Features of the tarot deck of rider waite. Rider White Tarot Cards Gallery Waite Tarot Cards Image

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Ryder White Map Gallery

Very often, when a person wants to know his fate, he comes to the cards for help. If a person decides to find out something about his future, then he has good reasons for this. No one will ever want to know their future just like that, unnecessarily.

If such a need arises, it is best to turn to the Tarot cards. These cards differ from all others in that their predictions are the most accurate.

In addition, the cards are designed specifically to guess at any life situation in which a person finds himself, or at this person himself.

If you want to tell fortunes for a person, you need to choose from the deck of cards the one that most closely matches the characteristics of this person and make a layout around this card.

Since Tarot cards are curly cards, each card has its own matching.

For example, Page's cards are young men under the age of 25; Knights are men over the age of 25; Queens are mature women who are at least 25 years old.

Thus, if the target of your fortune telling is a man of 30 years old, you need to draw a king from the deck. If this woman is over 25 years old - the queen.

There are cards that are intended for fortune telling not on a person, but on a certain life situation in which he finds himself.

For such fortune telling, you do not need to choose a card that reminds you of the person himself. Here you need to focus and think carefully about which card most accurately describes the situation in which the person finds himself.

Remember that choosing a card when divining a situation is a very crucial step. Success or failure in fortune-telling can depend on the choice of such a card. do it only after you are sure you have chosen the right card.

Today there is a wide variety of tarot decks. The most popular are the Ryder Tarot, Witch Tarot, Fairy Tarot, Gothic Tarot, Celtic Tarot, Druid Tarot and many others.

Features of Ryder White cards

Among professional fortune-tellers and novices in fortune-telling, the most popular are the Tarot cards of Arthur Edward Waite, the famous researcher of Freemasonry, cabal and various mystical teachings.

In 1910, he first released his famous deck of cards into the world, which eventually gained incredible popularity. For the first time, the deck appeared in London, where its entire first print run was sold out in a matter of hours.

The main feature of Ryder's cards is that for the first time he swapped the positions of the arcana XI and VII. Later, in his book The Illustrated Key to the Tarot, Ryder was never able to explain the reason for his radical deck reformation.

Later, the German Tarot specialist, Hayo Bentshaf, suggested that Ryder relied on the teachings of the Cathars, Albigensians and Wildensians.

It should be noted that Arthur Waite is famous not only for reforming the tarot cards. He became famous in the field of esotericism and alchemy.

  • It was thanks to his knowledge in the field of esotericism and mysticism that he managed to create a deck, without which more than one fortuneteller cannot do today.
  • In addition to the fact that Ryder was the first to reform the Tarot deck, there is the very process of fortune-telling, he first illustrated the minor suits, which no one had ever illustrated before.

As you know, each arcana implies a description of some life situation. Before Ryder, these meanings of the lasso were conveyed only in numbers and other combinations.

Ryder decided to illustrate each lasso in such a way as to convey its meaning with a picture as accurately as possible.

Thanks to Ryder, a real revolution took place in the world of fortune telling. In addition to changing the fortune telling system itself, he made it so accessible that anyone can now guess.

For this you do not need to have special knowledge in the field of esotericism or mysticism. Today, there is even such an industry as where the Ryder deck is used as the main deck.

Most modern specialists in the field of esotericism believe that nothing like this has yet been invented after Ryder. Today his deck is considered the most perfect.

Following the rise in popularity of the Ryder Tarot deck, many began to release their own decks, similar to Ryder's decks. However, they all had the same basis and looked like plagiarism or an unsuccessful copy against the background of Ryder's deck.

Despite the simplicity and affordability of the Ryder Tarot deck, its practical use is not always as simple as it is described in the book.

There are a large number of layouts and combinations of cards, which can be interpreted in different ways. To truly know Ryder's Tarot is a real art that requires more than a year of practice.

In the modern world, acquiring a deck of Tarot cards is not difficult. After all, you can buy this mysterious thing not only in specialized stores of magical attributes, but also in almost any bookstore. But before buying, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of Tarot and choose the deck that will be convenient to work with.

Waite's Tarot is the most popular and practical deck

The most practical and popular is the Waite Tarot deck. A characteristic feature of the attribute is that drawings with a plot are available both on the Minor arcana and the Elder. For this reason, Ryder Waite's Tarot is used as the basis for Tarot training courses.

