Skalp Indian. Who taught the Indians to shoot scalps. Replies historian Victoria Tuskova

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About how American Indians, bloodthirsty savages, filmed scalps with "defenseless" immigrants, told not one dozen historical works on the conquest of the Wild West. But all this is not just a lie. It is twice a lie, because mostly the scalps were filmed not the Indians, but from the Indians.

And they filmed them just those defenseless American settlers organized in Maraudor's gangs.

And if you are ready to release your eyes and scream that it is nonsense - you will hurt. Because it is not nonsense, but the historical truth is before the appearance on the continent of white people the scalping from the Indians was carried out only in religious purposes and only in a small part of the tribes. And they taught them the scalps with enemies with her enemies.

It all started from the Dutch in the XVI century and continued by the British in the age of XVII. It was they who were the first to begin to shoot the scalp of enemies during the period of colonial wars on the continent.

By the way, the scalping was a profitable business, because for each scalp of the French colonist paid well, since only the scalp was a confirmation of the murder of the enemy.

The Dutch and the British were engaged in scalping on their own and raised the Union tribes of the Indians to attack the French colonists, as well as to the conduct of intergovernmental wars, paying no money, but "fiery water." They bought scalps like white people so Indians and exchanged their governments for money.

Well, then they declared the hunt and on the Indians themselves, since very quickly conquerors needed Indian lands. And the Indian killed because of the scalp was hundreds and thousands of times more than white people. This bloody hunt was very profitable - in 1703 in Pennsylvania, the walp Indian men cost 124 dollars, and women were $ 50. These were huge money and the Indians were killed by whole tribes.

White people gathered big punitive brigades and went to hunt, do not spare women or children. In historical notes, you can find a mention of Blood Bill, which in one day was able to remove 60 scalp, and among his victims were both Indians and white people.

By the beginning of the 20th century, more than 100 million of the indigenous inhabitants of America were destroyed, and despite the fact that the population of the whole of Europe at the time of the beginning of the colonization of America was only 120 million. These terrible pages of American history are the most massive genocide in the entire history of mankind, stretching for several centuries. But it is considered indecent about this in the "civilized" world ...

The main purpose of this action was the complete destruction of the indigenous peoples of America. From a legal point of view, this process has not yet been completed. The once freedom-loving Indian tribes fully degraded and are now forced to live in reservations where their white man drove. And in the Canadian province, the new Scotland has not yet been canceled by the Law of 1756, according to which the White settlers had rewarded for each killed red-skinned.

Almost every film in which militant Indians appear, displays such a ritual as scalping - hair cut from the head of the defeated enemy along with the skin. True, few people think about, why the Indians removed the scalps and from where this custom went. But this topic is really interesting to any historian.

When the first scalp was removed

Of course, unambiguously answer the question about when people began to shoot scalps from enemies, it is impossible. But it is just known that the Indians were not the first. According to historians, the Scythians had such a custom in the fifth century to our era. Surely similar traditions existed in more ancient times.

It is possible that the Indians retained this habit after resettlement from Asia to North America about 23 thousand years ago. However, it can be assumed that such a tradition has been revived in place, during numerous and extremely cruel wars between tribes.

Indians and from Indians?

Today, many people are interested not as much as the Indians removed the scalp, how old who taught them them. Some historians persistently prove that this cruel tradition was brought by the first European settlers who killed the locals to free the land under the pastures and crops.

However, the question is quite controversial. On the one hand, evidence that Europeans really shot the scalps are available. It should be started with the fact that the documents have survived the records that the killed Indians were well paid, and the best proof of this was a scalp. It is worth noting - not only white people rushed to take them, but many locals who still fought with each other.

But it is doubtful that the tradition, forgotten in Europe, tens of thousands of years ago, was suddenly revived immediately after moving to America. But in the legends of the Indians themselves, as well as eyewitness records, it appears that the aborigines actively removed the scalps from the dead enemies.

Scalp Enemy as a measure of courage

Now we get close to the question of why the Indians removed the scalp from the head of the killed (and sometimes just wounded or captured) the enemy.

