How to call on the edge dragon. How to urge the dragon of the edge which team you can grow dragon

Ceilings 28.04.2021

This is an article that will educate you how to raise and take up the control of the Dragon Ender!

Ender Dragon is a very dangerous enemy, and he will spawn in a biome edge!

It is difficult to overcome, but if you do it, then you get an egg from which you can get a little dragon. It is necessary to know many rules that you all happen!

Since without mods it is not possible to get your personal dragon, we will need mod "Dragon Mounts".

Now I will tell you how to go to the edge or otherwise how to find "Portal in Ender World."

It will not be a simple task to find it, to do this, "Ender's eye" The subject that is easy to crafect, is needed in the crafting window over the "Pearl of the region" to place the "Fire Powder".

The idle eye is used by the following method: you release it by pressing the right mouse button.

After you have pressed it up and flies towards the portal. After the fall repeat. With the approach of the OCO portal will fly below, and where it will start to go underground you should rummage to find the portal!

You need to stock up with a considerable number of items called "Ender Oko" before you look for a portal, because:

  • The route can be bored, or you just can lose the eye without having dried up!
  • To activate the portal, 12 types of ender are used, they need to be inserted into the cells!

Once you have done everything, the portal is activated! But before using the portal make sure you have everything you need to kill the dragon edge! You must have good weapons and armor.

When you appear in the "edge" you will attack not only the dragon, but also a large number of Endermen!

Before you begin to kill the dragon, look around. You will see many towers on which the burning crystals are located, these crystals treat the dragon. So before attacking the dragon to break them. It is done with Luke!

How to grow a dragon from the egg?

Special conditions are needed for growing dragon!

The egg you received must be placed in a hot place, for example in Lava! This will speed up the hatching process!

How to properly care for the dragon:

He eats exclusively raw fish. So stock it in advance!

He will grow up after a while and start walking for you and attack enemy mobs! For not much worried about your dragon, he has a lot of lives there's a lot of death, the chance of his death is extremely small!

How can I use a dragon?

As soon as the dragon will grow up, he will already be yours. It can be used to quickly move to any points of the card! To fly you need saddle! If you feed it with bones, he will perform orders for example "sit!".

Today, a very small amount of computer games comes out in an already finally finished form. Many of them are then produced addons, mods, additional downloadable content and so on. It did not exception and minecraft who captured the minds of millions of users around the world. Interesting additions are constantly going to it, which expand the world, the possibilities of players, add new objects and unique creatures. And because of this, the Internet was very popular about how to grow a dragon egg in minecraft. It all started with the fact that a new location was added to the game, which is called "Ender", although many call it just an "end".

Finite level

This location is called the end for the simple reason that the final boss game lives there. Yes, you did not hear, even in minecraft, which is famous for its freedom of actions and the lack of any specific goals set in front of the gamer, there is the last, the most important boss. But not this most attracts in the new location, and some other facts.

First, from there it is simply no direct exit: if you got into Ender, you will have to go to the end, otherwise you will be stuck there forever, and this is not a very pleasant option, especially if you pump out your character for a long time and did not intend to throw an account. Secondly, it is that the notorious egg that is so confused so much. Do you want to know how to grow a dragon egg in minecraft? To do this, you will first have to defeat the dragon itself, and this is not so easy at all.

Get to Dragon

When you teleport to Ender, you throw on the platform with which you have to independently create the way to the main island. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase as many resources as possible that will allow you to create some kind of bridge from the platform to the island, and in this way you can get to the dragon.

And for the battle you will need the best gear that you can find, the maximum large stock of arrows, as well as food, with which you can restore lost health. After all, if you dare, then you do not have to learn how to grow a dragon egg in minecraft.

Mortal fight

On the island, where you will fall from the platform, there is no big space or abundance of any objects or characters. Actually, there is only the dragon itself and six special pillars. First of all, remember - in no case attack immediately on the dragon. The fact is that these pillars arranged around it restore the dragon life when he flies over them. Therefore, to start fighting the boss is necessary with the destruction of these columns. At the same time, be careful, since when destroying each pillar explodes, causing damage to everything around, so that the last blows are desirable to apply with a large distance. In addition, you can use this feature for yourself - push the moment when the dragon will fly over the post, and then apply the last blow. The pillar will explode, causing a decent damage to the boss. When all the designs are destroyed, take it for the dragon yourself - here everyone waves choose the battle tactic, but do not forget to restore health when it starts to approach the critical mark. And when the dragon fell, you will at the same time and find the exit from the island, because the return portal will open on the site of the death of the boss, and get an egg. What to do with him? How to grow a dragon egg in minecraft? This question for a long time occupied the minds of the players all over the world, until one annoying feature turned out.

Egg without use

In the original game, the Dragon Egg is simply impossible to use any way. It is, but it does not bear any functional load. You can pick it up with you to make it decoration. By his image and likeness, you can even make copies - after all, this is the main advantage of the game Minecraft. How to create a dragon egg? You only need to find the desired materials of suitable color and turn on a bit of imagination. But it should be remembered that the original egg will still be only one. Moreover, it is not worth getting rid of it too quickly, because it was only about the original Minecraft game. How to hatch the Dragon Egg with Dragon MOD is a completely different conversation.

