6 cups tarot value in love. Cup Six, Characteristics and Description of the Card. Combines in the Slads of Tarot

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If you decide to guess Tarot's maps, you need not only to trust them, but also to properly prepare for communicating with them. Maps are very capricious And they do not suffer the smell of tobacco, alcohol, they will not tell the truth, if you trembled before you fortunate or experiencing sarcasm relative to them.

It is advisable to guess in a dark room with candles or a lamp, you can overcome the incense before the process - this will help tune in to the desired way.

Before you fortunate, you need to make the following actions:

  • If you are guessing yourself, drinking herbal tea, if another is coffee.
  • Return in the room in which no one will prevent you from, disconnect the phone.
  • Tune in energy Card, Look at the drawings on them, hold them in your hands.
  • Throw out all thoughts from our heads that distract you, ask the maps question.
  • In the process, the fortune telling is removed from everything and try not to experience emotions.

If you do everything as it should be, the highest strength will answer you through the cards, and you can figure out both in the situation and in its causes, sources and internal sense. There are many simple layouts For love, relationship, work and so on.

The main thing is to correctly interpret what you fell. To do this, carefully look at each card, study what is drawn on it, to include fantasy and intuition and, of course, read about the meaning of Arkana.

If the six cup has fallen out, read its inner meaning and value and, based on this, draw out what you wanted tell you tarot.

Definition of six bowls (cups)

In many decks on this map, children are depicted surrounded by cups, full colors. This card has a positive value, it speaks of prosperity and success.

Arkan symbolizes generosity, love, generosity and harmony, rise and joy of life. If this Last Map is in the scenario, it usually says that your cherished dream will soon be coming, about which you have already forgotten.

But sometimes six bowls So nostalgia, return in the past, thoughts about those people who are no longer in our lives. She awakens forgotten dreams, reminds about the plans that were once, but never realized. This map is connected with karmic memory. She says that the best does not come to us, but returns - you are not just good, but well, as in childhood.

This card says something - an event or person - will make you open your eyes again and notice everything is good what is happening around you. Sadness from the present leads to nostalgia for the departed, makes you remember the love that was once.

But then it is transformed into knowledge that happiness exists at all that you have already experienced it, it means that you can again . Arkan saysthat the questioning soon will be able to be happy again if other cards in the scenario do not refute it. Something from the past - energy, experience - will help change the present.

Six Cups can symbolize the house, and not the one in which there is a questioning, but the one that in his heart is possible, this is the place where he spent his childhood, his homeland. In some cases, the map suggests that problems of childhood, complexes and fears of the past are now affected by the life of the questioning.

If in the defold present six skeltersThis says exactly about the birth problems. Six bowls can predict family gatherings or meetings with childhood friends or long-range relatives.

This card often suggests that everything that happens now is somehow due to the past, perhaps this is a payroll or award, and maybe you are doing so because of the problems that have experienced before. Maps with bad meaning around Six bowls They talk about childhood injuries or in general about the unexplored wounds from the past.

But if the alignment was made for the future, this Arcan predicts a good completion of cases, achieving the goal and sometimes symbolizes that real happiness will come to your life. Sometimes he predicts a journey to his homeland, in those places that you are associated with childhood and joy.

Meaning in the relationship

In the situation on This card has two polar different values. One of them is flirting, easy relationship without commitment, coquetry. The second is ripe and strong relationships built on a solid foundation. If the Card or Wheel of Fortune is present next to the situation, this suggests that you are karmically related to the partner.

The connection of the card with the past in this case is transformed into the foundation and a strong base that was laid in the past. An interpretation will help more specifically to describe the situation other Arkanov in the scenario.

Sometimes this card speaks of nostalgia over the past relationship, prevents the return of someone from the past, perhaps this is a former partner, and maybe an old friend with whom you were crushed. It may be a revival of relationships that seemed hopeless.

From the past, you will come something that will play a big role in the future, nostalgia can fueled and support you in the present.

Sometimes Arkan sayson fateful, karmic connections, exchange energy. Perhaps you will meet a person who have forgotten about, but then, in the past, you met him in order for him to play a role in your future.

The card has a positive value, it speaks of sincere feelings and direct intentions, about the experience of the past, which was overlooking together and now unites. People feel together well and calmly feel themselves, they know each other, their connection is strong, they can trust each other. Perhaps it there will be a reconciliation with someone.

The map speaks of tenderness, sexual attraction, good attitude and playfulness. It will be easy and good at the same time who will come to you from the past.

Six of any suit usually talk about relationships, they symbolize flourishing. This card speaks of a beautiful relationship, about tenderness and trepacy. They do not have a vulgarity, cynicism or impurities of something black and negative. This is heat, peace and trust.

Card predicts fulfillment of desiresOne of her values \u200b\u200bis a wedding, family creation. She will pay you if you dream about family idyll and tired of the noisy and rich passions of life. She promises home, warmth and comfort, love and naturalness, tenderness and good.

Six Cups It may also be denoted by courtship, biscuit - the candy period in relations, generosity and gifts brought from the bottom of the heart. Sometimes the card symbolizes the old friend, who you know entirely and completely and with which it is easy to communicate.

If you wondered on your relationship with your beloved, this card is a very good sign. She says that all your aspirations will come true, you will achieve what you dream about, and the relationship will become only stronger.

Sometimes map says About good relations with relatives - both with their own and partner that you will have a big family, and there will be mutual understanding between generations. Or, perhaps, it is already in your life, and it must be appreciated.

Sometimes Arkan saysthe fact that some kind of generic connection will be restored may you find a long-lost relative. Maybe your family will increase, you or your relatives will have a child. In some cases, the card speaks of adoption. If there are bad arcanes around it, it describes bad relationships with family, quarrels with parents and teenage riots.

In love

In the literal positionthe map says that you are waiting for good and warmth from your loved one, that his feelings are sincere, and you should trust him. She can talk about love, which will be either about the memories that there was once.

This Arcan is very poetic, it has the sweetness of genuine feelings and tenderness of the first love. You will be happy, and relationships with loved ones will only be fixed. Perhaps you will have a novel with someone from the past.

In an inverted position The map predicts the world after a quarrel with someone, although experience and sober mind will advise you not to put up with this person. He has already brought a lot of grief and, perhaps, will deliver no less trouble in the future. If you wondered to new love, the inverted six cups says that, alas, it is an unpromising relationship.

In work

Arkan denotes Pure thoughts and cooperation built on trust. You may not doubt the honesty of partners. It symbolizes creativity, great abilities, work from which you will enjoy.

Perhaps it will be a job associated with people or children or old men. It may be a profession related to history - architect, historian, museum worker.

If the alignment was made on some projects, then profit is possibleBut not very big, but without risk. Old projects will resume, you will return to what you have already discussed earlier.

The map speaks of the return of debts or a reminder of some past duties. She speaks of recovery after the crisis and cooperation, in which everything will be honest and equally.

The map predicts good prospects of novice businessmen, she speaks about securityand success. It is favorable to resolve issues related to the purchase of housing, says that you will increase the standard of living.