First of all it was a status thing. The fact of the presence of a large number of scalps as it were said that the owner is a strong warrior who won the battle of many enemies. But such a trophy was usually unnamed. The name of the defeated opponents was remembered, and to demonstrate in the evening by the fire a piece of skin from the head, saying who he used to belong to, was considered the indicator of great valor. If the hero managed to defeat such a dangerous enemy, then he really deserves respect.

Sometimes the scalp was simply used as proof that a certain person was killed. For example, a tortured for killed relatives, Indian necessarily cut off the skin from the head of the defeated opponent. However, it was not the only trophy - also the winner could cut off his hand, foot or head completely. However, they were not durable and just spoiled. But the carefully selected skin with her hair could be stored for several decades, decorating the cost of the Indian or proudly routine above his vigvam.

Ritual meaning

However, to unambiguously answer why the Indians removed the scalps, quite difficult. After all, some experts also talk about the ritual sense. This version is quite eligible for existence.

With hair connected many acceptance and superstitions not only among the Indians, but also from European peoples. For example:

  • They can not be easy to throw after a haircut - you need to burn, bury or throw in fluid water.
  • You can not hate pregnant and people before a serious test.
  • Children need to be taken no earlier than them will be a year.

Many nations believed that the power of man was kept in the hair (remember Samson, who was deceived by deceiving, depriving the forces). Therefore, cutting off the hair from the killed enemy, the warrior became stronger, capturing and its strength.

Having a scalp on his arms, the shaman could hold the most difficult dance ritual, as a result of which the soul of the former hair owner became forever the winner's servant. So one more reason to cut the skin from the head of the killed enemy.

In general, it is clear to say, why the Indians removed the scalps, it is very difficult. It is more logical to assume that all the causes listed above played their role. Or, that in each tribe there were their superstitions.

It is stupid to believe that all the Indians who inhabited North America were a common people. It is like combining all residents of Europe into the United Nations Europeans - each country has its own history, language, traditions and culture. In the same way, the North American Indians, which there were a lot of: this, Iroquois, Gurons, Powney, Miami, Ottawa, Cherokee, Mogicane, Demors and Tens of others. Some were frantic, others were hostile, and the third did not know anything about each other at all, although they could have similar traditions.


This end the article. In it we tried to maximize the answer to the question about why the Indians were filmed by scalp. And at the same time they made a small excursion in the history of these tribes.

Thanks to the artistic films and adventure books, the scalp in the presentation of a modern person is firmly associated with Indians. However, the scalping was used not only by North American Aboriginal. Moreover, before the coming of Europeans, many tribes did not know about such a custom. The removal of scalps was practiced muscogs and sobes, and then only some of them.

It is difficult to assert when it appeared scalping - Before or after the appearance of the colonists, as the custom of removing the skin from a man's head as a trophy and a victory symbol over it was widely used in antiquity at the Eurasian continent. The mass spread of scalping on the territory of America is due to the fact that the colonists offered a generous remuneration for scalves of enemies - both Indians and their tribesmen. It is also important that they brought the "comfortable" weapon - steel knives (before that, the skin from the head with her hair was removed by the shoots of the cane).

In some periods of the authorities of this or that state were ready to pay for a trophy over $ 100! Naturally, the soldier's scalp cost more than a female, children's or an elderly person, but it was few of whom left from hunters for such prey. The price also influenced the size of the scalp. Another reservation: not only the Indians, but also Europeans were engaged in scalping on the territory of North America! Moreover, sometimes the Indians shuddered from the cruelty of conquerors.

If we talk about the Indians of the Preolonional Period, today there are several versions about why they filmed scalp with enemies.

1. Scalp as proof of the death of the enemy. In addition, as a valuable evidence of their military fellowships, part of the hands, feet or head was performed.

2. Scalp as the possession of the force of the killed enemy. Universal magical life force, according to belief, was in her hair. This version finds fewer confirmation.

3. Scalp as a trophy as recognition and respect for the tribe. Most often they decorated with clothes.

4. Scalp as a ritual-mythological element: It was believed that during the special ceremony and dance of the soul of the Oscalphed becomes a servant of the winner.

