What is the international day of the missing children and when is it carried out? All over the world celebrate the day of the missing children of children

Stairs and fences 28.04.2021
Stairs and fences

Around the world, people almost disappear everybody. In the end, they are found dead, others - to the whole other, even mutilated, third - alive, but with undermined health, and the fourth are not found at all. In any case, this problem is quite acute today. She especially applies to children. According to statistics provided by international human rights organizations, more than 70 thousand minor citizens disappear annually in one Europe. The last not so long ago was dedicated to the celebration of the International Day of the missing children.

History of date

The international day of the missing children first appeared in the United States. There, in one of the US states on May 25, 1979, a six-year-old boy Evian Pets was disappeared on the way. Public organizations and the mass of the people were connected to the search for the student, the media wrote about the tragedy. Unfortunately, despite all the efforts, the boy did not find it.

After 4 years, in 1983, the American president of Ronald Reagan acting then decided to celebrate annually on May 25th International Day of the missing children. A year later, on the wave of this idea, the National Center for the search for missing and operated children began its work (NCMEC).

A little time passed, and the voiced initiative began to implement some European countries. In 1997, the International Center for the search for missing and operated children (ICMEC) was founded. It was the employees of this center in 2010 that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to establish an international day of missing children. It was supported by the world community. At the same time, they marked a specific date of the social and significant holiday of the international day of missing children - May 25, in connection with the events of 1979 already known to us.

The symbol of the international day of the missing children was the flower of blue forget-me-not. This emblem founders of the holiday wanted to show that the child disappeared with anyone - a problem, the solution of which lies not only on the shoulders of the parents, but of the whole society. The date on the calculations of the International Center for the search for missing and exploited children should attract the attention of society to the situation currently created and deteriorating every day related to the abduction of children with criminals in order to receive redemption from loved ones; abuse, murder, robbery and the implementation of unlawful exploitation, including sexual. It has already been mentioned above that more than 70 thousand juvenile guys disappears in Europe every year. In the US, this indicator is much higher: the number of regular disappearing children does not reach a million. Unofficial data is even more disappointing, although we are with you with you simple orders - you can only guess.

Russia is deprived every year due to the uncontrolled disappearance of approximately 55 thousand minor citizens. To celebrate the international day of the missing children, our country has recently joined: only 3 years ago. In 2014, Elena Mizulina - Head of the State Duma Committee of the Russian Federation for Family, Women and Children to the Government of the Russian Federation received a proposal to create a national center for the search for children who were missing and became victims of violence and search for disappeared guys, including with the help of the Russian Database of Images Child pornography. Probably this initiative will be supported by the relevant structures and officials.

How to seek children

Let's in this weighty holiday, the International Day of the missing children, let's talk about how it is looking for children. The disappeared child - the trouble is not personal, but the common one. And it is logical to assume that, facing a similar problem, the parent calls the police. The search for minors in the United States is best organized. There is a system for urgent informing of the population about the abducted children called "Amber Alert". She has repeatedly copied with the purpose of implementing in other countries. According to experts, today there is no more efficient system of this specificity.

In Russia, the search for missing under the law is obliged to do primarily the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as a number of other services. It all depends on the circumstances of the disappearance of a minor and concrete situation. Employees of these departments written by parents and other relatives of the missing statement should be taken in any police station without delay. Alas, in practice not everything is so organized and rosy. Most more that they are doing in this agency to correct the situation that has been done is registering a disappearance statement (and it is not always immediately, but only on the third day), they break through the child on numerous bases of incidents and view video surveillance cameras from the area of \u200b\u200bthe intended disappearance of a minor citizen . Why is this happening? The answer of experts is the following: police officers, according to their own words, lack motivation.

The role of volunteers

Volunteers - who has a direct relation to the international day of the missing children.

