Which means 4 pentacles. The magic of numbers. Combination with major arcana

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Waite gives a very meager description of the 4 Pentacles, describing only the location of the pentacles and pointing out that, since the pentacles somehow touch the figure of the card's character, he supposedly holds them. If you follow this logic, then the character really controls three of the four pentacles. How firmly the pentacle is attached to his crown is not obvious.

Noteworthy are the following details of the drawing:

  • The city behind the character's back. Despite the fact that the picture shows tall towers, at a quick glance at the map, the city looks much more like a modern metropolis, dotted with skyscrapers. The city is not surrounded by an obvious fortress wall, which is generally not typical for the Middle Ages.
  • The boots on the character's feet are not laced up. That is, if he suddenly decides to jump up and run, there is a chance to lose his boot or even fall. Interestingly, the character sits on a stone plinth so large that he barely reaches the ground with his toes.


  • Stability
  • Warranty
  • Practicality
  • Stagnation
  • Limited space
  • Business acumen

Key ideas

  • Control of the surrounding space and ongoing events
  • Reasonable use of resources
  • Awareness of responsibility
  • Everything goes according to plan

Basic meaning

By its meaning, the Tarot card 4 (Four) of Pentacles (Denarii, Coins) is close to the King of Pentacles and through him to the Emperor. In fact, 4 of Pentacles and King of Pentacles are synonymous. We can assume that the map depicts the actual ruler of the city behind him. He has significant resources at his disposal, but he spends them not only and not so much on his own whims as on the life support of the city. Rational, reasonable use of resources. Holidays are organized out of necessity, not on a whim. The purchase of grain is more important than the king's new dress. However, this unemotional style of government is not approved by everyone. Fans of tinsel and fireworks are unhappy with the small amount of resources thrown down the drain.

The map speaks of the need for rational planning, strict control over the progress of the process and the targeted expenditure of funds. The card describes a stable, stable financial situation, which is healthy at the moment.

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Meaning in relationships

The meaning of the Tarot card 4 (Four) of Pentacles speaks of a situation in which a person, passionate about his work, is not too interested in relationships and love. Moreover, he perceives them as a burden and an annoying hindrance. In his opinion, emotional factors negatively affect the reasonableness of the decisions made.

The second side of this card is the problem of relationships with a person in a leading position. On the one hand, he is accustomed to flattery and respect, and does not take criticism well. On the other hand, he suspects those around him that they are interested in relations not so much with him as with his "crown". And distrust in this card is much more common than the thirst for flattery.

Open - closed card

A very closed card. The character prefers to maintain the greatest possible distance between himself and others. The smaller this distance, the more likely there is a conflict between the social and the personal.

There is a paradox in the 4 Pentacles: the interests of the individual are ignored for the sake of the interests of the majority, which are determined by the leader alone.

Relationship intensity

The character would prefer a relationship with a negative intensity. He is not in the least interested in the relationship itself. He is much more concerned with expediency and efficiency. Sympathy, devotion, loyalty mean nothing.

Expediency raised to the absolute. Expediency that almost merges with cruelty and inhumanity.

The ideal character of the card is endowed with colossal wisdom, and the power that he possesses is perceived as a heavy cross. Unfortunately, in real life, we are often faced with tyranny and unworthy behavior of rulers.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

The main scenario is the patriarch and his family. Family members, clan, clan, company employees, citizens of the state are often inclined to overestimate the patriarch, attribute infallibility to him, turn him into a deity. Few people are able to maintain, with such an attitude towards themselves, an adequate perception of the world and really do not believe in their "divinity".

On the other hand, it can be a loner, a master, an expert of the highest level, living by his own laws and by his own established rules. He interacts with society only when he considers it necessary, and is not at all interested in the opinion of others about himself.

  • 4 Pentacles of Tarot in combination with a card: Stable, stable situation, which does not carry any unexpected, unpleasant changes
  • 4 Pentacles of Tarot combined with a card: Saving smart to get through tough times
  • 4 Pentacles of Tarot in combination with a card: Special attention should be paid to the balance of fluids in the body or technological process

Psychological condition

A calm, adequate person who knows what he is doing, why and for what. The situation is controlled by him inside and out. There is nothing secret, incomprehensible and inexplicable for him in the process. Self-confident master of his craft.

A restrained, slightly tired person is endowed with power over others and bears its burden with dignity.

One of the problems is the desire to control everything and everyone. There is a danger of getting bogged down in small things, losing the ability to see perspectives, and strangling the initiative of subordinates with petty tutelage.

Combined with the suit of Wands

Combined with the suit of Wands
  • in conjunction with: Prepare a new expedition without haste. There are no trifles in preparation for the hike
  • combined with: Think slow, act fast
  • in combination with: Physical fatigue has reached dangerous limits. You should rest.

Significance in health matters

On the one hand, a value of 4 (Fours) of Pentacles of the Tarot indicates good health. And if we talk about the negative aspects of this card, then we can talk about the desire to keep everything inside oneself. And it can be both emotions and literally constipation. Also, the card can talk about psychological stress so familiar that a person ceases to notice them. Sometimes the card indicates a lack of movement and physical activity. But at the moment the person does not suffer from this.

  • with a map: You only think you are in control. In fact, the situation looks different.
  • with card: Perfect harmony between work and family
  • with map: Time to have a party

Business and finance, professional activities

The financial situation of the 4 Pentacles does not raise any concerns. This is a situation where money starts to go towards money. The hard work of shaping financial flows has been completed, and thin financial streams have merged into a deep river. Now the problem is not "where to get it?", But "where to invest?"

The situation is very stable. This is its plus and its minus. If sudden changes begin, it will be very difficult to rebuild from a state of peace to a state of war.

Stability, manageability, controllability

4 (Four) of Pentacles is a stable, controlled, controlled card in the meaning of work and money. Business is like a closed cycle, everything is debugged and works by itself. Moreover, the financial flow is organized in such a way that income can be received anywhere in the universe (live in the Bahamas and manage by phone, why not?)

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

The effect of a gold mine in the game World of Might and Magic. Incomes begin to increase themselves. Money is attracted to money.

There is no longer any need to count pennies and waste your time on trifles. If you buy, then factories, if you invest, then in corporations. War feeds war, business feeds business. Many streams flow to you.

The general state of finance and trends of change

Wonderful financial position, prosperity as the realization of the most daring ideas about it. Despite the subjective difference in the understanding of ideal wealth, everyone has a common problem - where else to spend money? Not that chickens, peacocks do not peck money!

In the long term, the trend towards consistently good health and increased income continues. However, with a proviso: in a stable world.

Poor adaptability to changes is the scourge of all pentacle cards.

But even in a negative scenario, the loss of 2/3 of the business may not lead to a crisis. In general, the situation is very stable, with a large margin of safety.

Positive and negative impact on income

For the overwhelming majority, the thought of where to put a million is much more pleasant than where to get it. But there are those who are not entirely satisfied with this state of affairs in business. There is no self-development, no incentive to move on.

The enterprise no longer lives for profit, but for its very existence. The problem of maintaining an external image comes to the fore: mansions for an office, originals of the Dutch in the reception, charity balls in London. Inside the organization, there is excessive control and a lot of meaningless instructions.


The character of 4 Pentacles is a calm, serious, self-confident person. He is used to relying only on himself and knows how to cope with problems. Being strong, he does not take into account the weaknesses of other people, which can play a cruel joke with him. He does a good job of guiding a well-functioning process, but has trouble when faced with an unusual situation.

  • with map: Learn the art of driving
  • with a card: In this situation, profit is more important than friendship
  • with a map: Economy can turn into stinginess

When making a decision, exclude emotions

Card of the Day Caution

Provide for force majeure and unexpected changes. Not everything has to follow your plan

Questions to ask when drawing this card?

  • What situation do you control? Why are you so sure of this?
  • What resources do you have? How do you use them?
  • What business have you mastered?
  • What needs to be done to make the situation stable?

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Four of Pentacles - Junior Arcane

From the standpoint of astrology, the Four of Pentacles corresponds to Saturn in the Second House, symbolizing care for the future under external adverse circumstances, as well as to Mercury in Cancer and Capricorn in the 3rd decade.

The third decade of Capricorn gives a firm conviction that the chosen path is the only correct one. This decade is accompanied by the achievement of tangible results that have a solid foundation and allow us to hope for stability. As characteristics, the decade gives practicality, an objective understanding of the state of affairs, constructivism. It is ruled by the Sun, therefore it promises material abundance, which must be properly disposed of.

Other names for the Four of Pentacles are Four of Denarii, Four of Coins, Four of Money, Possession and Power.

Brief description of the Arcana: Greed, Avarice, Power, Possession, Covetousness, Jealousy, Stability.

Description of the Four of Pentacles

The Arcanum depicts a man wearing a crown, sitting on a stable chair. The coins are located under his feet, in his hands and above his head. He is alone, around him is a desert, and only on the horizon is a village visible.

The Arcana Tarot of the Age of Aquarius depicts a family that is surrounded by wealth. She lives in a solid house, which has room for chests of gold. But even with a child reaching for a coin, the owner is not going to share, because there is no place for waste in this house.

The sacred meaning of the Four of Pentacles

The image of the essence of the Arcana opens up to us in a classic deck. We see a man with a crown on his head, which naturally speaks of his power. A person sits on a stable chair, symbolizing stability, reliability and stability of position.

But the location of the coins and the way a person handles them, we get a complete picture of deep understanding. First of all, two pentacles lie under his feet. Any step makes a person lose control of the coin, and, therefore, there is a possibility of losing the coin itself. Thus, a person will not take steps, because he has been collecting these coins for so long.

There is also a coin over his head. She presses on his crown, constantly returning him to the need to maintain a state, for his loss for a person can mean a loss of power. In addition, this coin shows that all human thoughts are directed towards the material. But we, too, are always more concerned with the material, the visible. Even the soul of a person is estimated by us only by the body in which it is enclosed.

