International day soup. International Day Soup Church Holiday for the National Calendar

Plaster 28.04.2021

Everyone knows about the soup of the day, but few people heard about the day soup! But he is not far off.

On April 5, the whole world celebrates the day of the first dish. It is loved and revered in a variety of planet corners. In each country there is a unique soup recipe. And if we are accustomed to seeing it on the table at lunch, then in Asia soup eating preferably for breakfast. By the way, it was Russia and China that are the main countries - "soup".
No wonder the soup is considered to be the number one! This is an indispensable part of each person's diet. Hungarians, for example, are so proud of their branded soup-fell that they declared it with an "cultural heritage monument" and proceeded under the protection of UNESCO!

Many rightly consider soup elixir life, as it has many healing properties. Meat broths perfectly coped with a cold and strengthen the body, warm vegetables have a pacifying effect, and the cold refresh perfectly. The first is an effective means of preventing diseases of the digestive system. It is worth saying about other miraculous properties of various soups. So, Borsch has long been preparing as a guide potion for men, the Chinese praise is an excellent means of saving the balance Yin and Yan, and once saved the bell soup to Geneva! It happened in the XVII century, when the troops of the Duke of Savoy was attacked the city. On the night of an enemy, one woman decided to attribute to her husband of hot meals. Going to the urban wall, she noticed a progress of the enemy, and, without confusing, poured the caustic contents of the plate on the villain. He so burly reacted to the surprise that he woke up sleeping guards of the city. In honor of the brave townors, urban festivities are arranged annually in Geneva, where all those wishing are treated with vegetable worshipers.

Even diet adherents do not neglect the first! This diet dish is easily absorbed by the body and at the same time, mainly contains little calorie.

How to celebrate soup's day? Very simple. Prepare your favorite option! Fortunately Choice Prey: Traditional Borsch, Ear, Okroshka, Rassellinet, Solyanka, Harcho, Gaspacho, Hash, Fo, Tom, Miso ...

If there is no time for cooking at all, and the passion as you want to help, the soups will come to the rescue. There are many analogues of the first dishes. For example, tomato soup with a basil from Herbalife. It is a delicious version of a balanced dinner, which can be prepared in just 2 minutes. Juicy tomatoes and fragrant basil make it delicious and safe for the figure: one portion contains a minimal amount of fats (0.6 g) and calories (104 kcal). In addition, this product is rich in antioxidants and food fibers, a valuable protein and fiber, necessary for the proper operation of our body. It will fit perfectly for working people and will become a chopstick for those who follow themselves.

As you can see, the variations of the main dish are very much and they are still invariably useful. Whatever you choose, do not forget that the soup is good not only on holidays. Bon Appetit!

Published 05.04.18 00:43.

Today, April 5, 2018, also celebrate pure Thursday, the International Day of Soup and other events.

What is the holiday today: April 5, 2018 there is a church holiday of Nikonov Day

April 5, 2018 marked Nikon's Day. The church today recalls St. Nikon Pechersky - Kiev Igumen of the 11th century, revered by Orthodox believers at this date.

Nikon was the first student of the Mentor of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. His responsibilities included a tonsure of newcomers in the monks. However, Nikon pulled to a secluded life, he went to the Kerch Strait and settled there in complete loneliness. To the wise monk stretching brethren, then intCBEE A monastery was created in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. After years of Nikon, Nicona was invited to take the position of Heguman in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

People on this day brought orders in the farm - removed sleeping places and changed the old straw in mattresses to the new one. In the rooms, the dust was rubbed from the shelves and soap the floors, and instead of the detergent, a tincture of gustrated mint was added to the water. She not only gave the room a fresh smell, favorable for sleep, but also had antiseptic properties. The peasants believed that mint, able to drive an unclean force.

According to the signs, if there was warm weather on Nikona, and a light frost was lowered at night, it will be a mead of April. The thunderstorm with the non-mounted snow foreshadowed a cool summer time, and the clear stars at night meant that in the morning there would be frosts.

Clean Thursday in 2018

On April 5, 2018, the last Thursday is celebrated before Easter - pure or great Thursday. The Orthodox Church on this day recalls the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with 12 apostles.

In pure Thursday, people get up to sunrise and bathe. It is believed that water on this day is washes off the dirt from the body and sins from the soul, the gracious affects the mental state.

Also, the hostesses are cleaned in houses, throw out unnecessary things, wash icons, erased. After cleaning, candles and lamps ignite. On this day, Easter cakes bake, paint eggs, prepare festive dishes for Easter.