The origin story of Tarot Waite

Arthur Edward Waite was not only a researcher and translator, but also the creator of several dozen books on the occult. He also wrote biographies of famous mystics and magicians. And in 1909, esotericist Edward Waite created his own unique deck of Tarot cards. The name of the deck comes from the name of the ideological instigator Arthur Edward Waite, publisher Williams Ryder and American artist Pamela Coleman Smith.

It is worth noting that Pamela Coleman Smith was a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn, a talented artist and a woman with magical powers. For this reason, Arthur chose her to create illustrations for the tarot deck. The drawings were made in a simple style, but her personality lies in the fact that she favorably selected the background and successfully gave the depicted faces emotions. And after publication, the classic tarot deck gained momentum in popularity.

In 1991, the equally talented artist Mary Hanson - Roberts made her own adjustments to Pamela Coleman's drawings. After revision, the deck became known as "Universal Tarot Cards".

On the front side of the box there is an image of a boy releasing a dove, and on the back - the Queen of Pentacles.

Tarot cards are divided into Minor and Major arcana

Minor arcana are subdivided into suits:

  • suit Swords;
  • suit Cups;
  • suit of Pentacles;
  • suit of Wands.

Major Arcana

In fortune telling, the senior arcana of Waite's Tarot give a description of significant events and serious turns of the fate of the person on whom the alignment is made. Moreover, they reveal the very essence and causes of the circumstances.

Having penetrated into the root cause of events, a person can influence what is happening and prevent some unpleasant moments.

For this reason, if the client wants to learn about serious events in life, then the fortuneteller during fortune-telling uses an abbreviated deck consisting only of the major arcana.

List of major arcana

Fool, jester. Magician Priestess. Empress. Emperor. Priest. Lovers. Chariot. Power. Hermit. Wheel of Fortune. Justice. Hanged. Death. Moderation. Devil. Tower. Star. Moon. The sun. Court. World. Suit Swords


Swords are the most dangerous and strong suit of all existing ones. It symbolizes power, which is directed for its own benefit. It also reflects evil and self-interest.

Swords-Minor Arcana, reminding that there can be no victory without defeat

Even during fortune-telling, the Swords suit symbolizes our plans, it can warn of impending dangers, scandals, quarrels and defeat in business. It should be noted that this suit not only describes our thoughts, but also fully reveals their essence. Also, the minor arcana indicate decisive actions and victory, but they also remind that there can be no victory without defeat. And what is victory for one, then defeat for another.

Swords include two groups of amrahs with 7 cards in one group.

Group one:

  1. Ace of Swords "Victory".
  2. Two of Swords "Ready to fight".
  3. Three of Swords "Heart wound".
  4. Four of Swords "Calm".
  5. Five of Swords "Defeat".
  6. Six of Swords "Difficulties behind".
  7. Seven of Swords "Cunning".

Group two:

  1. Eight of Swords "Powerlessness".
  2. Nine of Swords "Suffering".
  3. Ten of Swords "Loss".
  4. Page of Swords "Dangerous Encounters".
  5. Knight of Swords "Ally".
  6. Queen of Swords "High Patronage".
  7. The King of Swords "Power".

Suit Cups


The value of the cards of the suit of cups is a symbol of strong feelings and other feelings of a person. Cups represent not only love feelings, but also such strong emotions as:

  • excitement;
  • happiness;
  • disappointment;
  • anger;
  • sincerity;
  • jealousy;
  • oppression.

The suit of Cups also bears the name - Cups. In ordinary cards, Cups represent the suit of Hearts.

Cups include amrachi which are also divided into two groups, 7 cards in each group

Group one:

  1. Ace of Cups "Ideal Feelings".
  2. Two of Cups "Mutual Love".
  3. Three Cups "Holiday".
  4. Four of Cups "Sated".
  5. Five of Cups "Regret".
  6. Six of Cups "Sincerity".
  7. Seven of Cups "Temptations and Dreams".