A coin in his hands suggests that a person is trying to firmly grasp the state he has received. He holds the pentacle with both hands and does not intend to release it. Even if this coin can do good to someone. But here your interests come first.

We also see that there is a field around the person, and only somewhere on the horizon is the city visible. This landscape gives us the understanding that a person prefers to isolate himself from others in order to keep his condition in his hands.

Mythological correspondence of the Four of Pentacles

Perhaps the most striking story that characterizes the Four of Pentacles is the myth of King Midas, who had the unique ability to turn everything into gold. Even people.

The value of the straight Four of Pentacles in the layout

The Four of Pentacles in the layout shows that at the moment a person has a certain position, which he built for a long time and persistently by his own labor, including his state of finances. This position has a sufficient margin of safety. Outwardly, his position looks quite reliable, but in fact, a person has the task of preserving what he possesses. It is to this preservation, to the sustainability of satisfaction with what has been achieved, that all human energy is directed.

He needs to be prudent, carefully plan his actions in order to maintain the already existing order. On the one hand, Arkan shows that a person has ground under his feet, but on the other, he sees a constant threat to the conquered stability and tries in every possible way to get rid of it. From here we see greed, selfishness, unwillingness to share with anyone. He is constantly haunted by the fear of loss.

Outwardly, it seems that a person is resting on his laurels, but in reality he is trying to fixate on what he has, and this prevents him from moving forward and increasing his gains. He doesn't really strive for new heights. In hard work, he managed to achieve some results and has no desire to increase them. Everything suits him anyway. In the end, he achieved success, but this success is rather modest.

The card symbolizes order and stability, but it is always accompanied by anxiety, the need to control your position. There is no need to talk about security with the Four of Pentacles, although a person makes constant attempts to defend himself. They help keep boundaries.

In some cases, Arkan points to bureaucratic delays, the need to communicate with administrative structures, and clashes with the law.

Ancient tarologists attributed the receipt of an expensive gift, inheritance, reward to the Four of Pentacles.

The meaning of the inverted Four of Pentacles in the layout

In an inverted form, the Four of Pentacle shows that a person's life is confusion, chaos, and lack of order. This can be family discord and financial losses. Since this is still the Arkan of money, then, as a rule, all troubles arise from material wealth or finances.

Inverted Arcanum shows money spending, often excessive and rash, extravagance and ostentatious generosity, useless acquisitions. Everything is aggravated by the fact that a person cannot get together, he is lax and disorganized.

In various situations, a person has all sorts of obstacles, delays, delays. They lead to failure of plans, dead ends and desperate situations.

If the straight card speaks of greed, then the inverted one is about stepping over internal barriers, getting rid of the fear of poverty, the desire to share with others. If you look closely at the neighboring Arcana, you can understand where this release from barriers will lead a person. It can be both positive and negative.

The Inverted Four of Pentacles indicates that a person is willing to take risks, is able to speculate, and can gamble.


Professionally, the Four of Pentacles shows stability in work and financial position. The person has completely mobilized all his resources and is ready to keep things in this state for a long time, although this will have to make a lot of effort and fight against fears and anxiety.

Sometimes Arkan may indicate that a person mentally separated himself from the team, tries to dissociate himself from him, which can inevitably lead to discontent. An employee is not ready to share his achievements, best practices, knowledge with team members, especially if this can bring some material bonuses to others. He will do everything better himself, but he will take the money for himself.

The Four of Pentacles can talk about separation from the company, creating your own business.

In business, one often has to deal with administrative bureaucratic structures, adhere to strict rules, and observe the order prescribed by them. Sometimes this is accompanied by pettiness, stinginess and corruption.

A person has reached a certain status and is already ready to rest on his laurels, but in fact he frantically clings to them. He gained some kind of power, but it looks more like an illusion: for example, a minor boss who considers himself great.

Inverted, the Four of Pentacles indicates dissatisfaction with the results of work due to a lack of order and structure. She talks about improperly organized work or, conversely, the absence of any organization.

This card is considered negative for financial projections. It promises unforeseen expenses, unnecessary spending, losses in transactions. If there are “heavy” Arcana next to it, then we can talk about the ruin of the company, a significant loss.

If a loan is issued for doing business, then the Four of Pentacles in an inverted form indicates that the go-ahead will not be received.

Self-development direction

The lesson of the Four of Pentacles is quite difficult. It seems that the period of hard work has ended, certain goals have been achieved, but something oppresses and does not give a sense of peace. And the oppressive thing is that the conquered positions will only be strong when a person provides them with his protection.

You should not rely on someone, you need to create your own comfort zone on your own. At the moment, a period of rest has come, but if you indulge in idleness, you can slide down.

The Inverted Four of Pentacles suggests that a person is ready to share the accumulated experience and knowledge, while he does not receive new lessons. In self-development, a period of stagnation occurs, which cannot allow a person to move on. On the one hand, he part with his complexes, but on the other, he does not find the strength to accumulate new knowledge again.

Personal relationships

To characterize personal relationships, the Four of Pentacles is a very ambiguous card. It is better to "read" it together with the surrounding Arcana or decipher it using additional cards. In some cases, the Four of Pentacles shows a reliable, stable position in the union, stability and order. Everything seems to be fine, but what is oppressive is the fact that in this union the novelty has been lost, there are no external interests, but only an obsession with financial condition and internal care. Someone may like this.

However, most often this card takes on a different meaning. She indicates a kind of buildup of a person when building relationships. He seems to be ready for something serious, but, on the other hand, he is satisfied with what is at the moment. He wants to stay true to his habits, way of life, which is why he resists change. He is not ready to share his freedom with another person, but, in fact, to share himself, his beloved.

Do not forget that the Four of Pentacles symbolizes the feelings of the owner, which cannot but affect the relationship. A person does not want to share his soul mate with anyone, including even relatives, hence the relationship is always accompanied by jealousy, suspicion, total control over the partner.

If the card falls on one of the partners in the union, then we can say that he constantly encroaches on the freedom of the other, sets peculiar boundaries and does not allow them to be violated even for a moment. Sometimes he is even able to go to baseness and meanness in order to maintain the safety of his relationship, which constantly causes him anxiety. Especially if there are Swords suit cards next to it.

One of the partners constantly has to prove his innocence, and this happens because of the suspiciousness of the other. The union is accompanied by various agreements and obligations, which no one is allowed to violate. Hence, a rather stifling atmosphere reigns in the union, but there is no place for passion. It is maintained by order, not by feelings.

Arcanum can indicate a marriage of convenience, in which money plays a major role. The most amazing thing is that all the desire to maintain order, the struggle for the security and stability of the financial situation, greed and money-grubbing lead to mutual loyalty of marriage partners, even in the absence of love. Such a marriage is perceived as a deal, and its terms are clearly enforced.

The lasso symbolizes greed, and greed in everything, even in the manifestation of feelings, and this leads either to loneliness (who would think of dating a person who does not give out his feelings in any way?), Or to a relationship of convenience.

In an inverted position, the Four of Pentacles indicates a conflict relationship, and conflicts most often arise due to dissatisfaction with the financial state, unsettled life (the case when there is no paradise with a sweetheart in a hut).

Quite often, a relationship deteriorates due to inheritance, when someone believes that the testator has distributed it unfairly. This is a negative card for relationships, because people cannot come to terms with material problems, and even feelings here fade into the background.

There is no stability, order, harmony in the union.

Personality characteristic

The Four of Pentacles characterizes a person who is fixated on his status, she is very wary of others, tries to control everything that happens around her, and all her energy is spent on maintaining the existing status. Such a person is very suspicious, anxious, stubborn and completely devoid of the desire to take risks. He creates his own fortress and firmly holds its boundaries.

The main fear of such a person is poverty. Because of this, he becomes an intolerable curmudgeon, greedy for money. They say about such people that it is impossible to beg for snow from them in winter. He is constantly “cowardly” about money, about a well-arranged life, about a position, about the strength of a family. He does it defiantly, without thinking about how his actions look in the eyes of others.

The qualities that the personality of the Four of Pentacles possesses are greed, selfishness, pettiness, narrow-mindedness, jealousy. Moreover, they are manifested both in relation to money and in relation to people. It is simply impossible to wait for a flexible approach from him in anything. He structured everything for a long time, and does not allow anyone to destroy this structure. And he himself never goes beyond it.

Nobility for such a person is an unnecessary detail. He is quite capable of unseemly acts, explaining them with specious pretexts: in the name of the family, the collective. In fact, he just doesn't want to share with anyone.

With such characteristics, the image of a negative person looms, and this is not entirely true. He has practicality, rationality, and enviable organizational skills. I'm used to relying only on myself always and in everything, which means I'm ready to take responsibility. He can handle any situation in life.

This is a man who stands firm on his feet, conservative and cautious.

Inverted Arcanum describes a disorderly personality, unable to hold in his hands what has already been conquered once. He is wasteful, used to throwing money around without thinking about tomorrow. Quite often, such people turn out to be gamblers who are ready to take unnecessary risks.

They say about such people that everything goes away like water through their fingers, from here they often become financially insolvent.


On the one hand, Arkan indicates a stable state of health, regardless of the person's age, but at the same time, he says possible constipation, blockages, and poor blood outflow. In addition, the card also indicates excess weight, which can become the beginning of various diseases.

Inverted Arcanum speaks of various incontinence, laxity of the body, systemic disorders.


The Four of Pentacles describe situations as stable, orderly, having a significant margin of safety, and safe. However, they are accompanied by anxiety due to a suspicious attitude towards them. A person has to work hard not to let go of the situation, to keep it under control.

The map indicates that a person will have to resort to prudence and careful planning of all his actions in order to achieve direction of the situation in the right direction. This Arcanum is especially positive when it comes to a difficult situation, since it indicates that a person is able to consolidate all his strength to resolve it.

At the everyday level, Arkan can talk about teaching an inheritance or some significant gift.

With such a card, a collision with a very greedy, stingy person is possible, who should not be counted on, because he certainly does not want to share something or lend.

