Where can you learn to read tarot cards. Tarot for beginners: what to do if you want to read cards. Features of the deck for beginners

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Fortune telling on Tarot cards is a kind of "aerobatics" in card mantics (the art of fortune telling). However, learning to read tarot cards on your own is quite realistic, especially if you study the material presented on.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards, unlike ordinary cards, is associated with the secret knowledge of astrology, alchemy and occultism, which is why the images on them are so difficult to interpret. Here you will need not only a good memory or some kind of memo, but also intuition, which generally plays a big role in such fortune-telling.

Symbolic images of the tarot

The 78 cards included in the Tarot deck are like a symbolic system of images reflecting the main vicissitudes of human life. The combination of cards that appears during fortune-telling helps to find answers to many questions and "see" your destiny. In modern terms, a tarot deck can be considered a set of different algorithms, and a combination of cards in a layout is a program for reading them and, accordingly, interpreting them.

Before you learn to guess on tarot cards yourself, you need to choose a deck, and the choice is quite subjective: you must certainly hold the deck in your hands, and the one that is "yours", you will feel intuitively. This deck can only be used by you, you do not need to give it to the wrong hands. Ordering tarot cards over the Internet is also not recommended precisely because of the individualized choice and the connection that should arise between the deck and its owner. To some extent, it will help unleash your mantic potential.

Arcana and their meaning

The Tarot deck, consisting of 78 cards, is subdivided into Major arcana, which includes 22 cards, and Minor - 56 cards of the lowest order, divided into 4 suits (series) of 14 pieces each, representing respectively four elements - earth (pentacles), fire (swords), air (staves) and water (bowls). Sometimes they are interpreted as the main types of temperament: cups - choleric, swords - sanguine, pentacles - phlegmatic and staffs - melancholic.

With the Major Arcana, everything is somewhat more complicated: they do not belong to any suit and are traditionally interpreted as a cyclical path of spiritual development, starting from the young "Fool" full of ambitions to deep comprehension of the "World".

In terms of their importance, the Major Arcana undoubtedly surpass the Minor ones, since they relate to fateful moments, while the Minor ones - small details and events of the near future. Thus, when the cards of both arcana appear in the layout, one can judge how significant this event or relationship is.

If you seriously decided to learn how to read tarot cards on your own, then the information provided will help you

Many people want to learn how to predict the future and solve difficult situations, so the question arises when picking up tarot - where to start? Before reading tarot cards, it is necessary to study all the arcana and their meaning. Each has its own symbol that warns, protects or performs some other action. There are different types of divination for beginners. Training should be carried out consistently. The best books will help you to correctly interpret and understand the meaning of the arcana.

Tarot teaching should be done consistently

Exploring the deck

Before laying out the tarot, every novice tarot reader should study the deck in detail. The classic versions of the tarot consist of 78 suits, 56 of which are minor arcana and 22 are senior. They feature 4 suits of 14 cards and 4 picture cards each, which include: king, queen page and knight. They are very often referred to as yard cards.

Tarot for beginners differs from a regular deck of cards in that it has major arcana of 22 cards. The presented cards have no suit and go one after another in the order of the assigned number. To understand the meaning well, you need to start with the major arcana, since they are the main ones. They are able to point out important events and provide detailed descriptions. The senior arcana are responsible for the first component, and the junior ones for the second.

Anyone who wants to read fortunes and study tarot on their own asks the question, where to start? The process of unfolding is not an ordinary description of pictures, but a deep process that takes place on a spiritual level. This involves intuition and the ability to listen to the inner voice. To answer the question of how to understand tarot, you need to concentrate as much as possible on the connection with it. To keep the learning process simple, you need to purchase tarot books for a beginner.

The simplest techniques

Tarot for a beginner, after learning, you can try to lay out tarot cards using simple techniques and gradually move on to complex ones. Everything should be done according to a clear plan. The beginning of the study of maps consists of possible options.

