Calculate: Muzchina-Demo and Innigin-Lion. Compatibility: Woman Virgo and Male Lev Male Virgo and Girl Lion His Emotions

Where to begin? 22.10.2020
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Too much difference in temperament, characters, theirs, the habits of partners makes this marriage union very problematic. Woman Lion cannot bear the pedantry of the male male, his merciless criticism. And the male-virgin does not like the disadvantaged Women Lion.

Lions poison the existence of permanent poisonous injections of smoky and picky virgins, their petty, coldness, intentional coquetty. And the virgin just "kill" uncountable friends and lions lions.

The compatibility of Women Lion and Virgin Men are very strange relationships, but in life they are not so rare. Energetic lioness loves to be the center of attention, and the hardworking man-maiden does not tolerate idle pastime and even empty words. They are like two different poles of the magnet, which, however, attract each other.

If a male Virgo for some reason decides that the lioness is his second half, he does everything to conquer her proud heart. True, the careless appeal of the lioness with money cannot be confused, but for the sake of her, he is ready to put up even with it. In this case, Maid-male is able to work on several jobs to provide wealth in the family and enjoy life to enjoy life. She, in turn, is able to appreciate his loyalty and dedication, supportively allowing him to make her life happy.

A pair of Lev-Virgo - this very difficult union and can be kept only if both partners are consciously cover their eyes to the shortcomings of each other.

Compatibility Woman Lev - Male Virgo - Pluses

Woman lion in marriage with a man-Virgin gets his care and material well-being. If the woman lion makes a career, then the man-maiden takes on all the homemade troubles. And if the male Virgo is rich (that is not uncommon for this hardworking sign), then the role of a housewife is leading a lion woman.

While the man is working, she does not forget to have fun and relax. The male-male is suitable, as he is insecure him constantly need to emphasize his status, and such a luxurious woman ,.

Over time, Male Virgo and Woman Lion are "gripped" to each other, but still, even being an ideal pair for these signs, she does not look like. From the outside they do not even look a couple.

Male Virgo and Woman Lion rarely appear together, as they have different interests, besides, a man-lion or is constantly working to provide a luxurious life with their lioness, or is engaged in household deals in a relaxed atmosphere. A, she will not miss a single holiday or event.

In this union, the Lion-Virgin compatibility is the difference between the ideal pair of non-ideal only in the fact that both partners are suitable for such a "separate" life.

Compatibility Woman Lev - Male Virgo - Cons

The problem of compatibility of the signs of the zodiac Lion-Virgin is that they have a completely different approach to most components family life - To sex, money, everyday life and leisure. In addition, their characters are also poorly compatible. They are annoyed in each other literally everything.

Men-Virgin does not like the Lion woman managing a family budget. In his opinion, she has too big and unnecessary spending. In addition, it is asserted and impulsive in behavior. And the woman-lion does not like the passivity of the Men-Virgin, its natural caution, she considers nothing other, but as a manifestation of cowardice.

She is not understood by his pragmatism and the principle "My Hut with the Edge". Woman Lev dreams of male male, at least with her help, became stronger and bold, but it is quite satisfied with the fact that the role of the leader in the family is occupied by a woman.

And with all their might try to bring a woman-lion to them. He tries to interest her joint reading or at least something, if only she was more often at home. But, alas, all his efforts are vain. Lioness need a bright and rich secular life.

Horoscope Lev-Vayva - Compatibility and Harmony

The compatibility of the horoscopes of the Lion-Virgin - the psychological abyss between them is irresistible. They will never be able to understand each other. But, fortunately, relationships can be built not only on the coincidence of characters. The main thing that needs to be done by both partners is to pay attention only to the advantages of character. And this, you can be absolutely sure, there is every sign of the zodiac.

It is necessary to drive away all thoughts on the imperfection of a partner, and find more and more positive moments. Of course, a lion woman, like any woman can get rid of leading and want to feel weak. But, it is worth thinking, but will you like it and will it be able to obey?

Maybe it's still easier and tend to be with a compliant man-Virgin? Whether she herself to fulfill hundreds of household cases, from which Virgo did not just freed her, but also makes them himself with pleasure, not imagining it as a favor of a lioness? Does she like financial security?

The same should be done by a male-maiden. Yes, the woman lion is too bright and active. But isn't it takes on the communication and those in society, who do not like a male male? And, isn't the lioness capable of "getting out", by one fell by destroying the knot? Politics "See the pros and deliberately discarding thoughts about minuses" will give their fruits: the couple will be durable.

How to win a woman to conquer a male male

In order to win a male-male, a woman-lion need to be proud and remember the feeling of self-esteem. Men-mars do not tolerate vulgar behavior. Most female liones love noise, shine, but in entertainment and communicating with the people, behave adequately and do not allow too much.

The lion girl who decided to win a guy-a virgin should remember that this type of men is indecisive and, moreover, needs care. Male Virgo with pleasure remains in the shadow of the bold and confident woman-lion. Of course, sometimes the male Virgo is very sorry that he lacks courage and decisive action.

