Games for girls Bloom is pregnant. Games pregnant for girls. Games for girls hospital for pregnant women

Wood materials and products 28.04.2021
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Games about pregnancy help to understand the younger generation, how women feel, what they want, what they worry about how to behave like carefully treat newborn babies.

Flash drives are opportunities that the younger could feel moms. Games are useful for small ladies, because any girl can be fortunate enough to be a mother. An important clue is that the characters leading an important role are the heroines of cartoons and stories. Princess Jasmine from "Alladina", Diana, Snow White, etc. attract the interest of children. Girls have a chance to manage their favorite cartoon characters.

Games are often replenished with new princesses, fairy, mermaids, stars. Girls with a blur in the belly take care of the receipt of a sufficient number of vitamins. Some are worried about their own appearance. Others about hard work. All of them combines the need of care and attention.

During this period, pregnant women are trying to gain more charm. They want to be beautiful together with crumbs in the stomach.

Each player gets a unique chance to try himself as an excellent designer. The player transforms young girls, gorgeous women in pregnancy.

Dress rooms pregnant women

All game heroines are distinguished by taste, they have different preferences in the style. Therefore, it is difficult without the help of girls to cope with this task. The task is to choose a wardrobe. Take care of the selection of elegant dresses, gorgeous blouses or excellent trousers, as well as elegant accessories, bags, comfortable shoes for future mothers. Thanks to stylish things, ladies will be able to emphasize their beauty even in their interesting position.

Games for girls hospital for pregnant women

You must take care of the health of the heroine, take into account attention to be a healthy lifestyle. After all, the life of a defenseless baby who lives in his stomach, now depends on you. It is necessary to finish with habits wearing harmful character. Thanks to careful care, you can get a happy, healthy, cheerful baby. Pregnant women can be capricious during these periods. Carefully, patiently take care of women due to their difficult position.

In games, the hospital for pregnant women periodically need to take women to hospitals. There they will be able to check, learn about the state of the baby. This exciting moment for them, they are concerned about the health of the crumbs, future mothers are waiting for your help, support pregnant women. Clean the kids, bathe, change diapers, feed, stack to sleep. Think about future plans since younger age. The game can be useful no less for adults. To acquire experience in this topic, first of all should be played in games from the section "Pregnant". Be prepared to survive everything traveled here and become an ideal mom.

When the future mother finds out that she will have a baby, she is ready to flag from joy. From the first days she is preparing for a meeting with her baby, buys toys, clothes, a latch of a stroller - all this gifts to her cute karapuzu. In dreams, a woman represents how her son or daughter will smile, says the first word, make a timid first step. How the baby will get acquainted with the world, to do progress, and she will be proud of them and with delight, inspiration to convince girlfriends, what he has a special, unique, unlike the rest.

For the baby to be born a real fortress, Mom tries to eat right, and after the new man appears to the light, he pays all attention, caressing and care. The world begins to spin around a small, such a defenseless creature. Young mothers want to do everything right, and always worry. Be mom, it is also a job to learn. To teach parents to handle the babies, there is a special school for pregnant women, and for girls who are curious to learn about the hectares of the parent role, free games are created pregnant games.

Important game topics

For pregnant women, they sew special clothes, books give a different kind of nutrition guidance, exercise and general well-being, and girls for girls pregnant beat aspects of the temporary state of a woman during the waiting period of Karapus. In our heading only fun on pregnancy, which are divided into themes:

Waiting for the baby

If a woman is pregnant, she does not fall out of life, but continues to engage in loved things, but now she appears extra interest. A growing tummy can be beautifully highlighted with stylish clothes, which designers create in excess. Hairstyles, manicure and makeup are also relevant. But now it is necessary to eat with more useful, rich in vitamins, and only occasionally indulge yourself with candy and shop lemonades.

Games Pregnant Moms open courses on cooking different dishes, including many tasty and useful recipes. You will be for the heroine the main assistant, taking the bulk of the work in the kitchen, so as not to tire the future mom.

