Types of palms and fingers. What your hands can tell you about your character. Palm and finger combinations

Building materials 13.12.2020
Building materials

It turns out that human organs are inextricably linked with fingers - this is the simple secret of harmony between body and soul!


You will not find a complete answer to this question. There are many sources of information and it is different. But your knowledge and observation of your feelings and signs will help you find your truth. After all, it is the hands, palms and our fingers that are the source of information about health.

The palm of a healthy person has smooth, warm, healthy skin, moderate moisture, with distinct lines, with flexible joints that do not stand out. Diseases and ailments of the physical body are immediately reflected in the palms, fingers, and thus, it is possible to identify and recognize certain diseases and malfunctions in the body in advance.

It is an ancient form of the art of diagnosis and healing that helps balance emotions only by stimulating points on the hands. This teaching is based on the following principle: each finger of the hand is connected to a certain organ and a certain energy corresponds to it.

On the fingers of the hand, one can easily diagnose an incipient disease by the condition of the fingers of the hand, by their numbness, and also easily and quickly act on an energetically vulnerable organ. To do this, you need to grab it with your other hand and hold it for 3-5 minutes. During this time, you should breathe deeply with your stomach, preferably with your mouth.

Before studying information about fingers, I think that you need to know a little about the shape of the hand and the condition of the palm.


People with wide palms and short fingers are prone to circulatory diseases.

And people with thin palms and long fingers are very sensitive and sensitive to changes in the environment.

Owners of small hands are susceptible to diseases from the autonomic nervous system.

Palms The skin on the palms becomes yellowish, changes in the gallbladder or liver are likely.

The marble pattern on the palms speaks of the problems of the vegetative-vascular system.

Redness of the skin of the palms will most likely mean toxic liver damage. Constantly cold palms - poor circulation.

Feeling of "goose bumps" on the palms and a feeling of moisture means problems in the endocrine system.


Numbness of the little fingers indicates problems of the cardiovascular system.

Numbness in the thumbs is a problem with the respiratory system.

If the fingertips turn purple, the digestive system has malfunctioned.

If they turn dark red, you should pay attention to the liver.


Too flexible or, on the contrary, inflexible finger joints indicate malfunctions in the liver and gallbladder.

Cracking in the joints of the fingers means a lack of calcium in the body.


Long fingernails characterize thoughtful, calm, reserved, polite and compliant people.

If the nails are very long, then there is slowness, mistrust, secrecy, embarrassment and lack of criticism.

People with short nails are more logical, more active, prone to criticism and control, quick in word and deed.

If the nails are very short, then such people are characterized by irascibility, aggressiveness, pickiness and intransigence.

Very short nails on thick fingers are a sign of poor memory and learning disabilities.

People with short nails are not successful in activities in which they have to come into contact with the public, as they easily become disrespectful and unpleasant due to their inherent criticism and objections.

But in any activity related to the control, cash, administration or management of property, the originality of their character is best used and they achieve success.

The opposite applies to people with long nails.

Hard nails - strong bone - health, a prerequisite for success in life.

Very hard nails, resembling claws in structure - anger, painful pride, intolerance, greed for money.

Soft and thin nails - soft bone - soreness, weakness.

The habit of biting or biting your nails is nervousness, hypochondria is often abnormal sensuality. Such people easily cause quarrels and squabbles with their words.

Short soft nails with looming meat, as if hanging on them, is a very developed sensuality.

Nails are flat, wide and somewhat curved upward in people who easily deviate from the truth, wanting to pretend they are not what they really are.

Conical nails - the pursuit of truth, beauty, all good.

Nails are round in appearance and shape, and resemble hemispheres - a predisposition to lung diseases. This observation was made by Hippocrates, and therefore a nail of this shape is called the Hippocratic nail.

A healthy nail has a white hole at its base. An absence of a well or a well that is too large indicates nervousness.

White dots and specks on the nails also indicate nervousness, anemia, insufficient blood circulation, but according to ancient legends it is a sign of happiness and good luck.

The nail of a healthy person has a good shine and pink color, which is close in shade to skin color.

Dullness, dimples, dots and spots, abnormal growth, longitudinal or transverse streaks, and coloration other than the skin color on the fingernails are always indicative of imperfect health.

Nail care also provides an opportunity to judge a person's character.

So, people who constantly have dirty nails are dirty in their thoughts.

Too thorough nail manicure - indicates that too much importance is attached to the outer side of life to the detriment of its inner content.

You can also conduct a general harmonization of your body by walking alternately over all fingers of your hand.


Bodies: stomach and spleen.

Emotions: anxiety, depression, worries and anxiety.

Physical symptoms: abdominal pain, skin problems, headache, nervousness.


Bodies: kidneys and bladder.

Emotions: frustration, fear and confusion.

Physical symptoms: muscle and back pain, toothache, digestive problems.


Bodies: liver and gallbladder.

Emotions: indecision, anger, irritability.

Physical symptoms: circulatory problems, menstrual pain, vision problems, fatigue, migraines, frontal headaches.


Bodies: lungs and colon.

Emotions: negative, sadness, fear of rejection, grief.

Physical symptoms: ringing in the ears, respiratory problems, asthma, deep skin conditions, digestive problems.


Bodies: heart and small intestine.

Emotions: anxiety, nervousness, low self-esteem.

Physical symptoms: heart disease, sore throat, bloating, bone problems.

Now you are familiar with the basic principles and secrets that you can influence both the organs of your body and your emotions, balancing them at the right time.


Massaging the fingers or wearing a ring on the finger can enhance the effect on the human chakra.

Thumb - correlates with the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), so any stone put on the thumb will have an impact on a person's consciousness.

Forefinger correlates with the chakra of the Third Eye (Ajna) and the stone put on the index finger will affect the psychic capabilities of a person.

Middle finger - Corresponds to the Throat Chakra (Vishudha). The stone on this finger will have an impact on the sphere of communication, building friendships. It will affect the mental sphere of a person.

Ring finger - correlates with two chakras at once - the Heart (Anahata) and the Solar plexus (Manipura). The stone on this finger has an impact on the construction of love and business relationships. On the emotional sphere of a person.

Little finger - correlates with the Sexual (Svadhisthana) and Sacral (Muladhara) chakras. The stone on the little finger will affect the sexuality and health of the physical body.

What are the rings on the fingers talking about?

Are you wondering which finger to decorate with a ring today? Or do you wear jewelry intuitively? I think you have heard about the effect of rings on their wearer. Moreover, the result depends not only on the quality of stones, crystals in rings, metal, but also on the fingers on which a person wears them. Rings can weaken or strengthen various character traits, help in achieving a goal, or destroy something. That's why you need to be careful about what and how you wear on your fingers.


Patron saint: Mars.

Controls the will.

Element: ether.

What speaks about character: this "lord of the rings" is jealous, stubborn, energetic, full of new ideas - which, however, are often unable to implement, because he is hampered by the lack of teamwork skills. And this is not surprising - after all, such a person wants to stand out from the crowd, subconsciously striving to express a sense of superiority, and to find “unbeaten paths” for self-realization. Putting the ring on the thumb, a person, as it were, "closes" the belligerent finger from the outside world, pacifying his aggression and trying to establish more harmonious relations with others. Rings on the thumbs of both hands indicate a person who is trying to increase their chances of finding a common language with others.