Group two:

  1. Eight of Cups "Searching for a new path".
  2. Nine of Cups "Fulfillment of desires".
  3. Ten Cups "Family Happiness".
  4. Page of Cups "Imagination and Dreams".
  5. Knight of Cups "The Power of Senses".
  6. Queen of Cups "Harmony of the Soul".
  7. King of Cups "Stability of Senses".

Suit of Pentacles


In the layouts of Waite's tarot cards, Pentacles indicate money needs, feelings. The description also suggests that a person has everything under control: both relationships and career. But do not forget that the spectrum of meaning of the Pentacle cards is of large scale. In addition, the Pentacle cards symbolize:

Pentacle cards can talk about sexual relations.

  • poverty, wealth;
  • intimate relationships;
  • family and Children;
  • career growth.

The suit of the Pentacle is also called Denarius. In a deck of playing cards, matches the suit of Diamonds.

The Pentacle suit includes two groups of amrahs with 7 cards per group.

Group one:

  1. Ace of Pentacles "At the Top of Success".
  2. Two of Pentacles "Agility".
  3. Three of Pentacles "Mastery".
  4. Four of Pentacles "Possession".
  5. Five of Pentacles "Losses".
  6. Six of Pentacles "Generosity".
  7. Seven of Pentacles "Waiting".

Group two:

  1. Eight of Pentacles "Labor".
  2. Nine of Pentacles "Security".
  3. Ten of Pentacles "Prosperity and stability".
  4. Page of Pentacles "Acquisition".
  5. Knight of Pentacles "Master of the Situation".
  6. Wealth Queen of Pentacles.
  7. The King of Pentacles "The Power of Money".

Suit of Wands


In Ryder White's tarot layouts, the suit is called "Wands", the description says that amrah is a symbol of everyday affairs, and also denotes work or study, business, duties. Implementation of plans, promotion of affairs, barriers, protection of one's own opinion - all such areas of activity symbolize the Wands.

The suit of Wands is also called "Clubs" and "Staves". In a deck of ordinary playing cards, Wands are identical to Clubs.

The suit of the Wands includes two groups of amrahs, 7 cards per group.

Group one:

  1. Ace of Wands "Success".
  2. Two of wands "Concepts and Prospects".
  3. Three of Wands "The beginning of a new stage."
  4. Four of Wands "First Fruits".
  5. Five of Wands "Rivalry".
  6. Six of Wands "Triumph".
  7. Seven of Wands "On guard of their interests."

Group two:

  1. Eight of Wands "Movement without obstacles."
  2. Nine of Wands "Readiness for anything."
  3. Ten of Wands "Heavy burden".
  4. Page of Wands "Business Ties".
  5. Knight of Wands "Professionalism".
  6. Queen of Wands "High Patronage".
  7. King of Wands "Career and Power".

What are the Waite tarot layouts

Ryder's Tarot spreads, whose Tarot Waite interpretation is quite simple for beginners, is the third type in the history of tarot cards in chronological order. Thanks to the efforts of Arthur Waite and artist Pamela Smith, a unique deck has been created that has been appreciated for a century. According to tarologists, although a large number of cards were published by other authors, the universal tarot of Waite has no analogues.

Waite's Universal Tarot is a deck that has no analogues

The peculiarity of the deck is that during fortune-telling, the fortuneteller penetrates into the client's subconscious and intuitively reveals the meaning of the questions of interest with the help of the layout and his own feelings. And to reveal minor events and other details, not only major arcana were needed, but also minor ones. For this reason, a complete set of cards with illustrations, called "Classic Tarot Cards", has become a real boon for fortunetellers, as well as for experienced fortune-tellers and beginners.

Description of Waite Tarot cards

The tarot card gallery consists of 78 units. The meaning of each of them is purely individual. An important role is played by the position in which the card fell - straight or inverted. When reading Waite's tarot, you can ask a wide variety of questions, to which you can really get answers in the smallest detail.

But before laying out the cards and trying to correctly interpret their meaning, a lot of preparation is needed. I will tell you how to carry it out based on my own experience, because I began to professionally guess and correctly interpret the meaning of the alignment 8 years later, after the Tarot deck was in my hands.

Should you trust inexperienced predictors?

Fortune telling is a very serious and responsible process. After all, without skills in this matter, it is not recommended to seriously assess the alignment. Let me give you an example of what a false interpretation can lead to. Probably all of you have heard that we ourselves attract certain events into our lives.