Your shoulders will also be cleaned. When the belly of a pregnant woman becomes too big, it is difficult for her to bend, in order to pick up from the floor. Sometimes they accumulate too much, and then you will come to the revenue, because the cleanliness of the premises also contributes to health. Washing is also important, so this duty is waiting for you. And also prepare the children, making it in it repair, putting new furniture and toys.

Shopping in the department clothes for kids - real festive event. Little sprawers, sliders, topics, blouses and caps are so cute and soft, what you want to buy more new things. Our heroines are also happy to go to the children's little things, anticipating how they will wear this beauty to the baby.

Pregnant women acquire special beauty, and some even become models, posing for the magazine. Even the world-famous slim and blonde babe decided to become a mom, what a pregnant Barbie is informed about the games. Together with her you will pass important stages of pregnancy. She remains true to himself and continues to dress stylishly, follows the condition of hair and skin, adheres to the recommendations of doctors, to soon go to the hospital, where she will meet with his wonderful baby.

Free online games about pregnant women

Pregnant Princess Bell gained injury. Game for girls and girls! This beautiful pregnant princess Bell did not pay attention to the street, so she stumbled and fell. Go to the emergency room to find out how you can treat her wounds and improve her well-being. Make the enclosure, so that it does not get infected, and make sure it takes vitamin tablets. Future mommy will be ready to go home and recover in the shortest possible time!

Equaintry. EPL Jack becomes mom. Game for girls and girls! Equaintry. EPL Jack becomes Mom - a game for girls in Russian. Today in the fabulous country of Equisten, Epl Jack is expected to add a family. In this case, all moms without exception are very worried and need help. First of all, help a pregnant mammy to collect the necessary things and take care of a beautiful stroller for her child. Then, girls, you have to play a doctor's role to play. Make sure the state of mommy and her who has not yet born baby is fine. And now a very important point has come. Epl Jack began childbirth. Calm, girls! You will succeed! Hooray! Girl was born. Take a crumb! To manage the game you will need a mouse, the arrow keys up / down and the space key.

Super girl gives birth to twins. Game for girls and girls! Super girl is going to give birth, so call 911 and make sure that it drinks enough water and has enough oxygen until the ambulance arrives. After that, find out how to take care of children! Replace diapers, feed them, and the kids superheroes will return home with their amazing mom in the shortest possible time!

Mom stumbled and fell, pursuing a cat around the house. Game for girls and girls! Mom stumbled and fell, pursuing a cat around the house, oh! Go with her to the emergency room and become her doctor in this amazing new game. Check out her pulse, because she was very frightened and she needed to be stable, then continue to treat her wounds. Learn how to make a pregnant mother injection, and everything is ready! The patient will be ready to go home and enjoy the rest of the day as soon as possible.

Mom stumbled and fell, pursuing a cat

Princess Aurora is pregnant. Game for girls and girls! Princess Aurora is pregnant, and she needs to be examined by a doctor before going on vacation with his prince! Find out how pregnancy takes place, and use funny medical instruments from the doctor's room. Listen to the heartbeat of the princess, use ultrasound to also check the child, and then enjoy, choosing a tattoo on the stomach.

Sleeping beauty princesses twins. Game for girls and girls! Sleeping beauty Princess twins! Call an ambulance and make sure the princess has enough water and oxygen during waiting. So that she also relaxed, call the prince until the time has expired. Several cute kisses will certainly help the future mom. As soon as you find yourself in the hospital, you will meet two pretty kids. Take care of them by changing diapers and feed them. Soon a new family will be at home, healthy and happy!

The birth of the twins Ellie. Game for girls and girls! The birth of the twins Ellie, a game for girls and girls. Ellie is pregnant, and she will have twins! Are you interested to see, boys or girls? Let's join this beautiful doll in an adventure and help her until she gets to the hospital. Make sure it drinks a lot of water until the ambulance arrives, and then take care of two babies. Look at how much they weigh, change diapers and soon they will be at home, ready to start their lives with the whole family.

