Fortune telling on the Egyptian oracle online. Divination by scarabs. Fortune telling in the Egyptian tarot

Aviary 29.11.2020

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The secret knowledge of the priests of Ancient Egypt amazed the minds of scientists for many years. Until now, many texts on the walls of destroyed palaces and temples have not been deciphered, and the wind sweeps the remains of the once majestic buildings with sand, threatening to bury the last secrets of the disappeared civilization under the dunes ...

It was from Ancient Egypt that many methods of modern fortune telling and predictions of fate came to us. Now there are many different versions of ancient predictions, even the famous Tarot cards have undergone a lot of changes and revisions, but there are fortune-telling, which, no matter what, continue to amaze with their accuracy and fidelity. For example, the online divination of the Egyptian Oracle, which has recently become popular on the Internet. Transferred to the virtual world, the Oracle has not lost its mystical powers and gives answers to all your questions. Mysticism and mystery, which once surrounded the Egyptian Oracle with a veil of mysteries, have not been dispelled to this day. You will be surprised how accurately he answers your questions, and how true all his predictions turn out to be. The Egyptian Oracle is not wrong.

The priests of Ancient Egypt jealously guarded their secrets, and the statues of the Gods stood in temples, hidden from the eyes of ordinary people. There sacrifices were made to them, and fire blazed in the braziers, casting rushing shadows on the white walls of the temples. There the Priests received answers to all questions. Only on great holidays, with unprecedented reverence, the statue, hidden from human eyes, was carried through the streets and people rushed to it, hoping to touch something great and learn the secrets hidden beyond human powers. Now, thanks to the great Champollion, who once deciphered the Egyptian hieroglyphs, the opportunity opened up to touch a piece of those times when mysticism and real life merged together, and people believed that the Gods walk freely between cities, bestowing mercy on the righteous and punishing the cruel hearts. Nowadays, high technologies help to get answers to exciting questions without leaving your computer. The once, it seemed, forever lost knowledge came back to life thanks to the efforts of young and talented people from the Avesta Design company, who painstakingly and diligently collected information about it and transferred the Oracle to the flash platform.

In order to guess using the Egyptian Oracle, you need to focus on the question you are interested in or on the current situation, and then select three blocks from the magic triangle. All the numbers hiding behind the plates will lead you to a particular symbol or Deity.

The Egyptian Oracle will give you the answer in the following order:

1. What is your strength. What's on your side.

2. What is your weakness. Who and what hinders on the way to the goal.

3. Outcome of the situation.

This fortune-telling has won its popularity by right. Very rarely, fortune-telling on the Internet gives such an accurate and correct answer, helps to choose the right decision and makes you look at the world around you with a new look. The Egyptian Oracle can do it.

Egyptian Oracle - a well-known and popular online fortune-telling on symbol tablets, each of which depicts either a certain Egyptian deity or a magical sign or symbol (for example, a scarab, lotus, sphinx, ankh).

It is believed that the rituals of the Egyptian priests of the ancient pyramids, who turned to the Higher powers for prophetic predictions, served as the prototype of this fortune-telling.

For the "Egyptian Oracle" divination ritual, clay triangular tablets (they were chosen at random from all signs and symbols) are laid out by the servants of the Gods in the form of a pyramid, which is crowned with the "Eye of Horus" symbol ("Eye of Ra").

Below the sign "Eye of Ra" 5 Egyptian tablets for fortune-telling are placed. The next row of the pyramid consists of 7 characters, and the lower one consists of 9. In total, 21 tablets are involved in fortune telling. After the symbols are laid out, they ask the question of interest and choose three signs at random.

The first tablet online fortune telling "Egyptian Oracle" indicates the strength of the fortuneteller, the second speaks of his weaknesses, and the third predicts the outcome of the situation.

When starting to interpret the result of fortune telling, it should be remembered that the prediction of each tablet changes, and depends on the position in which it finds itself.

Be clear about your question and click on the image

Select the 1st plate

For you - your strength

A balanced mind, fortitude, a sense of responsibility and justice. You are one of those who are relied on, you have a certain authority.

