Pavel sanaev - gouging chronicles. Book: Chronicles Gouging - Pavel Sanaev Chronicles Gouging 2 download fb2

Roof 09.11.2020

What this book meant to me

First, the good :)

I am personally grateful to this book for opening up a new kind of pleasure for me.

While reading The Chronicle of Gouging, I suddenly plunged back into the days of my youth. It was a very interesting experience for me, after which I became keenly interested in high-quality prose about the 90s. I wrote more about this experience here: A book for those who grew up in the 90s "

After reading a lot of novels, novellas and stories about the time of my youth, I realized which books catch me the most. The main selection criterion is the use of autobiographical material. (This, of course, does not imply an autobiography; the author also needs strong writing skills that allow them to make fiction from a biography). In my opinion, this method provides the book with one hundred percent authenticity. The author writes that he knows very well. In such books, as a rule, there are no flat hero-functions that are needed either to artificially exhilarate the plot, or to express the author's ideas (oppose these ideas). There are no extremely unpleasant mistakes in them, after which one does not want to further waste time on the work (a vivid example is the investigator from the sensational series "Garden Ring", who repeatedly says "premeditated murder"; who wonders why this is the author's gross mistake, killing faith in what is happening on the screen, ask in the comments, I will answer :)).

So, the first book that made me take a closer look at the works based on autobiographical material was "The Chronicles of Gouging." Thanks to the thundered book by Sanaev, I became interested and discovered a writer less known to a wide audience - Roman Senchin. His prose is all from his autobiography and all about the 90s.

Who will be interested in the book

Well, now, about Sanaev's book actually :)

I think "The Chronicles of Broken" will be interesting to three categories of readers. 1) Women who saw the collapse of the USSR at a conscious age; 2) young men who are now 17-20 years old; 3) men whose age coincides with the age of the hero.

The first will be interested in the realities of the late USSR and early Russia, the second will be interested in the issues that concern all young men regardless of the time when they enter adult life, and the third will be interested in both.

What is this book about

The action begins in the summer of 1991. The main character has just graduated from high school. He has no ideas about his own future, fortunately in material terms, he is well provided for thanks to his stepfather, the director of a large Soviet publishing house, and his mother. They pamper him with various nomenclature gifts such as imported clothes / shoes / audio equipment and a trip to a closed boarding house located in Jurmala.

Then well-known events happen (GKChP, the disappearance of the USSR) and the hero is forced to ask a question that Shura Balaganov formulated as follows: "How to get his daily bread?"

Another issue that worries the hero of the book is relationships with girls. And, finally, the third question is seeking God. That is, attempts to determine the worldview.

The main drawback of the book

The main drawback of The Chronicle of Gouging is that it is not finished and is unlikely to be completed.

The book, which was published in 2013, and which we are talking about today is the first part of the dilogy. A certain exposition is given in it. The first part ends with a dispute between Razdolbay and his friend, who in the early 90s in several years became a tough business man. A friend is surrounded by very expensive girls (not in the sense of a professional, but rather, kept women of very rich people). Razdolbay wants to communicate with the same. A friend claims that Razdolbai will not be able to provide himself with an appropriate income. Razdolbay takes offense, and they make a bet. According to the terms of the bet, in a few years Razdolbai must come to a meeting with a friend in the company of a dear girl with whom he has a permanent relationship.

The author promised that the second part will be released in 2014. Since then, its release has been postponed many times. According to the book's website, at the moment only 10% of the text is ready. My prediction is that the second part will not be finished. Such rates indicate either that for the author the topic has ceased to be interesting (important), or that the author cannot cope with the topic and adequately solve the task set for himself.

Chronicles of Gouging Pavel Sanaev

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Title: Chronicles Razdolbaya

About the book "Chronicles of Broken" Pavel Sanaev

Writer, screenwriter and director Pavel Sanaev is the son of actress Elena Sanaeva and Rolan Bykov, in the early 2000s he published a book about Soviet childhood. Bury Me Behind The Skirting Board was an instant hit. And then there was a sequel called "The Chronicles of Broken."

Although the first and second parts are connected, the Chronicles of Broken-down is an independent work. The main character Sasha Savelyev grew up and now they began to call him gouging. The 19-year-old hero of this book is a participant in events in the late 80s and early 90s. This is exactly the period of the collapse of the USSR. In the former Soviet Union, there is a complete "gouging". Everything changes, falls apart, collapses. And the 19-year-old hero in the "dolt" country becomes Gouged. His growing up and becoming as a person coincides with this period of the country's life.

Probably, gouges are all of us who have lived through and remember those times when we had to change all the previously inculcated rules of life and concepts of justice. It will be interesting for today's youth to learn about this and understand from their point of view. Moreover, the book "Chronicles of Broken-down" by Pavel Sanaev is written in a very exciting, interesting and funny way. Together with the heroes, we are going through some events and there is a lot of things that make you laugh while reading.

