumstances. With an egocentric attitude, the trine of the Moon produces a neat but completely ruthless vampire in areas associated with the Planet, ruthless because he is completely unaware of what he is really doing. For example, with an unworked Moon-Venus trine, a person can sincerely love and somehow understand art, but his perception will be largely physiological, that is, it will be accompanied by a gross profanation of aesthetic streams. Having talked with the artist and sincerely praised his paintings, this person will cover them, and at the same time the creator himself, with a film of banality and dullness, and the artist will have to come to his senses for some time and put his gift in order, purifying it. On the contrary, the elaboration of this trine gives a man of art, whose every step and gesture can be admired, not to mention his house and the food prepared by him.
Trine of the Moon gives brilliant ability for intuitive learning in areas ruled by the Planet (for example, trine to Mercury gives the ability to languages, trine to Mars - sports, to the Sun - to control someone else's will), and at the same time, outstanding laziness in the same directions , which helps to overcome various external and internal troubles or, at a high level, general spiritual Aspiration, when a person feels the importance of each of his choices and actions and responsibility for them. At a low (and medium) level in the spheres of the Planet, a semi-conscious position of the type is characteristic: "If necessary, I can easily, but why try?" and a general, but very sincere egocentric orientation with a subconscious feeling: "Of course, the whole world should try for me, but for whom else?" At the same time, under a thin film of well-being, a vast area of ​​grayness with foci of decay is hidden, but all this is for the most part displaced into the subconscious and manifests itself in a general depressive background, which makes any constructive work on oneself and in the outside world deeply hopeless and meaningless for a person. The study goes along the path of overcoming laziness and the tendency to profanity of everything that happens in the spheres of the Planet, and both should be perceived not as their own shortcomings, but as direct enemies (that is, in the 7th house). In general, we can say that the trine of the Moon is trying to imperceptibly direct the lower principle of the Planet to serve the ego or, at best, the person's family, and karmically it is supposed to work out, expand and improve due to the transformed lower programs of the subconscious: the gourmet turns into a cook.
Trine of Saturn: Everyone has a common evolution.
The Trine of Saturn gives a person in the spheres associated with the Planet, natural discipline, concentration and diligence, and, if desired, the opportunity to shift his burden to others. On the other hand, even the trine of Saturn gives the Planetary principle some restraint, coldness and rigidity, they are overcome by a concentrated inner study of the Planet principle. Here the obstacle, as is typical for trine in general, is laziness, which, however, is not obvious, since Saturn just requires concentration and work. However (in the sphere of the Planetary Principle) a person is inclined to work honestly just as much as circumstances require of him, and not a second longer. Circumstances (as for the areas ruled by the Planet) will never force him to concentrate and delve into the subject for too long and tensely, and although from the outside a person may look like a hero of selfless labor, his inner concentration and tension tend to be clearly insufficient. It is strange for a person with the Saturn-Sun trine to look at people who cannot get together and do what is objectively necessary, and the complaints of a person with an unaspected Saturn about the inability to concentrate and discipline themselves in the most pressing circumstances are completely incomprehensible.
The study of the aspect gives a serious development of the Planetary Principle, first of all, within a person, that is, a deep and perfect development of the corresponding programs of the subconscious, which promises creative achievements and deep individual self-expression. At a low level, superficial efforts and concentration on the Planetary Principle are passed off as deep ones, as a result of which professional disappointments are possible, a person gives serious hopes, but they soon collapse: a brilliant physics student becomes a gray software engineer (an unworked Saturn-Uranus trine). Unfortunately, this is not all: the trine of Saturn, which karmically means a deep study of the principle of the Planet and created all conditions for a person, in the case when this does not happen, freezes the Planet, and a person in the corresponding areas loses flexibility, sensitivity and understanding, sometimes passing into slavery to a rigid egregor (the trines Saturn - Sun and Saturn - Pluto can give, respectively, the jailer and the head of the concentration camp).

