Slavic knots. Slavic knot magic is a science. For health and healing

Wooden windows 31.01.2021
Wooden windows

Since ancient times, various peoples of the world have used amulets and talismans for protection. They were made from herbs and flowers, stones and minerals, conspiracies and magical rites. And this is not a complete list. Quite often, the ancient Slavs made special knots on threads.

The knot amulet was made by hand. They can be supplemented with special pendants - roots, herbs, fabrics or metals. Slavic knots are knots, these are very complex interweaving of threads.

Slavic sciences to this day are one of the strongest amulets. Their action is quite varied. Some knots bring good luck, others - material well-being, others - love, and so on. The magic effect of the knot extended only to its wearer. Nauza is recommended to be worn either on the neck or on the wrist. Modern people wear magic bracelets on the wrist with a red thread.

Each nationality of the world, including the Slavic, has its own specific techniques for weaving bracelets by hand. They are used in sewing various clothes, in magic rituals and in the manufacture of talismans. This amulet is able to save its owner from all sorts of troubles, help in difficult life situations, develop creative abilities.

You must trust your magic talisman one hundred percent. Only in this case will he be able to protect you.

Scope of application of magic knots

Today there is no exact information about the origin of the node. In ancient times, with the help of knots, they made elements of clothing, built dwellings, fished, harnessed horses, and the like.

It is quite difficult to do without this element these days. Tourists and travelers very often use knots in their everyday life. Climbers will not be able to climb to a height without special nodes.

The navy also cannot do without special units. The sea knot was invented many years ago and still remains indispensable for sailors.

How did it happen that the ancient weaving of threads is widely used today? The reason is as follows. In ancient times, ropes were braided for protection. Their main action was aimed at obfuscating traces, protecting against an evil spirit. It takes quite a long time to find a clue and unravel the plexus correctly. And this is not always possible to do.

Today, various weaves are used in interior decoration, to decorate clothes and shoes. And few people know that such a node can cause harm and benefit to its owner. It all depends on who made this plexus and for what purpose. Therefore, you need to be careful when using such elements. Especially when they are made by an outsider.

How to make science with your own hands

An excellent protection against damage and the evil eye is a knotted thread that is worn on the wrist. To make such a charm, you can use threads from any material. They can be made from the following materials:

  • cotton;
  • wool;
  • flax;
  • silks.

Find a quiet nook. Concentrate and direct all your thoughts to your desire. And start weaving Slavic knots with your own hands.

Different countries had their own beliefs in this regard.

  • The Finnish peoples were convinced that magicians were able to trap the power of the wind in three knots.
  • The Germans and Austrians used special knots to get rid of warts on the body.
  • In China, rather complex configurations of knots are woven on a red thread, and then special amulets are attached to them. They believe that the red thread will help increase the strength of objects.
  • In the Indian, Hindu, African and Australian tribes used "knot letters".
  • The Baltic people wrote down the magic recipes of sorcerers and healers on knots. "Tie a knot for memory" is still very popular.

The easiest and uncomplicated way is to weave a knot on the wrist with your hands. The more knots on the thread, the stronger the effect of the knot will be. Although, even the simplest knots on your wrist can do the job.

How the color of the thread affects the effect of the nauza

The color of the thread is also of particular importance. Red nauza is a very strong defense against bad people and ill-wishers. They are used in love magic. They contribute to the maintenance of love, mutual feelings and good relationships between spouses.

If you wear such a thread on the wrist of the left hand, it helps to block negative energy. Family girls wear the nauza on the right hand, and single ones on the left. If this knot is wound three times around the wrist, it has the greatest strength than the rest.

  • An orange or yellow nauza is recommended to be used to protect against damage, the evil eye and all kinds of envious people. They protect you from any negativity.
  • A green bracelet very well attracts material wealth and prosperity to its owner. It protects a person from deception and theft.
  • Blue and blue bracelets can endow you with subtle intuition and the ability to keep the conversation up to date. A thread of this color will help you in an important meeting, negotiations and other personal conversations.
  • The purple bracelet protects its owner from various dangers. He is able to protect you from accident.
  • A white nauza on your hand will help you intellectually. With her, the learning process will be more fruitful and fun. The person becomes more open and inquisitive and develops his memory.
  • If you use three threads of wool of different colors at the same time, you can achieve a stronger effect. You can strengthen your health, restore lost strength, and so on. Each thread must be tied into seven knots. Each node represents one of the seven spiritual dimensions.

What is the difference between magic knots

There are various ways to impose knots with your own hands. Their differences are as follows:

  1. in the way of weaving;
  2. what thread was used;
  3. how many knots were imposed;
  4. what conspiracy was used at the time of weaving the nauza;
  5. which, in addition to the thread, was woven into the nauza.

Tying knots in various styles and ways is allowed. You can use specialized literature, watch videos on the Internet. The more complex and intricate your knot is, the more unusual the magical effect will be.

