Fortune-telling on tarot cards 15 spreads. Tarot cards online. More complex layouts

Aviary 03.11.2020

Tarot cards are the most famous and most mysterious of all known divination systems. Until now, both the exact time and place of appearance of these maps are not known. Here you will find several online fortune-telling using the tarot technique. With the help of the given layouts, you can familiarize yourself in more detail with this mysterious system of fortune telling and self-knowledge.

The classic tarot deck consists of 78 cards and is divided into 2 parts:

  • Major arcana tarot - 22 cards
  • Minor arcana tarot - 56 cards

The older or "great", "big" arcana of the tarot are numbered from 0 to 21.
Minor or "minor" arcana tarot - are divided into 4 suits, or "suites":

  • Cups (bowls)
  • Pentacles (coins, discs, denarii)
  • Wands (staves, sceptres)

Each of the suits of the tarot deck contains 14 cards. These are numbered cards from Ace (1) to ten, as well as "costume cards", or figures: jack (page), knight (rider), queen (queen) and king. The figures are also called "courtyard".

When fortune-telling on tarot cards, both the direct and inverted position of the cards are taken into account.

There are several assumptions and hypotheses that explain the appearance of the tarot. The author of the most beautiful hypothesis about the appearance of tarot cards is P. Christian. In his History of Magic, he explains the tarot as follows. "According to legend, in Ancient Egypt there was a temple in which the mysteries of occult initiation were performed. The initiate found himself in a long gallery supported by the Caryatids in the form of twenty-four sphinxes - twelve on each side. On the wall, in the intervals between the sphinxes, there were frescoes depicting mystical figures and symbols. These twenty-two pictures were arranged in pairs, opposite each other. Passing twenty-two pictures of the gallery, the initiate received instruction from the priest. Each Arcanum, which became, thanks to the picture, visible and tangible, is a formula of the law of human activity in relation to spiritual and material forces, the combination of which produces all the phenomena of life. "

According to another hypothesis about the emergence of the tarot, the ancient Jewish kabbalistic roots are traced in the taro much more clearly, and the skeptically oriented adherents of the taro suggest that 300 AD is considered the starting point in the history of the taro, the approximate date of the creation of the "Sefer Tudzirah" the Hebrew alphabet, which formed the basis of the tarot.

In the legends about the creators of the tarot are mentioned: ancient Egyptian priests, oriental sages, abbot. There is a certain commonality between these characters - they all possess some kind of knowledge that is inaccessible to others. In medieval Europe, such knowledge was possessed mainly by monks, therefore, most likely, the authorship of the tarot belongs to the priests who made up the clan, within which the semantic load of the Tarot symbols was known.

The most enthusiastic religious and philosophical monastic order is the Order of the Templars. After the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, Jacques de Molay, cursed the ruinous royal dynasty at the stake, his curse began to be fulfilled with horrifying accuracy. Perhaps it was this ominous fact that prompted the use of tarot for divination?

Let's take a closer look at the tarot cards themselves. Is there even a hint of the Templar heresy in the tarot pictures? It turns out there is.

  1. Despite the fact that the tarot cards are a product of the Christian era, there is no image of Christ in the symbolism of the tarot, and the Templars were declared heretics precisely because they did not recognize His divinity.
  2. There is another image in the tarot cards, mentioned in the Templar manuscripts - the image of the Hanged Man (XII Senior Arcanum of the Tarot): "The Cross of Christ should not serve as an object of worship, since no one will worship the gallows on which his father, relative or friend was hung."
  3. The Templars were accused of worshiping the idol of Baphomet (Satan), and there is such an image in the tarot cards - the XV Major Arcanum Tarot.

So, it can be assumed that the tarot cards are nothing more than pages of the secret doctrine of the Knights Templar. But this tarot hypothesis is as dubious as the rest.

