Ghost Castle "Vasily Makhanenko. “The Way of the Shaman. The ghost castle "Vasily Makhanenko The path of the shaman ghost castle awb

Drywall 09.11.2020

A new immersion in the world of Barliona - one of the best worlds of the LitRPG project!

What can a gaming clan do without a castle?

The answer is obvious - nothing, so the main task of any leader in the gaming world is to get their own habitat. Proceeding from this very position, Mahan - the Supreme Shaman, the head of the "Legends of Barliona" clan, accepted the proposal of the Emperor and the Sovereign to destroy the army of Ghosts who settled in Altamed - the Ghost Castle. However, a seemingly ordinary task launched such a flywheel of events that the Shaman had no choice but to turn on his intuition and sometimes act on a whim. After all, a player who is being hunted by three leading clans of the continent at once has nothing else to do ...

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The Shaman's Way. Ghost castle Vasily Makhanenko

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Title: The Way of the Shaman. Ghost castle

About the book “The Way of the Shaman. Ghost Castle "Vasily Makhanenko

A new immersion in the world of Barliona - one of the best worlds of the LitRPG project!

What can a gaming clan do without a castle?

The answer is obvious - nothing, so the main task of any leader in the gaming world is to get their own habitat. Proceeding from this very position, Mahan - the Supreme Shaman, the head of the "Legends of Barliona" clan, accepted the proposal of the Emperor and the Sovereign to destroy the army of Ghosts who settled in Altamed - the Ghost Castle. However, a seemingly ordinary task launched such a flywheel of events that the Shaman had no choice but to turn on his intuition and sometimes act on a whim. After all, a player who is being hunted by three leading clans of the continent at once has nothing else to do ...

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read the online book “The Way of the Shaman. Ghost Castle "Vasily Makhanenko in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, find out the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

Briefly: "the same cabbage soup, pour thicker ...". but the book has already dropped by 4.
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YG is lucky. to disgrace. failed the task - it doesn't matter: I went to Anastaria, through the NPC I got into a zone not intended for players, completed the task, restored the reputation for the failed task. apply abilities not available to his class.
At the same time, he is strikingly naive and dull. analyzes his own conclusions very badly, cannot question his own thoughts.
Does not let the NPC to the castle - he yelled at the NPC and his requirements were immediately met, and the NPC was punished ...
Whatever he does, everything will be (absolutely) beneficial to him and his clan. I'm afraid even if he doesn't do anything, there will be an even greater benefit.
Confusion: then heroes easily fight level 50-150 against monsters 300-350 (100 ++ levels difference) (dark forest battle with vampires, the moment when mahan (about 70) with 3 characters of level 29 killed 5 vampires of 115-150 level) then when reviewing the properties of the eye, anastaria says that they will be crushed by monsters 3 levels higher than themselves ... a paradox
in the arena, they are dragging out the gg, not the experienced raid leader who takes the reins into his own hands and pulls out the raid.
It became clear why the gg closed the reins of the clan on himself - to take and waste 300 thousand gold (clan treasury !!!) for a suit, in order not to lose reputation with a jeweler (only for himself) and perform unnecessary to anyone except his quest (and to prevent suicide - about which the emperor already knew) - only for himself.
Naturally, with such luck, the scroll about chess gets to him. Naturally, just like that.
Again, he acts according to his feelings and returns the scroll, which gives him buns for creating chess (voluntarily refusing them) ... but here, too, luck: the scroll as a noble gesture is returned to him and his turnip is raised.
I believe that if he destroys the city / castle, kills the emperor, outrages the princess, kills all the shamans, they will raise his reputation to the maximum, and super rare epics will be presented, and also thanked.)
It also finishes the fact that a person who spent several years on pumping a profession to create, who is the leader of the mainland in craft, was in less than half a year bypassed by 1 prisoner, who ALREADY raised a high-level player in craft. There is no competition at all.
But, yours, will be enough to read to the end. Although more and more like nonsense about one lich.
at the beginning of the 1st book there was intrigue, hopelessness - he will experience pain, everyone else does not experience pain. he is an outcast among his own kind and so on. well, it was clear that it would be hard for him. here the only thing that is not clear is how quickly he will complete the next task or level up (that is, the book seems to be not about a prisoner who is being punished, but about a person in a country with some restrictions).
and no one restricts especially strongly. the feeling of pleasure received for the levels (the same is strange, but okay) - disappeared. In addition to pain, there are also feelings of pleasure available (brothel, the whole range of sensations). sits, or at a resort with a light regime? all the restriction is the inability to go out into the real world ... otherwise they are "punished" with experience, level-ups, rare tasks, getting money, easy raids, pumping physical data in reality, sex in the pleasure house (judging by the text, it is quite traditional, without perversions - 24 hours a week ... if you remember the physiology of a man - 5-30 minutes ... this is 48 times a week.Even if you imagine that he spends 2 hours on this business (this is just what a loss of strength) - this is some bull inseminator is simple).
well, I would understand the limitations in the game - they say you cannot swing reputation, you cannot complete part of the tasks, you cannot create a clan, and other things that strain the game, showing that you cannot get along in society until you atone for your guilt ... but that is how you punish .. . "give double too" ... just right to think about who the real prisoner is ...
Attitude (embarrassment, shock of an NPC at the sight of the characteristics of his hero.) - It is unlikely that all NPCs would be "shocked" if it was not according to the quest's plot. It is illogical.
There are two explanations - either the author carries and will continue to be "the same thicker", or the mahan is an experiment, nothing more - which explains his incredible luck, luck. for the sake of wondering what comes next. I would definitely not spend money on a series. but "hedgehogs cried and injected ...";)