Each knot carries a certain energy. If it is done smoothly and quickly, then it will be able to accumulate more energy in itself. It is very important that the knot is original. Only in this way can he accumulate great strength in himself.

There was such a belief: witch doctors and sorcerers used special charmed ropes in the treatment of seriously ill people. The sick person had to untangle the charmed rope one knot a day (usually there were seven or nine). Every day it became easier and easier for him. And with the last nodule, he became completely healthy.

The tied ropes have a great variety of abilities. Some are able to bewitch to themselves, others - protect from evil spirits, and still others - are able to make you a financially secure person. And this is not a complete list of the possibilities that these magic ropes are capable of.

Plots that seal the knot

One of the best sealing plots is this slander:

"In my knots the power of a mighty serpent is hidden - from a double-headed serpent."

"So that it was the way I want it!" and "My word is strong!"

Which "seal" you choose is not so important. The magic words you said only mean that you have not braided simple knots. Now it is your talisman and amulet, a magical thing.

“Tie up, Gods, a sorcerer and a sorceress, a witch and a witch and an upstart on (your name), but do not think from a black man, from a blue woman, from a red girl, from a white-haired, from a black-haired, from a red-haired, from a fair-haired, from one-eyed, one-eyed, and from upirtsa, and from the dashing and evil misfortunes. "

This is another example of sealing knots. It is very important to put your faith in your words. You have to believe in what you are saying.

A very important moment in weaving a science with your own hands is a head free from any extraneous thoughts. You should not get down to business with bad thoughts and various problems. According to healers, negative energy can be woven into knots and linger there for a long time. Therefore, for a good magical effect, you need to think positively.

When weaving nauza, it is necessary to constantly hum the "seal". It is recited until your magic bracelet is completely ready.

Equally important is the ability to focus on a specific action. You should not be distracted at the time of weaving by extraneous conversations and noises.

How to make a science that protects from lies

If you have a constant feeling that you are constantly being deceived. You can make such a magic bracelet with your own hands. To do this, you will need a wool thread (without various additives and inclusions). The size of the thread is determined by the size of your palm.

When braiding the first knot in the middle of the thread, say the following:

"With the first knot I'll tie the falsehood tightly."

Braid the second at one end:

"I'll tie the wrong tongue with the second knot."

And the third is at the other end of the rope. Hum like this:

"With the third knot I will tie up false thoughts."

The thread so spoken should be put in the liar's clothes.

How to lead a person astray with nauza

If you need to lead a person off the intended path or confuse his thoughts, use the nauza gimmick. To confuse thoughts, you need to prepare a blue thread and a small bun of your victim's hair. The length of the thread should be approximately equal to the circumference of the head. And in order to knock a person off the intended target - a black or brown ribbon, or a lace from the victim's shoe.

Braid seven knots in the following order.

  • At the first end.
  • At the second end.
  • In the middle.
  • At the middle of the first end and middle knot.
  • At the middle of the second end and middle knot.
  • Tie the first and second ends together.
  • Tie one common knot on the resulting configuration.

The knots can be tied in any order. The more confusing and complex your science is, the better the effect will be.

If you no longer need the magical effect of this nauza, unweave it in the opposite order (start with the last knot).

How to make a protective amulet from nauza

To make such a charm with your own hands, you will need a thread one meter long. In ancient times, such threads were made by hand from hemp fibers or nettle. Such a string acquired great strength on the holiday of Ivan Kupala. Such a string must be made within one day.

Today it is quite difficult to get such a rope. You can use silk or wool thread. It is best to use red thread.

Tie the first knot in the middle of your rope. It doesn't matter what shape it will be. When imposing a knot, speak your desire. It might sound like this:

“By tying the knot, I am successful at work. This knot will bring great luck into my life. "

You can vary the meaning of your slander depending on your desires. Pronounce it from the bottom of your heart.

Tie the second knot on the first knot. Say the same slander. Tie the third knot over the first and second knots. Pronounce the same conspiracy.

Such a talisman can be put into your pocket, fastened on your arm or around your neck, or sewn into your clothes.

When you no longer need the magical effect of your nauz, it must be destroyed. Never throw it into the trash can. It must be burned or buried in the ground.

How macrame differs from a magic knot

The first and main distinguishing feature is the weaving style. In magic, a knot is not a simple interweaving of threads - it is a real maze, from which it is rather difficult to get out. Macrame is also a style of weaving beautiful thread patterns. The complexity of weaving is not important for him, the beauty and appearance of the product are very valuable here.

The magic knot is difficult to untangle. It is very easy to do this in macrame.

Macrame weaving style is very diverse. And in magic you can count them on the finger.

If the magic knot is untangled, its effect may end. There are a lot of weaving techniques in macrame. All of them are very confusing, but their effect is not as strong as in the sciences.

Beautiful knots amulets are used only as needed. Do not use magic knots unnecessarily.

Since ancient times, the Slavic sciences were considered an easy way to change their lives, and many of our ancestors did not consider it witchcraft or magic at all - the rules for their weaving were so simple. Nevertheless, not knowing the basic rules of this magical craft, you should not start using it.

