How to tell fortunes to yourself - simple and effective ways. Fortune telling by hand - palmistry Exact fortune telling by hand

Ventilation 03.11.2020

If you have long been interested in the lines on your hand and their meaning, then you should definitely pay attention to one of the fortune telling systems - palmistry... Thanks to this science, you will not only learn what the lines on your palms can mean, but also be able to predict the future for others. We will analyze the basics of palmistry for beginners, and photo examples will help us with this.

What is palmistry?

As already mentioned, palmistry - a fortune telling system, which takes as a basis the natural lines located on the palms of each person. It is not completely clear why a person needs such drawings on his hands, which gave rise to a large aura of mystery around this phenomenon. Palmistry came from paganism, trying to explain the purpose of the lines, and still successfully helps people predict the future and simply describe a person's character.

To understand a person's personality, his talents, potential and the likelihood of certain events in the future, you will have to learn correctly recognize and interpret patterns on the palms. It is important to see not only the main clear lines, but to remember the location and meaning of small dashes, which are not even noticeable in every person. It is not very difficult to become a good palmist; it is enough to devote a lot of time to this lesson and use large amounts of high-quality information.

First look at the hands

Before reading the various lines and stripes, it is worth starting with the hands themselves. In palmistry, it is believed that they are the map of our lives, and all paths are drawn by the nervous system itself. That is why it is so important for the palmist to examine the palms completely, attaching importance to every little thing.

  • Take the person's hand and feel their skin. If it is rough and dense, then the person speaks and thinks directly to the point. People with a refined nature will have cold and soft hands.
  • Take a close look at the shape of the palm. A long and graceful hand will most likely belong to an impressionable and slightly suspicious person. A square palm is more inherent in people with a practical outlook on life. If the palm is rectangular, then we can talk about a cheerful and emotional person.
  • Do not ignore the length of your fingers. If they are short, then the person is energetic and rather superficial to everything. Long fingers have purposeful pedants who stubbornly pursue their goal. If the fingers are of medium length, then the character of their owner is in balance.
  • Only remains look at the skin of the hands: its flexibility, color and density.

Coming back to the lines, be sure to look at their color. If they are all pale, then in the person himself there is very little vital energy, and in his life - an asset. A reddish tint indicates optimism and positive emotions. Yellowish about liver diseases, which indicates that a person is rather closed in himself, and his life cannot be called happy.

Too dark stripes are also not a sign of good, because it characterizes vindictive and vindictive personalities. Most often, such people are not only restrained in the manifestation of feelings, but also arrogant towards others.

Learning to read basic lines

First stripes worth talking about - the main... Almost everyone who has ever heard of palmistry knows about them, and it is not at all difficult to find them. These lines are believed to indicate different things depending on the hand. The active hand, which is used for writing and eating, can tell the palmist about those qualities of a person that have changed during his life, about deviations. The passive hand will show innate talents, character traits and qualities of a person.

Only by comparing both hands can you understand how much a person worked on himself, as well as how positively his personality has changed since birth. Only a comparative image can show a complete picture of life, and it is extremely important that the palmist knows exactly which hand is active and which is passive. The very method of fortune telling along the main lines consists of the following stages:

Find the four main lines

This type of drawing includes lines responsible for heart, head, life and destiny, and the latter is not present on all palms. Finding each one is not very difficult, because they are the best drawn and have the greatest length.

The line of the heart is located horizontally on top of the palm, it is very noticeable and begins approximately between the index and middle fingers. The stripe responsible for the head or mind is the most obvious and is located in the middle of your palm. A line of life is drawn around the base of the thumb, well, and the line of fate lies simply vertically, perpendicular to the first two.

Examine your heart line

First of all, this drawing is responsible for your condition in physical and mental terms... This means that the line can show at what interval in your life you will experience severe illness or emotional upheaval.

It can be read in any direction, it doesn't matter if you start with your little finger or index finger. But the interpretation of the picture depends on the direction, and it is explained as follows:

  • If the path of the line begins with the index finger, then this indicates your carefulness in choosing a partner and friends. You are extremely selective and attentive.
  • If the road goes from the middle finger, then you are too selfish in relation to people in your personal life.
  • People whose heart line begins in the middle between the fingers are quite amorous in life.
  • If your trait is not very noticeable, then emotions mean little to you. You often distance yourself from people and don't really open up to them.
  • There is no line at all - it means that in life in the first place for you is logic, dominating over emotions.
  • The shorter and straighter the strip, the less meaning in life you attach to such a feeling as love.
  • But the great length and many bends speak of freedom in expressing your feelings with the help of emotions.
  • The wavy pattern shows flexibility and frivolity in relationships with partners, of which a person should have quite a lot in his entire life.
  • A line parallel to the head line, like its directness, speaks of the ability to control emotions and feelings, lowering their importance below rational behavior.
  • The contact of the lines of the heart and life can indicate great vulnerability or even resentment.
  • An abrupt interruption of the drawing, possibly accompanied by small dashes, indicates that the person could or may have suffered great emotional trauma.
  • A closed heart line means depression.

