International Day Kashi. How to celebrate World Cashier Day. Porridge from Polba

Projects houses 28.04.2021
Projects houses

Porridge is about 200-350 kcal per 100 g, but they are saturated with the body with vitamins and minerals, help to lose weight and charge the body with energy.

Pearl porridge

The pearl cereal can be used for breakfast, and for lunch, but it is worth it to soak for an hour. It can be combined with meat, vegetables and even dried fruits. Vitamin B in composition normalizes the work of the nervous system, which is simply necessary at the autumn time of the year, and vitamin E helps to get rid of dryness and skinny skin.

The uniqueness of the face and is that the cereals helps to neutralize allergic reactions. But experts advise not to get involved in pregnant women, as the composition is gluten, a substance that can negatively affect the development of the fetus.


Couscus is made of solid wheat varieties, millet, barley or rice. The composition is Vitamin B5, which fights chronic fatigue, strengthens immunity and copes with insomnia. This cereal increases the level of hemoglobin, which is relevant in the autumn period. With the help of a kuskus you can lose weight delicious. The fiber in the composition reduces the secretion of Great - hormone, which provokes overeating. This porridge is convenient because it is preparing only 1-2 minutes, it can be safely used for breakfast. You can boil, prepare for a couple or just pour hot broth and leave for 10 minutes. The couscous is perfectly combined with meat, and fish, and vegetables.


Popular Bulgur - wheat cereals. This porridge will help to diversify the autumn diet. The product is well absorbed by the body and is considered to be "winter" food, as it has a warming effect. This porridge is valued by the presence of iron in the composition, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins of Group V. One of the important useful properties is protection against cancer. Bulgur can be prepared on chicken or vegetable broth, for losing weight - on the water.


Polenta in Italy, Banoches in Ukraine, and prepare these dishes from corn cereals.

Corn Crupes is a low-allergenic product that can be used in baby food. The benefits of porridge and in the fact that after thermal processing, all useful minerals and vitamins are preserved: potassium, sodium, group vitamins, as well as e, a and pp. The composition has both folic acid necessary during pregnancy. Prepare a corn bar simply, it is enough to boil in chicken broth or water, adding butter to taste, cheese, cottage cheese or vegetables. Porridge is also perfectly combined with any kind of meat.


Oatmeal can be prepared both on milk and on the water (on milk, of course, tastier), in both cases it will not lose their useful properties. And there are a lot of them. Oatmeal is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, group vitamins in and fiber. In addition, OVES contains a lot of antioxidants - among them there is a unique, called Avenanthramides. According to this study, such an antioxidant has anti-inflammatory properties. More oats contain a large amount of beta glucan - the type of fiber soluble. The benefit from beta glucan for the body and health is enormous. First, it reduces the "bad" cholesterol level and blood sugar level. Secondly, promotes the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract. And thirdly, it fits perfectly and suppresses a feeling of hunger.

Buckwheat porridge

We adore buckwheat and never stop praising her valuable properties for the body, which you probably know. But we will remind you just in case. Buckwheat contains a lot of useful elements and substances, such as phosphorus, zinc, iron, vitamin B6, folic and pantothenic acid. According to research, buckwheat reduces the "bad" level of cholesterol, helps prevent heart disease and fight high pressure. In addition, buckwheat cereals is an excellent source of plant squirrel, which is why all the athletes, vegetarians and seeking to lose weight people like it so much. Buckwheat helps to facilitate diabetes. In one study, a group of people suffering from diabetes, consumed buckwheat porridge for two months. At the end of the experiment, participants found that they began to feel better and noticed a decrease in insulin resistance without any drugs. Often buckwheat compared with new-fashioned Movie - they contain approximately the same amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but at the same time buckwheat croups are much cheaper. And the buckwheat is like that it has a low glycemic index and refers to the group of Gluten-Free products.

Millet porridge

The milk is very useful, tasty and nutritious porridge. Surely she is associated with their childhood, so many people still loves her. In addition to the pleasant taste, the millet porridge boasts important properties. Studies show that millet contributes to improving the condition at bronchial asthma, and may also prevent its appearance at all. Also, this cereal reduces the risk of the development of the second type diabetes - it contains a lot of magnesium. This element is just the main "fighter" with this disease. Moite is a source not only magnesium, but also calcium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, iron, group vitamins in and various beneficial substances, such as leucine, tryptophan, threonine and histidine.

