Angelic runes and their meanings, revealing the future and past of a person. Angel runes - interpretation in fortune telling Throw runes online

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The word runa means "secret" and goes back to the oldest root meaning "to hide, to hide". Its traces have survived in modern languages, German raunen - "to whisper", Latvian runat - "to speak" or Finnish runo - "poem, spell". By the way, the Russian "store" is connected, in all likelihood, with the same root.

Runes are magical and alphabetical signs that were carved on stones or carved on wood, they were used to decorate weapons, dishes, various objects, and they wrote spells over the entrance to the house and on the prows of ships.

The first surviving runic inscriptions date back to the 3rd century. AD, however, many signs have a much more ancient origin, going back to the magical symbols of the Celtic priests-Druids, from whom they later passed on to the Germanic, and then to the Scandinavian tribes.

Although in one way or another all the representatives of the tribe owned the rune, the true connoisseurs of the runes were magicians and healers. They differed from everyone else in a special dress, were surrounded by special reverence, taught young people.

Each rune had its own name and was associated with one or another deity, object or phenomenon. Laying out a rune from wooden sticks or putting its image on a birch bark or stone, on a spear shaft or on the surface of an earthen vessel, the healer, warrior or hunter turned directly to the entity that the rune designated in order to influence it in a certain way. The physician expelled the disease, the warrior asked for victory in the battle, the hunter attracted prey. To enhance the impact, the name of the runes was pronounced or chanted in a special song. Wanting to cause a storm, to send illness or death to the enemy, they sang the so-called. "evil song" or performed zaid - a magical ritual that included singing and dancing.

Magic was owned not only by men, but also by women. So, zaid was generally supposed to be performed only by women; The ancient Normans were engaged in the prediction of the future by special soothsayers - volury. With the help of songs and runes, they also conjured spirits and brownies, the dead and trolls.

Runic magic is extremely versatile. According to legend, each rune has a sacred origin and is a sacred sign, has a certain amount of magical power and the ability to connect us with a higher power. The set of runes, together with their powers and connections, already forms a real magic system. This system can also be used for fortune-telling purposes: combinations of signs included in it can describe any possible situation.

There are many ways to unfold the runes. You can use one of our proposed online fortune telling on runes. We hope that these rune fortune-telling will provide you with invaluable help in everyday life.

What are angel runes and how to use them? They are usually made of stone, but sometimes precious materials, pebbles, bones or even ordinary cardboard are used. It all depends on the taste of the fortuneteller. These are unique symbols that protect against evil demons and otherworldly forces. They also help to find a way out of a difficult situation and predict the future. In some cases runes of angels explain the fortuneteller's behavior, clarify the mind.

In general, rune signs are powerful and energized mystical instruments. Many magicians use it in their practice. Angelic rune signs are represented by 26 images, each of which has a specific meaning.

Runes of angels: what is it

Legends about angelic runes tell about their long and very interesting history. For more than one century, they have served faithfully to all mankind. More than one fortuneteller who turned to them for advice did not go unanswered.

  • Religion
  • The symbol will tell you whether you are using your mystical potential correctly. It is important to learn to trust your own inner voice. Also, the rune sign indicates your initiative, the desire to participate in public affairs. Outwardly, the picture resembles a swirling spiral.

    • Uriel

    Magic symbol. You are born with divine protection. Higher Forces protect you from dangers, drive away all bad things. Please note - the inverted symbol warns of the negative influence of someone from your environment. The enemy is nearby. The image is shown as a five-rayed star enclosed in a circle.

    • Metatron

    It personifies age-old wisdom, experience of generations. In the scenario, it means that soon you will face a very difficult choice, the decision of which will affect your whole destiny. The opposite position speaks of erroneous behavior. If you don’t change your strategy, you will soon feel very frustrated. The picture shows a scepter.

    • Pallas

    Symbolizes spiritual calmness, meditation. She calls to use your brain. Before making any decision, carefully analyze all the possible consequences. If the rune sign is upside down, then you have already made the wrong choice - now it's time to deal with the results of your actions. Externally, the rune is shown as a cross with a rhombus at the top.