Worldwide, the network of volunteer organizations providing assistance, including relatives of the disappeared guys, are deployed. But if, in the border, especially in the US, this link is an additional character, in our country volunteers are often the only thread of hope that the kidnapped or simply left-handed the child's home will be found: either alive or dead.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe emergence of public movements such a specific profile refers to the end of 2000s. The moment the emergence of real volunteer organizations specializing in the search for missing children can be considered the 2010th year. And the first of them was the volunteer squad "Liza Alert". The next event was preceded by the following event: at the specified year, in September, five-year-old Lisa Fomkin disappeared in the Nuto-Zuevo near Moscow, along with his native aunt.

The search for missing began only a few days after what happened, and even that were not organized by the police, but volunteers - not indifferent people learned about what happened thanks to Runet. In the forests of the Moscow region, 500 people went. In the end, at first they discovered the body of a woman, and only for the tenth day - the body of the girl who died from supercooling. This tragedy, which could be avoided if the search began before at least for a day, and served as the formation of the volunteer squad "Liza Alert" (the movement was called, as you can see, in honor of the deceased child). The latter today is actively involved in the search for missing children. The members of the detachment use various technical means for this, agree with the clubs of quad bikes and snowmobiles to attract the specified types of transport, in some cases, even with pilots of private aircraft, often with focus.

Lisa Alert is not the only domestic volunteer organization of such a profile. Today in Russia there are about 70 voluntary movements specializing in the search for missing children. These are both large organizations and small groups of several non-indifferent citizens. The lion's share of such associations of a regional nature is part of the organization "Search for missing children." By the way, they also help pensioners, disabled, and when there is time, do not disregard the requests for the search for adults.

The International Day of the Missing Children is an action, which should not pass by one of us! We congratulate everyone with this holiday!

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Orthodox holidays

Holy Martyr Ermogen, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, the Wonderworker
Saint Epiphany, Bishop Cyprus
Saint Hermann, Patriarch Konstantinople
Rev. Dionysius Radonezhsky, Archimandrite

Folk holidays and signs

This folk holiday is devoted to the memory of St. Epiphania Cyprus, Bishop.

Also on this day, Chtut Ryabin. To these trees are pleased to protect the house from the fire, protect yourself and loved ones from the troubles, unfortunate, the evil eye.

Another symbol of this day are pita. At this time, for the first time you can see the colors of this plant. The people believe that they will be relieved from unclean strength and treat from diseases.

Abundant flowering Rubbin promises a good flax harvest.


  • Goose plunges himself - to bad weather.
  • Seagulls are not sitting on the water and far from the shore do not fly - to the protracted bad weather.
  • Solovy all night sings inexlessly - to good weather.
  • The late flourishing rowan - to the late and long autumn.
  • If the honeysuckles of the ordinary highlight a lot of nectar and especially smell, attracting many insects - to the rain after 12-20 hours.
Events on this day
  • 996 In Kiev, the first stone church is consecrated in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the famous Church.
  • 1579 Ivan Grozny sent a diploma to the Don Cossacks. This day is considered to be the founding of the Don Cossacks.
  • 1731 Open shipping in the Ladoga Canal.
  • 1779 Moscow school opened in Moscow, which was named after the grandson of Catherine II Constantine. Konstantinovsky Meeting School in the future received the status of the Institute.
  • 1865 In Odessa, Novorossiysk University (now Odessa National University. I. I. Mechnikov).
  • 1936 The Circus Circus was released on the screens of the Soviet Union.
  • 1956 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on establishing from July 1, a 6-hour working day for workers and employees aged 16-18 years.
  • 1957 The largest hotel in the USSR is "Ukraine".
  • 1990 N. I. Ryzhkov presented a program for the transition to the "regulated market economy".
  • 2003 Cartoon film "Hedgehog in the fog" Yuri Norstein is recognized as the best cartoon of all times and peoples. This was declared organizers opened in Tokyo "Cartoon Festival of Laput". The festival organizing committee addressed 140 multipliers and film crimits from different countries of the world with a request to name the best 20 cartoons.