The Shaman's Way. Step 4: ghost castle

Chapter 1. Tavia's Bloody Tears

Stop lying around! - Anastaria's mocking voice broke through my clouded mind, forcing me to return to reality. For a few moments, the brain refused to work, as if it did not trust the perception, but the dam of mistrust burst and thoughts seethed with a full-flowing river. So ... I was lying on the ground - it means the flight was unsuccessful. Everything hurts, as if there is nothing whole left in me - the landing was hard. One thing pleased me - judging by the system time, only ten minutes had passed since the fatal peak, so I was not abandoned for rebirth.

Maybe poke him with a stick? - Plinto joined Anastaria. Where is he going? He himself did not fully understand his abilities, but all the same - since the Dragon, he must be able to fly. - What if he starts to move?

Right now I'm poking someone! - I muttered, after which I gathered my strength and sat down, leaning against a tree, into which, as my memory helpfully suggested, I had crashed a few minutes earlier. - What's up with Clutter?

It seems alive! What will become of me? - there was a hoarse voice from somewhere behind the tree, showing that its owner got no less than mine, but allowed me to take a breath with relief. It turns out that during an unsuccessful landing on a tree, I did not send my rider to rebirth. At least some kind of joy!

Are you going to continue lying around? You still have forty minutes of training, be kind - work them out completely! - said Anastaria, as if she did not care about my condition at all. I feel bad, painful and offended, and she only thinks about how to delay the meeting with our common tormentor. The doll is insensitive! What fool thought she was ideal? ..

The first month of our stay at the Patriarch of the Vampires was coming to an end and I can declare with full responsibility - it was the darkest month of my gaming life! What a Hunter, what a Shaman!

The first two days turned out to be surprisingly calm and pleasant - the Patriarch treated us with all sorts of useful delicacies, told various stories, together with Ishni - the Unicorn - showed the sights of the Dark Forest. The Green Waterfall alone was worth something! A stream began its journey from a huge cobblestone, fifty meters high, surrounded by huge and, thanks to Ishni, living trees. After three hundred kilometers, it turned into one of the many tributaries of the Nelda - the second largest river Malabar, but the source that opened to our eyes was striking in its beauty. Transparent, tasty, instantly replenishing Vigor and Life, water fell from the stone, the very existence of which in the Dark Forest caused a lot of questions. For example - where did he come from here? It is because of such little things introduced by location designers that there are players who have devoted the entire game to travel. In order to see such masterpieces with their own eyes, a couple of days of flying on a griffin is not a time for them! Both the Green Waterfall and the absolutely round lake of water lilies, on which green, white, red flowers grew in slender rows, and the updated glade of the Keeper of the Forest ... In two days we saw so many amazing and beautiful things that we were completely unprepared for the upcoming changes. Returning to the Patriarch's castle, everyone froze, experiencing conflicting feelings. The look of the Patriarch expressed pride for the excellent work of his fighters, Ishni - interest, Vampires - the joy that they were able to please their master, and only mine, as well as all the other players, including the dreary awareness of the future. From a powerful defensive structure that has withstood the attacks of the Fallen for twenty years, the castle has turned into a huge training ground. Walkways, pendulums, training dummies, imitators of bosses, pendulums and paths again ... I didn't even know the names of most of the devices, but I understood from the pleased look of the chief bloodsucker Barliona that in the very near future I will fill this gap in education with interest. One thing pleased me - I am a Shaman, so treadmills and test lanes do not threaten me. Let the Robbers and Warriors have fun on them, and Barsina and Anastaria and I will learn to use our magical abilities.

How wrong I was ...

At first, we were all given the task - "Training". Rare, almost unique, telling that for four weeks they will study with us according to a special method of some monks, which will allow the consciousness to transfer part of the skill accumulated in the game into reality. According to the conditions, during the execution of the task, the players had the right to leave the game a maximum of three times for two hours, if more and longer, the task will fail. Due to the fact that as a reward there was a one-time increase in all main characteristics by 15 units, no one wanted to risk the loss of such a bonus. Having used one way out to reality, the three free players were literally in an hour ready as guerrillas to easily and naturally get their legal promotion. Naive Chukchi children!

Twenty-eight game days under the leadership of the Patriarch turned into one, filled with fatigue, pain, suffering and more fatigue. Morning workout that turns into workout with workout break. Then lunch in the form of a workout and a full-scale serious day workout, after which rest in the form of a workout before the evening workout. Before the lights out, there was a warm-up workout and a three-time rise at night for short one-hour workouts ... Even the first month at the Prika mine could not drive me as hard as the servants of the Patriarch managed to do.

But the training of the second Dragon begins! In two hours I am waiting for you in the form of a Dragon at the pendulums. Now - run march!

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