Porridge from Polba

On a wavelength of a healthy lifestyle, the Polba received a special popularity of the Polba now, although this grain appeared very and for a long time - about 5-6 thousand years before our era. Flour from the cereals of the guard, pasta from the shelf, flakes from the police - everything seems to have heard of them, but do not know what the provinces possesses. Now we will tell - there is something! The cereals of the shelf rich in various microelements - iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium - and substances. Among such substances, nicotinic and folic acid and thiamine can be isolated. Nicotinic acid plays a key role in proper operation of the endocrine system. Folic acid reduces the risk of heart disease and attacks, and is also able to protect the fruit of the child from the development of defects during the pregnancy of a woman. Thanks to the same minerals - zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, selenium - the ripple has a positive effect on bone health and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Linen porridge

Just like about the half, about linen kas, supporters of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition remembered quite recently. And I remembered not in vain: Linen porridge is a storehouse of vitamins and valuable elements. Among substances, omega-3 fatty acids can be distinguished, lignas, soluble and insoluble fiber. Omega-3 acids are known as "good" fats and are considered extremely useful for the health of the heart. Lignan is vegetable phytoestrogens, which have antioxidant properties, and therefore can resist cancer. According to the director of health and nutrition in The Flax Council of Canada Kelly Fitzpatrick, recent studies have shown: linen seed protects against the appearance of breast cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer.

Rice porrige

White polished rice, as is known, not the most useful product. In the course of processing, grain loses all valuables, and therefore properties. But if you are not ready to refuse yourself in the rice caress on milk (and it is really very tasty), sometimes you can pamper yourself with this dish for breakfast you can still - try to cook porridge from brown rice, which just contains vitamins, especially Vitamins of group B, and trace elements, such as magnesium, manganese and calcium.


We wanted one or not, but literally each of us eating a manna porridge in kindergarten. We are unlikely to see this porridge in the list of useful dishes, especially if a person tries to lead himself into the form or simply feeds. And that's why.

The semolina grip is made of wheat. It contains 70% of carbohydrates of all chemical composition, little fiber, vitamins and minerals, and it also has a high glycemic index. The semolina cereals are easily digested and is quickly absorbed, so it is undesirable to use with overweight. Thanks to the enveloping effect and high digestibility, the semolina porridge is very useful not only in childhood and old age, but also people with problems with the stomach, intestines, facing food, as well as those who are on rehabilitation after heavy diseases and complex operations.

The most useful porridge, according to most nutritionists, is buckwheat and oatmeal. They are leading on the content of vitamins and trace elements, perfectly absorbed and have a low glycemic index, which is good for the figure. They also do not require much time for cooking - buckwheat is enough to pour boiling water overnight, and oatmeal - in the morning for 5-10 minutes.

The most uncomfortable - corn croups and a model: they have a low content of vitamins, trace elements, a small amount of vegetable protein and a rather high glycemic index. If you lose weight or support yourself in shape, try not to lean on them. Eat these porridges 3-4 times a month, since the diversity is a healthy nutrition principle.

Unfortunately World Cashier Day Appeared in Scotland: Since 1994, the World Porridge Making Championship (World Porridge Making Championship) has been arranged annually in the Scottish village of Carkridge. The winner takes the honorable trophy in the form of a gold-plated stick for stirring porridge, and for fans of experiments there is a separate nomination for the best variation of oatmeal, for example, the last time we won the risotto of oatmeal with lemon, thyme and parmesan. In 2009, Mary's Meal Charitable Organization, which helps starving children in poor countries, officially secured on October 10 for World Cashie Day.

We suggest to celebrate this holiday in Russian and cook, no, not oatmeal, and Guriev's porridge.The history of her appearance is not as obvious as it is considered. She gave her name at the beginning of the XIX century Minister of Finance Count Guriev, difficult to argue with this. Nevertheless, the authorship of the recipe is unlikely to belong to Dmitry Alexandrovich himself. Recipes of cooking Guriev Kashi are many. On the summer heat, she was even kept in the glacier and served on the table as ice cream, decorated with fresh berries. In this recipe, the general principle of preparation, a sequence of actions and selection of products is important. And although Guryevskaya porridge demands from the owners of a considerable skill, it is still among the most famous and beloved dishes of Russian cuisine.

