An island on the line of the mind on the right hand. The line of the mind in palmistry. Line end value

Plaster 13.12.2020

The line passing through the palm just below the Heart line is called the Head line (Fig. 212).

This is an important line.
Countless number of experiments have shown that it indicates the entire totality of a person's mental qualities: the type of mentality, the strength of mental concentration, the possibility of self-control.

Awareness of importance will increase when we remember what a significant role reason plays in our destiny.
As beautiful as the rest of a person is, they can never act right without a good mentality.

The mind cannot function as it should if the brain is physically disabled.
And the person will not have the mental ability to concentrate on a specific goal in life.

Mind is the power that enables us to change our natural map of life, gives us the strength to change the qualities of our type, and is the factor that most strongly affects the lives of other people.

The kind of mind that the subject is endowed with is in many ways what he is: it improves or makes deterioration in his self, completes or destroys strong points in his character and acts in accordance with his weaknesses.

Thus, the Head line requires careful study in order to accurately determine the capabilities of the mind and the limits of its boundaries.

The organ called the brain is the center from which the vital force emanates, permeating every cell and flowing through the nervous system.

It is a wonderful indicator of diseases, especially those caused by nerves.
The human brain is locked in a cranium and is so delicate and sensitive that any physical examination of it is unsafe.

Even with the most careful examination, it is impossible to accurately determine the difference in the structure of the brain of a genius, a monk or a criminal.

Since the brain is so carefully protected, it is impossible to study it in detail and find out where good and evil are in it.

But the palm contributes to this study, since the inner work of the mind is reflected on the Head line.
Therefore, today we ourselves must actively use the Head line to obtain this or that information.

This is better than waiting for the brain itself to reveal to us the workings of consciousness.

All the facts that are set out in this chapter are confirmed by numerous studies and checks.

And therefore, I do not hesitate to assert that the Head line characterizes the entire sum of the qualities inherent in the mentality of the subject.
The line also reflects the physical condition of the head.

Before starting to study the Head line, you must determine its location, since it is possible that it is completely absent.

However, since the mind is a force acting directly on the state of all lines, the Head line is rarely missing on the hands.

It often happens that only one line crosses the palm, and then you are lost in conjecture, whether this is the line of the Head, or whether it is the line of the Heart.

In 99% of cases, this lonely line is the Head line, not the Heart line.
In this case, you need to pay attention to the length of the Head line.
The Head line should not continue as far as the Heart line, but if it nevertheless crosses the palm in this way, then this indicates a strong intellect of a person, the qualities of which can be assessed by the nature and depth of the line.

< 2 >

If the line of the Head is short (Fig. 213), this indicates a person with a "narrow-minded" mind.

Such a line must be carefully examined, as it probably determines the length of the subject's life, which may end at the point where the Head line ends.

< 6 >

The cross at the end of the short line of the Head indicates an interruption in the energy flow, which will lead to death, but not as unexpectedly as in the presence of a star.

The cross on the short line of the Head in conjunction with the cross at the end of the short line of Life (Fig. 217) has almost the same meaning as in a situation where instead of crosses there are stars.
Along with these signs, it is also necessary to take into account the type of subject, the color of the lines.

If the type of subject is Jupiter (prone to apoplexy), Saturnian (prone to paralysis), Martian (excess blood in the head), the above signs become more serious, especially if the line color is red or pronounced yellow.

It is necessary to pay attention to the short line of the Head, accompanied by signs on the lines of Life, Mercury, Heart and on the hills.

< 7 >

If the line of the Head with a normal line of the Heart runs straight through the entire palm (Fig. 218), then the subject has a disturbed balance between mind and feelings.

You can be sure that in his manifestations he will be stingy and will evaluate all things in the world from the point of view of common sense.
His senses are subordinated to material interests, he is practical in everything, he is more attracted to a specific result than anything beautiful, pleasing to the eye and appealing to the heart.

If, with a long and straight line of the Head, there is no Heart line in the palm of the hand, the person is cold, and also ruthless, stingy, petty.
Pay attention to the depth and character of all lines.

If the Head line is straight and long, as well as deep, the corresponding characteristics are enhanced.
A red line will increase the subject's aggressiveness, while a yellow line will increase stinginess and cruelty.

If the Head line is long but thinner than the rest of the lines, then the subject's head will work in constant tension.

Consequently, the brain may not be able to withstand any extra effort.

If the line is short, narrow and shallow, it means that the person is unlikely to have good intelligence.
The short and thin line of the Head, in combination with deep and well-formed other lines, presents us with a person who is easily influenced by others, with a weak intellect, with a lack of leadership qualities.

Thus, along with the length of the line, its size and relationship with other lines must be taken into account.
Both palms should also be examined.

If the line of the Head is longer on the right hand than on the left, then this indicates the efforts of the subject aimed at the development of intelligence.

The opposite situation suggests otherwise, but it is also possible that this is an indication of the fact of early death.
In this case, simultaneously investigate the Life line, type and all other signs indicating health or related to it.

By examining both palms and noting the difference between them, you will be able to determine the change in intelligence and attitudes of a person on a variety of issues.

Studying the Head line, it is necessary to determine the level of the line values.

To draw such a conclusion, you need not only to pay attention to line defects produced by gaps, dots, islands and other similar signs, but also to narrowing or thinning of the line, as well as its relation to other lines.

Any defect on the Head line may indicate a disturbance in the field of thinking, which can occur as a result of an illness or be the result of an unstable character.

To determine the cause of a defect, always inspect the Life line around the same time for a defect on it.

Any deviation in the line of Life will confirm the judgment that the defect is the cause of the disease.
It is also necessary to take into account the nails, the ribbing of which will indicate a huge nervous tension, which is a consequence of the intensive work of the brain.

If, in addition to defects on the Head line, you find ribbed and brittle nails, then it is your responsibility to warn the subject that he is using up his vital energy so quickly that it does not have time to recover, and this can ultimately lead to paralysis.

This conclusion will have additional confirmation if your client belongs to the Saturnian, Mercurian or lunar types.

The color of the palm and, especially, of the lines is extremely important for correct conclusions.

Too white color threatens the subject with anemia and weaken the work of his brain.
On the other hand, excessive redness of the line will indicate excess blood, which in turn will affect the functioning of the brain.

These colors indicate abnormal brain function.

White indicates a predisposition to weakness and lack of vitality, red indicates the inevitability of fever and apoplexy.

The latter is more likely in the presence of crosses, stars, dots and a deep secant line.

Before making any conclusion regarding a defect on the Head line, carefully examine the lines of Life and Mercury in accordance with the instructions given above, in addition, examine the nails, the color of the lines and correlate all this with the type of subject.

A hand test can help you determine if the defect is due to a head disorder or something else.

< 8 >

Pay always attention to the beginning of the Head line.

On most palms, the Head line starts from the Life line, to which it is somewhat attached at its beginning (Fig. 219), and then branches off from it and goes on its own; sometimes the period of their joint connection is insignificant, and sometimes it is quite long (Fig. 220).

The faster the separation of the Head line with the Life line occurs, the earlier a person develops.

The longer the Head line is connected with the Life line, the less self-confident the subject is, as a result of which he relies more on the advice of others in his life.
Very rarely, the Head line is associated with the Life line for more than 20 years; many lines of the Head only slightly touch the line of Life, their owners at an early age rely only on themselves.

When examining the beginning of the Head line, pay attention to the angle formed by the Head line with the Life line.
The sharper he is (Fig. 220), the more sensitive the person is, the easier it is to harm his feelings, and if, in addition, you find small elevations on the pads of the first phalanges of the fingers, then the person has a very high sensitivity.

Such people will do almost everything so as not to harm others, their life will often be unhappy even because of accidental neglect of them.
Don't forget about the subject's ooze and pay attention to the fingertips.

A person with sharp coccyx of fingers and an acute angle will suffer from a lack of self-confidence, timidity, will try to rely on someone else in his life and feel disappointment every time when he loses support.

Thick, square or spade-shaped fingers will indicate prudence and caution rather than sensitivity.

< 9 >

Sometimes the line of the Head does not leave the line of Life for a long time (Fig. 221), moving with it in the same course.

In this case, the intellectual activity of a person will manifest itself rather late.
If it goes on for so long that it produces an obtuse angle in relation to the line of Life (Fig. 222), then the person is soulless to neglect.

If, in this case, the fingertips are square or spatulate, and the fingers and palm are thick and red, then the person will be weakly receptive intellectually.
In this case, the presence of only three main lines in the palm of your hand will indicate an elementary sluggishness of the intellect and its low susceptibility.

Such people will be cautious, evasive, unoriginal, unable to lead, rude, tactless.

< 10 >

When the Head line is clearly separated from the Life line (Fig. 223), you will find an excess of self-confidence in the person.

Such a person is original, he is not bound by the opinions of other people, he acts and depends only on himself, knows how to plan well and is guided by his own common sense, independent and courageous in manifesting his own views; therefore, such a sign is good if the distance between the lines is not too wide.

Hence, the wider the distance, the more a person's self-confidence increases, and then all positive qualities acquire their extreme degree.
The person becomes a reckless and far from safe counselor.

In the above cases, also pay attention to the fingertips, which will give additional information about the qualities of character.
So, tapered fingers and the presence of a wide distance between the line of the Head and the line of Life will indicate the desire for idealism; shovel-shaped - for great energy and originality, which will give an abundance of new ideas, but since such people do not ask other people's advice, this can lead them to serious mistakes.

Square fingertips are the safest in this case, as their inherent common sense is a deterrent.
Pay attention to the length of your fingers as well.
If the fingers are short, it means that quick decision-making combined with self-confidence can easily lead to impulsive, hasty and dangerous conclusions.

And if the fingers are smooth, then impulsivity increases many times.
The knots on the fingers will restrain the person's impulses.
The Head line, separated from the Life line, always indicates a subject with a pronounced personality.

The distance between the lines indicates the degree of self-confidence and individualism.
Conclusions regarding a subject with such a sign should always be made with extreme caution, since it is necessary to weigh everything in order to decide whether self-confidence crosses that dangerous line when it turns into arrogance and arrogance.

Separation of lines may indicate sensitive people, but this sensitivity is of a different kind.
After numerous studies and attempts to find the reasons for this situation, I came to the conclusion that all this is due to pride, since such people are extremely self-confident and convinced of their capabilities, but, on the other hand, nothing harms them more than doubting them other people.

