Learning the alphabet for children online 5 years. Games Alphabet and alphabet for children play online. Games with mosaic

Walls, partitions 28.04.2021
Walls, partitions

How to teach a child letters easily and easily?

When Mom believes that the age of the child already implies training letters, the question arises before the learning method. Mom does not want to load the child with serious classes. Therefore, many are trying to make this process interesting, but at the same time very effective.

Sometimes the opinions of specialists disagree in this matter. However, there are some of the most general recommendations:

  • It is necessary to learn when the child is already able to read. The meaning of this conclusion is that the child can learn letters and 1.5 years. But it will be just memorizing, which will be forgotten very quickly, if it does not apply anywhere. The child at this age does not yet understand that this is part of the word. For him, this is something that Mom repeats and he must repeat
  • For this reason, it will be more optimal to teach the child letters at 4 years. Do not hurry, doing with a child, you will come to reading the syllables. So, your baby will be prepared in reading
  • In 3 years you can start a baby to get acquainted with letters, but not forced to training. Show him letters and say that it is. Pronounce sounds. And when the kid will be ready, he will start repeating himself
  • But if the child is very well developed, knows how to talk and asks you to teach you to read, or you see his desire to understand some inscriptions - it means your child is ready for learning
  • But this does not mean that you should immediately arrange him serious classes with exams. Not. Perhaps after the start of learning, you will see that it is difficult for the child, he is angry, does not understand. Do not insist. If the desire for the baby is gone - wait up to 4 years
  • Separate techniques are offered to start learning for 2 years

IMPORTANT: Whatever tips have given specialists, you must focus on your child. But at age 5, it is still worth starting to learn letters so that the child came to school more or less prepared

How easy to learn letters with a child?

To study letters not been difficult and tense for your child, the result was effective, follow the tips:

  • Learn letters playing. Read more about how to do this, read in the next section
  • Voicate the letter correctly. Do not speak the letter "M" - "EM", the letter "P" - "PE" and so on. Pronounce letters as they sound: "M", "P", "C" and so on. That is, pronounce one sound. Why is that? So that the child has not been experiencing difficulties in reading. Otherwise, the word "dad" the child wants to read "Pahaa". And when you begin to explain that you need to read exactly the "dad", the child will not understand why. After all, the letter "P" is "PE"
  • Do not try to memorize with the child immediately the whole alphabet. First, select vowels to start. Secondly, take 2 letters and learn them throughout the week, fixing the result every day in a game form. Only after that proceed to new
  • After studying letters sufficient to draw up a simple word - begin to compile words. So the child will be very quickly trapped and the letters will begin to teach the syllables. Drawing up words Actual for children from 4 fly
  • Always let's understand the child that the letter means something. That is, when teaching the letter "A" say: "A-Watermelon". So the child will begin to see the connection letters and words. But this method will act only after 3 years. Up to this age, the kid simply will not see any connection
  • Association. They will help to learn letters even the smallest. Read more in section below "Association of Letters"
  • Draw, sculpt, apitate, write, blaming the letters, lay out their shape with any infringement materials. All this will be interested in the baby and he himself without noticing remembering the letters

  • One of the passive ways to study letters will be awesome letters in the child's room or in the apartment as a whole. Cut big letters and hang several in different places. Sometimes tell the child what is the letter. Do not jean with constant repetitions. Child and so remember them, not realizing himself. After a week, change to others. It will be more efficient if the letter you will hang on the subject that begins with this letter. So the letter will be perceived by a child as part of something
  • Procedure of study: Learn through associations, apartments, applications, and remember in games and a passive way of hanging letters
  • Faster will be learning if the child see, hear and touch the letter

Important: acting on such advice, learning will deliver to your child only pleasure

How to learn letters with a child playing?

The game is a favorite childhood. He will always agree to play and get a lot of pleasant pleasures. And the study of letters in the game form will be unbasic and relaxed.

Game 1. Cubes.

  • The most simple and simple game
  • Buy cubes with letters and images for each letter. Cubes can be soft, plastic, wooden
  • Ask a child to find the subject, after which they praise the child and say: "Well done. Showed watermelon. A-watermelon. " At the same time, show the letter
  • Or scatter cubes around the room and ask to find a cube with watermelon. Words while finding the same

Game 2. Applique.