Compassion, kindness are your trump cards. As a mother takes care of her children, you also need to take care of those around you.

Your courage and mental strength are trump cards that you can definitely count on. You are in complete control of your capabilities.

Embodies grace and beauty. Your trump cards are the sincere joy of being and the ability to trust your intuition in everything.

Intelligence and communication skills are your main assets. You will certainly find success through study, respect for the law, and reflection.

Your charm, ability to emphasize your merits give you the right trump cards. You also have a head on your shoulders, you know what you want and what you don’t want.

Your strength lies in ... the invisible. Knowledge of people and positions, restraint, inner calmness, silence will lead you on the right path.

Ingenuity and dexterity are your trump cards. It is necessary to create something tangible, visible, material. You are on the path of creation.

You are guarded by mysterious forces that orient you in the right direction, despite intrigues and intrigues. Or you yourself play this role of a guide for other people.

You must confront all kinds of difficulties or adversity. Many of your problems are caused not by other people or external conditions, but by yourself.

Gives such trump cards as physical strength, endurance, healthy adventurism and conscientiousness in work. You want to rise, shine, and that is a good omen.

Discipline, leadership, and natural authority are your trump cards to change your position. But maybe you are not aware of this.

You have an enviable sensitivity, dexterity, insight, this makes you the master of the situation. Your powers are significant, you must be aware of this.

Inspiration, wisdom, ideas to be realized. You strive to develop, rise, or find a new lifestyle that better suits your inner aspirations. This is a good omen.

You have great trump cards for building communities, alliances, for holding meetings, for joining any team.

Patience is your trump card. Learn to wait for the right moment for action, learn to keep your feelings to yourself. Silence is gold!

It gives excellent trump cards if you strive to transform a situation, to resume everything from scratch. The scarab is a symbol of renewal, rebirth.

Seeing the long term, holding the situation with a steady hand, is what you must do to achieve your goal. Now the question is not about transformation, but about stabilization and even strengthening of the current situation.

To live and love is what this symbol calls you to. Live to love, love to live ...

If you decide to join a group, find your “I”, freely develop among other people, then now you are on the right path.

Against you is your weakness

Osiris - God of rebirth, king of the afterlife and judge of the souls of the departed
There are no negative factors, no weakness.

Isis - Goddess of fertility, wind, water and navigation
The meaning of your help is poorly understood by others, you lack persistence, or you are too authoritarian.

Horus - God of the sky and the sun in the guise of a falcon
Beware of desire for revenge, unbridled passion or aggressiveness - this would lead you to discord, to a tense or difficult situation.

Bast - Goddess of joy, fun and love, feminine beauty, fertility and home
Beware of carelessness, frivolity, anxiety, unreasonable sadness. There is a risk of self-isolation from the world or loss of interest in it.

Thoth is the God of wisdom, knowledge, the moon, patron of the world order
You must beware of vanity, pride, and not say more than the state of affairs requires. Either you have been misjudged, or you have misjudged your neighbor.

Hathor - Goddess of the sky, love, femininity, beauty, fertility, fun and dancing
You are scared, have an inferiority complex, or show indecision, which can put you at a disadvantage. A similar situation may arise due to the desire to live idly, carelessly floating with the flow.

Nephthys - wife of Set, mistress of the monastery, mistress mistress of the house and twilight
You have hidden fears or concerns that you cannot express. Beware of illusion and mirages, because in your position you know less than you think.

Ptah - God of the city of Memphis, God the creator, patron of arts and crafts
Perhaps it is a question of refusing to take responsibility, of the fear of not being up to par? Be that as it may, your thoughts are not directed in a positive direction.

Anubis - the guide of the dead to the afterlife, the judge of the realm of the dead, the keeper of poisons and medicines
You lack tact, diplomacy, a sense of humor, or you went the wrong way and are now faced with disappointment.

Seth - God of rage, destruction, chaos, sandstorms, war and death, lord of the deserts
It is about a jealous, envious, malicious person towards you, whose influence is detrimental to you. But maybe it's you yourself - jealous and envious?