< 11 >

Sometimes the line of the Head, crossing the line of Life, begins from Lower Mars (Fig. 224).

Such people are prone to hesitation, they can start any business with enthusiasm, but subsequently change their attitude towards it several times.
Such a person is a "chameleon" who constantly changes his opinions and is not able to think in the same way for a long time.

He is energetic in his views, makes categorical conclusions, but he is inclined to change them and take on new ideas with the same energy.
Such people rarely succeed, as they do not put enough energy into anything to achieve something.

They are always aggressive, since the Head line begins on Lower Mars, and often have troubles that arise in disputes and collisions with others.
Inconsistency of reason and tendency to quarrel is a bad combination, as it makes their manifestations unexpected and spontaneous.

If the color of the palm and lines is red, this enhances the unfavorableness of the sign, yellow color will indicate a person whose behavior will be unbearable for others.
And the less developed the intellect in this case, the less chances a person has to overcome these problems.

However, with a good first phalanx of the fingers, a long second phalanx of the thumb, as well as a narrow, long and paddle-shaped first phalanx of the thumb, the subject will still be able to provide quite effective resistance to his own unstable tendencies.

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The beginning of the Head line may lie on the hill of Jupiter (Fig. 225).

This situation testifies to the excellent abilities of a leader, a person who has a subtle sense of people, and most of them obey him.
Such people are self-confident, and the beginning of the Head line in itself indicates a strong intellect.

Many of them are excellent diplomats, skillfully managing others, smart, great, and succeed in life.
Always pay attention to the type of such a subject: if rudeness is inherent in his manifestations, then tact and diplomacy will be replaced by strength, he will be a leader, but people will feel strength in his actions.

If the palm is graceful, he will do whatever he wants, and people will not feel it.

The Line of the Head can begin at the base of the hill of Jupiter (Fig. 226), or it can rise to the very finger of Jupiter, as in Fig. 225.
With these options, the line is assessed depending on its specific beginning on the hill.

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It happens that the line of the Head only sends a branch to the hill of Jupiter (Fig. 227).

In this case, ambition pushes a person to the desire to be a famous and famous ruler.
If the palm clearly indicates intelligence, the person's ambition is to glorify his intelligence.

In this case, an artistic hand will indicate the subject's desire to achieve fame in the arts.
With a material hand, the subject will have a desire to make as much money as possible.
In general, it can be noted that with the above sign, people will always strive to occupy the upper social stage in society.

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The next thing to pay attention to is the path of the line along the palm.

The more straight the line of the Head runs across the palm, the more convinced the person is in his ideas, and his main qualities are common sense and practicality (Fig. 228).
Such a line shows that a person will not change his intentions and any external influences on him will not produce a strong impact.

He approaches everything from a practical point of view and accepts only what he himself has chosen.
Sometimes he can compromise, but without significantly changing his mind.
This leads to the fact that a person becomes unimpressive, too “inelastic”, dogmatic to change.

The environment of such people is small, as they try to brush everyone's hair according to their own comb.
Everything for them is subject to common sense, and the speculative and ideal is not interesting for them.

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When the line of the Head under the hill of Saturn bends significantly (Fig. 229), and so that its course seriously changes, the qualities of the character of this subject are strongly colored by Saturnian influence.

Often, when you cannot clearly define the type of client, despite your best efforts, the Head line will help with this.
The stronger the bend towards Saturn, the brighter the manifestations of Saturnian qualities.
It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the palm with this sign.

If it is dominated by the mental world, then your client is inclined to study and research, which is characteristic of the Saturnian; the predominance of the middle world tells us about the lover to tinker with the land, to engage in any other activity in the field of agriculture; the manifestation of the lower world leads to making money.

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The line of the Head, deviating towards Apollo (Fig. 230), indicates that the human mind travels through the labyrinth created by Apollonian qualities.

The predominance of the upper world shows the subject's passion for art; the separation of the middle world forces a person to reconcile the love of beauty with the desire to make money; under the dominant nether world, we see an ostentatious love of art.

< 17 >

When the line of the Head deviates towards Mercury, we will be faced with the influence of Mercury qualities on a person (Fig. 231).

In this case, with the dominance of the spiritual world, a person is characterized by an elegant power of expression, the power of persuasion and an oratorical gift.
Your fingertips will help you identify the type of specific talents.
If the middle world is most pronounced, then the mind of such a person will rush to scientific research.

Such people make good doctors, teachers or lawyers.
The lower world endows a person with the talent to make money.
Consider the finger of Mercury, the twist and twist of which will tell you how successful the subject will be in the business.

< 18 >

If the Head line has a wavy character from the very beginning to its end (Fig. 232), this is evidence that the person does not have permanent ideas.

The number of variations of this line is great, but by examining this line, you can determine the age of each mental deviation and the tendencies prevailing in it.
The general conclusion on the wavy line is as follows: lack of mental effort in any area, variability of purpose and, as a result, constant fluctuations.

People such as counselors and lawyers are insecure because their intentions are fickle.
The instability of the line arises from the instability of ideas.

< 19 >

Sometimes the line of the Head deviates too much upward, so that in the place of the bend it comes close to the line of the Heart (Fig. 233).

In this case, the heart will play a more important role than the head.
If there is a deviation of the Head line from the very beginning towards the Heart line and this continues until the very end, then a person will rely on feelings throughout his life.

If such a deviation is observed later, then similar priorities in the subject's character will appear later.
If the deviation is insignificant, then the prevalence of feelings will be insignificant.
Do not forget to take into account which of the lines is deeper and stronger: if the line of the Heart, then the feelings will guide, and the mind will give form to their manifestations; if the line is the Head, then the mind will defend itself, which will often lead to mental exhaustion, since it cannot follow the dictates of the heart.

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Occasionally you will see a Head line sloping downward (fig. 234).

In this case, a straight line of the Head speaks of equilibrium or a state close to equilibrium.
This means that any deviation of the line up or down is the result of upward or downward forces.
Therefore, when the line of the Head deviates downward, we assume that the intellectual level of the subject decreases at this time.

Since a straight line of the Head indicates a practical mindset, any downward deviation indicates a deviation from this norm at the age, which is determined by the line.
The hill of the Moon, located at the base of the palm, giving the qualities of imagination, has the power to cause the line of the Head to deviate towards it.

I examined the palms of many spiritualists and people with psychic phenomena, and came to the conclusion that the period in which they become interested in these issues can be determined by the deviation of the Head line.

If the deviation is insignificant, the subject will make a lot of efforts to implement his ideas in this direction, but soon his ardor will fade away, and he will return to normal practical thinking.

If deviation is observed all along the line (Fig. 235), the person will literally be torn between ideas of practicality and the desire to immerse himself in an imaginary world, but since at the end the Head line returns to the path of a straight line, practicality will prevail.

When the line deviates downward under a certain hill (Fig. 234), the qualities of the hill will force the subject into a certain way of thinking.
A person's belonging to one of the three worlds will tell you which side of these qualities will cause a mental reorientation.

You can determine the result of such a reorientation by the nature of the line before, during or after the deviation.

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If the nature of the line is such that a well-formed line turns into a thin one, and then takes the form of a chain (Fig. 236), then the result of the subject's mental deviations will be the depletion of vital energy.

The age of the event can be determined from the line.

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If the line of the Head is thin at its beginning, and then, during the period of deviation, takes the form of a chain and ends with a star (Fig. 237), then a person in his intellectual pursuits will damage his already "gentle" mind, which will eventually end up with its complete destruction.

The result will be either madness or death, you can make the final conclusion after examining the line of Life, nails, and so on.
These illustrations represent just two possible combinations out of countless.

I have included them to define a general method of reasoning in such cases.
The beginning of the Head line speaks about its potential capabilities, the course of the line through the palm - about changes in intellectual activity that occur during life, the end - about the results of activity.

A short line length is a sign of either low intelligence, or early death, or insanity (the above values \u200b\u200bof the short line of the Head will be interpreted in this way only if there are additional signs).

< 23 >

When the line is very short and rises up to Saturn (Fig. 238), this means that a person has a Saturnian mindset, and the diseases that are characteristic of Saturn will cause his early death.

Since we are considering the line of the Head, we must also consider diseases affecting the head as a physical organ.
Paralysis, one of the known diseases related to Saturn, may be the cause of the above sign of early death.

Grooved, bent back, or brittle, yellow nails, thin Life line, islets, chains, breaks and other defects will help you test your conclusions.
The old palmists spoke of the short line of the Head going to Saturn as an unexpected death.

The reasons for such a conclusion must be clear.

< 24 >

If the Head line rises far up the hill of Saturn (Fig. 239), your confidence should only increase.

Having found a star, a cross, a point on such a line, you can be sure: unexpected death is guaranteed (Fig. 240).
If the line ends with a tassel (Fig. 241), then, unlike an unexpected death, foreshadowed by a point, a cross or a star, the person will gradually fade away, weaken the intellect and, ultimately, paralysis.

Experienced palmists speak of the severity of the consequences caused by Saturn.

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When the line of the Head turns towards Apollo (Fig. 242), the person is under the spell of Apollonian ideas.

You will be able to figure out the prevailing aspect of these ideas in a person after determining his belonging to one of the three worlds.
But, be that as it may, remember that the line of the Head ascending to one of the hills is a sign of not very strong intellectual endurance.

< 26 >

If the line of the Head rises up and connects with the line of the Heart (Fig. 243), the subject completely falls under the power of feelings, but not common sense.

Some palmists interpret the above sign as a tendency to illegal behavior.
This is not entirely true.
Emotions, feelings, desires, or anything else drown out the voice of reason in such a person, and a person can commit a crime in response to the call of his passions.

He will not necessarily become a criminal, although he will have certain sins.
However, if, along with such a course of the Head line, you find a large hill of Venus, a full and red line of the Heart, short nails, the expression of Mars and, in addition to this, a hard palm, then a person can not only commit a crime to satisfy his desires, but also commit murder.

< 27 >

If the line of the Head ascends to the hill of Apollo (Fig. 244), while crossing the line of the Heart, then, most likely, this will cause complications of cardiac activity, as well as problems in the work of the brain, which is likely to result in apoplexy.

If at the point of intersection both lines are red and deep, this increases the seriousness of the sign.
The appearance of a star at this point (Fig. 245) indicates the danger of shock and serious illness.
If an island appears on the Head line (Fig. 246), the work of the brain will be constantly weakened by severe attacks of headache, which will cause a long-term weakening of mental activity and ultimately lead to inflammation of the brain.