Examine your line of mind

This line is called differently, but it always means your talent and giftedness, the manner of communicating with others, the pursuit of knowledge and learning, and the way of thinking. Also, this trait can indicate the physical state of consciousness and specifically the brain, including diseases.

It is worth decrypting this strip like this:

  • If she has no beginning at all, then the owner of such a strip of mind should be called slow and lazy.
  • A barely visible head line means poor memory and very poor concentration.
  • On the contrary, a very clear band can speak of the ability to quickly memorize and high concentration, as well as the ability to approach everything rationally and reasonably.
  • If the head line is short, then its owner is distinguished by a practical outlook on life and a desire to speak to the point.
  • A rather long strip speaks of the ability to quickly concentrate on one's goals and great success in any endeavors, although this often echoes selfishness.
  • A straight line can mean that its owner is a realist, guided by logic and able to competently organize not only his space, but also his schedule and even thoughts in his head. He tries to be attentive to detail.
  • Frequent waves indicate a person's anxiety and distraction.
  • If the line of the head goes down or is simply rather curved, then its owner is a very extraordinary creative person.
  • Do the lines of life and mind intersect? This speaks of the great and strong will of man.
  • On the other hand, separated from each other traits can mean that you like to travel and change your location, and besides, you are just extremely cheerful.
  • If the drawing is interrupted, then you have a heap of inconsistent thoughts swarming in your head. Such small islands indicate that conflict is growing within you, and you are experiencing emotional difficulties.
  • Intersections with other small dashes may indicate that it is the important decisions of the person himself that will greatly influence his fate.

Explore your life line.

Some people misunderstand what this strip is responsible for: it does not show how many years you will have to live, it is responsible for how will you live, for your life energy... Of course, a very long and bright streak can speak of longevity, but in general, the life line talks about your physical health, vitality, the most important decisions in your life.

The interpretation of the figure is as follows:

  • Do not be afraid if there is no line at all, it just means that you are extremely tense and nervous, always in the wrong place.
  • A barely noticeable drawing may indicate that there is little vital energy in you, so it's difficult to talk about special exploits and overcoming yourself.
  • Obviously, a pronounced trait shows that you live in harmony with yourself, it does not matter if it is an adventure or a measured life.
  • The longer and deeper the strip, the more health and vitality there is in a person.
  • If the line is deep, but meek, then you still do not occupy yourself with health, and you can easily overcome any problems associated with your physical condition.
  • Kinks and waves can indicate that the wearer has a very large amount of energy.
  • The straightforwardness, especially supplemented by the fact that the line fits very close to the edge of the palm, speaks of special caution.
  • The streak next to your thumb means you get tired easily.
  • If you see a drawing of a clear semicircle, then this indicates the great enthusiasm of its owner.
  • Interestingly, a person may have more than one streak of life, which indicates a very large supply of vital energy.
  • If the line is interrupted at least once, then you have had or are just waiting for a rather serious change in lifestyle associated with something.
  • It may be that the line is interrupted on both hands at once, and then this suggests that on the way you will encounter a serious physical injury or a lingering illness.
  • The presence of circles and chains in the figure suggests that diseases and problems with the physical condition can change a person's life in different directions.

Examine your fate line

If you're lucky enough to have a fate line, then you can see what it tells you about how much you will be. successful, is your career going well, and what is your calling. Often it is this drawing that gives the palmist to understand what awaits a person in the future. In general, the streak of fate speaks of those factors that will influence a person's life, and the impact of which he cannot control.

  • A deep and pronounced line of fate suggests that its owner is ruled more by fate than himself.
  • If the beginning of the streak is a feature of life, then a person tries to achieve everything himself early enough, formulating his life goals and attitudes already at a young age.
  • A streak connecting to the life line in the middle means that you will have to stop in the middle of your journey and abandon your own interests for the sake of other people.
  • If this trait originates at the base of the thumb, you can talk about a very strong bond with family and friends.
  • Changing its direction or intermittent streak speaks of a large number of life twists and turns and changes associated with uncontrollable circumstances.

Learn to read other important lines

Of course, the lines above are the most popular, almost everyone knows about them, but main lines total eight... This includes the lines of health, fame, marriage, money, and travel, among others. They will be harder to find because they are not so well spelled out, but it is still possible. However, be prepared for the fact that some of their stripes simply will not be.

The health line should start just below the little finger and extend right across the palm to the base of the thumb. The streak of fame runs perpendicular to the previous one and parallel to the line of fate from the base of the palm to the index finger. The drawing responsible for the marriage should be below the little finger - this is one or many small lines. Money is completely traced in different places of the palm, and you need to find it according to the situation of each person. There remains only a strip of travel, which usually originates from the edge of the palm on the dais opposite the thumb and goes horizontally.

In classical palmistry, 6 lines are the main ones, and 8 more are secondary.

And now we will learn how to decipher these strips.

Explore Your Health Line

This line already shows more clearly what material wealth awaits a person in his life. If the streak of life is not very clear, then it is this line that will tell how good your health will be. If a person does not have traits of fate or success, then this one can add the chances of increasing the material well-being of its owner.

