A program to increase the number of tightening on the horizontal bar. Learning to pull up a week how to learn to pull up on one hand

Walls, partitions 31.05.2021
Walls, partitions

Learning many times tightening on the horizontal bar wants everyone ... But it turns out not all. Why? How to learn a lot to pull up?

Now it is not difficult to find a methodology of classes, which promises a boy, a young man or a mature man in a few weeks or a month to transform into a virtuoso at the crossbar. Yes, such a technique exists. The virtuoso is not a virtuoso, but learn to pull up 25-30 times it is quite possible in two months.

Perhaps, if you follow the workout rules:

We need to show will. If he began to engage, then decide for myself that there is no return back, only forward - to the results.

Discipline. Be the coach itself is not easy. And the demanding and harsh coach is the more. It is necessary not only to force yourself to perform this or that exercise, but also to figure out why something may not get.

Regularity. The most important secret of how much pull up is regular classes.

Know how. You can train using countless attempts, and you can act on the recommendations of those who already know how to pull up more than 40 pull-ups for ourselves no longer consider.

Tightening from scratch

Of course, those who are engaged in the crossbar for several years has a very big co-newcomer. Especially hard to start "from scratch."

Often, the fear of the horizontal bar cannot overcome precisely because of zero experience.

Fortunately, the "zero barrier" can be overcome in "home conditions". To do this, you will need a little attentiveness and imagination.

Connect your attentiveness when you watch confident tightening of an experienced person. Try not to remember movements, grip, body position, but also to feel those feelings that occur when exercises - alternating stress change in muscle groups, body weight, breathing.

The next step is to obtain experience through imagination:

Stand on a chair or stool.

Raise your hands up and do grip, as if they took up the imaginary crossbar: the stress in the hands and forearms, the feeling of the stretching of the body under the action of weight.

Slowly (as in slow motion) perform the movement of tightening several times. Try each movement to perform as close as possible to the ideal.

If you do everything right, then the exercises should receive physical fatigue, as if they really visited the horizontal bar. Moreover, the real education of the muscles necessary for tightening groups of muscles is beginning to occur - in the imagination, they are included as a load of the muscle-antagonist groups, which is a kind of simulator.

Practicing this exercise within a week, you will gain sufficient confidence and potential in order to try to pull up in a real horizontal bar.

First approach

The first step is important. He defines the further direction of training. Chase on the number in the first attempts to nothing. It is necessary to realize your potential - physical training, age, well-being, natural data.

The first approach is just needed in order to understand the difference between what you imagine about yourself and what is really.

Sometimes it happens that the newcomer underestimately underestimates himself - it expects to pull 3 or 5 times, and pulls 10, or even 12 times. This result, of course, inspires. Even in this case, it is important not to increase the amount of tightening without measure, but at least to preserve the result, make it independent of external factors - mood, well-being, unusual than another horizontal bar.

It happens more often that reality is having a severe thing that I imagine: instead of conceived 4 times from the strength, it turns out 2 times.

If you understand that the first approach is needed only to "weigh" yourself and its capabilities, it is quite possible, the result of 15 or 20 times will be real on the third or fourth week. The body will learn to obey your will, because they were previously able to teach themselves to understand his feelings.

Training and control

Before tightening the horizontal bar for many times, you will have to do pull-ups many times, but in Malu, that is, for several approaches.

Oddly enough, but the fact that the exercises on the horizontal bar may be thrown, no longer happens from laziness, but because of what has ceased.

"Break" due to overvoltage of muscles, stretching tendons or dislocation is much easier than it seems to beginners. If you want to know how to learn to pull up many times, first of all learn how to harm yourself.

But it should not be delayed between classes. Exercises on the horizontal bar must become a pleasant and useful habit, and this is possible only with regularity.

The control zone also includes meals. For the growth of the necessary muscles, construction material is required - proteins, the content of which is enough in meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs. Energy for physical exertion is best to learn in fresh vegetables and fruits. But in bakery products and sweets costs ourselves to limit themselves - these carbohydrates will not have time to be spent, which will lead to an undesirable to occupation at the crossbar of the weight.

As for attitudes towards exercises, it is best from the very first approaches to tame yourself to get quality, and not the amount of pull-ups. Quality is not only the beauty of movements, but also a technique that will open the secret, how to pull up many times.