Who to wear: emotional and "explosive" people with an impressive supply of energy - the ring on the thumb will restrain their fiery temperament, and in return for the iron will will help develop logical thinking.

What to wear: rings with any stones of blue and green color (increase the vitality of the body, promote the restoration of the nervous system and regeneration of tissues, enhance the ability to concentrate, increase the protective properties of the body), as well as yellow stones (strengthen the nervous system).

What not to wear: rings with stones of such colors as blue (causes attacks of fear, cravings for drugs and alcohol), purple (provokes attacks of nausea and migraines), gray (causes apathy), red (reduces self-confidence, suppresses logic, reduces attractiveness for the opposite gender - but attracts mentally unbalanced people).


Patron: Jupiter.

Controls power.

Element: fire.

What says about character: that's why the finger is called that, that its function is to indicate, to reveal its will, to direct actions and thoughts. A person with a ring on this finger is independent, freedom-loving, values \u200b\u200bhimself highly - but sometimes even too much. The constant wearing of a ring makes people of this type selfish and proud, and if it is also on their non-working hand (for some it is the left one, for others, on the contrary), this is a sign of megalomania and a tendency to hysteria. The ring on the index finger of the working hand, on the contrary, indicates a strong-willed character, prudence and the desire for power.

Who to wear: timid, shy and naturally indecisive people who have difficulty communicating. The ring on the index finger will help to gain self-confidence, add leadership traits and purposefulness, increase self-esteem, make its owner more discerning and suggest ways to influence other people.

What to wear: gold ring with blue and blue stones, as well as corals or opals.

What not to wear: silver rings are completely banned - this will lead to the sudden collapse of all undertakings and plans.


Patron saint: Saturn.

Manages self-realization.

Element: earth.

What says about character: modest and graceful rings give out the owner of a healthy sense of self-esteem, and massive rings that attract attention with their brilliance or pretentiousness (sometimes bad taste) are a sign of vanity and narcissistic narcissism. In the first case, we can say that the owner of the ring knows about moral values \u200b\u200bfirsthand and values \u200b\u200bthem, understands the meaning of the word “devotion”. He knows how to be a "teacher" for those around him and is often engaged in propaganda of what he believes in. At the same time, a longtime fan of wearing rings on this finger may turn out to be a closed person and striving for solitude.

Who to wear: everyone who is experiencing a streak of life's difficulties and failures, who lacks common sense, wisdom and constancy, as well as everyone who has decided to engage in meditation or self-contemplation. The middle finger, decorated with a ring, is the safest of all the options for wearing rings: it does not introduce or reinforce negative traits in character, but, on the contrary, smoothes out existing "sharp corners".

What to wear: iron and silver rings with moonstone, purple and black stones.

What not to wear: gold rings - they limit the possibilities and "horizons" of a person, make him uninteresting for others and the opposite sex, destroy personal life.


Patron saint: Sun.

Manages feelings.

Element: air.

What says about character: if the ring on the ring finger is not an engagement ring, then this is an incorrigible romantic and esthete. Here the ring emphasizes a passion for exquisite things, luxury, pleasant pastime and sensual pleasures. If there are rings on the ring fingers of both hands, the owner is at the peak of positive. However, if a person puts two or more rings on one finger, this indicates a lack of love and inspiration, possibly a creative crisis - and a subconscious desire to get out of the dead end.

Who to wear: everyone who wants to enhance the feeling of inner warmth, grab a piece of luck, climb the creative Everest, achieve success and recognition of their talents and achievements. What to wear: gold rings with pearls, red and yellow stones.

What not to wear: silver rings - they "cool" the wearer too romantically.


Patron saint: Mercury.

Manages creativity.

Element: water.

What says about character: an interesting person who can go beyond the generally accepted framework - quite possibly an actor, artist, writer or designer. With the same probability, the owner of the ring on the little finger may turn out to be a gambler, adventurer, pathological liar and don Juan. There is also a possibility that in front of you is the owner of extrasensory abilities. But, in any case, this person is sociable, does not succumb to other people's influences and strives for self-expression.

Who to wear: everyone who lacks the flexibility of mind to achieve mutual understanding with people, or eloquence to consolidate business contacts. For fans of aimless flirting or gambling, a ring on the little finger will help to restrain unwanted traits.

What to wear: rings with yellow and green stones. Rings on multiple fingers People who wear rings on four or even five fingers lack confidence, and therefore they hide their insecurity under a defiant appearance. These people are always in search of love and adore luxurious things, although this does not compensate them for friends and love.

At the first meeting with a person, it is difficult to understand who is in front of you, because most people over the years of their lives get used to hiding their flaws and vices from others. But how, then, to identify a possible psychopath or other unpleasant personality, before negative traits break out in a powerful fetid stream?

Length will help you in recognizing the hidden qualities of a person. The value of this parameter is often underestimated or simply ignored. This is due to countless palmists and other anti-scientific figures promoting their suspicious doctrine.

But the opinion that hands cannot tell anything about a person's inner world is a big mistake. Psychology claims that hands can characterize the inner world of their owner well, you just need to know what to look for.

Hand behavior

The first thing to look out for is the hand movements of your interlocutor. If he hides his hands behind his back, tries to hide them in some other way, then this person is definitely unsure of himself or doubts gnaw at him.

Tightly folded hands say that the conversation is unpleasant for the interlocutor or that he does not want to share his personal conclusions with you, to tell something about himself.

If a person does not know where to put his hands, constantly fingering objects in them, kneading joints or just nervously twitching them, then there is a problem with the nervous system, or your interlocutor is trying to hide some strong emotions. If a person actively gesticulates during a conversation, then this is a sure sign of his disposition, a keen interest in the issue under discussion.


Information about the interlocutor can be given not only by the length of the fingers, the importance of the handshake is also very great. For example, if the handshake is sluggish and weak, then you are most likely facing a weak-willed, spoiled person. An overly strong handshake is by no means a sign of a strong and confident individual; rather, it is an imitation of these qualities in order to hide weakness and insecurity.

Many are familiar with a harsh, casual handshake made as if by chance. This is a familiar sign of an indifferent business person, for whom a handshake does not matter, because he is in a hurry on important matters.

Palm shape

The shape of the palm can tell a lot about a person. Of course, the main attention is drawn to the length of the fingers on the hands, the value of which is very great. But do not forget that the fingers grow out of the palm.

The general shape of the palm can reveal the most striking traits of character.

A wide, rustic hand with irregularly shaped fingers often belongs to a person with a low level of intelligence and simple interests.
Such people are inactive, inhibited and are mainly interested in primitive activities. On the contrary, the elongated, graceful shape with a long palm and long, refined fingers gives off a sensual, artistic nature. Usually, the owners of such hands are talented or have a penchant for artistic endeavors.

Which is sometimes called philosophical, has long fingers, but not a particularly long palm, it can also be identified by its general angularity and unevenness of forms.

A person with such a palm is prone to deep inferences and looks at the world through the prism of calmness and prudence. Such hands often belong to writers, musicians, philosophers, thinkers.

The square shape of the hand is often found among reliable, goal-oriented realists. A person with a square palm is persistent in work, diligent and brave. Although his imagination is poorly developed, he is a reliable and loyal friend and companion. Another type, similar to the previous one, is the spade palm. The type of person is also in many ways similar to his square-armed counterpart, he is bold, energetic and reliable.

