Interpretation of synastries: planets in houses (from I to XII houses). The synastric planets of a partner in my twelfth house. Absalom Underwater Moon partner in my 12th house

Sewerage 13.12.2020

The most popular topics of astrological consultations are the topics of love, marriage, relationships with loved ones. One often hears the question: are we compatible? I think this wording is fundamentally wrong, because judge for yourself, if people are attracted to each other, if mutual sympathy has arisen between them, it is not accidental! There are no chance meetings, the paths of people who have no internal connections will never intersect! If people met and started a relationship, then the two halves are a priori compatible! Here it is important to put the question differently: how are they compatible? In what spheres do their interests intersect, and in what are the pitfalls? How do they affect each other?
The synastry will help to understand this, but for a start it would be nice to work with the natal charts of partners (I think astrologers will agree with me), because we are dealing with two individuals, two different people with their own tastes and preferences, opportunities for interaction in a pair.

The algorithm of actions can be as follows:

1.Examine the axis of the 1st-7th house: signs on the cusps, planets in houses, the position of the rulers, the degree of their defeat.

Evaluating the position of the ASC-DCS axis, we find out how a person interacts, how he manifests himself in partnership (ACS) and what he expects from partners, or what partners he attracts to himself (DCS). There are signs that are prone to long-term, permanent relationships (earth and water signs). And there are those that quickly light up and quickly cool down, love variety and new impressions in love (fire, air).
The planets in 1-7 houses will certainly participate in the formation of relationships. If these are tense planets (Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto), then we can assume that the relationship will be subject to painful transformations, and if these planets are located in the 1st house, the person himself provokes acute situations, and if in the 7th, he attracts problem partners.
We look at lords 1-7, whether they form an aspect with each other. If this is a square or opposition, then it is difficult for a person to build relationships. A stronger ruler indicates who dominates in the relationship, if the ruler of the 7th house is stronger, then the partner is the leader. The tense aspects from evil planets to rulers indicate the difficulty in building relationships.
Nodes in 1-7 houses - it is written for a person to learn to interact, and this will not be easy for him.

2. We look at the luminaries: the Sun and the Moon.

In a male chart, the moon will show the ideal type of wife. In the female chart, the Sun is responsible for the ideal type of husband. The sun is also the father, the moon is the mother, and if there is not a harmonious aspect between them, then a person's family relations can be complex and these reasons most likely lie in his childhood, in the relationship of parents. Difficulties in family life are also given by the defeat of the luminaries by Saturn.
In addition, the Sun is responsible for the consciousness of a person, for his own self. Moon - subconsciousness, emotions, soul. An inharmonious aspect between them can show an internal conflict, low self-esteem, a person is torn between conscious principles and subconscious desires.

3. We watch the personal sexual planets Venus and Mars. Where are they located, whether they have an aspect between them.

Mars and Venus are man and woman, but not husband and wife! Venus in the male horoscope shows the ideal type of woman as a mistress. Mars in the female horoscope will show the ideal type of man. If there is a tense aspect between these planets in natal, love relationships will develop inharmoniously.
When assessing, it is important to consider the retrograde of these planets, especially Venus. Retrograde Venus in the chart of both men and women will tell about the difficulty for a person to adequately express their feelings. A person can love with all his heart, but not be able to convey this feeling correctly to a partner.
It is important to pay attention to the defeat of Venus by the pest planets - Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Lilith. In this case, Venus acquires a negative coloration of these planets. For example, Saturn gives a touch of coldness, restraint. Uranus - moodiness, nervousness, unpredictability, etc. Pluto - aggressiveness, hot temper. The tense aspect from Neptune speaks of the idealization of a partner or a tendency to deception, as well as distrust.
Another point is the aspect between the Moon and Venus, the Sun and Mars. If the aspect is not harmonious, then it is difficult for a person to combine the role of woman and mother, man and father. The square, the Venus-Moon opposition in the woman's card shows that she can cope well with the role of a mistress, but badly with the role of mistress and mother, or vice versa. It all depends on the strength of the planets and the period of life (transits). If there is such an aspect in a man's card, then he will marry one, love another.

4. The ratio of the elements in the horoscope.

Usually the elements in the horoscope are unevenly distributed. The prevailing element will show us how a person lives, what he is strong in, and the missing element will show us what he lacks, what needs to be worked out in life. Often, fate throws up those people who eliminate this imbalance.
Brief meaning of the elements:
Fire is initiative, activity.
Water - emotionality, sensitivity.
Air - sociability, lightness.
Land - practicality, thriftiness, earthiness.
Sometimes in a person's horoscope a key moment is clearly highlighted. For example, a cluster of planets in a house, a sign. This means that a person is too focused on something, fixated, the quality of the sign will manifest itself very strongly, hypertrophied, even if it is not his sun sign. And if in the synastry the tense aspects from the partner's planets are directed to the cluster of planets - we will not bypass the conflict, the positive aspects, on the contrary, will seal the union, making it stronger.
A tense moment is the Axis of Nodes in the Tau-square with a personal planet, or the rulers of 1-7 houses who are responsible for relationships. This is a sore point, a place of human vulnerability, to which attention must be paid.

6. We build a synastric card.

Synastry is the imposition of partners' natal charts on top of each other and the search for points of contact. Synastric cards show the nature and characteristics of the interaction of two people.

Synastric houses.

