How to correct tarot cards. Tarot for beginners: what to do if you want to read cards. Yes or no

Entrance doors 03.11.2020
Entrance doors

Fortune-telling is a way to find out what fate is preparing for you for the near (and not so) future. There are many options for predicting the future: runes, coffee grounds, elemental (by fire, water). And, perhaps, the most popular are card fortune-telling. Especially from the last category, the magic of Tarot cards stands out. In this article, I want to understand how to read the tarot cards: rules for beginners.

Comprehension of the art of the Tarot is available to everyone: for this you do not need to have a special gift, inherited. It is enough to sincerely want, adhere to all the recommendations, improve your sixth sense and carefully follow the signs sent from above.

The question came to your mind: "How to learn to read Tarot cards on your own?" First of all, think about whether you really need it? After all, a mantle is not a toy, but a real mystical action, fraught with its own consequences.

As soon as you seriously decide to read the Tarot cards, you automatically take on the burden of a certain responsibility.

Plus, you additionally light a kind of "beacon" above you, which indicates your communication with the subtle worlds and various entities. The latter, by the way, may become seriously interested in the new mystic, starting unexpectedly and unexpectedly to manifest themselves in his life.

In general, first think many times whether you are ready for such responsibility and serious changes that may occur to you. And if the desire to learn Tarot magic is not lost, you can continue reading the material.

How to read Tarot: basic rules

Deck selection

In total, about several thousand different card decks are known. Every year this list is updated with new author's decks. Not only for novice fortunetellers, but even for experienced practitioners, sometimes it is not uncommon to find "their" cards. But it is possible to do this, and first you should familiarize yourself with the basic information about Tarot cards.

Tarot decks are represented by the following variations:

  • traditional (classic);
  • universal;
  • copyright;
  • specialized.

Let's consider the meaning of each of the categories:

  • Traditional... The period of their creation is the Middle Ages. Monks and representatives of the ruling elite used classic cards. The deck could not necessarily be formed by 78 cards, as is the case with modern lasso assemblies.
  • Universal... They were created by famous esotericists. According to world statistics, it is this category of arcana that is most popular among practitioners. These include: Ryder-White Tarot, Osho Zen Tarot, Golden Dawn Tarot, Aleister Crowley's deck.

Remarkable! The most famous deck is Ryder Waite's Tarot. He is considered the safest and gives answers to questions of any topic.

  • Copyright.Invented by those who were able to achieve success in fortune telling and had their own vision of cards. Examples of such decks are: Tarot 78 doors, Secret Forest, Lubok, Cats, Goddesses and so on.
  • Specialized.They are suitable for finding answers to specific questions and topics. As a rule, they are used by experienced tarologists who have a lot of practice.

Examples: Tarot of the Gnomes - will shed light on household and money issues, Manara cards - illuminate sexual relations.

How do you determine which deck is best for you? Focus on your intuition in choosing - are you comfortable with the cards, do you feel internal contradictions. It is very important.

How to understand a deck of cards?

Classic decks are formed by 78 lasso, although the author's number may be different. Still, let's take the traditional Tarot as an example.

78 arcana, in turn, are divided into 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana.

  1. Wands - will tell about mundane needs, the importance of growing and developing, coping with everyday difficulties.
  2. Swords are a symbol of strength, power, struggle, aggression, conflict and victory.
  3. Cups will tell about the sublime and spiritual: feelings, dreams, experiences, relationships.
  4. Pentacles - associated with material wealth, finance.

Learn to read Tarot cards: teach theory

First you have to deal with the theoretical aspects.