In the article:

Slavic sciences - what is it

The techniques of weaving Slavic nouns have not been very well preserved due to persecution by the Christian church. However, part of the knowledge of our ancestors reached the modern descendants of the ancient Slavs. An important science of the past is weaving nauz... This technique, if mastered, can preserve health, protect from damage or the evil eye, attract luck and money, and help in relationships.

Our ancestors intertwined a wide variety of objects into the sciences. These were metals, figures with their own meanings, symbols of the Gods, plants and minerals. Each of them has its own meaning. If you know the meanings of stones, herbs and other magical ingredients, you can try to compose a set of ingredients for a nauz yourself. By combining them with each other, you can get different meanings of Slavic nodal amulets. You can grease the nauses with oils from time to time - this will eliminate the need to weave plants.

Do not weave too much into science, two or three types of plants or other components will be enough. A person may have several nodular talismans for all occasions, but wearing everything at once is undesirable.

It is better to choose natural materials to create science. Natural threads keep a particle of nature, which cannot be said about synthetics. You can weave knots from ribbons, ropes, threads, bundles of plants and even hair.

From time to time, they need to be exposed to the sun's or moon's rays - it depends on the specifics of the talisman. For example, the Money tree requires solar energy, and nauz for love, female attractiveness - lunar.

It would be a good solution to weave knocks in nature or in places of power. Even if you only have a summer cottage within the city, it will do better than an apartment. Nothing should be distracting when weaving. Conspiracies or other words are spoken continuously, from the very beginning of the creation of the node and until the work is completed.

Science for money

You can do science for money at least every day. When tying a neckerchief or tie, you need to say positive affirmations to yourself. It could be something like "I will become rich, there is wealth in my house, I have money for all my whims." Such a simple daily action is the easiest nauz for money, but you need to do it in a good mood. Thinking about poverty or not believing in the effectiveness of the method can ruin everything.

There is also a more difficult option for raising money and increasing business income. This nauz for money is called the "Money Tree". In fact, this is a node that consists of three identical nodes and looks like a tree. It is made from a green thread on the growing moon. The money tree can be hung near the workplace or stored in the table. You can hang it on the front door so that the amulet attracts cash flows into the house.

During the weaving of the Money tree, the following conspiracy is read:

Grow your money. Multiply money. Add money. Rich me (name), come to me. May it be so!

You can add figures to the money tree. For example, if the income depends on the harvest, the sickle works well. Perhaps the earnings depend on luck. Hang a horseshoe. The finished knot can be lubricated with essential oil, for example, bergamot is well suited to increase cash flow.

Not everyone succeeds in weaving such complex sciences that our ancestors knew how to do. There is also an easier option. But remember that strong enchantments are obtained only by those who are willing to spend more effort.

On a waxing moon, buy a green candle without haggling. Light it up, take a ball of natural green thread and cut nine identical ones. Put them together, roll them into one rope, reading the following plot:

Nine ways, nine ways

what I desire will come to me,

copper nickels, silver rubles,

gold coins, significant bonds on paper,

marked with signatures and seals.

On the resulting rope, any nine knots are tied, for each knot you need to read:

I fasten with this knot everything in one, my will, my passion, my monetary power.

These money nodes should be kept in the home or workplace. Can be carried in a wallet if its size allows it.

Science for love

Girls have long weave braids, they are fashionable now. But not every lover of complex hairstyles knows that braids are also a kind of witchcraft. If in the process of braiding your braids you think of a loved one or repeat affirmations about your beauty, you will achieve their attention or a perfect reflection in the mirror. Songs about love with the insertion of the name of a loved one while weaving braids is, of course, not a love spell, but they will definitely pay attention to you.

The Passion Knot will help spouses. It enhances the emotional and physical aspects of a love relationship. It can also work as a love spell for knots. It will take two ribbons that were worn by both you and your beloved. You can take shoe laces, for example. If the hair of the spouses is weaved, witchcraft will have great power.

While weaving, imagine that you are weaving together love and passion - yours and your loved one. For the first couple of weeks, wear it near your heart, and then give it to your husband or put it to his things. The finished knot can be oiled from time to time with ginger oil, which is famous for its property of returning passion.

Nauz Lovebirds can be used in conjunction with making lovebird dolls. They will reinforce each other. The Burning Hearts knot is another good option for a nausea for love. Here is an example of a conspiracy that can be read while weaving:

Knot, strengthen the union. There are no stronger bonds of love!

You can arrange a nauz in the form of a keychain or other jewelry and give it to a person who is interested. They strengthen love spells, return lost feelings, protect themselves from betrayal and quarrels. Love knots weave only on the growing moon.

Nauzy - Slavic amulets for the home

Nodular magic - science from bad habits

Many people would like to quit smoking or drinking. Knot magic and special nods can help with this. For example, there is a good conspiracy for knots. It can be done by a person who suffers from alcohol addiction or by his friends or relatives.