General rules for tightening techniques

There are several rules that not only characterize the quality of the exercises, but also create prerequisites for how to pull up on the horizontal bar:

Do not allow splashes of the body. Of course, it is possible to achieve more pull-ups at the first time, but the actual force does not bring the real force, since the necessary muscle groups do not receive proper education.

Movements should be smooth and uniform, without jerks. Such performing exercises contributes to the most immentrating mass of the muscles.

In the apogee, tightening the chin should be fixed over the crossbar - this is the main sign of "purity" exercise.

How much pull up on the horizontal bar, promotes the right respiratory rhythm: upward movement - exhale, move down - inhale.

  • Grope for the crossbar should be quite reliable.
  • You need to try to keep the housing in a vertical position.

If you strictly support these rules, then dreams of how to learn to pull up 30 times very soon turn into reality.

Variants grip

Why is it important before learn to pull up on the horizontal bar many times, learn the types of grip? Different grip raise various muscle groups. Using different approaches with different grips, you can additionally train specific muscle groups achieving the overall harmonious development of the muscle frame.

Ordinary grip. Form of execution: The brushes are intercepting the crossbar on the width of the shoulders. Effect: Uniform load on muscle frame groups.

Form of execution: Brushes are located close to each other. Effect: The main load falls on the muscles of the forearm and biceps.

Form of execution: Brushes at the crossbar are located at a distance wider shoulders, the thumbs are not involved in gravity and are assigned to the side. Effect: Basic load on the back muscles.

Form of execution: brushes to the back of the outside intercept the crossbar on an arbitrary width (normal, narrow, wide reverse grip). Effect: In addition to biceps, a group of broadest muscles turns on.

Mixed grip. Form of execution: one brush on the crossbar in the reverse grip, and the other is in the usual one. Effect: Triceps are connected to the load.

General rule for grock: the wider grip, the greater the load shifts on the muscles of the back; than already grip, the greater the load shifts on the muscles of the hands and chest.

Exercises for newcomers

If you think about how to learn a lot to pull up, you need to "make friends" with the horizontal bar, get used to the crossbar. The exercises described below will become a good start to more complicated exercises on the horizontal bar.

Visa on the horizontal bar. Exercise for a while. It is necessary to hang on the crossbar, the type of grip does not matter. Exercise strengthens hand brushes. It stretches the spine, preparing muscles to subsequent loads. Visa time must be gradually renewed.

Negative phase. Preparatory exercise for beginners. Source position on the horizontal bar: the hands are bent in the elbows, the chin over the crossbar, the body vertically, the legs are straight, the feet are pressed to each other. You can take the initial position using a chair or partner. The essence of the execution is slow (high-quality!) Transition to the position of Visa. Run 3 approaches 5-7 times.

Exercise with partner. It is fully amplitude tightening, but with a partner, which helps with a positive phase.

Tightening half amplitude. From the stand, bounce on the horizontal bar in its original position when the hands in the elbows bent around 90 degrees. It is engaged in the positive phase with this position and returns to it when lowering. This exercise is performed easier than pulling up a full amplitude, but already independently, without the help of a partner.

Outcoming program for the horizontalist

It should be understood that the full program becomes then if it is developing individually to engaged. Everyone has their own abilities, opportunities and desires. But it is possible to offer an exemplary algorithm for the preparation of the program "For yourself".

First, about the goal. Before thinking about how to learn to pull 100 times, and pull up a maximum of 1 time, you need to put the task easier: "How to learn to pull up 10 times." And after the result is achieved, the next goal is "how to learn to pull up 20 times", etc. Real objectives are implemented, and unreal - no! We put a real purpose, we achieve, and then the next, which seemed unsinkable, becomes quite real.

Secondly, the program must necessarily include warm-up exercises. A good warm-up will be a run - the body "wakes up", the heart will prepare for the intensive regime, turn away through the body of blood. In addition, it is recommended to perform the articular workout: exercises for hands, legs and spine.

Thirdly, always remember the safety technique "I am not harmful." Classes "To wear" is a risk of health and will not bring any benefits or results. This is especially true for newcomers. Performed classes should bring pleasure for the work done, and not excessive fatigue.