    • Shekhina

    Happy sign. If you see him in the layout, be sure that the future will be filled with pleasant events. You will deal with all controversial situations and emerge victorious. Angelic forces will guide you and help you overcome difficulties. There is no reverse position. The rune is depicted in the form of a scepter.

    • Wings

    News awaits the fortuneteller. Whether they are good or not, depends on the location. If you have a direct position, then expect good news. And, accordingly, if the rune is inverted, you will be disappointed. Drawn in the form of two wings.

    • Negativity

    Already by the name, one can assume that the symbol means a period of sadness and bad luck. The next life period will be difficult - get ready for it. If you do not give up, then courageously endure all adversity. It looks like a zigzag.

    • Gabriel

    This is a symbol of the strongest of the archangels - it supports fast-paced and purposeful individuals who are not afraid to take risks and make decisions. In the opposite position, the rune predicts that it will not be easy to achieve the goal, but if you wish, you will definitely cope. The image resembles the letter "B".

    • Azrael

    Also the Arkhangelsk sign. Personalizes the finish, the completion of something important. In the scenario, it speaks of a favorable outcome of events. The inverted symbol says that the current situation will not end in your favor. It looks like a cross.

    • Money

    Prosperity is fundamental. Promises quick profits and good deals. The downside means unnecessary waste. It is depicted as three connected circles.

    • Vesta

    Falling out in the alignment, the rune advises to make an important decision and embark on the path of change. You will have a completely new experience, but for the moment you really need it. If the sign is upside down, it means that you have lost interest in life. Try to find an activity that will reawaken positive emotions in you (travel, sports, change of residence). It is represented by two parallel lines crossed by a zigzag at the top.

    • Conflict

    Harbinger of quarrels. From any position, the rune symbol speaks of negative emotions that arise between people during disagreements. Very similar to lightning.

    • Anail

    A family symbol that warns of relationship problems. It looks like a triangle with three circles.

    • Raphael

    A very good sign that brings harmony and order. Archangel Raphael always supports people and is ready to help. But in the opposite position, the rune does not bode well, but rather the opposite. It is depicted as a triangle with a circle in the center.

    • Star

    The rune opens any doors for the fortuneteller. Auspicious symbol that looks like the sun.

    • Addiction

    It says that the fortuneteller either already has an addiction, or is prone to it. Consists of three parts: top - rectangle, then - zigzag, and completes the picture with a semicircle.

    • Chiron

    Karmic sign. In past lives, you have made many fateful mistakes, for which you will have to pay right now. It looks like an inverted key.

    • Man

    Represents masculine strength and looks like a human figure with broad shoulders.

    • Female

    This is a rune filled with feminine energy. Outwardly it resembles a feminine figure.

    • Juno

    In the near future, you will meet a good person who will turn into a business partner or your lover. The reverse position portends social problems. It is presented in the form of a cross that emits seven rays of light.

    • Work

    Shows that your job means a lot to you. You live by work. A straight rune means that your profession is ideal for you, but an inverted one means that you made a mistake with a professional choice. The image resembles the letter "L".

    • Full moon

    This is a symbol of an important event that will happen very soon. It looks like a circle.

    • New moon

    When the new moon arrives, a surprise awaits you. Drawn as a circle crossed by a line.

    • Dummy

    This rune cannot tell anything - it is just an empty circle. In the layouts depends on the adjacent characters.

    • Pointer

    The symbol does not have an unambiguous interpretation, since it takes place here to pay attention to the nearby runes. Depicted as an eye.

    How to guess with angel runes?

    Before you enter the mysterious world of runes, you should go through a mandatory preparation procedure. It consists of three rites:

    • Cleansing ... You must prepare the room where you will guess. Also get rid of your own negative energy. Use the method that is most convenient for you for this: with water, incense or a candle.
    • Consecration ... Sprinkle the angel runes with holy water to enhance their magical effect.
    • Energy recharging ... Squeeze the symbols in your hands and feel how they quickly warm up - an exchange of energies takes place.