  • Many authors believe that you need to try to work with the deck before the detailed description of each arcana is studied. This approach is called free association. At this moment, what the fortuneteller sees is very important. You need to focus on your options for interpreting layouts and not strive for established standards. Experienced tarologists say that there are no right answers, there is an action and its consequences. Before you learn to read the tarot, you need to take the arcana from the deck one by one and consider them.
  • You also need to start learning the deck with the help of a textbook that describes the classic meanings.... A tarot book for a beginner will help in the interpretation. Personal associations will not at all coincide with the classical description of the arcana, but you should not get upset and ignore them. Only practice will help to confirm which judgment is the most correct. It is necessary to use different books describing the arcana and study more information that will help speed up the learning.
  • After you have studied the deck and its meaning, you can move on to practice. The easiest way to get an answer to a question is the card of the day. Before drawing out the lasso, you need to ask what the new day will bring. After the day is over, it is necessary to make an analysis before going to bed, which of what was said by the cards came true and what did not.

After you have studied the deck and its meaning, you can proceed to practice

Only when using simple techniques can you apply more complex methods of tarot divination. In tarology, there are a large number of layouts that help solve issues in different areas of human life.

Secrets of decoding layouts

Many people think about how to learn to read tarot cards. It's not as difficult as it sounds. There are little secrets on how to correctly decode cards. At first, it is very difficult for novice tarologists to decide on the interpretation of the arcana. It is not difficult to arrange the cards in order, but it can be difficult to combine their meaning into a big picture. In order for the understanding of the whole process to be simpler and there was no question of how to guess correctly, you need to know about some subtleties.

  • You always need to remember that the alignment is a big picture and to consider each lasso separately is the wrong approach. Therefore, the question of where to start studying tarot can be answered with confidence - with a detailed comparison of all the elements of the cards. Tarot is like a mirror that conveys an image of the inner world and a view of situations.
  • An important point is the comparison of suits and arcana. Depending on which suit prevails in the layout, the nature of the situation will be determined. If there are more cups, the emotional side will be more pronounced, pentacles - the material, swords - the presence of conflicts, wands - vitality. If in the scenario there are only senior arcana and suits only complement the overall picture, this indicates the importance of events that should be given special attention. This will allow you not only to guess the meaning of the cards, but to know their exact meaning.
  • When determining the value of a spread out layout, you must pay attention to the ratio of cards in a straight and inverted position. It cannot be said that a large number of overturned cards is bad. This alignment suggests that you need to pay attention to the problems that need to be solved for further development in different spheres of life.

Only when all the elements of the arcana are taken into account, you can draw the correct conclusion and get an answer to a difficult question. Such components are necessary regardless of what fortune-telling is used.

Most popular layouts

There are different ways to read tarot cards. For beginners, it is better to start with simple layouts and then move on to more complex ones. Popular tarot spreads have the following names:

  • cross;
  • alignment for relationships;
  • alignment for the future;
  • pyramid;
  • divination of the heart.

Such tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation are the simplest and most understandable. Simple fortune-telling in the layout of the cross gives beginners the opportunity to get answers to their questions. The layout is performed both with the help of the entire deck, and only with the major lasso. Cards are laid out with a cross. The first on the left reflects the essence of the problem situation, the second on the right - what should be avoided, the third from the top - what needs to be done to resolve the issue, and the fourth from the bottom - how the outcome of events can end.

Layouts on cards can also be done using the partnership technique.

The interpretation must begin with the first card, since it is most often the main element that gives a hint. With the help of such layouts, you can solve love situations, financial, career, etc.

Card layouts can also be done using the partnership technique. To do this, the main card lies in the center, and three cards each on the right and left sides. For example, you need to find out how reliable your partner is. In this situation, the first card will symbolize the essence of the relationship. The cards on the left characterize the one who is looking for an answer to the question, and on the right - whom they are guessing at. The first two cards represent the mind, the second - emotions and desires, the third - external manifestation.

Tarot for beginners can also be laid out using techniques for the future. Typically, the time frame is a week. Such fortune-telling on tarot cards for a beginner involves the expansion in a series of eight arcana. The first card is the main one, the rest are additional elements. The central card represents the general mood that will be present throughout the week, and each card symbolizes a day of the week. If an important situation occurs on one of the days, you can add three more cards to get a more detailed picture.