Sirius - the sacred star of Egypt, the heavenly foundation
Throwing between stubbornness and connivance, between aggressiveness and submission, you try to find your way. Beware of physical or verbal abuse or harassment.

Your body, like your mind, is subject to rush, anxiety, nervousness. Every now and then you withdraw into yourself, stubbornly interfere with your deep nature to express yourself. Beware of focusing on yourself.

Rod and Chain - signs of the power of the pharaoh
You lack tolerance, forgiveness, or you seek to control the situation and even dominate it with force. Maybe you want to command other people too much? Don't try to do everything alone.

Urey - the sign of the sacred cobra Wajit, a symbol of supernatural powers
A clear warning - you are playing against a stronger player, but you see no danger at close range; time is running out, or you are filled with insane passion.

Winged solar disk - the image of the Sun at the moment of an eclipse, greatness, power and eternity of the spirit
Be careful, you go along with some ideas without thinking. Take a break, assess the situation more objectively. Otherwise, you will blind yourself and ultimately be disappointed.

Sphinx - keeper of tombs and temple buildings, guardian of the pyramids
You have committed a tactless act, have shown indifference to your neighbor. You are required to solve some kind of riddle or figure out what is happening behind your back.

The scarab is a sacred beetle, a symbol of the birth and movement of the Sun, giving energy and new opportunities
An unreasonable change was made, you were careless, upset a situation, or you were vindictive. Now you are dealing with yourself, with your mistakes and grievances.

Pyramid - the ascent of the soul to the higher worlds
You were careless, careless, or wished to maintain the status quo at all costs. The main thing is not to stand in your positions, even if they seem comfortable to you.

Ankh is a symbol of life, the key to secret knowledge and hidden wisdom, the power that opens the gates of immortality
You chased someone away or neglected someone, rejected someone's love, or tried to receive without giving anything in return. You have the key, but you cannot find the lock! Now you need to go through the narrow door.

Buckle (Knot) of Isis - a protective amulet that protects against witchcraft spells, opening a magical gift in a person
Maybe you have shown disloyalty, impermanence, selfishness. You will have to put an idea, project, or feeling on hold to correct the situation.

Outcome of the situation

Osiris - God of rebirth, king of the afterlife and judge of the souls of the departed
Your plans are doomed to success if you act in the same spirit and trust your own opinion.

Isis - Goddess of fertility, wind, water and navigation
You must think of others more than yourself. Everything will be fine when it comes to your children (or their birth), or your role as a partner.

Horus - God of the sky and the sun in the guise of a falcon
A good omen. Depending on your question, it is about a struggle in which you will win, about recovery, about a new harmony in family relationships, or about the presence of a worthy partner.

Bast - Goddess of joy, fun and love, feminine beauty, fertility and home
The current difficulties will end, pleasure will be with you, you will extract all the best from this situation.

Thoth is the God of wisdom, knowledge, the moon, patron of the world order
Thoth's prediction is beneficial if your question is about studies or any intellectual project. If you can be patient, luck will surely smile at you, and chance will play a beneficial role.

Hathor - Goddess of the sky, love, femininity, beauty, fertility, fun and dancing
Prosperity and satisfaction in love. You can receive and share pleasure.

Nephthys - wife of Set, mistress of the monastery, mistress mistress of the house and twilight
The change cannot yet be accomplished. The situation is unclear, your intentions are vague, and some answers remain hidden. We have to wait to understand better ...

Ptah - God of the city of Memphis, God the creator, patron of arts and crafts
Your situation will evolve because your mind is open to new things. You will lay solid foundations and move on, provided you don't stop learning and remembering the lessons of the past.

Anubis - the guide of the dead to the afterlife, the judge of the realm of the dead, the keeper of poisons and medicines
Be prepared to take the most drastic steps, even if they seem dubious or difficult to you. Anubis leads and guards you.

Seth - God of rage, destruction, chaos, sandstorms, war and death, lord of the deserts
The plan that you nurtured so diligently cannot come true as it stands. You have to reconsider what is no longer true. We have to break it down in order to build it again, but on more sound and solid foundations.