The Inverted Arcanum shows that the situation is out of control, which is fraught with various material losses. It may be necessary to spend more money to resolve it than what was originally expected.

In addition, problems can arise due to lack of order in the surrounding circumstances, lack of collected information.

Card of the day

The day is filled with anxiety that someone is trying to destroy the existing status quo. We'll have to take a deep defense and persistently defend our positions.

The Inverted Four of Pentacles warns of possible financial losses, useless purchases, unnecessary spending or loss in gambling. It's better not to risk it on this day.

Card of the year

The Four of Pentacles on the card of the year means that a lot has already been achieved and during the year you will have to prove your right to the won positions. One must be prepared that the year will pass under the aegis of anxiety.

The Inverted Four of Pentacles promises a chaotic year, lack of stability, financial losses. A lot will have to worry this year, a lot to miss.

Arcana Council

The Four of Pentacles is ideally described by the proverb: "Better a bird in the hands than a crane in the sky." Arkan recommends that you clearly adhere to your goals, not allow anyone to interfere in the course of events. You need to learn to enjoy what is available at any given moment.

The main meanings of the card in an upright position:

  1. "Greedyuga" in terms of the expression of emotions;
  2. Refusal of a loan or credit;
  3. Concern about material success
  4. Turn your back to those who provided assistance;
  5. Concentration, decisiveness, prudence in business contracts;
  6. Excessive concern for the future;
  7. Greed, avarice;
  8. Fear of any change;
  9. One step to stagnation or collapse;
  10. Overly conservative attitude towards life;
  11. Close our eyes to new opportunities;
  12. Ingrained prejudice;
  13. Fear of open relationships
  14. Fear of being abandoned, abandoned;
  15. Enrichment, smart money management;
  16. Solid financial foundation;
  17. Conservative investments, buying a house;
  18. Successful completion of cases;
  19. Gift, inheritance;
  20. Excessive caution;
  21. Good scent in business.

The main meanings of the card in an inverted position:

  1. Values \u200b\u200bof the card in the upright position (points 1 and 2), only still worse;
  2. Major loss or major obstacle;
  3. Unreasonable spending, easy attitude to money;
  4. Greed, fear of losing property;
  5. Budget problems;
  6. An unsuccessful attempt to shift some of the responsibility to others;
  7. Meager awards;
  8. Timidity;
  9. Suspicions;
  10. Selfishness;
  11. Obstacles, failure;
  12. Selfishness;
  13. Quarrels over property / inheritance.

The rich man sits on a stool; the city is visible behind him. The man holds one denarius in his hands, the other decorates his cap, the other two lie under his feet.

This card could be called "Greedy" - however, more in the moral sense than in the material. He is afraid or ashamed to show his feelings, every time he thinks for a long time: is it possible, is it necessary to show a loved one that he loves him? Is it possible to be guided by the movement of the soul, isn't cold calculation better?

But, if you do not spend energy, they dry up: if you save feelings, they "oxyde" and can eventually turn into their opposite. The person remains lonely. Feel free, this card says; not everything in the world is tested by cold calculation.

In the "Tarot of Aquarius" it shows a person who has already overcome this "greed" of his. In the practice of fortune-telling, it can also have a direct meaning - for example, you will be denied a loan or credit. In a direct position, the matter is still fixable: you can convince a person to share his feelings with others or apply for money at a different address.

In an inverted position, the matter is practically hopeless: you cannot convince a person, and they will not give a loan anywhere.

(E. Kolesov "Alphabet of tarot")

DESCRIPTION: The crowned figure sits on a small bench, clutching a pentacle to his chest. This figure apparently came from a city visible in the distance, and it looks like this person is doing his best to preserve his property. He looks so wary and suspicious, as if jealously guarding the fruits of his labor. Element: Earth.

EXPLANATION: Drawing this card shows that you are too concerned about material success and physical possessions. Plus, you've probably turned your back on a society that has provided you with opportunities to amass your wealth. Holding on to what you have accumulated gives you a sense of calm, but at the same time there is a risk of becoming an unhappy, mean person. Nevertheless, you are focused, determined, and also prudent in your business agreements, you have clear goals.

THE VALUE OF THE INVERTED CARD: You are facing a major loss or major obstacle. Another meaning of the upside-down card: you are too free with your money, you need to stop unnecessary spending.

LESSON FOR SELF-DEVELOPMENT: Pulling out this card may mean that you have turned your back on your friends and colleagues and closed yourself off to new ideas and creative thoughts. You need to open your heart and mind and listen to the advice of those who can help you.

(N. Drury "Tarot. A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning")

Four Denarii means an excessive concern for the future, manifested in greed, stinginess and a deep-rooted fear of any change. This "attitude" is inherently hostile to life, because any attempts to "stop the moment", to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contrary to the natural course of things. Thus, this map usually indicates that we have one step left before stagnation (stagnation), and is often a harbinger of the Tower (16), which means the breaking of the hardened crust. If the Four of Denarii find themselves in a position that requires us to behave like this, then this means that at the moment we need to concentrate, limit ourselves in something, retreat - or, having got down to business, no longer let it out of our hands.

WORK: Here, this map shows that we are clinging to our position, or at least expecting it to guarantee us a stable income and well-being. It is an expression of an overly conservative attitude towards life that blocks our path to new, more favorable situations. Sometimes it means that we are just used to thinking and acting in a certain way, not wanting either to revise our positions or learn new things. We are desperately trying to squeeze something else out of our exhausted field, while new paths and opportunities have long awaited us; or we simply do not want to notice them, because we do not believe in their reliability, preferring to hold on to our wretched but familiar chair.

CONSCIOUSNESS: At the level of consciousness, the Four of Denarii means a certain fixed idea or a deep-rooted prejudice that prevents us from perceiving new opportunities and views. Here it plays the role of a warning: we are close to falling victim to our own stubbornness or our own limitations. This card should be taken as advice to abandon our previous ideas as soon as possible, to learn to perceive new views and ways of acting, because otherwise we will face a crisis that will eventually force us to do this.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP: A sad state. A person is afraid of open, natural relationships, trying to replace them with rituals and once and for all set patterns of behavior. A person "clings" to a partner, which speaks of his subconscious fear of being abandoned, abandoned. And, although these attempts are humanly understandable, they are at the same time stupid: where trust is replaced by constant concern (“what will happen tomorrow?”), And natural human relationships - by ritual, “contractual”, all love dies. Therefore, the Four Denarii here serves as a warning: even if such concern is the result of the best intentions, it will still lead to a break.

Fours in Tarot

The number "four" is associated with the Emperor card, the planet Saturn and the astrological sign of Aquarius. Saturn is the planet of order, work, strength, control, discipline, organization, structure, crystallization, solidity, foundation, practicality, patience, mathematical precision, economy, property, real estate, endurance, eternal values. The negative traits of Saturn and Aquarius are dogmatism, stubbornness, stubbornness, depression, melancholy, excessive seriousness. Aquarians are progressive, have a humanitarian mindset, independent, bohemian, unusual and somewhat eccentric.

The presence of fours in the alignment indicates the right time to lay the foundation for future success. Now a period of hard work, organizing new affairs and structuring your life begins for you. Sometimes Saturn gives you the feeling that you are being limited in something or that you have taken on an unbearable burden. You may need to make an important decision right now, but this should be done very carefully. During this period of time, illness may await you, or you simply need to properly rest and recuperate. The influence of Aquarius attracts unusual or eccentric people into your life.

In astrology, Saturn is associated with karma. If there are many fours in your scenario, then perhaps you are paying off your karmic debts. It will be good if you pay attention to detail, self-discipline, putting things in order, being organized and structuring your life. All important decisions and major changes you should make only after careful consideration.

Four of Pentacles in an upright position

Key words and phrases: Enrichment. Possession. Paid hard work. Smart money management. Financial security. A solid financial foundation. Balanced budget. Ownership. Receiving the money. Material acquisitions and the ability to make them. Reasonable business judgment. Hold on to your property with all your might. Requirement for guarantees. Buying a house. Conservative investments. Thorough study. Deeply rooted beliefs. Successful passing of the exam. Excessive precaution. Present. Inheritance. He who does not take risks does not drink champagne. You can't be too careful. Cut your nose.

Situation and advice:The Four of Pentacles stands for financial security. You may have a chance to get rich or increase your fortune. Sometimes this card indicates that you are too conservative or stingy because you are afraid to take risks. Are you clinging too much to your deeply rooted beliefs, trying your best to stick to the status quo? It seems that you are simply afraid of losing everything that you have acquired through your own labor. You must learn to shift some of the work to others, instead of trying to do everything yourself. Usually the Four of Pentacles indicates the so-called good "nose" in business and the desire to work hard for material gains. If your question was about the financial field, then the Four of Pentacles means that your money affairs will be in perfect order and some material acquisitions are possible in the near future. If the crux of the matter was an interest in a relationship with a certain person, the Four of Pentacles warns that in these relationships material interests prevail over emotional ones.

People:Bankers. Financial workers. Wealthy people. Conservatives.

Four of Pentacles Inverted

Key words and phrases:Greed. Uncontrollable fear of losing property. Budget problems. Lack of financial security. Negligence. Extravagance. Poor financial management. Loss of money. Inability to get rid of problems. Unsuccessful attempt to shift some of the responsibility to others. Inadequate payment for services rendered. Meager rewards. Delayed action. Obstacles. Envy. Fear of failure. Timidity. Suspicion. Justifying yourself. Selfishness. Counteraction. Lack of initiative. Unnecessary waste. Money problems. Unbalanced budget. Spenting. Failure to comply. Failure to pass the exam. Can't get satisfaction. Owner instinct.

Situation and advice:You may be struggling with how to spend your money wisely, set aside savings, or balance your budget. Your mind is on security, finance, or some other area. You are holding onto something with all your might instead of letting go. The point is that you are too shy or constantly making excuses, and this prevents you from succeeding. Delays in business are possible.