Another fortune-telling option is the pyramid layout. The layout begins at the top, where the first card lies, then 2 cards go from left to right, one level below 3 and even below 4. The first lasso will display the whole essence of the situation, the second - the options for the development of the situation, the third - gives a hint what to look for, from the fourth to the sixth - factors influencing the state of affairs, from the seventh to the eighth - advice on how to do the right thing and from the ninth to the tenth - what to avoid. The person who made the alignment must understand the general meaning of the picture.

Another option for a simple alignment is fortune-telling of the heart. It displays the following:

  • the first lasso symbolizes human qualities that will be of interest to the future partner;
  • the second - what the future half will like;
  • third - what will be important in the relationship;
  • fourth - what the partner will do;
  • fifth - how the meeting will take place;
  • the sixth and seventh - what a partner can get from a fortuneteller, and vice versa;
  • eighth - outside influence;
  • ninth - how the relationship will develop.

This alignment is suitable for those who want to know about their fate in a love relationship.

    Tarot cards are primarily intuition, figurative thinking and work with your subconscious. To begin with, you can rely on already existing interpretations, and later, with practice, your own understanding of each sign will come.

    Preparation for fortune telling and "communication" with cards

    As with any magical practice, this divination implies not only constant practice and self-improvement, but also certain rituals that must be followed in order to get a good result.

    Professional tarot readers provide a lot of useful practical advice. For instance:

  • Tarot cards “do not tolerate” fuss and rush. Before you start fortune-telling, you need to make sure that there will be enough time for the ritual, and the person will not be distracted by trifles. This advice can be figuratively called "turn off mobile phones". You should not start the alignment if soup is being cooked on the stove or in ten minutes you need to urgently run after the children to kindergarten or school.
  • Tarot, alcohol and tobacco don't go together. Simply put, laying out cards at a noisy party, heated by alcohol and shrouded in tobacco smoke, means getting a negative result in advance. Arcana simply will not "work", esotericists warn. Tarot is not a fun pastime. If you have a desire to have some fun during a holiday, it is better to take a lotto or dominoes.
  • You should not ask the cards the same question in a row if the result of fortune-telling does not satisfy for some reason. The answer has been received, and what to do with it depends on the choice of the person himself.
  • The cards may refuse to "speak". Yes, it happens. Professional fortune-tellers believe that the Tarot has its own "mood". How to understand if the cards work or not? There is no clear answer to this question, it all depends on the experience of the fortuneteller and his intuition. Therefore, experts advise, it is necessary to "make friends" with the Arcana.

Conditions for accurate divination

The time of day for fortune-telling does not matter. It is a mistake to think that you need to read Tarot only at night. This is not at all the case. But, nevertheless, the lunar cycles affect the result of the cards and their "mood". The closer to the full moon, the more power any magical artifacts receive for divination. You can also guess on the waning moon. But at the same time, the magical properties of the cards will be weaker. On the new moon, it is better to leave the tarot alone and not touch them. Tarologists call this "giving the cards a rest."

Do I need to use additional attributes: candles, incense and other aids? Yes. A candle is a prerequisite for the divination process. Before each new fortune-telling, the cards must be "burned". This does not mean that each card must be severely set on fire. It is enough to spread the deck like a fan and hold candles over the fire three times. It is considered that in this way the information about previous predictions is canceled. Many magicians use the energy of stones and natural minerals to enhance their intuition and concentration. Amethyst, agate, rock crystal, cat's eye - this is not a complete list of stones that are used in fortune telling on Tarot cards.

The cards need to be "thanked for the job." This rule is an integral part of the ritual. At the end of the session, the magic instrument also needs to be “cleaned” with a candle flame and said “thank you”.
When you start working with cards, you also need to "talk" to them. Each master has a special greeting to the Tarot. Therefore, the fortuneteller needs to develop his own system of "communication" and find the right words for the prediction to be as accurate and true as possible.

Learning the Tarot system is difficult. Even for true professionals, this process takes years and decades. Not everything can work out the first time. Sometimes the meaning of the symbols encrypted in the cards is revealed only after some time. But you need to be patient. And, of course, practice your cards as much as possible. Esotericists also advise keeping a "fortune-telling diary." It is possible to enter into it the questions that were asked, the used layouts, and the result obtained.