Sirius - the sacred star of Egypt, the heavenly foundation
Heralds a sudden, unexpected change in your assessment of the situation. Look far enough ahead, be able to look at things from the outside, open your mind to innovation. This is how you will achieve good luck.

Lotus is a symbol of the birth of the Sun, a sign of the birth of the Sun God Ra
You will achieve your goals by releasing internal tension and strictly following the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Learn not to worry, feel safe, and be calm - in the end everything will be fine.

Rod and Chain - signs of the power of the pharaoh
An extremely good omen for making an important decision or taking responsibility. If you feel in yourself such abilities, accept this role with enthusiasm, otherwise - transfer the command of affairs to other people.

Urey - the sign of the sacred cobra Wajit, a symbol of supernatural powers
You get all or nothing! If your intentions are pure, devoid of selfishness, you will certainly achieve great success. If you only act for yourself, the failure will be overwhelming.

Winged solar disk - the image of the Sun at the moment of an eclipse, greatness, power and eternity of the spirit
We must not stabilize the situation, but transform it. A great omen for starting a project, traveling or overcoming difficulties. Your plans will surely be crowned with success.

Gemini - guardians of the sky and horizon
A great omen for those who want to create a team of like-minded people, to bring harmony in relationships with other people. You will be successful if you consider yourself part of the group of people you are interested in.

Sphinx - keeper of tombs and temple buildings, guardian of the pyramids
It is useless to state your point of view, argue, argue. Do not reveal your intentions yet, know how to keep your secrets, observe, but do not say a word. Only time will answer your questions.

The scarab is a sacred beetle, a symbol of the birth and movement of the Sun, giving energy and new opportunities
It will be about transformations in your life, about some kind of shock, about a new start. These are good prospects for those who agree to start living differently, to act differently. But stability cannot be maintained.

Ankh is a symbol of life, the key to secret knowledge and hidden wisdom, the power that opens the gates of immortality
A wonderful omen! It is about meeting someone, about the blossoming of attractiveness, about intimate relationships, about marriage, the birth of a child. Your relationships with friends and loved ones will be strengthened.

Buckle (Knot) of Isis - a protective amulet that protects against witchcraft spells, opening a magical gift in a person
In this case, we are talking about grains that are planted in fertile soil. The symbol speaks of fruitful work, creative talent, true love, the creation of a project or the birth of a child.

On our site, you can also tell fortunes using the famous fortune-telling, find out the future by interpreting the symbols, or spreading it out.

For lovers of oriental wisdom, we offer several options for fortune telling in ancient Chinese, as well as on cards and bones.

Tahuti (Ibis)

Tahuti, or Thoth, is the god of wisdom. He is depicted as a baboon or ibis, a small black and white bird that lives in swamps. It was believed that the black or white colors of its feathers indicated the phases of the moon, as did the long crescent-shaped beak. Tahuti was in charge of the calendar, counting the days, sitting on a branch of a palm tree from which the leaves were cut. In fortune-telling, this scarab indicates that the person to whom the prediction is made should look for more information and try to act wisely and fairly, look for imaginative solutions to problems. Since this is a scarab of a deity, the presence of Thoth may indicate that the person being divined is walking the path of Tahuti as an advisor, player, or divinely inspired energy.



Tahuti sometimes acts altruistically to help others. Reach out to your friends, they can help connect people or offer advice on an existing situation. If you have problems in a relationship, seek the help of intermediaries. The scarab Tahuti also points to platonic friendship, not related to sexual and romantic relationships.


Tahuti was a gambler at times. Risky investments can bring you profits.

A family

Relatives are wealth. Educational endeavors will also be rewarded. Children will be able to solve difficult problems and surpass their expectations.


The scarab Tahuti instructs a person, if he is sick, to seek advice from a specialist. Consider the advice of doctors, trainers, nutritionists, and other health professionals to help you restore or maintain your health.

Spiritual development

Tahuti was an unsurpassed calligrapher and master of the written word. Look to books for spiritual initiation. Work with both lunar and solar energies and be mindful of cycles and astrological events.

