Born nobleman epub. Roman Zlotnikov, Anton Kornilov “A Born Nobleman. Quotes from the book "Born Nobleman" Anton Kornilov, Roman Zlotnikov

Adhesives 09.11.2020

First of all, this book has nothing to do with the plot of the Knights of the Threshold. I admit that it is possible to attach this beginning of a new cycle to the old untwisted one, but it will look like a tea mug tied to the monitor with adhesive tape. Strange, stupid, incomprehensible, and most importantly "why"? It seems to me that there is just some kind of mistake related to the fact that this is the same pair of authors.

Now about the work itself. A very vague thing. In terms of the confusion of the plot and ideas, it can successfully compete with the extremely weak “Elite of the Elites”.

In fact, the book is a mixture of modern chernukha with the author's ideas, which he tries to convey to the reader from book to book. Only if in previous works ideas could be called ill-conceived and very controversial, then there was some kind of confusion at all.

Again the semi-fascist militarized monarchical state as a bright dream, the hereditary elite - the "nobles", etc. etc. But those who read Roman's previous books will be disappointed. There is little new, everything is the same. Only now some kind of esotericism, superpowers and other dregs are added.

It turns out that the author himself already admits that his monarchical dreams in natural physical conditions are the same reality as "torsion fields" and "Petrik-Gryzlov's self-cleaning filter". By the way, in the course of the plot, he also brings the reader to this idea. Having immersed the heroes in a dark environment, first the author drives the reader into the idea that the dark stuff is the fruit of the inaction of the inhabitants, their unwillingness to fight, and not at all inability. Well, yes, in some places perhaps so. The idea is not the most stupid, although it is primitive. But by the end of the book, the author himself turns everything upside down, telling us that only a superhero with superpowers can help us. Those. only a miracle is worth hoping for.

So it turns out that ideologically the work is weak and lacks integrity, which makes it, well, not at all interesting. Well, besides ideology, what is left in the book? Yes, the same as in any crimson crime series on a zombie box. Is it necessary?

Rating: 4

Never wrote reviews ... I am 36 years old and I am a tough cynic and have been working for 15 years in an extremely cynical field. I really liked the book. Not a plot ... not a literary genre or style ... not an idea in general ... and not a happy ending at the end. The author really shows us how much we are all rotten weaklings inside, and it costs a lot. Each of us is in the mentor, in the hospital with broken toilets, in the ministry with bribes, in the Duma with lobbyists, in schools with extortions ... we all want happiness and prosperity for our children, parents, wives. But EVERYONE in his cell of the current system is pissing to change something, to go against the system and say this very "I absolutely forbid it!" Everyone makes up fucking excuses for himself why he is weak ... doctors say that they save children by working in "shit" and enduring "shit" around them, the police say that they cannot go against the system, teachers consider themselves heroes only because they teach .. . etc. Each mini-world, invented and justified by himself, has its own mini-religion ... and it will be worthy at least to admit it and try to comprehend and change something in himself. The book CHANGES something inside the one who read it, and there are almost no such books left, therefore it is more valuable than many others, even if it contains a lot of logical errors and fantastic assumptions.

Rating: no

A superhero, even if not a magician yet, but "I'm just learning", against a super evil, even a local one. (I even wanted to put the "Dark Lord" marker in the classifier))). However, there is no such superzle in the regions. Well, come on, superheroes also don't get to us for some reason. More specifically, we have before us a mix of Zlotnikov's ideas about an ideal state (the poor hero-hero falls through to us from just such a utopia) and a modern mafia action movie "a la russ". The first is presented by pathetic cliches with an attempt at aphorism, the second ... the second has not changed since the beginning of the 90s, when the stream of reading material filled the counters. The difference is only in the class of presentation (in this case, the level is sufficient so as not to cause a negative reaction).

In general, the opus turned out to be rather weak. Almost the strongest component is style: smooth, clean, no frills, but it will do. Thanks to this, it is really possible to devote the evening to UD. Everything else can be criticized in different ways and from different points of view. Someone is deeply disgusted with monarchist-militaristic motives, someone is fed up with the akyns' songs of the series “I will kill everyone, one will stay”, someone ...

P.S. But the worst part is that I personally don't see the show as a future. It is clear that the trademark "Zlotnikov" will be popular for a long time, which means it will be profitable. But there simply cannot be a decent plot and semantic development of the UD. If the co-authors find some way out, I will take off my hat.