1.1 ANKH

The spiritual and deep reasons for what is happening come to the fore in the scenario. How the problem in reality affects the questioner, what steps should be taken and where they will lead.

1 + 2 - Two opposite impulses blocking each other; The questioner is, as it were, crucified between them (In the event that the question concerns the cause of the conflict or crisis. If the question is about any pleasant event, then these cards personify forces that are in harmony.

3 - Long-standing reasons.

4 - Newest reason (occasion).

5 - Enlightenment (awareness of the true meaning of events).

6 - Conclusions.

If the Questioner managed to achieve enlightenment (5) and draw the necessary conclusions (6), you can reveal the rest of the cards.

7 - Next step.

8 - Unexpected discovery.

9 - Result.

How to interpret maps.

First you need to find out the essence of the conflict with cards (1-2). This is the biggest difficulty in this scenario. It is especially difficult to understand what the conflict consists of, especially if opposite cards have a positive meaning. If you do not understand this, then the further alignment makes no sense.

The most important role in the layout is assigned to the cards (5 - 6), having understood them, we already know exactly what to do next. For the interpretation of the card (5), you can refer to the column "Consciousness", and the card (6), the meaning corresponds to the section "Advice".

Then you can go to predictive maps in positions (7 - 8 - 9).

1.2 The pinnacle of happiness

1 - You will get rid of this.

2 - You will achieve this.

3 - It will come.

4 - It will bring you happiness.

5 - It still bothers you.

6 - This decision will bring you the utmost happiness.

1.3 Decision-making question

1 - 2 - You have come to this.

3-4 - There you go, hazards / odds.

1 - 3 - Anything against.

2 - 4 - All that for.

1.4 Yes or No

1 - What is the question?

2 - How does it affect my life?

3 - What obstacles do I need to overcome?

4 - What is my past experience with the question?

5 - What do I think about it now?

6 - What will happen in the future?

7 - Do I need to seek professional advice?

8 - How will it end? (Or: Will this issue affect my finances?)

1.5 Star

1 - What path in life are you on now. Your present position.

2 - Your tasks.

3 - Difficulties and obstacles.

4 - your strengths.

5 - your goal.

1 - At what stage in your life are you now. Your present position.

2 - Your tasks.

3 - Fears and concerns.

4 - What / who will help you further.

5 - The result of efforts.

1.6 Celtic cross

The Celtic Cross is one of the most famous and oldest tarot card layouts. It is the most universal, that is, it is suitable for answering any questions, especially about how events will develop, what are the reasons for what is happening, what awaits a person, or how this or that situation arose. If you find it difficult to decide which alignment is best for answering your question, use the Celtic Cross and you can't go wrong.

The value of the positions.

1 - The meaning of the problem.

2 - Coming circumstances.

3 - What do we think about it.

4 - How do we feel.

5 - The reason for the situation.

6 - The trend of its development.

7 - The point of view of the questioner.

8 - The point of view of other people.

9 - What the questioner expects or fears.

10 - Prospects and results.

The meaning of the individual items

1 - Description of the situation at the moment.

2 - An impulse from the outside, which can help the cause, add something to it, or even hinder it.

These two cards describe the outer side of events, and the next two describe its inner, non-obvious side.

3 - The level of consciousness. What the questioner already knows (understands), or what he aspires to.

4 - The level of the subconscious. “That which is below,” as the sorcerers used to say. This is the basis, the foundation of the existing situation, its roots, a deep inner conviction of a person in his actions, which is very difficult to shake.

5 - Map of the past. She describes what was relatively recently, what exactly caused the question itself, or indicates the reasons for this situation.

6 - The first map of the future, showing what awaits the questioner in the very near future.

7 - This card personifies the questioner, his own attitude to the situation (i.e., to cards 1 and 2), or his mood in connection with it.

8 - External circumstances. This card can represent the place where the situation is played out, or the role of other people in it. If the question is about a relationship between two people, this card denotes a partner, man or woman.