What does the length of the fingers indicate?

The length of the fingers is one of the most important criteria in drawing up a psychological portrait of the interlocutor's hand. Psychology has been dealing with this issue for a long time; a lot of experimental data on this topic has been collected. Studies have shown that there are significant differences between people with long fingers and their short-toed counterparts. The differences between these types are so significant that it's hard to believe. The main properties related to the length of the fingers will be listed below.

Long fingers

Thinking about what the length of a person's fingers says, everyone recalls examples from their own life. So everyone has the opportunity to compare the theses generally accepted in psychology with their own experience.

Usually long fingers are endowed with people with an analytical lively mind, but they have some shortcomings. They can be talented and sophisticated personalities, but with a rather nasty character. A person with long fingers may be too mindful of little things, even if they have no practical meaning.

Also, such people are distinguished by prudence and balanced decisions. They would rather think again than succumb to internal impulses. Sometimes unnaturally long fingers are found. The meaning of this outstanding feature can be quite negative - such hands often belong to an unscrupulous businessman who is ready to step over anyone for the sake of profit.

Short toes

Those with short toes are impetuous and energetic. Communication with them is simple and pleasant. Kind and open-minded people often have short fingers. The meaning of this type of palm can also be interpreted as a person's tendency to rash and impulsive actions. However, fingers that are too short are most often found on the hands of narrow-minded, stupid people. But do not rush to write down as fools everyone whose fingers seemed short to you, because these are only general observations, which sometimes can be directly opposite to objective reality.

What does the length of the fingers on the hands of men say?

The length of a man's fingers can tell how much testosterone has influenced him during intrauterine development. Certain behavioral features can be identified by comparing the length of some of the fingers with each other. For example, the smaller the difference between the length of the middle and index fingers, the easier it is to build a relationship with a man. A large difference between these fingers indicates a strong testosterone effect, which makes the subject rougher and more independent. If the amount of testosterone acting was low, then the man will become a caring and empathetic partner. In a family with such a husband there will be more harmony and peace, because he is easier to compromise and less aggressive.

The difference between the ring finger and the little finger can tell about a man's loyalty. The greater this difference, the higher the likelihood of cheating, which is also the fault of testosterone. The higher the amount of testosterone that affects a man during development, the higher his sexual promiscuity - as a result, a tendency to cheat. But this does not mean that such men cheat right and left, because a person is not a robot, a loving husband can easily resist the power of insidious hormones.

What does the length of the fingers of women say?

The results of the study of the length of the female fingers are not too different from the male ones. So, for example, if a woman has a long ring finger, then this indicates a large number of sexual partners, but by no means always.

Scientists also found out that women with uniform length of fingers on their hand have more chances to have a strong, stable family, to give birth to many children. And women with a long ring finger, in addition to a tendency to cheat, have a high chance of falling in love with unconventional sex. And here, as in men, testosterone is to blame, clouding the mind with its harmful influence.

The length of the fingers at different ages

Many parents are interested in what the length of the child's fingers says. Thus, they want to know early on the inclinations of their child in order to provide him with the best conditions for development. At the moment, scientists have found that the length and ratio of fingers can only tell about the effects of testosterone on the fetus during pregnancy. This, naturally, will leave an appropriate imprint on the character of the little person, regardless of gender.

Of course, you should not give up on your baby just because the length of his fingers does not suit you, because in addition to hormones, many other factors influence character formation, such as upbringing, first sexual experience, and so on. Therefore, the length of the fingers in a child signals the same as the length of the fingers on the hands of an adult.

Jewelry on hands

In addition to the physiological characteristics of the palm, the jewelry worn on the fingers may clarify something. Each finger is responsible for different character traits, so a tendency to decorate certain fingers can provide a lot of information to an observant person. Of course, such information only gives. That is, you can take note of this, but you should not completely trust such information. What the length of the fingers on the hands of women says, we have already learned. And what do the decorations testify to?

For example, it speaks of a person's desire to increase the significance of his "I". Selecting the thumb is not easy, so the desire must be very strong. A brightly decorated thumb can betray an egoist who adores his person and wants to receive more attention and recognition from others.

Excessive decoration of the index finger characterizes its owner as a domineering, stern person.

It is not for nothing that great rulers liked to wear beautiful massive rings on their index fingers, so they tried to emphasize their power, to increase the importance of their personality.

The middle finger is an indicator of status in society. Those who love to decorate it, thereby trying to increase their social status, to gain greater influence in society. Hence the insulting gesture when the person shows the middle finger. Thus, he seems to say that his position is higher, and the one to whom this gesture is intended is much lower on the social ladder. Massive bright ones emphasize and increase the social status of their owner.

It is not for nothing that it is used to wear wedding rings. It symbolizes the sensual component of human nature. Jewelry on the ring finger reflect feelings and emotions, tell about the inner world of a person.

The little finger is usually decorated with rather unusual personalities. This is a gesture designed to emphasize uniqueness, specialness. Many celebrities have adorned this finger to show their dissimilarity.However, decorating the ring finger can only mean a desire to stand out, and not the real state of affairs.

The length of the fingers, meaning. Psychology

In conclusion, I would like to say that although psychology is dealing with the issue of the relationship between a person's palm and character, this area has not yet been well studied. There is no accurate, systematic data on this topic yet, despite the huge number of experiments conducted. Therefore, you should not be upset if the shape of the palm says something bad about you or your loved ones. After all, the length of the fingers is not so important. The importance that palmists and some psychologists attach to this indicator should not confuse you. It is much more correct to get to know a person better in order to form an opinion about him, and not run away from him in horror just because you saw unseemly character traits on his hands.

Types of hands - this concept is fundamental for those who decide to practice palmistry. Therefore, before learning different or on hand, you need to master the basics. All types of hands according to runic palmistry are described in detail here, but this information is suitable in any case, no matter what trend you follow.

In the article:

What are the shapes of the palm?

If you are going to do palmistry, then the very first and simplest action you need to do is determine the shape of the palm. It doesn't matter if you are going to practice the Vedic, or, in fact, the Scandinavian tradition, one way or another, this is where it all starts. There are two forms in total: square and oblong. Of course, they are rarely found in their pure form, so when fortune-telling it is worth determining which type of brush looks more like.

So, a square palm speaks of the wearer's practicality and, to a certain extent, down-to-earth. This is an energetic person, not inclined to philosophical reflections. But his love of life and worldly wisdom bribe and inspire confidence. He prefers to work as an employee, but there is also an entrepreneurial streak. Differs in excellent health, loves to communicate with other people.

The oblong palm tells us about the depth of the owner in the world of fantasy. Reality does not suit him, so he tries to hide from her with a cloud of illusion. Very often has creative abilities, be it a passion for drawing, music, dancing and the like. He also tries to get creative with everyday work, but, bumping into misunderstanding, he closes himself in a shell. He has amazing projects, but at the very first difficulties in implementation, he gives up his undertakings. But if there is a person next to him who will be able to inspire and stir up, then he will be able to achieve success.

Before moving on to the next stage - interpretation, it is necessary to determine the type of hand itself. Unlike Vedic palmistry, hand types are not divided into castes. They are also distinguished by four classes, how many elements exist. For a more complete description, in addition to this, both the type of nails and the fingers must be taken into account.