Care for newborn kittens. Game for girls and girls! "Care for newborn kittens" - the best game for girls about the care of tiny, just appeared on this light, pets. But before you can proceed to care for crumbs, they will have to be born. Now it will happen. Attention to a pregnant mom-cat. She starts the contractions. Urgently deliver it to the hospital and play a doctor's role for her. Helping her babies. Measure the mammage pressure and temperature. Make ultrasound her tummy. Everything is fine with the cat. Now you will make mom's right injection and her couple of charming crumbs will be born. Now you will need to provide newborn kittens care and perform a number of necessary procedures for them. Treat ears and eyes to them. Cut the hair and marigolds to them. Drink them in your mouth laid in such cases vaccine. Determine their height and weight .. Well, now you can be taken for their outfits. Yesch! Manage the game with the mouse. .

Accident with a pregnant mammy. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you will have to assist victims as a result of an accident, a pregnant mammy. You will need to make sure that despite the injuries and wounds, the life of mommy and her who has not yet born the baby threatens. Urgently measure the mammage pressure. Wonderful! It in mommy is normal. To remove a stressful situation from mommies, let it breathe with oxygen and put it the necessary dropper. Treat her wound and impose seams on it. Now listen to her heart and measure the temperature. Sumptuously! They are also normal. Making a courageous mom's final injection, you can send her home with a calm conscience.

Pregnant fairy pixie: planned inspection. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you will have to play the role of a doctor of an obstetrician-gynecologist, conducting a planned inspection of the pregnant fairies Pixie (Elf), in order to observe the state of mommies and its yet born child. And so, measure the cell temperature of the body. Listen to her heart, measure the pressure and make the necessary measurements of its tummy. Now, in order to control the condition of the child, you have to do ultrasound a tummy mommy, listen to a tiny heart of the fetus and check its size for compliance with the estimated period of pregnancy. The mummy of Faii Pixie and her fetus are all in perfect order. Mom happy! Now she only should not forget about vitamins and recommended fruits and vegetables.

Mom's blog. Game for girls and girls! Heroine Games - "Mom's Blog" - Pregnant. In addition, she is also a blogger. Our cute blogger devotes their posts to beautiful, fashionable clothes for pregnant women and other goods for babies. Today, that mommy can enjoy your favorite thing, she will need helpers. These assistants will you, girls. Go with her to the store and buy decorations, accessories for it, and, of course, beautiful, comfortable outfits for pregnant women. And then make a spectacular photo and place it on the mother's blog. Families did not have enough for purchases from other departments. No problem! You can earn money on the Internet and come back to the shop for purchases needed to demonstrate them on the pages of the mother's blog. Good luck! Manage the game with the mouse.

Pregnant Lady Bag goes for shopping. Game for girls and girls! Lady Bag is pregnant and very soon will become mom. Today she plans to go to the store to buy there necessary things for the expected infant. Machine to the store will be accompanied by the store. To begin with, help her earn as much money on the Internet. And then together with it for shopping. Perhaps you will earn not enough money and they are not enough for everything you need. Not trouble, you can go home to earn money yet. And buying everything you need for the baby, you can then see how it all looks in the children's room. Good luck! Manage the game with the mouse.

Emergency Situation: We treat a pregnant super heroine. Game for girls and girls! An emergency situation happened to our Internet country today. When fulfilling its mission, a super heroine suffered and now she needs the help of a traumatologist. Of course, such a super heroine in life happens quite often. But the situation is dangerous in that our heroine is pregnant. Therefore, examining pregnant, you must be extremely attentive. Do not miss anything dangerous to the health of mommies and it has not yet been born. Use the mouse to control the game.