Synastric interaction is carried out mainly through the 5,7,8 and 4 houses of the horoscope.
5th house associated with sexual desires, entertainment, children.
7th - with long-term partnerships and, in particular, marriage relationships.
8th - with long-term energy and sexual contacts.
4th - relationships with family members and spouse.
Thus, you can determine who his potential partner is for a person. Figuratively speaking, if a partner places his planets in the 5th house of an individual, then he is considered by the latter as a lover, in the 7th house - as a spouse, in the 8th house as a permanent sexual partner, in the 4th house as a close person, a family member. The falling of the partner's planets in the 4th house of the radix is \u200b\u200bfavorable for long-term cohabitation, this is especially powerful in maturity and old age, when sexual needs fade away and social activity fades into the background.
Well, when the planets of both partners fall into the synastric 5,7,8 houses of each other's cards, this is a kind of indication that they will be mutually perceived as lovers and / or spouses. With 5,7,8 empty synastric houses, the potential for harmonious long-term relationships is sharply reduced. A peculiar perception of a partner arises, colored by the characteristics of the house that will be accented.
So, if the planets fall into 1st house, the partner will be perceived by the person as his reflection, and possibly as a competitor (this depends on the spiritual level of the card holder). In a favorable variant, the inclusion of the partner's planet falling into the 1st house attracts admiring attention to him. The nature of admiration is determined by the planet: Venus - beauty, elegance, delicacy. Moon - gentleness, kindness, caring. Mercury is intellect. Mars - activity, energy. The sun is pride, dignity. Jupiter is nobility. Saturn is responsibility. Uranus is unusual, unpredictable. As a polarity, a sharp rejection of a partner is also possible. For example, a male Mars in the first house of a female card can give its owner two extreme points of the scale of relations to a partner: "God, how I love you!" and "Lord, how I hate you!", without intermediate options. The attitude to the partner's planets falling into the 1st house will always be interested and personal. It is through these planets that a person first of all perceives a partner.
Filling with synastric planets 2nd house vryatli promises any sensory connection, this is a material home. It is good in those cases when partners have harmony in 5-7 houses, then the 2 house activates the stable earthly component of the relationship.
3rd house emphasizes everyday communication, information exchange. This is more of a brotherly relationship, there is little romance here.
Partner's planets 6th house radix show relationships unequal, dependent, subordinate. Moreover, the partner should adjust. There are even fewer romantics here than in the 3rd house. Relationships are tedious, necessary to achieve a certain goal, or forced, for example, a "flight marriage".
Focus on 9th house - a partner is seen as a spiritual teacher, mentor, guru.
Planets in 10th house - the partner is considered as a boss, leader, "parent". There is a desire to obey.
11th house indicates an equal friendship. From the point of view of sexuality, the house is cold enough, sexual energy is sublimated into mental interaction.
12th synastric house carries a lot of difficulties for paired relationships. This is the house of secrets, deceptions, illusions, idealizations of a partner, as well as sacrifice, compassion, mercy. Your partner can create feelings of pity. A secret love affair also goes through the 12th house.

Synastric aspects.

Synastric (pair) astrology.
If another person's planets fall into your twelfth house.

In a previous article, the topic of the twelfth house was touched upon. In short, the twelfth house is a state of mind in which a person feels acute loneliness, detachment from the world, as if he were in captivity. These are the areas in a person's life where he selflessly serves the world without expecting anything in return.
There are old works of art, deliberately left without the signature of the authors - icons, books, sculptures. The people who created them (for years, even decades!) Believed that these creations belong to God. The idea of \u200b\u200bcopyright did not exist then.
However, in the modern world, where people are fixated on their "YAYA" (poorly developed first house), this is difficult to imagine.

And in this article I want to talk about what happens to a person when the partner's planets enter his twelfth house, thereby “turning on”, that is, activating the themes of service, loneliness and religiosity.

A young man lives in the city. Works in an office (sixth house), builds a career (tenth house), communicates with friends (eleventh house), posts photos on Instagram (first house), helps parents (fourth house), sometimes goes to nature (second house), is interested in politics (eighth house) - in general, an ordinary social guy, who is doing great in life. He is completely satisfied with himself, he believes that he is constantly engaged in self-development, "listens to himself", thinks about the future ...
He lives as if he already knows everything in the world, because he has already formed as a person, and you will not surprise him with anything special - and this is more than twenty years old! ..

But then one day he goes to a meeting to sign a contract with another company. And there he meets a girl.

She is modestly dressed, in a skirt, with a simple ponytail on her head. And her phone is an ordinary Nokia, not an iPhone.
I don’t like those like that, he thinks. "It's good that we only met because of work."
They sit down at a table in a cafe, begin to discuss possible cooperation between firms, and ... the young man suddenly begins to feel something ... inexpressible, incomprehensible.

This feeling is born somewhere in the very depths of his soul, very modestly. And so quiet that he could have been ignored if ... his chest hadn't ached like that.
And a young man suddenly wants to do something for this seemingly unprepossessing girl, completely disinterestedly, with all his heart ... But what can he do? They sit in a cafe, talk about work, people are around, and the maximum that is required of him is to sign a contract ...

A week, two weeks passes, but feelings for the girl do not go anywhere. And you cannot call them either passion or love ... No, this is some kind of almost religious feeling, as if higher powers want to reach him through this person ...
However, a young man cannot just call a girl and say: "hey, beauty, let's meet again, just like that?"
He cannot express himself, he realizes that his feelings are "locked", nobody understands, as if they cannot be heard.