"Fiery" view

The fiery hand is characterized by short fingers, as evidence of incontinence, and an elongated palm, which indicates the ability to strong emotional experiences. These people are usually hot-tempered and proud. They do not know how to sit in one place for a long time. So boring and monotonous work is absolutely not suitable for them. They like the feeling of danger and drive, so many of them are into extreme sports.

They are very ambitious, always ready to conquer new heights. But, as already mentioned, their patience is not always enough to bring the matter to the end. They get along well with "earthly" people, who, with their degree and perseverance, perfectly complement the "fiery" ones. It is worth noting that fire is insidious and greedy, and a person with this type of palm can play too much and not notice how he crossed the line. If desired, he can become a top-notch careerist, capable of climbing over the heads to achieve a goal.

"Earthly" view

The earthly hand has the characteristic features of short fingers and a wide square palm. Often there are few lines on it, but they are clearly expressed. If the tips of the fingers are rounded, then this indicates some haste of the owner. If the tips of the nails are similar in shape to a square, then this characterizes the owner as a tolerant and loyal person.

So, by nature, such a person will be reliable, emotionally stable and somewhat slow. She is not prone to empty daydreams or self-deception. Conservative, does not like changes in the course of life. He tries to bring everything to the end. This person does not like quarrels and squabbles, if they are present at something like that, she tries to stay away and not interfere, but when her vital interests are hurt, she will stand to the end.

Such people are hardworking and strive to secure their future and their families. Family comes first for them. They never forget and help even their distant relatives. They are good parents, although sometimes they spoil their child too much. Due to mundane interests and general phlegm, people of other elements consider them boring and mired in a routine.

"Air" view

An airy hand can be recognized by its square palm and long fingers. They are smart and cunning people who are used to getting what they need. Not as ambitious as the "fiery" ones, but they still have extraordinary abilities to manipulate and obtain information. Individuals with this type of palm usually have strong willpower and are able to control themselves.

They are very artistic in nature, so they need the admiration and approval of others on the largest possible scale. Sometimes their habit of fluffing up their tail can be annoying, but in cases where you need to solve a problem in a non-standard and quick way, they have no equal. "Air" generally like to show their superiority, and rejoice when their merits are recognized.

They are very curious, they strive to get everything from life, so the list of hobbies of such individuals can be very wide and extremely diverse. Therefore, do not be surprised if you find out that your friend is fond of drawings in sand or nails, builds card castles, crazy about carving or tatting.

Their mood changes quickly, they are windy and fickle, as befits a real "airy". This is especially true for relationships with the opposite sex. Many girls try to fool them and catch them in the net, but thanks to their instincts and the habit of not taking anything seriously, they easily slip out of all the traps. Some "airy" ones settle down with age, although they still have the brightest character traits, while others continue to be reckless and free until the end of their days.

"Water" view

A long palm, clear main lines and many small lines, long fingers - all this speaks of a watery type of hand. Of all the species, it is the most unstable and changeable. Unlike other elements, water has three states, completely different in physical characteristics. Therefore, individuals with a similar variant of the brush are inherent in the properties of other classes, they have the opportunity to possess the qualities of all three types.

However, there are also their own, their own qualities, unlike others. "Appearance is deceiving" - this statement perfectly characterizes them. Even signs on the palm in their case are able to give incorrect information! It is difficult for them to please, because they have their own opinion on everything, what and how to do. They are real perfectionists by nature, although they are not like people of the earthly kind. To do this, they lack solidity and thoroughness, although there are exceptions.

In most cases, "aquatic" are more than attentive to their appearance. This may not be noticeable at first glance, but rest assured, almost everyone has a little addiction to which they devote a lot of time. This can be taking care of nails in all forms, careful grooming of hair or body, some special nutritional technique, etc. At the same time, they are rather vain, although they do not always show this. Therefore, if you want to conquer the heart of such a person, just find out his weakness and compliment on this topic. He will be subdued by your discernment.

"Water" are energetic and often stupid, sometimes doing trifles for hours or chasing ghosts. At the same time, in the event that they find a point of support for themselves, be it a person or an idea, they can turn mountains. They rarely follow paved paths. Their vision of the world differs from other types, therefore "water" people do not strive for the heights of a career, a strong family or recognition and fame, although this may also be part of their dreams, but to something unknown and incomprehensible.

Among them, more often than among other classes, with the possible exception of the "air" ones, there are philosophers, vagabonds, religious fanatics (as well as among the "fiery" ones), and simply not of this world. They are very sensitive to criticism, and therefore sometimes take offense at the slightest remark. They have good intuition, which allows them to avoid dangers on the path of life, therefore they rarely become a victim of scammers and false friends.

Thus, now, after reading this article, you already know the shapes of the palm and types of hands, what is the difference between them, what are the striking features of each of these classes. Don't stop there and keep improving!

In contact with

To assess personality, professional psychologists observe a person's behavior, talk with him, analyze speech, timbre of a voice, and identify typical gestures. Based on observations, they draw up a personality map and determine a person's character.

An experienced palmist will be able to quickly understand what type the interlocutor is and what to expect from him. Diagnosis is carried out by examining the hands. The palmist is interested in the length and shape of the fingers, the type of palm and skin color. This is enough to understand the inner world of a person.

In this article

Hand color

Indicates the nature and state of health:

  1. Red hands are a sign of poor health. And they also say that a person is prone to irritability.
  2. Dark red hands, close to purple, indicate health problems and laziness.
  3. White hands belong to weak-willed people with a morbidly refined nature. They are characterized by weak energy. And if the fingers have a pointed shape, then there is anger and deceit in the character. It's better not to mess with such people.
  4. Palmists evaluate moderate hair on the outside of the hand positively. The owner of such a hand has an agreeable character and good health.
  5. The presence of hair on the inside of the palm indicates a high level of intelligence and potential for longevity.
  6. The complete absence of hair on the hand indicates an inconstancy of personality, and an uneven spread of hair on the hand is a sign of a poor spiritual life.
  7. If the hand has a pinkish color and streaks are visible through the skin, we have an intelligent and kind person.
  8. Ideally, the hand is slightly brown with a pink tint. It is a sign of excellent health and kindness towards others.

White hands indicate weakness.

Palm shape

Before a detailed analysis of the meaning hidden in the length of the fingers, we will give a description of the palm. It reflects the character of a person in general terms:

  1. Let's start with a wide, rough-cut palm whose fingers are far from perfect. This type of hand is found in short-sighted people with primitive needs. Their intellect is underdeveloped, interests are monotonous and trivial. Such people are distinguished by a sedentary lifestyle and an inhibited reaction.
  2. If the palm is oblong, has an elegant shape and long graceful fingers, we are faced with a man of artistic disposition. He is distinguished by sensuality and a penchant for the high arts. Natural talents allow them to realize themselves in the field of creativity.
  3. The philosophical type of hand is elongated fingers, but the palm does not look like an oblong one. The knotty fingers, the formlessness and roughness of the outlines are striking. Among the owners of philosophical hands are thinkers, writers and famous musicians. This type of palm speaks of a tendency to reflect on the nature of the world, on inner calmness and rationalism.
  4. The square shape of the hand belongs to people who are practical and reliable. They are pragmatists, who are distinguished by determination and hard work. The square-handed individual is not imaginative, but as a loyal companion he is unmatched.
  5. The spade type of hand is very similar to the square one. The wide palm tapers slightly at the base or in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fingers. Actually, the character of a person is not too different from the representatives of the previous type. Inherent qualities - perseverance, courage and reliability.