The card may indicate children or old people. She speaks of the insufficient number of forces, about the return of past diseases. In the literal position, she foreshadows recovery, but can there are diseasesfrom childhood, maybe complications associated with them.

In the inverted position in the scenarios for health, directly warns about relapses and return past pain. Maybe talk about diseases of the cardiovascular system and infections.

Yes or no

Traditionally, in the fortune of the Tarot cards, in which the question is asked, to respond to which you can only positively or negatively, the card in the literal position means the answer "yes", and in the inverted - "No".

But in the case of the six cups, the value is more interesting: in an inverted position, it says that the achievement of your goal will prevent something that came from the past, possibly complexes or fears, and maybe even old enemies.

In the right position map saysthat the past, on the contrary, will find a positive meaning for you. You can help the knowledge gained earlier, the people with whom you once were friends or the experience of past years. Maybe you can restore something that you thought that you lost, or your long-standing dream would come true.

The study of tarot cards - immersion into the world filled with magic symbols and secret messages. To understand the prediction of the deck, it is important to understand not only the older arkans, but also the interpretation of the younger. For example, the value of 6 cups in tarot. To interpret this symbol, it is necessary not only depending on the subject of the defold, but also in accordance with the position of the Arcana itself.

Description of the MASTA CCS.

In the Tarot deck there is a group of trump cards, which are referred to as senior arcans, as well as the "deck of a small mystery", consisting of four masters. Each of them is responsible in prediction and concerns a certain sphere.

For example, the suit of cups, which is often called bowls, belongs to the intangible world. It displays emotions and experiences, thoughts and feelings.

In astrology, the bowls correspond to the elements of water and fully personify it. Like the water itself, the Cups display everything that happens around, worrying, like a water surface. A person cannot remain indifferent to the world, because it is his part. All events around the questioning impose on his consciousness of the imprint. To understand these reactions and help the Tarot Cups.

Bowl - Elimination of Emotions. It is not surprising that among the masts, there are both positive and negative characters. After all, human feelings are not always crystal clear and noble. Cups have arcanes describing anger, fear, offense and anger.

There are among them and symbols whose value is completely dependent on the position of the map in the scenario. For example, Arkan 6 Tarot bowls, whose value is ambiguous.

Symbolism of small arcana

Arkan Six Cups is a story captured on a canvas card. Tarologists refer to this symbol with "old good times." The value of the map can be read on the image on it.

In the picture, children playing in the garden of the old house are drawn. This is a boy and a girl climbed into homemade clothes. In the garden of the native house they feel safe. Behind their parents stand behind.

The boy is engaged in gardening, growing flowers in golden cups. The girl, watching him, suddenly gets a gift - one of the blooming bowls. The guy, smiling, stretches the girlfriend a bouquet. Behind him, he has five more filled cups.

In some embodiments, the decks behind the kids observed elderly couple. This is a symbol of kinship and generation integrity.

The picture captures the peace of the cozy situation. These are native walls where everything is familiar. Children play, sharing joy and emotions. In presented girls, the colors show a natural pretext of warm feelings. This is sincere love between relatives and loved ones.

Taro encourages not saving tenderness, showing that there are still many blooming "cups" in stock. Arkan six cups advises to protect the loved ones from experiences, but give them pleasant moments.

Six bowls - little happiness. Without risk, losses and rapid takeoffs. This is a small but pleasant profit. The value of the right position is favorable for the people of "home". Prediction carries alarming warning only for adventurous and risky characters.

The value of the right six

In the correct position map Six bowls has a favorable interpretation. This is a harmony and peaceful in the circle of loved ones. All adversity remained in the previous map, since the value of the five in tarot is interpreted as uncertainty.

Brief description of the six cups:

The correct Arkan Six of Chash speaks of the completion of the complex stage in relationships. Problems retreated, and conflicts were settled. Perhaps, after a long quarrel, a long-awaited reconciliation has come.

The feeling of peace is not associated with the beginning of a new life. On the contrary, this is the completion of some chapter, when all points are placed and they satisfy the quantum.

Inverted card orientation

In the wrong position, the Arcan gives a completely different interpretation. This escape from the previous state in order to "burn bridges". The prediction of the map is unfavorable, but more sent to the past than in the future.

The main values \u200b\u200bof the inverted card:

  • The situation will be changed no soon;
  • Submersibility in the past;
  • The inability to get a reward;
  • Excitement about the younger family members;
  • Inheritance expected in the future;
  • An important event is coming;
  • A certain incident will happen earlier than expected.

In an inverted position, the map speaks about the desire of a person to break with his past. He is dissatisfied with the length of life and seeks to join the new chapter. However, the experience of these years will need him, therefore not worth noting it.

Often, Arkan describes the desire of the young person to get rid of parental care. This is the escape from the duties. Sometimes the card indicates a man's desire to forget unfavorable childhood and unpleasant emotions associated with it.

Professional Scope and Finance

Cup cards personify the sensual and emotional sphere, but often these symbols fall out in gdeania on their career and finance. The nature of the prediction is completely dependent on the position of Arkana in the scenario.

Positive interpretation

In fortune'ing to work six Cups symbolizes satisfaction from work. For an inappropriate, this is not just a way to make money, but also a calling. A man who received such Arkan is endowed with an extraordinary talent and will be able to show his potential.

At the situational level, the map speaks of a promising project, an interesting task. This is the case that requires a creative approach. Often these are related to relationships and carry a noble idea.

If the question concerned the sphere of activity, Tarot advises to do charity and help in need. Strengthens the value of Arkan Star next to the six. The map of the emperor predicts an all dedication.

Warning Tarot deck

The Cups received in the wrong orientation of the Cups speaks about negative experience in the work, which imposed a print on the quantum. This is a desire to get rid of bad glory or forget the mistakes made. The problems described by cards are significant, although it may seem like trifles.

In addition, the Arcan indicates innovative methods in the work and the reluctance to go beyond the paths. Conservatism in the team is unacceptable, so the team will have to lay its own way through difficulties.

Neighboring arcanes will help express the six cups. The chariot speaks of the past, which literally pursues the questioning. Justice is the lack of prejudices and labels in relation to employees. Moon Map speaks of inexperience and youth maximalism in the work.


Curious interpretation in the situation on love has a 6 cup tarot card. The value in relations is favorable if the Queent is lucky to receive it in the correct orientation.

Favorable prophecy for a couple

In the situation on the relationship, the Six CHASH card describes the situation when the past interferes with the present. And intervention is positive change. It may be a fateful meeting with an old friend or love of youth. The event will stir up all the deep feelings and can even resume lost relationships. Six Cups are a karmic return to long-forgotten feelings.

For the pair of prediction wears the same positive character. Most likely, in addition to physical attraction in the Union, there is a kinship of shower and complete mutual understanding. There is also sexual compatibility of partners.

No less eloquent will be some combinations of cards. For example, the wheel of the fortune symbolizes the true half, sent by the man of fate. Arkan Moon is the proof of strong feelings that are not terrible disagreement, no problem.

Hidden perspectives of love

In the wrong orientation, the map speaks of feelings. The past remains behind, and the questioning itself steps to a new road, regardless of who will become his fellow traveler.