After a while, he still invites her to a meeting (although another part of him desperately resists, because the girl is not his type).
He tries to communicate with her the way he used to communicate with other girls - easily, superficially, charmingly ... He pretends again and again that he is a successful, self-confident person, but deep inside he feels how stupid, fake ...
He tells her intelligently about the importance of understanding the other person's point of view.
- Do you understand other people well? - she asks a seemingly simple question, but everything inside him turns upside down.
“Do you really understand other people well? .. Or do you just pretend that you understand them in order to adjust and get what you need?”, Asks him deep inside his conscience.
And he wants to justify himself in front of this girl, although who is she anyway? ..
She's just real, his conscience whispers. “She's just alive. And you are a zombie. "

Their conversations are becoming deeper and deeper.
And it's not about the topics they are discussing - it's about how deeply this communication evokes.
Gradually, the whole life of a young man, all his former values \u200b\u200bbegin to seem to him empty, meaningless. This happens through hard internal struggles and frustrations. For example, when he is still trying to joke and impress other people, he remembers some of the girl's words, for example: "Are you sure you want this? .. That you are interested in just such a life?", And his whole idea with the game of successful handsome fails.

And the strangest thing is that he does not even have an affair with this girl, when one could say: "Well, yes, of course, the guy fell in love, he has lost his mind, and nothing else interests him ..."
Simply every time, meeting with her, a young man asks himself: “What kind of relationship do we have? Something inside me is tormenting me, but I don't understand, what is this feeling? .. "
And one day it dawns on him what he wants!
Throw away all your old life. Get away from stupid, pointless work, stop spending so much money on brands, stop spending too much time on social media. And just serve. Serve this girl. Serve unselfishly and with all your soul.

Serve! .. What an absurd word for the modern world, which does not recognize at all what was quite natural before. Serve!..
What is this anyway? To give yourself away, to do something disinterestedly, and to feel happy that the other person allows himself to take care of himself? .. What nonsense, right? Where did you get this at all? Is that in old novels about knights? ..

And one day the soul of a young man cannot stand it, and he says to the girl:
“Please let me take care of you. Please let me do something for you. I can't find peace ...
“But I don’t want anything from you!” She doesn’t seem very surprised at his words. - Just be happy!
She seems to him so bright, so pure. And how could he previously think so ugly of her? .. He had to change under her influence. He has become less successful in society, but much more honest on the inside.
- Please let me take care of you!
“Take care of other people, of your loved ones, it will be best,” she says. - There are so many people in the world who need your love.
The girl understands that she greatly influences this young man, and does not want to use it. She is not a sorceress, she is an ordinary person, just ...

It's just that there is a twelfth house in the horoscope of each of us. And if, for example, it is empty, and a person carefully avoids loneliness and service to something, one day he may meet a partner whose planets can get there. For example, the above-described young man may have the twelfth house in Pisces, and the girl whom he met may have the Sun, Venus and / or Mercury in Pisces. Thus, her planets fall into the twelfth house for him, and every word of her (Mercury), manifestation of will (Sun) or love (Venus) includes feelings of an almost religious nature.
And at first, a person may try to translate all this into an ordinary social novel, but after a while he begins to understand that he cannot express his love - at least as long as it is at least a little selfish.

Most people don't want to go to their twelfth house. Why, if you can make money instead? .. And then the Universe sends them partners who include, by their very existence, by their only being, deep, real feelings. Through them, God wants to reach out through a person, otherwise he will not hear ...
Often in such situations, one person sacrifices something for the sake of another (but really it is necessary to change his soul).

The most striking examples of women who sacrificed themselves for the sake of their beloved men are the wives of the Decembrists, who left a prosperous life for the sake of cold Siberian villages. And also Sonechka Marmeladova, the heroine of the novel "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky. She, too, left after the one she loved, although he was a criminal expelled from society for his deeds.

An unworked twelfth house can give the feeling that the partner whose planets got there is God himself. This feeling is irrational, it may not be realized in any way. However, imagine this situation.

There is a girl in whose twelfth house the Venus of a man falls. In this case, she will perceive the manifestations of his love extremely deeply (and a man may not even know about it!) And while he loves her, she does not need anything else for happiness, because she has a feeling inside that she is loved by God himself in the image this man.
However, one day a man decides to part with her, for one reason or another. He leaves, and the girl thinks that her life is completely destroyed. She cannot believe that this romance is over, her feelings are so strong. She does everything to bring the man back ... And love torments her for a very long time.

The girl begins to change. For the sake of her beloved man, she gets rid of bad habits, thinking that she is doing it for him. To conquer it again. But ... For some reason, he doesn't seem to notice how she tries.

And the meaning of this aspect is as follows: firstly, a girl must learn to love this man (and after him - and people in general!) Disinterestedly, that is, forget about the idea "you - me, I - you". But the main thing is that she herself must voluntarily go to her twelfth house. To be alone with oneself, alone, to ask God how she can be useful to the world ... If she does not do this, love will force her there.

Modern young people want to live as if nothing but money and their own ideas exist. No authorities, no principles, what can we say about some kind of religiosity. But nobody canceled the twelfth house, and the suffering associated with it, too. And the more the suffering, the more a person runs away from himself.

This is a very complex topic, very deep, almost inexpressible in simple words, too intimate to write about it like this on the Internet ... And yet, if something responded inside you while reading this text, if you felt similar feelings towards other people, know: here, most likely, your twelfth house was included.