Emergency Situation: We treat Pregnant Su

Pregnant women: photo album for future mommy. Game for girls and girls! The heroine of our game is so happy! She is pregnant and the baby will appear very soon. About this amazing event, the future mothers would like to keep memories. Photo album with exclusive frames is something that will always remind her about this period of life. Of course, in the photo in the album, the heroine should look amazing. You take care of this, girls. Choose her gorgeous hairstyle, beautiful decorations and outfits for pregnant women. Then decide on what background it will pose a photographer. To make a ready-made photo in the artistic plan looks interesting, you can edit it with the help of special buttons. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Moana and Maui are waiting for the birth of twins. Game for girls and girls! Since Moana, I left the island to study at the mainland, she certainly returned here on vacation. And she missed not only in his relatives. Here Moan was waiting for love. Study finished. Princess returned home and married his faithful friend - Maui. And so, the princess is pregnant and the young family awaits adding a family. Moan and Maui will seem to be twins, this hour has come. Urgently call an ambulance. In the meantime, the urgent will arrive try to distract Moan from unpleasant sensations. Talk to her your favorite Maui, let's drink liquid. Watch carefully for the desires of a pregnant princess and perform them correctly and in a timely manner. Then, with your support, the princess will be able to go to the hospital and give birth to charming babies there. And you will help her in care for the kids. Play the mouse.

Princess Anna becomes mommy of two babies. Game for girls and girls! Happy Anna and Christoff are waiting for the gradation of the family. This time they will have twins. This hour has come. Urgently call the urgent (911). In the meantime, the team did not arrive, reheaster Anna to other clothes and try to distract it from unpleasant sensations. Talk to her crystuff, let's make a mask with oxygen, or drink fluid. You will try to do everything right and on time! Therefore, as soon as the arriving urgent is delivering to the princess to the hospital, she immediately will give birth to two charming babies without any complications. And now, girls, you have to take care of mommy and croches. Make babes of navel, transfer them to the bed and follow the postpartum procedures necessary in such cases, and let the mummy give medicine. Wow! Babies are already demanding something. And there is! Chips want motley milk. Transfer them to Anne.

Princess Anna becomes mommy two m

Princess Anna is pregnant. Game for girls and girls! Anna is pregnant, but her beloved Christoff does not know anything about it. Such news will be a pleasant surprise for him. Today the princess is going to inform him about it. But it intends to do it in an unusual way. And you, girls, will help her. To begin with, you will need to make an original card and arrange a beautiful envelope for it, having received which Christin finds out that they will become happy parents with Anna. And then you can all together go to the store to buy new clothes for pregnant women. And at the end of the game you have a pleasant task. You will need to make the arrangement of a children's room for a non-born baby. Good luck! To control the game you will need a mouse.

Survey of pregnant mommy. Game for girls and girls! Each future motley for the whole pregnancy should be observed in the women's consultation. Conducting a specific complex of research allows you to predict the course of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as prevent possible complications. In this game, the role of a doctor who has our heroine, you will play. Girls. And so, during the examination you should be interested in the state of health mommy and its fetus. Measure the temperature and pressure at mom. Listen to her heart. Having made an ultrasound tummy mommy and child, make the measurement necessary in such cases. Making sure that mommy and her child are all perfect, send it home and make sure that she takes the vitamins and included vegetables and fruits in their diet. Use the mouse to control the game.

Baby Taylor: history of birth and care for a newborn baby. Game for girls and girls! Girls, want to become part of the story of the birth of the newborn Crocha Taylor? Then arm the mouse and hurry to the house of our virtual pair. Pregnant mom came time to give birth. Urgently, call her an intersection and do not rush to leave her in the hospital. There you have to play the role of an assistant receiving childbirth of an obstetrician. And then you are waiting for care for a newborn baby. Make a crook umbilical. Determine its weight. Dry dry diapers on it. Wrap it in a blanket and attach to the chest mommy. And when mommy with baby Taylor will return home, take care of her place of stay. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Baby Taylor: History of Birth and Care

We help pregnant Ellie shopping. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you, together with a pregnant Ellie, have to go to the shopping center, to make shopping of children's things for the yet who has not yet born crumbs. Before going to shopping, you will need to help Ellie make money online. If the money earned is not enough to make the necessary purchases, you can return home and earn them additionally. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Monster High: Gulia Yelps becomes mommy. Game for girls and girls! Monster High. Gulia Yelps becomes mommy - a cool Monster High Game, in which you, girls, will remain as a doctor of an obstetrician to help the famous student of the Monsters School - Gulia Yelps - becomes Mom. The events of the game occur after the end of the Gulia of the Monsters School. She got married and now is going to become a mommy. Today is the day when she has an amazingly beautiful daughter with your help. Play: Mouse.

