Tea philosophy of china how to lose weight. Chinese green tea for weight loss. Oolong tea: traditional chinese tea

Walls, partitions 27.09.2020
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Many want to lose weight, but not every person is ready to actively work on themselves. Everyone hopes for a miracle cure that will help get rid of those extra pounds effortlessly. One of them, according to the manufacturer's assurances, may be Kudin tea. It has strong fat burning properties. Kudin tea is very popular in China, where it is used for general strengthening of the body and for weight loss.

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Useful properties of Kudin tea

The name of this drink is translated from Chinese as "bitter herb". In fact, this is not tea, but an infusion. The leaves of the Paraguayan holly are used for production, which is the closest relative of mate. The homeland of this plant is the provinces of China. The drink has a bright color, it tastes bitter, but the aftertaste is sweet.

In China, Kudin tea is used for medicinal purposes, such as:

All these amazing qualities are present due to the content of a large amount of vitamins A, C, D, E, group B, as well as trace elements and minerals such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur and others.

Slimming action

Kudin tea is used for weight loss due to the following properties:

  • has an invigorating property, since caffeine is present in the composition;
  • has a tonic effect on the body as a whole, which adjusts to intensive training;
  • helps to reduce appetite.

At first glance, these properties are similar to other caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, green tea. However, its significant difference lies in the fact that other infusions stimulate the release of digestive enzymes. It turns out that caffeine from coffee or tea does not have time to reduce appetite.

You should not consume Kudin tea on an empty stomach or replace one of the meals with it, as it has the same negative properties as pu-erh tea and can be harmful. The best solution is to drink Kudin in the morning, while consuming protein foods.

The likely reason for losing a few pounds is the elimination of water from the body, as it has a diuretic effect. Of course, for many, getting rid of excess intercellular fluid will help eliminate edema, but this method of losing weight does not affect the amount and volume of fat. And if the drinking regime is not observed after the cancellation of Kudin's reception, everything can return with a vengeance.

A similar effect can be expected from many drinks, such as oolong, puer, mate, green, etc. All of them have a tonic, invigorating and diuretic effect.

Kudin is only a way to diversify the diet, but alone will not be able to cope with fat reserves. In reality, in order to lose weight, you still have to reconsider your eating habits, reduce portion sizes, give up unhealthy foods and engage in vigorous physical activity, especially cardio. Without all this, it is impossible to lose weight, no matter how miraculous it is.

Kudin tea is a healthy drink that is used in China for medicinal purposes. Some consider it to be a good weight loss aid. But this fact has not been fully proven. Without observing the diet and an active lifestyle, you should not expect a result.

Many weight loss diets include Chinese tea. But most often they do not say what kind of tea you need to drink in order to lose weight. The person just goes to the nearest tea, coffee shop and buys tea that says “Chinese” and possibly a dragon.

Most people do that. It is not right. The fact is that there are Chinese teas that block appetite (Shu Puer, for example), and there are those that, on the contrary, cause it (Shen Puer). Plus, if you want your diet to be healthy, you only need to buy real Chinese tea, not flavored or fake.

I have been making tea for many years, buying it directly from China in villages and tea markets. Tea has changed my life for the better (and my figure too), so I would like to advise you on the most suitable slimming teas for diets.

So let's go.

1. Aged Shu Puer in bulk is great for any diet. You can drink it in the morning on an empty stomach - after it you don't feel like eating for several hours. Tip: Drink this Shu Puer in the morning with low-fat milk. There is a feeling of satiety, and fat does not accumulate.

2. Aged Shu Puer loose of high quality - this tea is more expensive, but the effect of it is greater. Tones up, blocks appetite. The higher the quality of Puer, the greater the effect.

3. Pu-erh "Energy bomb" - this pu-erh is good because it is pressed into balls. 1 ball - one day of the diet. Easy to count. This tea has a pleasant nutty flavor in the taste. When you are on a diet, such a small thing becomes essential. After all, you still want to please yourself with something, don't you?

4. Shu Puer in mandarin is an excellent tea for weight loss. For those who found the previous three options boring. This is a cool Shu Puer that is pressed inside a mandarin. Tea tastes interesting. Can be brewed with crusts.