Partner Sun in my twelfth house
A person with an increased potential of the energy of the Sun may well help the person for whom the comparison is made in the Twelfth House to more freely and openly realize their hidden potential. Partners are able to stimulate and develop their subconscious mental abilities in a well-established relationship. If negative aspects contribute to the relationship, then psychological incompatibility begins to appear between people due to negative reactions at the subconscious level of thinking. Otherwise, partners can easily find common interests in the field of mystical and occult sciences. In some cases, this kind of relationship can pass into the sphere of subconscious-intuitive telepathy with the subsequent opening of a karmic channel. The influence of negative aspects significantly complicates the relationship in this regard, introducing elements of deception and the formation of secret zones in the depths of the subconscious.

Partner Moon in my twelfth house
With this combination between people in the process of developing their relationship, a strong emotional-intuitive connection is gradually established due to excellent mutual understanding at the subconscious level, when the mood and feelings of the partner are predicted in advance. If the Moon behaves negatively or the general nature of the comparison is unfavorable, then destructive tendencies, deception and sad indecision of partners violate the integrity of the aforementioned connection and a huge crack forms in the relationship.
With a positive comparison, the emotional-intuitive connection may well develop into a telepathic-karmic connection, which very, very much contributes to the improvement of relationships. Formation of business relationships is possible. The "lunar" personality very skillfully stimulates the deep roots of the subconscious of the personality of the Twelfth House, however, the positivity or negativity of the consequences of this stimulation can only be determined by careful study of the whole comparison. The individuality of the Twelfth House stimulates the unrevealed intuitive abilities of the "lunar" and with the complete positiveness of the comparison, there is no reason to worry about the appearance of false branches in the established emotional-sensory connection between these people.

Mercury of the Partner in my twelfth house
In this comparative aspect, the "Mercurian" individuality helps the personality of the Twelfth House to penetrate more deeply and thoroughly into its own half-consciousness. Both personalities, step by step, form a relationship based on mutual stimulation of the creative imagination. This, naturally, is reflected in their mutual interests in scientific and intellectual activity and in the field of beauty. The personality of the Twelfth House contributes to a wider opening of the intuitive perception of the "Mercurian", which, in turn, helps the latter to better understand and practically realize their intuitive abilities and the possibilities of creative imagination. Such mutual stimulation greatly contributes to the formation of a psycho-emotional connection between partners. With the negative aspects of Mercury between people, difficulties arise in mutual understanding and communication, which are expressed in the manifestation of embarrassment, insincerity and isolation on both sides. This is reflected in the integrity of the connection between them at a subconscious level, which leads to a complete loss of coherence in terms of creativity. They fall into laziness, depression, empty dreams, false research, etc. With the complete positivity of the comparative aspect of the individual, they are able to overcome all internal and external problems on the path of joint creative life by common efforts.

Venus of the Partner in my twelfth house
In this version, a strong psycho-emotional connection is established between people. They treat each other with compassion and understanding, understanding well the feelings and emotions of their partner. Wherever they are and whatever they are doing, spiritual, sensual and emotional understanding between partners is certainly present, helping them in all their endeavors.

Mars Partner in my twelfth house
In this comparative combination, personalities form relationships based on activity at the subconscious level, and therefore are hidden "Martian" personality excites the subconscious of the personality of the Twelfth House. If Mars is negative in comparison, then this causes the activation of unpleasant and even painful memories from the depths of the subconscious, which causes unwanted emotional-sensory reactions of individuals. In this regard, the person of the Twelfth House considers the "Martian" personality to be rude, unbearable and insensitive, and she, for her part, considers the personality of the Twelfth House to be impractical, hovering in the clouds, indecisive, weak and morally unstable. With a very high negativity of the aspect, real psychological cruelty can be expected from one or even both sides. Latent outright hostility is not excluded. With a positive aspect, partners are able to calmly and without unnecessary fuss to resolve any conflict situations without prejudice to positive joint life, which, by the way, is associated with charity and religious and spiritual activity, as well as with occultism and psychology.

Jupiter of the Partner in my twelfth house
With this combination, relationships are formed based on an emotional-sensory connection, constantly reinforced by the mutual hobbies of the parties with meditation, religious mysticism, occultism, etc. This combination is highly effective in forming business relationships in areas of vital activity associated with religion and wholesomeness. The "Jupiterian" personality helps the personality of the Twelfth House to cope with emotional-sensory problems at the subconscious level, arising from painful and negative memories from a past life, which contributes to jointly developing intuitive abilities and capabilities, as well as strive to master the abilities of reincarnation. With the negativity of Jupiter in comparison, partners can indulge in addictions and inclinations at a subconscious level, showing psychological relaxation, and in addition, connive at each other in this.

Saturn Partner in my twelfth house
With this aspect, relationships are formed between partners based on psychoidelic communication at the subconscious level. They are actively involved in any activity that is related to the occult, philosophy, psychology and spiritual teachings, and therefore is not always obvious to others. The "Saturnian" personality helps the personality of the Twelfth House to avoid undesirable negative consequences of subconscious analysis of negative past life experiences, and that, on its part, helps the "Saturnian" personality to develop intuition and skillfully apply it in practice. With the negativity of Saturn in the aspect of personality, they can exert a negative psychodepressive influence on each other, leading, in some cases, to the fact that they turn from friends into enemies, moreover hidden ones. The personality of the Twelfth House may consider the "Saturnian" unsympathetic, oppressive and emotionally insensitive, while she, for her part, considers the personality of the Twelfth House to be lazy, impractical, unbearable and negative. A karmic connection may well arise between them with a positivity aspect and with proper discipline, responsibility and respect for the parties.