9 - Hopes and concerns. The role of this map is often underestimated because it does not contain any prediction. Meanwhile, it can provide valuable information, especially if we are guessing at an absent person. It shows how a person assesses the situation, what he hopes for and what he fears.

10 - The second map of the future, describing more distant prospects and indicating where everything is going.

Thus, we read the forecast only for positions 6 and 10. All other cards describe only certain details, the “background” on which the situation related to the question asked is played out.

Interpretation of card meanings.

Better to start at position 5 (past, background), and then move on to position 9 (hopes and concerns).

Thus, you will immediately get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe reasons for the question (position 5), and what exactly worries the questioner (position 9).

Next, look at cards 1 and 2, meaning the main driving impulses, with the first card always showing the initial, initial impulse, and the second - the accompanying one, which can add something to the situation, can stall the matter or, conversely, accelerate it.

Check what the questioner is aware of (position 3), and what is hidden in his subconscious (position 4). Please note that this position is especially important. That which is rooted in the subconscious cannot be shaken by any hurricanes. If this position turns out to be a negative or problematic card, this is bad for the whole deal as a whole, even if the other cards are each better than the other.

After that, find out how the questioner relates to this situation (position 7), what external factors or other people play a role in it (position 8), and only then proceed to the forecasts in positions 6 and 10.

1.7 Sword

1 - The essence of the matter.

2 - Starting point.

3 - Support, base.

4 - Chances / what will help the Questioner.

5 - How the problem is resolved.

6 - What desires come true.

7 - New state, understanding.

1.8 Crossroads

The layout describes the likelihood of unexpected events in the life of the Questioner, their nature, and also gives wise advice on how to proceed in this situation.

Cards are treated in groups.

1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - These cards describe the life of the Questioner in a given period of time (approximately 3 months). They talk about the situation in which the Questioner will find himself.

3 - 8 - 9 - These cards give advice to the Questioner.

Moreover - (3) - this card speaks about how to act in the mental area (that is, what idea to follow).

(8 - 9) - cards speak about what actions of the Questioner will be the most correct.

6 - 7 - These cards describe the nature of anticipated surprises.

1.9 Pyramid

This alignment is good for considering a particular problem. With it, you can get an exact answer to your question.

1 - Indicates a question of interest. Your problem that you want to solve.

2 - Your opportunities that you have at the moment.

3 - The influence of the surrounding world, external circumstances. They have the most direct impact on you and on the state of affairs. The map will help you figure out what factors matter to you.

4 - What stands in your way. These are barriers and barriers (including psychological ones) that you must deal with.

5 - Describes those details of the current picture in your life that you do not like and that you must overcome. It is likely that this is some kind of your old habit or work for which you spend a lot of energy and get nothing in return.

6 - Positive aspects of the current situation. This is what you would like to keep in the future.

7 - Key. The most favorable way to get out of this situation.

8 - Unforeseen circumstances. Something is likely to appear that you never expected.

9 - Alternatives. You are free to choose and the map will indicate new paths of development.

10 - The result, the outcome of the situation.

1.10 Path to resolution

1 - What you have.

2 - Where are you going.

3 - Odds and Opportunities.

4 - Challenge of fate.

5 - What is a mystery to us.

6 - Cargo, which, however, you need.

7 - Tasks.

8 - Problems.

9 - how your problems are resolved.


How to read Tarot cards correctly or "Every tarot reader does it"

Each tarot reader, whether he is a beginner or who already has colossal consulting experience behind him, has his own unique scheme for constructing the divination process, which is convenient for him. But it takes years of continuous practice to develop such a scheme. How can this process be accelerated? There are some general points that can help you get started. In this work, I will share with you some of the nuances that helped me in due time. I hope the dear reader will find something useful for himself. So, how to read tarot cards correctly?

Which deck to choose

Today I will tell you how to use Tarot cards for both experienced tarot readers and beginners, using the example of Tarot Waite, what the Tarot cards mean and mean in divination.