International day soup

International soup day is celebrated worldwide on April 5. The holiday becomes especially relevant in the modern rhythm of life, when there is not enough enough time for sleep and normal food. Soup utility confirm doctors. They prescribe light broths and vegetable soups to restore the patient

Holiday Daena

Daena is a keeper of the faith of each person. She checks the truth of the thoughts, actions and words of each, compliance with the faith of a person, and after death, she accompanies the soul to the court.

It is believed that there are three hypostasis of faith: an explicit faith - religion, a secret faith - words, hidden faith - thoughts. Each person can see the true face of his faith. Celebration of Daena is connected with religion, faith and their choice, which is before every person. To all this, at such a time it is necessary to pay attention to the dreams. Daena can open the doors not only during the Great Transition, but also during sleep. The sacred number of celebration - 11, light people 11 candles.

Alexey, Anastasia, Varvara, Vasily, Georgy, Ilya, Lydia, Makar, Pelagia, Sergey.

  • 1722 - Admiral's expedition Jacob Rogheven opened the island called Easter Island.
  • 1818 - During the war of independence of Spanish colonies in South America, the liberation Anda Army Jose de San Martin defeated the Spaniards.
  • 1874 - In Vienna, the famous Operette "Bat Mouse" of Johann Strauss-Son is performed for the first time.
  • 1955 - Winston Churchill resigned from the post of Prime Minister of England, completing his political career.
  • 1989 - the first speech of the female Vivaldi orchestra took place.
  • Thomas Gobbs 1588 - English philosopher.
  • Vincenzo Viviani 1622 is an Italian physicist and mathematician.
  • Nikita Demidov 1656 - Russian Industrialist.
  • Ludwig Spur 1784 is a German composer.
  • Gabriel Bat'nkov 1793 - Russian politician.
  • Clas Tunberg 1893 - Finnish skater skewers.
  • Herbert von Karaians 1908 - Austrian conductor.
  • Gregory Pen 1916 - American film actor.
  • Natalia Kustyanskaya 1938 - Russian actress of theater and cinema.

It turns out that April 5 is celebrated in the world as soup day! In connection with this important event, Aquaphor, producing high-quality films for water, decided to congratulate me with a whole package of fresh vegetables complete with its water filter, because in the soup there should be clean water.

The first dish is an indispensable and important part of a human diet, it is necessary for normal life and guarantees excellent health to everyone who does not neglect them. Historians argue that soup recipes have already been known in the 1st century BC, and for the first time they welded him in Ancient Asia. In China, there is a reference to the culinary book, which has about 4,700 years old, and a significant part of the pages in it is assigned to the section "Soups". Previously, if the soup was not prepared in the house, it was believed that this was a completely poor family, and doctors often prescribed a broth or a light soup to the patient.

This dish came to us from deep antiquity. By the way, in those distant times the family in which the table could not file, was considered not particularly prosperous, because she did not have enough money to buy all the necessary ingredients.

As it is.

The name itself comes from the word Suppa - so on Latin was called bread, operated in the brave. The use of soup is obvious - it helps the body produce gastric juice and the necessary enzymes, thereby favorably affecting the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have diseases of the digestive system, you can not do without such a dish. In addition, in ancient times, doctors prescribed soup patients who had witnesses.


Found reliable evidence that even in the first century BC. e. In Asia prepared soups. What is there: in an ancient Chinese culinary book, which is about 4,700 years old, the recipes of this dish are already offered! In the city of Sparta, known for its harsh orders and customs, also prepared specific to the taste of "black broth" - from meat and blood of pigs, as well as vinegar. And the warriors of the Middle Ages, being in the campaign, ate wine soup - more precisely, these were pieces of bread, worked in wine.

The most large lovers of the first dish consider the inhabitants of France. In the Middle Ages, the French peasants fir soup twice a day (although, it was quite possible, they did not have other options).


Already closer to our time, at the end of the XIX - the beginning of the twentieth century, soup concentrates were invented. The Motherland is the United States, and the first dry soup was created by the canning company Joseph Campbell. The reason for their creation was the war: women could not pay so much time to homemade, as before, and on the products had to save.

P.S. By the way, the soup from all these vegetables turned out to be very tasty.

Today, on April 5, holidays are celebrated throughout the land: Russia celebrates the day of the adoption of steppe shopping (Constitution) of the Republic of Kalmykia, in Kazakhstan celebrate the day of the Migration Police of Kazakhstan, in the Netherlands on the Day of the National Museum Weekend, it is proposed to celebrate Museums Day in the Netherlands, in China today is a purity holiday and Clarity Qing Min, and in South Korea, the day of planting trees.

Holidays April 5, 2019

The day of the adoption of steppelings (constitution) of the Republic of Kalmykia

What a holiday today in Kalmyk knows not even all who live in Russia. In 1994, on April 5, a steppe application was adopted in Kalmykia or otherwise the Constitution of the Republic, which is the main law of Kalmykia. This date state authorities made the official public holiday of the Republic of Kalmykia. This republic is located in the southeastern part of the European territory of Russia. Most of Kalmykia occupy the plains, the republic is washed by the Caspian Sea.