Partner Uranus in my twelfth house
With this aspect, relationships are formed between individuals based on an active mutual passion for the occult and psychology. A stable intuitive connection arises between them. The "Uranian" personality helps the personality of the Twelfth House to become more deeply aware of their capabilities at the subconscious level thanks to new worldviews that allow for a different look
on things and more effectively realize their hitherto hidden abilities of spiritual foresight.
With the negativity of Uranus in comparison, the influence of the "Uranian" personality in this regard becomes negative and even harmful in psycho-emotional terms.
While the aspect is generally positive, the partners are actively engaged in meditation and other psychological experiments, are keenly interested in reincarnation issues, and are engaged in humanitarian and charitable activities. It is not excluded that joint business is also possible, especially if it is connected with issues of psychology, religion, mysticism, etc. Individuals are socially active and try in every possible way to participate in social projects concerning their mutual interests.They actively contribute to the development of each other's intuitive capabilities.

Neptune Partner in my twelfth house
With this aspect, relationships are formed between individuals based on an intuitive connection at the subconscious level. The partners show mutual interest in research related to psychology and the hidden deep potential of human consciousness, willingly engage in religious and humanitarian-charitable activities. A karmic connection often arises between these people. The spheres of joint vital activity of these individuals, as a rule, cover activities related to spiritual creativity (culture, music, mysticism, etc.). With Neptune's negativity in comparison, partners condone each other in all negative obstructive manifestations of human nature, which clearly does not contribute to engaging in serious constructive constructive activity.

Partner's Pluto in my twelfth house
In this version, relationships are formed between individuals, based on the mutual desire of the parties to a deep study of psychology, religion and mysticism, parapsychology and meditation, issues of reincarnation. They may conduct collaborative research in clinics and hospitals, church institutions, prisons, and other places that involve renounced seclusion or forced confinement. The "Plutonian" personality tries in every possible way to influence the sensual and emotional side of the behavior of the personality of the Twelfth House through the functions of her subconscious in order to protect that from excessive solitude and loss of understanding of the reality of being. If the aspect is negative, then this causes violent protest and leads to a significant undermining of the relationship, introducing an element of latent hostility into them. While the aspect of personality is positive, they actively help each other to improve themselves, which obviously contributes to the constructive constructiveness of their relationship as a whole.

This is an aspect of a deep relationship that can plunge me and my partner into hell, but it can also take me high into the sky - here, first of all, our general level of human culture and attitudes towards each other are important - consumer or not. If the female Moon enters the twelfth house of her husband, then both can quite sincerely believe that his main life task is serving her as a wife, mother of his children and mistress of the house.

There is nothing wrong in this attitude in itself - it is important how the partners understand it. Here the point is not so much that the wife's egoism can exceed reasonable limits: the main problem is her substitution for my ideal religious image, that is, God in the female hypostasis. Serving God has the goal of Himself, and the substitution of Him, albeit subconsciously, by a socially real woman and her everyday problems is sacrilege, the karmic punishment for which is currently quite serious.

The meaning of the aspect in this case is that the partners, especially the husband, should see subtle karmic knots and unresolved problems behind seemingly everyday circumstances, the roots of which, perhaps, go back to the very distant past, and try to soften them on the external material of everyday worries and mutual services. Psychologically speaking, this aspect means the activation of internal problems, often associated with feelings of irrational guilt and anxiety, and located deep in the subconscious, and the partner can become for me a psychoanalyst or, if necessary, even a psychiatrist, and almost a spiritual teacher - but for this I must show spiritual subtlety and complete disinterestedness, in which I can not believe at once, since the temptation to lie to each other will accompany our relationship for a very long time.

With this combination between people in the process of developing their relationship, a strong emotional-intuitive connection is gradually established due to excellent mutual understanding at the subconscious level, when the mood and feelings of the partner are predicted in advance.

If the Moon behaves negatively or the general nature of the comparison is unfavorable, then destructive tendencies, deception and sad indecision of partners violate the integrity of the aforementioned connection and a huge crack forms in the relationship.

With positivity comparisons, an emotional-intuitive connection may well develop into a telepathic-karmic connection, which very, very much contributes to the improvement of relationships. Formation of business relationships is possible. The "lunar" personality very skillfully stimulates the deep roots of the subconscious of the personality of the Twelfth House, however, the positivity or negativity of the consequences of this stimulation can be determined only by careful study of the whole comparison.

The individuality of the Twelfth House stimulates the unrevealed intuitive abilities of the "lunar" and with the complete positivity of the comparison there is no reason to worry about the appearance of false branches in the established emotional-sensual connection between these people.

F. Sakoyan L. Ecker. A. Underwater

, perhaps, the most difficult of all in terms of its rational explanation and understanding: at a high level, there is direct communication of a person with God, and at lower levels, in essence, exactly the same thing happens, but a person does not always understand and accept this, and therefore, it either displaces it into the subconscious, or interprets it completely wrongly.