  • Print and cut the letter with a child somewhere 10 cm in height and 7 width
  • Offer the child to choose what you will do the application: Crupes, pasta, fabric, wool
  • Selecting the material get along with the child, apply glue to the letters and stick the material with the help of the baby.
  • At the same time, repeat that you will decorate the letter "A"
  • After sticking a paper-cereal letter to cardboard to save the shape
  • Let the child himself choose a place to appliqué
  • But the place must be not hidden. The child must see the letter daily

Game 3. Hires.

  • Print every letter in two copies
  • Choose the first game letter. Suppose "O"
  • Leave one one
  • Second copy Put somewhere so that the child finds it
  • Several other letters also place in different available and prominent places.
  • Show the child letter, name it and ask to find
  • When a child goes to search, follow him and prompt if necessary
  • The child should not be upset that it cannot find, otherwise this method will become uninteresting for your baby.

Game 4. The right choice.

  • The game is more likely to secure
  • Print pictures with letters
  • Spread the child and ask to show the desired letter
  • Finding the letter you can show an object starting to this letter

Game 5. Who is faster.

  • The game is well involved in two children or adult and child
  • Scatter a few identical letters on the floor
  • At the command, participants must bring letters
  • Praise everyone
  • Be sure to repeat the sound letters every time
  • You can encourage the participants with words or slogans of the type "letter and find soon, and well, come on to the perishers!"

Game 6. Surprises in a bag.

  • Fold in an opaque bag items that will start with the letter studied
  • For example: hippopotamus, bull, drum, alarm clock
  • Catch your child
  • And let's take turns to get toys, pronouncing the name of everyone

Important: All children are different. Try different games and select the appropriate for your child.

Video on the topic: We learn the letters of the alphabet: 3 games with a semolina [Supermama]

Association letters

Important: Easily kid will remember the letters that cause him an association. The method is suitable including for the smallest

  • For each letter you study, come up with the Association: What is like a letter or who makes such a sound
  • You can come up with an association yourself, you can learn ideas below
  • If you see that some association does not work for a child, then temporarily postpone the letter aside
  • After some time, return to the letter already with another Association
  • Associations are good because the child quickly remembers them and you do not have to repeat him the letter with a hundred times that he remembered her

Some associations.

Letter B.

  • The letter B is a Hippo who attended well and has become a big tummy.
  • You can try to come up with rhymed rows of the type "Hippopotik ours" was like, tired and sat down "
  • At the same time, demonstrate all the actions that hippo

Letter D.

  • Looks like a house
  • Take a small soft toy and go her in a house

Letter J.

  • Cut letters from cardboard and say that this is a bug
  • Show how crawling and buzzing "Zhr."
  • Offer the child to glue the bug
  • Give the child to chat yourself with the beetle or roll it on the car

Letter O.

  • The letter is similar to the mouth of a child who cries and screaming "Oh-oh-oh-oh"
  • Dorisite teeth and tongue

Letter S.

  • The letter with the sand
  • Cut the letter from cardboard
  • Raise on her sand or a gun neatly, as it would sketch the letter
  • Speak at the same time "S sandy S-C-S-S-C-C"

Letter T.

  • Cut out of cardboard
  • The letter t looks like a hammer
  • Eashes the sound "Tuk-Tuk"
  • Touch the hammer on the floor and give the child to repeat you, saying "Tuk Tuk"

Letter H.

  • Letter X looks like the intersection of two roads
  • Take dolls or your fingers depict walking on the road
  • At the same time say the rhymed string
  • For example: "We go, walk along the track, I got tired of the legs. To the end now we do, and after sit down, rest

Letter Sh.

  • Looks like a snake that crawls and makes the sound "sh-sh-sh-sh"
  • Click with a snake on the floor and do not forget to draw a head with eyes and tongue

  • If you decide to teach a child letters, then immediately after learning a part of the letters, proceed to writing
  • The child must understand that the letters are needed to write words

Where, what and how to write?

  • Pencil, handle, felt-tip pen on paper
  • Chalk on blackboard or asphalt
  • Paints on paper
  • Wand on sand
  • Finger on flour or semi
  • Lay letters pebbles on asphalt

Important: Draw yourself, but necessarily let's draw and child, but help him. If the kid does not yet own a handle, then help him with it

Video: Training cartoon. Putting for children: We write letters

  • If letters after the sounding you will sculpt with the baby, they will be remembered faster
  • Can be sculpt from salt dough or plasticine
  • Having blinded, it can be decorated with beans, peas, beads or just decompose

Video: We learn the letters from A to D I am sculpted from plasticine Plain before and open the Kinder Surprise! Developing cartoon!