However, to get rid of the shadows of the past is not so easy. Card 6 cups (inverted) reminds that the problem is much more serious than it seems. Enhances the interpretation of Arkan death in the scenario.

Attempting to forget the sins of the past is visible and in a combination of six with the devil. In such a fortune, it was demonstrated from himself.

Analysis of health status

In the scenario on health, the position of the map does not have a fundamental importance. The symbol has a fixed interpretation and gives a favorable prediction.

The card describes the positive dynamics of recovery. In determining the disease of the deck indicates the recurrences of diseases transferred in childhood. The infectious hands and illness of the cardiovascular system are also not excluded.

Forecast for the coming day

Day of the six cups - memory time. On this day it is recommended to remember your long-standing dreams and emerge memories of cloudless times. A glance in the cozy past will help to make the desired today.

This day is a hint. It will help to find a lost thing or resume lost contacts.

It is advised to spend time with loved ones and give them joy. Small gifts and watching old photo albums are welcome. The only thing that should not be done is to argue about the past and dig in unpleasant memories.

Combination with trump symbols

Any divination is a sacrament in which many cards are connected in one story. They should be read in combination. No exception and arcane Six Tarot Cups, the value of which changes in the light of other characters.

The combination of six bowls with senior arcanes:

Man's life is full of surprises. What will they be - unknown. Tarot cards only help to learn how the life of the question will be wrapped, follow my destiny.

Key values \u200b\u200bof six cups (6 cups) in the literal position:

  • reunion
  • reconciliation
  • nostalgia
  • childhood memories
  • innocence
  • present
  • harmony
  • home
  • longing home, like a place where you will be accepted and understand
  • old friends
  • favorite place
  • past

Key values \u200b\u200bin an inverted position:

  • naivety
  • future
  • progress
  • liberation from obligations or ultrasound
  • departure from home
  • routine
  • stagnation
  • stuck in the past

In the garden near the old cozy house, the boy stretches the girl full of colors bowl. Near the five other cups. They are also filled with flowers.

One child symbolizes the past. The child higher symbolizes the future. And together they mean a happy reunion with former loved ones or old friends.

One of the values \u200b\u200bof the card - longing for the time when a person was happy, for the same orders, the same way of life. This is normal sometimes to indulge in pleasant memories, but it is important to understand that we live in the present. And it is necessary to take current circumstances, whatever they are, and not "run" in the past.

Thus, the Arcan can act as a warning and advice. Do not live in the past. Otherwise, there is a danger that life will pass by you.

Six cups (cup) - value and interpretation in the literal position

Six Cups (Chash) is a map of childhood, nostalgia, naive happiness. One of the positive cards decks. It often carries such values \u200b\u200bas generosity, generosity, harmony, well-being, a prosperous development of the situation. But may also talk about infantality, naivety, simpleness.

She faces past. The appearance of this six in the defold suggests that the questioning is currently focused on the past. Or questions that are interested in, or the situation is under the influence of something from the past. And it is there that you can find a solution, an explanation or an answer to the disturbing question.

The emergence of a person or event from the past. At the same time, the past is not necessarily childhood. It may be youth or quite recent time. Pleasant memories of the past.

The card may be a return to the familiar setting or place of childhood. Return to the native city, parental house, meeting classmates or childhood friends. Return of long-standing love. Return to past desires, plans, ideas.

Six cups (cup) is also related to children. It can designate pregnancy, birth or adoption, depending on other cards in the scenario. Or just spending time with young children.

The questioning can be both a donor and the recipient of such a gift. Getting an inheritance or drawing up testament.

In addition, Arkan Tarot has such importance as family, origins, parental house. When a person is in adolescence, he wishes freedom from parents, from restrictions installed by them. Wishes to live his own life. Some leave the parental house, come and rarely ring engaged in their affairs.

But the older we become, the time it pulls home. Especially when our own children appear. It comes to understand that we are very similar to our parents and actually have a lot in common.

Therefore, the six cups (cups) can represent the return time to its roots. Or the feeling of longing for the house, if a person is forced to live far in connection with work or relationships.

Manifestation of care, care for the sick.

For questions related to housing, Arkan is favorable. It is interpreted as a generic nest, a sense of rest of his home, improving housing conditions, home improvement.

Six Cups (Chash) - value and interpretation in an inverted position

In the inverted position, the map addresses the future. The concentration time on the past and old memories ended. Inertia goes, the livelist begins and what is happening around. Drawing up plans for the future.

Take responsibility for your actions and for your life in your hands, take care of yourself.

Change of the situation, a new environment. From the site or situations that are familiar and safe, but where nothing happens, you fall into place or a situation associated with new challenges and capabilities.

In a negative meaning of the inverted six Cups (chash), a "jam" passes in the past, clinging for it. Problems from the past, which are not yet completely resolved. Ideas and beliefs formed in the past may interfere with development and movement in the present. Bad heredity. Distorted ideas about the past (as negative and idealized).

Negative events in the past, fears that a person tries to forget with all their mights, flight from the parental home. Family care, reluctance to perform parental duties. Therefore, the card is often interpreted as aspiration into the future to forget the past.

One of the negative manifestations is the impossibility or reluctance to return home. The reasons for this may be different: the fear of criticism, the family failure to accept and help, feel unloved and lonely, the lack of a home or family.

Direct card means nostalgia, carelessness, a naive view of life. The inverted speaks about the disappointment that children's dreams were not fulfilled. For example, you have always imagined that at a certain age you will be married and have two children. But this age came, and you still have not created a family.

Problems with conception or birth. If children are already there, such a tarot map may indicate problems with discipline or in other matters related to children. In addition, the appearance of such six cups (chas) in the question associated with children may say that you are overly taking them. So that they become responsible and conscious adults, they need to give a little independence and allow them to be independent.

The feeling of annoyance and irritation due to the need to abandon their usual life to care for someone. You can feel in such a situation as trapped. Life is filled with routine, subordinated to a certain schedule.

On the other hand, the questioning may be in the position of one who is unable to take care of itself more and is forced to ask for her son or daughter about it. Thus, the role of the parent and child is changing.

Six Cups (Chash) - Relations and Love

In love fortune, the card can act as a pointer to a relationship with a person from the past or return of an object of long-standing love, renewal of relations. Getting a gift from your loved one.

For lonely and looking for love suggests that there is a chance to find it in his hometown or on a trip home. For stable pairs - the desire to create a family.

Old love or former partner will return to your life and create problems in the current relationship. Or, on the contrary, bring joy if the feelings are not yet forgotten. Idealization of past relationships.

Safety sensation next to the partner. Caring, tenderness, feeling of security. Relationships may not be very exciting and exciting, but stable and familiar.

As a rule, one partner takes on the role of the breadwinner, guardian, assumes all concerns about a friend, protects against trouble, takes all important decisions. In turn, another partner this situation is completely satisfied.

Six cups (cup) may indicate a period of romantic courtship. Flirt, lungs, for nothing obliging, relationships.

In the inverted position - stable and reliable relationships, but predictable and boring. Perhaps the partner of his concern and guardian begins to annoy. Such its actions are perceived by the restriction of personal freedom and the possibility of development. Therefore, the desire arises these relationships to stop.