If an inexperienced fortune-teller or, God forbid, a charlatan, "sees" something in her own way and guesses to a woman that her husband has a mistress and he will soon leave his family, then you can roughly guess what will happen. The wife will become a real "detective". He will carefully check the husband's phone, his pockets, will monitor his behavior, and if the unfortunate person stays at work for an extra hour, then the verdict will be set in the wife's head: "he is with his mistress."

As a result, the wife will nevertheless bother him with her jealousy that he will pack his bags and head in an unknown direction. For this reason, you shouldn't trust a fortune teller you don't know anything about. You should not undertake fortune telling yourself if this is your first time holding a deck in your hands.

Preparing for tarot divination

It is required to study in detail the interpretation of the tarot cards of Waite from the primer, which is called the "classic tarot of Waite".

The listed items must be completed. After all, this is required for the correct conduct of the ritual. The main thing is that there must be a special desire to find the necessary amrah with the power of thought and correctly interpret it. If a person does not believe the cards, then this will only interfere. Therefore, this ceremony must be taken seriously.

It is very important to reflect and imagine which incident might fit the scenario. Therefore, not only theoretical knowledge is important, but also your own feelings. In other words, the “sixth sense” should be well developed.

Waite Tarot is a universal deck that will help you look into the past, the future, and learn everything about the present. The most powerful mystics and clairvoyants use this tarot in order to get answers to their questions. It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or an experienced magician, Ryder Waite's tarot is a great addition to your collection.

In the article:

Tarot Waite - Major Arcana

Today there are various decks of tarot cards. This is the tarot of Baphomet. This deck was created by American artist Pamela Colman Smith. The Ryder Waite tarot saw the light of day in the early 20th century. Since then, it has managed to become an integral attribute in the work of every esotericist.

Until today, the doctrine itself remains mysterious, the subject of controversy and reasoning. If you want to know everything there is to know about this deck, you can use the book "Tarot Waite as a system: theory and practice." The compiler of this book is Andrey Kostenko.

The book will help you answer many common questions about tarot cards in general and will reveal some of the secrets of the deck. In order to start working with Waite's universal tarot, you need to familiarize yourself with the major arcana.

Fool - significant changes are coming in your life, which are likely to be unplanned and will require a lot of vitality from you. Inverted (hereinafter - P.) - instability, malfunctions, carelessness, helplessness, making mistakes.

Mag - progress, achievement of set goals, great opportunities, comprehension of something new, self-confidence. P. - fame, selfishness, loss of ties with family or acquaintances, psychological illnesses, unfulfilled dreams.

High priestess - intuition, the power of emotions and feelings, extrasensory abilities, a large number of secrets that will be hidden from you. P. - weakness, indecision, seething of various emotions, lack of spirituality, intuition.

The empress - love, understanding, mutual assistance, wedding, birth of children, harmony. P. - lack of balance and harmony, irritability, money problems, troubles in the house.

Emperor - an imperious, strong person, purposeful, who will become a reliable support, help in the work sphere and in love. P. - pressure, powerlessness, the presence of enemies, failure, moral violence.

Priest - sexual attraction, the search for truth, a wedding, the presence of a wise mentor, domineering and strong. You should listen to this person, as he will lead to success. P. - cruelty, increased interest, violation of the canons, weakness, inability to defend their thoughts.

Lovers - the embodiment of the first people on earth, a strong union that will be crowned with success, the right choice, harmony with oneself and others. P. - disappointments, breakdown of relationships, discussion of plans that are almost impossible to realize, illness.

Chariot - travel, victory, striving for light and triumph, confidence, overcoming all obstacles. P. - defeat, negative emotions, uncontrollable rage, lack of organization, failure.

Power - platonic love, recovery, replenishment of the body's vital reserves, fearlessness, harmony, readiness to take responsibility and act. P. - despotism, tyranny, detachment, defeat, an unbalanced person next to you, which will negatively affect your life.

Hermit - cognition, detachment, caution, removal from the field of unnecessary acquaintances, the ability to achieve success in solving the most difficult problems, awareness of mystery, truth. P. - loneliness, forced isolation, fear of others, fraud, disregard of reason.