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects

Caution, conservatism, frankness, common sense, organizational talent. They can withstand difficulties in order to achieve the goal. They know how to be cunning and businesslike. But they are not very resourceful, they are developing the business on the old basis. Good for mining, land, real estate. Often they are Spartans, strict, disciplined. They do not attach importance to external conveniences. Self-esteem and a sense of duty are characteristic.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects of the planets

Thoughtfulness, prudence, foresight, thoroughness, attentiveness, caution, rationality, responsibility, authority, diplomacy, tact, self-confidence. Ability to systematize and organize, to continual effort.
Consistency in feelings and affections, conscientiousness, accuracy.
The negative side of these aspects is conservatism, inability to act quickly in acute situations, excessive caution and prudence, reluctance to change.

>> Trine Moon

Let us examine in detail the interpretation of the aspect.

Trine Moon - Pluto

Sensual, energetic, determined and have a high power potential. Courage and firmness of willpower, perseverance in overcoming difficulties standing on the way to the benefits of a material or spiritual nature. They often intuitively feel the reasons that are latently guiding certain phenomena. Accumulate energy and will for brainstorming and brilliant problem solving.

Trine Moon - Neptune

Under the influence of Mercury, creative forces awaken, a lot of new ideas, friendships and beginnings in the field of work flourish. They are exposed to supernatural forces and can use them. They can seem mysterious and eccentric, as they have abilities that go beyond the usual. A tendency to carry out various enterprises where decisiveness and willpower are needed is likely. If the aspect is in any way connected with Venus - a strong craving for art.

Trine Luna - Uranus

Non-standard appearance, tall stature, mental agility, lightning-fast reaction, extreme individuality. Striving for the unusual. Life is full of adventure. They are often arrogant, feel a sense of superiority, the need for a large personal space. They are the driving force behind change and new trends and ideas. With unfavorable aspects, extravagant looks. Usually progressive, sincere.

Trine Moon - Saturn

Conscientiousness and responsibility, you can count on them. They seem withdrawn, serious, cautious, conservatives and ascetics by nature, restrained. Restraint is perceived as coldness. They are able to withstand difficulties, if it is required to achieve the goal. Business-minded people know how to guess the dominant direction, the will helps them to constantly use this skill to their advantage. Favorable for trade, real estate, agriculture.

Trine Moon - Jupiter

Spiritual home atmosphere, altruism, religiosity, self-denial, compassion and a desire to help others. In household chores, they prefer luxury, a large family, maintain good relations with the older generation. A good opportunity to get rich through inheritance, make a profit in transactions and contracts.

Trine Luna - Mars

Ability to empathize and desire to help, strong emotional activity prevail. They are trusted and given every assistance. Demonstrate good self-control. They attach much importance to external comfort and convenience in life, are good at organizing everyday life. Lucky in politics and trade. Fight for their ideals. The volitional substance promotes emotional attachment to family and home.

Trine Luna - Venus

Gracefulness, helpfulness, courtesy. Positively for women, has a good effect on femininity, emphasizes beauty, sensitivity, intelligence, meekness. Bright abilities for fine arts, culinary talents, ease in organizing everyday life and comfort. In the case when this trine is observed in combination with the positive aspect of Neptune, it is an amazing talent for playing music or an artistic gift. Good for singers, writers, artists. Pleasant tone of voice.

Trine Moon - Mercury

Consciousness and subconsciousness are connected, emotional reactions are under tight control. They have a good taste in fashion and interior design and comfort, as well as a culinary talent. In everyday life, they are as practical and agile as possible. Home and family are an undeniable priority, with nutrition being the main focus. High communication ability, use a variety of communication channels.

Trin Luna - Ascendant Node

Compliance with generally accepted norms, the ability to be in the right place on time. They know how to deftly maneuver and navigate their ship along the course of public opinion, bypassing rapids and whirlpools.

Trine Luna - Ascendant

Consistency, strong connections. Honesty in everyday life, fairness, conscientiousness, prudence. They often become official representatives of civil society organizations. Lucky in the conclusion of a marriage bond.

Trin Luna - MC

Joy, optimism, self-confidence, which accumulates goodwill and universal trust. Ability to find a common language with the public, negotiate, cooperate with the right people. At home, harmony and mutual understanding reign, an atmosphere of benevolence, because he feels subtly.

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