    Now you are completely ready for fortune telling. Place all the signs in a pre-prepared bowl or purse. Shake well. Turn to the Higher Forces for help and ask an exciting question. When runes fall on the table, their angelic power is activated.

    Remember that the Pointer is not used in conjunction with other rune signs. It should be immediately put on the table. Those signs that fall closest to the universal rune will be included in the alignment.

    Angel runes (video)

    - white sorceress, master of Cosmoenergy,site author


    Angel runes are a kind of magic alphabet that consists of 26 characters. Runic magic helps to find out the future, understand the past, put the present in order.

    The meaning of angelic runes

    The angelic rune is a universal pictogram, a set of symbols, individually selected for the personality and character of a person. For example, a doctor chooses health runes, a businessman chooses money, an unmarried girl chooses symbols that attract love.

    Absolutely each rune has its own, individual and unique meaning:

    • The rune of the Guardian Angel is a symbol of a person's relationship with higher powers that protect him throughout his life. The meaning depends on the position of the symbol: in the straight line, the rune speaks of a sufficiently strong protection, in the inverted one indicates the lack of faith in the Guardian Angel.
    • Rune Metatron personifies the will of God, manifested in the earthly world. It is a symbol of wisdom and magical abilities, intentions, aspirations and desires, the influence of others on a person.
    • The Shekhin rune is depicted as a halo and symbolizes colossal positive energy. A person under the influence of this rune is a kind of mediator who carries divine power.
    • Rune Angel Gabriel promises something new in life. This can be both a long-awaited pregnancy and the emergence of new profitable clients, business partners. But in an inverted position, the symbol promises stagnation and degradation.
    • Runa Azrael symbolizes the completion of the current life stage, reaching a new, higher quality level in all areas. It is important not to miss the opportunities that the Universe will send.
    • Runa Anail is a symbol of family, deep family ties, attachment to parents. If it falls out in an inverted position, it means that the balance in the relationship is disturbed and it needs to be restored. No one but you is able to handle the situation.
    • The rune Uriel indicates that magic was happening against you. It is possible that you were spoiled, the evil eye, or made a love spell. It is worth consulting with experts on this matter.
    • The angel Raphael symbolizes harmony in love. First of all, I mean self-love and unconditional acceptance of the surrounding world. The second is the relationship with the partner.
    • Chiron is the same notorious karma, a fate that cannot be avoided, inevitable events. When it appears in the scenario, it says that a negative period in life will come - the time will come to reap the fruits of bad deeds committed in the past.
    • Palass is the rune of meditation, withdrawal, work with consciousness. It appears when a person needs to rethink life values, "find himself." This is the need for happiness and harmony, which are impossible without deep work on oneself.
    • Vesta is a rune of inspiration and protection. She gives creative impulses, helps develop talents, promotes the search for vocation and self-realization. But inverted indicates complete burnout, both emotional and physical.
    • The pointer is a rune symbolizing the person who makes the alignment. In an upright position, it indicates that your consciousness is open to everything new, you perceive information in the correct frame of mind. In the inverted state, limiting attitudes interfere with thinking.
    • Dummy - says that the runes cannot give an exact answer to your questions. The outcome of the case is not yet clear even for the universe. This means that the responsibility for the result lies entirely with you.
    • Work - represents the occupation that takes up most of your time. We hasten to please - this is what really brings you pleasure and satisfaction.
    • Male rune Animus is a symbol of strength, masculinity, the influence of the powerful, warlike energy of masculinity on your life.
    • The rune Anima is female. She shows that a certain woman has a strong influence on the life of a fortuneteller.
    • Rune of Money helps to find new sources of income, preserve accumulated or increase existing capital. In a negative inverted meaning, it indicates either stinginess or a tendency to waste in a fortuneteller.
    • Rune Addiction speaks of a serious addiction: to alcohol, a lover, drugs, games or something / someone else. The desire to own can turn into real obsession if action is not taken in time.