It is worth interpreting the picture of health in this way:

  • If there is no line at all, then most likely you do not suffer from special health problems, which will continue further in life.
  • The line is clear and not interrupted - you have a clear ability to manage and run a business. A strong will and ability to work hard are motivated in you by the desire to make money.
  • A wavy pattern speaks of great stress, which leads to illness and simply poor health.
  • If the line is interrupted, then its owner is not in good health or often gets in trouble in doing business.
  • It is unfortunate if the strip is crossed by other lines - the owner of such a pattern attracts accidents.
  • If from the strip itself dashes creep in different directions, but towards old age there will be many difficulties and, most importantly, dangers on a person's life path.
  • The picture enclosed in a square speaks of the protection of a person with treatment or of outside help in doing business.
  • A drawn double circle with an interrupted line may indicate a need for hospitalization.
  • If, together with the lines of life and the head, this forms a triangle, then many successful coincidences of circumstances await its owner in life. Moreover, the level of luck depends on the size of the angle.

When decoding this trait, pay attention to the line of the head, comparing them with each other.

Explore your fame line

This trait will tell you what success in society and what awards can you get In my life. She will immediately tell the palmist of a person who has yet to become famous and successful.

It reads like this:

  • A clear and bright streak will mean good success in an activity that you enjoy very much.
  • The absence of a line suggests that you should not seek fame, but pay attention to other interests. You will be successful at something else that does not attract the attention of the general public specifically.
  • A strip that is interrupted repeatedly means a large number of projects, and alternately successful and unsuccessful, in the opinion of others.
  • The drawing coming from the index finger suggests that its owner can become famous in the field of art.
  • If the drawing starts from the line of the mind, especially if it goes through the line of the heart, then this speaks of a person's great work and his significant success already in adulthood.
  • The strip bifurcating in different directions at the end means that the final success will be rather ambiguous for you.
  • If the line of fame ends with a drawing of an asterisk or a triangle located just below the ring finger, then here we can talk about recognition by society in acting, singing or dancing.
  • If it is drawn in the same place, but already in the form of a square, then some influential and wealthy person will help you.

Also, this strip in classical palmistry is called the line of the Sun.

Study your marriage line

Many rulers and dashes located at the base of the little finger are responsible for relationship with a partner and personal life... They can show not only how many marriages there will be in the life of their owner, but also the number of children. In addition, some show even unhappy relationships, as well as unrequited love.

Decrypting them is not at all difficult:

  • The closer the drawing is to the base of the little finger, the later you will enter into a relationship with your partner.
  • Having a lot of weak points means having several romances or even intrigues.
  • If you see very clear and deep stripes, then they will show the number of marriages.
  • A large number of intersecting lines speak of many betrayals, and it is on your part.
  • If instead of them you see non-intersecting lines, then these are most likely your common children.
  • The stripes that extend beyond the arm to the back show you the length of your relationship - it will be long.
  • If at the end the strip branches out, then you will surely be parting, perhaps even a divorce.
  • A pattern ending in a perpendicular stripe can mean that your partner will either divorce you under traumatic conditions, or die altogether.
  • If several lines are interrupted, but after they begin to overlap, then this clearly shows you that after parting you will get back together with your partner.

It is worth knowing that this drawing is also called the Belt of Venus.

So you started fortune telling... To begin with, you need to relax and not worry about the results - all the same, the answer will not change in one minute. To begin with, they begin to examine the hands. In palmistry, the palms of a person have their own symbol-images, the so-called "code".

Revealed four main lines of the hand: heart, mind, destiny and life line.

If you are right-handed - recommended guess on the right handif left-handed, make a prediction on the left palm. Each hand will show the past, the present, and the future. Fortune telling is aimed at determining the pronounced qualities of a person, it helps to determine the path of life.

The heart line reveals human emotionality and romance, and also knows about the health of the human heart.

The meaning of the heart line on the hand:

  • a short line on the palm of the hand means that emotions, romanticism are not characteristic of a person, rather the owner has a restrained character, often phlegmatic;
  • a long and curved line will tell that a person always expresses emotions vividly, is impressed by everything, more often - a sanguine or even a choleric person;
  • if the line on the hand ends between the middle and forefingers - the person has many fans and friends, he is open and sincere, loves communication, most often these are sanguine people;
  • if the line goes to the base of the index finger - a very demanding person, a perfectionist, always brings the matter to the perfect end;
  • the line ends near the middle finger - such a quality as excessive selfishness is inherent in a person, he will think first of all about himself, rather than about others;
  • a circle in the palm of your hand that crosses the line - a person is experiencing or has experienced stress, is in a serious psychological state, depression;
  • line breaks - a person who has suffered emotional trauma or shock.

How to guess. Life line on hand

It is not difficult to guess that the life line in palmistry is the line that is responsible for the path of life and the most important life events of a person.

The meaning of the life line on the hand:

  • a very clear line in a semicircle - the owner is a leader, a strong independent personality;
  • a line away from the thumb - a person has a lot of vital energy;
  • located close to the finger - the owner needs life energy, impressions;
  • several lines of life in the palm of your hand - an active person, loving life and with excellent health;
  • short line - a weak person and amenable to other people's manipulations;
  • circles - diseases are possible.