Guryevskaya porridge


  • 2 l Fresh cream fatness 20%
  • 1/2 cup of semolina
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 pod of Vanilla
  • creamy oil for lubrication

For interlayers and decorations:

  • fruits to taste (grapes, apricots, peaches, pineapple, kiwi, apples, pears)
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup of almonds

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Step 1

For almonds, soak in boiling water, clean and charge; Fruits on-cut with pieces, fold into a heated pan with a thick bottom. Pass sugar, moisten 2 tbsp. l. water. Put on a weak fire, prepare 10 minutes.

Step 2.

Vanilla pod cut along half. 1/3 cream pour into pig-iron, screaming the knife with a pod of vanilla seeds, put in cream, add and pod. Bring to a boil, reduce fire to the minimum, prepare 10 minutes. Remove the pod.

Step 3.

In boiling cream, perepay the semolia, salt and sugar, mix, weld the man nai porridge, 3-4 minutes. Remove the cast iron from the stove, close the lid, wrap in the blanket and leave to flip while the foam is being prepared.

Step 4.

In an enameled high-sided scholater or a thick-walled deep form for baking, pour the remaining cream and put in the oven preheated to 140-150 ° C (turn off the convection mode, otherwise the circulating air will not allow foam to form). When a strong light brown foam appears on the surface, it must be accurately removed by shimmer, polo-live on a lubricated oil in a frying pan or in a baking form and give birth to the formation of the next foam. This process takes about 1 h.

Step 5.

Layers in Guryevskiy KaShe are collected in such a sequence: 2-3 foams, a layer of manna porridge, a layer of fruit. Then again - foam, porridge and so on. Collect porridge as the foam formation is based, and not when they are all ready - you are dangerous that you will not be able to separate the cooled foams from each other. Complete porridge should the last layer of foam, decorated with fruit and nuts. Serve the Guryev porridge with warm or cooled.

Soup yes porridge - our food

A.V. Suvorov

Without porridge, it seems not to do without any. We prepare it almost daily for breakfast. The porridge loves and eat people of all ages: from Mala to Great. Porridge is the foundation of healthy and proper nutrition. Porridge, like no other product, is extremely positively affected by our body and appearance. They remove all toxins and slags from the body and help to cheer up in the morning, as well as boasting energy and power for the whole day.

The porridge for the first time began to celebrate in the UK, as the British are known for their love for oatmeal. Gradually, this tradition spread throughout the world, and every year on October 11 in cafes and restaurants of different countries, original and sophisticated dishes are served.

On this day, tournaments and cooking championships are arranged, in which experienced cooks compete in culinary skills. There are no less popular competitions for better consumer, because porridges can be so deliciously prepared that it is impossible to break away from them.

Our ancestors also celebrated the end of the harvest of fairs, holidays and folk festivals. After the grain harvesting and replenishing homeland reserves, the peasants arranged a feast with porridge cooked with meat, ram and swine fat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits.

The one who believes that to offer a guest porridge as a meal is shame, is mistaken. Izstari porridge was the second to the authority of the dish in the Russian table.

What is the porridge cook from? The question seems simple, and every child knows the answer to him: a buckwheat porridge is boiled from buckwheat, a pearl porridge from pearl cereals. As for Bucky, everything is right, but the rest is not quite so. Boris Burda writes: "The millenic porridge is actually a wigble, manna - from wheat, pearl - in general from barley. By the way, what is a pearl porridge with pearl oil? It turns out that Pearl porridge with Margarine is Pearl, he is a pearl, and the word "Margarine" happened from the Greek name of the pearls. "

Most of us believe that there is nothing complicated in the preparation of porridge: you only need to accurately observe the ratio of cereals and water. However, if not followed by a certain rules relating to the temperature and pressure force (its intensity) and pressure, the porridge is not particularly tasty. That is why the porridge has many of us such a dismissive attitude. But it's guilty after all, not porridge, which were once the most lackless dishes, and the cooks, their incorrectly prepared. If you cook porridge correctly, it will not only be tasty, but also good for health.

Porridge is one of the favorite dishes of the Russian table. The range of porridge in Russian cuisine is very wide. They were cooked from different croup crumbly, viscous, liquid with fish, meat, lavender, onion, mushrooms. In the past, one of the main places was given a caress on the festive tables. There was even a holiday "Babia Kashi." Not without reason it was previously said that "Russian without porridge will not feed". At this cherished, Kushan was wondering, considering that in the summer the porridge is well rumbling - to the rain, and in the winter to the snow.