Fourth program rule. After classes on the horizontal bar, it is necessary to perform stretching exercises. When stretching the muscles are restored much faster, the unpleasant sensations from physical overvoltage are leaving.

Fifth. Classes are held every other day of five approaches.

Sixth. The secret of how to learn to pull more. You can use "25 pull-ups" or "50 pull-ups" schemes. And you can use a simple algorithm: "You make 4 approaches randomly, with a break about a minute or two. But from the fifth approach you need to squeeze the maximum! ". Example: At the end of the week, classes worked three times the approach, but in the fifth approach I took 8, next week you work four approaches 4 times, and the fifth to failure. If it happened to squeeze 10 times, the next week will begin with four approaches 5 times.

Migrating form

If you already know how to pull up more than 30 times, and do not put a goal as learned to pull 100 times, the horizontal bar ceases to achieve personal records, but turns into an excellent universal simulator that allows not only to maintain the form, but also continue to develop.

As exercises, you can use several approaches to Maxim with different grips. Combine classes on other sports shells with exercises on the horizontal bar.

The program 50 pull-ups is a training program that will help you develop your strengths and physique. Most people cannot catch up and ten times, and only a few can make more than 15 pull-ups. This training program is designed to help you pull up at least 30 times.

So after all, 30 or 50?

This program is written to 50 tightening. It is a lot and this is very difficult to achieve. To be honest when you reach 30 pull-ups - it will be already an impressive achievement. And 30 pull-ups will be quite enough to maintain a healthy, developed musculature and you do not need to do more. However, if you want to achieve more, we have 50 tightening for you :)

Program rules

  1. Test. Before starting the program, perform so many pull-ups as you can. Do not try to embellish your results, otherwise you will not be able to execute the program. The test will help determine your level of preparation.
  2. Select the training cycle depending on the results. For example, if you have completed 7 pull-ups, then you need to start with a cycle of 6-8 pull-ups.
  3. Continue, training the cycle program. Do not forget to rest at least one day between training. And after each third workout - at least 2 days. If you do not give the muscles to rest, your results will only fall. Some people note that with a longer vacation between training, their results are better.
  4. Rest between approaches 120 seconds or more.
  5. If during the workout you could not fulfill all the approaches, do not worry about it. Relax two days and try again.
  6. At the end of the cycle, rest at least two days and perform a test again. It will show which cycle to do the following. If you hit the same cycle in which they were, it is better to repeat it than starting the next when you are not ready.
  7. Follow these instructions until you reach the last cycle (more than 40 pull-ups). After passing it, you will be in excellent physical form and you can try to perform 50 pull-ups. But remember, 30 is already very good.

How to pull up

Training cycles

Less than 4 tightening

If you have completed 0-5 tightening in the test, then start the best with negative pull-ups. It will strengthen your muscles and prepare you for the rest of the cycles. They are performed as follows:

  1. Instead of pulling your body up, hide the chair at the crossbar (the chin should be slightly higher than the crossbar).
  2. Move the chair to the side and slowly go down until you hang on completely straight hands.
  3. Try to descend as much as possible (at least 3 seconds).
Day Approaches Total
1 2 7 5 5 7 26
2 3 8 6 6 8 31
3 4 9 6 6 8 33
4 5 9 7 7 9 37
5 5 10 8 8 10 41
6 6 10 8 8 12 44

4-5 pull-ups

Here, as in the previous cycle, you need to perform negative tightening.

Day Approaches Total
1 4 9 6 6 9 34
2 5 9 7 7 9 37
3 6 10 8 8 10 42
4 6 11 8 8 11 44
5 7 12 10 10 12 51
6 8 14 11 11 14 58

6-8 pull-ups

Day Approaches Total
1 2 3 2 2 3 12
2 2 3 2 2 4 13
3 3 4 2 2 4 15
4 3 4 3 3 4 17
5 3 5 3 3 5 19
6 4 5 4 4 6 23

9-11 tightening

Day Approaches Total
1 3 5 3 3 5 19
2 4 6 4 4 6 24
3 5 7 5 5 6 28
4 5 8 5 5 8 31
5 6 9 6 6 8 35
6 6 9 6 6 10 37