Line of fate on the hand

This line is not found in everyone. There is no definite meaning for what the line of fate is responsible, but no matter how difficult it is to guess - for everything connected with the fate of a person.

Destiny line meaning:

  • a rather deep line - fate plays a big role in life and chance is a faithful companion of the owner;
  • crosses the life line - a person has a lot of support from relatives;
  • intersects in the center with the life line - a kind soul of a person, responsive, cares about others;
  • begin with a life line at the same time - a person himself is an artist of his own destiny.

The line of mind on the hand will help determine the type of mind of a person. It shows the level of mental ability.

Mind Line Meaning:

  • a long line indicates that you know how to concentrate, think clearly, and do not leave business half way;
  • a line with bends means that a person is creative and talented;
  • a short line on the palm indicates logical thinking prevails over fictions and fantasies;
  • crosses and circles on the line of the hand mean marriage, emotions;
  • a straight line speaks of a person as a realist

Fortune telling - How many children will I have?

You can learn a lot by hand, but of course, many are interested to see how many children they will have. It is important to remember: the result (the number of children that appears in the palm of your hand) does not mean that you will have exactly that many children. This means that you can theoretically have so many children, but it all depends on many circumstances and on you personally.

Palmistry is an ancient art of divination about the fate and future of a person. The term "palmistry" itself originated in Greece and comes from two Greek words, translated as "hand" and "prophecy". Its origins are even more ancient and go back to Babylon and the Sumerian civilization. Fortune-telling by the lines on the hand is not recognized by modern science and is considered a pseudo-teaching. But esoteric experts argue that the stripes on the palms can tell not only about the character and individual characteristics of a person, but also determine past and future events. Anyone can master this ancient art of fortune-telling by hand, making an effort to study a large amount of knowledge and technical skills.

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    The essence of palmistry

    Palmistry belongs to one of the branches of the science of hirosophy. There are 4 main directions in it:

    1. 1. Chirognomy - the study of the shape of the palm.
    2. 2. Palmistria - the study of special symbols on the hands.
    3. 3. Chirology - the study of the connections between lines and signs in the palm of your hand with the physical and mental properties of a person.
    4. 4. Palmistry - the ability to predict the future by lines, hills and special signs in the palm of your hand.

    For beginners to study the basics of this science, it is important to master the interpretation of all the properties of the palm as a whole.The basic principle of fortune-telling along the lines of the hand is to evaluate what is seen as a predisposition to certain actions or events. A palmist who sees a bad sign during the fortune-telling process should not panic and puzzle the client with this news, but analyze the symbol, compare it with others and only then voice the prediction.

    Do not take the result of fortune-telling as something that has already happened. The palmist's words need only be taken into account and try to prepare for the upcoming events.

    Preliminary analysis

    Before starting fortune-telling, it is necessary to conduct an initial examination of the client's hands and find out the main signs: the shape of the palms and fingers, the presence and size of hills. These parameters will help the palmist to more fully reveal the character and personality of a person. A beginner must carry out the analysis very carefully, since the first time it is difficult to correctly determine some of the values \u200b\u200band characteristics of the hands.

    You should study two palms at once to make sure they have the same signs. In this case, you need to pay attention to some features:

    1. 1. You need to start fortune-telling with the main hand - for most people it is the right one.If any sign is present only on it, this indicates a certain direction in fate.
    2. 2. If both palms turned out to be completely identical when examined, it means that the heritage that nature has endowed a person with has remained unchanged. That is, he did not have any development in relation to the starting point that was given to him from birth.

    Palm shape

    In divination along the lines of the hands, several types of palms are distinguished. Some palmists take as a basis 4 key elements of the elements (earth, air, fire, water), others prefer to determine the shape of the hands by types of temperament (sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic). But most experts use a classification that distinguishes 7 types of palms:

    Hand type Characteristic Picture
    ElementaryA wide, thickened palm with rigid, clumsy fleshy fingers. A person with this type of arms is heavy on the rise, practically has no imagination and does not want to develop spiritual qualities in himself. He is happy with what he has, has no ambitions and special requirements for life.
    Shovel-shapedThe owner of such hands is purposeful and determined. He is ambitious and has high demands on life. Is prone to mental work, physical effort is rarely to his liking
    ConicalThis type of hand is also called artistic. Sensitive, emotional and creative natures have a narrow palm with pointed fingers. They are distinguished by highly developed intuition and a tendency to affectation (increased excitability). Do not restrain themselves in pleasures and do not burden themselves with observance of moral principles
    PracticalA knobby palm with wide blunt fingers. The owner of the practical type of hand is characterized by such qualities as increased self-control, pedantry and perseverance in achieving goals. In his actions, he is primarily guided by duty. For him, giving in to emotions means showing his weakness.
    PhilosophicalA person with such a shape of hands is careful, prone to excessive thinking and analysis of his own actions. He puts the truth above all other indicators and never takes anything for granted before analyzing it from the point of view of his experience and knowledge
    SpiritualThe owner of a long and refined palm is a person cut off from reality and prone to dreaminess. In everyday situations, it is impractical, which is why it often suffers. Has high ideals and is engaged in the development of his spiritual qualities
    MixedThe most common type of palms found in most people. Combines the features of the previous 6 types of hands

    The shape of the hands focuses on the qualities that their owner possesses. So, if the lines on the palm speak of the nobility of a person's nature, the shape of the palm will emphasize this sign.