  • It is important to sincerely want. Desire is the basis for subsequent actions, it is this desire that will help you discover the cards. But do not naively think that all that is required of you is to purchase a deck of cards. Working with Tarot is painstaking and long work.
  • Guessing on cards is almost the same as deciphering dreams. Here, in the same way, you need to learn to correctly understand the images, listen to your feelings, emotions. Tarot will orient you in the right direction, the main thing is to be able to understand it correctly.
  • All values \u200b\u200bare selected individually, depending on the person and the situation. Again, learn to listen to the cards and do not be lazy to write down all the interpretations, at least until you become a practitioner.
  • For prediction, only a new deck should be used, it is unacceptable to take someone's cards.
  • You need to "find common ground" with the deck. To do this, you should communicate with them quite often, and the result obtained must be recorded in writing. After all, theory is nothing without practice.
  • Do not hurry. Tarot divination is painstaking, hard work, analogous to spiritual development.
  • Read books on this topic, use new layout techniques. This will remove boundaries and develop skills.

How to learn to read Tarot cards yourself: practice

At the beginning, of course, the most elementary layouts follow. Using them, the fortuneteller learns the correct interpretation of the dropped positions. Please note that you should not start to “memorize” the interpretations of other authors.

After learning a ready-made formulation, you cannot work independently. Therefore, activate the sixth sense, rely on the classical interpretations of the arcana, but only partially.

In addition, it is impossible for anyone to learn all of the existing interpretation variations - there are too many of them.

In general, you realized that passive memorization is ineffective. And in working with Tarot, use the following recommendations:

  • It is important to tune in correctly, get rid of unnecessary thoughts.
  • You need to be completely alone during fortune-telling.
  • The deck is taken in hand, you carefully peer at all the signs on it, write down the associations that come to mind.
  • The information obtained is systematized, on the basis of your own developments, you compose a description of each of the arcana.

Fortune telling to a beginner - "Card of the Day" layout

This version of fortune telling is one of the most famous and best suited for beginners. The time of its execution is the morning hours, although it is allowed to guess at night the next day. But do not overuse the layout - maximum once every 2-3 days.

There is a second variation of this prediction. It consists in getting an answer to a question with a clear, unambiguous answer - "yes" or "no".

How to lay out the deck correctly?

Thanks to the correct layout of the cards, a beginner tarot reader will increase the chances of receiving truthful information from them. The following tips will help you:

  1. It is necessary to concentrate on one question, which is asked to the cards. It is important that the question is specific and not too confusing - then the chances of misinterpreting the answer are high.
  2. Draw out the arcana. This is done in two ways, depending on which layout you are going to perform. The first and most popular - all the lasso are laid out on the table in the form of a fan; the required number of cards is drawn from this pile.

To interpret the obtained values, turn all the arcana "face down", evaluating the alignment in general. If, during fortune-telling, a lot of arcana of the same suit falls out, it means that this area is very important in your life, give it extra attention.

An important nuance. If the Major Arcana falls out, they will tell about the fateful events that await the fortuneteller.

At the end of the topic, you can cite a couple of the so-called "golden recommendations" that will facilitate the process of learning the Tarot arcana.

  • Fortune-telling is carried out only in a good emotional state. You can’t get down to business, being tired, not getting enough sleep or burdened with various problems.
  • Use "charged" cards. For this purpose, the deck is constantly carried with you for several days, you need to talk with it. This is done like this: you retire, turn on pleasant music, light a white wax candle, hold the deck in your hands, try to eliminate unnecessary thoughts from your head. So the Tarot will be even more filled with your energy and will interact better with you.
  • It is advisable to sew a special bag for cards. Use linen or other natural materials.
  • The sixth sense, imagination and the ability to think analytically will help you in identifying the secrets of the Tarot.
  • It is important to learn how to independently interpret the values \u200b\u200bobtained with only a rare peek into the literature.
  • If you wish, complete special courses to develop the missing qualities of a tarot reader.
  • Take constant notes in your notebook.
  • You cannot disturb the cards on any issue, even if it is petty. Only contact when you really need help.

And at the end of the video


Fortune telling on Tarot cards is a kind of "aerobatics" in card mantics (the art of fortune telling). However, learning to read tarot cards on your own is quite realistic, especially if you study the material presented on.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards, unlike ordinary cards, is associated with the secret knowledge of astrology, alchemy and occultism, which is why the images on them are so difficult to interpret. Here you will need not only a good memory or some kind of memo, but also intuition, which generally plays a big role in such fortune-telling.