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The Head line, rising towards Mercury (Fig. 247), speaks of a strong influence on the subject of the qualities of Mercury.

As a result, whichever side of Mercurial qualities is emphasized, a person will have a talent for “making money”.
This desire will be so strong that a person will undermine his health and make any sacrifice on this altar.

As employers, such people are real tyrants, they will twist ropes from their employees, paying them the minimum wage.
They like to bargain for a few pence.
In their view, everything has a price.

When you find such a line on your hand, try to determine the type of subject.
If he has more or less expressed Saturnian qualities, then such a combination will drain his vital energy.
If this is a Mercurian, then such a person, honestly or dishonestly, will get his money.

The curved or twisted finger of Mercury in such a subject will only strengthen your reasoning, and the absence of the Heart line on such a hand will tell you that he will stop at nothing.

Having found a similar line on a good hand, you can conclude that the person just loves money.
If, along with this line, you find many small vertical lines on the hill of Mercury (Fig. 248), this will indicate a special ability in medicine.

You see in front of you a doctor who knows how to make money, and if you find the long third phalanx of Mercury's finger, then you have a successful businessman.

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The Head Line, which rises high on Mercury, is a warning of a threat to human health (Fig. 249).

This indicates a tendency to change in bile, gastric diseases, nervousness, leading to frequent dizziness, but all this will not lead to serious consequences.

If the line ends with a star (Fig. 250), the person faces unexpected death.

The line going to the upper hill of Mars (Fig. 251) speaks of the priority of practical common sense.

If at the same time the upper Mars is well developed, then a person has its qualities: he knows how to stand up for himself if necessary, is cold-blooded, brave, and belligerent in spirit.
If the hill of Mars is not balanced with the rest of the hand, then the mentality of the subject suffers from certain drawbacks: he is easily discouraged, is not able to maintain the force of resistance for a long time, and is not confident in himself.

But no matter how weak the intellect may be, the practicality of a person does not undergo much change.

< 30 >

On many palms, the Head line tilts towards the hill of the Moon (Fig. 252).

Such people are prone to daydreaming, imagination, and in addition suffer from a lack of practicality.
There is a widespread misunderstanding of the inclination of the Head line to the Moon, the essence of which is that such a line move is interpreted as a sign of madness.

There is nothing further from the truth than such a statement.
The fact that a person has a developed imagination does not mean that he is insane.
Nothing leads to the conclusion that such people are impractical, especially if the Head line is good, deep, well-formed, intact.

Only the line of the Head, going to the Moon and having an excessive slope and duration, should cause your concern.
Other combinations with such a line, or the nature of the line itself, can modify it, but the general rule is that a person with such a line is not only in the realm of logic, but also has imagination.

This is a typical trait of writers, orators, and linguists.

< 31 >

In most of the fortunate people of these professions, I have found the descending line of the Head; for some, it went so far that, like writers, they had the gift of writing and poetry (Fig. 253).

The Line of the Head, in order to reach the hill of the Moon, must be long, so in these cases one cannot speak of a lack of intelligence, but this is possible if the rest of the elements of the hand do not confirm the development of intelligence.

In some cases, the falling line of the Head, together with other unfavorable signs, is a clear indication of intellectual chaos in the head.

< 33 >

If the line descends to the hill of the Moon and ends with a cross (Fig. 256), this indicates an obstacle that has arisen in intellectual activity.

An island (Fig. 257) or a point (Fig. 258) on such a line signals the danger of mental disorders.
The size of a dot or island will tell you how serious it is.

< 36 >

If the line of the Head in the first section of its path goes straight and only then goes down (Fig. 261), this can be interpreted as the dominance of imagination over practical views in the second half of life.

The age of the change in views is determined by the point of change in the direction of the line.
Such a strong change in the course of the line is not the best option, it is much preferable to have a graceful arc, smoothly descending towards the hill of the Moon, such a course of the line does not entail negative consequences.

< 37 >

Sometimes the line of the Head bifurcates at the end (Fig. 262), which indicates the versatility of a person, allowing him to evaluate an object from different sides.

I have seen such a mark on the hand of successful theatrical figures and those who have achieved success in other ways through reaching out to the public.

If the distance between the tails of the fork at the end of the Head line is small, then this should be interpreted simply as versatility.

The ability to look at a question on a larger scale is reflected in the wider ramification of the ends of the Head line (Fig. 263).
Paying attention to which end of the line is better formed, you can draw a conclusion about the predominance of certain qualities in thinking.

This is a great sign on a good hand.
The double line of the Head gives the subject the opportunity to look at certain things from different positions, which leads to the habit of misleading others.
He does not always deliberately lie, as often he himself does not know whether he is telling the truth or fantasizing.

He has such a vivid imagination that he convinces himself that he is telling the truth, although this is far from the case.
In people who are constantly lying, I have always found a fork on the Head line.
Sometimes such people lie out of pride or vanity, and sometimes - out of malice or selfish intent.

All this has to do only with professional liars, but not with amateurs to tell any story.

If one of the ends of the fork goes towards the upper Mars, and the other ends to the Moon (Fig. 264), then the “double” imagination of the subject, reflected by the fork on the hill of the Moon, will be so strong that he will exaggerate and tell a lie in the very time when truth is needed.

He has such an all-encompassing imagination that the result is a constant distortion of reality.

If the "fork" ends with a star, a cross or a dot (Fig. 265), then we can say with almost complete certainty that unlimited imagination will lead to madness - firstly, due to superimagination, and secondly, due to illness, on which is indicated by a star, a cross, a point.

In the two cases described above, if the hill of the Moon is covered with a lattice or heavily indented, there is a susceptibility to anxiety due to the power of the imagination.

< 38 >

Sometimes there is a line of the Head, which is divided into three branches, one of which goes to Mercury, the other to Mars, and the third to the Moon (Fig. 266).

This is an excellent sign, indicating a wide variety of mental abilities, adaptability.
In this case, the three endings mean a union in one person: a businessman (Mercury), a fighter (Upper Mars), a dreamer (Moon).

This combination contributes to a successful career, but only if there are no pronounced signs of laziness or other defects on the hand.

< 39 >

In rare cases, you can find the line of the Head, bending like a bow and ending at the hill of Venus (Fig. 267).

This position of the line indicates the special importance of Venusian ideas for humans.
If the line is long, deep and clear, it indicates a high level of intelligence.
Some people think that this is a sign of mental disorder, but this is not true; remember that the drawing is influenced by Venus.

The nature of the Head line shows the strength and power of the intellect, as well as the ability to concentrate thought.
A deep and well-formed line speaks of significant mental strength, good self-control, determination, great memory, mental health and strength.

A good and clear line is an energy channel, thoughts pass through it smoothly and smoothly, so a person is not subject to spasmodic chaotic thinking.
A deep and correct line of the Head shows a calm, restrained person who does not lose his head, does not give in to whims, is full of dignity, knows how to express his opinion and carry out his decisions.

The long line of the Head is often torn or damaged, but this does not diminish mental abilities, but suggests that in some situations a person's thinking will be unbalanced and chaotic.

The length of the Head line indicates the power of thinking, and the depth and clarity - its quality.
Holders of a deep, well-drawn line may not come to a conclusion so quickly, but they will weigh everything and think it over carefully.

Once they come to a decision, they will concentrate all their thoughts on it and apply all the strength and knowledge gained at different times.
They are cold-blooded in the moment of danger, they are supremely self-controlled, it is not easy to force them to leave their post.

A strong thumb adds firmness and inflexibility to this.
The long thumb indicates the will, which manifests itself outside, the deep and clear line of the Head shows the degree of volitional self-control.

Relate the line in question to the other lines in the palm, as well as the size of the palm itself.
A deeper and clearer line of the Head in comparison with others speaks of a person of an intellectual warehouse, which should be confirmed by the first phalanges of his fingers.

The Deep Line of the Head tells us about excellent physical brain health.
This line is rarely accompanied by headaches and other head diseases.
And only when the line is short, red, or there are other defects on it, dangers, dizziness, fainting, in extreme cases - apoplexy and insanity await a person.

The likelihood of this outcome increases if your client is a Jupiterian, especially if his third phalanxes are full.
A person with a strong and deep head line can tolerate significantly greater mental stress than a person with a weak, defective line.

He is less dependent on others, more reliable.
On many palms, you will find a thin and narrow Head line.
A thin line like this shows that your client doesn't have a lot of vitality.
He can be smart if the line is long enough, but will suffer from lack of energy.

He may have a lot of great ideas, but it will be difficult for him to realize them in life, since any great intellectual efforts drain his strength.
Such a person cannot concentrate his mind on one subject for a long time.

Having low self-control, the subject gives free rein to his feelings, moods; low appetite and laziness can be inherent qualities of such a person.
The usual characteristics of such a line are: intellectual inertia, lack of desire and ability to act with effort, lack of firmness and aggression, the ability to concentrate.

Such people rely on intuition in their lives, avoiding mental effort.
It is dangerous to overload people with such lines as they may not be able to handle it.
Again, pay attention to the relationship of this line to other lines and palm size.

If the lines of the hand and palm are more accented in comparison with the thin line of the Head, then the subject should not overload the head.
No stress, insomnia, drugs, stimulants and other excesses should be allowed.

He needs to take care of his stomach and remember about rest, since any kind of vigorous activity can cause brain disorders in him.

< 40 >

On the palms of people with a thin line of the Head, experiencing strong mental stress, you will find places where the line is deeper (Fig. 268).

The intervals of the thin line, on which such depressions are present, indicate the pressure that a person experiences during these periods; the consequences of such pressure are paralysis and nervous disorders.

You can determine the time of such overloads along the line.

< 41 >

Stars, crosses, dots (Fig. 269) on the thin line of the Head indicate a danger threatening the subject's intellect.

Cutting lines indicate dangerous moments in life.
If they are small and often located on the Head line (Fig. 270), then this indicates headaches, but if they are deep in the presence of a thin Head line (Fig. 271), then a person cannot avoid cerebral fever, nervous breakdowns or paralysis.

In all cases, examine both palms.
If the line of the Head is deep on the left hand and shallow on the right, the person is endowed with great natural mental strength, but weakened, and therefore not suitable for great mental efforts.