An odd number of knots are tied on a black lace, for each you need to say:

I knot the slave (name) to a booze and a party. Free your thoughts, defeat the vice. Amen.

Such a knotted bracelet should be presented to the person to whom the witchcraft is directed. Instead of the words "booze and partying," you can substitute "smoking" or any other bad habit.

Tying knots for health

Nauz "Alive"

The magic of knots will help to improve health and get rid of diseases. In order to get rid of the disease, you can tie an odd number of knots on a black thread. For each node, say the name of your disease. The knotted thread should be buried or burned away from home. After that, the disease will leave.

Nauz " Alive»Will give you good health. It gives vital energy, fills the diseased organs with healing energy. Nauz "Solar" will help with a breakdown, fatigue and chronic diseases. It helps to increase physical strength and the body's resistance to disease.

Nauz "Tree of Life"

Nauz " Tree of life»Is woven from thick green thread. There are many ways to apply this science. He is associated with the World Tree ( Yggdrasil) - a symbol of life and death, infinity and rebirth, wisdom and magic. Such a node can also be used to protect against diseases. It is hung over the bed to improve health, protect against adversity, gain wisdom and remove obstacles.

In general, the ability to do science will help not only achieve what you want in life, but also decorate your look with a stylish and elegant amulet that will look great with many outfits. Therefore, it is worth learning how to weave them even when you do not believe at all in the miracles and ancient knowledge of our ancestors. And if you like both the appearance of such talismans and their magical purpose, then such skills will certainly be able to do an excellent job!

In contact with

If you want to improve your life, but do not know how to do it, nodular magic can help. It is really accessible to every person, and its multidirectionality will allow achieving outstanding results in almost any area of \u200b\u200bhuman life.

In the article:

Knot magic - what is it

Knot magic is a kind of witchcraft that was widespread among the Slavs and many other peoples. Even in pagan times, our ancestors made special nauses in order to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage, cure diseases in children and adults, find prosperity in the house, attract love and achieve many other goals.

The symbolism of nodular magic is quite simple. By tying the knot, the performer of the ritual thereby binds good luck, health or wealth to himself... Or, on the contrary, ties some negative into a knot, from which you need to get rid of, and after the ceremony burns the nauz, thereby destroying the negative attachment.

Our ancestors did not knit complicated knots, for this they usually turned to the Magi. But every woman knew how powerful witchcraft could be created with simple knots. These rituals have survived to this day, which can be used by the descendants of people who lived in those days.

The opportunities offered by correctly tied knots were appreciated by the peoples of most countries of the world. In Europe, it was believed that with the help of knot magic, you can destroy marriage and induce impotence. Arabian superstitions about knots are very similar to European ones. In Syria, to this day, there is a sign that the bride must watch out for the absence of knots in the groom's attire. It is believed that the knots will help the sorcerer to destroy the happiness of the newlyweds.

The beliefs of African tribes also link the science and induction of impotence, as well as the influence on love relationships. If you think about modern wedding signs that are common in our country, you can find points of contact between a half-forgotten belief in the power of knots and modern superstitions.

Many signs for pregnant women are associated with knots. In some countries, superstition prohibits the expectant mother from braiding her hair, since a braid is also a kind of knot magic. Before giving birth, a woman should not have knots on herself. Symbolic untiing of knots in Europe was associated with easy childbirth; there is an appropriate rite for a woman to give birth.

Superstitions about knots affect magicians and sorcerers. Almost every magician knows that the hair during the rituals should be loose, and the clothes should not have knots. The fact is that each knot, even if it was tied solely for the purpose of keeping the clothes on the body, can affect the result of the ritual, distort its properties and give a completely different meaning.

With the help of nods, you can do both good and bad deeds. It all depends on the intentions of the person who turns to nodular magic. The words you make will have only the meaning that you give them to the words and your own faith in their power.

Nodular Magic Rules

Each section of witchcraft has its own rules that must be followed if you want the rite to work. As with any other practice, the principle of choosing the phase of the moon works - in order to attract something positive, work with science during the waxing moon, and to get rid of the negative, the waning phase is suitable.

The place in which you will engage in knotting also plays a role. If you plan to do weaving at home, put things in order. Science that has been tied to nature is often stronger. You can weave them near churches, places of power, ancient sanctuaries.

You need to knit knots in the right mood, with the right thoughts. If you can't concentrate on the goal and you think about everyday problems, it is better to postpone the manufacture of a talisman and any other magical rite. The mood should be positive. There is no need to practice magic when the mood is not right. It is believed that a negative mood will be tied in a knot, and instead of happiness, you will attract fatigue, worries and everything that will be in your head during weaving.

The choice of material is another important point. It is necessary that it be natural and does not distort the knot that should turn out. Our ancestors wove their knots from animal veins, leather laces, wool and other natural materials. The modern choice of different threads for needlework opens up ample opportunities for knot magic.