Can be interpreted as a desire to part with the past. It can be like a break of relationships with ex-beloved, and with old friends.

Work and career

In the scenarios on the professional situation, the card may say that the work has become a routine, is performed according to templates.

A new interest in the old work or the desire to develop talents and skills shown at an early age. The pleasure of work, ideas and plans, for the embodiment of which a person has a potential. Return to previously deferred projects.

Work with old men or children. Activities associated with history.

In an inverted position - a negative experience that I want to forget.

The main values \u200b\u200bof the map in the literal position:
1. comfort, peace;
2. Little income, little happiness;
3. Pleasant memories;
4. old friend;
5. Gift, news;
6. New features;
7. Dreamy in all matters, lack of pragmatism;
8. Wandering in dreams memories;
9. Anniversary;
10. Children;
11. Promise for the future;

The main values \u200b\u200bof the map in the inverted position:
1. Everything remains as before, no change is foreseen;
2. live past;
3. Using the expected reward;
4. Concern about children;
5. Future receiving inheritance;
6. Soon there will be something important, substantial;
7. Something happened earlier than planned;

In the garden near the cozy old house, the boy stretches the girl a cup full of colors; Nearby are the rest of the cups, also filled with flowers.

In the "Taro Aquarius" shows us an old woman who finally reached the rest to which she sought.

This card means comfort and peace. Where we are at home where we feel safe, we can give out our easiest and most natural feelings - kindness, tenderness, love. No need to "save" feelings, says this card, let us understand your loved ones that they are roads and need you. Finger them from bad emotions visiting your soul, but boldly share with them joy.

"Little happiness", the profits are three cents per dollar, but without any risk. Good for beginners and people "home", cozy warehouse; For people of enterprising, adventurous - stagnation, swamp

In an inverted form, it means that there will be no such profit (such happiness), but there will be nothing wrong, everything will remain as it was.

(E. Wheels "ABC Taro")

DESCRIPTION: The boy offers a bowl with a little girl's colors. In the background, a colorful rustic landscape is visible, a house with a straw roof and a stone tower. In the foreground there are four bowls in a row - also filled with flowers. Another bowl with flowers stands on the nearby podium decorated with a heraldic cross. Element: Water.

EXPLANATION: This card personifies happiness or pleasant memories based on past dating. Your heart fills children's joy. You may find an old friend, get a gift or some unexpected behack or inherit. Six Cups symbolizes new opportunities - so you may be offered a new job in a new place. In terms of personal relationship, this is the right time, in order to assess the help and support that you receive from your partner.

The value of an inverted card: Instead of living with the present, you live past. Your ideas and vital values \u200b\u200bare outdated. The presentation of the awards, which, in your opinion, you deserve, postponed. The recognition that, in your opinion, was supposed to be, received someone else.

Self-development lesson: Reference to how your relationships and lessons have enriched you with life. But after that, be prepared to move on - we all have to appear from the past, live in the present and open what is ahead.

(N. Dracuri "Tarot. Step-by-Step Guide to Study")



Personal relationships:

Six in Taro

The number "Six" is associated with a map of lovers, the planet Venus and astrological signs of the Taurus and weights. Venus is a planet of harmony, love, romanticism, marriage, world, beauty, luxury, art, music, cooperation, balance and equilibrium.

The appearance of six in the scenario indicates personal relationships, family, house, loved ones, creative events, education, novels and love connections. Perhaps soon you are waiting for marriage. There is a chance that a chance to continue education or career growth perspective will appear. Traveling in this period is unfavorable.

The number "Six" reflects the energy of Yin: a pleasant, harmonious, solid and pacifying. Sixers advise to pay attention to the feelings and needs of other people, indicate a time favorable to conclude marriages and improve relations with your partner. House, family, children or elderly relatives require now your attention. In personal relationships, it is worth not to forget about such concepts as forgiveness and understanding. If there was a problem in your relationship with a partner, now it's time to find out all discrepancies in views. If your question concerned financial debt, now you will have the opportunity to settle everything and pay.

Little Cup Six

Key words and phrases: Innocence. Memories of childhood and events related to it. Exchange Impressions and memories. Straight Talk. Revival of love. Resumption of old connections. Restoration of harmony. Reflections on past times. Favorite from the past. Return past. Old friends. Karmic connections. Happy memories. Anniversary. Emotional update. Removing hidden emotional treasures. Warm meetings. Holidays. Presents. Sentimentality. Family values. Joy from staying in a family circle. Trip to close relatives. Offer new work. Moving. Inheritance. Communication with children.

Situation and advice: You will have the opportunity to resume old dating. You may be present at a family meeting or at a meeting of school friends. Someone from the past will appear in your life again. Your thoughts are addressed to childhood and the most expensive and exciting moments of this period. Some event that goes back to the past will give its results. Six Cups advises to gather with the forces and not be afraid of returning to the memoirs of the past.

You may find your old love. An old friend will bring you news that will entail a change in the work or place of residence. During this period, children will play a big role in your life, you need to return to some events of the past, it may be easier to do it in a frank conversation with a person you fully trust. A case may occur, which will provide you with the opportunity to apply old, for a long time not used skills.

People: Old friends. Those who are almost like relatives. Childhood friends. Children. Former beloved. People associated with our past.

Six cups in an inverted position

Key words and phrases:Unwillingness or inability to adapt to the situation. All thoughts in the past. The reluctance to let go "Mamina Skirt." Unnecessary nostalgia. The desire to return to the old security measures. Vanity. Memories causing suffering. The inability to pay a loan. Ghosts of the past in the present. Skeleton in the closet. Adherence to old traditions and beliefs. Unwillingness to try something new. The need to look into the future. I do not want to grow. The questioning will have to part with some of the friends, put a cross in old affairs and affections, for it has long grown out of all this.

Do not trust the future, no matter how nice it does not seem! Let the past bury your dead! Act! Act! And live in the present!

Situation and advice: You are constrained by family bonds or past relationships. Do you still hold on for "Mamina Skirt"? Perhaps you have a memory of some event in the past, and maybe your past love passion affects the present. Something you expect, delay or postponed. You need to continue to live on, but most likely the old connections or indecision are prevented. Perhaps those feelings and values \u200b\u200bthat you set in childhood or during any relationship in the past, prevent your current progress. Maybe you still cling to outdated beliefs and values? It was time to live here and now, boldly looking into the future, during this period you can overcome concern for children. It is possible to get an inheritance in the near future.

People: Rip Van Winkle. People living with memories of the past. Mamienecks Sons and daughters. People with incompetent, backward looks.

The value and inner meaning of Arkana Six Cups

The value of six bowls in the literal position:

  • Past, past, greeted,
  • In the old days, before that, once, in the past time.
  • Old age, stiffness, antiquity.

Other Six values \u200b\u200bClash tarot in the literal position:

  • happy memories, awakening past feelings
  • memory of childhood, ideals last, family celebrations, special dates
  • memories, connection with the past

Six bowl tarot - good card. It means harmony in life, the origins of which should be sought in the past, in the distant children's years. The links and the work of past years now bring their fruits, and the client enjoys them. Happy memories, old friends or beloved occupy a special place in the life of the client. Six bowls also speak of a new job or a new house.