Such people rarely pay attention to warnings, since the natural forces of the mind do not allow them to calmly come to terms with the loss of vital energy, which is reflected in the right hand.
The opposite picture (a thin line on the left palm, deep on the right) indicates a positive process that allows a person to endure additional loads.

I believe that a weak mentality can be strengthened through continuous development.
All changes from good to bad, from weak to strong, can be accurately determined using both palms.

< 42 >

The broad and shallow line of the Head (Fig. 272) is not a sign of a strong mentality.

The brain in such people is susceptible to disease and progressive deterioration.
Such people are unreliable, insecure, hesitant, suffer from a lack of courage and determination.
They may have good intelligence if the line is long, but they are weak in intellectual effort.

A wide and superficial line indicates a lack of strength and intensity of thought processes, assertiveness in achieving goals.
However, if such a person has a long thumb, he may give the opposite impression, but it will only be an outer sheen.

He will also lack self-control, the ability to influence others, the ability to concentrate his thoughts, and he will have a bad memory.
Such a person is subject to other people's influence, cannot resist temptations.

He is too lazy to indulge in reflections, it is enough that others think for him.
A wide and superficial line on both hands is a sign that a person will remain that way all his life.
Having noticed signs of improvement of the line on the right hand, you can confidently state that the subject has overcome intellectual inertia.

If a wide and shallow line is visible on the left hand and split into pieces on the right, the person can be described as weak in spirit and prone to strong vibrations.
An excellent line of the Head can save any person from the worst situations, even if the palm indicates the shortcomings of the most desirable qualities - he can compensate for them with a strong intellect.

A wide and shallow line of the Head will weaken any other positive qualities and make the result of a person's efforts worse.
It reduces the importance of developed hills.
Therefore, Jupiterian ambitions, Martian energy will greatly decrease and the manifestations of other hills will weaken due to the intellectual laziness of the subject.

< 43 >

On many palms, the Head line is superficial in the first years of life, then it becomes deeper and clearer (Fig. 273).

The age at which such changes occur indicates the period of life when a person becomes stronger in his external manifestations and begins to think independently.
This sign can often be found on the hands of women who were spoiled as children and who never had to do anything themselves - but once using their own resources, they won the battle for their existence.

Their Head line becomes deeper, clearer and straighter as they have a reason to develop their powers.

< 44 >

The Head line in the form of a chain (Fig. 274) is a bad sign.

The energy that passes along the line of the Head dissipates and creates a lot of obstacles.
In this case, the person desperately lacks the ability to concentrate.
Hesitation, timidity, sensitivity and inconstancy are the qualities that he possesses.

You cannot rely on the promises of such people; they don't want to break promises, but they do.
They have poor memory, lack of common sense, headaches and other troubles associated with the work of the brain.

They cannot do any work for a long time.
If there is a strong Heart line in the palm of their hand, sensitivity deprives them of a practical outlook on life.
With a weak thumb, they find it difficult to plan any actions and implement them.

For such people, any stress is extremely dangerous, since it can bring them out of their normal state.
This happens due to the fact that they do not have the strength to deal with emerging problems.
They are prone to illusions, hallucinations, believe in the chimerical, irrational, and if at the same time the Head line descends to the Moon, then a person has a superimagination, a tendency to delirium, insanity.

A person whose Head line looks like a chain should be recommended a job that is not related to intellectual activity.
In his work, he needs to have a leader, since he himself cannot manage his own forces effectively enough.

The appearance of a chain only in some part of the line limits the above-described tendencies in human behavior to a certain period of time.

Its subsequent change to a deep and well-cut line proves the person's ability for active mental activity (Fig. 275).

You don't often see such a sharp contrast in the palm of your hand, since usually transitions from one state to another occur gradually: the chain is replaced by a thin line, which only then becomes deep enough (Fig. 276).

For a final conclusion, if you find a Head line in the form of a chain, examine both palms.
The color of the Head line plays a great role in determining the qualities of intelligence.
The white color of the line appears as a result of poor blood supply to the head, and therefore indicates its low performance.

This color is usually characteristic of wide, superficial, chain-like lines, which enhances their unfavorable qualities.
Pink color indicates an increase in brain work, red corresponds to its increasing intensity.

A superficial and wide line is colored red if a person is prone to brain spasms.
Such people can mislead many others, but hardly those who are familiar with the real reason.

The yellow color of the superficial wide line endows a person with irritability, nervousness, a tendency to depression, and the search for mistakes in other people's actions.
With a pronounced yellow color, such a quality as meanness will be present in the human character; in this combination, a person has not only a weak head, but also low interests.

The blue tint of the line is associated with slow blood circulation, which can lead to the cessation of mental activity due to heart failure.
White is not characteristic of a deep and well-formed Head line; but if, when you press it, it still does not turn red, but remains white, then coldness is added to the good work of the head.

The owner of such intelligence is inclined to calculate all events, is cold-blooded, stingy, looking for exaltation in the assessment of others.
The white color of the line indicates that such a person evokes little sympathy or feelings from others.

He can easily become a ruler and a tyrant, both at home and in business.

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Wide Head Line (Figure 1.49), indicates a lazy mind and weak intellectual abilities of a person. Due to the fact that mental and mental energy spreads over a wide area along the line of the Head, losing its speed and focus, giving way to a calm and measured flow of energy in the line, it is very difficult for such a person to concentrate and concentrate in life. With a long but wide line of the Head, although new knowledge will be easily given to people, they will be simply too lazy to analyze, study something in depth and get to the bottom of the truth.

Superficial and weak head line (Figure 1.50) indicates a superficial and weak memory, inability to concentrate, fatigue, indecision and emotionality. Due to the fact that a line of this type cannot pass a strong flow of mental energy through itself, such a person will be poorly erudite, unable to analyze, not confident in himself, and he will also lack a firm point of view and the ability to defend his life position.

Cirrus line of the Head, made up of a series of small lines (Figure 1.51), indicates rapid mental fatigue and possible associated nervous breakdowns. People with this type of Head line cannot make decisions on their own, due to the inability to focus on the problem and deeply analyze it, as a result of which they prefer to shift decision-making on other people's shoulders. As a rule, in their daily life, such people tend to jump from one idea to another, adding even more confusion to their activities, and remaining misunderstood by other people.

Chain line of the Head, consisting of a series of small islets (Figure 1.52), speaks of emotional stress, anxiety, anxiety and mental problems. The flow of psychic energy encounters constant obstacles in its path, circles around and cannot either bypass or overcome them, so a person's thoughts swirl between the islands, lose their original orientation, spin in place, eventually find no way out and do not lead to a solution to problems ... Such a person, in addition to problems with concentration and memorization of information, will find it difficult to intelligibly express his thoughts, and his beliefs will not be convincing and persistent.

Island Head Line, having one or more islets along its length (Figure 1.53), indicates nervous overstrain, absent-mindedness, increased fatigue, and in some cases it can speak of prolonged depression. The island itself on the line does not indicate global and cardinal mental changes, but simply indicates that mental abilities in the time interval of the island are getting worse and the human brain cannot process and take into account a lot of information at once. Often, islands on the Head line appear while studying at higher educational institutions and indicate only that it is difficult for a person to study or that he is studying at the limit of his mental strength and capabilities. Generally, islands are best interpreted in relation to the hills above them. They can be used to determine in which area thought problems will arise and in which area of \u200b\u200blife they will affect the most: ambition, career, general welfare or finances. So, for example, the palms of overworked businessmen have an island on the Head line under the hills of Jupiter or Apollo. Islands can appear and disappear, appear more clearly or weaker, depending on the circumstances. But a clear and always working sign of depression will be an island on the line of the Head under the hill of Saturn, which implies social isolation and constant nervous tension.

Big Island on the Head Line (Figures 1.54 and 1.55), according to the Vedas, speaks of the positive qualities of the line and indicates the accumulation of mental energy. Energy passing through the line is forced to stay in the island and accumulate in it. Therefore, this type of island in the Vedas is usually called a "lake", and a person who has it on the line of the Head, as a rule, is endowed with rich imagination, strong imagination and inspiration, and thanks to these qualities is able to draw ideas from the formed "lake" and apply them in his activities ... In the given example, in Figure 1.55, the line of the Head with a large island is shown, and the person who has it in his hands is a real intellectual and polymath who knows 5 foreign languages \u200b\u200bperfectly.

Wavy Head Line (Figure 1.56) indicates the absence of aspirations and direction of thoughts in one direction, and as a result indicates constant changeability and instability in emotional and psychological activity. Such people are characterized by frequent changes in outlook, inconstancy and inconsistency in thoughts and actions. They are crafty, two-faced and indecisive, and are also very susceptible to other people's influence.

Uneven Head Line, which becomes thinner in some areas or vice versa, thicker, deepening or weakening, and also, if it is crossed by other small lines (Figure 1.57), indicates psychological and emotional instability and intellectual instability during periods of change in the quality of the line. Energy, passing along a line of this type, goes unevenly, then passing a large flow of mental energy through itself, then limiting it, then walking smoothly and without problems, then bumping into intersections and blocking completely.

The direction and ending of the Head line. The end of the Head line indicates the type and level of intelligence, and also determines the belonging of a person to the modes of material nature. Along the hill to which the line of the Head strives and at what point it ends, the palmist determines those qualities of the character of a person that, thanks to his mind, a person uses in his daily activities. Also, in the direction of the Head line and its end, the final conclusion is made about the karmic purpose of a person and about his ability for a certain type of work. Thus, the direction of the line and its tendency towards certain hills, will enhance or reduce such character traits as: imagination and fantasy, idealism and practicality, making changes both in the character of a person and in his worldview.

When analyzing the direction of the Head line, it is necessary to remember that its direction affects the entire life of a person, determining the course of mental activity: from realizing oneself as a person in early childhood to leaving the earthly world in extreme old age. The early ending of the Mind line does not indicate an early death and does not indicate a person's mental retardation, but indicates a mind that is mainly fixated on daily activities, thinks only of itself and is a professional in a narrow field. On the contrary, the long line of the Mind, which reaches the opposite edge of the palm, endows a person with great intellectual, mental and analytical abilities, making a person versatile and able to find himself in different areas.

The Line of the Head can end at the interdigital hills, and also head towards the hills of the Moon and Mars, or end at the line of Life, cutting it.