The thread should be of a suitable size, and before trying to weave a complex knot, you need to master the technique of weaving it. However, not only threads are suitable, if you learn how to make weaving from metal, there will be quite beautiful amulets. But don't forget to study the properties of metals.

It is desirable that the color of the thread match the purpose of the witchcraft. For example, pink threads are usually taken for love, green threads for money, orange threads for good luck, and red ones symbolize love, health and protection. Black threads are the best for getting rid of negativity.

Happiness knot

The knot of happiness is also called the knot of infinity or the infinite knot. This is an ancient magical symbol that has a dual nature. Its tying is identified with the attraction of something, and its untiing is identified with the release of energy, liberation from something. It is believed that a tied knot can store something, for example, inspiration, happiness, prosperity.

In Tibetan Buddhism, the endless knot is considered one of the eight auspicious symbols. It symbolizes immortality, eternal youth and beauty. Another meaning is karmic justice. Each action generates reaction, entangling the knot on one side, the knot on the other end will untangle. It denotes the mutual dependence of everything in our world. An endless knot can represent a happy marriage and strong love.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the endless knot is called the knot of happiness. It is a traditional Chinese symbol for good luck, happiness, prosperity and success. In China, it can be seen in wood carvings, carpet patterns and other furnishings. Ribbon or rope ornaments in general in Feng Shui symbolize longevity, health and happiness.

Interestingly, the knot of happiness is often combined with other symbols. For example, a money symbol tied to an infinite knot promises a powerful flow of monetary energy that will never run out. Together with a horseshoe, this nauz will attract almost endless luck. It can be both a household talisman and a personal one. It is believed that in the form of a pendant or other decoration, such a talisman gives power over time and helps to achieve goals, successfully bypassing all obstacles on the way to them.

Double knot of luck

In Feng Shui, the double knot of luck symbolizes luck in money and love affairs. It contains eight eights, so it will be especially noticeable until 2024. According to feng shui, until 2024 we will live in the eighth period. It is believed that a double knot of luck will multiply by eight all the happy accidents that will happen to a person.

This symbol also has protective properties. In China, they believe that it not only attracts good luck and happiness, but also protects against bad accidents. This knot is not only weaved from threads, but also carved into stone. It symbolizes an easy and long life, mutual feelings, good news and infinity.

A double knot of luck can be both a personal talisman and a home and even a charm for a car. In the form of a keychain or pendant, it can be useful when traveling, giving protection from trouble. As an auto mascot, he will help you avoid an accident and stay calm and in a good mood.

A double knot of luck can help in any matter. So, in the student's room, he will increase his academic performance. In the bedroom of the spouses, it will strengthen love and guarantee fidelity. In the living room, it will bring good luck to all family members. If you believe the teachings of Feng Shui, for career growth and increase in income, you need to hang it over your workplace.

Money node

Money knot - this knot is considered one of the basic ones in most types of weaving. The mastery of weaving complex types of nouns often begins with him. Its second name is the knot of life, because in China they believe that it provides everything you need for a comfortable and easy life. Among people who understand feng shui, it is believed that such a node attracts cash flows to where it is located.

Accordingly, the money node can be stored in a wallet, under a cash register, hanging over a workplace or a tool that brings income to a person. It can also be used as a personal talisman, for example, make a bracelet or keychain with such a nauz. As an auto mascot, he is only suitable for taxi drivers. As a home talisman, the money node is also not bad, hanging in the house, it will bring good luck in money matters to all family members.

As a rule, this knot is woven from two threads - red and yellow or gold. In China, these colors are considered monetary. In order to enhance the impact of the talisman on money, you can tie coins to it. You can use feng shui coins or those coins that are used in at least one of the countries of the world.

Knot magic for money - a knot of wealth

Wealth is a slightly different concept that differs from the concept of money. It represents the standard of living, the availability of property and everything that is necessary for a happy life, in sufficient quantity. Weaving a symbol of prosperity is an interesting rite of knot magic for money. It attracts not money in the usual sense, but rather material goods. Not all of them will be purchased by you personally. Perhaps he will be taken for discounts, and maybe for gifts.

The wealth node helps to invest money in order to make a profit, teaches us to be smart about spending. He not only helps to find prosperity in means and material wealth, but also relieves the tendency to waste. If it seems that you don't know how to spend money correctly, this talisman is perfect.

The knots of wealth are usually woven from red threads. They came to us from China, and in their homeland Feng Shui is considered the most "money" color. Such a nauz can act in different ways. He can attract situations that turn out to be profitable, unexpected income options, gifts and winnings. But this does not mean that the owner of the money talisman should be inactive, he will not do all the work for you.

Knot magic for love - Celtic love knot

Many peoples used knot magic, and the Celts were no exception. Most often, they made their talismans from metals, so it is better to weave the Celtic knot of love from wire. But the power of the amulet does not change from the method of creation, it can be embroidered, and engraved on metal, and burned on wood, and woven from thread. The main thing is to follow the rules of nodular magic.