The value of the Tarot card is six bowls: memories, look back (especially in childhood), thoughts about past love. Happiness coming from the past, from thoughts about the long time. Promise for the future, coming update, happiness and love.

Interpretation in an inverted position:

  • Future, future.
  • After, subsequently, later, at the end.
  • Revival, resurrection.
  • Reproduction, renewal, repetition.

Other values \u200b\u200bof inverted six bowls Tarot:

  • note that something will happen earlier than planned or expected
  • update, coming, receiving inheritance

The inverted six bowls Taro talks about new friends, new knowledge, a new environment. Changes in mood and relationships. Soon there will be something important, essential.

Internal meaning

Your former dissatisfaction with the current situation logically led to this map. Six bowl tarot describes thoughts about past love and happiness. This is a map of memories and look back, at the time when you were happy in the way the child is happy. How to affect these memories, depends on you. Do not foresee with tremendous thinking that you have lost.

If you use your memories to re-learn happiness to revive your childhood innocence and, most importantly, remind yourself that they were happy, you can become happy again. With a particularly favorable situation, the appearance of the Tarot card is six bowls indicates that someone or something will make you see good in your life.


  1. N. Dryuri "Taro. Step-by-step study guide "
  2. E. Wheels "ABC Taro"
  3. Unknown author "Initial information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf "Tutorial on Taro"
  5. Anthony Lewis "Taro is simple and understandable"

Tarot Cards are a mantle tool tested for many centuries, with which it becomes possible to prepare the forecast of future events, as well as the choice of one of the possible options. In this article we suggest you familiarize yourself with the value of 6 Tarot Cups.

What is shown on 6 tarot cups

Traditional Tarot schools are portrayed on a map of 6 cups house fenced with a reliable fence. The dwelling is covered with greens and the impression of complete idyll is created: the internal situation is fully consistent with the external one.

The gate is open and for them we can see a charming girl, just received a pleasant presentation from a stranger - an impressive cup, decorated with a white flower (symbol of cleanliness of the sensual and emotional sphere). The stranger holds in his hands 5 more of the same cups that are going to attribute to other similar housing.

In this picture, the symbolism of Arkana is hidden - getting a gift of fate.

As for the Tarot Era of Aquarius, here we can see the peaceful wise woman who sends on the throne. On two sides, they are full bowls. A woman is filled with inner strength and tranquility, because she is able to control their emotions.

Tarot Cup Chest

Astrologically 6 cups respond to the constellation of the Virgin, Fish and Planet Sun (in the constellation of Scorpio), as well as the moon in the sign of the fish - a symbol of sensual memories, or in cancer - indicating romanticism and dreaminess.

Chest cups are also called a seventh bowl.

Sixer Tarot Cups in direct position

If you fell this arcan, then you need to show real spirituality, patience and elevation over the bustle. Be merciful, kind and help others. Also, Arkan resurrects in memory of the memories of the past.

  1. In the event: unexpectedly there are old friends, you intersect with those people with which they were associated earlier. Getting a small but pleasant gift.
  2. In business: getting help from old buddies. High profits period. Man sells antiques.
  3. In the field of health: There are no serious pathologies, but there are complications after children's pathologies.
  4. In love: describes the relationship that is still from school (and sometimes from kindergarten), very tender. Speaks about a strong marriage union, but devoid of special passion. It is possible to develop relations with their old familiar.
  5. 6 cups describes a infantile, flirtful person with "fresh" looks for life, childhood feels from him. Such a person is often covered by the surrounding, protecting it.
  6. Arkan advises to seek friendly support (even to those who have not seen you for a long time). Learn your past using memories.
  7. The map warns so that you do not idealize the past.
  8. The final answer on your question is positive.

6 Czas Taro in reverse position

In the back position, the Arkan will take about the new opportunities expanding the worldview, the prediction of the coming. Perhaps you have to change your plans.

  1. In the eventual plan: speaks of non-responsible attitude to everything, frivolity.
  2. In Affairs: High income, Second-hand sales.
  3. In Health: The appearance of childhood diseases in adults.
  4. In a relationship: a person makes increased demands on his partner (I'm better, you will not be able to reach me). The map describes the old girl, a person who lives invented relations or the relationship ended: So he feels more comfortable.
  5. Arcan characterizes an absurdity infantile personality (for example, a younger woman in age).
  6. 6 cup advises to learn your past (do not focus only on positive memories).
  7. It warns you to do not put the baby's mask, did not try to look the younger.
  8. The situation will not change.

Detailed value of 6 bowl tarot

Characteristic in general

Arkan turns a man deep into his memory. He demonstrates that the past continues to live in it and a person from time to time likes to return to him in his romantic sruss.

But because of a similar detached-sentimental look at life, the world appears in front of a person in his present light. And since the Arcan has a connection with the past, he will tell about some episodes or impressions obtained in childhood.

In work

6 cups indicates more romantic attitude towards its work than pragmatic. A person greatly idealizes his understanding about her. Of course, for creative personalities, it will become more plus than a minus.

In the case, if a person can lose his job, the order, the map demonstrates return to the desires of childhood, when the child dreamed of becoming the same. And if our children's dreams embodied in life - we are feeling joy, and if not, on the contrary, suffers from sadness and hopelessness.

In consciousness

Look back, in the past. Before our eyes, images of past events are rushed, which become verses, paintings or other works of art. They can also point out the desire to extend from reality, talking about demonstrative foolishness.

The value of 6 tarot cups in the relationship

In this area of \u200b\u200blife, Arkan 6 bowls Taro, as a rule, personifies with spiritual warmth and kindness, which are characteristic of the time of inlentibility. But there may also arise memories of this period.

It is in the relationship between a man and a woman the most revealed dreamy, sometimes sentimental aspects of this arkana, although he will also penetrate the spirit of poetry and genuine romance.