Wheel of Fortune - movement, striving for success, inconstancy, frequent mood swings, changes for the better, luck. P. - gambling, losing, money problems, failures, inability to self-actualize.

Justice - making the right decision, winning the competition, respect from colleagues, professionalism, balance. P. - fanaticism, aggression, despotism, money problems, abuse of power.

Hanged - a martyr who made a conscious sacrifice, the search for personal freedom, change, you move to a new level, the rejection of material wealth. P. - illness, passivity, creative stagnation, needless sacrifice, depression.

Death - does not imply physical death, it is the completion of one life stage and the beginning of a new one. Change in life, change. P. - depression, loss, betrayal of ideals, collapse of plans.

Moderation - economy, the ability to compromise, diplomatic relations, the emergence of new employees, humility. P. - trials, struggle in the work sphere, losses, stinginess, intemperance, breakdown of relations.

Devil - various challenges await you on the way, but you have enough strength and desire to overcome them. Obsession with power and money. P. - ambition, cruelty, failure of plans, uncontrollable situation.

Tower - difficulties, devastation in the soul, collapse of plans, loss, oppression. P. - financial losses, breakage of affections, disaster, deception on the part of a loved one.

Star - your life will completely change for the better, new perspectives, recovery, renewal of spirit, happiness and peace. P. - isolation, dissatisfaction with oneself, disbelief, powerlessness, disappointment.

Moon - deception, you do not know something and this significantly spoils your life, the presence of an enemy, illness is likely in the near future. P. - instability, illness, fear, danger.

The sun - health, conception, childbirth, happiness, wedding, material wealth, harmony with oneself. P. - recovery, impatience, success, but excessive self-confidence.

Last Judgment - change, rebirth, new job, wedding, birth of children, good news, victory over oneself. P. - fear, illness, resistance to natural changes in life, repentance.

World - success, harmony, travel, pleasant meeting. P. - calmness, willingness to help others.

Swords - interpretation and meaning of cards

Ace of Swords - victory, impact on people, childbirth, wedding, financial stability. P. - deception, disconnection, despotism, tyranny.

Deuce - strength, readiness to defeat the enemy, you have already passed a difficult period and there will be improvements ahead. P. - deception, betrayal, clarification of relations, promiscuity.

Troika - a broken heart, a love triangle, a break in relationships, opposition to others, a large number of negative emotions, betrayal. P. - resentment, a situation that cannot be changed; you too often feel sorry for yourself, nothing can be changed.

Four - loneliness, escape from life, trying to relax, strengthening health. P. - hypocrisy, lack of funds, loss of close friends.

Five - tension, lack of faith, conflicts, someone encroaches on what belongs to you. P. - deception, fraud, bad deal, self-doubt.

Six - you managed to overcome difficulties, there will be changes only for the better, travel, success. P. - you are too late, you need to be more decisive, problems are on the way.

Seven - next to you is a liar who pretends to be another, he encroaches on what belongs to you, spreads gossip, because of him there are a lot of problems. P. - be on the alert, they will give you good advice, offer patronage, you should not refuse the help of an influential person.

Eight - the situation is getting out of control, the collapse of plans, health problems, conflicts. P. - you can't hesitate, it's time to act, as your indecision can significantly worsen the situation.

Nine - disappointment, mental illness, suffering, betrayal, treason. P. - hope, faith, the need to pull yourself together.

Ten - grief, betrayal on the part of a loved one, the need to give up everything and start living anew. P. - trouble, next to you there is a very strange person who is plotting.

Page - a young man who is ready to help you, laziness, lack of strength. P. - enemies, bad news, variables for the worse.

Knight - the appearance of a strong person who is ready to protect you, movement, victory. P. - an accident, aggression, illness, the appearance of enemies.

King - an adult, domineering, cruel and strong man involved in politics or military affairs. P. - submission, struggle, conflict situation, competition.

Waite tarot deck - cups

Ace of Cups - generosity, love wedding, children, abundance, creative energy. P. - selfishness, unhappiness in love, breakdown of relationships.

Deuce - love, carnal pleasures, unity with a partner, passion. P. - disagreements, cooling of feelings, unrequited love, promiscuous sex.