People:The misers. Greedy people. Spenders. People who do not know how to manage money. Powerless people. Angry and envious people. Curmudgeons. Ultraconservatives. Those who care too much about money.

The meaning and inner meaning of the lasso Four of Pentacles

The meaning of the four of pentacles in the upright position:

  • Gift, Gift, Generosity, Benevolence, Generosity, New Year's gifts, Mercy, Sacrifice, Gift, Reward, Service, White color, Lunar medicine.

Other meanings of the four of pentacles of tarot in an upright position:

  • reliability, contentment
  • confidence born of wealth, greed, gift, inheritance

The correct tarot card four pentacles predicts a period of financial and material reliability based on receiving a solid gift or inheritance, as well as on the successful commercial activity of the Client. His hard work and business acumen have led to increased status, power and material rewards. All material and emotional needs of the Client are met.

Tarot card four pentacles means property, talent, gift. Preserving what belongs to you. Inheritance. Satisfaction with personal status. Also, a well-established business or personal situation; no worries. Good feelings about the future.

Inverted interpretation:

  • Fence, Circumference, Reversal near a common center, Limitation of outlines, Circle, Rotation (circulation).
  • Suppression, obstruction, clogging, accumulation, monastery, abode.
  • Sentence, Assigned, Defined, Final, Edge, Outskirts, Boundaries, Limits, Terms, End, Outpost, Partition, Wall, Fence, Fence.
  • Obstacles, Obstacles, Obstacle, Obstruction, Delay, Slowdown, Resistance.

Other meanings of the inverted four of pentacles tarot:

  • opposition, distance from the goal, inability to control the situation
  • stinginess, fear of loss, indecision, obstacle
  • loss of control, loss of financial stability, impotence

In the wrong orientation, the Four of Pentacles Tarot points to the problems of excessive commitment to material wealth and property: greed, greed and avarice. The fear of losing power or wealth is the main concern of the Client's life, which prevents him from making urgently needed changes (the surrounding maps will show in which areas of life).

The inverted tarot card four pentacles means opposition, uncertainty, delays, obstacles. Possible loss. Possible quarrels, especially with people close to the Questioner (for example, quarrels over property or inheritance).

Inner meaning

Tarot card four pentacles - a card of possession and preservation of what belongs to you. The property is yours by right you have earned or inherited it. (Note that “inherited” assets include skill and talent.)

The Four of Pentacles also suggests that the Questioner feels the need to defend or defend his property. Other cards in the layout will indicate whether this feeling is justified or not. This card also warns that resting on your laurels may be nice, but it gets in the way of moving forward and preparing yourself for the future.


  1. N. Dryury “Tarot. A step-by-step guide to learning "
  2. E. Kolesov "Alphabet of tarot"
  3. Unknown Author "Getting Started for Reading Tarot Cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf "Self-study guide on the tarot"
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot is simple and clear"

The fourth Minor Arcanum from the pentacles of the Tarot deck is called "Possession and Power." And there is an objective explanation for this. When it comes to money, success, love - all that has already been acquired, it is natural for a person to feel some kind of power over his own estate.

Four of Pentacles (first card in the image) - Fourth Minor Arcana

The attitude towards personal property takes on the character of a looping and obsession. But how long will the holding time last? Will stability be maintained? Is it likely to be lost? The four of pentacles card will answer these questions. Card interpretation

Whoever held the tarot cards in their hands should have paid attention to the image of a rich eccentric sitting on a solid throne. His head is adorned with a shiny crown with a coin on top, he tightly squeezed the second coin in his hands, and for two more he stands firmly with his feet. And the expression on his face is not at all complacent. And for good reason. A person has gathered his own fortune, but as soon as he takes a step or unclenches his hand, or rises, the coins will get confused.

This is the sacred essence of the card. The four of pentacles of the Tarot in the classical scenario means a person's zealous attitude towards the existing savings of both material and spiritual principles (capital, love, career). He does not want to give his wealth to anyone, because to lose money is to lose power. Therefore, the figure on the card radiates anger, anxiety.

The constituent characteristics of the Four of Pentacles are associated with astrological concepts. Saturn is associated with her, which has always symbolized care, overcoming adverse situations, as well as Mercury, which in mythology was identified with trade and profit. Hence the different names of the card: Four of Money, Four of Gold, Four Wealth and others.


Such a Four has extraordinary energy. With special layouts, the card helps to prevent trouble, warns, warns. But we dare to note that practicing magicians attach such importance to Arkan, while amateurs and beginners accept it as a sharply negative phenomenon, such as refusal in a major deal, cooperation with a money-hungry person. Let's call the layouts demanded by society, in which the Monetary Four will play a leading role:

  • stable personal relationships;
  • finance and success;
  • health and vitality;
  • harmony with the inner "I".

Four of Pentacles - an important card in the layout of finance

For all its simplicity of drawing and content, the map is by no means simple. In some situations, it will display a prudent attitude, and in some - a sense of independence, solid ground. Love bond

In layouts for a love affair, the Four often has a negative meaning. But do not rush to get upset, first wait for which side Arkan falls out.

If the card is in an upright position, there is nothing to worry about. Many of the magicians argue that the meaning in this case is the reliability of a partner, confidence in the future. Although this confidence is not real. Due to the fact that a person is afraid to be left alone, he imposes his vision, and his attitude to ordinary things, love conflicts, even with the most faithful feelings, are often met.

But there are other views on the meaning of the Four of Coins in the alignment of love, which are far from benevolent:

Owner feeling

The card indicates that next to you is a person who does not love, but only owns you. This person is an owner by nature, which is not good either for you or for him.

Stagnation and unwillingness to change fate

You notice that you have been dating a person for a long time, but he is in no hurry to legalize the relationship. The “I feel good” situation is just for him. He does not want to share himself and will not.

The four of pentacles upside down prophesies a quarrel, a disagreement. More often this happens due to the lack of money in the family. And the worst, reveals the truth about the existence of material dependence of one of the partners. Thus, we are dealing with the "pollution" of a love affair, where two will never give up and are unlikely to find reconciliation. But they will live together, because for someone, losing is much worse than not loving.

Career ladder and achievement of financial good

The four also became not very happy for love joys. There is hope that it will bring success in a career and increase capital. Tarologists claim that the card denotes an attitude towards a business that brings income, and this is the main criterion for characterization. In an upright position, the Four of Coins is a symbol of a person's professionalism, his desire to achieve results in his own field of activity. She seems to be convincing: "Yes, you are better, and you deserve this state."

But is everything so good when an inverted amraha falls out? Will not everything attainable roll upside down? Here are the meanings it says:

Biased organization of the workplace

Sometimes, a person just blows up balloons and spreads the red carpet to show off his own company and himself as a boss, although in fact the business is unrespectable and has no demand.

External barriers

Where there is money, there are always obstacles, barriers, which not everyone can jump over.

Monetary loss and ruin. The map is lying incorrectly - the figure on it seems to have shifted, which means one thing - financial capital will gradually get lost.

This Arkan is combined with a feeling of fear, loss of self-control, excessive stupor. Such sensations are caused by the fear of being left with nothing.

About health

What are the 4 Pentacles of the Tarot for health? Sadly, but the card conveys a bad attitude of a person to his own body. Again, the main message is power. And even if it may not sound absurd, but even here a person is not able to give his own.

Four of Pentacles in a health scenario means that a person does not take care of himself (for example, does not lose weight if overweight)

An elementary example, when, being overweight, he will not lose weight, because it means to lose. And for the real owner it is unpleasant and even embarrassing. Yes, it’s wrong. But it is useless to bring anything. In the practice of tarologists, there is even a special name for such a situation - "the norm on the verge of pathology." A person, no matter how old he is, throws off on an old man: he has accumulated chronic diseases over the years, but lives with them without even noticing.

Making a deal for health, we also monitor the position of the Tarot chip. Falling out in the correct position, it warns of danger, but the main importance is the stability of the state in the correct mode. Falling out upside down, speaks of an excess of strength. We must take care, do not delay the trip to the doctor, pay attention to the diseased parts of the body. There should be no savings on health! At least it will be difficult to explain this to a curmudgeon.

Personality assessment

Do you know the feeling when you check in your luggage at the airport and worry about things during a long flight? It was this feeling that overtook the person who ordered the alignment for personal problems caused by disharmony with the inner and outer world.

Tarot card Four of Pentacles is a sign of concern. The person is worried and afraid. He spends his own energy to protect the state. It's like an obsession that won't lead to good. Let's define the main characteristics:

  1. Panic: To do a lot, but not to become poor.
  2. Limited horizons: I see only what is in front of me.
  3. Shell-like appearance: I don't need anyone.
  4. Stability is the goal in life. Unforeseen expenses - no way. Extra joy - why? He is persistent in his thoughts and actions, which ultimately leads to inconsolable pride.
  5. Detachment from nobility and humanity. Benefit of every kind is a step towards ruin. Does this want a greedy person, a penny and the owner?

Negative meaning is conveyed both by the direct position of the Four of Denarii, and inverted. In the first case, this is prudence, pragmatism, remoteness from everyone, inner isolation. The voice from within guides the person. In the second case, we are dealing with hopelessness. The fix idea “to preserve your own wealth” (which most often means money) becomes the reason for the creation of a special world, this is the world of only one.

The value of a money card in combination with others

In layouts, four of pentacles are often dropped in combination with other cards of the Tarot deck. Note that in combination it is easier to correctly and more truthfully interpret the essence of the Four of Denarii. With any combination, it does not lose its main meaning, which was described above.

Negative ties with the Four

What kind of connections should you be afraid of?

With the Jester

Such a combination means extreme instability, stinginess, uncertainty.

With Tower

For a capricious loner, such a connection promises the negative consequences of isolation, isolation from the outside world and from loved ones.

With the Emperor

Such an eerie plexus, since it means increased control over property (including family members, a loved one).

With the devil

An unpleasant combination that openly speaks of a person's greed and greed. For the sake of money, he is ready for a lot.