  • You can decorate the letters that you printed, wrote, cut out, wrote on asphalt or chalkboard, blinded from plasticine, you made from the manca, sticking it into cardboard
  • It is possible to decorate: markers, crayons, finger paints, pencils, handles, gouache
  • You can print letters next to which will be subject to, the name of which begins with this letter.

Cut the contours of letters

  • Cut the letter
  • Put on a sheet of paper or cardboard
  • Combede. If the child himself can not yet, then take it a handle and blaming
  • You can circle dots, strokes, straight lines
  • After the stroke circuit, you can lay out pebbles, beans, pasta

Cookies from letters

  • By 4 years, especially in girls, there is tremendous interest to help my mother bake
  • Take advantage of this interest
  • If you have a favorite recipe for cookies, then use it
  • The dough must be elastic and not sticky
  • Instead of familiar stars or circles, cut out letters and send jam
  • You can decorate coconut chips or sweet
  • Bake a few letters in several copies so that simple words can be folded: Mom, Dad, Baba
  • The child will gladly play with the cookies, after which it bissing it safely
  • To simplify, you can buy ready-made cookies in the store.

If this recipe You do not have, then use the following:

  • Two eggs mix with vaniline to taste
  • Wake up a mixer to foam about 10 minutes
  • Add pre-melted to the state of sour cream butter (100 g)
  • Stir for 5 minutes
  • 300 g sour cream from 150 g of sugar
  • Add a mixture into a bowl with the rest of the ingredients
  • Practice 1 tbsp. l. flour mixed with 1/2 teaspoon soda and mix
  • Add another flour spoon
  • The dough should be elastic and not sticky
  • Six the dough put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to make it easier to form letters

  • Cutting the letter, send cookies on a lubricated oil bastard into a preheated oven
  • Cookies should purchase a golden color

Leaf books, magazines

  • To secure the studied letters, you can use books and magazines
  • For study, they are not very suitable, since the baby's eyes will scatter, it will be difficult for him to concentrate on a concrete letter
  • Show the letters that the child already knows if they are singled out somehow on the page or are written in large font
  • Or ask the child, where the letter "A". If the child find the letter, he will be very happy
  • If he does not work, make tips, say that is shown near
  • Letters must be quite large, do not force the child to peer in a small font

Speaking ABC game

Speaking alphabet fits:

  • For those moms who have no time for self-study with the child
  • Just for fixing the material
  • For a variety of classes

Posters with talking alphabet.

  • You can buy such a poster in almost any children's toy store
  • Hang it on the wall in a nursery or where the child plays more often
  • If you are engaged in the baby, the talking poster will be only an addition and way to consolidate the material
  • If you do not engage yourself with your child, then teach the child to do with a poster and it will come to approach himself with interest and press buttons
  • When pressed, it will hear the letter and the object / animal, the name of which will begin with this letter

Online Games.

  • There are a lot of such games on the Internet in public domain.
  • This way is bad because the child is forced to do at the computer. And then he can get tired of eyes or even grow impaired
  • Such games are better to use only sometimes for a variety

Speaking alphabets in video format.

  • Also means finding a child at a computer
  • Unlike games, the child may be on a fairly distant distance, as when watching cartoons
  • Will also be good sometimes for a variety
  • One example is such a video below.

Video: Speaking alphabet. Learn the Russian alphabet for the smallest. For children 3-6 years

Computer: watch letters

  • This method of learning is suitable for lazy or busy mothers who cannot do with a child with simple girlfriend
  • Watch the letters and listen about them - it certainly good and useful
  • But do not forget that it is better to add drawing, appliques and cutting letters
  • As a rule, learning letters on a computer comes down to viewing training cartoons
  • One of the examples of the video see below

Video: Developing cartoons - Alphabet for kids

How to play the game ABC?