Shu Puer in mandarin \u003d vitamins + weight loss + pleasure

5. Wuyishan Oolongs are unique teas. They are collected by Chinese monks high in the mountains. These teas have a slightly reddish infusion and a rich taste. Amazing soothing effect. Not only helps you lose weight, but also relieves stress. By the way, I have been to the Wuishan Mountains, where these oolongs grow. I have not met a single fat person. Among the Chinese, it is generally difficult to meet an overweight person. After all, they drink tea every day.

6. Guangdong oolongs - for real gourmets. Gourmets find it most difficult to diet, because they know so many delicious dishes. Therefore, the "gourmet solution" is Guangdong Oolongs. They not only help to get rid of excess weight, but also have a record long and rich aftertaste - several hours after drinking tea.

7. Gaba tea - tea made by a special technology of oxygen-free processing. It contains GABA, an amino acid that is a neurotransmitter. This tea is recommended for people with depression, frequent bad moods. Some even relieve hangover for them. I love this tea. During a diet, you always get a little nervous - you want to eat something sweet or fat. And this tea distracts and soothes. I recommend drinking this tea for weight loss in the very last days of the diet, when the strength is already running out.

8. Te Kuan Yin is a light, transparent tea. At the very sight of this tea, there is a desire to become light and airy. Tie Guan Yin recommended to me to drink during the diet one Chinese. Three villages obey this Chinese. And I obeyed. I didn’t regret it.

9. White teas are the healthiest Chinese teas. Have you heard about such? They are processed very carefully so they retain all the vitamins. I recommend including white tea for weight loss in summer diets. It has a cooling property. It is useful to drink it warm in the heat instead of soft drinks. Cold drinks, especially soda, do not actually quench your thirst, but rather provoke your appetite. That's why McDonald's has so much soda - so that we eat more hamburgers.

The shelves of modern stores are actually "bursting" with a rich assortment of various slimming teas. At the same time, all sellers assure that their Chinese tea for weight loss is "the very magic elixir that will help you lose weight in a matter of days." Pu-erh, oolong, white tea, yellow tea - from the names just "eyes run up." What kind of tea should you choose in the end so that you can wait for the promised effect, and at the same time not harm your health?

First, immediately dismiss the idea that the use of one "miracle product" - be it tea, natural pills, roots and herbs - will magically save you from overweight problems. Such a product simply does not exist, "losing weight by 10 kilograms in 10 days without effort" is unrealistic. Only if you completely stop eating, but this is very dangerous for the body. And health, as they say, is above beauty. Yes, and the maximum that you will be offered under such a dubious slogan is a laxative "on herbs."

Secondly, real Chinese slimming tea can only be sold in specialized tea shops or licensed pharmacies, and its price corresponds to such an exclusive status. Therefore, the low cost of "miracle tea" should immediately arouse suspicion.

Forewarned is forearmed. Now let's be clear - can real Chinese tea help you lose weight? And which teas from China are really healthy? The answer from the experts is that green tea, oolong tea and pu-erh tea are best for weight loss.

Chinese green tea for weight loss


The benefits of green Chinese tea for weight loss have been known for a long time, even during the reign of the first dynasty of emperors, that is, several hundred in the summer ago.

Brewing method

For making green tea, “live” spring water without mineral salts is suitable. Before brewing, tea utensils should be rinsed with boiling water. After the dishes have warmed up, you need to start brewing. The amount for brewing is determined individually, on average - one teaspoon per 200 ml of water. Tea is brewed with water cooled to 80 - 85 o C.

The first time, green tea needs to be insisted for 2 minutes and completely poured into the chahai, then pouring into cups. The brewed tea must be completely poured into cups, you cannot leave anything in the teapot, otherwise the tea will eventually taste bitter.


  • improves metabolism;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • removes toxins and toxins from the body;
  • good immunostimulant;
  • positively affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • rich in caffeine, therefore tones up throughout the day.


Chinese green tea contains many antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the body, improve the color and condition of the skin, and improve digestion. Beneficial trace elements and antioxidants reduce wrinkles.

Green tea is most effective for weight loss. At the same time, the weight decreases naturally, slowly and steadily.

To lose weight, Chinese green tea should be drunk 6 times a day, without sugar or sugar substitutes.