Score: 6

In principle, all of Zlotnikov's books are similar to each other, but, as comrade sinmikhail noted below, it is still interesting to read him. For me, Zlotnikov was an author for a long time, to whom one could turn to when a situation arises - something needs to be read (road, queue, according to the mood, etc.), but there is nothing specific and pre-selected at hand. I was always ready to tackle him, even knowing in advance that the book will probably contain emotional distress, a special aggravation of the details of some atrocities committed by the enemies of the GG, and the hero himself will be a kind of knight without fear, reproach and doubt. Standard, but familiar and interesting. However, here, the right word, I was somewhat confused. Everything seems to be as usual, and the idea is clear: "a certain foreign person (of course, possessing special abilities, otherwise he cannot do it) awakens real human qualities in people and wonders why people do not want to be honest people and abide by the laws." The message itself, in principle, is clear, but its implementation makes one think. Moreover, it is not clear who to blame, whether everything was written by a new little-known author, and Zlotnikov's name was used for marketing purposes, or, indeed, Zlotnikov no longer knows what to write about and is experimenting with new moves.

I will not say anything about the main character, he is of the same type, standard as an amoeba and completely uninteresting as a person and a character in the book. As the author himself wrote, he is a foreign body in our society, he has his own concepts of morality, which he considers to be the only true and in every possible way implants them without caring especially about the fate and thoughts of those who follow him (moreover, there is clearly that something zombies, but about this, as undoubtedly negative and inconsistent with the ideal GG, the author is silent). As one "evil cops" correctly told Guy Tregrey about his ex, who took the True Path, a colleague of "what a guy he spoiled"! Until the very end of the book, personally, I was on the side of the "corrupt", but living, human and real policemen, as well as the main enemy, a businessman-patron of the arts, because whatever one may say, but if you look at it, there was much more sense from him to this city than from an unknown zealot of piety who has fallen from him. Apparently, by the end of the book, the author himself realized that the main enemy was painfully positive, and as a result, his image was supplemented with the qualities of a cocaine nymphile. Moreover, if you look closely, it becomes clear that both at the beginning and at the end of the book there are images of completely different people, moreover, taking into account the fact that in the process of the book nowhere is said about any of his transformation, it becomes clear that this addition was made out of despair , so that the reader finally has already leaped the thought "how the earth is wearing it!" and "until!"

Despite the fact that the book ends with a hint of a continuation, the question arises: "Is it necessary?" Perhaps it would be better for everyone, both the reader and the authors, to simply forget about this "fanfiction on Zlotnikov" as an annoying but useful literary experience for the young writer?

Rating: 5

Good literature is rarely found today. And when I say “good,” I don't mean “beautifully written” or “full of action,” but literature that carries some kind of semantic load. And useful.

This book is very topical and shows our usual life from an unpleasant but important point of view. The degradation of morality and such basic human concepts as honor, pride and honesty are almost lost and this is exactly what you begin to see after it. I was surprised to find such a book from a popular contemporary writer. And its value is not in good language, interesting plot, or living characters. No. She makes people better - and this is very rare.

Score: 9

A little like the usual Zlotnikov (Berserkers, Eternal, Hron). Recently, books under the author's surname are full of enthusiastic semantic content in the style of "Russians are the best, Russians are ahead!" Alas, the rest of the meaning decreases from book to book. The heroes know how right and good, and if you know how right and good, does anything else matter?

It is easy to read, though in some places it was necessary to frown.

Score: 6

It could be a great book if it weren't that bad.

A super warrior with mental abilities, an excellent student in combat and drill, a handsome man, a member of the Komsomol and just a great guy from the world of the triumph of Justice and Order gets to us, in a dirty and gray world that exists "by concepts." The young man very quickly adapts and begins to do good to the right and to the left, along the way getting into various troubles.

If there were severe totalitarian years in the courtyard of the events taking place in the book, I would say without a doubt that the book has been incompetently copied from The Inhabited Island. But the action is taking place today and I took up reading with interest. Agree, it is interesting for the wave to learn about the development of the conditional Maxim Kammerer in our time, about the change in his perception, about the trials and mistakes that he could have made trying to improve our life.