Head line ending at one of the interdigital hills, indicates that the qualities of the hill to which the line of the Head goes prevail over all human life. The line of the Head curving upwards indicates that a person is completely dependent and subject to all his feelings, which in part may also be a negative sign. Such a person, in order to enjoy and satisfy his passions, is capable of inappropriate actions, and the inner voice of Reason will not be heard and ignored in front of the growing emotions and passions that muffle it, affecting human behavior. If the line of the Head, crossing the line of the Heart, goes to the tops of the interdigital hills, then this sign indicates very strong impulses in a person's desires, where his aspirations can reach fanaticism, making such a person merciless and purposeful, ready to sacrifice himself and his health , but by any means to achieve the set goals.

This behavior of the line, which completely changes its original direction, as shown in Figure 1.58, heading up to the interdigital hills, is quite rare in practice. Traditionally, palmistry distinguishes between the endings of the Head line on the hills of Saturn, Apollo and Mercury.

The end of the line of the Head on the hill of Saturn endows a person with the ideas and qualities of Saturn. On a refined and good hand, a person will be endowed with seriousness, punctuality, a sense of responsibility, self-discipline and complete dedication. It will undoubtedly be possible to rely on such a person in everything, since he will treat all matters with his inherent responsibility and bring everything to the end, without throwing them on to others and without leaving unfinished business. By nature, such people are conservatives and melancholic people who need confidence in the future and who do not know how to rest and enjoy life. If the line of Mind ends on the hill of Saturn and is on a rough hand with an overdeveloped hill of Venus, especially in its lower part, then the feelings of such a person will completely affect his common sense, making the person aggressive, cruel and uncontrollable, which in a fit of anger is capable of impartial actions that may cause problems with the law.

End of the Head line on the Apollo Hill indicates that all thoughts and desires of a person will be completely subordinated to the search for fame, recognition and fame. The Head line with such an ending will not be a negative sign, since the desire for recognition will push and spur a person to work on himself and self-improvement, and fame and celebrity will be achieved through mental activity and the right path.

The end of the Head line on the hill of Mercury, shown in Figure 1.58, indicates good organizational skills, the ability to manage the opinion and will of others, as well as talent in the field of commerce and entrepreneurship. As a rule, such people intuitively have a presentiment of the benefits, thanks to which they are able to be in the right place at the right time. With due diligence, the absence of negative signs on his hands and good Karma, such a person can become a very rich person and a rather successful businessman.

The end of the line of the Head on the hill of Upper Mars, shown in Figure 1.59, indicates the predominance of logic and prudence, firmness and decisiveness, and also speaks of a clear and objective mind, good intelligence and excellent memory. Although the straight, clear line of the Head reflects the logical type of thinking, in combination with the highly developed hill of the Moon, we can talk about the saturation of the subconscious with images and the richness of emotions, which does not interfere with logic. With a deep and straight line, as if drawn along the line of the Head, a person will not be inclined to any compromises due to the fact that his inner moral principles will supplant the logical conclusions of other people, therefore, someone else's opinion will be accepted by him only if he is provided with undeniable evidence. In his personal life, the owner of a straight Head line will always adhere to realistic views of love and relationships, while he will always be a traditional, trustworthy and practical spouse.

If the straight line of the Head runs through the entire hand, starting from the hill of Jupiter and ending on the hill of Upper Mars, forming the Sydney line, then such a person will rarely reckon with someone else's opinion, will only listen to himself and suppress someone else's opinion by any means, and his natural stubbornness and overestimated self-esteem will undoubtedly lead to communication difficulties and complete loneliness.

End of the Head line on the hill of the Moon shown in Figures 1.60 and 1.60-1. On the hill of the Moon, the Head line can end at the top (Fig. 1.60), middle and at the bottom of the hill of the Moon (Fig. 1.60-1 and Fig. 1.61), which will correspond to various character traits that will differ significantly from each other, so each ending will be considered by us separately.

At the end of the Head line at the top of the moon hill the person will have spiritual and emotional flexibility, a wide range of interests, mental alertness, observation and developed communication skills. The social adaptation of a person also depends on the flexibility of the head line. The pronounced hill of the Moon feeds the line of the Mind with the ability for abstract thinking, flows of fantasy and images, and also gives a person a good imagination, sentimentality, dreaminess and vulnerability. If a person with this type of Head line chooses a creative field of activity, then he will correspond to his karmic purpose and will be completely satisfied with his life and destiny.

For most people, the Head line at first seems to tend from one edge of the palm to the other, but in the course of its movement it changes its direction and halfway begins to bend down, as shown in Figure 1.50. Such a line, descending to the hill of the Moon, gives a person, on the one hand, creativity and the ability to think at an intuitive level, and on the other hand, takes away his firmness and determination, contributing to pessimistic moods and bouts of depression. Therefore, to advance in a career, a person needs additional incentives, firmness of character and the ability to achieve their own, which will be reflected in the characteristics of a strong thumb.

If the line of the Head goes deep into the hill of the Moon and ends at the bottom of it, as shown in Figures 3.24 (see book 1) and 1.60-1, then such people have an even more imaginative perception of the surrounding reality and much better developed fantasy and imagination, in comparison with the case considered earlier. With a very strong tilt of the Head line (Figure 3.24), a person has a tendency to substitute the real with the desired, a fear of responsibility and a lack of decisiveness begins in all areas of activity. He deliberately begins to move away from the problems that arise, since they turn out to be much stronger than him. The further the line tends to the lower part of the hill of the Moon, the less realistic thinking turns out to be and the more fantasy and daydreaming are played out, which gives rise to amazing ideas, which are often not destined to be embodied in reality. Quite often, such a mysterious and enigmatic personality is characterized by a fascination with mysticism and the projection in his mind of his “magic” world, in which far from the laws of the material world will rule. Also, the descending line of the Head is a double-edged blade, due to the fact that one part of it indicates talent and ingenuity, and the second indicates addiction to moods, excessive sensitivity, childhood fears and phobias.

The Head Line ends on the Life Line or crosses it, as shown in Figure 1.61, - such an ending further aggravates the already unfavorable qualities of the falling Head line. The turning point of the Head line will serve as a marker of time when a person completely leaves reality and reality into the illusory world of fantasies and dreams. According to the Vedas, the line of the Head that crosses the line of Life, as in our example, indicates that a person with the help of his mind can harm his body or harm himself. Thus, during periods of despair and prolonged depression, such a person can commit suicide, so he should not be left without the support and control of his loved ones, relatives and friends.

Head Line ending with Trident, a rather rare and most favorable sign of all the combinations of the Head lines described above. As a rule, the trident is mainly located at the end of the Head line, one tooth of which goes to the hill of Mercury, the second to Upper Mars, and the third to the Moon. This is a very lucky sign that speaks of versatile intelligence, adaptability and flexibility. With this ending, all areas of activity are simultaneously involved: organizational and entrepreneurial abilities, symbolized by the hill of Mercury; active life position, firmness and determination - by the hill of Upper Mars; imagination, fantasy and abstract thinking - by the hill of the moon. This combination promises success in all endeavors and indicates a successful career, recognition and, at the same time, gives material wealth and spiritual wealth to such a person.

Writer's fork. The fork in palmistry is usually called a fork on the Head line. The line of the Head, ending with a fork, indicates the versatility and ambiguity of a person, a rich intellect and a discerning mind, which ultimately symbolizes the two directions of the human mind. The bifurcation of the Head line is considered a good sign that combines seemingly incongruous personality traits: on the one hand, a straight line going to the hill of Upper Mars means perseverance and sober calculation, and on the other hand, a line going to the hill of the Moon, leads a person into the area of \u200b\u200bcreativity.

Since each hand is unique in nature, then the writing forks, depending on the flexibility of the mind and the richness of the intellect, are different on the palms: some will be very small, the second - medium, and the third - very large, in this regard, the interpretation of each type the plugs will be different from each other. The most ideal and most favorable would be a small writing fork with straight ends, and the most unfavorable would be a very large fork in the Head line.

Small fork, shown in Figure 1.62, speaks of the mobility of intelligence, versatility, an insightful mind and open-mindedness. A person who has a small fork on the Head line is able to see clearly and objectively all sides of one problem, can consider it from different angles in order to find the most correct and acceptable solution that can suit all interested parties. This quality enhances the already rich analytical and diplomatic abilities, but also speaks of the ability not only to criticize, but also to propose new practical solutions. With a clear, strong and deep line of the Head, a small fork at its end indicates a writing talent that can be applied depending on the direction of the line of the Mind. When the line of the Head is directed to the hill of the Moon, in which the fork will also be on this hill, then due to a rich imagination and violent imagination, a writing talent will be realized, which can be expressed in writing romance novels, fiction or esoteric literature. The end of the writer's fork on the hill of Upper Mars, on the contrary, will indicate the writing of popular science articles, detective stories or research literature.

When analyzing the writer's fork, it is necessary to take into account the development of hills in the palm of your hand, which, regardless of the direction of the line of the Mind, will convey shades in the implementation of writing talent. So for example, if in the presence of a small writer's fork the hill of Jupiter is strongly developed - such a person will see the truth; if the hill of Apollo is developed, then the ability to express feelings appears; if the hill of Venus is developed, it will be able to beautifully describe love passions; and in the presence of the belt of Venus, much attention will be paid to the description of the beauty of nature, etc.

It is also necessary to remember that not all people, according to their Karma and natural inclinations, are given the opportunity to become writers or journalists, since there are still many signs that should be present on the palms of people who have devoted themselves to these professions. But in any case, a small fork on the Head line gives its owner excellent analytical and diplomatic abilities, as well as an inquisitive mind and rich intellect.

Big fork, shown in Figure 1.62-1, on an unfavorable hand symbolizes the splitting of the personality itself, and also indicates the absence of rational thinking and the predominance of extreme emotions, to which such a person will be given with great joy. But when analyzing such a branching, it is necessary to take into account the nuances. If the fork is too long and its parts look disproportionate, then often the thought process of such a person will be unbalanced and take on ridiculous forms. An overly developed fork may mean that two mutually exclusive decisions will fight inside a person: one dictated by reason, the other by imagination, and as a result, neither the first nor the second will find its realization in practice. If, when branching, the upper part of the fork tends to the hill of Mercury, then the goal of such a person is to gain independence and social status, as a result of which the partner of such a person should be ambitious and strive for success, and the lower segment, considered in the aspect of a love affair, will express the desire for an intense stormy romance and relationships.

On a good and favorable hand, with a strong and deep line of the Head, a good line of Life and a clear line of Destiny, a large fork has positive characteristics and no longer indicates a split thinking, but on the contrary will be a good help in a career that allows you to use a rich imagination and analytical skills in achieving the plan.