Options for "fasting" days with Chinese green tea:

  1. 4 tablespoons of green tea need to be poured into 1.5 liters of hot milk, brew for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Add 1 liter of brewed green tea to 1 liter of milk. You need to drink during the day.
  3. During the day, drink 1 liter of tea in small portions, alternating with boiled water - 1.5-2 liters. This will help remove waste products from the body and restore water balance.

Puerh: the most hyped Chinese tea

It is under this name that scammers often advertise their dubious weight loss products.


Puer comes from the Chinese province of Yunnan, from the town of Puer. This city was considered in ancient times to be the center of the tea trade. There are different varieties of Chinese pu-erh tea where the tea leaves do not go through the curling process. Then pu-erh loose leaf tea is obtained, with a more delicate taste. With proper storage, puer tastes better with age.

Brewing method

For 200 ml of water we take 2 teaspoons of pu-erh tea. You only need to brew pu-erh with hot water, about 80 degrees.

Pour hot water over the tea and pour it out after about half a minute so that the pu-erh is washed out of dirt and absorbed moisture. You need to pour the pu-erh leaves again with water and leave to infuse for 4 minutes. Pour the pu-erh into another cup so it doesn't taste bitter. Pu-erh can be brewed several times.


  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • removes slags;
  • reduces pressure;
  • increases energy.


Puer is used to treat alcoholism. But pu-erh is not recommended for those who are sick with atherosclerosis and hypertension, or if there are stomach problems.

Pu-erh completely replaces coffee, gives an invigorating effect, it will be useful for those who combine diet and exercise.

Oolong tea: traditional chinese tea

Why traditional? Because the process of brewing this tea, even at home, turns into almost a traditional Chinese tea ceremony.


The history of Oolong (Oolong) goes back 4 centuries. This tea is used in the preparation ceremony "Gong Fu Cha", which translates as "The highest tea skill".

Oolong tea, known in China as "Qing Cha" ("Dark Dragon"), which translates as "turquoise, coal black" (this color is obtained after the correct brewing of tea). Oolong tea is one of the most expensive elite teas, known all over the world, and not only in China.

This tea in the Chinese classification is between the red and green varieties.

Brewing method

Taste oolong tea from pairs, thus uniting the earthly and heavenly beginnings. From a tall bowl, they taste the heavenly - that is, the aroma, and from the bowl - the earthly, that is, the taste.

  • Pour tea into a tall bowl
  • Flip the tea pair
  • We taste the aroma from a tall bowl (weng xia bei), and taste from a bowl.


  • improved metabolism;
  • normalization of weight;
  • affect physical and mental health;
  • a lot of essential oils;
  • low caffeine content;
  • many useful chemical compounds and vitamins C, B1, B6, D, E, K, B12, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine;
  • strengthens the body's resistance;
  • counteracts the formation of tumors;
  • strengthening the fibrous tissues of the vessel walls;
  • prevent thrombophlebitis;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • promotes the appearance of young cells;
  • general rejuvenation of the body.


Oolong tea is very varied in taste - it is a sweet fruity flavor, and the aroma of honey, milk, smoky, etc.

For overweight people, regular consumption of this tea can easily improve their figure. In China, they believe that you should not torture yourself with harmful and merciless diets for the sake of achieving beauty, harmony and fit of the body.

Chinese oolong tea contains half the caffeine of other teas or coffees. Therefore, regular use of Oolong for weight loss by overweight people allows you to normalize metabolic processes in the body, and this helps to naturally burn excess calories.

According to experts, oolong is effective in combating "bad" cholesterol. It has been proven that as a result of regular use, a person loses weight by 10-12 kilograms within six months.

The tea diet is suitable for those who do not like the monotonous diet while losing weight. What not to eat during a tea diet:

  • Sugar
  • Fatty and fried foods
  • Flour products
  • Margarine
  • Alcoholic and "synthetic" drinks.

What you need to eat during a tea diet:

  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Seafood
  • Nuts
  • Greens
  • Dairy products
  • Ginger
  • Dried apricots

The main thing is not to overeat and drink at least 1 liter of any Chinese tea and at least a liter of non-carbonated mineral water (!) Per day.

You need to be more outdoors and get enough sleep. After a couple of months, you will not only lose a few pounds, but you will feel, in general, much better and more cheerful.

Are Chinese Slimming Teas Safe?