A square palm is a sign of a practical person

Palm typology for different elements:

Aristocratic hands and a complex inner world

These are hands with thin wrists, narrow palms, and long flexible fingers. This combination of signs indicates a subtle nervous system, increased sensitivity, high intelligence and developed sexuality.

The owners of such hands are creative individuals with well-developed intuition and exquisite taste. These include inventors, talented doctors, artists, musicians, painters. Intelligence allows them to grasp the essence of the situation, analyze and understand where it leads. They are often leaders.

A man with elongated fingers (especially the ring finger) is usually popular with the fair sex. Women are attracted by the beauty of men's hands. Behind them is the fame of heartthrobs and unfaithful husbands.

Aristocratic type of hands

A woman with hands of an aristocratic type, demanding of a partner and often pesters with whims. She has high self-esteem and a romantic nature. A long ring finger characterizes a sensual woman who enjoys sexual variety. She is a great lover who knows how to charm a man with her intimate talents.

Palmistry says that if the fingers are long, but thin, then their owner is distinguished by excessive pride and increased vulnerability. Even minor troubles are unsettling. Disappointment, depression and melancholy are his constant companions. In making decisions, such an individual constantly hesitates and indulges in reflection. Thin long fingers may indicate a desire to subjugate others and psychological sadism, which manifests itself in the form of poisonous sarcasm.

The effect of finger length on character and health

If you compare the hands of different people, you can find that the ratio of the length of the three central fingers is not the same for different people. In most cases, the index and ring finger coincide in length, the middle finger is slightly longer than them. But there are people with different brush proportions. In some, all three central fingers are of equal length, in others, the ring finger is much larger than the index, and sometimes even the middle.

In order to learn about the temperament, character and special qualities of a person using the palmistry method, watch the following video:

The length of the fingers on the hands in men

During the period of intrauterine development, sex hormones influence the formation of the body of the unborn child. The body structure in men is determined by testosterone. The length of the fingers, in particular, depends on its concentration. Having studied the hand in adulthood, one can draw conclusions about the temperament and character of a man.

Comparing the middle and index fingers, palmistry will tell you what to expect from a person in a family union. If these two fingers differ little in length, then a woman with such a man will have an even trusting relationship. He will make a caring and attentive spouse, ready to come to an agreement on controversial issues. On the contrary, if the fingers are different in length, then this indicates a strong influence of testosterone during the period of being in the womb. Consequently, such a man is more rude and will tend to suppress his spouse emotionally.

The length of the fingers in women

The presence of a woman with long ring fingers indicates an immoderate sexual appetite. In the biography of such a lady, there is a whole string of sexual partners, although there are exceptions to the rule. The owner of long ring fingers is not averse to having an affair with a lesbian coloration.

An even distribution of the length of the fingers is typical for a woman who seeks to have a healthy, strong family and many children.

The length of the fingers at different ages

Parents take an interest in their children's predisposition. An analysis of the hands using the method of palmistry will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe qualities of character and inclinations. If we talk about the length of the fingers, then it contains the same signs as in the hand of an adult. This is a trace of the influence of hormones during pregnancy of the mother of the child.

However, it is not necessary to erect the shape of the fingers to the absolute, indicating future sexual promiscuity. The character of a person is formed not only under the influence of hormones, but also depends on upbringing, moral principles and life experience.

Long fingers and probable illness

For example, elongated ring fingers are found in people who are prone to colds. As a rule, they are poorly protected from measles, rubella, chickenpox, they have a high chance of developing arthrosis. But heart attacks and strokes bypass such an individual.

Unusually long fingers indicate possible illnesses

A woman with long index fingers is likely to have an excess of estrogen in her body. This makes her vulnerable to problems in the field of gynecology. In addition, the chances of developing breast tumors are high. The presence of long index fingers in men indicates the risk of stroke and heart attack. In people of both sexes, this symptom indicates probable allergies, lung problems and bronchial asthma.

Of course, one cannot draw definitive conclusions about latent diseases based only on the length of the fingers. Talking about this to the interlocutor should be in an extremely delicate manner, avoiding categoricalness.

Finger length and character

In the arsenal of palmistry there is one simple method for analyzing the character of an individual. For comparison, the length of two fingers of the hand is taken - the index and ring fingers.

Thus, we get three main personality types:

  1. The index finger is shorter than the ring finger. This combination indicates a charismatic personality. A person is attractive in the eyes of others, communication with him is a pleasure. He has a wide circle of friends who appreciate his listening skills and helpful advice. However, such an individual is ready not only to sympathize, but also to take an active part in solving problems. He shows enviable determination and persistence. Cases for which he undertakes end in success. Personalities of the first type have a developed intellect and realize themselves in science and engineering. In reaching the goal, they do not intend to stop. They are always looking for ways of further self-improvement.
  2. The index finger is longer than the ring finger. Before us is a self-sufficient person. But unlike the first type, this person avoids a crowded society, preferring a secluded lifestyle. Possessing pride, such an individual rarely takes the first steps to establish a relationship. This applies to the personal sphere and business cooperation. To attract such a person to your project, you will have to take the initiative. Keep in mind that praise and attention to his person is extremely important.
  3. Equal length of index and ring fingers. This is a sign of a good-natured person with a peaceful character. Conflicts and arguments make him uncomfortable. These people know how to build even friendly relations with everyone. Devotion, loyalty and deep decency are at the heart of character. In the family, these are faithful spouses and caring fathers. At work, they are appreciated for their commitment and diligence. They are patriots of their enterprise. For all his peacefulness, this person is ready to stand up for himself. He rarely takes offense, but if necessary, he will put the offender in place.

The meaning of the shape of the fingers

In addition to the shape of the palm and the length of the fingers, palmistry takes into account the appearance of the fingers and the distance between them. Nature is wise, giving us specific traits. We rarely think about what the outer forms say about the inner world.

What crooked fingers tell

In palmistry, crooked fingers are a rare phenomenon and such a deformation is striking. What to expect from a person?

The meaning of crooked fingers is considered in the context of the picture provided by the main lines on the palm. If the analysis gives a positive diagnosis, then the curvature of the fingers indicates an irritable character. A negative picture of palmar lines combined with crooked fingers indicates an embittered person who hates the whole world. Perhaps there are criminal inclinations.

With the curvature of the fingers to the outside of the palm, one can talk about an inquisitive and sociable person who has a kind soul. If the fingers are curved towards the inner side, then we are dealing with a cautious person.