For novice tarot readers, decks with simple, drawn plots are undoubtedly needed. This is the Arthur Waite deck (by Pamela Smith) or numerous clones of this deck. If you are an experienced tarot reader or a practitioner who is not looking for easy ways, then the choice of a deck is a choice of personal preferences: there are magic decks (tarot of Thoth by Aleister Crowley, Tarot of the Golden Dawn, Hermetic Tarot, etc.), tarot of an oracle type (Tarot of the Dwarves), historical decks (line of the so-called Marseille Tarot). All of them are suitable for a beginner, but, due to some features of decks, it is better to start mastering them after developing a theoretical base.

The deck should suit you aesthetically: the brightness of the colors, the size and weight of the cards, the cut lines, the back of the deck. It is the harmonious combination of these parameters that will allow you, on a psychological level, to begin to tune in to productive fortune-telling already when looking at the deck. For example, I have about 5 Waite decks with different parameters - each deck is from a different publisher of different years, hence the color of the images, the quality of the cardboard, the weight, the size of the cards, different shirts.

Where to start divination by tarot cards

Where to start fortune-telling on Tarot cards is another important aspect - what do you want to get from fortune-telling: just quickly decipher the cards and get an answer, or sit for a while over the alignment and, having studied all the correspondences of the intricacies of symbolism with the question asked, find the pitfalls of the problem and ways to solve it. The solution to this issue also affects the choice of deck.

Before you start your divination session, make sure that the deck is ready to be laid out. Check the presence of all the cards in the deck (it doesn't matter if it's a new deck or an old one, sometimes cards can stick to each other or imperceptibly get stuck in a bag / box), prepare a workplace, enter the desired state.

Usually, any clean surface that is large enough to hold the intended layouts is suitable for the workplace. If you think that auxiliary tools (crystal ball, candles, decks of a parallel plan) should be involved in the fortune-telling process, make sure they are on hand in advance.

Also, the energetic cleaning of the deck before and after the fortune-telling session will be useful. This will "remove" information prints from the past fortune-telling from the deck and allow you to more tightly "shuffle" the question you are interested in. It will also contribute to your shift into an altered state of consciousness.

I do it like this

I sit or stand straight, my legs are not crossed, my spine is straight, my consciousness is completely focused on the fortune-telling session. I take the deck in my left hand, cover it on top with my right. Holding my hands at the level of the solar plexus, I visualize from above a stream of pure golden-white energy that passes through my crown to the heart chakra, then, dividing into two streams, passes through my hands and washes the deck, thereby clearing it of information traces, preparing it to fortune telling.

When working out this exercise, it will take you less than 10 seconds, the main thing is to develop the skill to a persistent feeling of energy, be able to visualize and direct it. Some colleagues use a spell that aims to deepen an altered state of consciousness for divination. Here is the text of the spell used by the Golden Dawn Adepts:

I urge you, IAO, to send HRU, the great angel, appointed over the operations of this Secret Wisdom, so that he invisibly stretches out his hand over these sanctified cards of the use-armor art, and so that we receive true knowledge of hidden things, for the glory of your inexpressible Name. Amen.

You can use this spell, make your own, or completely refuse to utter any invocations before fortune-telling.

Layout selection

Let's interrupt the seemingly linear narration a little and pay attention to the choice of the layout. This must be taken care of in advance so that during the fortune-telling session, be it fortune-telling for oneself or for the client, there is no "downtime".

I will pay a little attention to such a topic as the types of Tarot layouts. There are many classifications of layouts and they depend, for the most part, on the fortuneteller's developments.

Quantitatively, you can divide all the spreads into small (5-10 cards) and large Tarot layouts (more than 10 cards). Positionally, they can be divided into layouts with fixed positions, where each position is strictly assigned a certain value (see most modern layouts) and non-fixed, where there are no positions at all (see Jodorowski's work, “5 cards” layout by C V. Savchenko).

In terms of functionality, layouts can be divided into diagnostic, simply providing information about the state of affairs and nothing more, psychological, aimed at comprehending the inner psychocosm for the purpose of self-correction, temporary predictions when the client is interested in a specific period, magic layouts that change the situation in the right direction and, of course, mixed type of layout. Well, I will not ignore thematic layouts, which can be divided both by spheres of life (finance, health, relationships), and more narrowly in accordance with this particular situation.