  • The ABC game can meet in different versions.
  • These are online games in which you need to put letters to the place, find an object starting with the desired letter; Search pairs for each letter
  • Games will be able to understand children from 3 years
  • Be sure to be near parents and help
  • Do not get involved in online games, because the computer for the kid does not bring any benefit
  • If the game is not a computer, but bought in the store, then play by reading the instruction. Such games can be a lot of diverse

ABC game

Educational games for children: We teach letters 5 - 6 years

  • In 5-6 years, you must teach a child with letters if he still does not know them
  • At this age, the main method is not associations, but words beginning with this letter: "A-Watermelon", "B-Banana"
  • The child will excellently understand the connection of the letter and words
  • All games will be reduced to building words for this age.
  • Buy letters magnets and fold the words of them

  • The basic principles of learning are the same as for early age (read the second section of this article)
  • To help at such an age will surely come the book-letter
  • There you will see pictures and read the entertaining poems.
  • The child at that age does not want to play at all children's games (see above)
  • Explore the letter and ask the child to collect things around the house that he sees on the chosen letter. For each thing you can offer a small delicious surprise. So the child will be more fun and more interesting
  • Bake cookies together - also relevant for this age (read the rules and recipe in the section "Cookies from letters"). Only such an adult for letters a child is already really helping you cut out letters.
  • Buy a puzzle with letters

  • Loop, cut out, deactivate, make appliques. For age 5-6 years, this is also relevant

Always praise the child for success

  • Not always learning is given to the child easily
  • Without your encumbrance, the child will soon be tired of this process if it will make mistakes especially
  • Always praise the child for success
  • Even in the case of not entirely perfect memorization, understanding and response

Moms, from you and your approach to this difficult lesson, the success of your child depends largely and its interest. Do not be lazy to engage in your tea and soon you will boast others about the successes of your beloved child.

Video: Learn with a child letters

When a pre-school child lives in the family, he wants to show the world rather, tell what is the alphabet, to learn the alphabet and numbers with them. But too soon, such classes will not bring any result, because no one has canceled the physiological features of children and need to be considered with them.

For example, from 2 years of age, the child consciously knows the world through touch, taste sensations and vision, but it is almost impossible to interest it at this time at this time, since the children's mind is not yet understood the meaning of numbers and letters.

Teach letters with a child most often start from 4 years, because he is already beginning to analyze his actions and gradually understand what he needs to be learned. In addition, it will take a little for it - 10-15 minutes a day.

In 6-7, the kids improves memory, thinking and perception, so they are surely ready for the game to school. So if before your baby did not show any interest in learning, now it's time to teach him new classes.

Maria Monsoresori is a famous Spanish teacher who founded his school for kids and offered one of the most famous techniques that will help learn the alphabet with the child with the game. It consists of 4 parts and is designed for children of any ages from 3 to 6 or even 7 years.

Draw on the sand - develop speech

Before the child can correctly and quickly write letters, he needs to develop the muscles of the hands and strengthen the fingers who will soon have to keep the handle quite often. So the first Montessori game - drawings with a finger on the sand. If there is no possibility to go to the beach, it is enough to pour out a few semolina cereals on the tray, on which it will take place. Start drawing something simple, for example, smiling smiley, sun or Christmas tree, and let the baby repeats everything. When you go to more complex drawings, work with the child together: he painted his head, you are torso and so on.

"Shroud letters"

The next exercise, which will help learn the alphabet playing, is called "rough letters", which involves the presence of special letters. They can be bought in the online store or watch the training video, where it tells how to make them for children alone.

Next, we show the child one letter and speak how it is pronounced, after letting the baby repeats the sound of you. At the end, we definitely give the opportunity to touch the card with the letter, while simultaneously tying her sound and show the item that begins on the learned letter.

At times it is necessary to work for three beaks and at the beginning of each occupation to repeat the already learned. If the child has forgotten something from the past material, then boldly add a forgotten "comrade" to a new three of the alphabet.

All other developing methods of teaching letters for babies can be read in the book Marie-Helen Plysa "We teach the letters on the Montessori technique."

Methods and exercises for kids from 4 to 6 years

Letters from Mosaic

As mentioned above, 4 years old is the best period for learning and memorization. At this time, you can already use a mosaic from which the child will have to fold the letter called by the parent. In mosaic it is easier to teach writing letters with horizontal lines, and to complicate the task ask to make the letter of a certain color, small or greater.

"Alphabet of Plasticine"

The following version of the game with the child is already 5 and 6 years of age - this is an "alphabet of plasticine". On the cutting board, paint the outline of letters and ask the baby to cut down a certain letter from plasticine. When it turns out to be well to learn, you can complicate the task performing the task quickly. "Alphabet" is good for playing with a child by the fact that it helps to remember the alphabet and develop a motorcycle of fingers.

There are still a lot of techniques that are suitable for small children. For some of them, you need to do "inventory" with your own hands in what you will undoubtedly help video from the Internet.