In light of the above, should a normal person resort to tarot? Definitely worth it! After all, tarot cards, aside from their past, are an excellent tool for self-discovery. Fortune telling in tarot (and not only in tarot) is nothing more than thinking with an element of self-programming, which can be completely positive if you take this process without fear and bias. With the help of tarot, you can think in advance, "rehearse" any situation, and reduce the percentage of life failures.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards is gaining popularity in the modern world, and deservedly so; after all, it is tarot divination that is the most accurate. What is Tarot? How did this predictive system come about? And why exactly are Tarot cards so popular? Let's try to figure it out.

Tarot cards have been used since the mid-15th century as a deck of cards for the game; however, already at the beginning of the 18th century, they began to be used to predict the future and find answers to various important questions. According to one of the many versions of the origin of the Tarot, the first Tarot deck of the Visconti-Sforza appeared in Milan in 1450. It was a very beautiful, artistically executed 78-sheet deck to play, which served as the prototype for all modern, classic tarot decks. Unfortunately, we do not know anything about where the first deck actually appeared and how it was originally conceived. There are many myths and legends about the origin of these unusual cards for fortune telling. One of the most beautiful legends says that in ancient times in Egypt there was an unusual temple, which had 22 rooms, on the walls of each of which were painted images corresponding to the senior lasso of the Tarot. This legend gives us confirmation that the origin of the Tarot deck is rooted in ancient Egypt - to the vignettes of the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, the drawings of which were applied to the walls of the tombs of famous personalities of that time.

There is also a version of the kabbalistic origin of the tarot deck; twenty-two letters and ten Sefirot are the very foundation of the tarot predictive system, which is laid down in every classic deck, including the Tarot of Ryder Waite.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards can be done in a variety of ways; the accuracy and reliability of any fortune telling depends on the correct formulation of the question and your concentration in the process of fortune telling. You can guess using paper decks, or you can use online fortune telling - this does not affect the result in any way. You send your question to egregor and he answers you, regardless of whether you are guessing on paper Tarot or online. Online fortune-telling on our site is created in such a way that the choice of a card occurs exactly at the moment when you are guessing, and not in advance, as on other online fortune-telling sites. We did this in order to make online fortune-telling as close as possible to real fortune-telling.

All online fortune-telling is equipped with a button that allows you to choose whether to guess on the full deck or only on the senior lasso. You can also choose one card from the deck or use the "choose automatically" button. In the process of any online tarot divination, you can choose your favorite deck from the ones presented in the list: Tarot Ryder Waite, 78 doors, Tarot of the Dwarfs, Eternity of Ramses, Durer, Leonardo da Vinci, Gothic Vargo, Guardian Angels, Black Tarot of Luis Royo, Russian Tarot Petersburg, Luis Royo's Labyrinth, old Angli Tarot and many others - the list is constantly updated with new decks.

If you have already studied the basic meanings of all the arcana of the magic deck, it is time to get acquainted with the practical part of the ancient predictive science.

The main methods of fortune telling on Tarot cards can be divided into two types: simple and complex layouts, which differ in the time of their execution. You need to start work with lighter techniques that require less time, and gradually, having learned how to cope with them, move on to more complicated ones.

Simple layouts

This category includes predictions in which no more than five to seven cards are used. If you are still a beginner and are just starting to get acquainted with the Tarot system, try to practice on the four hands we have proposed.

Fortune telling on tarot cards: the layout of the card of the day

To master this method of fortune-telling on Tarot cards, no special skills are required. All you need is to wake up in the morning, pick up a deck and draw a single card out of it at random. At first, it is best to use only the Major Arcana for this purpose - so you can get to know more closely the meaning of each of them. After pulling out the card, examine it carefully and ask yourself questions:

  • What is the basic meaning of this Arcana?
  • What feelings and emotions does it evoke in you?
  • Is it pleasant to you or does it cause anxiety, fear?
  • What does the card number say?
  • What is its astrological and elemental correspondence?
  • What associations do you think of it?
  • What archetypes, myths or legends come to mind when you look at a map?

At first, it is better to write down all the answers in a notebook specially kept for this purpose. After the notes, carefully consider the plot depicted on the Arcana and retell it in your own words.