Monster High: Gulia Yelps gets mammy

Judy Hopps police officer becomes mommy. Game for girls and girls! In zootopies (zlotopolis) news! Police officer - Judy Hopps Bunny - married. She is pregnant and is already going to become mom. It's time to go to the hospital. Girls, today the role of an obstetrician for Judi play you. Start your duties from the assessment of the state of the rabbit. Then take her childbirth. And when her crumb will appear in this world, make sure that it is healthy. To manage the game "The police officer Judy Hopps becomes mommy" You will need a mouse.

Police officer Judy Hopps becomes Mamo

Ariel and Eric adding a family. Game for girls and girls! Girls seem to have a pregnant princess begins fights. Urgently call her urgent. In the meantime, no cars, help Ariel change clothes and assemble the necessary things in the bag. Try to distract it from unpleasant sensations. Talk to her your favorite Eric, let's a mask with oxygen, or drink fluid. Well, the urgent arrived and Ariel was delivered to the hospital. Everything happened on time! After hitting the maternity branch, the princess immediately gave birth to a charming daughter. Make the babies of navel, carry it into the bed and take care of her and her mommy. Momchka give medicine, and for babies, perform the necessary care procedures. Order! Baby is well maintained and healthy. It's time to go to the daddy. Use the mouse to control the game.

Snow White: Birthday. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to take care of a pregnant princess Snow White. She is preparing to go to the maternity hospital and begins to collect the necessary things for this. As you can see, she succeeds with difficulty. But will you help her?! Put a dress in her bag for still not born baby. Princess for her crumbs began to make her own toy. Help her finish work. Then go to Snow White to the store for vegetables and fruits that will be required in the hospital for the preparation of fresh juices. And, of course, do not forget about the makeup for the princess. Yes! To date, Snow White has planned too much. Urgently call her urgent. In order for the crew soon, wandered on the road, accompany the car to the hospital itself. We are sure you will be able to deliver the princess on time. Snow White will have a wonderful daughter. And you can take care of a happy mommy and her wonderful baby. To manage the game "Snow White: Birthday" you need a mouse. Good luck!

Elsa and Ariel: Pregnant girlfriends. Game for girls and girls! Princesses Disney Elsa and Ariel are pregnant and very soon waiting for their newborn crumbs. During this period, future mommies need special concern. At this stage, you take care of pregnant princesses, girls. By sending pregnant Elsa and Ariel for a walk, get comfortable about their outfits. Dresses should be quite beautiful and comfortable. Perhaps during this period, the princesses will need other hairstyles, think about it. Do not recommend princesses to wear high-heeled shoes for a walk. During pregnancy, the legs of the princesses from such a load quickly get tired. Want to deliver a special pleasure to princesses? Then take care of their children not yet born - do the design of their children's rooms. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Pregnant princess suits reception. Game for girls and girls! Princess Elsa is pregnant, but it continues to lead an active lifestyle. For example, today she suits guests in his castle. As on any other day, Elsa wishes to look today stunning. And you, girls, will help her. Pick the princesses such outfits so that on their background, the tummy looked for the princess natural decoration. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Clothes for pregnant princesses. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Elsia, Ariel and Jasmine - pregnant. Before the birth of their kids left very little time. However, in his interesting position, the princess is still active and sociable. They go to each other to visit, walk together. And sometimes, such as today, the princesses even arrange friendly parties. Of course, in such a situation, princesses will need help. Girls, pick them up beautiful outfits, hairstyles and decorations. And also work on the design of the room, in which the princesses intend to arrange a party. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Princess Rapunzel will have twins. Game for girls and girls! Life goes on! Princess Rapunzel is pregnant again. This time Rapunzel and Flynn are waiting for the Great Joy twin. It can be seen, this hour has come. Rapunzel has a fight! Girls, urgently call the urgent number 911. In the meantime, the ambulance car did not arrive, change the princess to another clothes, collect her needed things with me and try to distract it from unpleasant sensations. Talk to her beloved Flinn, let's make her mask with oxygen, or drink fluid. Well, the urgent arrived and Rapunzel was hospitalized to the hospital. Everything happened on time! After hitting the maternity branch, the princess immediately gave birth to two charming crumbs. Place the babies of navel, carry them into bed and take care of them and their mommy. Momchka give medicine, and for baby, perform the necessary care procedures. Order! Babies are well maintained and healthy. It's time to go to the daddy. Use the mouse to control the game.