Thin and thick fingers

Palmistry considers the thickness of the fingers as a very important indicator for analyzing the character of a person. And the length of the fingers must be taken into account. This approach identifies four types of people:

  1. Thick and short toes. This combination indicates the priority goal in life - material well-being. You cannot rely on such people, because personal benefit is above all for them, and the interests of others are in last place. They are not professionals. They do not have deep knowledge, but they are abundantly endowed with patience and the ability to achieve their own. Usually people with this type of fingers work in the trade.
  2. Thin and short fingers. This type of hand indicates rapid skill acquisition. Inspiration is a frequent guest in his life, creation is his element. A person copes well with the role of a leader, he is appreciated by his superiors and respected by his subordinates. Unfortunately, he is inattentive to the little things and overlooks the details. Such personalities realize themselves in the field of business, finance and politics. They often start their own business in order to have financial independence.
  3. Thick and long fingers.This combination is typical for a person with a high level of intelligence and extraordinary creativity. Shows good results in any field of activity. He also has management talent. For him, the way is open to the heights in politics or to lead a religious movement, to make a great discovery. In a word, he is capable of achieving world fame.
  4. Thin and long fingersindicate an attentive person who attaches great importance to detail. If the work requires precise intelligence, then such a person is simply irreplaceable. When making decisions, he relies exclusively on logic, intuition is poorly developed. But the bias towards logic does not prevent him from appreciating art, he himself is not averse to showing himself in creativity. An artist, musician or publicist will come out of it. Given his meticulousness, he realizes himself as an excellent editor, design engineer or a leader in the construction industry.

Thin and long fingers are a sign of a creative personality

Square fingers

The owner of square fingers (also called knotty) is distinguished by a serious approach to business and a desire for order. Such a person has a critical mindset. He is characterized by self-confidence and a desire to control others. This type of finger is found in many successful entrepreneurs and practitioners.

Spade toes

These hands usually belong to people who are in constant motion. Idleness for them is tantamount to death. They show activity both in the field of mental and physical labor. Freedom and personal independence are of paramount value to them.

In life, they are guided by practical considerations, not lofty ideals. They can be called calculating and even selfish. Among people with spade toes, the most common are highly skilled workers, farm owners, engineers and industrial leaders.

A small video test on the meaning of the shape of the fingers:

Distance between fingers

In palmistry, this is an important feature for analysis:

  1. If the fingers are almost closely adjacent to each other, then the owner of the hand is inherent in secrecy and unwillingness to stand out. They rely on common sense in their actions. They are distinguished by frugality, which over the years turns into stinginess.
  2. If the fingers lag behind each other, then the person has an open character and likes to be generous.
  3. The habit of keeping the middle and index fingers tightly together indicates success.
  4. The absence of a gap between the middle and ring fingers indicates a person who is changeable in emotions and needs psychological support.
  5. If the little finger strongly departs from the rest of the fingers, such a person has a wayward character, which is combined with enviable stubbornness. In disputes, a person holds on to his position to the end.
  6. If the space between the little finger and the ring finger is small, then we have a person who does not care about the opinions of others. This person shows complete relaxedness, including the generally accepted norms. Such a sign is not uncommon among representatives of sexual minorities.
  7. It happens that the gap between adjacent fingers is more pronounced at the base than in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nails. In this case, the person is prone to asocial behavior, such as vagrancy. And also the sign speaks of the inability to handle money with care and the likely bankruptcy.

For example, the gap between the middle and forefingers indicates independent views.

Fingertip shape

The fingertips also contain valuable information about the character of the owner of the hand:

  1. Square fingertips. Belong to tough materialists. Their interests are mundane. They are skeptical of change, preferring stability. These are practical people who prefer to do business rather than waste time on empty entertainment. It is for their practicality and purposefulness that they are very much appreciated.
  2. Conical fingertips.Give out a sensual personality. A rich emotional life is important for such people. In a sense, they are idealists, but they cannot be called idlers. They can work productively, but only in a comfortable atmosphere and supportive environment. The owner of tapered fingers appreciates "smart" entertainment: visiting exhibitions and museums, reading, self-improvement courses. Traveling is another favorite pastime.
  3. Pointed fingertips.A sign of a refined nature. In such a person, strong emotionality borders on nervousness. He is impressionable, but unstable in mood. People with such fingers often experience impulses of inspiration, but rarely finish what they started, because they quickly cool down and become disappointed. Such individuals want to be the center of attention and have leadership talents. If such a person occupies a leading position, then subordinates consider his style to be tough, but fair.
  4. Droplet-like fingertips.This form is inherent in a person with a kind soul, who is always ready to help. We are talking about close friends and strangers. With altruism and gullibility, such a person rarely becomes a victim of scammers, because he has good intuition and quickly recognizes other people's intentions. People of this type also treat nature and animals with love, directing their forces to improve the world around them.
  5. The tips of the fingers are spatulate.Indicate a high level of vitality. They are constantly on the lookout for new vivid impressions. The monotonous flow of life drives you into a state of melancholy and apathy. Monotony tires such people so much that it can make them sick. They can work long and fruitfully, but not in an office environment. They are distinguished by eccentric behavior and skepticism towards generally accepted truths. For work, it is better for them to choose a profession where regular business trips are expected, or go into creativity.

Finger joints and phalanges

The analysis of palmistry of the digital phalanges and joints will help to complement the overall picture:

  1. The upper, it is also the nail, phalanx is associated with the spiritual world, aspirations, principles, perception of reality. A narrow upper phalanx speaks of developed intuition, a wide phalanx - an entrepreneurial streak and material interest.
  2. The middle phalanx will tell you how practical a person is. Looking closely at the length of the phalanx, its thickness, you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhether the individual knows how to implement plans.
  3. The lower phalanx is associated with the attitude of the individual to material values. A pronounced lower phalanx indicates a person whose interests revolve around welfare and pleasure. The lower phalanx of the thumb is of particular importance, since it has at its base the hill of Venus, which is responsible for the emotional and sensory sphere.

Let's pay attention to the finger joints. Movable developed joints are a sign of a well-honed high mind and impeccable logic. Knotty joints indicate a person with a philosophical outlook on things. And smooth joints usually belong to superficial and frivolous people.

Hand behavior

As a rule, people do not notice that their hands are in constant motion, and these gestures are of an unconscious nature.

Clasped hands indicate the closeness of the interlocutor

In palmistry, according to the behavior of the hands, an accurate description of a person is compiled:

  1. If the interlocutor holds his hands behind his back or tries to hide them in any other way, then this behavior indicates a person's insecurity. He is clearly gnawed by doubts.
  2. If a person carries on a conversation, tightly clasping his hands or crossing them on his chest, then the conversation depresses him, he tries to close himself off from you. He does not intend to be open and speak frankly.
  3. It happens that the interlocutor simply does not know where to put his hands. He now and then goes over the objects lying in front of him, squeezes and unclenches his fingers, taps on the table. In this case, the person suffers from a nervous breakdown or is seized by strong emotions that he is trying to suppress.
  4. Active gesticulation during a conversation indicates the interlocutor's genuine interest in the topic under discussion and his trust in you.

The position of the hands when walking also characterizes a person:

  1. The arms hang down freely and the fingers are slightly clenched. Such a person can be called prudent and careful. He has a peaceful character.
  2. If your hands dangle freely when walking, this indicates gullibility. And it also indicates a dislike for haste in thoughts and actions.
  3. Hands, tightly clenched into a fist, speak of an aggressive personality. Such a person would not mind starting a fight.
  4. The habit of waving your arms back and forth while walking says that a person is emotional and is not accustomed to controlling feelings.