12-15 tightening

Day Approaches Total
1 6 8 6 6 8 34
2 6 9 6 6 9 36
3 7 10 6 6 9 38
4 7 10 7 7 10 41
5 8 11 8 8 10 45
6 9 11 9 9 11 49

16-20 tightening

Day Approaches Total
1 8 11 8 8 10 45
2 9 12 9 9 11 50
3 9 13 9 9 12 52
4 10 14 10 10 13 57
5 11 15 10 10 13 59
6 11 15 11 11 13 61
7 12 16 11 11 15 65
8 12 16 12 12 16 68
9 13 17 13 13 16 72

21-25 tightening

Day Approaches Total
1 12 16 12 12 15 67
2 13 16 12 12 16 69
3 13 17 13 13 16 72
4 14 19 13 13 18 77
5 14 19 14 14 19 80
6 15 20 14 14 20 83
7 16 20 16 16 20 88
8 16 21 16 16 20 89
9 17 22 16 16 21 92

26-30 tightening

Day Approaches Total
1 16 18 15 15 17 81
2 16 20 16 16 19 87
3 17 21 16 16 20 90
4 17 22 17 17 22 95
5 18 23 18 18 22 99
6 19 25 18 18 24 104
7 19 26 18 18 25 106
8 19 27 19 19 26 110
9 20 28 20 20 28 116

31-35 tightening

Day Approaches Total
1 20 25 19 19 23 106
2 22 25 21 21 25 114
3 23 26 23 23 25 120
4 24 27 24 24 26 125
5 25 28 24 24 27 128
6 25 29 25 25 28 132
7 26 29 25 25 29 134
8 26 30 26 26 30 138
9 26 32 26 26 32 142

36-40 tightening

Day Approaches Total
1 23 27 22 22 26 120
2 24 28 24 24 28 128
3 25 29 24 24 29 131
4 26 30 25 25 30 136
5 26 31 25 25 31 138
6 26 31 26 26 26 135
7 27 31 26 26 32 142
8 28 32 26 26 32 144
9 28 34 27 27 34 150

More than 40 tightening

Day Approaches Total
1 25 28 24 24 27 128
2 25 29 25 25 28 132
3 25 30 25 25 29 134
4 26 31 25 25 31 138
5 26 32 26 26 31 141
6 27 32 26 26 26 137
7 27 34 26 26 33 146
8 28 34 26 26 34 148
9 29 35 27 27 35 153
Below is a training scheme that allows you to effectively achieve a significant increase in the number of pull-ups on the crossbar.
Program for increasing the number of pull-ups for 30 weeks

A week































An approach 1

An approach 2

An approach 3

An approach 4

An approach 5


If, for example, you are already tightened 10 times, then you need to deal with the 7th week.

Engage at the crossbar all the days of the week except one. Rest between approaches 2-3 minutes. The main thing is not stop, but go ahead to the target target. If for some reason you had to skip a couple of days try anyway to pull out the same time how much you need to pull up the program. If you do not work, try to retreat a week ago, the main thing is not stop and continue pulling up.

Promotes an increase in the number of tightening the press of the press, as well as a simple hanging on the horizontal bar. It is advisable to learn how to hang on the horizontal bar for about 3 minutes, and it will not be easy.

Adhere to this training scheme for thirty weeks, and you are guaranteed to pull up thirty times, or even more. If your goal is not 30 times, and more then the sling of pull-ups can be continued. Then, at week 31, you pull up 26,16,14,14,14, and at 33 - 27,17,15,15,15, etc.

Bodybuilders and ordinary people who wished a beautiful body seek to the same goal. It is difficult to achieve it, but this is helped by various diets, biologically active additives and training complexes. The last item includes exercises aimed at pumping certain muscle tissues. For example, the tightening program on the horizontal bar is well loading hands and back, and see numerous schemes and tables with the schedule of classes can actually be in any sports site. They are performed both at home and outside, because it is enough to find the crossbar. You can start with several repeats and gradually increase to thirty-fifty for a certain amount of time specified in the training complex.

On the Internet there are many programs about how to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar 30 times in 7-30 weeks or 1-2 months, but to achieve this result, following only one system, it will be difficult. After all, it is important to find out all the features of this exercise to fully fulfill it.