    Watch a video about the meaning of angelic runes:

    Angel runes - instruments of death

    Runes from the instruments of death and their meaning are described not only in magical practices, but have also found application in popular culture. The book of Cassandra Clare is quite famous, which described the angelic runic symbols.

    According to the plot, the angelic runes give their owners some supernatural abilities - fearlessness, endurance, dexterity, fortitude, and so on.

    How to use angelic runes?

    You can buy ready-made symbols of angelic runes or make them yourself. The most important thing is to use only natural materials. It can be wood, semi-precious and precious stones, silver, stones, fabric. Anything, just not artificial.

    1. Before making runes, clear your mind, body and surrounding space. Clean up your home, take a shower, disengage from negative thoughts, and tune in to a positive mood.
    2. Clearly formulate the question, the answer to which will need to be obtained in the process of fortune-telling

    And only then calmly apply icons to the selected workpieces. Can be cut with a knife, painted with paint, or even with your own blood. To activate, you can scorch the runes with the flame of a wax candle, fumigate with incense, or cover them with earth at night.

    Once activated, the symbols of the angelic runes can be used for divination and magical rituals.

    Angelic runes are occult signs that are intended for divination and magical practice. In total, there are 26 pictographic images of objects familiar to humans. are tools for understanding the past and the future.

    Angel runes and their meanings

    1. Guardian angel. The rune allows you to find out how the guardian angel affects a person. If it is upside down, then the plaintiff does not believe in its existence.
    2. Religion. This rune means that prayers and certain rituals will help cope with existing problems. An inverted rune indicates that you are stuck in earthly things, and do not use a spiritual gift at all.
    3. Uriel. This rune means the presence of magic in life. If it is upside down, then at the moment someone is experiencing a lot of negativity towards you.
    4. Metatron - wisdom. This rune indicates that the time has come to make important decisions. If it is upside down, then you have made a hasty decision, which will be negative.
    5. Pallas - meditation. To cope with the situation, you need to think and plan well. In an inverted state, angelic magic says that you did not take into account the positive aspects in making a decision.
    6. Shekhina - halo. This rune symbolizes the very best that you can get in this situation.
    7. Wings - messages. Soon you will receive a good message, in an inverted state the rune means the opposite.
    8. Negativity. Rune means gossip, jealousy and other negative things in your life. In the inverted state, it indicates the possibility of the negative leaving.
    9. Gabriel - Start. This rune means a start in any area of \u200b\u200blife. If it is upside down, you will not be able to start over.
    10. Azrael - ending. The opposite of the previous rune.
    11. Money. In this case, you need to look at other runes and find out the source of your financial well-being. You can purchase or make your own angel talismans with the image of this rune.
    12. Vesta - protection or inspiration. Runa advises to find something new that will give you strength and positive emotions, such as a hobby. In another position, it means lack of inspiration.
    13. Conflict. The rune means possible disagreements in life. In the inverted form, it informs that the conflict has already happened.
    14. Anail - family. Runa says that something will happen in your family soon. In another position, it means that some problems may arise.
    15. Raphael - harmony. This rune means that extremely positive events will occur in life. Inverted, the meaning is opposite.
    16. Star. This rune means "green light" for the future.
    17. Addiction. This rune indicates that there is some kind of obsession in your life. In another position, it means overcoming this problem.
    18. Chiron -. The situation that has arisen in life has a karmic character. In an inverted state, it means denial of what happened.
    19. Man. The rune means the influence of the stronger sex on your life. In an inverted state, you should expect him to trick him.
    20. Female. The same as the previous rune, only everything concerns the lady.
    21. Juno - partnership. The rune speaks of the existence of a union in love or in work. In an inverted position, it means possible relationship problems.
    22. Work. Runa says that at the moment in life, work is very important. In another position, it means that the work you are doing is not suitable for you.
    23. Full moon - distribution of time. Look at other runes, they will tell the events of the next full moon.
    24. New moon. Same as paragraph 22.