And this woman-lion can help a male maiden. It needs to be cheered and assure that she is ready to support him in the case of anything. But remember that a lot will have to do for the virgin. If the lioness is able to convince a male-male in the fact that she can be his support, he will be interested in it.

Compatibility Women Lion and Men-Virgin in Friendship

Woman Lev and Male Virgo are often friends, despite the fact that they have different interests and hobbies. Woman Lion prefers a bright saturated life, and the male-male quiet, homely atmosphere. But, nevertheless, the Virgin sometimes wants to get into the world, and a lion woman spend time near the home of the hearth. True, they are seen infrequently. But when they intersect, the Woman Lion charges the virgin energy, raises the mood and entertains, and the male-male allows her to maintain her intellectual level at height.

If they already have partners, it is unlikely that they should be worried about cheating. Male Virgo can be seduced by a lioness, but he is unlikely to be interested in her so as to be seduced. Especially since the Woman Lion is true and too proud to change.

Compatibility of Women Lion and Virgin Men in the Business Sphere

The business union of the Men-Virgin and Women Lion can be successful only if the responsibilities will be distributed correctly. Psychologically, this pair is difficult to work together.

When a woman's lion and male-male colleagues or partners, business cooperation can develop differently. If the Woman Lion will be engaged in large-scale deeds, give ideas, organize a project as a whole, and the male Virgo will do a painstaking work with the details, then each of them will be in its place. If they will fulfill the same work, it is difficult to have both and nothing good will come out of it. We are talking about the same work, it is better not to put them in a couple. Successful will be a joint business bold lioness and cautious Virgin.

When a lion woman is the boss, and the man is a subordinate is the most successful option. Woman Lion is a very good leader, and man-maiden is a good performer. The woman-lion begins the case, outlines the main contours and further little things are not interesting for her. Male-Virgin, on the contrary. It's a pleasant thing to be with trifles, carefully working out every detail.

When a woman-lion is subordinate, and the man-maiden - the boss is the worst of all possible options. The meticulous, constantly displeased man-maiden, does not work well with the tasks of the head. He does not have enough scope, courage and decisive actions. And the Woman Lev got used to shine and hates obey. The chief-virgin is not suitable for the carelessness of the lioness and her inattention to the details, and it is the lack of perspectives with such a boss.

Each lion feels a creature perfect, almost celestial - and some representatives of this sign even neglect the word "almost". This is their strength - in this and weakness. A person can achieve fantastic heights if his faith is unshakable. But, closing everything above, he is increasingly afraid to be discarded from his majestic pedestal. No, the lion is not so ideal, as he would like. He knows this, although he never says anything like loud. And the very idea that someone can recognize his secret, for our egocentric pride is too painful.

And she appears, Virgo. Itself femininity and softness, meekness and nobility, followed by a subtle mind, you can even say - wisdom. Next to such a girl, any man feels a remote hero, ready to defend his wonderful choices from all and everything. What is the lion? Of course, it is fascinated. Of course, he wants to make the best impression on the virgin. Of course, he is sure that she will drive her crazy - like all those other women that were before. After all, he is perfection, worthy of worship! "You are a very interesting young man, but ..." - that's what the lion will hear in response to their ardent speeches. Just interesting?! Also some "but"?!

The Virgin was succeeded what Lion would not allow anyone else to shake his faith in his own impeccability. And do not doubt - if these two will get a relationship, she will apply not one blow to his pride. There are no more critical people than the Virgin: sometimes it seems, it is impossible to please them - they always find flaws and are not shy to poke you in them with his nose. What is this - meticulousness, hypertrophized perfectionism? Perhaps, but only partly: in women of this sign there is a wonderful trait - the desire for self-development. Whatever they do, baking pies or nuclear physics, they do it in good faith, putting the soul into their work and removing lessons from errors. Virgo itself puts forward the highest demands - but how much easier for her and her loved ones would have lived if she was tired of their perfectionism only!

While the lion melts in fiery of love, he will not only forgive her pick-up her girlfriend - he will even try to meet its requirements. Yes, her words are painfully tolting him, but Lev really wants to "apologize" for his, as it turned out, nonideality. He needs the approval of the Virgin to feel the king of animals again - and she is again unhappy again. Again. And again. Apparently, this woman is not at all so wise, as it seemed at the beginning of their dating, since she does not understand that the best way To kill love and respect Leo - to reset it over the years erected pedestal. The day will come when he rives: "Docome?!" And stop trying to prove the virgin that he is not a camel. Perhaps on this day he will leave her to another, whose will be higher. Or a little later, but their relationship will not be former. This is how the trunks destroy the great feelings.