Tightening have the following advantages:

  • During classes, many muscle tissues train simultaneously, so pull-ups are often used for muscle growth, especially the back, press and hands;
  • Performing 30 pull-ups daily, you can protect your spine from various diseases, such as osteochondrosis or scoliosis, and this figure can be maximum for 30 weeks.
  • The tightening system on the horizontal bar is suitable for any person and enough for her to establish a conventional crossbar in the house or go into the courtyard, where it most often is.

Focusing on the pros, which has a system of workouts on the horizontal bar, we can conclude that the exercise is extremely useful for health. Before becoming under the crossbar, experts advise you to familiarize yourself with such advice:

  • The scheme of pull-ups on the horizbox growth should be checked and guaranteed to give the result after 7-30 weeks, and the first successes will be noticeable in 30 days;
  • Usually, all training programs for beginners associated with pull-ups start with whisening on the horizontal bar and push ups to strengthen the muscles;
  • If there is a desire to build muscles, then pull yourself away slowly and quickly go down. In such a rhythm you need to always exercise. If you make the rise and the descent quickly, the effect will go on bundles, joints and tendons. They will become more flexible;
  • To achieve an increase in the number of repetitions of exercise is not easy and to do this should increase the level of endurance and apply various types of grip;
  • When it turns out pulling up on the horizontal bar for more than 30 times in 30 weeks, then a table with training program for pull-ups on the horizontal bar is useful, since the desire for records can keep health beginners;
  • If a person feels bad, then before recovery it is impossible to hold any training;
  • During classes, you can include your favorite melodies so that the training scheme on the horizontal bar does not seem so boring;
  • The schemes of pull-ups are well operating on the horizbox growth and increasing endurance on people up to 45-50 years, which can be seen in their photo, and in other cases the exercise may not give a quick result;
  • During the exercise, the head should be above the horizontalist, and the breast need to touch him. If you do tightening incorrectly, the effect of such training will not be.

Program for newbies

Many people cannot catch up even 1 times if they have not been engaged in sports or their body weight is much higher than the norm. In such a situation, the main thing is not to despair, because even the record holders once could not make a single repetition of the exercise. Initially, the following tips will be tightened for people who cannot pull up:

  • You can pull up with a stand under your feet or with insuring person, but it is advisable to go down slowly and independently to pump your hands;
  • If necessary, you can resort to the help of special rubber bands;
  • If it is not enough for a little bit to the desired lifting, then you can make a jerk;
  • On the street you can choose a low crossbar to have a support under your feet and with such a position to do an exercise.

Doing using these tips for 1-2 months so that the muscles have strengthened. Next, you can go to another system pull-ups for muscle buildings on the horizontal bar and look at the schedule for beginners it is possible below. Table pull-ups on the horizontal bar:

Even an inexperienced athlete, following this table of training on the horizontal bar, will be able to do after 2 weeks over 25 repeats per day. After reaching the necessary goal, it should take another month on this scheme to strengthen the result, and then you can move to more advanced programs. Total 5 weeks will turn out to obtain the desired result.

Advanced training systems

There are other tables, for example, 30 weekly progress rate on the horizontal bar. Such training is focused on more experienced and prepared athletes. It allows you to end up 82 repetition of the exercise per day. In the future, the result can be developed, and the number of lifts will exceed a hundred. A week to be held 3-4 training on 5 approaches. Resting between them need no more than 90-120 seconds. From each week, the number of repetitions will grow and by the end of the course will reach the recommended maximum. It is possible to look at the spreading table below:

There is an advanced version of the training program that is suitable for strong people professionally engaged in sports. Table of increasing tightening by 52 weekly course is below:

No less impressive results make it possible to achieve a course of 50 pull-ups. It can be performed by people who are able to repeat the exercise 5 times in 1 approach. To do this program to have 2-3 weeks. During this time, you can increase the size of muscle tissues and increase stamina. It will be necessary to train 3-4 times a week, that is, after a day. Each training includes 6 approaches for which one will end up 50 exercise repetitions. The initial amount of pull-ups in the campaign does not exceed 5, but gradually it will be necessary to increase to 8-10. If it seems not enough, then the indicators can be double with time.

For pumping more muscles and get better effect, experts advise combining grip.