The Celtic Love Knot contains a shamrock and a symbolic heart. It symbolizes the unity of the feminine and masculine principles. With the help of such a talisman, you can protect a love union from betrayal, quarrels, separation. It also acts as a talisman, not allowing you to destroy your happiness. Such knot magic for love can also be used to find love.

This nauza option is popular as a wedding decoration. The marriage ceremony often becomes a real place of magical battle, because many are jealous of someone else's happiness. This is where negative programs come from, the consequences of which can be fatal, up to an unexpected divorce a few months after the wedding. Our ancestors used for the newlyweds, they also performed the protective function for the bride and groom.

Pregnancy conspiracy "40 knots"

In the past, a woman who could not have a child faced an unenviable fate. They tried to fight infertility in a variety of ways, including white magic. Our great-grandmothers were helped by a simple method that can be combined with all other rituals and conspiracies. That's 40 knots. It has survived to this day and can help childless couples to continue their race.

The ritual with knots is performed for 40 days, according to the number of knots tied. It will require a red thread. Starting from the first lunar day, every day a knot is tied and a pregnancy conspiracy is read:

The knot was firmly attached to the knot, the knots were tied, the fetus was conceived in the uterus. The knots are red and strong, the child is healthy and ruddy! Tie-do not untie. Lord bless, Prisnadeva, help! Amen!

The thread should be kept in a secret place. If anyone sees her, the spell will not work. On the 41st day, you need to hide it higher, for example, on the closet or its top shelf. Again, this requires no one to see the thread. After the pregnancy test shows a positive result, the thread must be burned or buried in the ground.

Amulets knots

Amulet knots were often used by our ancestors to protect their relatives from the evil eye and damage, death in war and other problems that then haunted people. Over the years, the human need for protective amulets has not disappeared anywhere, and they are still very popular.

One example of simple knot amulets might be a red thread on the wrist. It should be tied with seven knots by a loved one. You can buy such a thread in Israel. In this country, it is customary to consecrate such amulets and recite prayers for each knot. There are seven prayers, therefore there are also seven knots.

A good amulet for a sailor will be the "Sea Breastplate" knot. It protects on the water, suitable for both fishermen and swimmers. Rod's knot will be good. It protects from theft and natural disasters, drives away ill-wishers, diseases and negative energy, saves from evil spirits. It is suitable not only to protect the family, but also to protect the team, for example, in the old days, sailors and the military used this nauz.

In general, science has always been considered the easiest section of practical magic, especially among our ancestors. Nevertheless, the information preserved in the culture and traditions of most of the peoples of the world makes it possible to firmly maintain the belief that such magical practices really work and have remarkable power that can influence all events in life. In addition, many nodular amulets also have a stylish and original appearance that can complement almost any image.

In contact with

Knot magic was widespread during pagan times. The Slavic people used science in magical rituals. Today it is a powerful talisman against ailments and damage to death. Knots knit on their own or trust a loved one.

The purpose of the nods

To understand what the sciences are and what they are used for, one should turn to ancient Slavic magic and to nauzistics. nauz is a magical amulet with which they protect themselves from the evil eye, attract health or attract love. The possibilities of Slavic knots also include:

  • harmonization of relations;
  • getting rid of problems;
  • fulfillment of desires;
  • attraction of luck.

Also, Slavic science is a popular accessory and addition to a fashionable look.

Work on nodular magic begins with caution, because the amulet changes events in a certain direction. The magic of knots requires precision and lightness of thought. Do-it-yourself learning is necessary only for a certain need. It is important here to be precise in your desires.

The knots tied in an unusual way attract only positive energy. For talismans, threads are used. The knot is the witch's tool during the ritual. Depending on the desires of a person, witches wove bracelets for:

  • health;
  • happiness;
  • money.

If you correctly tie the sacred nauz to improve health, knots heal, cure diseases. They are also worn around the neck as a single strand or with pendants.

Each knot is tied in different ways. There are special tying patterns and several rules that are recommended to be followed. Thoughts during work should not carry negative energy or experience, because this will be transmitted to the magic of the knot.

Conspiracy of nodular magic enhances the actions of amulets. They should be read clearly and in complete solitude. Making one knot after another, the desire is fixed. The bracelet should be knitted by a close person who is trusted, or they do it on their own. Choose natural threads from flax, cotton, silk or ribbon, rope. The place of manufacture is chosen by the master. It can be a forest, a park, or any quiet place.

The color of the sounds

Charms on the wrists change a person's life. Depending on the color of the amulet, a different effect on health, love, luck is manifested. Sorcerers and witches believe that the strongest power is hidden behind a red thread. She symbolizes joy, beauty and fullness of life. Other colors of the thread also carry different energies:

  • green attracts money replenishment and protects from deception;
  • yellow - from the evil eye and bad influence;
  • blue means confidence and sociability, helps to find your social circle;
  • white increases intelligence, brings you closer to your goals.

How and when to tie knots

The purpose of the amulet depends on the time and day of the week when the knots are woven into the hand. It is recommended to knit it on the growing moon: it helps to acquire something bright in life and reach the goal faster.