Troika - success, material well-being, positive emotions, recovery. P. - betrayal, failure, lack of harmony.

Four - melancholy, depression, melancholy, unwillingness to do something in your life. P. - good changes, love, new acquaintances.

Five - loss, depression, breakdown of relationships, mental wounds. P. - the appearance of new friends, rethinking the situation, calmness.

Six - financial well-being, the appearance of an old lover, family happiness. P. - vanity, acquiring new skills, approaching a joyful event.

Seven - flight of fantasy, too strong emotions, confusion, inability to adequately assess the situation. P. - making the right decision, overcoming difficulties, moving towards success.

Eight - parting, reversal of the value system, fatigue, there is a chance to start everything from scratch. P. - new acquaintances, strong feelings, happiness.

Nine - success, financial stability, health, control over the situation. P. - abuse of power and wealth.

Ten - happiness, marriage with a loved one, striving for success. P. - instability, quarrels with loved ones, problems at work.

Page - strong emotional connection, the emergence of interesting acquaintances, creative energy, travel is possible. P. - not using all resources, treason, intrigue and gossip.

Knight - happiness, love, success. P. - mistakes, negative news, love triangle, fraud.

Queen - love, the opportunity to realize oneself, happiness in family life, wisdom. P. - gossip, licentiousness, the desire to escape from reality.

King - strong marriage, patronage of an adult man. P. - deception, fraud, cruelty, excessive ambition.

The meaning of the pentacles

Ace of Pentacles - success, harmony, the emergence of prospects. P. - anxiety, ruin, obsession with money.

Deuce - good luck, pleasure, positive changes, good news. P. - anxiety, money problems, delusion, loss of control over the situation.

Troika - material benefits, the emergence of new partners, professionalism. P. - criticism, inexperience, stagnation.

Four - confidence, material stability, inheritance. P. - obsession with power and money, indecision, failure.

Five - illness, failure, collapse. P. - opposition to failures, the emergence of like-minded people.

Six - generosity, success at work, prosperity. P. - deception, fraud, loss of a large amount of money.

Seven - financial growth, movement towards the target. P. - loss, bankruptcy.

Eight - success, creative realization, pleasure from life. P. - routine, lack of plans, melancholy.

Nine - rest, material goods, stability. P. - loss of money, treason, loneliness.

Ten - making a profit, inheritance, rapprochement with relatives. P. - collapse, bankruptcy, difficult situation.

Page - obtaining new knowledge, new acquaintances, changes for the better. P. - disorganization, thoughtless spending.

Knight - profit, travel, professionalism, good news. P. - instability, disorganization, loss.

Queen - patronage, generosity. P. - deception, greed, avarice.

King - a practical person, success, will and determination. P. is a dangerous fraud with money.

Wands - interpretation

Ace of Wands - luck, money, activity, career growth. P. - apathy, melancholy, failure at work.

Deuce - belief in success, obtaining new knowledge, stability. P. - uncertainty, doubt, melancholy.

Troika - stability, success, reliable cooperation. P. - illness, loss, self-doubt.

Four - financial well-being, fulfillment of desires, success. P. - good news, material well-being, to get the plan you need to make every effort.

Five - the emergence of competitors, quarrels, defending interests, the emergence of a source of income. P. - conflicts, fraud.

Six - victory, ambition, leadership. P. - self-doubt, money problems, unpleasant news.

Seven - competitors, conflicts, it is necessary to show determination. P. - avarice, depression, confusion.

Eight - travel, fulfillment of desires, haste. P. - unpleasant travel, pressure.

Nine - physical health, delay, struggle. P. - stubbornness, danger, obstacles on the way.

Ten - glory, luck, taking on other people's problems. P. - cruelty, it will be difficult to achieve success.

Page - cordiality, good news, implementation of our plans, ambitions. P. - rivalry, deception, catch.

Knight - trip, friendliness, egocentrism. P. - problems at work, envy, competition.

Queen - professionalism, independence, experience, money. P. - selfishness, deception, envy.

King - success, happy union, wealth and power. P. - despotism, conflict, cruelty.

In the gallery you can see Waite's tarot. You can use this deck for various layouts. It is perfect for a beginner who is just starting his way in the world of fortune telling and the occult, or an experienced magician who wants to hone his skills.

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