  • How do you think the figures interact on it?
  • What do the colors and symbols in the image mean?
  • If a card could speak, what could it tell you?
  • Try to come up with a fairy tale describing what is happening on the map
  • Imagine yourself inside this plot: how do you feel?
  • If several figures are drawn on the Arcana, try to imagine yourself in turn in the place of each of them and write down your emotions
  • If you can draw, try sketching the plot of the selected card in your notebook.

After a comprehensive analysis of the Arkan that has fallen out, keep this information in your head throughout the day, and late at night, remember all the events that happened during the day and find the connection between them and the card of the day. Describe this connection in a notebook.

This simple exercise will allow you to gradually memorize the meanings of each card and create your own associations. When all the Major Arcana are worked out, take the Minor Arcana and for several weeks repeat the "Card of the Day" divination, pulling out one of them from the deck.

Do not forget to carry out the same operations as with the Major Arcana. After the Major Arcana, analyze the curly cards in the same way. This alignment can be carried out in parallel with the development of other methods of fortune telling.

The layout of the attitude towards a person according to three cards

This simple fortune telling will allow you to practice relationship matters. It will tell you about the true attitude of any person from your environment towards you. You need to think about a person of serious interest to you (this could be a friend, loved one, a relative, a work colleague), and draw three cards from the deck at random, placing them in a vertical row as in the picture.

Decoding the alignment

  1. The first position will tell you about the general impression that the conceived person has about you.
  2. The second is about the feelings that the envisioned person has for you.
  3. The third will show his subconscious perception of you (something that a person may not be aware of).

If you use only the Minor Arcana for fortune telling, the prediction will be short-lived, and if you work with the Elder or a full deck, then the forecast will be long-term. Do not get hung up on the same person: try to make layouts for different people and analyze the results.

Analysis of the situation on five cards

This simple fortune-telling will be appropriate if you are in a difficult situation, and you cannot find a way out of it on your own. Such an alignment will take little time, but at the same time you will receive fairly clear and concise answers to the questions asked.

Divide the deck into Major and Minor Arcana, mentally focus on the situation that excites you, and remove four cards from the Minor Arcana pile, placing them in the appropriate positions, as in the picture. The fifth card is drawn from the Major Arcana.

Decoding the alignment

  1. The unit in this scenario will show what resources and opportunities you have at the moment, which will help you get out of the impasse.
  2. The deuce will tell you about the obstacles that you have to overcome.
  3. The three will describe the reason that will help you make the final decision. Pay close attention to this lasso, because depending on the correct understanding of this card, the situation will be resolved in your favor or not in your favor.
  4. The four symbolizes advice from the Tarot, a hint that will help you make a decision.
  5. The fifth card is the result of fortune-telling, what will resolve the situation that worries you.

This fortune-telling also belongs to the category of simple ones. On it, you can figure out what kind of relationship there really is between you and the intended person, but in more detail than it was in the three-card scenario.

You need to divide the deck into Major and Minor Arcana, mentally imagine the person you are interested in, pull out the first card from the Major Arcana pile, and the remaining six from the Minor.

The cards are laid out as follows.

Decoding the alignment

  1. The left row (numbers 5,6 and 7) refers to you, while the right row (numbers 2,3 and 4) refers to the person you are interested in.
  2. The unit shows a general characteristic of the relationship between you here and now.
  3. Cards 7 and 2 describe the area of \u200b\u200bconscious thoughts and feelings. A seven tells how you feel about a conceived person, and a two tells how he feels about you.
  4. Cards numbered 6 and 3 symbolize the area of \u200b\u200bhidden feelings. These are the emotions that we experience deep down or on a subconscious level, but we are not always aware. The six will tell about your subconscious feelings for your partner, and the three will tell about him for you.
  5. Numbers 5 and 4 are the external "facade", the ostentatious side of the relationship, that which you openly demonstrate to each other. A five is about your behavior, and a four is about the behavior of the person you are interested in.

More complex layouts

It is worth approaching these fortune-telling when you can already easily cope with deciphering simpler fortune-telling for three to seven cards. Once you've learned how to interpret small groups of cards, you can start working with larger, time-consuming layouts.