Extra large fork, shown in Figures 1.62-2 and 1.62-3, is a sign of self-destruction and shows the desire for an unpredictable and willful attitude, both to life itself and to life events. When considering this kind of branching, it is necessary to determine the main direction of the Head line, which will always be stronger and clearer in comparison with the additional segment. Thus, if the main line of Mind reaches the hill of Upper Mars, and its offshoot deviates to the hill of the Moon (Figure 1.62-2), then the upper part will dominate and control its main direction, giving such a person a good orientation in reality, and with sufficient completeness Hill of the Moon is also the opportunity to use your rich imagination. If the line of the Head is split from the very beginning or the splitting begins under the hill of Saturn (Fig. 1.62-3), then we can assume a painful duality of human consciousness and various options for its manifestation. As a rule, great claims are made to the spiritual and intellectual forces of a person, with which such a person is not able to cope. And if at the same time both ramifications go to the hill of the Moon, then frequent and prolonged depressions are added to all this, and will and reason will be replaced by abstract fantasies.

Head line breaks and replacements. Tears on the Head line always have a negative meaning and usually appear in moments of severe emotional upheaval, great grief, as well as with physical injuries to the head or legs. The line of the Head, which has gaps, predicts a danger, due to the fact that the initially flowing energy along the line, reaching a gap, spreads and does not find its new channel for the continuation of the energy flow, thereby receiving a gap in mental and mental energy, in which the human self-preservation system usually fails. The consequences of these events can be traced along other lines, in particular along the lines of Life and Fate, which will indicate how negatively the event affected the life and career of a person. Head line breaks are of two types and are divided into open (Figure 1.63) and compensated (Figure 1.64). The interpretation of breaks on the Head line is similar to the interpretation of breaks on the Life line, with the only difference that breaks in the Life line create obstacles to the flow of vital energy of action, and breaks in the Mind line impede the normal flow of mental and psychic energy.

Unobstructed Head Line Break is very rare on human hands. A gap of this kind is extremely unfavorable of all existing gaps, which indicates the onset of negative events in a person's life associated with a malfunction of the nervous system, memory loss, and may also indicate a physical head injury or a nervous breakdown from overwork. The position of the gap on the Head line indicates only the age of the event, which is calculated when dating is applied to the Head line, and the reasons that led to this should be looked for on other lines of the hand. Particular attention should be paid to gaps under the most fateful hill in the palm of your hand - the hill of Saturn on your passive hand. He speaks of some fatal karmic predisposition, which, however, can be avoided if there is no confirmation on the active hand. When analyzing an open gap on the Head line, it is necessary to examine the palm most carefully in order to find protective signs or auxiliary support lines that will help overcome the upcoming adverse events in a person's life with the least loss.

Compensated or bridged head line break the most favorable, since the auxiliary line of the Head overlaps the damage to the main line, directing the flow of energy further along the line, thereby replacing and eliminating the defect in the main line of the Head. Overlapped or compensated, as in the case of the Life line, it is called because the ends of the lines inside the gap form an overlap and seem to go over each other, which shows a temporary disruption in the work of the nervous system and mental activity, and all upcoming events will be bypassed, not causing deep loss and disappointment.

Replacing Broken Head Line a separate auxiliary segment or a new line of the Head, which continues from the old one, while forming a compensated gap, always denotes changes. The changes can be interpreted depending on the hand on which the replacement of the damaged Head line is located and shows, when breaking on the passive hand, about the upcoming problems in the personal, and on the active - in the professional or social life of a person. At the time when the initial line of the Head comes to its end or break, then this sign will denote the end of a certain way of thinking or way of action and will indicate the destruction of the previous style of life or a change in life path. As a rule, such changes occur under the influence of a certain series of events, or possibly a single unfavorable karmic event, which radically changes a person's lifestyle and turns a person's worldview in a different direction, while changing both life goals and the usual way of life. At the same time, the strength and clarity of the new line of the Head determine how correct, strong, effective and flexible the new approach to human life will become.

The main principle in the analysis of replacements of the damaged Head line is to consider the side from which the replacement segment overlapping the damaged line is located, or on which side of the main line the new Head line is located.

If the line is above the break in the Head line and is located closer to the Heart line, as shown in Figure 1.65 by line 1, then such a substitution indicates events that will positively affect a person, as a result of which he begins spiritual and personal growth, a person will gain confidence in himself, he will increase his ambition, self-esteem and begin to live a social life, and a change in his outlook will help to change his fate in the right direction. If the new line is under the old line 2, as shown in Figure 1.65, then this is an indicator of a spiritual crisis, as a result of which a person plunges into his inner world, where his main desire is to leave public life. The main goal of such a person will be to live for himself, immersion in his thoughts and problems, as a result of which a person begins to withdraw even more into himself and escape from reality.

It is also necessary to pay special attention to how the replacement line begins. If the line starts with a fork (Figure 1.66-2), then an artificial obstacle is created to the normal flow of energy in the compensating gap, as a result of which the person will have a choice of how to act and in which direction to start changing. If the ends of the compensating lines are straight, without forks and forks, then the changes will go smoothly and may be prepared as a result of past actions by the person himself.

The above figures show real examples of people's hands with various replacements of the damaged Head line. The main difference between Figures 1.65 and Figures 1.66 is that in the first figures the missing section of the Head line itself is replaced, thereby a kind of repair of the line takes place, indicating that the change in worldview is temporary and after a certain period the usual way of life will return. at the time when the continuation of the old section of the Head line begins. In Figures 1.66, the short line of the Head is compensated by the new line of the Mind, which, continuing further, lengthens the line, which indicates an increase in intellectual and mental abilities. The compensated gap rejected in one direction or the other testifies either to positive changes that will help either change the worldview and reach a new level of development (Figure 1.66-1), or negative ones - when a person withdraws into himself and plunges entirely into everyday problems, letting their spiritual and personal development take their course.

In addition to the two previously considered gaps, there is one more, the most favorable gap, which is called coalescing. Closing gap of the Head line testifies to the global transformation of human consciousness, which does not change the perception of the world and the perception of the surrounding reality, but through work on oneself in the present allows the most painless to pass the life trials that have fallen on a person in the future. With such a rupture, the replacement of the Head line does not occur, but the torn sections of the Head line are connected into one line, therefore, mental and psychic energy in the line begins to flow without problems and obstacles, as in a strong and clear Head line.

The example that we will now consider is kind of unique and it shows how over time, with the right approach to your life, one of the main lines in the palm of your hand changes. Figure 1.67 shows the line of the Head of a twenty-year-old boy. The Mind Line on the active hand has a break and is directed to the hill of the Moon, which is an unfavorable sign and indicates a negative event in a person's life from which he cannot recover. At the same time, the upper section of the new line of the Head is not compensating, since it is strongly attracted to the line of the Heart, subordinating the human mind in the time interval of the upcoming event - the heart. As a result, under the influence of this event, a person will not think with his mind, which, on the one hand, withdraws into himself and becomes isolated on his problems, and on the other hand, subordinates all actions to the dictates of the heart, as a result of which a terrible event can occur that a person will perform in relation to yourself. The following figure 1.67-1 shows the hand of the same young man, photographed three years later. As can be seen from this figure, the rupture of the Head line began to grow together, as a result of which an additional branch appeared, which connects the torn sections of the Head line to each other, and also the branch from the new Mind line to the Heart line became less pronounced. Even if the twig is still thin, but the tendency towards positive change is already visible and clearly traced, and if further this young man goes through life in the right direction, not getting caught up in problems, but looking for their solutions, then this twig will become deeper, and the gap itself the lines of the Head will grow together even more.

Head Line (Uma)

Head Line (also called Mind Line) considered in palmistry a ray of light. Human life is fleeting, like a car driving along a road at high speed at night. And if the headlights (in our case, mental abilities) are good, and the Mind Line is straight and clear, then the driver of his own life sees far away, and under any circumstances will have time to calculate and react in time, he will always have time to make the right decision.

As you know, the Mind Line originates between the thumb and forefinger, in most cases it starts from one point along with the Line of Life, and must immediately leave it and go its own way, its path lies across the plain of Mars to its hill.The line must go through all life's battles and difficulties, in spite of everything, it must always remain strong and whole and achieve its goal.

Head Line Length, its shape, color and direction, on the one hand, shows us the mentality of a person, his willpower, shows how he sees life, mentality and the power of mental concentration, what a person is capable of.

On the other hand, you can see the physical state of the organ, because the mind cannot function correctly if it has physical disabilities - all kinds of injuries or congenital defects.

Like other lines, this line will show us and positive traits - such as honesty, curiosity, creativity, purposefulness, bright mind, strong will.And so negative: greed, clouded mind, cunning, pride, evil intentions.

Head line, line curvature

Depending on the direction of the Head Line to a certain hillock, it accepts and is always guided in life by those qualities that are inherent in this hillock.

So if straight line, good color and crosses the entire palm, reaching the mound of Mars, it shows us a bright mind, caution, prudence, a person with a strong will, if the line is too long, greed will also be added, and with a strongly developed mound of Mars to which it aspires, it will be be present and composure.

The line of the Head can also cross the palm, as if attracted to certain tubercles of the fingers - this indicates a person that he will have an idea or was directed to a certain field of activity, looking on the finger of the tubercle to which it seems to bend and the qualities that it provides will be used us a tubercle.

If the line rises to the hill of Apollo (ring finger), then a person will realize himself in art, if to Mercury (little finger) then in trade.

Head Line, line direction

But depending on the type of hand and the expressed world on it, the final direction of aspirations in the spheres of activity is determined.

If the spiritual world prevails, for example, then instead of the erroneous conclusion about the merchant, we will get a person with an oratorical gift, who can rally crowds of people around himself, who also has the power of persuasion. In this case, the first phalanx of the toe should be dominant.

The line that has a direction to the mound of the moon, tells us about a creative person, artistic nature, if at the same time there is a good Sun Line on the hand, we can safely say that a person realizes himself in any kind of art.Because the qualities of the hillock, such as: restless imagination, romanticism, and with the excessive development of the hillock and madness, will constantly excite the mind of the individual.

With this outcome of the line, there may also be unfavorable signs that can radically change the properties of the line.