To avoid this, you need anything: In order for the Virgin to remember - the lion is not her child, and therefore should not read it as a popular third-grader. This person is painfully proud, and this circumstance should be treated if not with understanding, then at least with condescension. Leave him the right to be yourself - after all, this person and without your remarks good enough, since you loved him? "Too good," Virgo would say if he allowed himself to be frank. She does not try to insult him, in no case! She only wants to help the lion, because sometimes hear the bitter truth is how much more useful than the sweet flattery: only having received an objective assessment of a third-party person, you have the opportunity to notice the error and correct it. It also hurts that her help reject. She assigns himself with dinner and doubtful doubts, anxieties, jealousy, afraid to lose his beloved ... But noticing that his shoes are not well read well, he will not be able to silence and again will make him feel the popular schoolboy.

Is it worth wishing a pair of lion and the virgin patience? I think, yes. Only it will save the harmony of these different, but close people who have not yet learned to live without making each other hurt. But I want to hope - learn. Still, they are both wise enough to realize the need to protect and forgive.

Demo and Lev.

Woman Lev and Male Virgo can create a strong and harmonious couple if they can agree among themselves. They have a chance to get along in everyday life, although at times they do not hear and do not understand each other. The Men-Virgin is calm and loyal. He understands with understanding to all the rests of his beloved and ready to forgive her excessive self-love.

At the same time, the Woman Lion admires the appearance and tidiness of his chosen one. She brings light and comfort to his life, and he forgives her light carelessness. In this union, a woman inspires his man to seek career heights, make serious actions, make money, and he, in turn, gives it the right to be herself.

Excessive attention to detail, which is inherent to most men-to-male periods withdraw a woman-lion. She got used to K. active recreation and entertainment, so order in the house cares her least. At the same time, the man is annoyed by regular walks, reception of guests and secular evenings, on which he is forced to accompany his chosel and longing around the house.

Despite the differences, these two can create a bright union if they learn to make concessions. We can safely say about such a couple that the opposites are attracted.

Pluts Road: Muzchina-Dem and Insurance-Lion

This is a very unusual combination of two zodiac signs. Stars will not be able to promise them cloudless existence, but in such respects you can always find positive parties. The elements of fire and land can be called friendly with a large stretch, but if at least one of the partners is not a typical representative of his sign - these two will definitely find a common language. A man will appreciate her care, support, courage and faith in his power. A woman will like businesslikeness, good manners and hardworking chosen.

Virgin in the depths of the soul of romance, albeit shy and timid. It is difficult for them to show their feelings in principle, and in public they will not wait for them.

  • both signs do not like serious changes;
  • partners seek K. financial well-being and sufficiency;
  • do not interfere with each other to develop and build a career;
  • appreciate long-term relationships, give the importance to the marriage uzam;
  • in the pair, a small number of quarrels and conflicts, as both signs do not like to find out the relationship;
  • they are true and devoted to each other;
  • both are well brought up, read, know how to stay in a higher society;
  • appreciate freedom and independence;
  • the man will be a support and reliable rear for his chosen;
  • the woman will support and inspire her beloved to development and improvement.


The relationships of partners have their own difficulties, the main of which are in differences in characters. So, the woman is more open and sociable, while a man prefers to be in the shadows and silently think about his thoughts. She easily conquers the attention of others, has many friends and business contacts.

Virgo can envy and jealous his chosen to such popularity, although it will be difficult to hide these feelings. As a result, Lion is lost in guess, seeing the coldness and detachment of the chosen one, because she expected admiration and adoration.

Such a woman needs compliments and attention, and it receives only knife and comments from the partner. If it will endure his behavior for a long time - self-esteem will decrease, and the fire in the eyes will go out. Virgo will also be unhappy, because the lack of love and heat from the partner will make it dull and even more closed.

  • miscellaneous attitude towards money;
  • differences in characters and temperaments;
  • it is possible to envy and jealousy from the Men-Virgin;
  • differences in hobbies, entertainment, leisure;
  • reluctance to compromise;
  • signs do not coincide the expectations of their livelihood;
  • the impulsivity and emotionality of a woman who scares the masses;
  • excessive pedantry and male pickiness;
  • stubbornness of both partners;
  • egoism and the downtime of signs on their own persons.

How to find a common language in a pair: Muzchina-Dem and In

There is a large psychological abyss between a man-Virny and Woman-Lv. They are incredibly difficult to understand each other, as everyone is used to being in its usual world and does not want to change. Fortunately, relations are built not only for compatibility of characters, but also on emotional feelings, mutual attachment, rationality. To achieve harmony, these signs it is necessary to drive away from themselves the thoughts on the imperfection of the partner, paying attention only to the advantages and positive features.

At some point, the woman-lion get tired of pulling everything on himself and to be the main one. Then you should think if she wants to obey to another person or she is more comfortable to hold a leading position, because the Virgin is easily and pleasant. In addition, the man of this sign will be able to protect his chief from the domestic issues that she does not like - and this is a huge advantage for the ever-busy woman-lion.

The man also need to think about how much joy and optimism brought this woman to his life. Without it, he could not quickly develop his career, and with the first failure - he lowered his hands and retreated from the conceived. Such a woman for a male virgin is a muse, inspiring and pushing to new tops.