Kashi cooked on milk, cream, sour cream, broth. In the middle of the XIX century. In Moscow, Kashi famous Gourmet Rakhmanov, who were prepared on concentrated broths from rake with cheese. Several earlier, Russian aristocracy met the porridge Velmazby Gurieva.

For the preparation of ordinary porridge, the croup is swore, washed (except for buckwheat, semolina, poltava small and oatmeal), and for the crumbly - it is slightly roasted. Then poured with liquid, add salt, butter and stirring, boil under the lid until all the liquid is absorbed. After porridge, they put it in a hot oven or joke with very weak heating. Ready porridge can be fed in a pan. Served to the saches, boost and separate dish with oil, milk, cream and sugar.

Kashi occupy a completely special place in our kitchen, and not just so, because they are saturated with energy, give health and longevity. One of the most interesting casters of traditional Russian cuisine is the Guryevskaya Porridge - a very interesting, tasty and useful dish.

You can cook a guriev porridge for breakfast or lunch, but some of her admirers love to eat it at any time of the day. Such a admirer was Emperor Alexander III, who considered her his beloved dish. Interesting and sad historical fact - it was her who was going to eat the emperor before the train on which he was driving with his family, failed, after which Alexander III began to hurt and eventually died due to kidney disease.

I came up with this wonderful dish at the beginning of the 19th century, Zakhar Kuzmin, who loved porridge Minister D.A. Guriev made his home cook. The cereal recipe gradually began to master all the cooks of Moscow nobility, she began to appear in cookbooks even outside of Russia and became very famous. And today it remains one of the most popular porridge.

Gurieevskaya porridge is at the same time the second dish and dessert, so children love it so much. Its traditional components are semolina, nuts, cream or dairy fifts, dried fruits. As for the preparation, it is not very simple, but it is definitely worth it, and it is easy to make sure of it, having prepared it at least one day.

Porridge Guryevskaya hot


1/2 cup of semolina

2 glasses of whole milk

2 tablespoons of butter

100 g of sugar

2 cups of thick cream

FROM ancient times, humanity grown various cereals: wheat and rice, barley and millet, oats and corn, rye and buckwheat. And they are all, and not only they are used to obtain croup. And almost any dish cooked from these croup is called porridge. The porridge is valued all over the world, but most of all she has always been revered and revered in Russia, where porridge has long been applied on weekdays and on holidays.

IN Its time about the value of Kas began to forget, but now, in the framework of the idea of \u200b\u200bhealthy nutrition, interest in porridge is being revived, including the history and traditions of Russian kas.

N. rus existed holidays marked by ritual porridges. About some of them and are given below. So, holidays porridge.

Babia Kashi.

B. abhai Kashi - the Day of the People's Calendar, celebrated on January 8th. The holiday of Baby Kash has very ancient roots and goes back to the reverence of the goddesses of mothers. On this day, they worshiped overwhelmed grandmothers and feminines.

E. holidays and other names - Babi Day, Babin, Day of Own Books and Rozhnitz, Holiday of the God and Rozhanitsa, Bubets (Bryan.), Maladzene (Belarusian), Zіmnі Pakroўchyk (Belarusian), Holy Virgin (Belarusian .), Babinen (Bulge), "Babin Dan" (Serb.), Huslar's Day of the Prophet David, Darius - year gives, the holiday of the Cathedral of the Most Holy Virgin (Christ.).

IN This day was honored by hanging grandmothers and feminines. According to the ancient custom, in many places the Russian women went to the maternity hospitals. Women having children brought gifts and treats: beer or liquor, pies, pancakes. They came with children so that grandmothers were blessed. It was especially recommended that day to go to the grandmothers to future mothers and young girls.

P ovituha cooked a porridge for the fencers from millet or buckwheat, the meal was called the grass and godzhants. Casha assigned an important role in rituals. For example, to prevent the child's lowness, the grandmother raised the pot with porridge, saying: "grow high-high." In order for the baby to quickly stand on his feet, the eldest children were also awarded a pot of porridge: it was supposed to eat on the street, and put a rooster or chicken in a blank pot (respectively, the semi-newborn). On this day, the first hair has been striking.