Unfortunately, none of this is in the book. The main character seems to be hewn out of stone. It is monumental and respectful, but it is not alive. A doll that is capable of acting only according to a given program. A puppet in the hands of the author, through whom the respected Roman Valerievich broadcasts about the ideal, from his point of view, world. Yes, the world of Eden, as imagined by Zlotnikov, is good, but it is no different from the main character of the book - the same monumental, stone and ... dead.

The novel, as already noted, is read quite easily and naturally, detached dialogues about right and wrong can be skipped quite well - unfortunately, there is nothing but water in them.

Rating: 5

It reminded Golovachev of a sample of the mid-nineties. One superhero against our immoral society))). Well, there is enough moralizing, of course. But it is read quite easily, despite the insertions about the meaning of life.

Score: 7

Yes, the book is not for everyone. Not in the sense that "you, reader, need to grow," - God forbid, from such moralizing. I'm talking about something else. About the controversy of the message itself, which - being misunderstood (not with "author's intonation", if you like) is capable of smearing the entire impression (planned by the authors), as they say.

Because, from a formal point of view, both the fantastic Idea and the fantastic Anturvzh (as well as everything else necessary for “fixing belonging to the genre”) are presented in full. From the point of view of the genre - "as according to the instructions", there is nothing to complain about.

But the personal perception “happens - does not happen” is already much more complicated, since it is rather strongly “colored” by various aspects of the perception of a particular reader. And in the list of these aspects - not in the last place are both political and moral (in the highest sense of the word), etc.

In the end, truths like “... do not judge, lest you be judged ...” or “... I say to you: do not resist the evil one. But whoever hits you on your right cheek, turn to him and the other ... ”- they are far from ambiguous, not“ WERE once ”, but today they remain the same ambiguous. After millennia of the Cult. Alas, this is, as they say, “who studied what,” this is a question of a conscious choice of the Personality. And here there are no - neither right nor guilty.

For those who have not read yet, but are about to be upset like "... ohh, another non-resistance to evil by violence, another holy fool ..." - I hasten to please: what are you, brothers and sisters, there is such a messy noble "Streets of broken lamps" - nervously smoking on the sidelines. Ours are so "they give them a light" that you just rock. Only now - not "right in the face", but at first - as a rule, they will say "it's not good, this is what you, my friend, allow yourself here: stop, otherwise I will punish approximately." Since he was a born nobleman, he was brought up like that. Only the "nobles" - they are not "ours", so to speak, but quite the opposite - they are from another planet, from the opposite end of the Galaxy. Or - in general - the Universe, it is not specified.

So think, dear potential reader, whether you are annoyed not by the ostentatious, but, as they say, "absorbed with mother's milk" the concept of Honor, Dignity, and Duty. If not annoying - read boldly, YOUR book. Well, if you think that all this is complete bullshit, a fairy tale for fools - well, don't read, it turns out - not yours

Score: 10

Probably, first of all, the book will be of interest to those who had even the slightest relation to the army, because ninety percent of the action in it takes place within a military unit and a small army collective itself. Several recruits are sent to the "troops", where they are faced with the oppression of bullying and the absolute indifference of the "fathers-commanders".

And who knows how the fate of the guys would have developed if one of them had not been ... But who Oleg was, alas, is not entirely clear from the text of the first book. The authors preferred to leave the mystery of this man's appearance for later.

There are enough sad moments in the novel, as well as a few straightforward philosophy. But it reads well, and there is a desire to know what happened next.

The name of Roman Zlotnikov is known to all fans of the genre of combat fiction. He wrote the book "A Born Nobleman" in collaboration with Anton Kornilov. Here you can see a very eventful plot. The main character is a stranger, but most often in the books it is our person who finds himself on an alien planet or in a parallel world, but here - on our planet there was a stranger. This is already a very interesting idea.

On the one hand, the hero seems too young and sometimes naive, which will attract more adolescent readers, but on the other hand, you need to keep in mind that the book contains a lot of cruel, even disgusting, scenes. Here you can see the idea of \u200b\u200ban ideal state, and also think about whether it is realistic to build it.

Oleg is a subject of the great Empire, a student of the Higher Military Academy, he has outstanding abilities and skills in martial arts. He is used to living in a world where goodness and justice reign. And Oleg somehow ended up on our planet. He saw that everything here is not as perfect as he used to. Oleg will try to show how one should really live, how important kindness and good deeds are. And how much he will succeed, how easy it will be for him to get used to our world with its shortcomings - another question.