Symbolic images of the tarot

The 78 cards included in the Tarot deck are like a symbolic system of images reflecting the main vicissitudes of human life. The combination of cards that appears during fortune-telling helps to find answers to many questions and "see" your destiny. In modern terms, a tarot deck can be considered a set of different algorithms, and a combination of cards in a layout is a program for reading them and, accordingly, interpreting them.

Before you learn to guess on tarot cards yourself, you need to choose a deck, and the choice is quite subjective: you must certainly hold the deck in your hands, and the one that is "yours", you will feel intuitively. This deck can only be used by you, you do not need to give it to the wrong hands. Ordering tarot cards over the Internet is also not recommended precisely because of the individualized choice and the connection that should arise between the deck and its owner. To some extent, it will help unleash your mantic potential.

Arcana and their meaning

The Tarot deck, consisting of 78 cards, is subdivided into Major arcana, which includes 22 cards, and Minor - 56 cards of the lowest order, divided into 4 suits (series) of 14 pieces each, representing respectively four elements - earth (pentacles), fire (swords), air (staves) and water (bowls). Sometimes they are interpreted as the main types of temperament: cups - choleric, swords - sanguine, pentacles - phlegmatic and staffs - melancholic.

With the Major Arcana, everything is somewhat more complicated: they do not belong to any suit and are traditionally interpreted as a cyclical path of spiritual development, starting from the young "Fool" full of ambitions to deep comprehension of the "World".

In terms of their importance, the Major Arcana undoubtedly surpass the Minor ones, since they relate to fateful moments, while the Minor ones - small details and events of the near future. Thus, when the cards of both arcana appear in the layout, one can judge how significant this event or relationship is.

If you seriously decided to learn how to read tarot cards on your own, then the information provided will help you

Where to start learning Tarot if you don't even have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bhow to choose the right deck? Everyone goes their own way: someone is guessing, someone is meditating, there are a huge number of different ways for self-development. A deck of tarot cards for beginners should be chosen slowly. There are many decks out there, and you should listen to yourself and choose the one to which your hand will reach.

The main types of decks

Determining the most suitable option is not always easy. Some are good for beginners, others are too difficult for them. There are the following types of decks:

  • universal;
  • classic (or traditional);
  • specialized;
  • copyright.

Among the classics are the Lenormand deck, the Marseille and Egyptian tarot. Many traditional decks have existed since the 15th-17th centuries. ekov. Some of them were used in monasteries. Then almost all representatives of the nobility knew how to make layouts. The artists were honored to paint a unique masterpiece for a wealthy family. Since those times, many images have remained unchanged. ... Among the universal decks are:

  • Tarot Ryder-Waite;
  • Golden dawn;
  • Aleister Crowley.

They were created under similar circumstances, but in different countries and at different time intervals. Tarot of the Golden Dawn ranks third in the world for its fame. The author is Samuel McGregor Mathers, and the artist is his wife Moina. Both were members of the British Order of the Golden Dawn.

Crowley's cards are ranked second in popularity. The deck is very beautiful and took five years to develop: the English esotericist Aleister Crowley and the artist Frida Harris worked on it. But the cards saw the light only after the promulgation of the will of the creators. They are often used for performing magical rituals.

Interested in which tarot cards for beginners are better to buy, many are recommended to opt for the Arthur Edward White deck. It has immense popularity due to its intuitiveness, ease of interpretation and, so to speak, safety. This is a good tool that allows you to get the right answers to all kinds of questions and helps beginners to master the art of Tarot.

The specialized version is good only for working with a specific list of questions, this is how the cards differ from the universal ones. For instance, Tarot gnomes will help solve everyday conflict, and Manara - will answer questions about relationships and personal life.

How to make the right choice

It is best for a teapot to start with the Ryder-White Tarot or take another universal type of Tarot he likes. The variety of drawings allows you to quickly memorize the cards, in addition, the images help to interpret the layout. It is noteworthy that the arcana Strength and Justice are designated by serial numbers eight and eleven, and not vice versa, as in other decks.