If there's star at the end of the line - this speaks of the chaos and madness of intellectual ideas, the cross is about obstacles, and their size will tell you how serious the danger is.End of the Head Line on the Moon in the form of a fork, we will be told about a person with a double imagination, who constantly exaggerates everything and distorts reality. But it also speaks to great creativity, talent for writing, journalism.

Head Line, human disease, death

Short Head Line, if it ends under the finger of Saturn, that is, it reaches only the middle of the hand, first of all, it speaks not to a decisive person, weak-willed, and most likely with a lack of intelligence.

According to ancient palmists, this is a sign of a short life and quick death.

But I think that you should not be upset when you see such a line in yourself, because as practice shows, the lines on the leading hand can grow and lengthen.

Absolutely different meaning has such a short line at the end with a star or with tassel - these are clear signs of death, which is a completely fatal omen, being especially on the active right hand (for right-handers). The only difference is that at the star, the event will be surprise, and if available tassels, the human brain will fade away graduallyuntil complete paralysis occurs, the outcome is fatal in any case, the dots will mean head disease.

When you come across a head line in the form of a chain, this means that a person cannot in any way collect his thoughts and ideas into a single whole and direct them in the right direction, he lacks accuracy and determination.

You should always pay attention to the appearance of the line in relation to other lines. A good sign will be if the Head Line does not differ from others, in thickness or color as well as long, everything should look harmonious on the overall hand card, and if suddenly we see a line that is noticeably thinner than others, then the conclusion suggests itself.

If the line trying to hide it means that the person's thoughts and actions will be corresponding, and this means dishonesty, treason, and if the line is also long, this 100% sure sign of a liar.

When a line is accompanied by another line (Sister Line), according to most palmists, this is a happy future and inheritance.

The line, at the end of which the tail, as it were, rises to the line of the heart, tells us about a cunning person who is hatching plans, will pretend not to be who he really is and in order to achieve his goals, is ready for any action.

Head line, line ending

Head line that begins separate from life and there is a large distance between them, denotes a person with an easy mind, he always first says or does something, and then only thinks, lightness, fantastic mind and ambition will always prevail over reason, especially if the hill of Jupiter is well developed ...

Such people cannot be trusted with secrets, they will not keep them, just as such a line speaks of the presence of jealousy, possible anger and even deceit.

The same line, only connected at the beginning by small processes that intersect with each other, creating a sort of lattice, shows a stupid and capricious person who can create problems for himself.

When the line of the mind bifurcates, that is, diverges in different directions - this speaks of a versatile personality capable of seeing on a larger scale and looking at life from different angles. And the wider the fork itself, the more weight the qualities inherent in it will have.

Different variants of such a sign can be found among people of theatrical activity, among writers, as well as among professional liars, depending on the nature of the hand, and in which direction the branch from the Mind Line leads.

Line, interrupted on both hands, in the same place is considered a fatal sign, in particular if the gap is under the finger of Fate - this threatens (Rock) Saturn himself.

Such a sign was interpreted by famous palmists as death, and in the presence of runic signs, it becomes clear that a person is working off karma, but this is a separate topic that will be considered later.

People with a straight head line are forward-thinking people. Such a person, for example, buying an apartment, even if he is satisfied with his condition, will find out and worry about which neighbors, and for how much later, if what can be sold, and will the house collapse in ten years, how many meters to the nearest store and whether it will be convenient to have a refrigerator , these will be decisive questions of the purchase, so to speak.

Head line, ascending line

If the Head Line, instead of going its own way, begins curl up and rise up to the Line of the Heart, the very fact already says that aspirations are expressed outside the box, which, in principle, should be alarming, and become an object of close attention.

The most important and first thing is that a person is completely dependent and subject to his feelings - this is a negative sign.

Such a person, in order to satisfy his passions, is capable of various kinds of unseemly actions. The voice of reason will not be heard in front of emotions and passions that muffle it, and play a more significant role, if you need to go even to a crime for satisfaction, then such a person will do it.

If Head Line crossing The Heart Line rises higher, it expresses very strong desires for which the individual is ready to reach fanaticism, make sacrifices and, without sparing even himself and his health, achieve the goals.

In any case, no matter what type the hand belongs to, and in the direction of which finger the line is directed - we are dealing with a tyrannical person, and with additional negative qualities, a person capable even kill.

Head line, branches on a line, head diseases

Heart Line, discarding branch on the Line of the Head, will notify that the mind has subdued all the senses, and a person walks through life guided by the mind.In this case, for example, getting married, a person will give priority to the benefits of the relationship, and feelings will be in the background.

Short and cutting line segments of the lines, as if coming from nowhere, will be an obstacle to the flow of energy and express, if not head diseases, then at least stressful situations in life.

If the crossing is significant in its strength, and the stump crossed by the line has the thickness of the head line, then the problem will be quite serious, whether it be an illness or a head injury, and by the state of the line after crossing, one can judge the consequences.

If these are hairy thin and invisible intersections, then mental stress or minor stresses will take place.

Head line, appendages on the line

When islands are found on the line, and there are no signs of physical disturbance, it indicates a decline in the work of the intellect in real time, a hereditary disease is allowed, or, as is usually the case, due to great stress.

In most cases, according to the overwhelming number of palmists, these signs are the result of the deprivation of the mind of a mentally ill person.

In this case, the island on the line should be highlighted in red, but for such a conclusion, additional arguments are needed on the line or at the end.

Descending or falling lines of small size, like sprouts, indicate disappointment and discontent of nature, which refuses to fight for ideas, and, so to speak, surrenders without a fight. Such people are not confident in themselves, their hands are usually very soft to the touch, which speaks of laziness, they will always blame everything on bad fate.These are entities, knowingly self-programming themselves in failures, one should not rely on such people in difficult times.

Head line, line breaks

Head Line, discontinuous, predicts a danger, since a rupture of the flow of vital energy is obtained, and the self-preservation system in such cases fails. The consequences of events can be traced along the Line of Saturn, it will indicate how much the incident affected the life and career of the subject.

Breaks are of different types and carry different kinds of information in combination with other signs.

Ordinary break as shown in the example, there will be an uncompensated gap, which is an extremely unfavorable fact.

Overlapped cliff, has a saving at least a little situation, an auxiliary line, along which, although not in full measure, energy will pass, which, as it were, seals and replaces the defect.

Saving the situation, and a protective sign is finding square, containing a gap, thus it excludes fatalities and gives hope for a way out of the situation with the least possible losses. There is an opinion in palmistry that the square is a protection from above.

Head line, rune sign

Superimposed lines at each other, will indicate emotional distress. But in some cases, a positive effect from events is also promised, due to the imposition of a line from above and not from below, which can mean a transition or a jump of the personality to a higher stage of development, or, say, insight.

But in this case, the rest of the line must be above its dangling beginning, which will be a logical explanation for this development of events.

It has been proven that people with gaps on the Mind Line see all kinds of fantastic dreams that do not always relate to our world, some, with large defects in lines and their sizes, experience visions, and are mainly always interested in the occult sciences.

It should also be noted that such people usually have runic signs on their hands, which seem to glue or hold the fragments of the Mind Line. Such an arrangement of the rune on the line (green sign) indicates a person who is working out karma, a possible addition in such cases may be signs on the fingers, or rather on the nail phalanges of the fingers, which are directly in constant communication with the divine world.

According to palmistry, the line of the Head on the hand is one of the three main ones. With its help, you can learn about the level of intelligence and the way of thinking, as well as determine how fully we use our mental abilities.

In addition, she can report the presence of head injuries and the general mental state of a person. The length, folds, breaks and marks on it store a lot of interesting information about the fate and character of the owner of the hand.

Length, width, angle

As a rule, palmists use both the left and right hand for divination. The left one tells about the predetermined fate, and the right one - about the course of life.

The second most important line on the hand is the Head (or Mind) line. It starts between the thumb and forefinger, continuing towards the edge of the palm.

In most cases, the line of the Head on the right hand is slightly different than on the left (if they are the same, this indicates that you are walking the path of fate without turning).

Do not panic! Did you see an unfavorable sign on your hands? Look for signs of protection. Palmistry. #one

Mind (Head) Line. What inclinations, mental abilities does this line speak about? Palmistry

Palmistry line of the head or mind (part 4)

There are long, medium and short head lines. Long - passes through almost the entire palm and means that the owner of the hand is an astute person with a good memory and a high level of intelligence. Short - speaks of practicality, cunning and the ability to quickly navigate the situation. The line that reaches the ring finger is called the middle line. Its owners can boast of a good mind, compliance and the ability to solve difficult problems.

People with a wide Mind line in the palm of their hand are slow. They assess the situation for a long time, reflect, weigh all the pros and cons. In contrast, the owners of a narrow Head line on their hand make decisions instantly (however, this does not mean that the decision will be correct). If the line of the Head is barely visible, its owner can make serious mistakes in life. The straight line of the Mind speaks of practicality and seriousness. Double - is extremely rare and indicates a powerful intellect.

The tilt angle is also very important - a steep tilt speaks of a creative personality and rich imagination. The low head line warns of possible problems with the perception of reality. Wavy - indicates cunning and inconsistency, and similar to a chain - warns of possible migraines.


The shape of the Head line has a great influence on a person's character. If its tip is bent towards the fingers, this indicates a craving for material goods. A straight line crossing the hand means that its owner is a domineering, calculating person who is not prone to sentimentality. If it bifurcates at the end, this is an indicator of violent imagination and rich imagination. Two branches emerging from one are called a “writer's fork” and speak of the creative thinking of the owner of the hand (the “writer’s fork” can often be seen in the photo of the palms of famous artists).

People whose Head line ends on the hillock of the Moon are extremely sociable, artistic and witty.

If the lines of the Head and Life are connected at the very beginning - the owner of such a hand “first thinks, and then does,” his decisions and actions are always balanced and rational. However, overlapping on a longer segment speaks of indecision and uncertainty. If the lines of Mind and Life do not touch each other, this indicates a strong and independent character. The will of such a person is firm, and decisions are unshakable.

If the lines of the Head and Fate intersect each other, this is a sign of well-developed logical thinking. Such people are able to find a way out of the most confusing and difficult situations. Sometimes the Mind line cuts the Life line into two parts - this indicates the possibility of suicidal tendencies. And if it breaks the line of the Heart, this means that the owner of the hand has the mind prevailing over the feelings. Often such people are devoid of spirituality and full of selfishness, and this is a direct road to crime.