In the book "Chronicles of Gouging" by Pavel Sanaev, the theme of religion and the attitude towards it of young people of those times, who were drummed into them that religion is bad, is revealed. The main character and his friends are looking for an answer to this question.

For the youth of the 90s, opportunities open up for a new existence and earning money. And not everyone understood this, and remained with the old Soviet concepts of life.

Pavel Sanaev sometimes uses profanity in his book "The Chronicles of Gouging", but, as he himself believes, the hero will not fully reveal himself if this does not happen. So you need to be ready for this, as well as for the scenes of the sexual formation of Razdolbaya.

In general, the work is optimistic. The main character is lucky that he does not step over the line beyond which there would be no move back. And it doesn't matter who prompted it to him - an inner voice or God himself, but he does not become either a traitor or a scoundrel for the sake of wealth. Still, decency won in Razdolbay.

Once again, I would like to note that the book Chronicles of Razdolbay by Pavel Sanaev is a story about the youth of the 90s, who suddenly realized that you can not study, but at the same time earn easy money, that it is better to be a manager, not an engineer. Who was bolder, became the master of life, and who was a simple and honest worker - was left with nothing.

And, of course, it is impossible not to write about the love of 19-year-old Razdolbai. There were courtship and the application of all efforts to achieve a loved one. The hero survived the betrayal. It is necessary to mention the complex attitude of Gouging to faith, but he nevertheless comes to God and accepts it. In general, Razdolbai is a positive hero. A noble romantic, honest and not going to mean things in business.

Before you - the continuation of the cult story of Pavel Sanaev "Bury me behind the plinth." The hero of "Plinth" grew up, he is nineteen years old, and everyone calls him Gouging. Torn apart by conflicting desires and aspirations, sometimes influenced by others, then defending his beliefs, Razdolbay will learn life by trial and error. Prostitutes and sex, freedom, impunity and rebellion - on the one hand; one single girlfriend, educated friends and faith in God on the other. Probably the most attractive thing about Pavel Sanaev's new novel is the utmost sincerity of the protagonist. He will share with us those thoughts and feelings that we are afraid to admit to ourselves.

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Pavel Sanaev


Bury me behind plinth-2

Dedicated to my wife Alena


On August 11, 1990, Razdolbai woke up a little earlier than usual - at half past one in the afternoon. The sun outside the window was hot and white. Over the asphalt of Leningradsky Prospekt, the air hung bluish from the burning of cargo. People walked the streets for a long time, sweating and sighing wearily. And Razdolbai just opened his eyes. From a long, heavy sleep, his feelings seemed to be dulled by something weighty. He lay down, realized that he would no longer be able to fall asleep, and trudged off to the kitchen to sharpen his dull senses with strong coffee.

The next day Razdolbay turned nineteen. His parents, or rather his mother and stepfather, made him a gift in advance and left for a book fair in France to wander in the golden Parisian fog in the morning, to wonder at the shops in the afternoon, and in the evening to present books of a large Soviet publishing house, whose director his stepfather had worked for most of his life. A three-room apartment on Leningradka for the second week was at the complete disposal of Razdolbay, but he did not feel joy from this. Pouring coffee, he once again thought that a vacant apartment was an excuse to invite friends and girls, drink champagne, dance, hug girls on sofas in dim rooms ... How did it happen that by the age of nineteen he had no girls or friends?

Although Razdolbay was nineteen before one day, he looked younger than his years and was one of those slender youths in whom there is something birdlike. Razdolbai hated this bird in himself and was afraid to undress in public in panic. He did not go to the beach, to the bathhouse and the pool either. He had to go to the military registration and enlistment office. There he was stripped and put into a corridor full of muscular organisms. Out of embarrassment, Razdolbai lost his voice and, having appeared before the commission, he gurgled with difficulty: “Draftee so-and-so has arrived to undergo a medical examination”. The military doctor did not like it. He poked Gouge between the bony ribs with a hardened finger and promised to send him to Afghanistan.

We are already late with Afghanistan, Mikhail Trofimych, our contingent is being withdrawn, ”recalled the red-faced colonel, who looked like a crab from the label of scarce canned food.

So, he will go to Tajikistan as a border guard. They need goners to feed the dogs.

The colonel and the military doctor laughed merrily, but the voice of "such-and-such" conscript finally disappeared. Razdolbay was not sent to Tajikistan, as well as to the army, because of bronchial asthma and chronic kidney disease.

Razdolbai did not know his own father. According to the mother's recollections, dad was considered a merry fellow, but family life and the birth of a son dried his gaiety in the bud. Every now and then he fell into melancholy and gloomily remained silent for several days in a row.

Tosca-ah-ah ... - somehow the father drawled, looking at the Gouging crawling in the playpen and the mother sitting next to the book. - What a hopeless longing! Hang on, or what?

Hang on, - answered the mother, not looking up from the book.

My father left the room, took off the clothesline in the kitchen and, having tied it to the top hinge of the front door, dexterously made a noose.

Gal! he called. - Come here!

Come on, I'll show you what.