Egg hatching process

As everyone is well known, minecraft is a game that can be pumped by add-ons and mods to unprecedented heights. And one of these modifications is Dragon MOD - it turns the egg from a useless object into a full-fledged interactive method for producing its own dragon. After installing the Fashion, you need to go in search of a light and warm place, since it is precisely such conditions that the small dragon is required. Now you will learn one of the most exciting secrets of the game Minecraft - how to activate the Dragon Egg. Dump the pit with the edges of three three cells and fill it with water. Place the cube of the Earth on the central cell of the pit, and the egg itself is already. To speed up the process, you can position around the lava's egg, then the dragon will appear before the usual. You can track egg growth progress, as it can be visible even visually. But the result is always one - after a while you have a unique and unusual pet.

In fact, this is a very interesting feature of the game Minecraft: how to take a dragon egg that can be understood intuitively, and that's what to do with him further is a question much more serious. The most important thing is how much you feed your new pet. Most of all he loves fish, and in return, he will give you excellent protection and will be the original means for movement.

To raise a dragon in minecraft, you must first get this egg. And for this you have to go on a journey, kill the giant lizard and install dragomounts modes. The tamed dragon is worth the effort and it is almost impossible to kill it, it is very strong and will guard you. And if you scratch the saddle - it can be used as a vehicle.

Arming with a strong sword, kraft, good armor and go to Ender. Only in this location you can find a dragon. It only appears at night, but notice him will not be difficult - his eyes are very bright. After his death from the dragon, the portal will remain in the ordinary world and the egg. Try the dragon from the egg without additional modes will not work. Therefore, download and install Dragomounts.

To raise the dragon, it is necessary to need a warm and safe place. Well, then the matter of time. If you did everything right - then the egg will glow violet and a few days later a small dragon will appear.

After the dragon hatch, you need to tame it with the help of fish. Therefore, to take care of the reserve in advance, especially as long as the lizard grew - you will have to feed it. Also, if he gets substantial damage in battle, you can fix it with food.

With Dragomounts mod, you can get several types of dragons:
  • to obtain a fiery dragon - drop by the egg next to the egg and pour Lava into it;
  • to obtain a water dragon - pour water instead of lava;
  • to get a hellish dragon - place an egg next to the unit from hell;
  • to obtain the air dragon, you will have to build a tower with a height of 20 blocks and put an egg there (it will change the color on the blue - do not be afraid);
  • if you put an egg surrounded by grass and colors, and it will change the color to green - it means you will soon get an earthen dragon;
  • for the Ghost Dragon, you need to put an egg underground, for example, in the cave, most importantly - so that the sunlight does not penetrate it.

If you are tired of traveling in the world of "minecraft", make yourself a pet. It may be one of the friendly creatures, for example, a dog or a cat. Naturally, you can go to exotic, that is, tame any more unusual monsters. But in any case, whoever become your companion, he will not make any comparison with a dragon. Naturally, every gamer would like to have such a companion, because he can fly, very powerfully attack fire and in general looks very and very impressive. But it is very difficult to get it without using modifications, but it is possible. And in this article you will learn how to grow a dragon in the "minecraft" without mods. This process will be quite complicated, so you will need to be completely concentrated on it to prevent errors.

Getting egg

So, if you want to learn how to grow a dragon in the "minecraft" without mods, then you first need to get an egg. And there are already problems here, because the egg can only be found in the world of End, where the main boss game lives - a huge dragon. It is him that you need to win the egg fell out of it. Following this, the portal opens in the native world, and you can pick up. However, in this form it will serve exclusively as a decoration.

Naturally, all gamers want to reach a new level and get a dragon out of the egg, but for this will have to do a lot of work. And here it is worth thinking about whether you really want to avoid using modifications. After all, you will need one team from you to get the desired dragon. But if you still want to learn how to grow a dragon in the "minecraft" without mods, then care must be taken.

Egg Preparing for Growing

The first thing you need to do is when you have a dragon egg, is to fully prepare. You will not be able to learn how to grow a dragon in the "minecraft" without mods, if at the same time you will act at random. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct certain operations depending on whether you play alone or in multiplayer mode. If you concerned the first case, you need to go to creativity mode and activate the use of cheat codes. So, you will not use modifications, but it is not necessary to hope that you can get a dragon without third-party help, exclusively on the game engine. Unfortunately this is not possible.

Well, if the game goes online, then you need to keep one simple rule - you must be the main one. That is how - only the administrator can grow a dragon or give it to others. And now it's time to solve one of the most exciting Myscraft mysteries: how to grow a dragon without mods?

Command Blocks

You switched to creative mode or became the administrator of the server is not just like that - it's all the big step towards understanding without mods. The fact is that it will be necessary - this is a fairly interesting item that is only available through the game console - that is why it is necessary to play in creative mode or have administrator rights in the multiplayer.

What is the command block? This is the same block as everyone else, just at the same time it has incredible abilities - you can write to it any team, and he will execute it when the Redstone signal arrives. Only here in order to make a complete team units from the egg of the Dragon, in each of which you need to enter your own team. Some of them will be quite simple, and others are complex, for example, testing all the conditions necessary to appear the dragon. So if you did everything right, it will remain quite a bit before you can learn how to grow and tame a dragon in the "minecraft" without mods.

The appearance of the Dragon

Before the pet appears on the light, you can equip his place. First of all, somehow decorate the territory where the egg is, after which they do the rest of the scenery. When all the instructions of the command blocks are completed, the dragon will appear, which you have yet to tame. But it is much simpler than in the case of other animals.

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