    Characteristics of the fingers

    Examining your fingers will help you learn more about a person's character, intentions and desires:

    1. 1. An index will tell you about the ambition and predisposition to dictatorship. The longer this finger is, the more these qualities manifest themselves.
    2. 2. The middle finger of a straight and regular shape indicates that a person has a stern and principled character. A finger with a pronounced curvature indicates the predetermination of fate. This is considered a bad sign, warning that everything in life will go awry.
    3. 3. The ring finger of extraordinary length indicates the desire to be a well-known and recognizable person in society.
    4. 4. The little finger, the length of which exceeds the second phalanx of the nameless one, speaks of the talent of the orator. A short finger testifies to the opposite - it is difficult for a person to express their thoughts.
    5. 5. The same length of the index and ring fingers indicates a balance of emotion and reason, but this sign is practically not found.

    The length of the fingers is also important for a more complete explanation of personality traits. For example, owners of long fingers tend to hesitate for a long time in making decisions. Those who have short fingers, on the other hand, accept them quickly and impulsively.

    The hills

    Bumps on the palms are present on both the left and right hand. They indicate the presence or absence of certain signs, and also reinforce the qualities expressed by other symbols present in the palm of your hand.

    Each hill reflects certain traits of a person's character:

    1. 1. Mars - is responsible for vitality and fearlessness. A pronounced tubercle speaks of a warlike and decisive disposition.
    2. 2. Jupiter - indicates the desire for power and great ambition. A large bump indicates leadership qualities, a desire to stand out and rise above other people.
    3. 3. Saturn - draws attention to such character traits as seriousness, prudence, homeliness. A clearly distinguishable bulge means calmness and thoughtfulness of nature.
    4. 4. Sun (also called the hill of Apollo) - helps to understand that a person has a penchant for the arts. The more the bump is expressed, the more a person gravitates towards beauty in all its manifestations.
    5. 5. Mercury - is responsible for the ability to study and trade. Able to enhance the negative qualities of a human character in the presence of ambiguous symbols in the palm of your hand.
    6. 6. Moon - indicates the presence of a developed imagination, frivolity of nature. He is also responsible for everything related to romance, travel and favorable changes in fate.
    7. 7. Venus - indicates the desire for love and communication. It is most pronounced in creative personalities - artists, musicians, etc.

    Main lines

    The stripes on the palms, the interpretation of which people have been studying since time immemorial, not only reveal the character, potential and inclinations of a person, but also allow a glimpse into the past and future of the object of fortune-telling.

    It is believed that the right hand is responsible for social activities, as well as family ties and work. The left is responsible for human heredity and emotions.

    Often novice palmists, the so-called "teapots", while reading the lines, begin to distinguish between male and female hands. In fact, there are no differences between the palms of men, women and children. You should pay attention only to the length of the lines, their color, shape and other important signs, without making any distinctions by gender and age.

    The table below provides an explanation of all the main lines:

    Line Characteristic
    Of lifeIt originates between the thumb and forefinger and, bending around the hill of Venus, descends to the base of the palm. It is considered a favorable sign if there are no gaps and defects on the life line: it means that fate will be happy. An intermittent line indicates serious life turmoil. A short line predicts a short life
    Heads (mind)It starts next to the life line, sometimes joins with it. Stretches towards the mound of Mars. Displays a person's thinking. A clear, well-visible strip indicates a bright and inquiring mind. Forked on the line predicts mental illness, insanity
    HeartsStretches from the little finger to the index finger. Responsible for emotions and feelings. A long line means loyalty and strength of family ties. If there is a fork at its end, the person has a highly developed ability to express his feelings.
    FateA vertical stripe almost in the middle of the palm. Helps determine the impact of purpose on a person's life. A well-defined streak of fate is rare
    MarsAlso called "Guardian Angel Line". It occurs in extremely rare cases, if a person was given a chance for a second life (after an accident, clinical death)
    Family beltThe family belt is called wrist bracelets. There should be exactly three of them: the first is responsible for the family and children, the second is for income, the third is for love.
    Ring of saturnIt is located at the base of the middle finger and is a negative omen. People with such a sign in the palm of their hand are unhappy in marriage and often remain lonely for life.
    Apollo's ringLocated at the base of the ring finger. Anyone who has such a symbol is destined for fame and success.
    Ring of Solomon (Jupiter)Bends around the hill of Jupiter at the base of the index finger. It is rare, it means the presence of magical abilities. People with this streak tend to be the center of attention.
    Belt of VenusGirdles the middle finger. The presence of such a ring on the hand indicates a large amount of sexual energy. An intermittent bar indicates a sexual problem.
    MarriageLocated on the side of the palm, under the little finger. Double stripe means treason. A vertical bar crossing the marriage line is an unhappy marriage and divorce. Branches from this line indicate the number of children
    SunsIt is also called the line of happiness or talent. It starts from the hill of the moon and goes towards the ring finger. The presence of such a strip on the hand promises a person success and good luck in all his endeavors.
    IntuitionLocated at the bottom of the palm, next to the line of the Sun. It is quite rare. This is a sign of people with the gift of foresight.
    TravelOne or more short stripes at the base of the palm. Indicate dramatic changes in life - moving to another city, country
    HealthIt originates from the hill of Mercury and stretches towards the life line. The most changeable line of all, as it reflects the state of health. If the bar is missing, it means good health.
    LoveLocated under the marriage line, on the right hand. A clear line without branches indicates that the person is monogamous, branched - that he will have many relationships
    WealthLocated between the lines of life and heart, connects them together. Means well-being and prosperity
    Of deathContrary to popular belief, there is no death line. Its signs are determined using indirect data
    CursesPlaced on the Mount of Venus. A pronounced strip indicates the negative impact of unauthorized persons - damage, curse, evil eye
    LustIt starts from the hill of the moon and stretches towards the hill of Venus. Appears when a man or woman is promiscuous in relationships