Belle and Ariel: Pregnant Princess Beauty. Game for girls and girls! Disney's beauties - Belle and Ariel - girlfriends and both pregnant. Now our princesses do not interfere with spending a lot of time together. Such communication girlfriends benefit. In addition, in his interesting position, both princesses need outsiders and girls, girls, will be more convenient to look at them while they are together. Use the mouse to control the game.

Belle and Ariel: Pregnant Princess Kras

Pregnant princesses: golf outfits. Game for girls and girls! Princesses from the cold heart Elsa and Anna are pregnant. Princesses comply with all the prescriptions of the doctors, so they feel great and even allow themselves to lead a fairly active lifestyle. So now Elsa and Anna decided to take a walk in the fresh air and make a golf. Whatever the princesses felt there, in their position. Girls, you best have to help them with walking for a walk. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Pinky Pink becomes mommy. Game for girls and girls! ATTENTION! To enter the game, click on the pink strip first, and then on the yellow button with a white joystick inside. Pinki Pinka becomes mommy - the best game for girls from a series of games about the hospital, in which girls, you will help you to help the pregnant girl Pony from Equestria in the birth of her child. Time does not stand still. Familiar girls pony grow up, get married. As it should be, children are born. Here and Pinki Pay came to give birth. Girls, urgently prepare her necessary things for the hospital. Do not forget to check whether the stroller is ready for her baby. And now you will take Pinki Pink to the hospital. In the hospital, first of all, make sure that with mom and her who have not yet born with a child is all right: listen to the heartbeat of the child, measure the temperature and pressure in mommy. Everything is fine! Girls, the most important moment has come. Make the mammy stimulating injection, offer her an oxygen mask and start controlling the mothers of contractions. You will succeed! Pinky Pay will have a healthy daughter. Now, girls, you just have to perform for crumbs all the procedures necessary in such cases. Play the mouse.

Their great-grandfathers played so with a beams of straw: twisted dolls from it, gave names, sewed outfits, arranged whole views. Then there was a turn of real toys, and now - online games for girls about pregnant women and childbirth. The form changes, and the content remains the same as 100, and 200 years ago.

Ability to look in adult life

Psychologists say that stories about pregnant women and how they give birth, are the second stage of the natural game of the game in the dolls. The first begins at the age of three and is expressed in the imitation of the maternal function. During this period, babies are worn with babies hopes: feed, taucas, bathe, carry in the wheelchair - depict mom.

For years to five to six, a natural question arises: how did the child get into the mother's tummy? Not all moms, but, especially, the dad are ready to paint the process in detail. Yes, it is not required. The version that modern games of pregnant women adhere to the girls in the second stage of knowledge of the world with the help of dolls. Its essence is as follows: the beautiful prince meets the princess, falls in love, the couple kisses, plays a wedding. The young wife immediately rounded the tummy, and a happy family begins to wait for labor. There is nothing terrible in them too.

In games about pregnant women, the detection process is shown schematically - the mother starts the fight, it is hard to breathe, and after some time, a teaching baby appears from under the skirt. It is assumed to play in them: you need to wipe the pot from the forehead, to correct the hair, serve the driver, do painkillers - free to perform the functions of the midwife. Managing Simple: Actions are made by the mouse, and arrows appear on the screen with prompts that take where to go how to do.

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