Combination with other arcanes

  • With Arkan "The Jester" - manifestation of care for children.
  • With Arkan "Mag" - implementation in the life of plans that were forgotten.
  • With the Arkan "Supreme Priestess" - the secrets of the past.
  • With the Arkan "Empress" - at the expense of the investments of the past you will receive a profit.
  • With Arkan "Emperor" - a person takes care of his relatives or colleagues.
  • With the Arkan "Ierofant" - in childhood, a person set high values.
  • With the Arkan "Lovers" - the type of relationship with a person from the past or incitement of subsided passion.
  • With Arkan "Kolesnitsa" - a person does not let you forget my past.
  • With the Arkan "Strength" - improvement.
  • With the Arkan "Hermit" - a person is focused on the past.
  • With the Arkan "Wheel of Fortune" - everything becomes as such as it should have been.
  • With the arcane "Justice" - getting rid of idealization.
  • With the arcane "hanged" - the past greatly affects the present.
  • With Arkan "Death" - Farewell to the past.
  • With arcane "Moderation" - a person matures.
  • With the Arkan "The Devil" - the experience of his children's fears, the flaws of youth.
  • With the Arkan "Tower" - in childhood, a person collided with some shock.
  • With the Arkan "Star" - hope for the exercise of his childhood dreams.
  • With Arkan "Moon" - a person faces his youth delusions.
  • With the Arkan "Sun" - a combination will tell about the harmonious future.
  • With Arkan "Court" - your negative karma ended.
  • With Arkan "Peace" - the influence of the past for the future is well traced.
  • With the Arkan "Ace Wands" - a chance to embody your old dreams.
  • With the Arkan "Two Wands" - a difficult time of growing time, a person has to choose his future path.
  • With Arkan "Troika Wands" - Relations from the past will get good development.
  • With the Arkan "Four Wands" - a man graduated from school or university.
  • With the Arcana "Five Wands" - the old conflict situation, the problem of which is hidden in the past.
  • With the arkan "Six of Wands" - marriage, graduation.
  • With the Arkan "Seven Wands" - the troubles that were copied for years.
  • With the Arkan "Eight of the Wands" - getting news from a friend of childhood.
  • With the Arkan "Nine Wands" - a person suffers greatly because of the offense of the past.
  • With the arcane "Ten Wands" - separation, will have to say goodbye to the long plans.
  • With Arkan "Page Wesles" - the passion for childhood.
  • With Arkan "Knight Wands" - Moving.
  • With the Arkan "Queen of the Wands" - the main role in the family belongs to the woman.
  • With the Arkan "King of Wands" - the head of the family - a man.
  • A combination of 6 cups 6 Pentacles Tarot speaks about a loan.

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If you decide to guess Tarot's maps, you need not only to trust them, but also to properly prepare for communicating with them. Maps are very capricious And they do not suffer the smell of tobacco, alcohol, they will not tell the truth, if you trembled before you fortunate or experiencing sarcasm relative to them.

It is advisable to guess in a dark room with candles or a lamp, you can overcome the incense before the process - this will help tune in to the desired way.

Before you fortunate, you need to make the following actions:

  • If you are guessing yourself, drinking herbal tea, if another is coffee.
  • Return in the room in which no one will prevent you from, disconnect the phone.
  • Tune in energy Card, Look at the drawings on them, hold them in your hands.
  • Throw out all thoughts from our heads that distract you, ask the maps question.
  • In the process, the fortune telling is removed from everything and try not to experience emotions.

If you do everything as it should be, the highest strength will answer you through the cards, and you can figure out both in the situation and in its causes, sources and internal sense. There are many simple layouts For love, relationship, work and so on.

The main thing is to correctly interpret what you fell. To do this, carefully look at each card, study what is drawn on it, to include fantasy and intuition and, of course, read about the meaning of Arkana.

If the six cup has fallen out, read its inner meaning and value and, based on this, draw out what you wanted tell you tarot.

Definition of six bowls (cups)

In many decks on this map, children are depicted surrounded by cups, full colors. This card has a positive value, it speaks of prosperity and success.

Arkan symbolizes generosity, love, generosity and harmony, rise and joy of life. If this Last Map is in the scenario, it usually says that your cherished dream will soon be coming, about which you have already forgotten.

But sometimes six bowls So nostalgia, return in the past, thoughts about those people who are no longer in our lives. She awakens forgotten dreams, reminds about the plans that were once, but never realized. This map is connected with karmic memory. She says that the best does not come to us, but returns - you are not just good, but well, as in childhood.

This card says something - an event or person - will make you open your eyes again and notice everything is good what is happening around you. Sadness from the present leads to nostalgia for the departed, makes you remember the love that was once.

But then it is transformed into knowledge that happiness exists at all that you have already experienced it, it means that you can again . Arkan saysthat the questioning soon will be able to be happy again if other cards in the scenario do not refute it. Something from the past - energy, experience - will help change the present.

Six Cups can symbolize the house, and not the one in which there is a questioning, but the one that in his heart is possible, this is the place where he spent his childhood, his homeland. In some cases, the map suggests that problems of childhood, complexes and fears of the past are now affected by the life of the questioning.

If in the defold present six skeltersThis says exactly about the birth problems. Six bowls can predict family gatherings or meetings with childhood friends or long-range relatives.

This card often suggests that everything that happens now is somehow due to the past, perhaps this is a payroll or award, and maybe you are doing so because of the problems that have experienced before. Maps with bad meaning around Six bowls They talk about childhood injuries or in general about the unexplored wounds from the past.

But if the alignment was made for the future, this Arcan predicts a good completion of cases, achieving the goal and sometimes symbolizes that real happiness will come to your life. Sometimes he predicts a journey to his homeland, in those places that you are associated with childhood and joy.

Meaning in the relationship

In the situation on This card has two polar different values. One of them is flirting, easy relationship without commitment, coquetry. The second is ripe and strong relationships built on a solid foundation. If the Card or Wheel of Fortune is present next to the situation, this suggests that you are karmically related to the partner.

The connection of the card with the past in this case is transformed into the foundation and a strong base that was laid in the past. An interpretation will help more specifically to describe the situation other Arkanov in the scenario.

Sometimes this card speaks of nostalgia over the past relationship, prevents the return of someone from the past, perhaps this is a former partner, and maybe an old friend with whom you were crushed. It may be a revival of relationships that seemed hopeless.

From the past, you will come something that will play a big role in the future, nostalgia can fueled and support you in the present.

Sometimes Arkan sayson fateful, karmic connections, exchange energy. Perhaps you will meet a person who have forgotten about, but then, in the past, you met him in order for him to play a role in your future.

The card has a positive value, it speaks of sincere feelings and direct intentions, about the experience of the past, which was overlooking together and now unites. People feel together well and calmly feel themselves, they know each other, their connection is strong, they can trust each other. Perhaps it there will be a reconciliation with someone.

The map speaks of tenderness, sexual attraction, good attitude and playfulness. It will be easy and good at the same time who will come to you from the past.

Six of any suit usually talk about relationships, they symbolize flourishing. This card speaks of a beautiful relationship, about tenderness and trepacy. They do not have a vulgarity, cynicism or impurities of something black and negative. This is heat, peace and trust.

Card predicts fulfillment of desiresOne of her values \u200b\u200bis a wedding, family creation. She will pay you if you dream about family idyll and tired of the noisy and rich passions of life. She promises home, warmth and comfort, love and naturalness, tenderness and good.

Six Cups It may also be denoted by courtship, biscuit - the candy period in relations, generosity and gifts brought from the bottom of the heart. Sometimes the card symbolizes the old friend, who you know entirely and completely and with which it is easy to communicate.

If you wondered on your relationship with your beloved, this card is a very good sign. She says that all your aspirations will come true, you will achieve what you dream about, and the relationship will become only stronger.

Sometimes map says About good relations with relatives - both with their own and partner that you will have a big family, and there will be mutual understanding between generations. Or, perhaps, it is already in your life, and it must be appreciated.

Sometimes Arkan saysthe fact that some kind of generic connection will be restored may you find a long-lost relative. Maybe your family will increase, you or your relatives will have a child. In some cases, the card speaks of adoption. If there are bad arcanes around it, it describes bad relationships with family, quarrels with parents and teenage riots.

In love

In the literal positionthe map says that you are waiting for good and warmth from your loved one, that his feelings are sincere, and you should trust him. She can talk about love, which will be either about the memories that there was once.