Migration Police Day of Kazakhstan

Every year on April 5, the Day of Migration Police is celebrated in Kazakhstan. This festive date was timed to the historical event - the reorganization of the passport system, which was a direct consequence of changes in Kazakhstan, related to the requirements of time. The passport and visa service in 1999 was renamed the migration police. Her tasks and functions have been changed, as well as its structure.

National Museum Weekend - Day Museums in the Netherlands

This year, the National Museum on April 5 is celebrated on April 5. In the Netherlands, this holiday note not only indigenous people, but also tourists who come to this country to increase the educational and cultural level. More than 550 free museums are open in this day.

Feast of purity and clarity Qing Min

Every year in China celebrates the holiday of Qing Min - the feast of purity and clarity. This year his celebration fell on April 5th. This holiday is associated with the onset of bright and clear days. And it is on that day Yang and Yin come to balance. Qing Min is a Chinese holiday in honor of the dead.

Tree landing day in South Korea

In South Korea today marks the day of planting trees. Residents of the country take on this day an active part in the works on landscaping their districts.

Unusual holidays

What holiday can still be noted on April 5? Today there are another 3 unusual holiday - the day of swelling of the kidneys, the feast of melting water and the day of the joke of Bubarenz on cat collars

Day swelling

You noticed how sometimes the kidneys swell right in front of one day? Imagine that this day today. Try to watch the kidneys on April 5 and you will notice a lot of interesting things for yourself.

Feast of melt water

This unusual holiday came to us from Bashkiria. It was there that he was born and there he was celebrated every year in the spring with competitions, games, with gifts of souvenirs at the time when the strengths flow the streams, and the sun is more and more and more warms the ground.

Jowl of Bubarenitsa on feline collars

This is a really unusual holiday. Have you ever wondered how much the stars affect pets? And what do you think - is there a difference between the scorpion cat and the "autumn" cat? Actually, this holiday is invented simply as a small reason for your good mood and, of course, so that you once again pay attention to your cat and can be bought to her collar with the bubbles.

Church holiday for the national calendar

Nikon Day

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor, who lived in the 11th century. From 1078 to 1088 he founded the monastery and the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was the igumen of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Nikon Pechersky became famous as a chronicler.
Our ancestors of Nikonov had a day careful cleaning in the house and in the garden.
The people rumored: "The owner's house is great," "the house is not great, but to sit down." The owners today were blurred and stovered beds, endured garbage.
The peasants were called today spring birds - defenders from pests.
In the holiday in the house of washing benches, floors and tables with tiny mint. Tea brewed from mint. In many villages, she was considered a medicine for good sleep.
In the bath also did not work out without mint. The grass was abandoned by all shelves in the bath because of its antiseptic properties.
Apple tree and rowan with black and red currant were planted on Nikona.
Birds - Defenders from pests on this day were dried by grains, crumbs and linen seed.
The peasants on April 5 near the village managed the Springs and Keys, sentencing: "Underground Voditsa, laundering to you Westerns."
Name Day April 5. Alexey, Anastasia, Barbara, Vasily, George, Ilya, Lydia, Makara, Nikon, Pelagiai, Sergey
Also, on April 5, the day of geologist, the International Soup Day, the Day of the Bubarenz's Day on cat collars, the day of the Russian nation, the feast of melt water.

April 5 in history

1955 - Winston Churchill resigns from the post of Prime Minister of England, completing his political career.
1969 - the number of those killed in Vietnam during the war of Americans reaches 33,641 people.
1970 - by decision of the USSR leadership, the remains of Adolf Hitler and Eva Brown were exhumated and destroyed 11 km from Magdeburg by Cremation.
1975 - Unsuccessful launch of the Soyuz Spaceship. The bars exploded exploded.
1975 - Chan Kaisha, Military and Political Worker of China died (R. 1887).
1978 - Deputy General Secretary General and Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the USSR to UN Arkady Shevchenko asked for political asylum to the United States.
1982 - During the military operation in the West of Afghanistan, Soviet troops mistakenly invaded the territory of Iran.
1983 - from France deported 47 Soviet diplomats accused of espionage.
1991 - The Supreme Council of the RSFSR provided Extraordinary Powers to Boris Yeltsin.
1993 - Establishment by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of the LUKOIL oil company.

Ah yes soup

Who and when first welded soup - it is unknown, but today this dish is so common that all his varieties simply do not count! In each country, each people have their own traditional recipes for this dish. Let's try to prepare some of them in honor of the international soup day, which is celebrated on April 5th.