P convention and joint food with overwhelmed grandmothers sometimes took place from the evening "to white light." At the table had fun, joked, the conversations were almost always filled with sexual subtext.

FROM aMA Overweight grandma sometimes spent rituals who had to help women have more children.

IN arili at home on this day instead of ordinary porridge Babkin, or a baptismal, porridge - she was "rich", that is, the rapid: satisfying and delicious. For her, they did not bother on milk, cream, butter, eggs. The finished porridge was decorated with poppy, berries, nuts, halves of eggs, baked a chicken or a cockerel in it depending on whether the girl or boy was born in the family.

BUT More through Babkin porridges were gadal on fate. If, during cooking, she got out of a pot in the direction of the furnace - they expected to be happy, the gracious year, otherwise they were preparing for trouble, however, they could be avoided if the "unlucky" porridge was drowning with a pot into the hole.

IN different traditions existed different traditions, and the holiday itself was celebrated on different days. So, in Bulgaria on the Babin day, the ritual "Washing hands" is carried out. Early in the morning there were women who had children aged 1 to 3 years old. They brought a bucket of a bucket with clean water, soap and a new towel, watered a woven grandmother in their arms, and then he filed her towel, which she took a gift (even as a gift, the clothes was brought, the canvas - all this put her right shoulder . At the same time, the old woman tried the ritual to raise as much spray as possible with a sprinkler, so that the baby's child would run and jumped in strong health. For their part, the attacks gave children's socks and shirts to mothers, and if a child came with his mother, she tied a coin on his arm or a hurry figurine with woven threads (red and white).

IN on the time of the festivities, which continued to deep night, was taken to the sleigh or on the telega to the well and were watered there with water. The women were injected in the cart themselves. From those who met on the way of men, they demanded a repurchase of wine, money, otherwise they were watered with water, removed clothes from them, etc.

IN Eastern Serbia was dedicated to women all day for women who became mothers over the past year. Women with their babies attended the reply (Serb. Babitsa) and gave gifts. Mothers thanked the rents, brought their dishes, gave the towers and scarves. In turn, the hangup tied his feet to the feet of the Konopley's feet - it was believed that in this case the child will go faster, and on his head put a piece of white wool, so that the hair grew well.

P ovituhi were ("Bnnichi") usually married women who had their children, and with a flawless reputation in the eyes of fellow villagers. The obstacles knew traditions, they had a great experience of the objects, owned a ritual practice, knew many conspiracies, prayers and just good words for the binding of the feminine. The first few days behind the young mother also looked after the hangup. For help, this was gifted by gifts, money or products. By the time of the baptism, the rebel grandmother passed the baby to the care of a shaft mother, but a spiritual relationship was established for the entire life, a spiritual relationship was established for his entire life.

The ritual of the Babi and his customs are confined to various calendar holidays or are part of the maternity ritual. In South and Western Russian regions and in Siberia, the celebration of Mituch and Rozhanits was celebrated on December 26 and 27 and was also called the same Babi Kashi, Babi Day, Babin. Babina, began to be celebrated in parallel to the holiday of the icon of the Virgin "Help in childbirth" and the icon of "Whether Birth". In Belarus and in Bryansk region, the obvious was honored on the second day of Christmas (Wed. Bel. Young, Bryan. Bubets), in Polesie - usually at Easter, in Easter Monday or Passion Thursday. Ukrainians also know the custom of the kneading handicaps shortly after the birth of the child (Zlieki), etc.

Mirian porridge (world cereal day)

D. the rug name of this day is Akulina-buckwheel. It comes to June 26th. On this day, it was supposed to boil buckwheat porridge before landing buckwheat. At Akulin-Grechishchnitsa, it was customary to prepare a worldly porridge from the "backward" (remaining from the previous crop). The tables were taken out on the street and sat down the porrings of the wanderers and beggars, and the neighbors boasted each other - whose porridge is tastier? After the treats, the traditions thanked the owners: "Thank you, the owner with the hostess, with small children and with all honest native - on bread, on salt, on rich porridge! Rude, God, you, Orthodox, Grech without a score! Without bread, yes without cereal - our works ".

FROM has buckwheat in the steppe edges a week before that day, or a week later, in the southern edges of Russia, Grechika was already bloody by this time; In Malorussey, the hosts had a custom to tear buckwheat buckwheat, bring home and, shut up for the image, to leave until next year.