Astrologers attribute many circumstances of a person's life to the twelfth house, which formally have little in common with each other; these are, for example, inner and outer loneliness, hospitals, prisons, victims, secrets and secret enemies, irrational fears, religiosity, mysticism, karma, previous incarnations, etc. What is common in all this? If we talk at the level of subjective perception, then the general mood of the twelfth house is a sense of mystery, or a subtle, but very important and hidden from a person, the meaning of what is happening to him. In search of this meaning, a person, especially with a strong twelfth house, can spend his entire life, sometimes immersing himself in himself, sometimes in external activities, but constantly striving to surpass the current level of his understanding and touch the upper layers.

The interpretation of the synastric planets of the twelfth house, as the reader has long guessed, largely depends on the level of elaboration of this house and its position in my chart; for example, my reaction to a partner as a potential conductor of the will of God or the inexplicable riddle of my life largely depends on my religious and mystical attitudes in general. If they are sharply negative, then many of the effects from his planets in my twelfth house will go unnoticed for me or cause a priori hostility.

If my twelfth house is strong, then actions and circumstances that I consider sacrificial will take a big place in my life, and it largely depends on me whether these sacrifices will be made by me or, on the contrary, to me, or next to me. The partner's planets, located in my twelfth house, actualize the problem of sacrifice for us, and although in the meaning of the sacrifice I should make, in reality, to some extent, the partner will turn out to be a sacrificial figure, and here various abuses are possible on both sides.

However, perhaps the main meaning of the twelfth house is to reveal some secret that the Absolute reveals to me as a result of long and difficult searches and disinterested sacrifices; this secret can be revealed to me through the synastric planets of the twelfth house, but, of course, subject to my due diligence, and although it may seem to me that my partner revealed the secret to me, it is more correct to assume that my egregor entrusted him to do this when he considered my preparation complete ... The partner, however, may be inclined to intrigue me with their mysterious behavior, without actually having anything to interest me - but the synastric planets of the twelfth house will push him into such behavior anyway, and I should be patient and remember that everything that is important to me, I will find out in due time, and the information will come through several channels, largely duplicating each other. And all the unverifiable information or information that comes only through an exclusive channel is either false or insignificant for me.

Partner planets in my twelfth house

Synastric Sun in the twelfth house

Do I believe in God? Usually not in the morning; by the evening atheism subsides.

This is a double-edged aspect, but if my partner and I overcome his initial temptations, he will give us a lot, but not at all where we might expect it. This aspect presents the main temptations for my partner: it is my apparent sacrifice, on the one hand, and intently interested attention to any of his will, on the other. I will, often unconsciously, treat the will of my partner as something higher, or having a sublime additional meaning, and this will greatly raise him in my eyes, but it is likely that, feeling towards me at the same time a priest and a victim a pagan god, my partner will become my primitive exploiter and manipulator, covering my most ordinary dishonesty with a veil of mystery.

I may not notice anything of this for a long time, and sacrificially serve the will of my partner - but at some point his deception and real inability to show me a revelation will become obvious to me, and then the relationship is threatened with collapse, which will be catastrophic for him rather than for me if only in our relationship I was honest. If my victims meant secret self-interest, then breaking up the relationship can be a disaster for me.A partner can orient me in the direction of religious and mystical searches, and during a spiritualistic seance under his control, the spirit of this or that historical person can come to me - but he is unlikely to say anything contrary to the will of the partner, and this should lead me to some suspicions : Still, it is doubtful that lofty revelations will come to me on his direct instructions.

Synastric Moon in the twelfth house

The wall of emotions blocks a person's outer and inner world at the same time.

This is an aspect of a deep relationship that can plunge me and my partner into hell, but it can also take me high into the sky - here, first of all, our general level of human culture and attitudes towards each other are important - consumer or not.

If the female Moon enters the twelfth house of her husband, then both may quite sincerely believe that his main life task is serving her as a wife, mother of his children and mistress of the house. There is nothing wrong in this attitude in itself - it is important how the partners understand it. Here the point is not so much that the wife's egoism can exceed reasonable limits: the main problem is her substitution for my ideal religious image, that is, God in the female hypostasis. Serving God has the goal of Himself, and the substitution of Him, albeit subconsciously, by a socially real woman and her everyday problems is sacrilege, the karmic punishment for which is currently quite serious. The meaning of the aspect in this case is that the partners, especially the husband, should see subtle karmic knots and unresolved problems behind seemingly everyday circumstances, the roots of which, perhaps, go back to the very distant past, and try to soften them on the external material of everyday worries and mutual services.

Psychologically speaking, this aspect means the activation of internal problems, often associated with feelings of irrational guilt and anxiety, and located deep in the subconscious, and the partner can become for me a psychoanalyst or, if necessary, even a psychiatrist, and almost a spiritual teacher - but for this I must show spiritual subtlety and complete disinterestedness, in which I can not believe at once, since the temptation to lie to each other will accompany our relationship for a very long time.

Synastric Mercury in the twelfth house

Silence is golden ... unless, of course, meanness.

Perhaps my presence will persuade my partner to talk on mystical topics, about flying saucers or the latest revelations of the Higher Mind, living in the constellation Orion and promising earthlings an early death from their own weapons, if only they do not gain a conscience in the shortest time and cease to rot like home planet, and the surrounding astral world. One way or another, the speech of a partner can cause me a kind of excitement (sometimes - the desire to cross or at least spit over my left shoulder), but much less often - trust or a feeling of understanding what, in essence, he wants to tell me.