Location relative to hills

It is also of great importance under which hillock the Head line ends, begins or bends. Its beginning under the hill of Saturn means that a person may have a developmental delay or eye disease, as well as an incident that threatens his life. A gap under this mound portends a wound to the head, a broken leg or arm. If the Head Line ends under Saturn, this indicates the likelihood of death at a young age, as well as extravagance and carelessness.

The headline coming from the hill of the Moon means that its owner is a person with a rich imagination.

A similar beginning is found among writers, poets and people of a creative nature. If, walking on the moon, she falls to the wrist - this speaks of magical thinking and occult abilities. If the forked line of the Head in one branch descends to the hill of the Moon, this indicates a tendency to play acting. The owners of such a hand drawing are making progress in advocacy and acting.

If the line of the Head turns sharply to the mound of Mercury, the person is distinguished by cunning and resourcefulness. For the sake of achieving the goal, he is ready to go to any adventures. Sometimes it kind of bends to one of the bumps. If it is a hill of Mercury, a person is successful in trade, and if it is a hill of Apollo, there is an ability to be creative.


Signs are of great importance in palmistry. Some of them are permanent, others are temporary. Permanent signs appear from the moment of birth and are a reflection of our destiny, and temporary signs warn us about certain events in life.

  • The cross is most often an unfavorable sign that speaks of a head injury. If it is located under the ring finger, it is considered a death sign.
  • The triangle in this place of the palm is found in people who have devoted their lives to science.
  • The circle speaks of eye disease and low vision.
  • An island means problems - both in personal life and in professional activity. People with a large number of islets are prone to depression, nervous breakdowns, and panic attacks. They often suffer from headaches and nightmares. If the island is located at the beginning of the line, you should pay attention to the condition of the throat and ears.
  • A star is a sign of a serious head injury.
  • A square is a very good sign. His presence means that the Guardian Angel helps a person in this period of life.
  • Multiple dashes indicate financial difficulties or problems at work.
  • The lattice is a sign of stubbornness and fickleness.
  • The ruptures show that at this point the path of a person changes dramatically.

The line of mind on the hand is located almost in the center of the palm. It starts from the point between the thumb and forefinger, at about the same point as the line of life. Goes towards the edge, sometimes goes down. What does it mean?

The branch shows how a person uses their intellectual abilities. The line of the mind or head will tell about abilities, creative inclinations, relationships with parents, make it clear whether its owner is ready to change his life, or he is an adherent of stability and traditions.

Main characteristics of the line

First of all, the line of the mind is characterized by depth, width and inclination. It can be short or long. These characteristics do not speak about the level of intelligence, they only determine the mental inclinations inherent in people. So what is the meaning of the basic properties of the mind line on the hand? Here is a brief description for beginner palmists:

  • Long (stretches across the palm) - a person is inclined to deep analysis, delves into all the details of the information received.
  • Short (barely reaching the middle of the palm) - characterizes people who are practical, but superficial. They tend to get the job done faster, are a little conservative, adherents of traditional values.
  • Average (reaches the ring finger) - characterizes people who are practical, but at the same time deep, with well-developed logic.
  • Wide - typical for a slow person who needs time to think and resolve issues.
  • Narrow - people act quickly, but not always correctly.
  • Barely noticeable, superficial and narrow - the owner is not inclined to think over his actions, rarely engages in intellectual activity, is often mistaken.
  • Direct - is characteristic of people who are practical, distrustful, firmly on their feet, but without imagination.
  • Curved and long - a sign of a stormy imagination and developed imagination. If the branch ends on the hill of the Moon - you have a creative person in front of you.
  • A low line of mind is a sign of fatalists. These people perceive reality as it is, believe in fate.
  • The double trait of the mind is extremely rare, it is found only in geniuses.

These characteristics make it clear what the main inclinations of a person are. If the line of mind on the right hand and the line on the left coincide, their owner will live a stable life, without much change. When the lines are different - in front of you is an experimenter, an active person who is not afraid of innovations and sudden changes in fate.

The beginning of the line of mind

The signs of fate are written on the palm, according to palmistry, depend not only on the type and duration of the head line, but also on the characteristics of its interaction with the life line. They begin almost at the same point, where they can go parallel or together in some area:

  • The line of the mind merges with the line of life at the beginning, they coincide on an area longer than 12 mm. This disposition indicates that a person is attached to his family, depends on his parents for a long time.
  • The merger of the lines of the head and life is more than 20 mm - the mind depends on instinct, a person makes spontaneous decisions, constantly fluctuates, is not sure of himself, depends on others.
  • Life and mind touch at the beginning - this is characteristic of rational thinking, good self-control, a balanced approach to various conflict situations. This connection is the most successful.
  • The line of the head on the hand goes out of the line of life, forming a kind of branch - this is an unfavorable arrangement, characteristic of absolutely dependent people, aggressive, grumpy and irritable.
  • The branches run parallel, at the very beginning there is a gap between them, there are no points of contact. This is a sign of adventurous people, they leave their father's house early, build their own lives, but rarely experience true attachments, emotions and desires triumph over rational thinking.

More information about the beginning of the head line can be found by looking at the photo with an explanation. As you can see, the independence of a person, his confidence in life, temperament depends on this sign. It is best if the two branches, the head and the life, touch each other, but are connected in a small area. Then the person is confident, rational, but independent. When the gap is too big, rash actions, sharp turns of fate can hurt. Too much attachment to the parental home does not allow development, gives rise to contradictions in the soul and, as a result, aggressiveness and self-doubt.

Arrangement and structure of lines

From the point of its beginning on the hand, the line of the mind can go straight, bend, sometimes it is interrupted, with numerous breaks. All these features indicate certain turns of fate, character, temperament. A straight line is characteristic of logicians, mathematicians. If it is long and straight, these people are able to solve complex problems, often make a career in the exact sciences. The short one allows you to achieve success in a narrow area, it is characteristic of ambitious and vain people who are able to take responsibility for others. When the straight line is directed towards the striking side of the palm, an aggressive person is in front of you.

A curved line is a sign of creative people. If the bend is small, practicality and creativity are combined in a person. They are sociable, with well-developed intuitions, make a career in areas requiring good communication, are able to manage large groups of people. A strong inclination indicates great imagination, fantasy, intuition. Musicians, writers, directors are born with such lines. At the same time, these people are too emotional, childishly spontaneous, capable of taking offense at the slightest provocation. The middle position of the bend is typical for people who are lazy, who do not want to think and take responsibility.

Rare lines

A straight line that crosses the entire palm is called the monkey line. It is characteristic of people with a complete lack of imagination, conservative, whose emotions are under strong control. After all, their heart area is completely separated from the intuitive part, for which the Moon is responsible. Often such people are obsessed with one idea, do not recognize alternative opinions. The line of the mind in the form of a chain indicates low intelligence, laziness, poor performance. A broken line on the hand is characteristic of people who are in constant search. They are insecure, spend a lot of energy on doubts and solving secondary problems, often have health problems.

A wavy head line is a sign of thinking outside the box. It is very rare. If the line is straight, then the person's mind is pragmatic, but to achieve goals he uses cunning, is able to step over any principles. The curved, wavy line is characteristic of people whose creativity and imagination exceed all imaginable limits. They are often incomprehensible to others. But the ideas they put forward are capable of overturning the idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe for all of humanity. If there are two lines of mind on the hand that do not converge with each other, this is a sign of genius.

Head line marks

Various signs, irregularities, intersections on the line of the mind indicate the twists of fate. What matters is the type of sign, its location. There are such features of the relief in the palm of your hand:

  • Forking
  • Breaks
  • Forks
  • Cross
  • Isle
  • Triangle

What do the signs on the palm say about a person? If the line is branched at the tip, it is a sign of talent. At the end, such a split is also called a writer's. The branch to the side of the index finger indicates commercial ability, it is often found among traders, financiers, businessmen. A gap in the line is evidence of a change in worldview and principles. Sometimes it portends a head injury. If the gap is limited to a square, then the problem has been resolved.

Unfavorable signs are a cross, a point, a mole and a star.


Mind (Head) Line. What inclinations, mental abilities does this line speak about? Palmistry

They portend serious injuries, and even death is a clear star. You need to carefully look where these signs are located. If at the beginning of the line - then danger lies in wait at a young or childhood age, in the middle and at the end - mature people should beware. A clear star at the end of the line of mind is a portent of death in the prime of life. The right and left hand are equivalent in this regard, but it is better to decipher on the right.

The island also belongs to the unfavorable signs. A person is awaited by doubts, searching for his place in life, troubles at work. Sometimes it is difficult for him to concentrate, he suffers from headaches, mental fatigue. If there are many islets, one should beware of nervous diseases, depression, mental disorders. A triangle on the line of the mind, on the contrary, is a good sign. It promises its owner success in science, which is important for people of a practical mindset.

Features of the interaction of the head line

If the branch of the mind and the line of the heart are too close, this means that the person lives with emotions. Feelings often cloud the mind, which interferes with making the right decisions. Such people are intolerant of other people's shortcomings, they follow high moral principles. When the distance between the lines of the mind and heart is too great, a person becomes callous, calculating, insensitive to other people's grief and problems. He calmly makes deals with his conscience in order to achieve success. The combination of pragmatism and indifference makes him cool and calculating.

When the line stretches to the hill of Mars, it is a sign of a practical and pragmatic mind. It is characterized by prudence, subtle calculation, strong will. With a long line that ends at the edge of the palm, a person can also be greedy. If at the same time the hill of Mars is well developed, its owner becomes cold-blooded, listening to the arguments of the mind, not the heart. The line of the mind can be directed to the tubercles of the fingers. Palmistry determines character traits, depending on what kind of tubercle is involved.

Raising the line to the Apollo tubercle means the desire to realize oneself in art.

If she climbs the Hill of Mercury, it is a sign of commercial talent. Whatever such a person undertakes, he will be successful. When the line of mind begins separately from the line of life and tends to Mercury, the owner is inclined to take risks, rarely heeds advice. The hill of the moon, on which the head line ends, is responsible for fantasy and imagination. Such people are romantic and sensual. If the line bifurcates at the end, their imagination is ambivalent, they are prone to exaggeration.

When the line of the head rests against the hill of Jupiter, a person becomes a leader, he has an imperious character. If the line is directed to the hill of Jupiter, but does not reach it, the ambitions are not realized. The owners of such an arrangement of signs become domestic tyrants. If the branches of mind and life intersect like a fish, such people are prone to suicide, because their mind prevails over life.

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