At first, you will need more than one hour to carefully analyze all the values \u200b\u200bof the Arcana that have fallen out, but gradually, with experience, the speed of your work will increase. Try starting with the three layouts below.

This fortune-telling is universal, because it not only helps to decipher and analyze absolutely any events in your life, but also to find out their reasons, and also opens the mysterious veil of the future.

A full deck is used for divination. Mentally focus on the events that happen to you, draw nine cards from the deck in an arbitrary way and put them as in the diagram.

After the deal, only 8 cards are revealed, the ninth remains closed until the end of the analysis of the rest.

Decoding the alignment

  1. The cards that fell in the first and second positions will tell you about the main forces on which the events taking place with you are based. Having correctly recognized their meaning, you will already know for sure the reason for the situation. Pay attention to how these two Arcana interact: do they complement each other or have an opposite meaning? The cards that are in "friendship" or "harmony" explain why your business is progressing so quickly and without hindrance, and the "warring ones" will help you understand why you constantly encounter some difficulties.
  2. The numbers 3, 4 and 5 symbolize the forces that influence the situation. The three tells about the trends affecting the events taking place with you here and now, the four speaks of the forces that will soon prevail, and the five determines the forces that are declining.
  3. Number 6 reveals a factor, the effect of which you do not yet realize. She is the reason for your concern about the situation.
  4. Seven speaks of the side of events that you have already realized for yourself. Analyzing it, you will be able to once again assess the sequence of events that have occurred, look at them with a fresh look.
  5. Map 8 will show the possible prospects for the development of the problem situation.
  6. After a detailed analysis of eight cards, you can open the ninth, which means the root cause of the situation. If the Junior Arcanum turned out to be in this position, you can simply put it aside - it means that the true reason for the events taking place will remain hidden for you. If the Major Arcana has fallen, it means that the Universe has decided to initiate you into its secrets, showing the true state of affairs.

This method of fortune-telling on Tarot cards is somewhat similar to the previous one - in it we also understand difficult life circumstances. As in the past fortune telling, you need to work on a full deck.

The layout helps you analyze important events from your past that influenced the situation, carefully consider the present and see the perspective of the development of events in the future.

You need to put the Major Arcana in a separate pile, and divide the Younger into four piles according to their suits: Wands / Staves - in one pile, Swords - in another, Cups / Cups - in the third, and Pentacles / Disks - in the fourth.

Mentally focus on the situation that worries you and lay out the cards as in the diagram, while numbers 1, 2 and 3 should be taken from the Major Arcana, 4,5 and 6 - from the suit of Swords, 7,8 and 9 - from the Wands, 10, 11 and 12 are from the Cups, and 13, 14 and 15 are from the Pentacles.

After laying out all the cards as above, turn positions 4-15 face up. Cards 1, 2 and 3 can be opened only after the interpretation of the remaining positions.

Decoding the alignment

  1. Four, five and six (Swords) will tell you all about the feelings and emotions of people involved in a situation that worries you.
  2. Seven, eight and nine (Wands) will describe how the current situation is reflected in the outside world.
  3. Positions under the numbers 10, 11 and 12 (Bowls) speak about how people treat you, with whom you have to communicate and interact in the course of events.
  4. Numbers 13, 14 and 15 reflect the financial side of the problem and the place you occupy in society.
  5. When interpreting, it is important to pay attention to the row in which the card is located. So, the first row (cards 4,7, 10 and 13) means the past, the second row (5,8, 11 and 14) - the present, and the third (6, 9, 12 and 15) - the future. Thus, we get four key aspects for each time period, each of which describes a specific area.
  6. After analyzing the above cards, you can open the Major Arcana - positions 1, 2 and 3. They describe the situation as a whole: one will tell about the past, two - about the present, and three - about the future.

For the layout, the cards are divided into five groups, as in the previous fortune-telling: in one there will be the Major Arcana, in the other - the Minor Arcana of the suit of Swords, in the next - the Suit of Wands, and so on. The stack of Pentacles can be set aside, it is not needed for fortune telling.