ABOUT The transfer of buckwheat on Russia has preserved a poetic fairy tale "Breeding".

IN arched worldly cereals and other holidays.

ABOUT the kneading world cereals were prepared for the beggar and on the day of the campaigns of the swimsuits (July 6). Fresh grain porridge was simply cooked for the treats of the thresholds on the day of the zarling fecle (7 year), when the Ovin was "Birthday"; At the same time, the same porridge was treated in many places and a "offined owner", which the pot was left with this ritual dish in the subroad.

N. e did without ritual porridge and the big winter holidays - Christmas, New Year, Sky, Baptism ... Porridge, put out the hostess at this time on the table, was called the boutows and was satisfied, very tasty and sweet.

International Day Kashi

10 October - International Day Kashi. Officially, there is no such holiday, but it is often mentioned on different sites. The idea is good, why not celebrate this holiday with a delicious porridge ... And there, you look, and the traditions of the new holiday will appear, for example, professional competitions of cooks with folk festivities, a forgotten custom of a worldly cereal will be revived, or a new custom will arise - to treat porridge and give gifts to sick children , orphans ... or conduct charity festivals ...

International Oatmeal Festival

M. the Friendly Oatmeal Festival begins annually into the second Friday of April in the American town of Saint George (South Carolina State. This is a three-day festival dedicated to oatmeal. For the first time, the festival was held in 1985.
Eetote Festival allows you to remind the American public to the American public on the Hamburgers about a healthy food.

Oatmeal Day in Scotland

ABOUT two February 13, and in October in the village of Carrbridge in the north of Scotland, the World Cooking Championship is held, there are best cooks, as well as lovers of the preparation of delicious classical oatmeal. This porridge is made of oat flakes or, as an option, oatmeal, and has long been considered an extremely useful breakfast. The winner is awarded award - "Golden mixer".

L. egend says that in one of the landlords of Kashinsky county, an album was discovered, where there is such an entry: "They came here to porridge, we were told in the old days. Its on the squares of the meal, called Kashin because. "

E. that is the bottom of the versions of the name of this ancient city of Tver Earth, it is associated with traditional Russian kushan. But the tradition - there is a porridge on the squares - in Kashini revived in 2013.

F. esivatal Porridge in Kashin is a big city holiday with a fair of folk art products, master classes on old crafts, games in which you can manifest strength, dexterity and smelting, funny ideas. And, of course, the competitions of Kashinsky kashevarov with a tasting of various types of porridge.
Read Diashe

E. in Kashin, the Museum of Kashi and Kashin traditions. Here you can learn about the customs associated with porridge, see the kashevar attributes, familiarize yourself with the features of various types of cereals and porridge recipes.

Charitable festival "Holiday Cashie" in Moscow

B. the Pottime Festival "Cashie Holiday" on October 11, 2014 was held in Moscow at Kuznetsky Bridge.

Moving Kashi.

E. that is not a holiday, but ancient Russian tradition. When moving to a new house, the hostess last ovens the furnace in the old house and cooks porridge, wraps a pot into a clean towel and, bowing all directions, says: "The owner-father, with a joke, with small robbles, and go to a new log house, To the new home to the old cattle, to the old people. " Then the furnace is extinguished, the pot of porridge is transferred to a new home, they burn the fire for the first time in a new furnace and the porridge brought in it.

More about porridge and croup

Cruises and porridge

October 11 - International Day Kashi.