If both signs will close the eyes into small and large drawbacks of each other, and will focus only on similar features and positive - they will be able to preserve their relations for many years.

Intertime Paras in People: Muzchina-Dem and Zhegens

In an intimate plan, the pair may have misunderstandings and problems. Sensual, emotional and active woman-lion will miss the attention and tenderness of their partner. And the male-maiden is subconsciously afraid to be rejected, so doubts and pressure of the beloved make it vulnerable. He hides his weakness and timidity for the mask of coldness and indifference.

In addition, Virgo is quite traditional in his eyes, and it applies to the intimate sphere in the first place. Woman lion quickly gets used to everyday life and routine, so she needs bright emotions, innovations and experiments. The man will be difficult to satisfy the desires of such a temperamental lady to the fullest.

In such an alliance, the Lero must be careful to exercise its ferventness and emotionality, and the Virgin needs to be more open to everything new. They will be able to achieve harmony, if they honestly discuss their relationship and will develop together.


Both sign are fixed, so they try to avoid serious change in life. If they once come into legitimate relationships, most likely such a marriage will exist long enough. Male Virgo will do everything possible for his beloved. He is even ready to take responsibility for the family and children that is so afraid.

In turn, the Woman Lion will be an excellent hostess, a faithful wife, a reliable partner and a caring mother. Their union will be built on loyalty, devotion, respect and love.

There is in their marriage and negative sides - Differences of characters: Virgo got used to order, and the lion prefers to live in creative chaos; The man is thrifty, modest and calm, and a woman loves to silent money, very sociable and emotional. To achieve well-being, they need to come to compromise and learn to give up. Then there will be a minimum of sharp corners in their relationship.

Come on a friend in friendship: Muzchin-Dem and Zhe

Representatives of these signs have very different interests and circles of communication. The lion leads a rich and bright life, while Virgo prefers silence and dimension. Nevertheless, even the lion sometimes needs a secluded place with a book in his hands, and the Virgin sometimes wants to shine with his knowledge and halanery in society. Therefore, friendly relations between these two signs are possible.

Such friends may be extremely rare, but they always find common topics and interests. A woman is able to charge a man with his optimism and energy, and the man in turn hears it and will help the council.

If both have partners - their beloved is nothing to worry about. Woman lion is too proud and is predicted to change his chosen one, and the male Virgo is too constant and predict.

Intertime in your business: Men's-Dem and Zhe

In the work it is necessary to share the psychological compatibility of two characters and the benefit that they can bring together. Psychologically and emotionally it is difficult for them to find a common language, but if you correctly distribute duties - the overall work will be fulfilled in the best possible way.

If we consider the lion and the virgin as colleagues or partners - the Union will be more successful. A woman will need to take a leading position, give orders, generate new ideas until Virgo is happy to deal with small details, methodical and routine work.

When a woman-lion acts as a leader, and a man-maiden subordinate - such an union is very successful. The boss is not afraid to take on big and bold projects, it is intelligent, collected and can clearly set the tasks to their employees. Virgo will be on the usual calm place for it systematically and collected his work, and get a generous praise from the leadership.

If the man is a leader, and the woman-lion slave is one of the worst options. Virgo will be forever dissatisfied, he will begin to get everyone with his soldiers, demands, deadlines, details. In addition, the boss will come out of him so-so, because he is afraid to put global goals, he cannot take responsibility and does not trust others, preferring to do everything independently. Woman lion who got used to shine and does not know how to obey will become a real nightmare for an uncertain Virgin. Although at work, where there is no perspective, it is likely to stay for a long time.

What you need to know a woman-lion about a male virgin

Male Virgo can not live in peace if chaos reigns around him or at least something goes not according to plan. He is very practical and conservative, he like the air to keep everything under control and own the situation. It helps to get rid of fears for the future and oppressive doubts.

Representatives of the earthly element do not attach great importance to money, although they always have themselves. However, such men will not be injured, even if they liked the purchase in the depths of the soul.

From the part it may seem that Virgo is greatly experiencing due to trifles and small things, especially when it comes to his health, but such an opinion is erroneous. These men need stability, so even the slightest changes are able to withdraw it from the usual rhythm of life. We need to be very careful with the representatives of the sign, because in the depths of the soul they are extremely sensitive and wounded. Even a hurt word or oblique look can hurt them.

What you need to know a male virgin about a lev woman

First of all, you need to remember as a mantra: women of the fiery sign, and in the particular lions categorically do not tolerate critics and reproaches to their address. This is due to the fact that they have a subtle spiritual organization, but at the same time they try to seem strong and independent. It is difficult for them to bear that someone is experiencing other feelings, except admiration and adorations in their presence. And the critics and pickles from the beloved person of Women Lions are carried out especially painfully. Usually, they are very positive, so it's used to get rid of boring and coarse people. In another case, the offender may run into an angry reaction and a large scandal.

If you want to change something in the behavior of your beloved Women Lion - try to gently hint at its disadvantages, but do not forget to show all the artistry and perseverance to assure it in your sincere immense feelings.