Educational computer games for learning numbers

Children are very attracted by the technique, including computers. And there is nothing wrong if the girls and boys, starting in 4 years, will teach and memorize the numbers playing on the laptop. After all, there is a video, techniques, developing toys online capable correctly teach me to memorize numbers. For example, an online program, where a child must decorate a certain figure in the color younger, and the more often it will decorate it, the faster I remember.

If your child is already 5-6 years old, then simulators are chosen more complicated, such as "Find a couple - addition," "Find a pair - subtraction" and with their help study the calculation and addition. These toys are made in the form of closed squares that the player opens, remembers that it is written there (for example, 7 + 3 \u003d) and is looking for a correct answer.

If you do not touch the computer, then remember the numbers will help simple exercises. For example, walking down the street ask the child to remember the room standing in the courtyard or find a specific figure in it. It is well influenced by memorization from the smallest age, funny rhymes, songs and counters, which are easily remembered and talk about something interesting.

As you can see, ways to teach a child to pronounce letters, remember numbers a lot: the techniques of popular teachers and psychologists (in addition to the work of Montessori, Zaitsev and Polyakova techniques are common), training video, developing toys and exercises.

The techniques cope with their task, provided that the educational process is going on correctly - do not force the child to learn in a bad mood, do not increase the voice, they do not require too much and are proud of even minimal achievements. And most importantly, the chosen way should correspond to the age and abilities of the baby.

If you see that the preschooler is interesting to learn, I want to constantly recognize something new and quickly disassemble what is written on shop signs, then the alphabet will become an ideal first book that the child will be interested in learning.

For reading 4 min.

Almost all parents understand that it will definitely be the time when it is necessary to teach the letters of the Russian alphabet with the child. And before them there are a lot of questions. For example, at what age will the training be the most successful? Or how to make classes interesting for children? And, in general, how to study it?

Methods that help learning

Various techniques, methods and exercises, with the help of which the study of the letters of the Russian alphabet is given for children, very much, very much. It can be special coloring, and computer games, and cutting letters, smearing them from plasticine and even pastries.

The original way to memorize letters

You can try this technique: you first need to remember 10 vowels, they go in pairs and in rhyme, so they will just learn them: Ah, Yu, Oh, e-e, s. And then go to consonants, which can also be divided by pairs, for example, deaf - ringing. And there is a method of studying sounds, not letters.

One of the most efficient ways is singing. You just need to learn a song with the alphabet and constantly hum. And also popular with this option: the study of the letters of the Russian alphabet for children aged 5 years not letters, but in just words.

It is best for learning and memorization, if the visual memory is involved. Therefore, it will be very effective to cut big letters and arrange them in a constant visibility zone so that the child can get used to them and remember. Well, so that they were red, since this color is attracted. In general, all tools, cards, materials used in training should be very bright, colorful, beautiful and attract their own species.

It is proved that children are faster and easier to remember the alphabet if the letters are depicted in the form of an animal. Or when some picture is drawn next to the letter. And then the letters will be associated in children with a certain way. For example, with watermelon or stork, b with a drum, etc.

If you simultaneously teach your child to write the letters studied, the effect will increase repeatedly.

Only any exams and violent imposition! It all should be interesting to the crumb. Information let him come slowly so that the child does not get confused and not refused learning. It's just great if the baby is independently starting to be interested in letters. And if not, you need to awaken in it this curiosity. And temporarily postpone classes, if it still does not arise interest.

Perhaps the title of this article will seem immodest to you, and the author is arrogant. Perhaps you will think that the author used such a title in order to attract the attention of readers.

Yes it is. The purpose of this title is to attract your attention to the truly effective way in the shortest possible time to train the child with the letters of the Russian alphabet and teach it to pronounce these letters with sounds. In the simplicity and effectiveness of this method, you see for yourself by reading this article and starting it with it to teach your child letters. Already after five classes, your child will be good to know all 10 vowels and starts memorizing consonants, even if before that he did not know any letter. And, most importantly, learning letters he will be in the process of games and remember them firmly.