    The shape and color of the lines are important. Smooth, well-defined stripes of medium thickness are considered the norm. The color should match the skin. Thin faded lines mean a lack of vital energy, too bright and thickened - an overabundance.

    Special signs

    Most often, symbols located on or near lines are negative signs. They mean obstacles in life, chores and troubles in the family and at work. But there are also auspicious symbols that indicate the protection of higher powers.

    There are the following signs on the palm:

    • a square is a lucky sign, meaning a way out of a difficult situation, a solution to problems;
    • the cross is a symbol of cardinal changes that can be both favorable and negative;
    • triangle - a rare sign indicating the strength of the mind;
    • lattice (grid) - a sign denoting obstacles in business, failure and misfortune;
    • islands - round marks on the lines, indicating a loss of energy, emotional devastation.

    Experienced palmists are advised to start interpreting the lines in the same sequence. This will help beginners not to get lost in thought and confuse anything.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a bunch of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still need personal help. Sometimes it seems that the point is in yourself, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who will help you in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passes you by. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed for the better. I could not even imagine that you can earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started with the fact that I ordered myself a personal ...

Palmistry describes patterns on the palm as signs that show a person's destiny. Among the many features, main lines, additional shapes and hills are distinguished. Fortune telling by hand is based on the analysis and interpretation of all these elements. Not only the pattern is unique, but also the interlacing of the lines, so the predictions are individual.

Active and passive hands

This is an analysis of dashes and their location. It is important how they combine and what they form after crossing. The first stage of fortune-telling for the future is to determine the hand on which the true fate of an adult is displayed.

Fortune telling basics:

  • the drawing determines the life path as a result of the decisions made;
  • on the left hand the foreseen important events are displayed, they may or may not come true, but they should be taken into account during fortune-telling.

You can guess by the active and passive hand yourself: you need to compare the differences between the two palms and study each dash. If the main lines are radically different, this is a sign that cardinal changes are coming in a person's life. The passive hand helps to see the inclinations, the abilities that a person must develop in himself.

The figures on the left hand serve as a hint for the right-handed person. If a person listens to them, she can change herself, grow and develop. The symbols on the right hide future tips for the left-hander.

If the active hand is left, turns of fate are read along her lines. During fortune-telling, signs that suddenly appear on any of the hands are taken into account, disappearing signs are also important for making a forecast.

Main lines

To find out the fate, you need to find 4 main lines. They describe important aspects of life and form the basis of other significant features. These are the following lines:

Four main lines in the palm of your hand: Hearts, Mind, Life, Destiny

It is not difficult to find them yourself without the help of an experienced palmist: these are clear, deep arcs that are the first to catch your eye. Each trait has a beginning and an end; by the location of the two points, one can assess the luck and well-being of the individual. The main features are visible without additional manipulation: the hand should be relaxed and the palm open.

Of life

It is impossible to guess on the fate of a person without analyzing the line of Life. Everyone has it.

The beginning of the Life line and the point where it ends can contain shapes. This is one of the arcs that intersect with dozens of different signs. The more there are, the more interesting the fate of a person. On his way, many trials will often fall out that he can overcome. There are some that do not reach the wrist. This is a special sign that predicts serious health problems.

Correspondence of line segments of Life and age

Total value

It symbolizes the arc of the life path. This is the part of life that a person can control. It reflects the state of health: from childhood, a child is often sick if his line is crossed out with small stripes. The arc talks about development, mental health and moral principles. It shows how much a person works on himself. By the bend that stretches along the line above, one can judge the purposefulness of a person.

Fortune telling along the line of Life helps when a person is looking for his purpose. She points to innate talents and abilities that bring success. Reflects the trait of the status of the individual: if she is in poverty or tormented by doubts, all this can be seen from the unevenness of the arc.


The shape of the line will help to find out the exact state of health or success. If it is clear and even (before and after bending), a person is able to succeed in any business. This is an auspicious sign that promises success and harmony. A twisted arc is a symbol of complexity. Small troubles will haunt a person from birth to death. The dots on the arc indicate frequent illnesses. If there are many bends on the line, the spine will suffer: a person is threatened with a congenital disease or injury.

(when it continues) indicate financial problems. Personality cannot ensure stability for itself. Other figures that are located nearby will indicate character traits that hinder or help the person.