Here palmistry will also tell you who you are dealing with:

  1. A person with an open, honest soul, giving his hand, always keeps his palm slightly turned up.
  2. A person whose palm is facing down shows arrogance. In fact, he is a limited individual of a narrow-minded mind.
  3. An overly intense handshake betrays a weak personality who wants to appear strong and confident.
  4. A sluggish handshake devoid of energy indicates a weak-willed and pampered person. He is insecure, capricious and spoiled.
  5. Another type of greeting is quick and casual. There is not a drop of a soul in it, just a tribute to the ritual. This gesture is inherent in busy people who are indifferent to those around them.


Palmistry gives an accurate description, indicating the strengths and weaknesses, as well as hidden vices. Nevertheless, palmistry speaks more of a predisposition than a real state of affairs.

Hands give a hint, and a person has a will and chooses what to do. Having found unfavorable signs in yourself, do not rush to get upset. On the contrary, knowing the disadvantages accurately is an advantage. Now it is clear to you what you have to work on.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don't worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Information about a person's fate is in his palms. The lines, signs and figures on them carry many facts that the palmist is able to decode. His work begins with the fact that he determines the types of hands, the element and the patron planet of man.

Types of hands depending on the element

The meaning of all lines and signs on it depends on the type of hand. The types of hands in palmistry are also divided into planets. Depending on the element, 6 varieties are distinguished:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • fiery;
  • air;
  • earthly;
  • water.


The hands of the element of metal are distinguished by the square shape of the palms, fingertips and nails. They are sinewy and angular. Such people choose to work.

The family is in second place for them. They are down-to-earth and stubborn personalities. All their love affairs end with trivial sex. They do not see marriage as a prospect for the development of relations. They do not experience any romantic feelings and show them very rarely when they are completely confident in their partner and in love for him.

The owners of metal types of hands have complex relationships with others. They put them to real tests to check their reliability, and then decide whether they can be trusted. They are great performers. They are very active and proactive. Accurately carry out the task received. How bosses show the qualities of fairness and courtesy with subordinates. They build relationships with their partners according to clearly defined rules. They always repay debts.

But they have few real friends. They cannot open their hearts, they are afraid that they will be undeservedly injured.

People who have the type of tree or water are suitable for partners. They will find a common language with them and will be able to build long-term relationships.

The metal in the character of this person turns the meaning of his life towards material goods, and the philosophy of wood and water will be able to balance this quality with its properties. It will make a great symbiosis.


In palmistry, this type of hand has pronounced bones (bony growths, bumps) at the joints between the palm and fingers. Bony relief appears against the background of clear vertical lines and tendons. This variety is called the philosophical palms type. The owners have a philosophical inclination to think, quickly analyze complex situations and solve abstract problems. They are interested in human relationships, so the choice of the specialty of a psychologist or a philosopher is not accidental.

People with this type of hands find themselves in spiritual practices, all the time they are engaged in self-education and self-improvement. They easily conduct conversations and debates, argue and win arguments due to their logic and lining up arguments in a coherent chain. They constantly draw information from new sources and lead an active lifestyle. They create a mental ideal for themselves and strive for it.

Internal high bar does not allow relationships with others to be simple. People with wood-type hands will be disappointed with human shortcomings. They see around that ideal world that they have invented for themselves. This is their similarity with people of the element of air.

A characteristic choice of profession for them is a teacher or a lecturer.

In sex, they take on a leading role, teach a partner, having previously studied the Kama Sutra and the techniques of tantric yoga. Not everyone will like this behavior, so the relationship does not always have a continuation.

People with the type of wooden hands communicate without difficulty with the owners of the water element and absolutely cannot find a common language with fire signs.


People with the type of fiery palms are betrayed by their emotionality and incontinence. Their palm is elongated, narrow and hot to the touch.

Their character is dominated by impulsiveness and passion. This is a nature with a very strong character and will. They love everything new, strive for change. Prohibitions and routine are not for them. They like to get a quick result after starting work.

Partners are changed very often due to the search for new sensations. Falling in love quickly passes and is replaced by boredom.

Internal ambitions help to subdue others, friends and loved ones. The elements of earth and water get along well with people. They subjugate them and go to their goal. Relationships with other signs may not develop due to the constant raging fire inside, which burns everything around and destroys human ties. A man of fire can find a like-minded person for himself among people of the air, but in intimacy this will lead to disaster.

These people need to learn to relax and get joy from life and what has already been achieved in it.


Palmistry describes the type of air hands as follows: a square palm with long, awkward fingers. This person has a quick mind and ingenuity, but loves to manipulate others. Always acts only by its own rules.

They do not tolerate pressure, their main feature is independence from others. They are sociable and love to learn new things. They are flexible in communication, but they resort to cunning and hide their real "I" behind different masks.

In close relationships, they become isolated, withdraw into themselves or silently obey their partner.

They love to try new things. They feel good in discussions that serve as a kind of source of knowledge for them. They have a good sense of humor, they are never boring. In difficult situations, everyone can turn into a joke and correct the situation.

They know how to keep their distance, feeling the danger from the interlocutor. They begin their manipulations when they want to achieve what they want. They say not what they think, if it is beneficial for them.

They love role-playing games and dressing up. They are characterized by romantic antics and dizzying actions. All qualities together create a "explosive mixture" for intimate relationships.

People with the type of air hands constantly wear "rose-colored glasses". Disappointment and inner emptiness occur without them.


The type of hands obeying the earth sign is characterized by a fleshy palm with short fingers. It has few lines and signs, it resembles a square. The roundness at the end of the fingers indicates the owner's impatience in intimate relationships. He wants to get everything at once.

He means sex as the foundation of future relationships. There is no fire, but there is calmness and confidence that everything will be as planned. This gives the partner confidence in the future, in security and stability.

The shape of this palm is similar to the palm of the metal element. But the types of people are completely different. In palmistry, owners of earth hand types are considered practical, predictable, and emotionally stable people. They look at the world simply and down to earth. Traditions and family foundations mean a lot for such individuals.

In business, they observe corporate ethics. They do not like changes and do not try to take a leadership position. They love the "golden mean". In business, they deal with partners who are similar to themselves. Make sure that no one infringes on their interests.

In bed, it is better to push them to new things and teach them. Once they have found a comfortable position, they will be used all their lives, if the partner does not prompt another. They are sentimental and will always take care of a loved one: to satisfy his needs, protect and give him innocent joy. The relationship will be strong.


The water sign has many clear lines on the palm. The palm of a woman's hands is soft, flexible, with thin phalanges of the fingers. Palmistry considers the element of water to be the most malleable and unstable. All this is reflected in the unbalanced qualities of a person.

People with such palms have a changeable character, they often change their mood. They are contradictory in their desires. They want to see perfection in everything and lead an emotional life, they can make a thousand decisions a minute and change everything in an hour.

In another version, they are only observers. This trait is characteristic of people with a knobby palm. The goal will be achieved by them, but not immediately. They will not walk in a straight line like other signs would.

In sex, they are improvisers. Do not recognize any framework. It is always bright and enchanting. Great pairs are obtained with a tree sign or with their own water sign. Water will always be caring and responsible for a partner. They will be able to satisfy the partner both mentally and physically.

These people do not tolerate criticism and try to avoid such moments. Good intuition allows them to get out of awkward situations without loss. In order for the goal to be achieved, they need to learn to concentrate on it.

Palmists believe that heavenly bodies influence the fate of a person. At the moment the baby is born, signs are imprinted on his palms that determine his karmic purpose, which are bestowed by the gods of the planets.