The Egyptian Tarot deck has a mystical origin. The deck is known to esotericists, it was used during the reign of the pharaohs in Egypt.

In the article:

Egyptian Tarot - a legend from the land of the pyramids

There are many versions of the origin of Tarot cards. French scientist, freemason and esotericist Antoine Cours de Gebelin put forward an Egyptian version. In the 18th century, Egyptology began to come into vogue along with fortune-telling in the Tarot, and the count managed to "get into the wave." His version is supported by many followers.

There is a legend that there was a sacred temple in Egypt, which consisted of twenty-two rooms. The number of Major Arcana Tarot is the same. On the walls of each room, symbolic plots are depicted, which corresponded to the meanings of the Major Arcana. The Egyptians believed that the wisdom of not only their civilization, but the whole world was kept in the temple. The priests were allowed to enter the building only after initiation.

After predicting the period of Egypt's decline, the priests encrypted the wisdom stored in the temple in a deck of cards. Playing cards feeds human vices: no one can guess that cards have an important meaning. The priests kept the accumulated knowledge, but made sure that the uninitiated would not be able to learn about it.

If you believe the legend, the name "Tarot" is translated from ancient Egyptian as "the road of kings" or "royal path". In fact, the words in the Egyptian language sound different. Archaeologists have not even found a temple similar to the one described in the legend. This is evidence for the destruction of the Egyptian version of the origin of the Tarot, but many prefer the legend and use the Egyptian Tarot.

Egyptian tarot cards - decks of different authors

The first deck of Egyptian tarot cards was created by Papus - a scientist, esotericist and author of many books, among whom she was especially famous “ Practical magic". Papus believed that the Egyptian version of the origin of the divination system was the most correct. The Papus deck was published in 1909 as a black and white supplement to the book "Predictive Tarot". Artist - Gabriel Gulin. Only in the 80s of the XX century the deck was painted and published in color form.

The Papus deck has several differences from the traditional one. Arkan Jester without a number, located between the Court and the World. The minor Arcana are not drawn. Papus attached great importance to the image Isis, which is depicted on the Priestess lasso.

Tarot Torah is a deck of authorship of Russian esotericists Viktor Khorkov and Alexander Klyuev. Published in 2002. Nothing to do with no: Crowley did not use the Egyptian style. The Torah deck is an attempt by the authors to rethink the meanings of the arcana, relying on Egyptian themes. The deck is designed for people with experience with cards. The cards are accompanied by a book that introduces the reader to the world of Egyptian history and mythology, revealing the secrets of tarot divination. There are no names on the cards of Thor: as conceived by the authors, the fortuneteller focuses on graphic images.

Popular decks from the Italian publisher Lo Scarabeo, which develops and produces tarot cards, oracles and other decks for divination. The publishing house has developed a line of Egyptian Tarot based on finds from Egypt and everything that is known about the culture and history of the country. All decks are modern styling, but many tarot readers use them.

There are five decks from Lo Scarabeo. There are many interesting things in the Egyptian Tarot gallery, for example, Cleopatra's Tarot does not correspond to any Tarot school. Decks are aesthetically pleasing to any Egyptian culture lover.

Egyptian Tarot - the meaning of each card

Most decks have the same arcana order as traditional decks. With a few exceptions these are modern decks, developed on the basis of existing systems... The values \u200b\u200bof the cards cause difficulties for novice fortune tellers.

The meaning of each card hides a piece of the mystery of the universe, according to tarologists who prefer the Egyptian version of their origin. The meaning of the meaning varies depending on the purpose of divination. Consider a brief interpretation of the Major Arcana.

Fool - rash actions, a waste of resources. Licentiousness, following mundane desires, lack of willpower, frivolity, naivety, stupidity. In a relationship - an easy connection, an open relationship, reckless hobbies. At work - lack of experience, lack of professionalism, difficulty with analytics and planning. Fool's advice is to give yourself more freedom, to go towards change. The inverted card falls out for travel, change of environment, work, place of residence. Speaks of instability.