With the hermit

The fear of changes in life, which was mentioned more than once in the analysis of the Four of Coins, now predicts a lull in business, barriers that have arisen as a result of various reasons.

Positive connections with the Four

With some cards, the four changes the negative value to the opposite, positive one. And this is worth taking advantage of.

With the Knight of Pentacles

The combination of cards is favorable to the person who ordered the layout. It portends a gift that will be useful in expanding the state.

With Moderation

This pleasant combination denotes a thoughtful spending of money, which means that the saving of the acquired is preserved, the person is far from poverty and bankruptcy.

With a Star

The connection of cards is important in the layout of love. The meaning of this connection is a reverent relationship with a partner, his willingness to give care.

With the Magician

Appropriate connection in a career layout. If you have such a combination, fate itself controls your affairs, you can safely use it and open your own business.

With Strength

In any case, the combination is appropriate. After all, adding strength to conquer new heights has never been superfluous.

If the Four of Pentacles fell out to you as a card of the year, be prepared for a chaotic year, instability and possible capital losses. But don't you dare to despair. Arkan's recommendation - walk confidently towards the goal, appreciate what you have. After all, you can be happy with a tit in your hands!

Short description

Waite gives a very meager description of the 4 Pentacles, describing only the location of the pentacles and pointing out that, since the pentacles somehow touch the figure of the card's character, he supposedly holds them. If you follow this logic, then the character really controls three of the four pentacles. How firmly the pentacle is attached to his crown is not obvious.

Noteworthy are the following details of the drawing:

  • The city behind the character's back. Despite the fact that the picture shows tall towers, at a quick glance at the map, the city looks much more like a modern metropolis, dotted with skyscrapers. The city is not surrounded by an obvious fortress wall, which is generally not typical for the Middle Ages.
  • The boots on the character's feet are not laced up. That is, if he suddenly decides to jump up and run, there is a chance to lose his boot or even fall. Interestingly, the character sits on a stone plinth so large that he barely reaches the ground with his toes.


  • Stability
  • Warranty
  • Practicality
  • Stagnation
  • Limited space
  • Business acumen

Key ideas

  • Control of the surrounding space and ongoing events
  • Reasonable use of resources
  • Awareness of responsibility
  • Everything goes according to plan

Basic meaning

By its meaning, the Tarot card 4 (Four) of Pentacles (Denarii, Coins) is close to the King of Pentacles and through him to the Emperor. In fact, 4 of Pentacles and King of Pentacles are synonymous. We can assume that the map depicts the actual ruler of the city behind him. He has significant resources at his disposal, but he spends them not only and not so much on his own whims as on the life support of the city. Rational, reasonable use of resources. Holidays are organized out of necessity, not on a whim. The purchase of grain is more important than the king's new dress. However, this unemotional style of government is not approved by everyone. Fans of tinsel and fireworks are unhappy with the small amount of resources thrown down the drain.

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The map speaks of the need for rational planning, strict control over the progress of the process and the targeted expenditure of funds. The card describes a stable, stable financial situation, which is healthy at the moment.

Meaning in relationships

The meaning of the Tarot card 4 (Four) of Pentacles speaks of a situation in which a person, passionate about his work, is not too interested in relationships and love. Moreover, he perceives them as a burden and an annoying hindrance. In his opinion, emotional factors negatively affect the reasonableness of the decisions made.

The second side of this card is the problem of relationships with a person in a leading position. On the one hand, he is accustomed to flattery and respect, and does not take criticism well. On the other hand, he suspects those around him that they are interested in relations not so much with him as with his "crown". And distrust in this card is much more common than the thirst for flattery.

Open - closed card

A very closed card. The character prefers to maintain the greatest possible distance between himself and others. The smaller this distance, the more likely there is a conflict between the social and the personal.

There is a paradox in the 4 Pentacles: the interests of the individual are ignored for the sake of the interests of the majority, which are determined by the leader alone.

Relationship intensity

The character would prefer a relationship with a negative intensity. He is not in the least interested in the relationship itself. He is much more concerned with expediency and efficiency. Sympathy, devotion, loyalty mean nothing.

Expediency raised to the absolute. Expediency that almost merges with cruelty and inhumanity.

The ideal character of the card is endowed with colossal wisdom, and the power that he possesses is perceived as a heavy cross. Unfortunately, in real life, we are often faced with tyranny and unworthy behavior of rulers.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

The main scenario is the patriarch and his family. Family members, clan, clan, company employees, citizens of the state are often inclined to overestimate the patriarch, attribute infallibility to him, turn him into a deity. Few people are able to maintain, with such an attitude towards themselves, an adequate perception of the world and really do not believe in their "divinity".

On the other hand, it can be a loner, a master, an expert of the highest level, living by his own laws and by his own established rules. He interacts with society only when he considers it necessary, and is not at all interested in the opinion of others about himself.

Combined with the Major Arcana

  • 4 Pentacles of Tarot in combination with the Wheel of Fortune card: Stable, stable situation that does not carry any unexpected, unpleasant changes
  • 4 Pentacles of the Tarot combined with the Hanged Man: Saving smart to get through tough times
  • 4 Pentacles of the Tarot in combination with the card Moderation: Pay particular attention to the balance of fluids in the body or technological process

Psychological condition

A calm, adequate person who knows what he is doing, why and for what. The situation is controlled by him inside and out. There is nothing secret, incomprehensible and inexplicable for him in the process. Self-confident master of his craft.

A restrained, slightly tired person is endowed with power over others and bears its burden with dignity.

One of the problems is the desire to control everything and everyone. There is a danger of getting bogged down in small things, losing the ability to see perspectives, and strangling the initiative of subordinates with petty tutelage.

Combined with the suit of Wands

Combined with the suit of Wands

  • combined with 3 of Wands: Prepare a new expedition without haste. There are no trifles in preparation for the hike
  • combined with 7 of Wands: Think Slow, Act Fast
  • combined with 10 of Wands: Physical fatigue has reached dangerous limits. You should rest.

Significance in health matters

On the one hand, a value of 4 (Fours) of Pentacles of the Tarot indicates good health. And if we talk about the negative aspects of this card, then we can talk about the desire to keep everything inside oneself. And it can be both emotions and literally constipation. Also, the card can talk about psychological stress so familiar that a person ceases to notice them. Sometimes the card indicates a lack of movement and physical activity. But at the moment the person does not suffer from this.

Combined with suit of Cups

Combined with suit of Cups

  • with 7 Cups card: You only think you are in control. In fact, the situation looks different.
  • with 10 Cups card: Perfect harmony between work and family
  • with card King of Cups: Time to Party

Business and finance, professional activities

The financial situation of the 4 Pentacles does not raise any concerns. This is a situation where money starts to go towards money. The hard work of shaping financial flows has been completed, and thin financial streams have merged into a deep river. Now the problem is not "where to get it?", But "where to invest?"

The situation is very stable. This is its plus and its minus. If sudden changes begin, it will be very difficult to rebuild from a state of peace to a state of war.

Stability, manageability, controllability

4 (Four) of Pentacles is a stable, controlled, controlled card in the meaning of work and money. Business is like a closed cycle, everything is debugged and works by itself. Moreover, the financial flow is organized in such a way that income can be received anywhere in the universe (live in the Bahamas and manage by phone, why not?)

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

The effect of a gold mine in the game World of Might and Magic. Incomes begin to increase themselves. Money is attracted to money.

There is no longer any need to count pennies and waste your time on trifles. If you buy, then factories, if you invest, then in corporations. War feeds war, business feeds business. Many streams flow to you.

The general state of finance and trends of change

Wonderful financial position, prosperity as the realization of the most daring ideas about it. Despite the subjective difference in the understanding of ideal wealth, everyone has a common problem - where else to spend money? Not that chickens, peacocks do not peck money!

In the long term, the trend towards consistently good health and increased income continues. However, with a proviso: in a stable world.

Poor adaptability to changes is the scourge of all pentacle cards.

But even in a negative scenario, the loss of 2/3 of the business may not lead to a crisis. In general, the situation is very stable, with a large margin of safety.

Positive and negative impact on income

For the overwhelming majority, the thought of where to put a million is much more pleasant than where to get it. But there are those who are not entirely satisfied with this state of affairs in business. There is no self-development, no incentive to move on.

The enterprise no longer lives for profit, but for its very existence. The problem of maintaining an external image comes to the fore: mansions for an office, originals of the Dutch in the reception, charity balls in London. Inside the organization, there is excessive control and a lot of meaningless instructions.

Combined with the suit of Swords

Combined with the suit of Swords

  • combined with 6 of Swords: Do not limit yourself to your city, make long journeys
  • in combination with the Page of Swords: In this situation, inaction and paranoia are better than active action
  • in conjunction with the Lady of Swords: You make an overly strict impression on your subordinates


The character of 4 Pentacles is a calm, serious, self-confident person. He is used to relying only on himself and knows how to cope with problems. Being strong, he does not take into account the weaknesses of other people, which can play a cruel joke with him. He does a good job of guiding a well-functioning process, but has trouble when faced with an unusual situation.

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

  • with the Page of Pentacles card: Learn the art of managing
  • with the card Knight of Pentacles: In this situation, profit is more important than friendship
  • with the card The Lady of Pentacles: Economy can turn into stinginess

When making a decision, exclude emotions

Card of the Day Caution

Provide for force majeure and unexpected changes. Not everything has to follow your plan

Questions to ask when drawing this card?

  • What situation do you control? Why are you so sure of this?
  • What resources do you have? How do you use them?
  • What business have you mastered?
  • What needs to be done to make the situation stable?

Today, the topic of our article will be the card 4 of Pentacles of the Tarot, the value of which in the old days was considered quite positive, but in modern times it has acquired clearly negative connotations. This is a very interesting, albeit quite simple Arcanum, associated, like all other cards of the Denarius suit, with material values. Let's take a closer look at it.