You can choose and buy a deck yourself, but it is preferable for someone close to pay. It is very good to accept cards as a gift, but it should be borne in mind that such a deck may refuse to answer questions from outsiders. But they will be obedient in the hands of their owner.

It is better to refuse to purchase through an online store. After all, it is important to feel "your" deck. Visit an esoteric store and ask the seller to show you several different options. Open the box and view its contents. Listen carefully to your own feelings. If you feel cold, then this is not your option. The sheets should fit well in the hand, exude warmth and evoke a positive. Do not seek to find a rational explanation, rely only on your intuition.

Choosing a deck should be very serious, as it will serve for a long time. There are numerous factors to consider when choosing. Taking into account every single nuance, you will be able to find the perfect option.

First of all, you should decide on the place of purchase. In a bookstore, there is less risk of meeting a low-quality product, you can also go to the supermarket. The risk of buying defective cards in a stall is much higher.

Often, esoteric stores offer books that teach fortune telling.and it's a great solution for dummies. Simple fortune-telling on tarot cards for beginners can be mastered by everyone.

It is worth choosing arcana with beautiful pictures and clear symbolism. A real tarot should not leave paint marks on the palms., in this it differs from a fake. Sheets should be counted to make sure they are all in place - there should be seventy-eight in total. It is important to make sure that no two items are alike in the box and that all images are different.

The advantage of open packaging is that it can be inspected carefully. In a closed one, a marriage can be found. It is believed that the Tarot needs to be cleared if the box has been opened. In fact, you will need to cleanse any tarot, even the one that was sold sealed.

Before you go shopping, you can look on the Internet, what types of decks there are. This can be seen on special sites. After studying the pictures, it will become clear which option is needed, and you do not have to spend a lot of time in the store.

However, many people prefer to make their choice relying on the advice of the seller. Indeed, along the way, a variety of questions may arise. The seller will tell you which Tarot cards are the strongest and help you decide.

Some show a genuine interest in tarot cards. For beginners, learning will not take long, and if you set a goal, there will be no special problems.

On the one hand, learning Tarot is a laborious process. You need to read a lot of books, choose a deck, master the meanings of cards, study the basic layouts. After that, confusion in the head and frequent mistakes can arise. In this article I will tell you how to competently and quickly learn tarot divination.

Chip # 1 - Correct Deck.

Now there are a great many tarot decks. I recommend the classics - the Ryder-White deck and 78 doors. But this does not mean that you should only choose one of them. The first will help you understand the meaning of the cards, and the second will clearly show. Take any tarot deck you like. The deck should now throw you out.

Ask her 2 questions. The first one is “Will you (you) help me” and pull out any card. Until you know the meaning, look at the picture. If the tarot image is associated with negative, choose a different deck. If positive, then the deck has accepted you. The second question is "What card am I associated with?" If you like the image, then you can go to step number 2, if not, think about why the deck chose this card. The choice is worth remembering, because in layouts this card will often be associated with you, regardless of its classic meaning.

Chip number 2 - Personal diary.

Your tarot training should begin with the purchase of a diary. Every morning in the morning, you pull out a card at random. After that, keep an eye on events throughout the day. In the evening, record all important events in your diary. The effect of the diary will not come immediately. After a few months, when the cards start to repeat. Regardless of your level of tarot proficiency, this habit will help you correctly interpret a particular card.

Reread your diary every six months to refresh your memory. Some cards will come across more often than others. Usually they show the direction in life, the course of the future. When laying out for yourself, pay attention to these cards.

Chip number 3 Contemplation.

If you are familiar with tarot, then you probably know what meditation or a relaxed state is. You take a comfortable position (just not lying in yours), remove all irritants - mobile phone, TV, extraneous sounds. You can light a candle and concentrate on its flame. Thus, you go into an altered state of consciousness and turn on the hidden reserves of the body. Your task: get the deck that you chose in step # 1 and examine all the images of the cards. It is advisable to look at one card for at least 5 minutes. I understand. that it is tedious, but will help you in the interpretation of this arcana.