To maintain the fire of love for many years - more often make compliments and praise your lover, it will appreciate your efforts to take advantage.



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According to the compatibility of Women-Virgin and Leo-Men - in this strange, but quite strong union every partner, as a rule, is the very missing element of the puzzle that is so lacking another.

Lion loves to spend, Virgo - to save, the lion is able to take, Virgo to give up ... This relationship can be called perfect in many ways, since each of the partners plays a role to him, being agreed that in their union it is all true, and not Otherwise.

The owner-lion in the family adheres to Domostroevian traditions. He is a unquestioned head of the family, and a woman-virgin such a state of affairs is quite suitable.

She is able to be an excellent hostess who loves his wife, a caring mother, while staying in the shade of a proud Male Lion. In addition, she is absolutely irrelevant and calmly lets lions on numerous events, on which he likes so much.

The only "but": despite such almost the perfect symbiosis, the man-lion and the Woman Virgin, because of their completely different characters, may not understand each other too much. Extravert-Lion believes, and over time it may cause their parting.

In general, this is a fairly interesting and promising union, but provided that the Virgo and Leo will be with understanding and patience relates to the weaknesses and disadvantages of each other.

Compatibility Woman Virgo - Man Lev - Pluses

IN perfect pare. Male Lev - Woman Virgo Keeps Traditional Family Stage. A man-lion will gladly take on the role of the head of the family, and in female supplies with advice.

Finance in this couple, as a rule, is engaged in Woman Virgo, she is also engaged in household issues and follows the purity and order in the house.

In a pair of maid-lion compatibility, Woman Virgo is absolutely irrelevant and calmly releases his male-lion to various secular events that he loves so much. And herself, at this time enjoys a quiet homely atmosphere.

After returning from the next corporate party or a business trip, the man-lion is always sharing his impressions and complains how he lacked his beloved-Virgin.

By the way, the man-lion always listens to the wise advice of Women-Virgin. He likes her calm, reasonableness and lack of a tendency to Paphos.

Compatibility of Woman Virgo - Man-Lion - Cons

The problem of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Deva-Lev is that they have a very big difference in temperament, character, habits, lifestyle. All this together makes their marriage union problematic.

Male-Lero does not like the pedantry of women's Virgin and her merciless criticism. And Woman Virgo suffers from the carelessness of a male lion. Permanent poisonous injections of smoky and picky virgins, their petty, coldness, intentional coquetty. And the virles just "kill" uncountable friends and girlfriends of Lviv, endless night gulyans.

And the biggest problem is perhaps this is the criticalness of a Women's Virgin, which hurts the pride of the Male Lion. For example, Leo decided to make his beloved any exotic and original gift. She spent on him a lot of time, a decent amount of money, personal energy, and Woman Virgo may not think of criticizing a similar gift, thereby deeply assted a lion that put the soul in him.

Also, the virgin is annoying excessive drama and theatricalness inherent in the lion. Virgo - a man of a word, it seems stupid this lion's manner to exaggerate everything, to tear and "joke." What she immediately reports Lerl.

Also, Woman Virgo often assigns her male-lion to endless soldiers in everyday life and tips like "how it would be better." Woman Virgo, constantly pointing a man-lion on his shortcomings, pushes to him to get his share of admiration and reverence somewhere on the side. Otherwise, a man-lion loses self-confidence.

Horoscope Deva-Lion - Compatibility and Harmony

The compatibility of the horoscopes of the Virgin and Leo, so that in their family there was always harmony, the Virgin needs to be patient and be more condescending to the disadvantages of a male lion. And also as often as possible to praise it, admire the advantages and merits of the lion. Such behavior benefits both. First, in the family there will be no conflict, and in the second, the man-lion, when he hears the enthusiastic chips to his address, inspires, he seems to grow wings and he is able to achieve a lot in life. So, if you married Lieutenant, in your power to make it general.

Beloved woman. Do not forget to praise from time to time. Woman Virgo always notices positive things, but keeps them with him and speaks most often about negative. Change your habit, and harmony will fall in your house forever.

As a woman-virgin win a man-lion

To conquer a man-lion, you need to look spectacular and elegant. Men lions love various parties, entertainment, so you can safely invite it to entertainment activities. The man-lion loves to be in public and he likes when a woman occupies an active life position. It will also appreciate such virtues as decency and honesty, sensual sexuality.

Girl-Virgo will be able to very quickly conquer a guy-lion, if he treat him with understanding, admiration and ... laugh at his jokes. Believe me, for a man-lion it is very important. But, never cheer yourself over the lion, he is very touching.

The man-lion loves to defend and take care of someone, but it should not immediately show his weakness.

A guy-lion and girls-virgin good sexual compatibility. The lion, at first, can strive to hit its partner with technical rapid sex, but will soon calm down when I realize that his woman prefers more relaxing relationships.