General description, plot and meaning of the card in the layout

So what do we see? As an example, we consider the Arcana of the most popular deck - the Ryder-Waite Tarot. And we see on it a man who sits in a fairly static position. Both his legs stand on pentacles, with his hands he tightly grabbed another one, and the fourth is on his head. Behind the man is the city, but it seems as if he does not notice it at all, focusing exclusively on what is under his nose. The main meaning of the 4 Tarot Coins is possession.

Key words and ideas of the 4 Denarii card in the layout

  • The power of stability
  • The desire to preserve the existing
  • Something lined up with difficulty
  • Lack of flexibility and adaptive abilities
  • Owning and maintaining your property
  • The desire to protect your own from encroachment
  • Ensuring immunity and security
  • Stagnation, blockage, fixation
  • Greed, unwillingness to share

Card value in an upright position

As you might guess from the set of the listed key phrases, 4 Pentacles is another "fruit". On the one hand, it seems that protecting what you have acquired with great difficulty is a very useful business, but on the other hand, we see here not just adequate protection, as it might seem, but a kind of cursing, pettiness, stinginess, limited views. A person not only protects what he has, but ceases to move anywhere at all, stuck in this stability, to which he strives so much. We can say that this is some kind of vicious circle, from which the character of the card simply does not want to leave.

Interestingly, in the old days, the card was attributed to a rather positive value: it characterized the receipt of an inheritance, all services, favors, etc. Most likely, from the point of view of people of that era, such stability was a fairly good indicator, especially if we take into account the living conditions of that time. But today we live in a completely different world, so for us the meaning of the Tarot card 4 of Pentacles is more likely associated with stinginess and greed, with a bank that does not give credit, with a manifestation of limitation.

The value of the card is upside down

Under the reverse card, situations occur such as loss of money, discord within the family, some useless purchases, waste, inability to manage finances and property, inheritance and property disputes, and delayed payments. But often the inverted Arcanum becomes even somewhat useful, because under it a person seems to “crawl out of his shell”, learns to share, to adapt to changing conditions. But it is not a fact, of course, that this process will be painless for him.

The value of the card in matters of love and relationships

When we talk about the meaning of the Four of Pentacles of the Tarot in relationships, the first word that comes to mind is possessiveness. Let's see if this is really the case.

Direct position

Yes, of course, first of all, this is a feeling of possessiveness, when a person does not want to share his partner with relatives, friends, work, or anything - he is ready to put the other half in a cage and fanatically control her every step. Naturally, the accompanying manifestation of the card will be frantic jealousy, especially if there is such an Arcanum as the Devil nearby.

Another meaning of the Four of Pentacles of the Tarot in love is stagnation in development. Under this Arcanum, a person does not want to do anything to improve and diversify relationships - he is already fine. In essence, this is a desire to have, but not to give anything in return. Also, the card describes well the "everyday life" when everything in the family is stable, but boring to the point of impossibility. Also, 4 Coins can manifest itself as a marriage of convenience, an alliance based solely on material considerations.

Inverted position

The value of 4 Pentacles of Tarot in a relationship, if the card fell upside down in the layout, is already a way out of the comfort zone, when, for example, the other half begins to actively protest against the rules established by the partner. As a result, the latter is left to either accept the change in order, adapt to it, or break off relations. Under this Arcanum, intra-family quarrels often take place, including over money, property, inability to manage the family budget.

The value of 4 Coins in health matters

Now let's see how you can interpret the map in diagnostic layouts.

Direct position

The main value of the Four of Pentacles of the Tarot in health is a very careful handling of your own body. Under this card, a person can have quite decent health, but he is forced to constantly protect it. Sometimes it’s just suspiciousness, and sometimes it’s some real chronic diseases, with which, if a number of rules are followed, it is quite possible to live to a ripe old age. Also, Arkan is associated with slagging of the body, blockage of blood vessels, excess weight, with which a person does not want to "part".

Inverted position

Disruption of stability, exacerbation of chronic diseases that did not bother before.

The value of the card in divination for the analysis of personality and the psychological state of the individual

Now let's talk about the character and behavior of the person who got this card as a personality signifier.

Direct position

A stingy, tight-fisted person with very limited views. More than anything in the world, he values \u200b\u200bhis own stability, therefore, he is heavy on the rise and has a negative attitude towards any kind of change. Psychological state - limited consciousness, unwillingness to move forward, to develop.

Inverted position

A person who does not know how to save what he has acquired, a spender, a mot, a personality prone to disorder. Psychological state - when due to circumstances it was necessary to leave the comfort zone.

The value of 4 Denarii in work and finance

What will be the significance of the Four of Pentacles Tarot in work?

Direct position

Stable, but pretty boring. A routine, monotonous activity often runs along the map, which a person is engaged in solely because he is used to and does not want to change anything - "it is warm, light and flies do not bite." Also, Arkan can mean an employee who does not use creativity and diversity, as well as those who "fenced off" from colleagues or subordinates "with an impenetrable fence." An atmosphere of pettiness and stinginess is often associated with the card. Professions - sellers, customs workers, museums, minor bosses, in a word - activities not associated with any diversity. On the financial plan - a modest income, a stable, albeit small, but regular salary.

Inverted position

An unstable environment, changes in work, which a person perceives as something negative, financial losses, unforeseen expenses, in an unfavorable environment - complete ruin.

The meaning of 4 Denarii in combination with the Major Arcana

Consider the combination of the 4 Pentacles of the Tarot. Let's start analyzing combinations with Trumps.

  • Jester: Mismanagement
  • Magician: Collect resources to implement the project
  • High Priestess: Withhold Information
  • Empress: Control expenses
  • Emperor: Accumulation of family capital or business funds
  • Hierophant: Show Callousness
  • Lovers: A sense of possessiveness
  • Chariot: "Break the piggy bank"
  • Strength: Build Potential
  • Hermit: Stagnant
  • Wheel of Fortune: Immunity to new things, leading to instability
  • Justice: Reluctance to pay back
  • The Hanged Man: Needless Financial Sacrifice
  • Death: All accumulated "go to dust"
  • Moderation: Balance between economy and willingness to spend
  • Devil: Greed, avarice, pathological greed
  • Tower: Financial pyramid, bankruptcy
  • Star: Save money to make your dreams come true
  • Moon: Imaginary Security
  • Sun: Successful investment
  • Judgment: Investment will pay off
  • Peace: Lay a solid material foundation

The value of 4 Coins in combination with the Minor Arcana

Now it is the turn of the Minor Arcana. What will the 4 Denarii next to them mean?

With the suit of Staves

  • Ace: Save money to implement an idea
  • Deuce: Refusal of the opportunities that came up
  • Troika: Growing Capital
  • Four: Achievements in the financial sector
  • Five: Differences over money
  • Six: Managing your finances alone
  • Seven: "Pull the blanket over yourself
  • Eight: The Meaning of the Four of Pentacles Tarot with the Eight of Wands - Legacy
  • Nine: Suspect someone's selfish interest
  • Ten: Material Stagnation
  • Page: Fall into an intellectual stupor
  • Knight Run the Money
  • Queen: Selfish interests
  • King: Precedence

With suit of Cups

  • Ace: Love of money
  • Deuce: Protect the family budget
  • Troika: Party only for "insiders", private party
  • Four: Saturation
  • Five: Frustration due to inability to keep what has been achieved
  • Six: Protecting your interests in the past
  • Seven: The temptation not to share with anyone
  • Eight: Difficult material situation
  • Nine: The ultimate dream
  • Ten: Unwillingness to spend money on family
  • Page: Showing off
  • Knight: Immunity to the feelings of loved ones
  • Queen: Combining 4 Pentacles of Tarot with the Queen of Cups - Think only about your feelings
  • King: Selfish advice

With the suit of Swords

  • Ace: Victory over yourself
  • Two: Willingness to defend their borders
  • Three: Upset due to greed or self-interest
  • Four: "Wither over gold"
  • Five: Encroachment on personal property
  • Six: Escape from difficulties due to cowardice
  • Seven: Cunning selfish intentions
  • Eight: A vicious circle that man created himself
  • Nine: Shake over the acquired
  • Ten: Lose everything you have
  • Page: Requires maximum vigilance - enemies do not sleep
  • Knight: Run ahead
  • Queen: Smart but self-serving woman
  • King: Greedy man with great power

With the suit of Pentacles

  • Ace: The need to defend your position
  • Two: Uncertainty about how to dispose of what is available
  • Troika: Copyright protection
  • Five: No pity, mercilessness, miserliness
  • Six: Sponsor, financial backer
  • Seven: Capital That Doesn't Work
  • Eight: Working purely for money
  • Nine: Meaning 4 Denarii Tarot with Nine of the same suit - Provide yourself a comfortable existence, "golden cage"
  • Ten: "What is mine - I will not give it to anyone!"
  • Page: Overconfidence and snobbery
  • Knight: Be the master of the situation
  • Queen: Possess great wealth
  • King: A tyrant, commanding a huge fortune

Striving for stability is always good, but do not turn it into an end in itself, otherwise you risk getting bogged down in limitations and routine. Any capital must work.

What does Arkan warn about?

Stop any manifestations of stinginess, greed, pettiness and a sense of ownership, otherwise you will lose those people who still value you.

Questions answered by the card

  • Are you striving for stability?
  • Do you know how to share what you have with others?
  • Are you able to competently dispose of material wealth?
  • In what ways do you protect what you have acquired?

That is, perhaps, all that can be said about the Four of Coins.

The card describes something built with difficulty, but also with a certain margin of safety. It can be anything - business, health, relationships, or a value system. This "something" looks reliable, but in fact lacks elasticity and adaptive capacity. It is a map of owning and preserving what belongs to us, satisfaction with the present situation and the desire to preserve it. The energy of the person to whom the Four of Pentacles fell is concentrated on this.