Low soup with cheese

This representative of the exquisite French cuisine is distinguished by a pleasant soft taste and a rich aroma. Cheese makes it nutritious. Try - you will not regret!

You will need (for 4 servings): 500 g onions, 2 liters of chicken or meat broth, 100 ml of white dry wine, 200 g of solid cheese, 30 g of butter, 4 slice of white bread, greens, salt.

Cheese rubbed on a coarse grater. Onions cut by semirings, lay oil and tom melted on a frying pan under a lid on a small fire

20 minutes, stirring periodically. Then we lower the onions into the preheated broth, we pour wine, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Half the grated cheese is lowered into the broth. Solim, cook 3 minutes, turn off and let it stand under the lid of 2 minutes. Lightly fry bread on the oil, sprinkle it with the rest of the cheese and cover the pan with a lid for a couple of minutes so that the cheese melted a little. Hot croutons lay out in the plates and pour around the soup. We decorate the greens and immediately serve that the crowns do not frighten.

Tomato Noodle Soup

Mediterranean cuisine is famous for the abundance of pasta, greenery and vegetables, especially tomatoes. All this is found in a lightweight and tasty tomato sob.

You will need (for 4 servings): 1 l of vegetable broth, 1 Stem of the onion Sun, 600 g of fresh tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 150 g noodles, 200 g of boiled shrimp, 20 g of butter, pair of sprigs of fresh basil, dill and parsley , salt, mixture of peppers.

Onion at some cutting rings and fry on oil to light transparency. Add cubes cut with cubes, then finely chopped garlic, at least 7 minutes. 1 minute before the refueling is ready to add half of the crushed greenery into it. Broth bring to a boil, we reduce the fire to the middle and lower the noodles. When it is ready, "Collect" soup: add to noodles tomato refueling, peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bshrimp, the remaining greens and a mixture of peppers. If necessary, still Solim and give soup to get 1 minute.

Salonian team

Russian cuisine is unthinkable without rustic soups. First of all, without a saltworn.

You will need: 600 g of beef with bone, 200 g of boiled booze, ham and boiled sausage, 50 g Socolate sausage, 3 bulbs, 100 g of carrots, 50 g of celery stem, 300 g of salted cucumbers, 200 g tomato puree, 30 Kapers, 50 g Maslin with a bone, 2 laurel sheets, 5 black pepper peas, 20 g of vegetable oil, 2.5 liters of water, bunch of fresh greenery parsley, 1 lemon.

Meat in a large saucepan fill with cold water and put on a strong fire. When foam began to appear on the surface, we reduce the fire so that the broth would barely boil, and remove it until it ceases to form. After half an hour from the beginning of the cooking, we lower one bulb, carrots, celery, pepper and bay leaf into the broth. Cooking another 30-40 minutes, until the vegetables become soft, then get them. Meat can be prepared until ready, remove from the broth, separate from the bones, cut the pieces of 1.5-2 cm and return to the broth. The remaining onions is cut by semirings and passover in a small amount of oil to transparency. Salted cucumbers are cut into small cubes, add to the bow, mix about 15 minutes on a weak heat. Add tomato mashed potatoes (or peeled peel and finely chopped ripe tomatoes) and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring. The resulting refueling - Brez - add to broth. Meat products are cut into small cubes and lowered into the soup, continuing to cook. Add capers and olives. If necessary, salt or pour some cucumber brine. We give Solyanka to launch at least half an hour under the lid. When submitting to the plates put on the slication of lemon and finely chopped parsley.

White Soup

This dish is served in Japan to the table almost every day. He has an unusual taste, an amateur, but in the east, they say that white soup gives power to the body and thinking to the mind.

You will need (for 4 servings): 1 l of chicken broth, 200 ml of milk or cream, 4 pieces of bacon, 50 g of white radish, 100 g of potatoes, 100 g of carrots, 1 white bulb, 150 g of butter, 100 g of goat cheese, Salt, ground black and fragrant pepper.

Vegetables cut 151 cubes. Fry on oil (100 g) in turn first potatoes, then carrots, then onion. Bacon Cut a thin straw. Cheese wipe through sieve. Milk is brought to a boil on medium heat, but do not boil, and cool. Roasted vegetables, radish and bacon are lowered into a deep saucepan and shops in oil (50 g) 10 minutes on slow fire, stirring. We add broth, bring to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes on medium heat. We turn on the fire at full capacity and give vegetables to get 2 minutes. We add milk and rubbed cheese. We bring to a boil and cook on a strong heat for 5-7 minutes. Solim, season with peppers, mix thoroughly, turn off the fire and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. To the soup separately apply a boiled chicken and croutons.

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