This fortune-telling will tell you what you are as a person, help you analyze your expectations and real life, as well as determine further paths of self-development along which you should move.

You should relax, think about your inner world, and then draw four cards from the Major Arcana group, placing them on positions 1-4, then take four cards from the pile of Swords, placing them on positions 5-8. Then repeat the procedure for the stack of Wands, placing them in places 9-12 and stacks of Cups (places 13-16).

The entire layout should look like the image below.

Decoding the alignment

  1. It is best to analyze the result in groups of four cards. The first group will include positions 1,5, 9 and 13, the second - numbers 2, 6, 10, and 14, the third - numbers 3, 7, 11 and 15, and the fourth - cards 4, 8, 12 and 16. Major Arcana are key in this fortune-telling. They represent the main card in their group.
  2. The unit will show your subjective opinion of yourself, how you present yourself.
  3. The deuce will tell you what impression you make on others, the thoughts of these people about you.
  4. The 3 symbolizes your behavior in public - what you seek to demonstrate to others.
  5. The four will give an objective assessment of you as a person.
  6. Swords (cards 5,6, 7 and 8) indicate the sphere of your emotions. The five will talk about what emotions are inherent in you in your own opinion, the six will show the opinion of others about your emotionality, the seven will talk about the impression you create (in terms of emotions), the eight will give an objective assessment of your emotionality.
  7. The rest of the groups are treated in exactly the same way. The wands (cards 9,10, 11 and 12) symbolize the material sphere of your life in each of four areas: nine - your thoughts about your own finances, ten - what seems to others, number 11 - what you are trying to demonstrate, and number 12 - an objective assessment of your financial situation.
  8. The bowls (cards 13, 14, 15 and 16) will tell you about your relationship with others, while the number 13 will show your personal opinion, 14 - the opinion of other people about it, 15 - the impression you want to make in this area, 16 - objective analysis of your relationship with the environment.

Once you master the basic methods of fortune telling on Tarot cards, you can improve yourself in this area and start making your own layouts. Many experienced tarot readers prefer to work with independently compiled individual layouts, when universal ones cannot very accurately reflect the questions of interest to the client.

Layout "15 cards" interesting in that it has positions of an alternative future. It is used in the event that it is necessary to find a way out of the current difficult situation.

The layout is done on a full deck.

It is believed that the authorship of the layout belongs to the Order of the Golden Dawn. Also, the American tarologist Wenzell Brown in his book "How to predict fate by cards", 1971, suggested using only the Minor Arcana in this scenario and drawing the cards to the questioner himself, and not to the tarot reader, who should only lay out and interpret them. You can try to do the alignment in this way.

Answers the questions:

What level is this and that (my job, my relationship, etc.), and what are the prospects?

Card values:

1-2-3 cards. This position contains the cards of the present. Where card 1 is the personality of the questioner, the nature of his problems, the situation in which he finds himself at the moment. Cards 2 and 3 are two simultaneous impulses that are around him. They complement and reveal card 1, they can describe the personality of the questioner, they can reveal the nature of the circumstances in which he is.

14, 10, 6 cards. Here are indicated the circumstances that can and should be influenced, and information on how to influence these circumstances.

7, 11, 15 cards. They talk about the forces involved in the situation that the questioner cannot control: fate, fate, karma. You need to come to terms with them and adapt to them - take them for granted. It is useless to influence these circumstances.

4, 8, 12 cards. Where everything is heading, trends of the future. Events that will happen in the near future, if you do not influence the situation. It is clearly seen how the situation of interest will develop, what awaits the questioner if he does not do anything on purpose.

13, 9, 5 cards. Alternative future. Events that can happen if you use the advice of cards. This is the path that the questioner can choose.

The nuances of the alignment:

We lay out the cards in the sequence shown in the diagram. We read the alignment in a different way, in the sequence that is given in the meaning of the cards above.

The cards in each block are read from left to right (4-8-12; 14-10-6).