Important! Any Chinese tea for weight loss should be consumed in moderation and rather carefully. This tea is classified as a diuretic. Improper and excessive use leads to dehydration and leads to disturbances in the digestive system.

In general, real natural Chinese slimming teas are safe for your health. But if abused or misused, they can cause a number of health problems - diuretics, constipation or diarrhea, sleep problems, etc. Consult your doctor or nutritionist before starting a weight loss course that includes any Chinese tea.

Be healthy and beautiful! Enjoy your tea!

For the Chinese, tea is much more than an ordinary drink. The soul and power of tea is deeply imprinted on the Chinese national character. If we conduct a thorough review of Chinese history, we will see that since the time of Shen Nong, each historical phase has given a new impetus to tea, each ideological trend has renewed its relationship with tea, each local ethnic group has its own specific understanding of tea, each detail of life is saturated with a delicate tea aroma. ... From collection, manufacture, preparation and consumption, every step embodies a deep cultural meaning. The Chinese discovered tea and it gradually changed life in China.

Growing in remote mountains, tea absorbs the very essence of nature. Through manual processing, the tea absorbs the human mind and talent. Tea, in whose nature harmony and simplicity coexist, wisdom are combined with perfection, best symbolizes Chinese culture as "the unity of naturalness and good breeding."

Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, who lived more than 2,000 years ago, said, "the past is a series of days and nights, replacing each other without stopping," regretting the time flowing away like water and running forward non-stop. A Chinese folk proverb says that "an hour is like an ingot of gold, but an ingot of gold is not enough to buy an hour." The ancients recognized the value of time and advised you to take every chance and never look back. This is perfectly reflected in the tea collection. Time is the most important factor in picking tea leaves. Harvested a few days earlier, tea leaves are truly priceless. However, stay for a few days - and you will get quite ordinary tea. Harvesting tea takes luck like nothing else.

The famous tea mainly grows in the famous mountains. Since "water and soil cultivate a certain kind of people", the development of mankind is closely related to a certain natural environment. The people of the north are generous and straightforward, while the southerners are reserved and gentle. Tea leaves produced in different regions also have a vibrant local character, in keeping with the character of the local people.

Huangshan Mountains - the birthplace of the famous tea

Lu Yu said that good tea does not depend on the place of production and production technique, the key to the quality of tea is the quality of the raw materials. Tea leaves should be "rid" of their "green", similar to how natural jade is ground. So people soften their character after life trials, they become peaceful and wise. The ancients believed that "those who are close in nature are far apart in culture", implying that the power that shapes our personality is the quality of our experience and efforts made after birth.

The correct boiler temperature is essential for quality tea roasting. The correct water temperature is required for brewing tea. The right temperature - the Chinese emphasize - is everything. "For someone who is going to walk 100 li (Chinese measure of length, about 500 meters), 90 li is only half the way." If the water is not hot enough or the dishes are not fully warmed up, the tea aroma will not fully develop. "It's better not to have at all than to have cheap stuff", "Excess is worse than lack." If the tea is overheated during roasting or the water is too hot, the natural taste of the tea will be spoiled and this will affect the taste of the drink.

When brewing tea, the water must be absolutely clean, as well as the tea utensils must be washed. This is consistent with Confucius's teaching "look in the mirror three times a day" - about the relentless pursuit of moral purity.

The tea ceremony, having absorbed the very essence of Chinese culture, is not a complicated ritual, but pure joy for body and soul.

The Chinese, men and women, young and old, have a special affection for tea. Different teas correspond to different phases of human life.

In adolescence, like green tea, ladies are immature and simple. Their knowledge is small and understanding is just being born. They are very natural and this naturalness spills out constantly. Although the aroma of green tea is not strong, it is pure and pleasant if you take it carefully.

In adolescence, people are like flower tea, in their blooming years, with a floral scent and blossoming dreams. There are countless possibilities open to them. Whatever we add to tea - jasmine, sweet-flowering osmathus or rose - this cup of tea will always be intoxicating. delightful and attractive.

In middle age, people are like black tea, bright and aromatic. They no longer have the freshness and purity of green tea, but they have their own mature charm and charm.

In old age, people are like pu-erh, the older the better. Full of a variety of stories, the elderly are constantly stamped with the years lived. Despite the dry, thin, old appearance, the thick and dense taste never ceases to amaze.

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