The lines recognize not only character traits, but also the emotional structure of the personality. The arc of the Heart, originating from the edge of the palm, symbolizes the state of mind. She is responsible for temperament, habits and reaction to any external stimuli. The more emotional a person is, the clearer his line.

How to find out the location of the arc:

  • runs the line horizontally to the line
  • it is an elongated or curved arc;
  • in most cases it starts at the index finger.

The line means the romance and sensuality of the person. She symbolizes falling in love, the desire to start a family, success with the opposite sex. The value of the line depends on its length and clarity.

As with other lines, the Heart Arc foretells a unique destiny.

  1. If it is short, the person is not used to reacting emotionally to events. These are calm people whose endurance is unshakable. Such people are not born and do not become romantics; they are pragmatists who subject everything to logical analysis.
  2. Holders of a short arc are always restrained and calm. If the line is long and crooked, the person is very emotional. He does not know how to keep resentment or anger in himself, the problem of such a person is that her emotions are always ahead of deliberate decisions. These are impressionable people who hardly tolerate betrayal or betrayal.
  3. If the arc starts between the index and middle fingers, the person has a strong charm. He knows how to attract people, charm them with his appearance and playful character. He is an open and sincere person who freely makes contact. If the arc starts at the middle of the index finger, it is a sign of a very demanding personality.


Guessing along the line of Fate is more difficult. This is a trait that does not appear on every palm. It symbolizes the mark of a person's ability that helps him build a professional life, to be realized. It is located along the line of Life and seems to divide the palm into two parts. Passes a mark in the center of the hand and ends at the Heart or Head line.

If the line of Destiny touches the line of Life, it is a sign of fame and monetary luck.

Unfavorable symbols - a cliff or the Personality makes a conscious but wrong choice. The fork also speaks about the wrong path in life. A mark can appear only on one hand: on the right palm, the sign indicates the special thinking of a person, and on the left, it indicates creativity. If the line is absent, there will be many unexpected and not always pleasant surprises in the life of an individual.

The value of the line of Destiny depends on its duration and integrity. If it is deep, the person is lucky. This is not just luck, but a pattern: no matter how much a person takes risks, she can succeed in any business. She will not experience difficulties and will always find a way out of a difficult situation. If a dash crosses the line of Life, the person is closely related to the family. He honors traditions and respects the older generation. If the stripes continue after crossing, their owner will be able to start a strong and friendly family.

The intersection that falls on the center of the arc of Life speaks of the good soul of a person. The sincerity of such a person is only beneficial. She can do charity work and help those in need. If both traits begin at the same point, the person is able to control his own life. He does not depend on the opinions of others and does not give up in front of difficulties.


Accurate fortune-telling in palmistry is not complete without analyzing the line of Reason. It determines the thinking of the individual and her mental abilities. Intelligence directly affects a person's professional future, his development and level of earnings.

If the Mind line is located on the hand, it means:

  • concentration of attention;
  • quick wits;
  • logical thinking;
  • ability to analyze the situation.

If the Mind streak is long, a person can concentrate on one thing. He follows the goal to the bitter end. This trait personifies clarity of thinking: a person does not give in to emotions, but weighs all the pros and cons.

For creative people, it bends - this is a sign of giftedness. If she develops the makings, she will be able to achieve success and fame.

Those with a short vertical stripe are used to thinking logically. They know how to arrange their lives. These are leaders, organizers, or people whose habits rarely change. They do not fantasize, but make realistic plans. They have some skepticism. If circles (half rings) have formed on the strip of the Mind, the person has a dual nature. His actions and thoughts diverge. It is difficult for such a person to build the life he strives for.

Hills on hand

The bumps on the palm are called These are the hills on which the main and additional features are located. Hills describe a person: they show her character and desires. The meaning of each hillock will help in fortune-telling by hand.

The location of the hills:

  • located under the index finger
  • can be found under the middle finger;
  • is under the little finger;
  • between the hills of Mercury and Saturn is located

The meaning of fortune telling depends on which hill is more developed. A massive bump is additional information about fate. If the hill of Venus is developed, its owner is prone to licentiousness and waste. He does not know how to postpone the embodiment of desires, he needs to urgently realize them. If the hill of Venus is not pronounced, the person is not interested in family matters. He lives in himself and for himself.

The Hill of Jupiter indicates a strong-willed character. These are egocentric individuals who find it difficult to devote their lives to another person. There is a lack of confidence in someone with a poorly defined hill of Jupiter. Saturn points to cynics. These are people who are either aggressively disposed towards the world around them, or they often fall into depression. The Hillock of the Sun is found in the palm of hot-tempered and emotional individuals, its absence speaks of a bad imagination. The developed hill of Mercury characterizes chatty people. They find it difficult to keep secrets. If there is no such bump or it is poorly expressed, the person is shy. He rarely speaks in public or draws attention to himself.

The names of the hills on the hand in palmistry

Palmistry is the science of patterns on the palm. To tell fortunes by hand, you need to decide on an active hand. She will show the destiny of the personality that she is building on her own. characterizes her strong-willed qualities and character traits. The basis of the prediction is the values \u200b\u200bof the 4 main lines. By their location, you can recognize a person, understand the problems that arise because of her thinking. Hills located in the palm of your hand will complement the general prediction.