It can also be difficult for him to talk to me, in particular, because it is not clear where the desire to darken, go around the bush and in every possible way disguise his main thought can take over him completely, and if the partner, moreover, is not disinterested, then he will receive all the possibilities I have been cruelly exploited for some time, promising, after an indefinite time, an unclear reward for my very specific services and sacrifices.

I can maintain this kind of relationship for quite a long time, especially if I fall for his bait and believe in the promises - then my disappointment will be very acute, and I can even imagine at this moment that my God has left me - although it is really now that He comes to me appeared and exposed the deception.At a high level of elaboration of the aspect, a partner can help me deal with my deep inner problems (which, to some extent, will show the position of the twelfth house in my horoscope) - he will give a hint, for example, a keyword or a phrase - and this will serve as a key for me to search, which I have to produce myself.

Synastric Venus in the twelfth house

It is necessary to distinguish a prostitute by the grace of God from a victim of social disorder.

This aspect is beloved by writers: a novel about love to the grave of one of the participants, interspersed with jealousy, intrigue and adorned with terrible family secrets and a curse gravitating over the sacrificial hero. The frivolous reader of the novel may think that all this is very exciting, but personally has nothing to do with him. As for the ducal title and the possession of an old estate, it is quite possible; however, the twelfth house is in every chart, and the natal Venus of the partner may accidentally look there.

The beauty of a partner and his love for me will evoke deep feelings in me, sometimes almost religious, and my natural desire will be to serve him faithfully and truthfully, without demanding anything in return - however, at the same time, my lower principle, which will require its share, and the ego of my partner will be activated. tempted by my unquestioning obedience and sacrifice, and it can be very difficult for us to maintain an ethical framework. This is due to the fact that the aspect gives a high level of intimacy of communication, but in very specific situations, reminiscent of the one in which love arose between Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmeladova. A higher octave of relationships presupposes not only a deep psychological analysis, but also access to directly religious experiences that will be very important for us; here my ancient karmic knots with social programs can be unraveled; about what our contact will give to a partner (except for my sublime love for him), the natal aspects of his Venus will say something.

Synastric Mars in the twelfth house

Not that an atheist, but an opponent of God's existence.

In a positive version of the relationship, the activity of the partner will direct me on the path of service - which one, will show the position of the twelfth house in my map. At some point, he himself will become the object of service, and he may demand many sacrifices from me, promising in return something intangible, but perhaps very attractive to me. At a high level he will be able to give me a lot, but only after my preliminary cleansing - by sacrifices and repentance in the first place; however, at a low level, his ruthless exploitation of my strengths and hopes is quite likely, which can end only after hard long trials and experiences. In the twelfth house, karma is unleashed, often leaving for past incarnations, and my suffering in connection with a partner may seem to me to fall out of my general life plot - however, here my perception of myself expands, and a much deeper connection with the world around me and its problems. Here, and a partner (especially a low-level partner) will help me in this, I develop genuine humility and the ability to see in any of my experiences an invaluable personal experience and a unique opportunity, through personal self-denial, to participate in spiritual evolution - and directly feel the response of the Universe to this my participation.

Synastric Jupiter in the twelfth house

The philosopher hunts for truth like a wolf hunts for its prey; at least he does not have hungry faints.

At a high level of elaboration of the aspect through this partner, Divine grace can be poured out on me - at a low level, the partner will only pretend to it, and even try to speculate with my expectation.In general, this is an aspect of a spiritual teacher who has the gift of awakening in me dormant religious feelings, benevolence towards the world and people, and breadth of soul in the best sense of the word. However, here abuses are possible both from him and from my side, and until we overcome them, the aspect leads us away from the religious path rather than leads there.

First of all, it is necessary that the partner has something to offer me, in particular, his Jupiter must be worked out, otherwise, instead of grace and sublime matters, he will direct a stream of grayness and common places at me under the guise of hidden truths that are not yet available to me. On the other hand, it is likely that he will require me to serve and sacrifice to the Absolute in his person, and I can accept this at face value, or, worse, feeling his hidden selfishness, oppose it with my own, or quiet hatred for him, which is often goes as a psychological compensation for failed unselfishness. Then our relationship will become internally very difficult, until my complete disappointment in him does not break them completely.

The main and very difficult lesson of this aspect is the need for purity and sincerity in areas that are seductively easy for him and unexplored, mysterious, but essential for me, and until we learn this, our relationship is unlikely to suit us. In general, this is a strong aspect (Jupiter is in his house), and when worked through, it gives a kind, but undoubtedly positive balance: each of us gets much more from relationships than we give.

Synastric Saturn in the twelfth house Is it ethical to occupy someone else's prison cell?

It is very likely that I will avoid serious conversations with my partner - in any case, mutual understanding in them will not be easily achieved. Potentially, a partner can give me a lot, but it will be difficult for us to understand the hidden (from both of us) meaning of his words and actions, which aim at my limitation and discipline, especially since I will see them as a secret and partly hostile meaning, or I will perceive them as harsh suppression, but I will not find my feelings immediately. Moreover, I can interpret the wisdom and reasonable demands of my partner as a demand from me for cruel sacrifices such as complete imprisonment from the world, although my partner may not mean this at all, setting himself the goal of helping me to curb my inner enemies - for this, people often tend to use methods of external constraint.

Of course, abuses are possible here - for example, a partner can restrict me for selfish purposes, say, by narrowing the activity that is unpleasant to him and directing my energy for his own needs; he will carefully hide them from me in such cases. I, while obeying him externally, can at the same time internally, often unconsciously, accumulate indignation or protest against his policies, which will certainly affect our already difficult relations.