Compatibility of Women's Virgin and Male Lion in Friendship

If the Woman Virgo and the man-lion will take each other as they are, then there will be durable friendship between them and will last for many years. They are interested in spending time with each other, they can discuss read books, watching movies and even news. Their various look at the same things, allows each other to look at this or that event at a different angle.

Woman Virgo always admires a man-lion, she likes his noble deeds, and a man-lion can always count on her help.

Cross friendly relationship To love, this couple is unlikely to do. It will not allow male-lion nobility, and Woman Virgo in principle is not inclined to change. Therefore, if one of them is not free, they will remain in the framework of friendly communication.

Compatibility of Women Virgo and Lion-Men in the Business Sphere

Woman Virgo and Male Lev - Excellent Business Employees. They easily find a common language, confident in the reliability of each other and professionalism. Such a tandem is often found in large firms, in the banking sector and business.

When Woman Virgo and Man Lev Colleagues or Partners are a good business union. For both, it is not only the source of profits and material wealth, but also a pleasure from collaboration. Very often, when a man-lion meets a woman, they organize their business or joint production. They like to work together, feeling each other's hand. Their business cooperation can last for many years, and it will always be reliable and creative.

When Woman Virgo is a boss, and a man-lion is a subordinate - a good union. There may be difficulties due to the excessive criticality of the Women-Virgin. She is scrupulous and very demanding toward the smallest details, and the man-lion often in pursuit for great success forgets about "trifles.

When Woman Virgo is subordinate, and a man-lion is the boss - a great combination for a successful business union. And Woman Virgo and Man Lev, both are satisfied with both work and each other. Sometimes, the virgin annoys the fall of the head in the flattery and his self-conception, but it applies with understanding to this: yet the head. And the head is the perfect.

Male Lev - self-sufficient, confident.

It painfully transfers criticism and challenging its leadership. Charming, generous, sensual, can carefully care for.

Woman Virgo combines mind, grace, beauty, dedication and romanticism. Practical since childhood, she soberly appreciates himself and others.

He is ideal, and she is perfection. Their relationship can be harmonious and long, but Virgo is often unhappy with the chosen one, and Lev is oppressed by the realization that in the family he does not find support and recognition of his efforts and merit. Their relationship is similar to the American Golkov - then they are idyll and harmony, and the lion already bought a cherished ring, then everything collapses in an instant, and the couple once again parted forever.

As a woman-virgin win a man-lion

The lion is sensitive to criticism and comments relating to its appearance and character. And Virgo is constantly developing and considers it to be normal to push to the self-improvement of others. Men Lviv pulls to the devies, because they feminine, smart, sensual, but their constant criticism is able to extinguish the most ardent feelings of a man. Therefore, it is important to be tolerant and softer to the lion not only during dating, but also in permanent relationships.

The Virgin needs to be attentive, try to avoid open conflicts, do not put pressure on the lion.

A good start of relationship will be friendly communication.

The Lion will manifest the initiative himself, and the task of a woman is to show its strengths. Conquered interest, the woman-maiden is worth allowing Lerl to conquer himself.

As a man-lion won a woman

To conquer the virgin, you need to be a decent, attractive and well-kept man. Even dirty fan shoes can cause discontent in it. The lion knows how to submit himself, he is courageous and confident that she bribes a woman. She may doubt, and not immediately answer the reciprocity on the courting of a lion, but with the second-third attempt to a man succeeds not only to draw attention to itself, but also to conquer the feminine maiden.

Woman Virgo behaves restrained at the beginning of acquaintance, for her an argent and kisses are unacceptable, so the lion is not worth a hurry. To push the virgin can uncertain, rudeness, obscene expressions, which is usually unusual to lions. A man's mistake can be excessive chic in courtship - expensive gifts, restaurants. Virgo can take it for the wasting, besides, the person himself is more important for her, his personal qualities.

Advantages of the Union

They can quarrel, part, but they are pulling together. Relationships will be tormented if instead of working on himself, Virgo and Leo will try to remake the partner. Supports loyalty, respect and love, because in this union there are many advantages:
  • Supplement each other. In many respects, they are opposite, for example: Virgo can save, and the lion prefers to spend, the woman knows how to give, empathize, and a man prefers to take. Each has its own role in the Union, but while the Virgo will remain a true woman, will not try to get a lion for himself and his needs, there will be harmony in the relationship.

  • Mutual respect. The lion fell to the partner, he is ready to quit the whole world to her legs. The love of the Virgin is the same selfless and strong - she will move with her beloved in another city or country, refuses good work. The position of the woman is delighted in a man, and she grateful to him for patronage and care.

  • Financial stability. This couple rarely experiences serious financial difficulties. If this happens, Virgo finds a way to bring a family budget from the crisis, and the lion does not regret the forces to succeed at work or in its own business. Both are smart, pragmatic, and if they direct their energy and force for a common cause, and not against each other, the victories are guaranteed.