    Angelic runes are twenty-six occult symbols intended for fortune telling, divination and other magical practices. As in the case of, with the help of these runes they find out their future, look for protection and explanations for their actions, their own or others', attract luck and energy to do important things. So what are the angelic runes?

    In the article:

    Angel runes and their meaning

    Angelic runes are universal pictograms, a set of signs that everyone chooses for himself individually. So, a person whose activity is related to medicine, in his scenario, can choose a rune for himself, meaning his work, a person engaged in business - p. Some angelic runes talk about a person's feelings, others about his career, and still others about his family. Each rune carries its own, special meaning, which can be interpreted in completely different ways in different layouts. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

    The rune of the guardian angel symbolizes the relationship between a person and him, the strength of your protector and your faith in him. Depending on the position of the rune, the symbol can be either positive or negative. For example, in an inverted form, he says that a person does not believe in his angel.

    Religion, it is also a sacred spiral, denoting everything spiritual, not related to bodily needs. This is harmony with the universe, the presence of God in life or a symbol of future learning. In a negative state, it makes sense both the denial of faith and excessive enthusiasm for earthly affairs, and the absence of important religious issues at this stage.

    Metatron is a rune named in honor of an angel from the Jewish Haggadah, called nothing else than "the Great and Mighty Angel", and he himself is a messenger and guardian, an expression of God's will in our world. The rune means wisdom, magic, indicates the bad and good intentions of you and the people around you who play a role in a person's life.

    Shekinah, along with Metatron, mediator between the worlds. Having a symbol in the form of a halo, it carries a purely positive charge of energy. The angelic power of this rune is also described as the presence of the divine. Even in an inverted form, there is no negative in it.

    The beginning, the news of the emergence of new things in life. For family people, a quick birth of a child is possible, for those who care about business - for changes in business, the successful conclusion of a contract or a new partner. Being inverted speaks of stagnation, a closed path to the new, a strong attachment to the old.

    Azrael - the end of something, a big business or a long relationship. Of all the runes, this one is the most dependent on the others that fell out and is interpreted differently depending on how others are interpreted. It can warn of a likely bad outcome of the case if the person does not do something to correct the situation.

    Anail - family, kinship by blood or spirit. These can be both blood relatives and friends, people who are not indifferent to you. In the wrong position indicates an imbalance in the family or relationship. Rarely indicate a specific situation, allowing the fortuneteller to decide for himself what exactly the alignment shows.

    Uriel is magic aimed at you or someone close to you. It can be both positive and negative. Usually it is she who answers the question of how to protect the house with the help of angelic runes, is used for spells and conspiracies.

    He is harmony, love and joy, self-esteem and positive, pleasant events. Gifts from people and fate. Inverted - destruction, hatred, anti-Eros, low self-esteem. Unhappy life events.

    Chiron means karma. A series of events, some big incident, negative energy, which has already been worked through for several rebirths, or has just happened and that's why it's especially strong. Angel runes are believed to be instruments of death, but Chiron is perhaps the most strongly associated with death. Moreover, its meaning is not as negative as it is commonly believed.

    Pallas or Papas is meditation. Improving the situation when thinking about your actions, reasonable planning, rational approach. The only one who has the opposite meaning, being inverted. In this case, it is proposed to consider the situation again, to see previously unnoticed positive aspects.

    Vesta, of the same name as the Roman goddess of sacrificial fire, her angelic rune is protection and inspiration. New work, new hobbies, the emergence of other interests that differ from what we have now. Negative meaning - lack of strength, search on the part of a person.

    Juno, a successful partnership, a union of two people in love or deed, business. It can talk about hiding real feelings, lies, impending betrayal. The value can vary greatly depending on the layout.

    Wings are a message, a message, usually good. Waiting for a message. The opposite meaning is a lack of news, a message that has not reached it.

    Conflict is a confrontation, a quarrel, a looming scandal. Depending on its position, it means family disputes or even a physical conflict, an event based on the opposite of two opinions. May indicate that an event has already occurred and steps need to be taken to resolve the conflict.