It symbolizes prudence and careful planning, a willingness to act in order to achieve the desired stability, or to maintain the existing order. It gives the feeling of the ground underfoot, but ... also the feeling that some factor threatens the current stability, so there is a need to protect their possession (akin to the Nine of Wands). Selfishness and greed, the desire to protect their values \u200b\u200b(time, money, different opportunities), fear of loss, unwillingness to share. This is a kind of blockage and stagnation.

Sometimes there are such interpretations as the growth of income and influence, but the word “growth” in its space is still doubtful. The pathos of the Four of Pentacles is the fixation of what is and the provision of inviolability and security. Resting on protected laurels (quite decent ones), but it interferes with moving forward and preparing oneself for the future.

The Four of Pentacles symbolizes the end of the process, the beginning of which we saw in the sign of Ace, and the lifting point - in the Three of Pentacles. The four says that a person has achieved what he wants and no longer strives for new heights: already there is enough of what is. But there is no intention to make any efforts for gaining more. The old meaning is a person who achieves success, but not much. The card symbolizes a kind of "ecological niche" occupied by a person in society - he made his way somewhere, achieved something, tries to hold on. The success achieved here is natural and is the result of efforts.

The best thing that the energy of this card gives is stability and order, gaining some kind of control over what does not give rest. Crowley believed that it brings lasting stability and security, but the problem is that a person feels much more anxiety about her than security, and this anxiety just prompts him to take action to further self-defense. The energy of this card does not allow "any accidents", and there are so many of them in life!

Actually, in dangerous and confusing situations, the energy of the Four of Pentacles is good and somewhere even saving. It helps not to go crazy, to keep the boundaries, to resist, to defend against external threats. At the same time, the meaning of the vicious circle and the game of "yes, but ..." is quite strong in it.

Sometimes the map portends a clash with "law and order", interaction with some kind of bureaucratic, administrative structures.

One of the traditional meanings is an expensive gift. In general, in ancient interpreters, exclusively positive values \u200b\u200bare attributed to the map, especially from the point of view of people of that era - property, inheritance; reward, benefits, services, favors; also - the absence of anxiety, reliability and order in the house, a strong position. So you see a decent tradesman, maybe even in the nobility (a crown on the head of the character). It is difficult for a modern person to directly identify himself with this way himself, therefore the appearance of this card in the layout is often perceived negatively - something like a collision with a cheapskate who will refuse a loan.

The mystery of this card is a vicious circle, limited space.

Obsessive, wary and possessive - like the one we experience at the airport or train station, worrying about the safety of our luggage. This is a map of control and worry. If the Four of Pentacles falls, there is a fear for existence, a great hidden anxiety and an urgent need for protection. She expresses suspiciousness, stubbornness and a huge unwillingness to take any risks.

All energy is spent on maintaining the status quo (nothing leaves, although nothing can come). We walk in circles, clinging to the current situation from a desire for stability and security to almost an obsession.

The Man of the Four of Pentacles does not let go of his bags - and he will not leave a suitcase without a handle either. In this sense, it is like a fixed fortress. "The first-rate curmudgeon" is what I want to say. He is afraid of falling into poverty in his old age. He is afraid of losing anything (if there is also the Nine of Swords nearby, then he is just panicky).

He tends to shake for his money, if he is a businessman, for his loved ones, if he is the father of a family, for his place in the troupe, if he is an artist (and the status of a prime minister will only increase his fears) .... you can continue indefinitely. Perhaps, at the present time, the questioner is defending himself against some attacks on himself. According to it, a person tends to observe the utmost caution in everything, shaking for his good, as he understands it.

She describes selfishness, greed, narrow views, pettiness, and what they will concern - money, relationships, etc., this is another question. Fidelity to your habits, unwillingness to change anything is one of the main keys of this card. "A crusader of his principles", and even more precisely - a "tank" (the presence of a shell, narrow vision, tightness, while being fixated on his "combat mission").

Power and an inflexible approach in the struggle for order, stability and structure in life. Maintaining these standards seems more important than cheerfulness and humanity.
The Man of the Four of Pentacles definitely has a character, albeit a rather unpleasant one, and he knows what he wants and what he does not want, sometimes even too well, and in the end it all comes down to serving his beloved.

The best that this card can give is practicality and organizational talent within narrow limits, the ability to rely only on oneself, the achievement of material security and the ability to cope with any difficult life situation while maintaining control. The worst is the squalor of greed, expressed in complete distrust of others, recounting everything in money and readiness for any meanness for the sake of their interests.

At the same time, a person is characterized by a lack of compassion and ignorance, explained by plausible pretexts ("I have a family and children," "I earned it by hard work and am not going to share it with anyone," etc.) In the middle between these states there is increased caution, which can take on a variety of forms (“normal heroes always go around” with the Seven of Swords, “how scary to live” with the Moon, etc.) It characterizes a person who is firmly on his feet, but at the same time conservative to the point of shyness: he is afraid to take the slightest step aside, just not to bring something new into your life, which means something unfamiliar.

This card can "overtake" a creative person (by the way, one of its meanings is hereditary talent). In this case, she can talk about the fact that he clings to his laurels or to the usual manner of work, it is difficult for him to trust the flow and he blocks his own creative abilities within the familiar rut. There may be an obsession with some fixed idea, not necessarily material. Although, in general, this card often describes that specific degradation of consciousness that overtakes a person, if he worries about money matters from morning till night (be it a "piece of bread" or deals with elite real estate) - interests are catastrophically narrowed, the psyche stops responding to non-material incentives, and disregard for everything except one's own interests, popularly known as selfishness, blooms in a double color. With the man of the Four of Pentacles, you cannot agree to either take a chance or drink champagne (you still have to pay for it!)

In the Four of Pentacles, in general, the hardness and reality of the elements of the Earth (pentacles) and the numerological stability and orderliness of the Four are in perfect agreement. It is a kind of compact system with its own boundaries and standards. The card depicts a king with a crown on his head, fencing off life with his Pentacles.

He cannot take a step (two pentacles lie under his feet), cannot think about anything else (the third pentacle "presses" on the crown) and is obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bdefending himself and protecting himself (the fourth pentacle closes the center of his body like a shield). At the same time, this image of the crowned person illustrates the fact that earthly power is often achieved through the concentration of resources, a reverent attitude towards the conquered and a kind of greed.

The Arcana Tarot Thoth symbolically depicts the "divine city of Jerusalem" - the materialization of the presence of God on earth. This Arkan raises the question - what and why of the earthly is important for you? A holy place is never empty - where is your “holy place” and what is there? What gods or idols do you serve and worship? Is it not a golden calf (as an option)? As Bantzhaf and Akron write, the power of the Four is not in matter itself, but in how we make sense of it and place it in the spotlight. People love things, projecting a huge amount of their psychic energy on them in the form of attachment.

We are rarely truly attached to intangible objects (ideas and principles). To the material - all the time. The soul of another is much more interesting to us if there is a body in which it is found. We idealize the visible, that which can be touched. At the highest level, the "prosaic" Four of Pentacles truly poses "million questions" - what is the meaning of life? Why do we want to possess what we strive for and are terribly disappointed if possession is impossible? What is our mission?

The theme of the Four of Pentacles clearly sounds the theme of Cancer and the planets that are significant in this sign - Jupiter and the Moon. Gifts, patronage, social benefits, humanitarian aid can pass through Jupiter. The moon emphasizes the importance of home, nepotism, reliability. All together - attachment to material things. In a magical sense, it corresponds to material offerings, donations, gizmos intended for otherworldly residents (including food and drinks), as well as all situations when a person "pays off", pays for absolution in the literal sense (a striking historical example is the practice of indulgences) ...

It is believed that the card corresponds to the third decade of Capricorn and symbolizes the achievement of real material results, reliance on reliable foundations and a firm conviction in the correctness of your path. This decade is characterized by practicality, constructive use of opportunities and an objective understanding of their benefits. This decade is ruled by the Sun, and it poses the problem of how to manage the material abundance that life provides.

Understanding the power of material values \u200b\u200bsometimes forces them to accumulate wealth in fear of poverty, sometimes to abandon its self-sufficient power for the sake of their freedom and to lose everything completely. Representatives of this decade are showing interest in the struggle for survival in extreme conditions, which makes it possible to reveal those potential possibilities of the individual, on the realization of which society imposes restrictions. People of this decade have a natural taste: imperfect does not satisfy them. This decade symbolizes the acquisition by a person of all material values \u200b\u200bnecessary for his life and further activities.

The opposite of this card is to some extent the Wheel of Fortune. It means precisely the dynamics of change, not retention, but irrepressibility, giving up control.

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: a bird in the hands is definitely better than a crane in the clouds (although squeezing this tit to the point of strangling is still not worth it). The advice is to protect what has been achieved from external threats, to protect yourself and your property, to draw clear boundaries around the perimeter of your territory, to hold on to your own, to remain calm, to avoid the slightest risk, to act with confidence in everything. Stick to your plans, not give up your position.

Warning: Don't buy more than you need to, don't treat people like things, and don't get stuck in your approach. Stubbornness, inertia and stagnation - that's what threatens the case. You should not rest on your laurels - this greatly interferes with preparing for the future. Many authors reasonably note that excessive concern for the future and fear of any changes are inherently hostile to life, because any attempts to "stop a moment", to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contrary to the natural course of things. Thus, the Four of Pentacles is a direct path to the Tower, which means the breaking of the hardened crust.

Such concepts as "my house is on the edge", "my shirt is closer to the body" go through this card. The Four of Pentacles is associated with the concept of a border and symbolizes a fence, fencing, any kind of delimitation of sites. This can apply to both land and work (everyone takes their share). The map quite accurately describes precisely the situations of delimitation, disintegration of groups, companies, the foundation of their own company, the beginning, so to speak, of a "solo career" (it happens that in the literal sense). Unwillingness to share your power. Unfriendly relationships in the team.

Narrow specialization, bureaucratic organizational culture with a tendency to stagnation. A labyrinth of rules, regulations and reinsurance, where an atmosphere of stinginess, pettiness, and sometimes corruption, venality reigns.