After that, write down all the associations and thoughts in a bloncot. There are 10-15 words per card. You need to pay attention to every detail: the color of the card, with what emotion you associate it - sadness, suffering, anger, falling in love, happiness, indifference, etc. Next, select the main object of the map and study it. If it is a person or several people, direct your attention to the look, facial expressions, clothes, attributes. If another object, then study the color, shape, connection with other elements of the map. I managed to disassemble several major arcana in

Chip number 4 Many options.

When you are learning tarot divination, be prepared for the fact that one card has several meanings. As in astrology for the planets. Therefore, each card in the raklad can mean:

Human - in most cases, when fortune-telling on a person, a card with a man or a woman in the image falls out, which means a similar person. For example, fortune telling on relationships: a man is your future life partner, friend, teacher; woman - rival, friend, lover.

Base value - each card has some basic meaning. For example, - choice, - luck, - temptation. Try to understand the underlying meaning. Most often, make a forecast based on it. Then you can use multiple values. See the notebook you used in step # 3. After all, your associations are more important than all interpretations.

Your emotions - at step # 3, you studied what emotions the card evokes based on the general picture. Maybe nothing bad or good will happen, just you will experience certain emotions.

Event - Of course, the card can mean some event. - pregnancy, stagnation, - destruction.

Chip number 5. Combinations.

While studying tarot, start all fortune telling with one card. Question answer. After you have studied all the arcana. learn to read them easily, go to the layout of several cards. You can make a pronoz for a year according to the Tarot, using 12 cards, one for each month. A layout for the past, present and future of three cards. Don't rush to jump straight to complex layouts of 10 or more cards.

In order to master the combination of cards, take the basic meaning and emotion, the color of the card and apply to another card. Bad cards like Tower destroy the sphere, help in learning new skills, etc.

  • don't give your cards to other people
  • don't touch them with dirty hands
  • keep away from others
  • guess in good condition
  • thank cards for info
  • don't read books right away
  • remove cards immediately after divination
  • follow the recommendations of the cards

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You can get an answer to the question


Tarot, like any system, is like a layered cake. In order for you to get a cake, various elements of the system, you need to lay layer by layer, and the divination process itself will only be a decoration - a beautiful rose. Well, or a cherry. On this topic, "how to learn to read tarot cards on your own" could write a book and more than one, but I will try to limit myself to brief excerpts.

Choosing a deck for tarot divination for beginners

The first thing to do is choose a deck. Since you have decided to learn tarot fortune telling on your own, I advise you to choose a popular deck, for which there are enough materials and the symbols of which you understand at the first glance at the card. In this article I will refer to the "Tarot Ryder-Waite" and similar decks ("Universal Tarot" and others like it). Subsequently, when you master the system, you can change the deck to whatever you like. If you immediately choose the "Tarot of the Enchanted Frogs in the Ryazan Forest" (I am fantasizing), keep in mind that you will have to invent your own interpretation system.

The simplicity of the plot in the picture will be a hint for you if you completely forget the description from the interpreter. However, you will only need a rigid attachment to the interpreter at first.

Methods of interpretation


When you have a certain system that you follow. And, in principle, you just need to know the serial number of the card and the suit in order to give an answer.


When you look at the picture on the map, and images are born in your mind that you verbalize.

Synthesis of systemic and intuitive approaches

This method for any person who has chosen the first approach to tarot comes inevitably over time.

I advise you to use the third, but rely, especially at the very beginning of the practice, on the first. In this article I will adhere to the theory that you want to learn tarot as a system. In order to read the tarot, you must have the values \u200b\u200bof the cards in the "firmware". And, unfortunately, cramming interpreters will not help here. But still, I want to dispel your fears that tarot is difficult, and tell you that you already know a lot about the meanings of the cards.

How to learn to read Tarot on your own. First try

If you want to learn how to read tarot cards from scratch, then just do this right away. Ask some question that interests you, not too important, the answer to which you more or less guess. Take out any card from the deck, look at what is depicted on it and interpret what is shown in the picture, do not be afraid to make a mistake.