Porridge is the foundation of healthy and proper nutrition. Porridge, like no other product, is extremely positively affected by our body and appearance.
The porridge for the first time began to celebrate in the UK, as the British are known for their love for oatmeal. Gradually, this tradition spread throughout the world, and every year on October 11 in cafes and restaurants of different countries, original and sophisticated dishes are served.
On this day, tournaments and cooking championships are arranged, in which experienced cooks compete in culinary skills. There are no less popular competitions for better consumer, because porridges can be so deliciously prepared that it is impossible to break away from them.
Our ancestors also celebrated the end of the harvest of fairs, holidays and folk festivals. After the grain harvesting and replenishing homeland reserves, the peasants arranged a feast with porridge cooked with meat, ram and swine fat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits.
The one who believes that to offer a guest porridge as a meal is shame, is mistaken. Izstari porridge was the second to the authority of the dish in the Russian table.
What is the porridge cook from? The question seems simple, and every child knows the answer to him: a buckwheat porridge is boiled from buckwheat, a pearl porridge from pearl cereals.
Most of us believe that there is nothing complicated in the preparation of porridge: you only need to accurately observe the ratio of cereals and water. However, if not followed by a certain rules relating to the temperature and pressure force (its intensity) and pressure, the porridge is not particularly tasty. That is why the porridge has many of us such a dismissive attitude. But it's guilty after all, not porridge, which were once the most lackless dishes, and the cooks, their incorrectly prepared. If you cook porridge correctly, it will not only be tasty, but also good for health.
Porridge is one of the favorite dishes of the Russian table. The range of porridge in Russian cuisine is very wide. They were cooked from different croup crumbly, viscous, liquid with fish, meat, lavender, onion, mushrooms. In the past, one of the main places was given a caress on the festive tables. There was even a feast of "Babia Kashi." Not without reason, they used to say that "Russian without porridge will not feed." At this cherished, Kushan was wondering, considering that in the summer the porridge is well rumbling - to the rain, and in the winter to the snow.
In the middle of the XIX century, the porridges of the famous gourmet Rakhmanov were famous in Moscow, who were preparing on concentrated broths from rake with cheese. Several earlier, Russian aristocracy met the porridge Velmazby Gurieva.
For the preparation of ordinary porridge, the croup is swore, washed (except for buckwheat, semolina, poltava small and oatmeal), and for the crumbly - it is slightly roasted. Then poured with liquid, add salt, butter and stirring, boil under the lid until all the liquid is absorbed. After porridge, they put it in a hot oven or joke with very weak heating. Ready porridge can be fed in a pan. Served to the saches, boost and separate dish with oil, milk, cream and sugar.
You can cook a guriev porridge for breakfast or lunch, but some of her admirers love to eat it at any time of the day. So the admirer was the emperor Alexander IIIwho considered it with his own favorite dish.
Invented this wonderful dish in the early 19th century a fortress cook Zakhar Kuzminwho loved porridge minister Dmitry Aleksandrovich Guriev made his home cook. The porridge recipe gradually began to master all the cooks of Moscow nobility.
Gurieevskaya porridge is at the same time the second dish and dessert, so children love it so much.