For example, pull up 5 times, spreading hands wide, then 5 times with them, etc. It is possible to periodically switch to neutral tightening on the horizontal bar and change the direct grip to the opposite. The result will be noticeable in 2-3 weeks, but in the event of difficulties during the training, it is desirable that someone was on the suspension. However, it is necessary to keep not behind the lower limbs, and for the blades, so that the athlete in the event of a fall managed to group and did not injure another person.

Course Lewis Armstrong

Lewis Armstrong has created one of the most sought-after sports programs on tightening. It is suitable for both experienced professionals and people who really can not pull up. The result becomes obvious for 4 weeks of classes when the established standard is achieved. However, there are no special borders from this scheme. The number of repetitions exercise can be expanded up to 100 times and above a day.

Class scheme reminds the usual working week. Five days need to work, and Saturday and Sunday are weekends. Every day athlete is waiting for a new program and their only similar feature is morning push ups. It is necessary to make them the maximum possible number of times and repeat the 3 approach. Tightening to start only 5 hours after pressing. Modifying the program on your own request is unacceptable and in exceptional cases it is possible to remove 1 time after pressing. Lewis Armstrong training complex looks like:

  • On the first day of the athlete waiting for 5 approaches at the maximum calculation. The number of repetition depends on its body. The newcomer is enough 5, and a professional 25;
  • On the second day, the program is built on a pyramidal basis. Tightening from a minimum begins, and 1 repetition is added with each approach;
  • For 3 days, 9 approaches were prepared and every 3 is changing. The amount of tightening is purely individual. For example, if an athlete performs an exercise 15 times, then 9 approaches of 15 repetitions will be done;
  • On the 4th day, the number of approaches is selected individually depending on the possibilities of the athlete. The most important thing is that they are as much as possible. In each of the approaches you need to make the same amount of pull-ups;
  • The fifth day will be the repetition of the most severe training day.

The main essence of the program is to try to make in a new approach to 1 pull-up more. Gradually, the muscles will be more generally strengthened, and the figure in a hundred repetition will soon conquer an athlete. However, before such a severe training, you must necessarily warm the muscles to avoid injuries.

All training programs tightening are designed for the initial force of an athlete, so you need to choose a complex for yourself, focusing on this criterion. Gradually, not even knowing how to pull up a person will be able to do this exercise on a par with professionals. To do this, it works quite diligently and not to lower your hands.

Recently, the progressive part of mankind is more and more taking care of their own health. One of the main components of a healthy person is a taut body.

Strengthen the muscular frame is best in specialized gyms, but not everyone has anyway for this time and money, and then many people like to do sports outdoors.

One of the options for alternative to classes in the gym are exercises on the horizontal bar.

The undoubted advantage of the horizontal bar is that you can install it in your home or in the courtyard, and it will not take much space. If you do not want to buy your personal horizontal bar, then almost every stadium and in every yard of your city there is this absolutely free simulator. By the way, on the horizontal bar you can not only pull up, but also to strengthen the muscles of the press.

In this article you will learn, on the horizontal bar 30 times.

Muscles that work when tightening

It is good because during their execution there is not one muscle group, but all the muscles of the torso, and changing grip, you can increase or decrease the intensity of the impact on one or another site.

So let's look at what muscles are strained when tightening on the horizontal bar:

The widest muscles of the back or "wings".

Trapezoid muscles of the back.

Muscles flexors and extensors of the forearm (located between elbows and brushes).

The muscles of the press both oblique and straight with the transverse, and the muscle is responsible for straightening the body.

Rear bundles of deltoid muscles.

As you can see, the classes on this simulator will solve many of your problems, especially if your technique pull-ups on the horizontal bar is correct.

Technique of proper breathing

The basic rule when performing any physical exercises is a violation of respiratory equipment when tightening not only significantly reduces the effectiveness of the exercise, but also fraught with serious health problems, such as the hardest injury of cervical vertebrae and hernia of intervertebral discs.

Proper includes the following respiratory steps:

Before you start tightening, you make a deep breath, as much as possible light air.

During the tightening you do the exhalation, the maximum release of the lungs.

Breathing precisely in such a sequence, you insight yourself from the above consequences and from stretching small muscles.

Remember that you definitely perform the most difficult part of any exercise.

Technique performing tightening

In order for the exercise after completing the exercise, you have achieved the result that was hoping, it is important to do the exercise correctly.