The future has always attracted man. Thousands of systems were created that helped spy on the future. The secret of how to guess by your own hand has long occupied the minds of many girls. This is a very popular way, with the help of which, by the "relief" of the palms, they recognize the future, determine the qualities of the soul, talents, and successes awaiting a person. This system was called palmistry long before today. What are the signs and what do each lines mean?

What is palmistry

How to read your hand correctly will help you learn palmistry. Previously, it was a science taught in higher educational institutions. The literal translation of the word "palmistry" from Greek means "fortune-telling, prediction by hand." The first study books appeared in German cities in the middle of the 15th century. Science does not require special knowledge in the medical field; age does not matter for practicing palmistry.

Divination by hand

Since the face receives a certain expression depending on emotional experiences, such excitements are reflected on the hands. Any expression of emotion is accompanied by movements that force the muscular system to work, which leads to the formation of folds in the palms. Palmistry by hand is one of the most confusing ways to find out your destiny. Guessing the future is not easy, it requires special knowledge.

How to guess by novice palmists by the hand of another person? Character is determined by the method of deduction and careful observation. You do not need to go into the depths of palmistry for this. Just examine the hand that is leading the person. Some roughness of the skin is a sign of a straightforward character, cool and thin limbs will tell about the sophistication of nature. The shape of the palm adds clarity to the interpretation: square - a person is very practical, and elongated - impressionable, suspicious.

To get a little more information, look at the length of each person's fingers. Superficial people with a huge store of energy generally have short fingers. The owners of the long are distinguished by their stubborn character, they are very pedantic. The average length of the fingers indicates that in a person everything is in moderation - persistence and superficiality. If they are more than average, then it is better to stay away from this.

Which man and woman to guess

Before you start fortune-telling along the lines on the hand, decide on the leading palm. In this science, it is believed that the left hand is a "book" of fate, which is given by nature, but the right one changes throughout life, because it is "built" by the person himself. How to read a woman's hand correctly? The right one will show what she was born with, and the left one that she acquired during her life. The same principle works with men, only in reverse.

Main lines

After a superficial examination of the palms, figure out how to read the human hand, its main elements. Each hand has its own picture, any person is the owner of a unique image. There are only 4 main lines:

  1. Life - determines the character of a person and the traits that distinguish him from other people;
  2. Fate;
  3. Hearts;
  4. Heads.

The study of palmistry comes down to deciphering various signs, letters in the palm of your hand. What does the letter m in the palm of your hand or another name for Runa mean? For the owner, this is a favorable sign, indicating changes for the better in those areas from which this letter was created. This is a sign of a master who knows exactly what he wants from life. It is found in many people and indicates the material world.

Hearts (love)

What does the line mean? She determines how to guess at marriage by hand. The heart strip gives information about all the emotions of a person. Using it, a palmist or fortune-teller will read about the characteristics of character and temperament, determine the ability to sympathize and compassion. This element indicates the general condition of the heart. An unexpressed line characterizes a very sensitive human nature.

Palmists distinguish people according to the lines of the heart of the physical and spiritual species. The first type is characterized by an ending between the middle and forefinger. Spiritual is located parallel to the line of the base of the fingers. The physical personifies love and self-expression, resistance to depression. The spiritual line is a symbol of sensitivity.

A heart line that runs too high characterizes a person who is very jealous and demanding of his partner. Well expressed - means generosity, the absence of branches indicates dryness, ruthlessness. If the element is bifurcated, then the owner will be a very devoted spouse. Crossing with other lines promises deception in love. With the help of this element, divination by hand for marriage occurs.

Uma (head)

This element is very important, and a person wondering how to read a hand should definitely take it into account. It indicates the power of thinking, intellectual development. If this part of the palm drawing is too short, then the person is unable to analyze information, a large length indicates versatility, large-scale thinking.

Forking determines a person's creativity. If the line of the mind connects or touches others, then the owner is careful. Intermittent patterns characterize an underdeveloped intellect, poor memory, inattention. A thin, long line indicates frivolity, a wide one - about imprudence and irascibility. The color of the line has its own meaning: red - cruelty, pink - a high level of intellectual development.

Of life

How to read lines on your hand? The better the streak of life is expressed, the more energy and vitality a person has. A small line does not mean that the days are numbered, such people are less physically hardy. The intersection with small lines indicates the presence of stress and anxiety in life. A good sign is a strip running parallel to the main line; the owner of such a pattern has a guardian angel.

Health is compromised when the lines of the head and heart merge. If the stripes are connected only at the very beginning, people with such a palm relief are cautious and unsure of themselves. If there are no mergers of these lines, a person develops early, has determination. Such people are gifted and creative.


This is another basic element of the science of palmistry. He is responsible for information about career and work success. Not everyone has this line, but its presence will allow the owner to make the right decisions. To interpret the line, you first need to find it: above the wrist, tending to the middle finger. Long length speaks of a person's independence. A trait can be good or weak. Discontinuity means a frequent change of professional activity, ramification - the ability to enjoy life.


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