The appointment is also determined by the days of the week:

  • monday - attracts love, a person will find his soul mate;
  • tuesday - protects from the evil eye and negative surroundings;
  • environment - gaining success in work and business;
  • thursday - endows with financial well-being and success, brings big money;
  • friday - attracts vivid emotions and love, a knot on female beauty;
  • saturday - protects from evil forces;
  • sunday is healing and health protection.

The desire, which should be brought by the magic weaving, must be pronounced aloud while the thread is being knitted. You can also read prayers and conspiracies that have a sacred meaning.

The meaning of the hand in wearing the nause

There are no clear instructions on which hand and how to wear it, to tie the knot for good luck or health. Tying knots involves wearing talismans on any part of the body. The main thing is that the amulet touches the human skin. The book on nauzistics informs that it is better to wear a red thread on the left hand, so that it will protect from damage and slander. Or tie a few knots on your right hand to make your wishes come true.

The charm is also affected by the pendant, which is attached to the bracelet. Each of them has its own meaning:

  • The bird is a symbol of the infinity of life. Endows a person with strong energy and longevity.
  • The angel helps you make the right decisions. When problematic questions arise, it directs in the right direction.
  • Libra is the correctness of actions. In the event of a complex conflict, a person will act according to his conscience.
  • The wolf is a symbol of a career. The values \u200b\u200bof the suspension are the recognition of others, and therefore of the boss. He gives good luck in work and career growth.
  • The banknote is a symbol of financial stability. Money will come to the owner of the amulet only if efforts are made.
  • The heart is the best way to find love for the future, if used together with conspiracies.
  • Hand - damage and evil eye does not threaten if the knots are intertwined for Easter.

Knots on black and red threads

Each thread color has its own meaning in weaving, as well as the number of knots. Black doesn't always mean mourning. In the case of interweaving with a white thread, it will symbolize wisdom and progress towards the goal. It is impossible to tie a nauz to love or health with a black thread. But matching dark ribbon weaving patterns will help people become more confident and calm in stressful situations. Black thread is a good material for talismans intended for weak-minded people.

A red thread is weaved to fulfill desires, wearing such a northern classic nauz on the right hand. On the left, the talisman is worn for protection from damage. To tie a knot for desire, the thread is wrapped 7 times.

There is a special conspiracy for each type of needs:

  • Naouz for luck:

“I will tie a knot, I will tie the sun to the house. Strengthen my will so that there will be plenty of happiness! "

  • Science for love. They are tied to a married couple using a red thread and sentencing Russian conspiracies:

“Knot, secure the union. There is no stronger bond of love! "

  • If the person has a drinking habit:

“Tying the Lord Slave (name) in a knot for a party and a booze. Knot, free your thoughts, defeat its vice. Amen!"

  • Good luck and money wealth:

“Grow, money. Multiply money. Add money. Rich me (name), come to me. May it be so!"

For health and healing from illness. There should be 9 knots, use black thread. Making a knot, they say the disease. After the nodules are buried away from home.

There are also a wide variety of weaving patterns in knot magic.

Our ancestors firmly believed that you can tie up with any trouble. In the truest sense of the word! For this purpose, they tied magic knots, while speaking the cord. Such amulets were called nauzes. These ancient Slavic amulets are now independently made by those who believe in the power of knot magic. Previously, before cooking nauza, a rope was manually made from nettle or hemp, which was then spoken. Today, ordinary decorative cords are used for this.

But the main thing in the science is not the material, but a strong belief in its magical power, and thoughts in the process of weaving, which should be embodied in conspiracy words. Today, various weaves are used for interior decoration, for decorating shoes and clothes. However, not everyone is aware that such a node can bring both benefit and harm to its owner. It depends on the master who made the science - with what mood and for what purpose he worked. For this reason, such elements must be used with extreme caution. Especially if they are performed by a stranger.

There are a lot of ways to weave knots. Now we will tell you how to tie a nauz for luck, money and a career with your own hands. And you decide for what specific purpose the magic amulet will serve you. So let's get started.

1. Tie the first magic decorative cord knot exactly in the center. How exactly you tie it does not really matter. Most importantly, say the following words quietly but aloud:

“I knit a knot and find success in love. May the bundle bring new sincere love to me. "

Then bend one of the free ends of the cord in half and thread it into any loop you get from the first knot. At the same time, repeat the words of the conspiracy that you read when tying the first knot. Pull the free end of the cord through the lower eyelet and tighten slightly.

2. On top of the first pair of tied knots, tie the third by pulling the free end of the string through the farthest loop. At the same time, read the words of the conspiracy for the third time and do not stop thinking about the dream. Connect not only your head, but also your soul to the creative process, feel every word you say with your heart, give it such a meaning so that you can practically feel the meaning physically. You should have an amulet of three knots of any shape. Now it remains to tie one more knot to the right and left of the main three-knot. But you no longer need to pronounce the conspiracy. With the resulting side knots, try to give the knot a symmetrical shape.