In fact, much more honorable than scalping, most of the Indian tribes had a "ku" - touching the enemy. It was especially honorable to touch the living enemy in battle. Seeing the Indians rushed to the fallen warrior, Europeans assumed that it was connected with their desire to remove the scalp, although in fact it was about collecting "ku". This researchers see the reason for the dissemination of misconception about the significance of scalping for the Indians.

Where did this bloody custom come from and why did the Indians needed the enemies scalpses?

"Thanks to the artistic films and adventure books, the scalp in the presentation of a modern person is firmly associated with the Indians. However, the scalping was used not only by North American Aboriginal. Moreover, before the coming of Europeans, many tribes did not know about such a custom. The removal of scalps was practiced muscogs and sobes, and then only some of them.

It is difficult to assert when the scalp appeared is before or after the appearance of the colonists, as the custom of removing the skin from the man's head as a trophy and the victory symbol over it was widely used in antiquity at the Eurasian continent. The mass spread of scalping on the territory of America is due to the fact that the colonists offered a generous remuneration for the scalp of enemies - both Indians and their tribesmen.

It is also important that they brought the "comfortable" weapon - steel knives (before that, the skin from the head with her hair was removed by the shoots of the cane). In some periods of the authorities of this or that state were ready to pay for a trophy over $ 100! Naturally, the soldier's scalp cost more than a female, children's or an elderly person, but it was few of whom left from hunters for such prey. The price also influenced the size of the scalp. Another reservation:

without only Indians, but also Europeans were engaged in scalping on the territory of North America! Moreover, sometimes the Indians shuddered from the cruelty of conquerors.

If we talk about the Indians of the Preolonional Period, today there are several versions about why they filmed scalps from enemies.

1. Scalp as proof of the death of the enemy. In addition, as valuable evidence of its military feats
could perform part of the hands, legs or head entirely.

2. Scalp as the possession of the force of the killed enemy. Universal magical life force, according to belief, was in her hair. This version finds fewer confirmation. 3. Scalp as a trophy as recognition and respect for the tribe. Most often they decorated with clothes.

3. Skalp as a ritual-mythological element: It was believed that during a special ceremony and dance, the soul of the Oscalped becomes a servant of the winner.

In fact, much more honorable than scalping, most of the Indian tribes had a "ku" - touching the enemy. It was especially honorable to touch the living enemy in battle. Seeing the Indians rushed to the fallen warrior, Europeans assumed that it was connected with their desire to remove the scalp, although in fact it was about collecting "ku". This researchers see the reason for the dissemination of misconceptions about the significance of scalping for the Indians. "

In the literature and, especially, in North American, about the scalping there are quite a lot of opinions.
The main mass can be divided into three parts:
- Will the scalps filmed in Decolumbovy America or they taught the Indians of Migrants from Europe;
- how much an ancient ritual;
- How many wide scalping was common in North America.

Card for a stereoscope with an image of an indian scalp. It is noteworthy that different sources indicate different names of the Indian to whom the scalp belonged.

The first colonists from England, France and Spain did not even have accurate words in their languages \u200b\u200bto describe this ritual met by them in America. The phrase "The Hair-Scalp" appeared only in 1667. Prior to this, various options for "Skin of Head" (skin from the head) were used, "Cut Off Hair Round About" (cut-off lines with hair) and others. Alone term " Scalp "went into use no earlier than the beginning of the XVIII century. And he gained in French, German and Danish.

In North America, the time of the first contacts with the Europeans, the scalping was practiced from the Caribbean Islands to Mexico, and from Florida to Canada. This is confirmed not only by certificates of eyewitnesses, but also osteological data on the numerous Indian cemeteries of the XVI-XIX centuries, according to which traces of preceding scalp were found on the cranial boxes, and characteristic traces of healing. The risk of being shard to about equally the men and women were equally exposed.

What is the age for the earliest evidence of scalping? According to studies of American scientists, the most likely dates - 190 - 580 G.N. However, there is an assumption that scalping in North America has begun much earlier - 4500-2500 years ago.

The existence of the custom of scalping over the past 3,000 years can be traced over a variety of sources: historical, folk, ethnographic and archaeological.