Magician - willpower and quick wits. Self-control and decisiveness are qualities that allow a person to independently create their own destiny. Resistance to suggestion and lack of bias. Personal interests, the use of magic. In relationships - overcoming tightness, willingness to take the first step, sometimes manipulation. In work - confidence, professionalism, careful planning and implementation of ideas. The Magician's advice is to make decisions on your own, to start a business that has not been decided for a long time. Inverted - manipulation, cunning.

Papess - study of sciences, comprehension of secrets. Humility, acceptance of events. Mother. Healing ability. In a relationship - a strong bond between people, acceptance of the partner's shortcomings. In work - the activity of healers, magicians and psychics, the ability to put the soul into work and use intuition. Advice - trust your intuition, do not force events, enrich your inner world. Inverted, Papessa means secrets.

Fertility, abundance, reproduction, help, housekeeping, vitality. Creativity, lots of ideas. Domineering woman, mistress of the house. In relationships - love, passion, sometimes it falls to pregnancy. In work - reliable partners, prosperity, growth. The advice is to think positively, to carry out your plans. Upside down - care, home, harmony, generosity and hospitality. Mean mother, sister, good friend.

Emperor - control over the situation, responsibility, orderliness, good reputation. Discipline, refusal from harmful or unnecessary. Implementation of ideas, elimination of problems. In a relationship - marriage, family, serious intentions. In work - power, organization of the company's work, leadership position. Advice - they think about a safe and secure future in advance, it's time to move on to the implementation of the plan. Inverted - tyranny, suppression, rigidity.

The hierophant - duty, tradition. Teacher's instructions, search for meaning or purpose. Getting knowledge or good advice. Teacher, sage, clergyman, defender of rights, healer. In relationships - strong friendship, stable marriage, attention to traditions. In work - learning from someone else's experience, apprenticeship, job search. The advice is to follow moral principles and traditions, in a difficult situation, ask for advice from an experienced person. In an inverted form - an exaggeration of one's own significance, judgment "from the height of one's own bell tower", a narrow outlook.

Lovers - love, rapprochement, following the chosen path, strengthening communication, friendship, joy, pleasant meetings. Responsibility, commitment, marriage, agreement. In a relationship - passion, affection, love, conflict resolution, compromise. In work - the importance of actions in a team, choice of direction, reliable partners. The advice is to listen to the heart and join forces with the right person or group of people. In the inverted form - the complexity of choice, contradiction, test.

Chariot - courage and perseverance contribute to moving forward. Good luck in business and travel, a pleasant journey that brings success. In relationships - new relationships or newness in old ones, the desire to win favor, perseverance. In work - career advancement, vigorous activity, energetic embodiment of ideas. The advice is to act, but control emotions and desires. In an inverted form - composure, control, power over the situation, obtained from the control of the mind over emotions.

Justice - getting what they deserve, legality, compliance with the law. Legal activity. In a relationship - marriage, respect. In work - the solution of a confusing and complex issue, professionalism and conscientiousness. Advice - conclude an agreement or sign a contract, pay off debts. Upside down - honesty, truth, truth, accurate knowledge of the situation, impartiality, disclosure of secrets.

Hermit - rejection of someone else's opinion or influence, self-sufficiency, inner strength, caution and prudence. Healer, scientist, magician. In relationships - maturity and wisdom, connection with a spiritually rich person. In work - consistency, perseverance, search for the meaning of activity. The advice is to retire in order to understand yourself, not to allow someone else's opinion to be imposed. Upside down - isolation, voluntary hermitage, life in your own world.

Wheel of Fate - new opportunities, luck, progress, success. In a relationship, it's better to go with the flow. In work - increase, acceleration of the rhythm, profit. The advice is to start doing what was asked about, but to be prepared for any events, you will have to show prudence. Upside down - failure, bad change, interference, delays.

Power - endurance, control of emotions, physical, spiritual and moral endurance. Firm belief in one's own righteousness, confidence and perseverance. In a relationship - one partner is wiser than the second, the predominance of the sexual component, desire and passion. In work - hard work, willingness to take risks, the embodiment of the plan. The advice is to believe in your own strengths and be aware of the problems that hinder the movement towards the goal. Inverted - patience, reconciliation, the need to wait in order to achieve the goal.