You can wear a magic charm on your hand as a bracelet, around your neck, or remove it away from prying eyes (by sewing it into the lining of your clothes or putting it in your pocket). Your desire will certainly come true if you put all your heart's strength into the creation of the amulet. And when the long-awaited changes come, the nauz should be burned or buried in the ground.

When is the best time to weave

Amulets are advised to weave on the days of the growth of the moon. In addition, the day of the week is also important. For example, in order to attract love, knots are woven on Mondays and Fridays, to protect from everything bad - on Tuesday, to attract money and good luck at work - on Thursday, for brisk trade and good luck in all endeavors - on Wednesday, in order to protect against the dark forces of magic - on Saturday, for good health - on Sundays.

The values

The color of the chosen cord is of key importance in Slavic magic. To choose
the shade is worth relying on your needs and desires.

So, red threads are used to attract love and protect themselves from enemies.

  1. Green - to attract money into your life and be successful at work.
  2. Yellow and orange are used to protect against damage and the evil eye.
  3. Purple ropes protect from misfortunes, accidents and disasters.

Blue and blue threads protect against ailments, quarrels and conflicts. They also endow the owner with amazing intuitive abilities.

The white cord helps in the fulfillment of desires.

If you use three or more threads of wool of different shades at the same time, you can achieve a more powerful effect. You will restore the lost strength, strengthen your health. Each thread is necessarily tied into seven knots. Each knot represents one of the seven spiritual dimensions.

Weaving knots in different ways and styles is allowed. The more intricate and complex your knot turns out, the more magical effect the nauz will have.

Each knot carries a specific energy. If it is executed quickly and smoothly, then it is able to accumulate a lot of energy in itself. It is extremely important that the knot is original so it can accumulate more power.

The materials used in the manufacture of "appendages" for complex Slavic amulets also have a deep meaning. Various woods, cereals, herbs, stones, inscriptions on paper, metal are used to fill the nauz. Figures are made of them, which are then sewn into a bag or woven into a knot.

  1. Bird - love and harmony in the house, wealth.
  2. The key is protection from thieves, wealth.
  3. Fish - help in money matters and good luck.
  4. A spoon is a well-fed, prosperous life.
  5. The sickle symbolizes a rich, good harvest.
  6. The claw of the beast or tooth is the scaring away of evil spirits and enemies among people.
  7. Horseshoe attracts good luck wonderfully.
  8. Also, symbols of the elements can be added to the nauz-amulet.
  9. Earth - it can be stones, clay, skins, bones and legs of animals.
  10. The air is plant fluff, bird feathers.
  11. Fire - coals, fumigated wards.
  12. Water - fish scales and bones, shells, mother of pearl, corals.

The power of color in the process of creating protective thread nauses also depended on the sign of the zodiac.

  1. Orange and red threads are ideal for Aries.
  2. Taurus is dark green.
  3. Gemini is black and brown.
  4. Cancer is silvery.
  5. Leos are yellow and gold.
  6. Virgo - white and all light shades of threads.
  7. Libra - emerald, light green, salad.
  8. Scorpio burgundy, scarlet.
  9. Sagittarius are blue.
  10. Capricorns are well suited for threads of dark colors, black.
  11. Aquarius has gray shades of thread.
  12. Fish are dark blue.

How to make science

To make such a charm with your own hands, you will need a thread about a meter long. In ancient times, these threads were made from nettle or hemp. Such a string acquired special strength on the eve of the holiday of Ivan Kupala. But keep in mind - the cord must be executed within 24 hours.

Nowadays it is difficult to get such a rope. Use wool or silk thread. It is ideal to use red thread.

Remember that with the help of a string you need to create a certain “anchor” in the stream of thoughts. Invest only your deepest meaning in the manufacture of the amulet and it will definitely help you.

The diagram shows the phased weaving of the nauza. Start making the amulet in a bright mood, wish its new owner only good and kind.

Plots when tying knots

The herb nodules had very different purposes. It was put into the nauz by the performer, that is, by the healer. This was done by the power of thought, which was supported by a certain set of words. For example, if you want happiness to constantly shine in your home, make a round weave amulet and hang it around your neck. In the process of weaving, say these words:

“I will tie a knot, I will tie the sun to the house. Strengthen my will so that there will be plenty of happiness! "

In order for your life to be sanctified by mutual and strong love, speak the knot like this:

“Knot, secure the union. There is no stronger bond of love! "

Such amulets were made by young girls. And it happened that not only to myself, but also to the betrothed. The love charm was brought as a gift to the guy whom they wanted to marry.

Science was also prepared for treatment. For example, from drunkenness they used a special amulet, speaking it:

“Tying the Lord Slave (name) with a knot, partying and drinking. Free the knot of thought, conquer its vice. Amen!"

Nauzy is a means of Slavic origin. If you want to join him, learn to use the amulet in life, do not be afraid of anything and do not hesitate. In this kind of art, the main thing is not technique, but the depth and purity of goals.

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