Disadvantages of the Union

Problems in relations arise in all vapors of the Deva-Lion. Too different characters, life positions, but strong feelings and compromises help to build an alliance in which there are a lot of flaws:
  • Excessive criticism. No matter how perfect was the lion, Virgo will find flaws in it and try to make it even better. She constantly works on himself and sincerely believes that expressing his opinion helps the chosen one. It becomes the cause of quarrels. The lion knows about his shortcomings and works on them, but it is important for him to feel the best and perfect beloved eyes - this is the source of his forces. In addition, usually chief of women - such representatives of Lviv, who are frivolous, boasting and a tendency to the permanent flirting with everyone in a row annoyed virgins.

  • Miscellaneous attitude to finance. Both know how to make money and successfully make a career. But the lion is easy to part with prey, he likes to live beautifully and with a scope. And the Virgo is driving, she will prefer to invest in their own business, and not stroll them at parties.

  • Misunderstanding. It arises due to the difference of characters. Virgin is sociable, but do not rush to open everything, they are careful in choosing friends, can even be closed. The lion always shines in society. It may be a circle of like-minded people, colleagues in which a man enjoys indisputable authority.

Intimate life

The lion does not even represent how much passion and thirst for experiments is hidden in a modest and restrained maiden. When a man is able to conquer the lover's location, convince her that he is the same man, it will become relaxed and gentle.

Intimate life for the Virgin is inextricably linked with her attitude towards a man. If she has doubts, resentment or distrust, it will be passive and cold in bed. A woman has a lot of complexes, but the lion will be able to convince her that she is the most desirable for him. Virgo painfully transfers a quarrel and flirting men with other women. And because of this is distinguished. The lion, without feeling admirable for the partner, begins to doubt the correctness of the choice and can start looking for attention on the side. Often at the beginning of relations a lot of passion, which over time subsides. If there are feelings, then Lev and Virgo will learn to live in harmony, and along with harmony will come back and attraction to each other.

What will be parents

Virgo is a household house, and her position in the raising of children will be dominant. She is ready to abandon leadership on all other issues, but children and home order - the zone of only its responsibility and influence. Both love a child. Lion, balusa, softens the rigor and criticism of the mother, and Virgo makes every effort so that the children are happy and decent.

Mama-Virgo is demanding that the child is trying to get used to order from childhood to order, neat appearance, was attentive to the little things. It pays a lot of time and forces to ensure the conditions of the baby were perfect.

Dad-Lion unconditionally accepts his child with all its disadvantages, most of whom do not even notice. It is difficult for him to adequately assess his children - they are the best, smart, talented and beloved.

What will their children

In his desire to order, the Virgin should not reach the fanaticism and put pressure on the child, her personal example is the best motivation. Otherwise, the child will appear aversion to order, and, leaving the house, it will intentionally spoil the hairstyle or squinting buttons. In adolescence, comments to the friends or hobbies of the child can be a reason for a serious conflict.

The patronage of the father will help children take this couple top Qualities from parents.

Their children will not necessarily be the most neat, but precisely smart and talented.

The lion does not regret the means and time for early development of children, and Virgo knows how to find an approach to the child, to understand the reasons for his chagrins, help learn what it turns out badly.

Like Woman Virgo to Treason

The virgin is a philosophical attitude towards physical proximity - it will be better than with anyone. Changes rarely. He loves first with the mind, then with a heart, therefore, if the betrayal happens, it is not because of the impulse of passion, but as a result of a conscious decision. A lover will hide - because the truth about treason will destroy her image of a reasonable and decent woman.

In a relationship with a lion, it can be treason, flirt or lack of attention. The betrayal can occur during the period of another parting with a man. Virgo Throws with random connections, her new partner will be a familiar person who has long been looking for her favor.

Like a man-lion to treason

Lion has a lot of fans, he can flirt, but it will decide on treason, only if in personal relationships with the Virgin it became unbearable. A woman criticizes, hurts pride, cold, places overestimated requirements - in such conditions, the lion cannot feel like a leader and begins to look for a place where it will be the main thing. The family for the sake of mistress quit rarely, will hide the connection on the other.

In the harmonious union, a man is guarding his virgin and will not even look at other women.

Mutual loyalty is one of the strengths and conditions of a happy marriage of representatives of these signs of the zodiac.

What are afraid in relationships

Even in his fears of lion and the Devi of the opposite - he is not afraid of anything, without recognizing phobias, and in the Virgin there are many complexes and concerns with which she constantly struggles:
  • Changing the usual lifestyle. The lion will not be able to live without fascinating travel, noisy companies - jealousy and claims of a woman can affect, but only for a while. The Virgin is terrified by that chaos, which brings into her house and life lion - scattered things, mess after friends. Each of them has its own world, so it is important not to disturb the borders and not impose your vision of the perfect holiday or order at home.

  • Financial failure. She oppresses the lion and becomes a reason for the discontent of the Virgin. Both a lot of effort and time pay to the creation of comfort in the house. The man is important that the family does not need anything, and it is desirable for a woman to be also a bill in the bank.