Cards 2 and 3 are two simultaneous impulses, therefore, when reading, it is necessary to take into account in what relationship they are: union or conflict.

Cards 13, 9, and 5 usually describe an alternative future, but less often 2 more options are possible:

  1. these cards sometimes continue to reveal the current trends of the future, then they should be read not as an alternative, but as a continuation of cards 4, 8 and 12 (then read in the sequence 4, 8, 12, 13, 9, 5);
  2. if these cards are even more unfavorable than the cards of the current future, then this suggests that the analyzed situation cannot be lived through painlessly in any case; then these cards are not read at all.

In each block, cards of the same suit reinforce each other.

"Prediction" layout

"Prediction" layout - a universal modern technique of divination by Tarot cards, proposed by the American Wenzell Brown. Belongs to the category of complex systems and is recommended for people with fortune telling experience. Not a single card of this alignment is considered by itself. The value of the position of each card depends largely on the entire layout and especially on the adjacent cards. In this regard, the main thing in this fortune-telling is to grasp the essence of the whole alignment.

Are removed from the deck 15 cards... The meaning of the positions of the cards in the layout:
1, 2 and 3 cards(center) - the personality of the fortuneteller, the nature of his problems, the situation in which he finds himself at the moment. If one of the central cards turns out to be a figured card, it represents either the fortuneteller himself, or a close person who now plays a dominant role in the fortuneteller's life;
4, 8 and 12 cards (upper right corner) - the most likely course of further events, if the fortuneteller does not purposefully influence him;
13, 9 and 5 cards(upper left corner) - an alternative path that a fortuneteller can choose if desired. Available options: desirable or dangerous - will show the symbolism of the dropped cards;
14, 10 and 6 cards(lower left corner) - factors in the life of a fortuneteller that he can influence. Landmarks to help you make a decision. Here, circumstances from the past are sometimes reflected, influencing the present and future of the fortuneteller;
7, 11 and 15 cards(lower right corner) - forces that do not depend on the fortuneteller, but act on him. He cannot overcome them, so it is better for him to adapt to them.

But before proceeding directly to interactive fortune-telling, I strongly recommend that you first carry out verification in order to find out if you can now slightly open the curtain of the unknown, whether the fortune-telling will be correct.
The verification process is extremely simple: 10 cards will appear in front of you, which will need to be opened in turn. If a more than half of the cards find themselves in the natural direct position - you can close the verification window and go to the selected fortune-telling; if in inverted - guessing on Tarot cards is not recommended now, an erroneous answer may be received.
However, during the verification process, one more situation may arise - equal number of cards upright and upside down. This happens in the following cases:
1) most often, cards in a similar way are "demonstratively silent" (they do not give "the go-ahead" for fortune telling or refusal), when a person turns to fortune telling by chance: out of boredom, for fun or out of curiosity (look at the pictures of the deck, test different layouts, etc. .P.); when a question is born just for the sake of just trying to guess, in fact, there is no real need to get an answer to this question. In this case, you don't even have to try to make a deal: virtual Tarot cards are not fun and not a subject for "testing", except for contradictions (including repetitions of the same card in a straight and inverted position within the same deal) You are nothing else you won't get (!) from such a "toy fortune-telling";
2) if you do not have experience of "live" (not computer) fortune-telling on Tarot cards, but you are trying to virtually use this particular type of fortune-telling and are in a difficult situation, experiencing a real need to get an explanation (answer), the fact that during verification, an equal number of straight and inverted cards constantly falls out can be an important signal - now you cannot read Tarot cards on your own, for a correct interpretation of your situation you need the help of a professional fortuneteller.
note : verification of fortune-telling is NOT fortune-telling itself, therefore, having opened all 10 cards, you can re-click on each of them if you have any doubts about the direct or inverted position of each card. After clicking on the map again, a window will open with the specification of the forward / inverted position of the map and its symbolic character. But the characteristics of the cards in this case will not be to have a relationship with the question you are interested in is just a test before starting this fortune-telling!

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