The first written information on scalping on the US continent is contained in the descriptions of travelers and missionaries of the first half of the XVI century - Francisco de Garay (1520), Jacques Cartier (1535) and Alonso de Carmona (1540). In 1565, a jacques de moyne was published, executed by the Jacques de Moyne, who participant in the Florida expedition, on which all the stages of the rite are depicted in detail. Scalp, according to the engraving, along with sliced \u200b\u200bhands and legs, was one of the trophies that winners were carried away from the battlefield.

By the time the colonization of the new light, the practice of scalping was disseminated far from everywhere and had many regional features. It was rarely resorted to Eskimos and Atapasska, and on the contrary, the tribes of the Iroquois League were actively used, the Indians Florida, Tribal groups on the shores of Mississippi.

Numerous descriptions of the use of scalps are preserved. They were watered by single and series on special poles, hung to the belt, to the tomahaw, on the nose canoe, the scalps were woven into cords and ropes, which were associated with the prisoners, scalps among other items of the burial coolet were laid with a warrior at a funeral.

Researchers reduce the meaning of scalping to several variants - a kind of specific military trophy; modified (simplified) ritual dismemberment of the body of the enemy; The special symbolism of the head and hair and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe transition of force from the defeated to the winner (by the way, not only human scalps, but also the scalps of birds, animals, served as a source of such forces); Belief in the fact that the soul of the Oscalped becomes a servant of the winner. The last two points of view are quite close and confirmed in the ritual-mythological plastics of the culture of North American Indians.

Before the European colonization period, the rite of scalping in North America had an exceptionally ritual character. With the arrival of Europeans, he quickly transformed into one of the most spectacular forms of violence and cruelty. At the same time, the ritual meaning of the rite was practically ousted and this gap was filled with the literature of the adventure genre and cinema, which finally distorted the meaning and appointment of the ritual of scalping from the American Indians.

The appearance of pious Christians in America did not make the reason for the extinction of an ancient ritual - on the contrary, they turned it into a tool of interethnic politics and profit and was actively used during a series of wars for domination over the eastern regions of North America. So the detachments of "scalp hunters" appeared, so the tribes did not have previously used the scalping practice.

The image of the Indians as cruel hunters for scalps has become a nail propaganda against them. However, pious pilgrims themselves with great pleasure and diligently scalp the Indians. Puritans of New England, these virtuosos of sober Protestantism, since 1703 began to appoint, and later they have repeatedly increased cash prizes for Indian scallets. This moment was approved by the Legislative Assembly. The British Parliament announced that the brutal persecution and the scalping of people are the means given by God and Nature. In 1703, in Pennsylvania, the Skalp Indian men cost 124 dollars, and women were $ 50. Puritans of New England in 1703 decided on their legislative assembly to issue a 4-pound sterling award for each Indian scalp and for each red prisoner; In 1720, the premium for each scalp was increased to 100 f. St .. In 1744, after Massachusetts Bay announced one tribe, the following prices were appointed: for the scalp of a man 12 years and above - 100 p. Art. In the new currency, for the captive of male - 105 f. Art., for a captive woman or child - 55 f. Art., for the scalp of a woman or child - 50 f. St .. In 1754, the Massachusetts Governor introduced the award for the scalp of foams: 50 pounds for a living man, 25 - for a woman / child, 40 - for the scalp of a man, 20 - women / child. In California at the end of the XIX century, cattle unions paid a premium for the produced scalps of Yaah on a par with wolf and bear skins. By 1907, all these "pests of agriculture" were successfully exterminated. Following for leaking the scaling of the Indians, the French colonists began to pay the awards and for the scalp of Europeans who fought against them.

So, the truth is that, as in the overwhelming majority of such cases, European colonists turned over everything from the legs to get the benefit. And in this case, all means are good.

Engravings of the XVIII century with the image of the Indians with scalp

Picture of the French Artist of the XVIII century, depicting the removal of the scalp.

Illustration of the American XIX century magazine.

The staged picture of the XIX century, depicting cruel savages.

Scalp shot by items.

Scalps filmed this.

Scalp shot by Chayennes.

Headgear from the scalp. Tvlinkites.

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