Football Games Russian League 17. Game Football. Enjoy the realism of the game football

Sewerage 28.04.2021

If you treat yourself to the multi-million dollar army of football fans, you confidently own the ball and do not miss a single little significant championship on TV, it means that the game soccer heads are invented specifically for you! It is here that you can relax from the usual rules and widow to have to be enjoyed, scoring crucial goals the only affordable part of the body.

If you had to do something with the help of one head alone, what do you think you would have it? Meanwhile, professional footballers are easy to score balls into the opponent's gate, without using hands or legs. In games, football heads you will find yourself on the usual game field, but it will have to work exclusively head, in the literal sense of the word. Get ready for a hot and desperate match in which you need to demonstrate all your delets and skill, and only in case of unconditional victory you will get the Golden Champion Cup.

In the course of the game you will be available special bonuses that will allow you to increase the speed of running, the height of the jump or size of the gate. The main thing is to get along them with a soccer ball, and quietly enjoy the advantage over the less weaving rival.

Description Flash Games

Football heads: 2016-17 Champions League

Football Heads: 2016-17 Champions League

Before you a very dynamic and interesting game.
At the very beginning you are invited to choose the game mode, whether it is a championship or game together with a comrade. Play in both mode is very exciting.
Next, choose the command. I must say, there are quite a lot of teams here, and there are both famous favorites and little-known, but not inferior in the desire to defeat. So the chances of winning are about equal.
Optionally, you can choose the appearance of the player. It is a player, because you will have to play alone, which means that the protection and attack fall on your shoulders.
Field Choice - This feature allows you to supplement the playing field with various obstacles hanging over the heads of players and create certain interference.
It is also possible to turn off the outcomes of angry fans, although, in my opinion, with them even more interesting, but the caprises are bad weather can significantly affect the account not in your favor.

Break away alone for the whole team - the task is not easy, so do not rush to attack, moving to half the enemy, because The ball flies smartly, and return to protection does not always succeed.
To all of the time you need to not forget to monitor the time and speed and direction of the wind.
Accurate blows to you!

Tell me about friends!

Football appearance

The game of football starts its story from distant times dating from several thousand years to our era. It was then that the ancient people knew what the ball was and began to throw him to each other, in any case, precisely as scientists interpret the first rock paintings with the image of the balls. As balls at that time, any spherical objects, wrapped by an animal skin, performed. The first mention, games, already more similar to football, appeared at the beginning of the 1st century of our era, the ancient Chinese and the Japanese, jugged the territory two stakes or cobblestones, one person got up to protect the ancient gates, and the rest were alternately in them.

The balls for a thousand years have also changed a lot and most often made either from the urinary bubbles of animals, either of the skilled skin, or from the hair of people and animal wool. But such games were single and rarely went beyond the limits of one settlement, so all the villages where this game penetrated, the rules were very different from each other. But even despite this, football very quickly spread the world and won new horizons. Another 1500 years, the ball with the ball spread all over the world from the immense expanse of Japan and ending with cold Russia.

First rules

Up until the 19th century, there were no clear rules at the football game, because of which there were many unpleasant situations, often ending with scuffle and mass fights. People, most of which were the lowest class of the population, chased the ball on shopping squares, markets and other places of cluster of the public, which caused indignation and often ended with mass fights. During fierce battles for the ball, the people broke out shopping shops, tipped the tables with selling products and chopped them into the ground. The police intervened that the police intervened and accelerated players at home.

For example, differences in the rules can be attributed to the fact that some passed the ball with both hands as well as their legs, and others take the ball to be considered a serious violation of the rules.

Only by the middle of the 19th century, when the development of the game came to such a scale that almost every school had their own football club, and the entertainment became the lot of not only the lower sections of the population, but also an aristocracy, was adopted by the first large set of rules with whom most of the existing ones agreed That time teams. Already by the end of the 19th century, many clubs were opened almost all over the world and the first fans appeared. People understood that sports competitions can bring huge money and began a boom of entrepreneurship and commercialization of the sports market.

Playing football has become not only interesting hobby, but also profitable. Famous personalities began to receive profits calculated by millions of dollars. But more began to earn entrepreneurs who built huge stadiums and spent matches in them, playing gold cups. Thousands of people were ready to pay any money, only for what to see how professional professionals fight each other.

Football has become a cult or even a certain religion for several hundred years. But gradually interest in it decreases and now you can observe that this entertainment is interested in an increasing number of people.

How to develop football games

The first simulators began to appear since 1987 and were a 2D field on which the uncomplicated men ran and passed to each other the ball. The first 3D game appeared in 1993 called FIFA International Soccer and thanks to its revolutionary technology, as well as full support for FIFA gained widespread. Starting from that time, FIFA began to be produced every year and continues this tradition so far, with each new version of the game, imposing her graphics, engine and artificial intelligence.

Serious FIFE Competition was another football simulator released by the Konami studio in 1997 - Pro Evolution Soccer (PES). Now it also receives annual updates and is almost never inferior to the main competitor. In addition to the computer, both simulators are available on television consoles, and on portable consoles, and from recently on mobile devices.

Flash games about football are also popular, but they are very simple and mostly not interesting. But there are arcades where you will need to manage one heads, trying to protect your gate and score the goal of rivals. And yet, the ball can be chopped by the ball, trying to hold it in such a state as long as possible.

Screenshot from FIFA 12, Companies EA Canada and Electronic Arts.

But most often, you do not have a full-fledged game for the entire football team or one player, but only for its specific parts - for example, the protection of the gate from the balls or on the contrary, clogging into them from free shocks. Or, for example, stuffing balls to check your dexterity. And if you want something more realistic, then you should buy FIFA 14 and enjoy a stunning graphics, realistic gameplay and the ability to play football online with your friends.

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