  • Traveling partner. This fear prevents the devans to build new relations, especially if the past ended unsuccessfully. Their coldness, unreasonable criticism is a protective reaction, a way to protect yourself from new errors. The lion will not forgive treason - it will suffer pride. Both negatively belong to the betrayal of a beloved person, but they themselves are not averse to the intrigue on the side, if there are problems in permanent relationships.

Over what to work

Lion has a lot of fans, it works actively and rests, but home will oppress him. He will prefer to not sleep in bed or watch a movie, and not cleaned the apartment. Deva Pedantichna, she orders everything that touches. She is annoyed late and not restrained man word. Both need to work on themselves to preserve the magic feelings and confidence in the pair:
  • Less criticism. There are no ideal people, but attempts by the Virgin to remake proud lion helping the pair to develop, but only destroy it. The man loves compliments, recognition of his achievements, especially when gratitude is expressed in public. He will perform all the whims of the Virgin, if it will encourage it, and not to cut. Lions also love to teach the life that annoying the virgin, because she is still constantly developing.

  • The adoption of a partner as an formed personality. Virgo will be able to manipulate and influence the young lion. For a while he will be in her power, but soon the quarrels and attempts of the man will return their leadership. A mature lion that took place is not to drive "under the heel", if a woman is interested in the Union, then she needs to make concessions.

  • Respect. This is the basis for the prosperous Union of Lion and the Virgin. Both are painfully relate to rudeness, insults. The words said in a quarrel will not be formed or a loved one. Virgo is evil, and if the case will roam the lion in a bad act or hard statements.

As a man-Lion behaves when parting

Lion's relationship with Virny is often uneven - they have a sense of flight and unearthly love, and then it follows frustration and desire to part. The lion often becomes the initiator of the gap with the Virgin, without holding her criticism, coldness and numerous pick-up. He makes it impossible for his beloved, and it still requires more. Then a man makes a decision to part, but if both have feelings, then after a short period of time, they try to be together again.

The reason for the present partition can be treason of the Virgin or its disregard for his man. It is still unknown that it is terrible for proud lion. If Virgo does not give a reason for a break, but the feelings of a man faded, he can just take and leave, putting a virgin before the fact.

I met with Lev year. Once he just disappeared. Without explanation. Just disappeared. A month later, I returned: "Sorry, well, it happened, I am guilty, but you too." Prior to that it was very painful, and then how cut off. More no lions. Daria, 25 years old.

How Woman Virgo behaves when parting

Virgo painfully tolerates quarrels and parting. Looking for a reason in herself, trying to analyze the situation. After reconciliation, it will not calm down until the causes of their problems with the lion. She will indicate her and its shortcomings that they do not really like the man. Repeably conquer the trust of the Virgin difficult - the lion should show patience and perseverance so that the relationship resumed. A woman does not forget the offense and can take revenge.

If Virgo is aware of the unusability of the Union, he will be able to doubt the feelings and part with Lv. It is annoyed by irresponsibility, communication men with other women, his overestimated self-esteem. Easily disappointed in the chosen, but it will not be ready for new relationship soon. After each parting with a man becomes more suspicious and inaccessible. Therefore, the older the Virgin become, the more difficult it is to find their perfect man.

Whether friendship is possible between them

Virgo and Lion can become true friends. They do not interfere with the fact that their friend is the opposite sex. For a man, this is an additional reason to feel attractive, and a woman appreciates the personal qualities of a person. In friendly relations, Virgo helps Lerl to sort out himself and cope with difficulties, and a man finds a relative soul. They have common interests, there may be the same favorite films and hobbies.

The formation of friendly relations contributes to mutual respect between the Virgin and Lv. Both are smart, reasonable, decent. They are pleased to be in each other's society, they know exactly what a friend does not betray, will not build behind the back of the goat. They are united by the same understanding of morality, principles and honor.

Compatibility in work

One of the most successful combinations in working together - Virgo and Lion. They understand and complement each other perfectly, they know how to think largely and put distant goals, which with ease reaches. Their tandem is always successful, they are smart, purposeful, quickly solve the tasks.

Woman Virgo and Man-Lion - Colleagues

I am pleased to work together, they are the most difficult and risky projects on the shoulder. Virgo is attentive to small things, and the lion can seek the goal and responsibly refers to work. Both are careerists, but their rivalry is more friendly and always honest. Novels of non-free lion and virgin - rarity, both appreciate their partner and family.

Woman Virgo and Man Lev - Chiefs

Virgo is demanding, and the lion loves flattery - only this can cause misunderstanding. Otherwise, they agree perfectly and collaborate. Their projects are promising, and the problems are temporary and quickly solved.

Woman Virgo and Man-Lion - Subordinate and Head

Woman's leader Virgo appreciates his lion officer. He recognizes her leadership, but keeps with dignity. Performing a large amount of work, a man can lose sight of minor little things than the scrupulous boss.

The head of the man-lion fits perfectly with the subordinate Virgin - it is executive, intelligent and will always support the manager.

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