Born on this day

    Kristina Orbakayte (1971)

    Russian pop singer and actress, deserved artist of Russia

    Alexander Kalyagin (1942)

    Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, director. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1983)

    Oleg Dal. (1941)

    Soviet actor and movie actor

    George Grechko (1931)

    Soviet cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union

    Igor Sikorsky (1889)

    Russian and American Academic Aviation Design, one of the pioneers of the aircraft

    Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803)

    American poet and philosopher, founder of transcendentalism

Died on this day

    Demyan poor (1945)

    Russian and Soviet writer and poet

    Simon Petlyura (1926)

    Ukrainian political and military leader

    Vasily Kuevsky (1911)

    Russian historian, academician

The International Day of the missing children is celebrated on May 25, 2020. This is a holiday and a memorable date at the same time. This day is the joy for the missing children who were found and returned to the family, and the memory of kids and adolescents, which disappeared without and were not found.

The task of the holiday is that parents, guardians, educators and teachers do not forget that the well-being and safety of children are in their hands.

The symbol of the day is a blue forget-mind, the motto "together we will give them home!".

History and traditions

The date of the holiday has a symbolic value. On May 25, 1979, a six-year-old boy Evian Pets disappeared in the United States. He left the house in the morning and disappeared on the road to the stop, where he should have been sitting on a school bus. The first independent morning walk has become for the baby last. At that time, there was not a single organization in the United States, which would have been looking for missing children. Therefore, only police and volunteers participated in search. Father Eviana, professional photographer, there was a collection of son's photos. Snapshots used for printing leaflets with a headline "lost a child" and on dairy boxes. The image of the boy was broadcast screens in Times Square. The child was looking for several years, but did not find it. In 1983, American President Ronald Reagan announced on May 25, the national day of missing children.

After a short time, the disappearance of children turned into a global problem. Other countries joined the United States. In 1997, an international center for the search for missing and operated children (ICMEC) was established. This organization has become the initiator of the international day of the missing children in 2010. In Russia, the holiday was first noted in 2012.

On this day, educational events are arranged, flash changes. Volunteers distribute leaflets, memo to parents. In educational institutions, teachers tell children about the rules of communication with unfamiliar people. Themed media broadcasts are broadcast.

The idea to devote the problem of missing children a special day appeared in the United States. On this day, on May 25, 1979, a six-year-old American boy Evian Potts was missing from the school, who could not find. In 1983, four years after the disappearance of the child, US President Ronald Reagan announced on May 25 by the National Day of the missing children.

In Russia, in order to assist in the unification of the efforts of state authorities, public organizations and citizens in the search for missing children, as well as the prevention and unauthorized departure of minors in December 2014, the National Center for Assistance to Missing and Affected Children was established.

According to the Center, about 120 thousand people disappears every year in Russia, including 45 thousand juvenile.

About 20 thousand people disappear annually in the deserted terrain, of which are about 500 children (data MES). Of these, 98% are either found, or they themselves come back home. But up to 1000 people perish annually in the forest or other deserted territory, not finding assistance. Of these (data of the national assistance center for missing and affected children).

In most cases, a person can be found within three days after its disappearance. If during this time it fails to place the location, it is announced in the search.

It is necessary to make a detailed description of the clothing, shoes and personal belongings of the child at the moment of disappearance. Include in the description of special signs and characteristic manners.

Find the last photo and immediately apply to the nearest police station. Statement is obliged to accept immediately. Otherwise, this is a violation of the law. It is necessary to require registration of the application.

If the child has a mobile phone, the number of which is decorated for one of the parents, needs to be requested from the cellular operator to print the last calls.

You need to call volunteers. To attract to the search as many people as possible - relatives, friends and acquaintances.

If the child disappeared:

- In the forest park zone: do not hesitate, immediately contact the police and the local branch of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Prior to the arrival of rescuers, spend the primary inspection of requests and linear benchmarks (river, fence, power lines) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe disappearance.

- In transport (did not come out with you at the desired stop or you burned): Report the child to the station at the station, the metro station, the bus station or the employee of the Linear ATC in transport. Go to the next stop, perhaps he came out there. If the child did not turn out there, call the police.

- in public places (at train stations, stadiums, in shopping centers): immediately refer to managers, in the service of information or protection and call the police. Ask to announce a speakerphone about what happened. Require to check all children of suitable age at the outputs. Stay in place, wait for the police.

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