The features on the palms are individual, like fingerprints, but there are only 8 planetary types:

  • philosophical;

Types of hands by patron planet

Moon hand

The lunar type of hand is found in fair-faced, tall people with large almond-shaped eyes. The eyebrows are highlighted with a curved stripe. Hair is silky, curly. The owners of the moon palm love to wear long hairstyles, loose blonde hair. A small nose emphasizes the fine lines of the face. Men have a large belly and small pointed ears that are pressed to the head. In the palm of your hand, the hill of the Moon is well developed in both men and women. Their fingers are conical in shape, with narrowed last phalanges of the fingers.

This type is distinguished by suspicion and belief in fate. His phlegmatism is intertwined with romanticism. People with moon palms love to travel and listen to classical music. They read poetry and often become writers. A noisy society makes it difficult for them to concentrate.

They are very sensual in sex and can do anything for their partner. Internal selfishness and impetuous nature prevent them from creating strong marriage bonds.

In business, they show insecurity and insecurity. Lunarians are difficult to deal with. They can fail at any moment and have no remorse.

They often suffer from rheumatism and bowel problems. Women also have difficulties with childbirth. Heart problems, anemia, inflammation of the bladder are typical diseases of this sign.

Solar hand

The sun hand is often called the hand. The character of its owners is strong and strong-willed. This is reflected in their appearance. They are tall and slender people with fair skin, thick and wavy black hair.

A wide forehead and a round chin indicate their desire to command others. Beautiful and luminous eyes are able to convince everyone of the sincerity of their intentions. On the hand, there is a noticeable difference between the phalanges of the fingers: the second phalanx is longer than the first and the ring finger is longer than the index finger.

In old age, their vision fails, there are interruptions in the heart. You should ask the palmist about possible problems in advance and visit a doctor.

They like to dress well and expensively. They have a subtle sense of fashion. They are sociable and attract everyone's attention. The negative trait is vanity. Such a sign must make efforts and overcome this quality in oneself.

Philosophical hand

The philosophical hand is not distinguished by grace and refinement of form. She is medium in size, with knobby joints and semi-conical nails.

This type of people is equally strong-willed and balanced. They are prone to reasoning and philosophizing more than to real actions. Those with a philosophical hand never become mathematicians or physicists. They rather find themselves in the poetic and philosophical sphere.

People with this type of brush do not experience vain illusions and live in reality, guided by common sense. Each step is considered in advance. They do not take anything for granted, they question everything that requires verification.

With others, they build relationships based on the elimination of any dogmas and prejudices. They value friendship and sincerity and respond in kind. In marriage, they know how to find balance and create a lasting union.

Hand of mercury

The hand of Mercury is found in people who are born.They have dark hair and beautiful dark brown eyes, as well as curved eyebrows. The physique is thin. Quite tall, with long and thin arms.

They are definitely involved in sports and are mentally active. They are discerning and attentive to detail. They are very quick-witted at critical moments, which makes them successful in business. How leaders show tact and concern for their subordinates.

Typical diseases are gallstones, liver disease and nervous disorders.

In relationships with loved ones, they are always caring and gentle. They love big cities and progress. They make good businessmen, actors and financiers.

Hand of venus

The Venusian hand is distinguished by its grace. The fingers taper towards the tips. The palm is soft and pleasant to the touch. This is reflected in the personality of the owner. He has the same soft and malleable character. The type of such a person is impressionable and excitable.

The appearance of the owner of the hand of Venus is attractive. It is easy for him to seduce someone. Such a person uses his external qualities and experiences pleasure from it.

This type is said to be a "narcissist." Spending time in front of the mirror, admiring himself, is a habit for him. It is most important for him to feel the admiring glances of others on himself and to be loved.

Jealousy is a strong trait of the Venusian. He can get angry to the point of indecency. The sensitivity of nature does not allow him to stop in time. This character trait is determined by the pronounced hill of Venus on the right hand.

The left hand talks about the sentimentality and vulnerability of nature. Such a person has a strong instinct and a passionate character. A courageous nature makes it possible to defend your opinion and prove to others that you are right.

Hand of mars

The Martian type is characterized by a positive character, firm and strong palm. Signs that define the essence of nature are visible on the plateau of Mars. All phalanges of their fingers are the same and bony, except for the third. It is slightly thickened. All lines are clear and deep.

People of the Martian type love to eat well and tasty. Become aggressive at the slightest objection. Militant Mars does not allow someone else's primacy. Holders of this type of palms are not restrained in their impulses. They are sexy and happy in love. They are never rich. Warlike Mars is not friendly with finances.

Hand of jupiter

Such people have fair skin, beautiful physique, but short stature. They have a face with regular features, arched eyebrows and convex any. Large eyes under massive lids. Jupiterian men quickly grow bald and fat.

The mound of Jupiter prevails over the others in size and clarity. The distinct line of the Head is associated with the line of Jupiter and gives the wearer determination in character. This type is the most common among politicians. Ambition makes it possible to achieve heights in the business you have started.

With friends, they are courteous and always ready to help. The essence of this type is an extreme sense of justice. They love power and are confident and persistent in achieving goals. Financially independent and spend a lot of money to strengthen their power over people.

Courage is not inherent in them, they will look for any way out so as not to be heroic. They are shrewd and easily lead large masses of people.

Hand of Saturn

Bad deeds are unusual for those with the palms of Saturn.

The hill of Saturn is large and clearly stands out on the hand. The first node is located on Saturn's large phalanx finger. The middle one acts as a balance for the rest of the fingers. They are all tilted towards him from different sides.

These are brown-eyed people, tall, thin, with a thin and elongated face, on which sharp cheekbones and a straight nose stand out. The eyebrows join above the bridge of the nose and give the face a sullen look.

Such people have a nervous character, love loneliness and prefer the country to the city. Become good nerds or physicists. With success

Determining the type of hand by its appearance is of great importance for prediction. Palm width, color, length, fullness and skin condition are important.

There are several main types:

  1. Elementary hand - fingers are small and blunt at the end, the thumb is short and uneven. The skin of the hand is thick and rough. A person with an elementary hand is not interested in anything except himself and his needs. Prone to alcoholism, drug addiction and vagrancy.
  2. Practical hand - the shape is elongated, curved, with knots on the joints of the fingers. The owner of a practical hand is patient and persistent, prudent in actions and words. He never breaks discipline and knows how to restrain his emotions. This is typical of doctors, engineers and lawyers.
  3. Spade-shaped hand - wide palm, with short fingers of equal length. It is soft and sluggish to the touch. The owner is a very brave and easy-going person. He achieves success and seeks to learn new things. Loyal and constant partner.
  4. The artistic hand has a conical shape, a palm of medium width and smooth graceful fingers. Almond-shaped nails. A person with this type of hand is impractical and gullible, sensual and sentimental. Can lie all the time. His own pleasures are above all for him.
  5. The mixed hand is most common among humans. She says that a person is diverse in his interests and inclinations. He will not have special talents, but due to his broad outlook he will be able to achieve a lot in life.
  6. The spirit hand is long and narrow in shape, with tapered fingers, and is gentle and smooth. Its owner idealizes the world around him, is always poor and is not able to reason logically. Punctual and executive person in business. Has the character of a dreamer and a dreamer. Such people become occultists or go to religion.

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