For example: "How does Petya treat me?" Draw the King of Wands (in my example, this is the King of Wands from the "Universal Tarot"). And we describe the card: It seems to me that this person is active, he is cheerful, because the colors on the card are bright - yellow and orange, it feels like he wants to get up and do something, go somewhere, perhaps do an act. Most likely, he is a leader, the crown on his head speaks of power, etc. Further, this description is correlated with the question about Petya.

Well, for example, Petya is resolutely disposed towards me, interaction with me causes a surge of energy in him, perhaps he wants to do something. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Practice has shown that the values \u200b\u200bof the cards are easily read from the picture. At one of the sessions, I asked to describe the qualities of the character and the feelings that the image of people on the card evokes, who were absolutely not versed in tarot at that time. Practice has shown that two or three people jointly gave out a description very similar to the meaning of a card from a tarot interpreter.

And then - this is an important point - you open the interpreter and read the description of the card. Pay attention to how accurate you were in the description. And, of course, notice where you went wrong. How does your first interpretation compare with the meaning of the card? Take this analysis critically, but don't berate yourself for not getting to the heart of the map.

You gradually need to add various elements of the system to the meaning of the map that you understand and checked for reliability by the interpreter. Remember the cake analogy? Let's now figure out what layers it consists of.

The basics of tarot divination. What is important to pay attention to

The elements

It is believed that tarot, astrology and alchemy are based on the concept of the elements. The minor arcana are divided into four elements. In order to understand tarot, you need to understand how one element differs from another. And the fact that these differences are fundamental. Fire - Wands, Earth - Pentacles, Air - Swords, Water - Cups (but not all systems match the suit to the elements, be careful).

Conditionally Fire and Air are considered active and masculine elements, and Water and Earth are conditionally feminine and passive. Water and Fire are emotional (Fire has external emotionality, Water has internal emotionality), and Earth and Air are intellectual or rational. You will find a description of the elements in any tarot reference book. But in order to learn tarot card reading for beginners, it is important to connect your book knowledge with real experience.

Let's take the suit of Fire, which was in the card from our example about Petya. What associations and words-symbols do you have when remembering a real fire? Bright, fiery, impulsive, active, hot? Gradually add your knowledge of the elements to the interpretation of the card.


From one to ten. What is a unit in your understanding? One? Ego? I? Self? Indivisible? Whole? Start? I suggest that you first turn to your rich life experience and knowledge, and then study the interpreter, of course, correcting yourself in those moments where you were mistaken in understanding what is, for example, "unit". And now pay attention on the card not only to the suit, the associative row that evokes the image, but also to its serial number.


Yellow, on any map. What do you associate it with? Joy, sun, activity, energy. Well, and so on. What characteristics does it add to the value of the card? Do the same exercise for the rest of the colors.

Symbols, objects, plants, animals

Tarot is not a simple system, often knowledge was encrypted into one or another symbol that was not understandable to the uninitiated. But subconsciously, we understand and read most of the symbols. What do you associate with grapes that appear on several maps? With fertility and abundance? And the dog? And the clouds? And now, when you come across grapes or a dog on the map, first look into your subconscious mind, perhaps there is already some information stored there. And then read about the symbol you saw either in the description of the card, or in the symbol encyclopedia. Tarot is not as difficult as it seemed at first glance.


From Page to King. Rank correspondence indicates the level of maturity of the character on the map. And also curly cards can mean characters expressing the features of the suit to which they belong.

How to correctly lay out tarot cards when divining and how to charge the deck

Many beginners are wondering “how to properly lay out tarot cards for fortune telling”. The most important thing in the fortune-telling process is not whether it is right or not, you put tarot cards on the table, but in what state you are doing it. In order for you to have accurate predictions, you do not need to be emotionally involved in the situation. It is important to take the position of a detached observer. And enter into a state of inner silence. This is perhaps the hardest and most important thing to learn. At least at the moment when you draw cards from the deck, you should not be disturbed by any thoughts and states generated by thoughts.