The mother came over. Father threw a noose around his neck and, saying: "Here you are!", Fell flat. The rope snapped like a string, the strangled father slammed his chin into a shoebox and broke his jaw. In the hospital, his teeth were tied with wire, his mother brought broths and pureed soups there every day, and when the jaw grew together, she filed for divorce. The father did not mind and has not appeared since. Alimony, however, he sent regularly, and, adding the last three translations, his mother even bought Razdolbay a Zenit camera for his sixteenth birthday.

Until the age of five, they lived together. Mom went to work and left him with a nanny - an unrequited old woman, whom Razdolbai hit on the back with a wooden spatula and fired multi-colored cannonballs from a plastic cannon. The hostility was explained simply: confusing cause and effect, Razdolbai thought that mother was leaving because this boring grandmother should be with him. A misunderstanding would have deprived the old woman of the remnants of her health, but my mother explained what was the matter, and added in conclusion:

If I don't go to work, what are we going to eat?

The words "eat" and "work" were merged in the mind of Gouging into one whole, but then Uncle Volodya appeared. He married his mother, moved them to his three-room apartment in the "Dynamo" metro area, and earned so much that mother could do nothing and still eat as much as she wanted. Mom, however, did not quit working. She was a music teacher, loved her job and refused the offer to stay at home with the child. However, she now took a taxi to work. Transportation expenses exceeded her salary, and Uncle Volodya said with a laugh that she was the only person who worked and paid extra for it.

Mom's "odnushka" in Khimki, where Razdolbai spent the first five years of his life, remained free. Uncle Volodya offered to change to a four-room apartment, but my mother said that when Razdolbai got married, he would have a place to live, and they began to rent the one-room apartment from time to time. They called her “that apartment”. The little money that “that apartment” brought to the family budget was very important for my mother. She was burdened by dependence on her husband and sometimes took the subway to save the five issued for a taxi, or went on commission in search of a blouse cheaper than in a store. Having saved and put aside a few rubles, she was happy, as if she had earned money, and cherished her stash so that she could later spend it on her son.

At first, Razdolbai treated Uncle Volodya as an outsider, and it did not even occur to him that he and his mother were living in his house. But somehow Mom and Uncle Volodya had a falling out, and Razdolbai shouted from his room:

Mom, whatever you have, I'm on your side!

He wanted to show that he considered the stranger uncle to be knowingly wrong, and was sure that the uncle, recognizing himself as a stranger, would agree with this and get rid of his mother. My uncle had a different opinion. On the same evening, he had an educational conversation with Razdolbay, in which he explained that it was irresponsible to take sides without understanding the essence of the conflict; that, moreover, there is no conflict, but there are problems, and they must be solved together, and not divided into right and wrong, because now they are one family.

Little Razdolbay was not convinced by the conversation. In his view, Uncle Volodya did not understand that he and his mother were at the same time in charge, and he was alone and had nothing to do with it. To reason with him, Razdolbai chose a moment when his stepfather was ill, and put the alarm clock running under his pillow under his pillow. He expected that Uncle Volodya would humbly laugh, recognizing the august right to make fun of himself in this way, but he got it hard on the neck and ran to seek his mother's intercession. Razdolbai got even stronger from her, and it became clear that Uncle Volodya was not an outsider and had to be reckoned with.

Uncle Volodya won respect later, when the words "eat" and "work" found in the mind of the grown-up Breaking an inextricable bond, and he realized that only thanks to his stepfather, he and mother live in prosperity and do not need anything. However, wealth did not mean abundance. Uncle Volodya believed that children should not be pampered, and bought Broken things strictly out of necessity - some good jeans, some weekend sneakers, the only ceremonial sweater. He had a tape recorder only in the ninth grade, although many children were fond of recordings in the seventh grade. The main music lover of the class was considered a mustachioed boy with a strange surname Maryaga. He listened to unknown Rock monsters on bulky equipment with large black speakers, and Razdolbay always felt the respectful envy of the uninitiated towards him. At the first CWP lesson, they were seated at one desk, and, drawing the Gothic letters AC / DC on the rubber cheek of the training gas mask, a mustachioed fan of heavy metal casually asked:

Well, how, your parents haven't bought the equipment for you yet?

No, - for some reason Razdolbai answered guiltily.

So you demand!

The guilty Razdolbai threw up his hands and let out a laugh, which was unambiguously translated as: "You will demand from them ..."

Razdolbai never dared to demand anything from his parents, and if he had to ask, he always felt how his hands were sweating and his throat tightened with respect in his voice.

Decide the fate of doltish desires pliant mother, rare requests would not have been accompanied by such excitement, but Uncle Volodya was in charge of the house, and before him Razdolbai was lost and shy, like a pygmy before a giant. He did not even dare to call his stepfather "you", although he asked for it, and, at the same time embarrassed by the official "vykanie", completely avoided direct appeals and verbs with treacherous endings. When inviting his stepfather to the table, he said “food is on the table” instead of “go eat”, and when calling him to the phone, he said “they are calling there” instead of “pick up the phone”.

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