1/2 cup of semolina;
Two glasses of solid milk;
Two tablespoons of butter;
100 grams of sugar;
Two glasses of thick cream;
300 grams of nuclear kernels;
200 grams of fruit from a compote or jam, vanilla, salt.
Prepare this porridge from manna, rice or buckwheat (done). In a well-strained milk porridge, oil, sugar, vanilla, salt and warm under the lid in a hot oven for 30 minutes.
A cream poured into a small skeleton (it is possible to add to them and butter), put into the heated oven, the resulting twisted foams gradually remove the noise and lay out on the plate.
They collect foams at least 10 times, and the thick residue of the cream is added to porridge.
In the oil-lubricated oil, the metal dishes lay the porridge layer (1/3 of part), then a layer of foam, a layer of beened the inclined nuts, slices of fruit from a compote or jam, again put a layer of porridge, shift it with foams, nuts, fruits and so on.
So, alternating, fill the whole form (there should be a layer of porridge from above), fall asleep with a layer of sugar, decorated with fruits and nuts and warm up in a hot oven for 10 minutes.
Served hot with apricot puree or any fruit juice. Bon Appetit!
October 11 - Day of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
On October 11, Bashkortostan celebrates the Day of the Republic - the day of adoption of the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the Bashkir Soviet Socialist Republic. On this day in 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic proclaimed a declaration of state sovereignty. The Republic Day is a weekend, and on this day in all cities and districts there are festive events - solemn performances of representatives of power and community, festive concerts, speeches of creative teams, horse racing, fairs, folk festivities, various shows, salutes and fireworks.
The Republic of Bashkortostan is part of the Volga Federal District and is part of the Ural Economic Area. It borders with Tatarstan, Udmurtia, the Perm Territory, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions.
This land has a very ancient history - people lived here for 10 thousand years before our era. About Bashkhah wrote another ancient Greek historian Herodotus, calling them "independent people." From the name of the indigenous people living in this area and received the name of the country formed here - Bashkortostan. Russian (Slavic) Name of the country - Bashkiria - established himself later, at the end of the 16th century, when Bashkirs voluntarily entered into Russia.
Bashkortostan is famous not only by architectural and sculptural monuments created by the hands of a person, but also the creations of nature. So, a unique place that Tourist coming here is trying to visit, is the Bashkiria National Park. It is a forest array of 79 thousand hectares where a huge number of plants grows, several rivers flows and the famous man-made "Bashkir Sea" is located - Nugush reservoir with an area of \u200b\u200b25 square kilometers. By the way, it is in Bashkortostan in 1892 a private entrepreneur Ivan Kanshin He founded the "Russian Switzerland" - a kumoreche paper, with time, turning into a sanatorium. At the end of 2010, this area received the official status of a nature monument.
As souvenirs, the guests of the republic take away from Bashkortostan honey, "the right" felt Bashkir Tubets, women's national hats and gift slippers from felt.
Each people have his own look at what the food should be. For example, Bashkirs have long been led by a half-blood lifestyle. Winter they spent in the villages, and in the summer they went to the fields on the nomads. To survive in such conditions, you need to eat well and be able to adapt to any atmosphere. Probably, therefore, Bashkir national dishes are characterized by special nutrition and at the same time simplicity in preparation.
This circumstance naturally imposed his imprint to the choice of products and the method of processing: Bashkir national dishes are prepared with the minimum quantity of seasonings. In order for the food to be delicious and fragrant, mostly used pepper (red and black), garlic and a large amount of greenery (dill, onions and parsley). Locals believe that this is quite enough. Most of the dishes of Bashkirs are prepared with meat. Usually it is a horse or lamb. Most often, meat is prepared with large pieces with plenty of fat. This is understandable. Indeed, for people living in such conditions, the calorie food is needed. Without it, it is difficult to cope with daily hard work.
Local residents found a way to neutralize the consequences that have been using a large amount of fat on the human body. Together with the meat, they necessarily serve fermented dairy products (Kurute, Ayran or Kumys). Given the features of nomadic life, Bashkirs traditionally use long-term storage products in food (cereals, dried berries and dried meat). Thanks to these features, Bashkir national dishes are characterized by high calorie and benefit. Local hostesses can take the most important thing from each product and use it in the best way. - Bashkir national dishes are prepared with the minimum quantity of seasonings.
But Bashkir national dishes are not limited to meat. Among them there are many products from dough, various drinks and desserts. One of the most popular of them is perhaps "Chuck Chuck." For its preparation you need:

six eggs;
450 grams of flour;
300 grams of sugar;
160 grams of honey;
two grams of salt;
65 milliliters of water;
400 grams of fused oil.
This dessert is preparing very simple: first from whipped eggs, flour and salt must be kneading fresh dough. Then it is necessary to roll it into the reservoir with a thickness of five millimeters. Semi-finished product cut on a strip of no more centimeter width. It turns out several tapes from the test. Now they need to cut across on small pieces. Every width should be no more than 0.5 centimeters. Billets fry in foiled oil. From water, sugar and honey cook syrup. Connect it with fried dough pieces. The finished dish is usually laid out a slide on a plate and served to tea after the mass is slightly freezing.
And today, many are happy to prepare what was invented many years ago: shurpa (brewing soup with meat and greens). Stewed horse, polished garlic and sweet pepper. Beshbarmak (boiled meat with pieces of dough). Belyashi. Meat assorted in Bashkir. Boiled meat products (beef, chicken, tongue, liver and homemade sausage) are served in one plate along with vegetable salad. Kuyrylgan (salad of potatoes, boiled fish and salted cucumbers with mayonnaise).
Soup-Salma. The pieces of the dough are drunk in the meat broth, and then bring to readiness, adding salt and raw onions. Elesh. For this soup, the meat first boiled with large pieces, and then vegetables prepare separately in the broth. Potatoes, cabbage, onions and carrots are also cut by large pieces or just in half.
Tutyrghang (chicken stuffed with eggs with milk and creamy oil). Patties with different fillings (Vak Balish, Accounting, Schurpala-Balish). Doublets (pies with cottage cheese).
Nothing reminds? That's right, the counter of ready-made food in a large shopping center! Thank you, the Republic of Bashkortostan! Thanks for honey and treats!

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