This card is not so much "resting on laurels" as convulsive clinging to these same laurels - as they say, feel the difference. In general, power and status are visible here (not for nothing the Waite character has a crown on his head), but rather at the level of a minor boss. The best that this card can give is the strengthening of the organization, the concentration of resources, putting things in order and consistent actions to protect their interests.

Traditionally - a card of merchants, shopkeepers and usurers. In the modern sense, insurance companies, financial analysts, professions related to banking and security structures are most closely related to it. Customs, inspection. Also - classes related to the accumulation and protection of collections, museums, galleries.

Traditionally - inheritance, strong property status. In general, this card contributes to the concentration of money and other material resources, but it also brings a clear feeling of their insufficiency. Income, but modest. It can be financial stability like a small but regular salary. Although the traditional meanings of this card in themselves are financial success, reliability, order, material stability.

At best, this card indicates the strengthening of positions, gradual accumulation, and the safety of investments. But it is difficult to feel this very security on it.

This card symbolizes a refuge, so that for housing it, perhaps, can be considered favorable - maybe it will not be a "dream house", but the questioner will not be left without a roof over his head. One of the traditional meanings of the card is dwelling in the city.

Emphasis on the inviolability of property, property (robbing the owner of the Four of Pentacles is a difficult business - he will rip his own back with his hands). This card always says that the property belongs to a person by right.

This is a card of greed, and if the alignment is made for receiving financial assistance, then you can hardly count on a particularly good result, although something may be dropped (it is possible that at a predatory percentage).

The inverted krata is traditionally considered bad for money matters. Unforeseen expenses, financial instability. An unsuccessful business, a decrease in previously accumulated capital, financial losses, in a very negative environment - up to ruin.

Sometimes on this map there is a "repair fear" that something good will happen, pettiness, dictatorial narrowness of position. Unwillingness to sacrifice anything, to make the slightest compromise, blatant rigidity and inflexibility, volitional stupor. Map of selfishness, fear, control, self-defense, excessive caution. Striving for security, total reluctance to take risks, narrow-mindedness, establishing and protecting borders.

The Four of Pentacles have many different meanings in the area of \u200b\u200bpersonal life, and almost all of them are quite negative.

First of all, this is a “not good” card. This is exactly the case when a friend or girlfriend is in no hurry down the aisle and in every possible way defends himself from this perspective ("I feel good already"). Fidelity to your habits, unwillingness to budge, resistance to change - work here too. The Man of the Four of Pentacles believes in the correctness of the chosen path and there is nothing to "catch" here. Sarah Bartlett writes that the Four of Pentacles depicts the most important individualist in the Tarot deck.

Secondly, it is a map of possessive feelings in relationships, the desire to keep "one's own", to protect one's living value (and property). "I will never give you to anyone." The desire to keep love locked up, not to give the partner freedom, not to allow even the slightest share of such a risk. Setting boundaries for the sake of security, fear and desire for complete control over the situation (down to baseness), arising from the love of well-being as the person himself understands it, or more precisely, from emotional vulnerability and fear of the future. Jealousy (if Swords and the Devil are still nearby - Othello is ready).

According to the Four of Pentacles, a stifling atmosphere of suspiciousness is often created, where one must constantly give some guarantees to the other and prove his loyalty (read - belonging). This is where agreements and commitments become extremely important. As a kind of consequence, the avoidance of passion in relationships is quite clearly manifested, since passion is something that destroys boundaries and the usual order.

Sometimes this card indicates the purest union of convenience, where money plays the first and last role. In any case, freedom, inspiration, and so on in these relationships is forgotten very quickly. The atmosphere of boredom, greed and pettiness is not what adorns life together. Perhaps the only plus of the Four of Pentacles is loyalty. Loving or not loving, this person is prone to devotion ("But I am given to another, and I will be faithful to him for a century"), and if this is a deal, he will honestly fulfill his obligations.

On this card, the thirst for firm ground is manifested, as well as a tendency to follow the rules. A person does not allow any uncertainty in matters of love, he does not intend to commit rash acts, in general, a sense of self-preservation replaces all the others for him. "Ground underfoot" and confidence in the future - these are his cult concepts. He is characterized by an unwillingness to show his feelings, generally to be guided by the movements of the soul.

Saving feelings may well lead to the fact that a person repeatedly tries to build relationships solely for calculation and / or remains lonely.

The key words of the Four of Pentclays are to have, to have, to belong. She really does not like to "give" and to open. As a rule, according to this card, there is no time for sex, it carries the aspect of rigidity and sensual indifference. In general, it should be noted that Fours (except for Wands) fall out when everything is bad in a relationship. Not the most popular, but interesting meaning of the Four of Pentacles is manifested in the fact that it is a card ... of intimate stinginess, “not-so-so”, refusal to a partner in daily sex for one reason or another.

But as a rule, these reasons lie somewhere in the field of control, anxiety, blockages and banal selfishness, finally. And then - then the head hurts, then the fast has begun, then hockey on TV. We are returning to where we started - this is a card of "non-hochuh" who do not want to share themselves with someone else.

If the card describes family life, then most likely it looks like stability and order, the price of which is loss of novelty, stagnation, lack of movement, fixation on material values \u200b\u200band concerns, on possession and security. A somewhat "plushkin" atmosphere is typical in the house, when it is very difficult to throw away even the most useless rubbish. This is the case when the relationship is strong - like a good prison.

They function, yes, but they absolutely do not have enough fresh air to really develop and bloom. The Four of Pentacles often describes something that is firmly stuck and moves in a vicious circle. All sorts of "golden cells" (in this case, rather - gilded) and "sitting under lock and key" (but "like behind a stone wall") also pass along this map (and the temperature of this wall most likely corresponds to the material from which it is built).

The most traditional meaning is delays, delays, obstacles, restrictions, “imposed on all sides”. The mechanism of action of this card is close to clogging, congestion, constipation, "traffic jam". This can be, for example, in full accordance with the suit, a failure in the system and sharp payments. Also, one of the meanings of the card is failure in exams (also, in the literal sense, "did not pass"). Again, it is unlikely that they will give a loan on this card.

At the same time, this card can also have a positive meaning from the point of view of psychology - a person learns to open up, share, step over the barriers of his own fears and defenses. The surrounding maps can tell you what will come of it and how the world will respond to trying to get out of the shell.

This can be an indication of a willingness to take risks, including in terms of gambling and speculation. With the appropriate surrounding cards, one can expect a more open expression of feelings, a rejection of total protection.

King Midas, who turned everything he touched into gold, not excluding close relatives.

An amazing phrase, in which a person managed to combine as many as two "four-pentacle" sayings: "The toad strangles to give Caesar what was Caesar's."

Description of the Tarot card Four of Pentacles

On the Tarot card of the Four of Pentacles, you can often see a greedy person who does not want to share his coins. This symbolizes the property of the fortuneteller and everything that belongs to him by right. Only human behavior here is not caused by greed, but by the feeling of the need to protect their goods from encroachments.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Four of Pentacles in fortune-telling and layouts

Direct card position

The Four of Pentacles in an upright position symbolizes extreme caution, the desire to retain values, unwillingness to share, greed. This attitude is inherently hostile to life, because any attempts to "stop the moment", to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contrary to the natural course of things. Thus, this card usually indicates that there is only one step left before stagnation. If the Four of Disks finds itself in a position that requires just such behavior, then this means that at the moment it is necessary to concentrate, limit oneself in something, retreat, or, having got down to business, not let go of it. If the question in fortune-telling concerns something new (idea, plan, business, etc.), then in this case the card advises to focus on the need for a comprehensive approach and attentiveness in order to understand the details, get the right idea and assess the limits of the possibilities of the conceived ...

Inverted card position

Once in an inverted position, the Four of Coins symbolizes disorganization, excessive workload, too rigid a framework of restrictions. If the question concerns money and material goods, then Arkan means stinginess or, on the contrary, wastefulness - those extremes that do not allow a person to have a consistently satisfactory material security.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in fortune-telling and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

Here, the Four of Disks shows that a person is holding on to his position, or at least expects that it will guarantee a stable income and well-being. The map predicts that many problems will soon be resolved, order will be restored and business (work) will return to normal.

Inverted card position

Tarot card Four of Pentacles, appearing in an inverted position, indicates improper organization of activities, overstrain, excessive physical effort, which may arise from the inability to organize oneself or subordinates. Anything planned can go to dust due to stress or apathy. Sometimes the inverted Four of Coins speaks of external factors that can have, if not fatal, but still tangible and rather unpleasant influence on the fortuneteller's professional activity.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune-telling on health

Direct card position

Health is stable, but requires compliance with the regime.

Inverted card position

It is necessary to save strength.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Four of Pentacles in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Four of Coins indicates that a person is afraid of open, natural relationships, trying to replace them with given patterns of behavior. He "clings" to his partner, which is caused by his subconscious fear of being abandoned, abandoned. Sometimes the Four of Pentacles indicates a relationship based on the subordination of one partner to another and imposed strict rules, the material dependence of one partner on another.

Inverted card position

Finding itself in an inverted position, the Four of Disks testifies to conflicts and disagreements that arise due to a lack of money and disorder in everyday life; portends quarrels over the distribution of the family budget. Sometimes he reports on the material interest of the partner in the relationship.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in layouts and divinations for personality assessment

Direct card position

Characterizing a person, the Four of Pentacles indicates his pragmatism, law-abidingness and respect for private property.

Inverted card position

The Inverted Four of Denarii speaks of a conservative man who hides from everyone in his own boring and hopeless, but understandable and safe, from his point of view, world.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Four of Pentacles as a card of the day

Today you are too fixated on something that actually interferes with the implementation of your plans, so most likely you will get something as a result, exactly the opposite of what you wanted. Just in case, check what exactly prompted you to intervene in the course of events - fear of your own future or is it still concern for higher things? Based on this, you need to build a plan for today.

Board card Four of Pentacles in fortune telling and spreads

Remember to learn from everything that happens, especially if it is a negative experience.

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