    Negativity - jealousy, hatred, bad intentions, gossip, envy directed at a person. The presence of an evil person in life. The inverted rune shows the possibility of getting rid of trouble.

    Addiction - means passion, craving for something, most often harmful. Alcohol, drugs, sex. It can also be extreme obsession, mania. It may also remind you of an obstacle that has already been overcome in the past.

    A star is a path-indicating star, giving a green light, a signal that there are no obstacles on the way. It has no opposite meaning, the sign is purely positive. More accurate interpretations depend on the position of the surrounding runes.

    Money - this angelic rune has a direct meaning. It shows the source and amount of money, depending on the alignment. When you are near the rune of negativity, someone is trying to use you. Paired with the rune of addiction - craving for accumulation, money-grubbing, avarice.

    Man - Animus, masculinity, man's influence on life. The runes around indicate the intentions of the man, his positivity or negativity in fate, the likely development of events. The inverted rune demonstrates that he is a negative person with a bad character.

    Woman - Anima, the feminine principle, the influence of a woman on the life of a fortuneteller. Most often, women are close. The rune reveals her intentions, what decisions, good or bad, she applies.

    The Full Moon is a time rune showing what will happen by the next full moon. Full moonlighting is an important astrological event that affects people's health and thoughts. Angelic runes are guided by the lunar cycle.

    New Moon is an indicator rune telling what will happen on the next new moon. The rune of a star in conjunction with it has the meaning of warning about a certain fragility of the chosen path. Together with the rune of wings - alarming news.

    Work is a kind of activity, a favorite occupation at the moment. The most important thing. The opposite meaning is the absence of a favorite thing.

    Dummy - the outcome is unknown, or the event is influenced by some irresistible force that does not clearly show the likely outcome of events. Or the decisions and undertakings made are empty, and it is better not to expect the end of the case in the near future. The rune is neutral and is interpreted according to the signs surrounding it.

    Pointer - indicates a fortuneteller. In the right position means that the seeker is open to knowledge and ready to accept the answers. In the wrong - that a person is blinkered and is held captive by false ideas. He misinterprets the meanings of the alignments and he should free himself before knowing his future.

    The instruments of death - runes of angels in popular culture

    The angelic rune is important not only in magical practices, but has found a place in modern popular culture. So, the American writer Cassandra Clare in 2007 she wrote the first book of her series "The Mortal Instruments", in which she actively used the symbolism of angelic runes. For example, the rune of fearlessness is a symbol created by the main character that makes its wearer the bravest of people.

    In the books, the main weapon of demon hunters is the sacred runes created by the angel Raziel. The author came up with more than a dozen symbols that denote certain abilities. Each of these signs contains angelic power, and only she is capable of harming the demons attacking the world and people.

    In total, the author wrote six books, which were used for the film and TV series "Shadowhunters". This franchise is very successful, so the series was renewed for a second season. The mythology of the books is entirely built on the use of angelic runes, both real and invented by Cassandra Clare, which runs like a red thread through the plot.

    Materials for the manufacture and use of runes of angels

    Runes can be made from a wide variety of materials, ranging from wood, simple and semi-precious stones, and all the way to ordinary shoe cardboard. They can be purchased, or you can make yourself. The material is not as important as the intentions of the fortuneteller, his experience and desire are.

    Before starting a session, a person must prepare, clear the runes and their thoughts. Cleansing can be done sun and moonlight, holy water... Before fortune-telling the runes, you need to saturate your energy - hold it in your hands.

    The color of the knuckles is not important. First of all, the fortuneteller must formulate the question to which he wishes to receive an answer. After that, you need to pull one rune out of the bag at random or use another rune layout. The clearer the thought, the more accurate the answer. Runes can be interpreted according to their main meaning, but also one should not forget about the semantic connections that are formed between them, the individual characteristics of the fortuneteller.

    Angel runes are a time-honored divination tool. It is used by many people who find themselves in a difficult life situation and do not know how to resolve it and which path to choose. As in any fortune-telling, first of all you must be honest with yourself in order to carefully read the alignment and not miss anything.

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