Potentially, a partner can give me a lot, as I do to him, but before that you need to go a long and painful path for both, on which his Saturn problems and my twelve-house problems will gradually come to light - but if we honestly work them out in our relationship, the effect will be profound ...

Synastric Chiron in the twelfth house

The clock does not show the time, but symbolizes it.

My ideas of sacrifice, self-denial and "cool" religiosity will cause a lot of ridicule from my partner, which will greatly offend me; if the partner does not feel this in time, I can put him on the list of my secret enemies, although I don’t mean how unpleasant his behavior is to me. Nevertheless, here Chiron culminates, and many of the partner's comments can be very accurate, even when he makes them, as it were, in passing and does not pay much attention to them himself. And yet it will be difficult for me to come to terms with them, because it will require a lot of inner work from me, rethinking my past and my attitude to it.

Secretly, I will expect something very important for me from my partner and subconsciously seek in his ridicule, sticks in my wheels and paradoxes about my person for a hidden meaning, for which I can sacrifice a lot - for example, humbly endure his apparent disrespect for my shrines. If a partner begins to speculate with this, after a while he may severely pay for his frivolity, falling into a fundamental dead end in life or for a long time losing the meaning of his own existence; but if he tries to understand the difficult problems for me, which his own wit constantly leads him to, then it is quite likely that he will help me overcome the dead end of evolutionary development, where I, through frivolity, negligence or viciousness, ended up, incarnated a couple of thousand years ago where - somewhere in Egypt, and to this day, using modern material, I have been unsuccessfully looking for a way out of it.

Synastric Uranus in the twelfth house

From the point of view of mathematical statistics, God exists, but with a negligible probability.

With a strong Uranus, it may be difficult for me with a partner: the influence of his ideas will have too strong an impact on me, and the subconscious will rebel, writing the partner into secret enemies, although he could never have anything against me - neither consciously nor subconsciously. However, even with a weak Uranus, a partner in my inner and subconscious life will be a source of various signs that I can interpret in various ways, but never in their direct sense. The whims and eccentricities of a partner can often go at my expense, and I will not object to this, feeling that, as if by the will of God, I must resignedly clean up the porridge he brewed. So my religious feeling will tell me, and it will be very good for me if I follow it without expecting gratitude or praise: here I have a good opportunity to untie the karmic knot tied long ago, or work for the future - my own and the world as a whole.

At a high level, this is a very creative aspect: the partner's insights, combined with my wise interpretation of them, will give us the opportunity for deep breakthroughs into the World Mind; in addition, a partner can throw a flash of light into the deeper layers of my subconscious, and I will understand myself in those manifestations that seemed to me completely and hopelessly closed and incomprehensible.

Synastric Neptune in the twelfth house

In the ocean of World Tribulation, water does not mix.

Here Neptune is in his home, and our mutual understanding with a partner in mystical and religious experiences will be wonderful - more often than not many words will not be needed, and meditations will go on by themselves. However, their character, determined by our paired egregor, may not suit either the partner or me.

At a low level, this aspect provides enormous opportunities for unscrupulous behavior, mutual deceptions, chronic misunderstandings that have existed for years and extremely spoil our relations, and most importantly - all kinds of speculation and demagoguery on the topic of duty and sacrifice, especially on my part. My partner will be inclined to expect voluntary sacrifices and disinterested service from me, since it is very difficult for him to live (life may not be easier for me, but this does not concern him - besides, he sincerely regrets me). However, my ministry will never suit him - he deserves better treatment, and only I am to blame for what is happening ... I will probably find myself of the opposite opinion, but it will be difficult for me to clearly formulate something and explain my feelings to him about our situation.

Aspect requires us to abandon the system of mutual begging, false pity and accusations. Here it is almost impossible to find out the relationship with each other, since they are emotional and confusing - it is better to address directly the paired egregor and fulfill his will; he will eventually become a source of grace and a solution to our most intimate problems.

Synastric Pluto in the twelfth house

Resolution: incinerate.

If the partner's Pluto is strong, it can become the source of my deep suffering, the result of which can be both my inner cleansing and liberation from the inert programs of the subconscious, as well as the deepening of my inner problems and sliding into the hellish areas of existence, and here the choice is much more up to me. than from him, although he may hold the opposite point of view on this score.

In general, this is a rather tough aspect for me, and here I need to learn a disinterested attitude towards my partner in a negative version of his behavior, that is, not to be offended by him for those sacrifices, irreparable losses and suffering that I will definitely experience in connection with my partner, at least in small quantities. As a matter of fact, any partner will cause me some trouble, and this is not yet a reason to consider him an enemy or break off relations with him - but in this case, my internal reactions will be very sharp, and the temptation to consider a partner a secret enemy is simply irresistible. and this needs to be dealt with.

Indeed, the cleansing that my partner sometimes arranges for me have an ambiguous nature and a meaning hidden from me - but it is not at all necessarily connected with the enemy's insidious plan to exterminate me and my family up to the seventh generation inclusive - most likely, his criticism echoes in my subconscious as sick in places of much deeper levels than I usually feel, and now I have an opportunity to deal with them. But, of course, my efforts alone are not enough to work out the aspect - also the partner must learn to be attentive to my mystical moods and states and not assume that when dealing with me in such cases, the hammer and anvil are the best tools.

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