When the Americans for the first time entered the moon. Flying to the moon: as it was. How it all began

Electric 31.05.2021

We will tell about who and how many times journey to the moon, what is there any prospects for such "flights". And about whether these flights were generally ...

The moon plays a very important role in the existence of our planet, the sun, of course, not to overshadow, but without the moon is not a fact that in general our land would be alive.

A couple of words about the moon.

Despite disputes about what the moon is a satellite of the Earth or an independent planet now it is believed that she is a land satellite.

"The moon is a natural ground satellite. The closest to the sun satellite planets, as the planets closest to the sun, Mercury and Venus, there are no satellites. The second brightness object on the earth's occasion after the sun and the fifth largest natural satellite of the planet of the solar system. The average distance between the Land and Moon centers is 384,467 km (0.002 57 a. E., ~ 30 of the diameters of the Earth).

The moon is the only astronomical object outside the land on which man visited. "

One of the most common versions of the moon - it is the wreckage ranked with the Earth of the Heavenly Body of Tea and the Earth Mantle. "As a result, most of the substance hit the object and part of the substance of the earthly mantle were thrown into an near-earth orbit. Of these fragments, the proto-moon was gathered and began to turn in orbit with a radius of about 60,000 km (now ~ 384 thousand km). The earth as a result of the strike received a sharp increase in the speed of rotation (one turnover in 5 hours) and a noticeable tilt of the axis of rotation ".

The moon is full of crater. The main hypothesis of their origin is volcanic and meteorite. Craters give the names of great scientists, celebrities.

Studying the moon became even before our era, for example, Hipparch explored her movement. Closer to the 20th century, earthlings found more to the issue of mastering the mysterious satellite of the Earth, but before flights to space was still far away. In 1902, the first science fiction film in the history of cinema "Journey to the Moon" is published in France (it can be viewed by reference at the bottom of the article, duration 12 minutes). People, then at the naive level, predicted the flight to the moon, fantasized how it could be.

The first to master the wizards of the moon are the first to explore the Russians. In 1959, the stations "Luna" went to the moon (1-2-3).

"September 14, 1959 at 00:02:24 The station" Luna-2 "for the first time in the world reached the surface of the moon in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sea rains near the crater Aristill, Archimedes and Autolik."

In the same 59th year, the station "Luna-3" "mined" the first photo of the reverse side of the moon, flying over the invisible surface of the surface.

"Luna-24" in 1976 brought to the ground soil from the surface of the moon for important studies.

List of US astronauts who visited the moon (only 12 people)

Charles ("Pete") Konrad, Alan Bean - 1969 (Apollo-12)

Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell - 1971 (Apollo-14)

David Scott, James Irwin 1971 (Apollo-15)

John Young, Charles Dyuk - 1972 (Apollo-16)

Eugene Sernan, Harrison Schmitt - 1972 (Apollo-17)


So, to step onto the moon with my feet, albeit in the scaffle, managed in 1969 by the American astronaut - Nile Olden Armstrong. On July 20, 1969, Armstrong committed something to what humanity was preparing for centuries, millennia, saying: "This is one small step for a person, but a gigantic leap for all mankind."

After 20 minutes, when Armstrong was already peacefully walking along the craters of the Moon, the Bazz Oldrin (American Aviation Engineer, Colonel of the US Air Force and Astronaut NASA, joined the first person. This is the second person who visited the moon.

These two astronauts were part of the Apollo-11 team.

"Apollo-11" (English. Apollo 11) is a piloted spacecraft of the Apollo series, during the flight of which, on July 16-24, 1969, residents of the Earth for the first time in history have landed on the surface of another celestial body - the moon.

Then exit to the surface of the Armstrong moon and his partner Basza Oldrina lasted as much as 2 hours 31 minutes 40 seconds.