Since it is possible to pull up 30 times not straining, just following all the rules, let's get acquainted with the technique of doing this exercise:

Take two hands for the horizontal bar, which you have chosen for myself. The thumb should always be from below.

Following the rules of breathing, start tightening until your chin is at a height of 2 cm above the crossbar. At the same time, in no case do not jerk. Your footsteps must be pressed to each other or slightly open.

Also quietly return to the initial position.

Repeat the exercise as many times as much as you have enough strength. You should evenly tighten both hands and sides of your body. Do not appear and do not rise by jerks. If you are tired before you have made the scheduled number of pull-ups, break the exercise into two approaches.

There is another rule

With slow tightening, your muscle mass is gaining faster, and with quick tightening you become more mobile and your hands, and therefore shocks, become much stronger, although in this case the muscles grow not so quickly.

Types of groves

Before, 30 times, let's figure it out, on which grip you need to pay special attention.

Many people think that there is no big difference in how you will place your hands when tightening. This opinion is erroneous, because it is enough enough that the muscles are most tightened when exercising.

There are five types of grits:

The narrow grip is characterized in that when pulling up the brush is literally pressed to each other. In this way, you will work perfectly and biceps.

Wide grip differs in that when it is fulfilled, the hand is divorced as far away. Such an exercise you pour back. To increase the efficiency of the exercise, hold the crossbar four fingers, removing the thumb aside.

Ordinary grip involves the arrangement of the hands on the width of the shoulders. This exercise will equally work all your muscles.

Mixed grip - with this arrangement, the brush of one hand is located, as usual, and the other hand is turned into inside.

Reverse grip - the brushes of both hands turned inside.

What prevents from the first time?

If a person is far from sports asking: "How to learn to pull up 30 times on the horizontal bar?" - Quickly this skill, most likely, will not give him, in view of the existence of a number of preventive factors:

Overweight is one of the most important problems that hinder tightening. A person with this disadvantage should raise not only the weight of his bones and muscles, but the mass of other unnecessary deposits.

Weak muscular frame. Before learning to pull up on the horizontal bar 30 times, you will have to strengthen the muscles working when performing pull-ups, both basic and auxiliary.

Improper execution technique. You will never be able to correctly pull up if all groups of your muscles work inconsistently.

How can you learn to pull up on the horizon from scratch

If you can't do any correct pull-up, then you should gradually go to the development of technology.

So let's figure it out how to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar 30 times, gradually training the necessary muscles for this:

A simple hang on the horizontal bar is the first and, probably, the simplest exercise. It is that you hung on the horizontal bar and kept it as long as possible.

Negative traction. The meaning of this exercise is that you only perform the second portion of tightening. To do this, you should be hanging on bent hands, and the chin should be over the crossbar if you don't get tightened to this position yourself, substitute chair or ask for a friend's help. From this position, slowly return to the original (VIS). Make 5-7 repetitions, 3 approaches.

Working with a partner. When performing this exercise, you will need a friend's help. You must pull up up using a partner and perform negative traction yourself.

Classes on a special simulator. This type of occupation is simple, but inffective. Its meaning is that the tightening is fixed in a special simulator, which helps to pull up the athlete to the top. Plus such a method that the extent of the equipment of the simulator can be adjusted.

Tightening using a stand. With this pull-up you perform an exercise in the field of amplitude. Substitute a low chair or a bench for the horizontal bar, stand up on it and bounce, lock on the horizontal bar with the elbows bent at an angle of 90 degrees, tying the exercise yourself.

Program 30 tightening

Since the muscles need to give time to grow, make the exercises described in this program every other day:

Frost with the help of special exercises back, hands and shoulders.

Tighten the usual widespread grip 10 times.

Rest 1.5 minutes.

Tighten up a narrow grip 10 times.

Rest 1.5 minutes.

Tighten the reverse grip 10 times.

Rest 5 - 7 minutes (at this time you can do exercises that do not affect the muscles of the hands, back and shoulders).

Tighten the usual grogging the maximum number of times (try in time to bring the amount of tightening up to 30).

We looked at all errors and factors that impede the correct execution of tightenings, described in detail the correct technique and explained how, gradually training the muscles, to come to her. Now you know how to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar 30 times.

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