This Arcan is very poetic, it has the sweetness of genuine feelings and tenderness of the first love. You will be happy, and relationships with loved ones will only be fixed. Perhaps you will have a novel with someone from the past.

In an inverted position The map predicts the world after a quarrel with someone, although experience and sober mind will advise you not to put up with this person. He has already brought a lot of grief and, perhaps, will deliver no less trouble in the future. If you wondered to new love, the inverted six cups says that, alas, it is an unpromising relationship.

In work

Arkan denotes Pure thoughts and cooperation built on trust. You may not doubt the honesty of partners. It symbolizes creativity, great abilities, work from which you will enjoy.

Perhaps it will be a job associated with people or children or old men. It may be a profession related to history - architect, historian, museum worker.

If the alignment was made on some projects, then profit is possibleBut not very big, but without risk. Old projects will resume, you will return to what you have already discussed earlier.

The map speaks of the return of debts or a reminder of some past duties. She speaks of recovery after the crisis and cooperation, in which everything will be honest and equally.

The map predicts good prospects of novice businessmen, she speaks about securityand success. It is favorable to resolve issues related to the purchase of housing, says that you will increase the standard of living.


The card may indicate children or old people. She speaks of the insufficient number of forces, about the return of past diseases. In the literal position, she foreshadows recovery, but can there are diseasesfrom childhood, maybe complications associated with them.

In the inverted position in the scenarios for health, directly warns about relapses and return past pain. Maybe talk about diseases of the cardiovascular system and infections.

Yes or no

Traditionally, in the fortune of the Tarot cards, in which the question is asked, to respond to which you can only positively or negatively, the card in the literal position means the answer "yes", and in the inverted - "No".

But in the case of the six cups, the value is more interesting: in an inverted position, it says that the achievement of your goal will prevent something that came from the past, possibly complexes or fears, and maybe even old enemies.

In the right position map saysthat the past, on the contrary, will find a positive meaning for you. You can help the knowledge gained earlier, the people with whom you once were friends or the experience of past years. Maybe you can restore something that you thought that you lost, or your long-standing dream would come true.

6 Six Cups (Chash) Tarot Ride Wat

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Astrological meaning:

The moon in the fish as a symbol of tummed, nostalgic memories, or a moon in a cancer as a symbol of romantic dreaminess.

Direct position:

Six Cups: The appearance of this card in the scenario may mean that the situation will require true spirituality, tolerance and elevation over the bustle. This is charity, help, kindness. It also symbolizes memories, passing, sweaty images.

Reverse position:

An inverted map means: opening new features, expansion of the worldview, foresight of the future. Maybe your plans will require adjustments in the near future.

Six Cups

Map title: Lord of happiness.

Compliance - water water, letter he, Sephira beauty.

Explanation (general meaning): memories, nostalgia, short-term.

Event: unexpectedly found old friends, intersection with people with whom something connected in the past (such as classmates, classmates). A small pleasant gift. Something fleeting.

1. Help, support that came from old friends (acquaintances). Start of stability and good profits, lifting. Trade of old things (antiques).

2. In general, good. Not very serious illnesses. Complications after childhood diseases transferred in childhood.

3. long-standing relationship (from school bench, or even kindergarten); Gentle love and friendship. Very strong marriage, but not too passionate. Pleasant meetings with old friends. It may say that the person with whom the relationship is becoming old familiar.

4. Infantility, coquetty, pure look at life. Unlike the jester that does not study anything, this is a person from which the feeling of childhood comes. He knows how to cover with other people who like it to defend him.

5. Tip: Contact your friends for help (even to those who have not seen anyone). Get rid of the past, rely on the memories.

Caution: Do not go into memories, do not idealize the past.

6. Answer "Yes." We'll have to look into the past.


Explanation (general meaning): Exaggerated Childhood, infuriated in childhood.

Event: irresponsible attitude to all, frivolity.

1. Not bad income. Trade of old things (rhylad, second-hand)

2. Child disease in adult age

3. Crops, overestimated claims to partners (I am steep all where to me). Spinster. A man living with past or invented relationships: he does not need a rapprochement, in dreams he is more comfortable and calmer.

4. Infantile to the absurd, younger aunts (uncle).

5. Tip: Ross in the past (unlike direct not in search of pleasant memories, but just think about your past).

Caution: Do not build a child from yourself, do not try to be younger than you are.

6. Everything will be old.

General value:

This card takes us into the country of memories. It shows that the past is still alive in us that we return to it in romantic dreams or in tight-nostalgic experiences. Such a detached-sentimental look at things can, how to clarify and clarify the picture of the world, so stupid, darken it. And, since the card, one way or another, is connected with the past, with the appropriate question, it may indicate some episodes or impressions of our childhood.


Sixer Cups suggests that we perceive your work rather romantically than pragmatically, and it is her perfect idea about it, and not a casual routine. In creative professions, it is even plus, however, where accuracy and organization requires, such an approach also bothers us, and those who work with us. If we are threatened by loss of work, orders or republic, then this card indicates a refund to child desires, when we wanted to become the same thing when we grow. And, depending on how much these children's desires managed to come true, she personifies either sadness and hopelessness, or joy and tide of new forces. If we are just difficulties in your work or at work, then she may mean that we want to return to those times (or that work) when we were successful.


We look back, most often for childhood, or betraying the "wandering of the mind," as Buddhists say, that is, often (and usually with bitterness) we think about something. Images appearing at the same time may be embodied in verses, paintings and other works of art. But they can cause the desire to escape from reality, and simply demonstrative fool. This is how Philip Metman writes about this: "The one who is trying to exercise his children's hopes in adulthood will never reach maturity. However, the one who suppresses them, not letting it be embodied or gain new quality, immediately becomes an old man. "

Personal relationships:

Here this card most often means warmth and kindness characteristic of the period of fabulous love. Sometimes - memories of this period. It is in this area that the dreamy is most strongly expressed, sometimes the firmware-sentimental side of this card, although there are poetry, and genuine romance.

Six Cups in combination with other tarot cards

With the map "Jester" - to take care of children.

With the map "Mag" - start to exercise long forgotten plans.

With the map "Supreme Priestess" - the mystery of the past.

With the "Empress" card - profit due to investments in the past.

With the emperor map - care for family or work.

With the map "Ierofant" - values \u200b\u200bgrafted in childhood.

With the "Lovers" card - relationship with a person from the past or an old passion flashed with a new force.

With the chariot map - do not let the past.

With the "power" card - to improve.

With the post "Hermit" - to win on the past.

With the "Wheel of Fortune" - return to the circles.

With the "Justice" card - get rid of idealism.

With the "hanged" card - the past that turned over today.

With the "Death" card - to say goodbye to the past.

With the map "Moderation" - growing up.

With the "Devil" card - children's fears; a shadow of the past; Sins of youth.

With the "Tower" card - shock, experienced in childhood.

With a star "Star" - hope that a children's dream will come true.

With the Moon map - the error of youth.

With the "Sun" - a happy future.

With the Court card - closure of karma; Help from the past.

With the map "World" - a clear picture of how the past affects the future.


With the "Ace Wands" card - a chance to embody a long-standing dream.