"On July 20, 1969, at 20:17:39 UTC, the crew commander Nile Armstrong and Pilot Edwin Oldrin planted the lunar module of the ship in the southwestern district of the sea of \u200b\u200bcalm. They remained on the surface of the moon for 21 hours 36 minutes and 21 seconds. All this time, the pilot of the Command Module, Michael Collins, expected them on an incense orbit. Astronauts made one exit to the lunar surface, which lasted 2 hours and 31 minutes 40 seconds. Neil Armstrong Neil Armstrong became the first person. It happened on July 21, at 02:56:15 UTC. After 15 minutes, Aldrin joined him.

The astronauts were installed in the landing site of the USA flag, posted a set of scientific instruments and collected 21.55 kg of samples of the lunar soil, which were delivered to the ground. After the flight, the crew members and samples of the lunar breed passed a strict quarantine, which did not reveal any lunar microorganisms.

The successful implementation of the "Apollo-11" flight facility meant achieving the national goal set by US President John Kennedy in May 1961 - until the end of the decade, to carry out a landing on the moon, and marked the US victory in the lunar race from the USSR. "

Many materials are devoted to the first steps of people on the moon: "This happened at 109 hours 24 minutes 20 seconds of flight time, or at 02 hours 56 minutes 15 seconds UTC on July 21, 1969. Still continuing to keep her hand over the stairs, Armstrong put on the ground and right leg, after which he reported on his first impressions. According to him, small ground particles resembled a powder, which can be easily rided up by the weary. They adhere to thin layers to the soles and sides of the lunar shoes, like chopped charcoal.

The legs were drowned in it quite a bit, no more than 0.3 cm. But Armstrong could see his traces on the surface. Astronaut said that it is even easier to move on the moon, in reality it is even easier than during imitation of 1/6 of the earthly attraction on Earth. "

In the photo Astronauts "Apollo 11" during the landing on the moon

"Apollo 12"

The Apollo 12 spacecraft, which was launched on November 14, 1969 and disembarking on the moon - a second full-time meeting of a man with a lunar surface, the ship returned to Earth on November 24, 1969. Charles ("Pete") Konrad and Alan Bean - astronauts that the second visited the moon to the crowd.

In the photo Astronauts "Apollo 12" during the landing on the moon

"Apollo 14"

The launch of the ship whose mission was the third visit to the Moon, was produced on January 31, 1971. Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell was third attending the moon. Astronauts made two exits to the moon, during which several dozen soil samples were collected, only 23 kg of samples were brought, brought "lunar" trees, seeds who were luggage on the moon and after America landed in the forests.

In the photo Astronauts "Apollo 14" during the landing on the moon

"Apollo 15"

Apollo-15 (English. Apollo 15) is the ninth piloted spacecraft as part of the Apollo program, the fourth landing of people to the moon. The crew commander David Scott and the pilot of the lunar module James Irwin spent almost three days on the moon (just under 67 hours).

The total duration of three exits on the lunar surface was 18 h 30 min. On the moon, the crew first used the lunar car, driving on it a total of 27.9 km. 77 kilograms of samples of lunar soil were collected and then brought to Earth. After the flight, experts called samples delivered by this expedition, the "richest catch" of the entire program, and the "Apollo-15" mission is "one of the most brilliating from a scientific point of view."

In the photo Astronauts "Apollo 15" during the landing on the moon

"Apollo 16"

The tenth pilot flight within the Apollo program, for the fifth time, brought people to the moon, the date - April 16-27, 1972, the flight lasted just over 10 days.

"The first landing in the mountainous area, on the plateau not far from Crater Descartes. It was the second, after Apollona-15, Jay Mission (Eng. J-Mission) with an emphasis on scientific research. At the disposal of astronauts (as in the crew of the previous expedition) was a lunar car, "Lunar Rover No. 2" ".

In the photo Astronauts "Apollo 16" during the landing on the moon

"Apollo 17"

This was a flight as part of the Apollo program, the sixth and last landing for people to the moon, the third scientific mission - December 7, 1972 - 1972.

Astronauts made three exits from the ship with a total duration of 22 hours and 3 minutes 57 seconds. 110.5 kg of samples of the lunar breed was collected and brought to Earth.

In the photo Astronauts "Apollo 17" during the landing on the moon

A little more than three years, the Americans made 6 landings on the moon, 12 people stepped on the lunar surface.