These classifications are far from being exhaustive; hundreds of variants and their combinations are possible - it's all a matter of practice.

Having analyzed the situation you are interested in, two questions should be resolved: how many questions will you formulate according to the situation and which alignment or layouts to choose in order to reveal the aspects of interest as informatively as possible. To begin with, it will be easier and more informative to divide the situation of interest into milestone questions, for each of which an alignment is selected that gives the fullest possible answer to this particular question.

Here you can get by with both a 5-card layout or a Celtic cross, or thematic layouts that you deem necessary. After reading the first issue of the "Tarot Academy" magazine, I think that it will be superfluous to give any recommendations on the formulation of questions.

Fortune telling session mechanics

Now we turn to the practical part and understand how to make the alignment on the Tarot cards.

After setting the deck and consciousness to work, formulating questions and choosing layouts, it was time for the fortune-telling session itself. If you are guessing for a client, explain to him in advance your strategy of action - how you formulated the questions about his situation (if the initial questions require editing), what layouts you are going to use, how you will interpret the cards and when you will draw conclusions from the layout. This will greatly increase the understanding between you and increase the efficiency of the session.

Position yourself and the client near the spread workspace so that it is convenient for both of you to work with the spread, discussing card interpretations.

So, the question is voiced. Start shuffling the cards. Each practitioner does it differently. You are free to do it in any way convenient for you. Next, you need to deal with the question - how to pull out cards from the Tarot deck? You can pull out immediately from the top of the deck (after the deck is shuffled), from different places, you can lay out the cards in a fan or in a line and get the cards out of there "at random".

Another important aspect is how exactly to lay the cards on the table - open or closed? I recommend laying out the cards face down, i.e. face down in order to exclude a cursory premature reading of the cards (which can be very confusing when interpreting the layout as a whole, especially for beginners). The layout is laid out on the table closed. Open the first map of the layout, having previously announced the name of the position.

Name the card, list the main interpretations of this card for this specific issue. If you lay it out for yourself - write down this information, take notes - do not rely solely on memory. If the client does not have additional questions on the first card, move on until the entire layout is read.

Be sure to summarize the alignment, analyze it as a whole - who knows, maybe this is what will give you additional information, open deep information layers in reading the Tarot alignment.

As I mentioned above, there can be one or several layouts in one session. It's all about the number of issues to be examined, the skills of a fortuneteller, and elementary convenience. For example, some situations can be put into one layout (layouts such as "Celtic Cross" or "12 houses" are suitable - layouts that can give answers to a range of questions at once), or you can work on the principle of "one question - one layout". And so on until the situation is finally sorted out. Considering the above factors, it becomes partly clear how to read ordinary and large Tarot spreads,.

End of the session. Do I need to thank cards

After the end of the session, I collect all the cards back into the deck and again draw the flow of energy on them from above - so I draw a certain line that the fortune-telling session is over, I clear the cards and, in a way, thank the cards for the information received through them. You have the right to design your own thanksgiving ritual that will be comfortable for you. Just remember that Tarot cards are just a tool, a guide through which we receive information from other planes of Genesis.

You should not bring gratitude to fanaticism and worship (this includes praising the cards, justifying some tarologists that “the cards today don’t want to speak”, or dividing your bed with the deck by putting them under the pillow (although here I have met different options from colleagues)).

Instead of a conclusion

In this work, I highlighted only the general points of the technique of conducting a fortune-telling session, which I focus the attention of my students on. Particulars, subtleties and nuances come with experience. You can also find any video lessons in fortune telling on Tarot cards and work through the material on your own, or under the guidance of an experienced Master. Don't be afraid to experiment, go for it! There are no strict dogmas or foundations, the main thing is to build a logically competent sequence of actions that will bring you and your clients the most comprehensive result.

Keep records of your fortune-telling. Even if the layout seems trivial, take a note anyway. Who knows - maybe in a month, two, or maybe in a few years, this note will be extremely useful for improving your skills or for transferring your experience - as I just did. I would be glad to have your questions, clarifications, comments.

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