Hanged - self-sacrifice, punishment with which the questioner agrees, atonement, duty. To achieve what you want, you have to give up something. In a relationship, they give up certain desires in order to get out of the crisis (the only chance to save the marriage). In work - a review of the situation is required, the slowdown of all processes up to a stop. The advice is to pause and consider the situation from all sides. In an inverted form - insight, awareness, changes in the value system, abandonment of unnecessary habits, new relationships.

Death - the end of the old course of events and the beginning of a new one, the transition from one state to another. Broadening the horizons of the questioner. In a relationship, a change or the end of a relationship. In work - the liquidation of the project, getting rid of unnecessary, the end of activities. The advice is to get rid of stagnation, take a step into a new life, discard everything that has ceased to be useful. Inverted, the value does not change.

Moderation - following the optimal line of conduct, resolving disputes, contradictions, stabilizing the situation, compromise, cooperation. Mediator, peacemaker, healer. In relationships - harmony, balance. In work - a peaceful and calm stage, planning. The advice is not to rush, find peace in your soul and not think about ambition and rivalry. Inverted - adaptation, adaptation to circumstances.

Devil - temptation, passion, obsession. Manipulation, enslavement, power, dependence. Alcohol, drugs, sex. In a relationship - passion, strong affection, attraction, marriage of convenience. In work - obsession with the material, tests for moral foundations. The advice is to go to extremes, to awaken vivid feelings and attractions. Inverted - indulgence, passion, excitement, pleasure.

Tower - destruction of the existing way of life. Loss of all meaningful, wasted efforts. Disaster, accident, threat of falling from a height. In a relationship - a serious test of love or friendship, the end of a relationship. At work - dismissal, stress, conflicts, loss of reputation and customers. Advice - to find new, destroy the old. Upside down - devastation, crisis, guilt, trouble.

Star - hope, new desires and goals. The intention to start moving towards what was conceived, self-confidence. Accept timely help. In a relationship - a long-awaited meeting, new love, romance, a desire to strengthen the connection. In work - a new job, a higher position, luck and luck. Advice - follow the goal, take advantage of new opportunities, trust your own instinct. Upside down - inspiration, creativity, healing, assistance, happiness and optimism.

Moon - deception, fear, confusion of reason and emotion. Lack of information, insincerity, jealousy, envy. Mental disorders, stress. In a relationship - self-deception, unwillingness to notice changes, the presence of a lover, not previously raised issues. In work - ulterior motives, dishonesty, incompetence. The advice is to be careful, beware of deception, check incoming information, relieve creativity from stress. Upside down - fantasy and imagination, adventure, extrasensory perception, connection with the other world.

The sun - prosperity, success, happiness. Desire fulfillment, well-being, problem solving. Birth of a child. Awareness of the truth, insight. In a relationship - mutual understanding, love, an unbreakable union. In work - successful overcoming of difficulties, new projects, success. The advice is to be open and generous, remain confident and radiate joy. Upside down - joy, love of life, confidence, self-realization, creativity.

Court - revival, truce, changes for the better. Energy recovery, recovery, new life. In relationships - forgiveness, renewal. In work - changes, the end of old problems or a change in their qualities, creativity. The advice is not to be afraid of changes and improvements in life, to return to those postponed for the future. Inverted - redemption, return to the past or the original position, repentance, retribution.

Peace - connection, unification, introspection and mutual understanding, like-minded people. Receiving rewards for work or retribution for sins. Drops before travel. In relationships - reconciliation and harmony. In work - achievements, material success, fame, the opportunity to do what you love. Advice - it's time to turn to a knowledgeable person for wise advice, put your thoughts in order and look at what is happening in the world. Upside down - happy ending, goal achievement, harmony, peace, relaxation.

Fortune telling in the Egyptian tarot

Fortune telling in the Egyptian Tarot implies following the rules that apply to traditional decks. There are many layouts suitable for fortune telling on the deck - difficult and simple. Any of the Egyptian decks is universal, suitable for fortune-telling about the situation, work, children, relationships, health, used for introspection.

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