The work belongs to the genre of Science Fiction. It was published in 2012 by AST Publishing House. The book is part of the "Born Nobleman" series. On our site you can download the book "Born Nobleman" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 4 out of 5. Here you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinions before reading. In the online store of our partner, you can buy and read a book in paper form.

Born noble Anton Kornilov, Roman Zlotnikov

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Title: Born Nobleman

About the book "A Born Nobleman" Anton Kornilov, Roman Zlotnikov

His name is Oleg Guy Tregrey. He is a subject of the great Empire. He is a cadet at the Imperial High Military Academy. He owns the third level of the imperial combat complex and has already stepped on the last step of comprehending the Pillar of the Greatness of the Spirit. And he is a born nobleman. By the will of fate, he found himself alone in a world: alien, dangerous, hostile ... not only to him, an uninvited stranger, but also to his own inhabitants. Our world with you, reader ...

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read the online book "A Born Nobleman" by Anton Kornilov, Roman Zlotnikov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, find out the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and advice, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skill.

Quotes from the book "Born Nobleman" Anton Kornilov, Roman Zlotnikov

“Yes,” Ignatius confirmed. - The same one. Our unique one. Unimaginably gifted, susceptible to a brilliant future.

And, in general, you need to do like one of my friends. In short, she bought herself such a real “iPad”, and on the contact “Papa” put a photo of our head of the criminal police in uniform. To contact "Uncle" - a photo of the district prosecutor, also in uniform. And on contact "Brother" - a photo of a hefty riot policeman, with all the parade, of course. So this "iPad" was stolen from her three times. And they threw it back three times. How!

Title: Born Nobleman
Writer: Anton Kornilov, Roman Zlotnikov
Year: 2016
Publisher: AST
Age limit: 16+
Volume: 410 pages
Genres: Contemporary foreign literature

About the book "A Born Nobleman" Anton Kornilov, Roman Zlotnikov

What will happen if a hereditary nobleman, a resident of a developed alien civilization, is thrust into an unfamiliar and less developed reality, shall we say ... on Earth, in the Russian Federation, in our days? How will the protagonist feel when his ideas about an ideal society are faced with the difficult realities of today's Russia? An ordinary resident, not heavily burdened by intellect and some kind of moral values, would simply try to survive in this too tough, new world for him. But Oleg Gai Tregrey is a born nobleman, the concept of morality, honor, duty to his homeland is hammered into his head from the cradle. He tries not only to survive in these strange realities, but also to correct everything that seems wrong to him, and most importantly, the thoughts of people who allowed such an existence. The civilization, where the young man comes from, is at a higher stage of development than the current alternative reality, and the main character has a long, painstaking work to change at least something in the minds of the people living here.

Oleg quickly adapts to the local realities and begins to change this world for the better, but every minute he gets into various troubles. After all, the zombie inhabitants are always beneficial to the authorities, the intellect of the wards should always strive to a minimum - it is easier to manage such a herd. Our main character is different from other people, just a role model. Handsome, strong, cadet of the Higher Imperial Military Academy, an excellent student of combat and drill, and even having super abilities. Only he is able to turn this world in the right direction.

The author very well managed to show in his work a real hero - a calm, self-confident man, inspiring the reader to fight wasps with evil. The writer brings us the right idea: if you don't like today's reality, then start with yourself first. What have you done to make life better? Many people are simply panicky afraid of any changes in their lives, they are very weak in front of the existing reality, in front of the system. Our reality ... these are shabby hospitals with broken toilets, this is a school with countless extortions for the foundation and repair of a classroom, countless departments and ministries with corruption and bribes ... Isn't it all awful? And we ourselves produce it, once we agree to such vile conditions of existence. We all want prosperity and well-being for ourselves and our loved ones, but we are desperately afraid to change something. And we all convince ourselves that it is unrealistic to fight windmills. It's always easier to find your own personal excuses than to try to do something.

This work is not just a fantastic action movie with action elements, it is a book that makes a person think. If you go beyond the framework of the collective thinking system, find courage in yourself, you can change everything. All is not lost yet.

On our literary site you can download the book by Anton Kornilov, Roman Zlotnikov "The Born Nobleman" for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you love to read books and always keep an eye on new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for novice writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

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