With the "Two Wands" card - a difficult stage of growing up; Choosing a path of the future.

With a map "Troika Wands" - long-standing relationships that have a prosperous continuation.

With the "Four Wands" card - the end of the school or the institute.

With the "Five Wands" card - the solar conflict; Conflict having a poverty in the past.

With a "six sacks" card - graduation exam; wedding.

With a "seven wands" map - problems that come together for years.

With the "Eight Wands" card - news from childhood friend.

With the map "Nine Wands" - past resentments that do not give rest.

With a "Ten Wands" card - parting; bury the long-haired plans.

With the "Page Wands" card - children's passion; hobby.

With the Knight Wands card - Moving.

With the "Queen of the Wands" card, a key member of the family with the qualities of Yin.

With the map "King of Wands" - a key member of the family with the qualities of Yan.

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Six cups in tarot means love and understanding, which in most cases leads to marriage. Like any arcane, this card has a positive and negative meaning. By itself, six bowls signs a vector that goes into the past. He points to the past events that are almost completely forgotten who disappeared from the circle of communication of people and habits. But during the scenario, the combination of the six cups with other arcans should be taken into account.

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      The general value of the map

      Arkan personifies the emotional rise and harmonious inner state. If the six cups fell out as a final card, it means that the personality will have a chance to realize the dream for a long time forgotten. It can also symbolize events and people from the past, which somehow appear in the life of the gadgetting and play an important role.

      • The main value of the map is the inner sense of happiness in the near future. Man is ready for a new stage of life and decisive action. To do this, he can rely on the experience of the past, which is able to become a foundation for the incarnation of its main ideas.

        Card loss symbolizes in the near future a solemn event or a meeting with long-standing familiar. The overwhelming majority of interpretations converge on the fact that predictable events will lead to happy times in life, peace and love .

        Direct position

        Six Cups means that the wonderful arrangement of the spirit and balanced state are returned. Memories that visited it lately quite often serve as a source of power and inspiration.

        A condition in which a person stays can be compared with the spring, sunlight and light fresh breeze.

        Walking overcrowded by plans, which seeks to implement, and his enthusiasm strikes others and makes act with him. A man manages to find surrounded by like-minded people, which repeatedly increases his chances of winning. To solve current tasks, he often refers to his own experience and listens to the advice emanating from close people.

        This behavior is wise, as it will help to avoid many troubles. The solution of certain problems that will have to face in the near future will be safely, and this segment will remain in the past. If a person in the mood has a light melancholy, he will find the strength to get out of this state. The gigging feels that their own emotions must be stuck, and this is a faithful feeling.

        Inverted position

        In this position, the 6 Cup card does not carry a pronounced negative color, but has some features:

        • At the moment, the fortuneful is better not to be distracted by memories, but to focus on the current moment.
        • Dreams will not lead to the desired results, since there is a danger that a person will drag such a state.

        The main motto of the map: "live today and take an active position."

        The permanent avoidance of the analysis of his own past led to the fact that problems are colliding. They can be avoided if you figure out and understand the true causes. Perhaps digging will have deeply - the Arkan indicates the need to recall his childhood, and not only pleasant moments. The questioning is recommended to face face to face with your own fears. Probably it is a chance to get rid of them once and for all.

        Ace of pentacles (disks, coins, denaries) - interpretation in the scenarios and in combination with other arcans

        Description of personality

        If the six cups (chas) acts as a description of the person, it represents an intentional person who is deprived of internal problems.

        The card indicates that, becoming an adult, giving the ability to sincerely express its emotions. But ahead of him is waiting for the moment when he can manifest them, returning to his inner "I".

        If we are talking about a mature person, he is inclined to indulge in nostalgic feelings in young years. Sometimes the Arcan indicates that his past is played for a large role that gadgets a big role, since it was in him a rich life experience was obtained. But sometimes a person is too amenable to sentimental mood, which prevents him from living in the present time.

        Career and work

        Six bowls means a successful conclusion of transactions, favorable cooperation. The person who fell out this card, has non-life creative abilities and hard work. Often he chooses professions associated with assisting people:

        • medical or social worker;
        • psychologist;
        • teacher.

        In the work, the disadvantaged is characterized as a responsible employee who have humanity.

        Finance and property

        The value of the six cups in this case should be interpreted as follows: The period of lack of money will pass, new perspectives will arise. They will increase the financial level of the gadget. Moreover, honest and stable income, friendly team and reliable partners are predicted.

        Especially successful is the loss of this Arkana beginner entrepreneur: it will avoid the rolls associated with the documentation, and will conclude beneficial transactions, if they show activity. If we talk about a housing position, then the six Cups are a sign of a qualitative breakthrough, which is expressed in the purchase of new housing or the end of the repair. Map often symbolizes Generic nest.

        Love and relations

        The value of Arkana Six Cups in this area is interpreted by dildum:

        • One is associated with playfulness and flirting.
        • The second symbolizes serious relationships that are tested by testing fate and time.

        Also, the loss of this Arkana may indicate the appearance of a partner in the life of the past, with whom the gadget was a love romance.

        The card may indicate the resumption of the pair relationship after a certain stagnation. Also symbolizes soon happiness, sincere love and re-broke out feelings. If the six cup falls out with twos cups go tens of cups, then the amazing atmosphere, soaked in warmth and harmony, will reign in a pair.

        Tarologists associate six bowls with the execution of cherished love wishes.To a greater extent, the map means family hearth and people who strive for a quiet life. One of the bright layouts is the "Oracle of Love," where the Cup of the Cups should be unwinding the appearance of the six hours:

        • The state of affairs - old love flares up with a new force.
        • What the heart is worried about - afraid of suffering and repetitions of the past mistakes.
        • Partner's attitude - sentimental, warm relationships. Both are striving to work for the benefit of the family.

        Council Oracle: Do not complicate relationships. It should be combined with wisdom, trembling feelings and continue the way with a partner in a happy future - hand in hand.

        Health status

        The direct position of the card indicates a stable state of personality. If there is a disabilities, they will leak easily and not long.

        Inverted Arcan symbolizes wilting, old age and leakage of vital energy.

        Sometimes you can remind yourself of old injuries related to diseases of the bone system. A person shows therapeutic and preventive measures, balanced nutrition and timely appeal to the doctor. Such an approach will help to keep health.

        Combination with other arcanes

        Professionals allocated the main values \u200b\u200bof the six cups with the following tarot cards:

        Map title Interpretation in combination with 6 cups
        DevilMay indicate an offenses that are associated with fraud and corruption activities
        StarSuccessful confluence of the circumstances in the life of a gadget
        MoonThe greatest manifestation of love feelings
        Nine wandsNegative attitude from surrounding and pessimism
        Five SwordsUnforeseen circumstances and stagnation. Problems in the education of children
        Seven swordsGame of feelings of other people
        Nine bowlCompletion of cases and satisfaction
        Ten cupsPower of Spirit, Inner Harmony
        Five pentaclesInfantility, desire to be away from society

        In all cases, combinations with other maps six cups also warns that it should not be looped on a certain situation. It is much more productive to be able to rebuild in the psychological sense and to represent positive moments in the pictures of the future.

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