But first a slight retreat. Before start learning a child with letters, you must decide why he needs it. Some parents are proud to have managed to train the letters of a two-year or even one and a half year old. But it is worth doing only if you simultaneously start learning a child to read. Any knowledge should immediately find its practical application. And learning letters in itself, without simultaneous learning to read, does not make sense. There are many other, no less effective ways to develop the memory of the child and stimulate the brain during the formation period. Well still, if, by the beginning of teaching, the child will forget these prematurely learned letters and will not pronounce them as it was once taught: BE, WE, GE ... or would you, Gee ..., Otherwise, when reading it It will very much to interfere. You ask: "Well, and if you teach a child with letters and reading at the same time, how much is it better to start, from two years you can already?" I believe that at home, in the family, my mother with a child of this age can well be engaged; But first half a minute, and then for several minutes during the day. As a result of such "lessons" built in the form of the game, the child will work out the ability to focus on some particular lesson, and then from three years old and even a little earlier it can be trained in reading in the group as he, children. Do not forget only that learning to read, but especially early, should take place without coercion, in the game, against the background of positive emotions.

Remember childhood, do you feel good to remember yourself at 5, 6, 7 years old? We will venture to assume that there is no, and remember you are only some fuzzy moments, such as the first of September, cycling or summer at Grandparents in the village. It is understandable, our memory is so arranged that most of the most vivid impressions are early or later erased, freeing the place of new events. Do not remember you, probably, and how they taught the alphabet, as they tried to remember the sound of the letters, how insecure folded syllables, and then the whole words. Now reading firmly settled in the life of every adult, but not a child. To teach children to read or just understand the letters - the matter is not easy. However, without this simple skill nowhere, so you will have to read your child sooner or later, and a huge number of training games will help you to keep calm and nerves.

Such an incomprehensible alphabet

Since your child is still small, it is on your shoulders that falls the task of finding the right learning game, taking off all unnecessary, strange, incomprehensible or just too complicated for your chad. In fact, it is not so important how much your child is: two, three or five; So it turns out that every parent itself decides when to teach a child to reading. Some kids get acquainted with the letters very early: in two or three years and feel great; Others, even being older, can not remember the letters. In general, everything is individually, so it is so important to choose the key to choose a learning task.

If your baby is not yet soon to school, he has three years old, but you still want to teach it letters, then choose games as brighter as possible, with large letters and simple words. Well, if all sorts of tips are provided, and the lessons will lead a familiar child from cartoons and fairy tales characters: animals, wizards, superheroes. Then the child will not lose interest too quickly and something will remember something, but do not require too much from the baby, otherwise it is completely a welcome to learn.

For older children (5-6 years old), you can choose the game more difficult, with a large number of tasks, with an interesting storyline and prizes, so that the child has a stimulus to perform this or that task. Favorite characters, whether it is a wage, Spiderman, Luntik, Masha and a Bear and others will not be superfluous either. After all, you will agree, it is much more pleasant to obey the funny bear than a strict teacher. Merry music, large pictures, detailed explanations and short chalks will even interest the child even more, and if he doesn't understand something, be close to come to the rescue.

If you do not imagine where to start the lessons, and confuse to the sea of \u200b\u200btasks and suggestions, we offer you not to wise and pay attention to the most elementary one - the alphabet. Remember your alphabet with big beautiful letters, pictures, words? So your baby may have the same alphabet, but in the virtual world. She is not inferior to an old-good paper alphabet and even slightly overtakes it in terms of benefit.

In the virtual alphabet there are all the letters of the alphabet, animals or inanimate objects are depicted next to each letter. Offer the child to click on the letter or picture, then the sound of these letters and objects will be heard. In some alphabets, fixing tasks are still provided: make a word, place the letters in order (a, b, in, g, d, and so on), first register vowels, then consonants, paint letters and so on. Is there such an ordinary alphabet?

Letters there and here

If your child has already met the alphabet and maybe without errors (or almost without errors) to name all the letters in order, then it's time to find a task for him. For example, designers of letters and words, they offer the child to collect every letter or word in parts. In some constructors, then these letters and words can be painted or even translated into another language, say, English. Another interesting option for children who have learned letters is puzzles. Show the child a bright puzzle in which words and some creatures are depicted, and offer him to disassemble the puzzle and collect again, it is possible for a while, and you can just like that for consolidation.

The letters are already bouncing from the teeth, it does not wait something to read, even if a short, simple fairy tale? Wait, do not rush before you open a book, check how well your baby remembers how to connect letters. You can do it just through the game. Go with a child to the country of letters and make as many syllables as possible or even words, find all the vowels and consonant letters, find out what is the difference between soft and solid, hissing and lever sounds. Let the kid perform several missions and will try to earn as many points as possible. And if you are even sure that he will cope, do not leave him one, help if he was mistaken or doubted. Do not forget to praise the child so that it does not lose interest in the lessons. Train more often, read, learn foreign languages, then the child will not have problems reading.

We recommend to read