And the best and most proven way to charge a deck is to understand the meaning of the cards that are in it.

Simple layouts on tarot cards for beginners

The simplest and at the same time the most difficult layout on tarot cards for beginners is one card. You ask a question (how to ask questions correctly is a separate topic, the main thing is to try to keep the question correct and not vague), and draw one card as an answer. When you are more or less free to navigate the meaning, one or two more cards can be connected to this card, clarifying the meaning of the first. Combine the meanings of the cards, at first you will not understand anything, but then you will get used to it, and this procedure will be given easily.

You can add positional layouts gradually. Do not chase complicated layouts, there is no problem in making a layout of at least 78 cards. But you will need to interpret it. Therefore, if you are a beginner tarot practitioner and from the question “how to learn to guess on tarot cards on your own” only moved on to teaching fortune telling, pay more attention to the value of the cards, and not their number.

A technique that will help you learn to navigate freely in the interpretation of cards

The basis of any practice of tarot divination is gradualness and regularity. Once you've mastered enough cards, well, for example, you've learned at least five, you can practice making up stories based on the meaning of the cards you are familiar with. Especially if you are still afraid to go to real people with an offer to tell fortunes.

Come up with a character. For example: Ivan, 25 years old, designer. And take out three cards that will symbolize the events in life that are taking place with Ivan. Build a story based on them. How to lay out cards with this technique - three cards in sequence. The first card is the beginning, the second is the continuation of the story, the third is the conclusion.

We draw out three cards on Ivan and look. I got 4 cups, an emperor and 2 swords. Our story will begin with the fact that now Ivan is disappointed in life, and most likely because of problems in love, perhaps he broke up with his girlfriend. He still sits and watches what is happening in his life, or rather what is not happening, of course, in such a frustrated state there is no inspiration that he needs to work, because he is a designer ... You can continue on your own.

Video on how to lay out Tarot cards for divination

Watch the video in which Sergey Savchenko will talk about how to lay out Tarot cards in fortune-telling and give advice to newcomers to Tarot.

What if I want to guess for others

In order to learn how to read tarot cards, not only on your own and at home, but also to other people, you will have to pick up a whole range of layouts that are suitable for a comprehensive solution to issues that may arise from your clients. Globally, the topics that people most often address are:

  • relationship
  • work and self-realization
  • money
  • health
  • all kinds of forecasts

There are also peculiar topics that people may come to you with, for example, questions about the presence or absence of magical abilities, harmful influences. But this is rather a rare case than a frequent one.

If you are wondering how to learn how to read tarot cards on your own, then take the trouble to analyze the questions that people may come to you with. Take the topic of relationships, for example. Let us narrow it down to the relationship between a man and a woman. In order to comprehensively consider this topic, you need to analyze the current situation. Make a forecast of the development of relations. If you see an impending storm there, make an alignment on how to avoid this situation and, in general, whether it is possible. See the compatibility of these people.

Make a forecast from the series "How favorable and promising is it to marry Petya?" If there are two or more Petyas, be puzzled by the questions of the choice from the Sing and the potential consequences of this choice. If there is no Singing, and it is not expected in the near future for which you made a forecast, you need to look at the reasons for the lack of relationships, as well as give recommendations on how to fix the situation.

Most likely, all these questions are not the topic of one consultation, but you must navigate the topic and the topics with which you will consider these issues in order to comprehensively help the person who contacted you. Other topics should be similarly developed.

If this whole idea in order to learn to read the tarot on your own seems too difficult for you

You have three paths. Give up this venture. Overcome internal resistance. Or go to learn tarot card reading from a specialist who has already gone through this whole journey of trial and error. He will be able to direct you in the right direction, bypassing the thorny bushes, which he himself has already visited and from which he got out with his own hand, or with someone's help. However, even if you decide to learn tarot cards as a beginner, do not forget about self-education.

Of course, one article will not be able to help answer the question "How to learn to read tarot cards for a beginner", but perhaps it will give you some guidelines. Whichever way of comprehending tarot you choose - independent or with a teacher, I wish you a clear mind and successful practice.

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