Recent missions were especially productive in scientific terms: samples of soil were obtained, including with deep breakdown using root tools, the astronauts "drove" along the moon with a special rover, made several outlets over one flight, walked, left for memory different items, possibly For ingenic nations.

However, the flights on the moon ended sharply in 1972, since the surfaces of the Earth's satellite concerned only artificial devices. Why now there are no attempts to fly to the moon not clear, because the cosmonautics reached much high height than in the 1970s.

Retreat. The expression mentioned earlier in quotes is the "Moon Race" - this is an archiving action that can be translated into a philosophical-political level.

What do you think the Earth is just a planet, with certain areas of houses, forests, where people are fussing, wanting to win a piece of bigger? And the moon is an abstract mysterious Nimba, illuminating our land at night and about the flights to which you can dream when you want unless? Everything in this world (and not only in this, and not only in this universe - maybe) that the earth is that the moon is objects of self-affirmation of states, and it is primarily.

So many people penetrated the low-lying instincts - thirst for power, greed, vanity, etc. That is why in the race, who will fly first on the moon, who will achieve more oil on Earth, who will build the coolest skyscraper - everything is more involved, only a couple of states are involved. In the lunar race, two states fought two special states - the United States and the USSR.

There is another side of this race - nothing is approaching progress as a rivalry, conflict, the desire of self-affirmation. And it is not known wherever we are with the development of the moon if there are no progress of states. But progress in this case goes on the heads ... corpses .. and gives an example to all mankind, as it should be achieved.

What did we get with the exit to space? Scientists will celebrate many scientific achievements obtained through the flight of a person in space and on the moon, the achievements of the insanely necessary for the development and celestial and earthly expanses. But I think there is one very important achievement, in addition to the material, we have become less afraid of unknown. After all, people have lived in nonsense about the fact that there is space and this round plate, illuminating the night. People know not only the number of planets in our galaxy, but also a photo of heavenly bodies were received, samples of the soil were taken, artificial satellites fly around the earth, etc. The world has moved, but now there were no more important to states before the size and filling of the universe, but who will put the first flag on the moon.

Yes, by the way, there is an opinion that the landing of people during the expeditions "Apollo" is falsification.

"Lunar conspiracy" - the theory of conspiracy, the central idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is the statement that during the "lunar race" during the American Space Program "Apollo" (1969-1972) the landing of people to the moon was not produced, and photographs, filmmakers and other documentaries lunar Expeditions were falsified by the US government.

If there were no flights to the moon (in references under an article video with documentary films about how we could deceive, subtleties, details, technology), then why did it all have necessary for America? The business is understandable - America wanted to be ahead with any ways ... And then the program "Apollo" was put as many material resources that it was ashamed to bring the whole world and not fly to the moon. All Masquerade thought out thoroughly, was well played, all involved signed documents on non-disclosure ...

If indeed the Americans were not on the moon - it means everything is ahead, and prospects of mass.

Then the film of 1902 "Journey to the Moon" Rights: Flight to the moon for the world is a big fantasy. We both a hundred years ago fantasized, and today ... Just the Americans played a little more believable than the French.

We are still accustomed to thinking that the man on the moon was. In essence, nothing will not be changed for most of us if we learn the truth that a person has foot on the moon or not. Therefore, you can believe in any truth.

How do you think there was a man on the moon or still not?

The moon is a good place. Accurately deserves a short visit.
Neil Armstrong

With the flights of the ships "Apollo" passed almost half a century, but the disputes about whether the Americans were on the moon, they do not subside, but are becoming more and more fierce. The spikeness of the situation is that supporters of the theory of "Lunar Conspiracy" are trying to challenge not real historical events, but their own, vague and eructuring an idea of \u200b\u200bthem.

Lunar epic

First facts. On 25 May 1961, six weeks after Yuri Gagarin's triumphant flight, President John F. Kennedy made a speech before the Senate and the Chamber of Representatives, which promised that by the end of the decade, the American landed on the moon. The victims defeat at the first stage of the Space Race, the United States was removed not only to catch up, but also to overtake the Soviet Union.

The main reason for the lag at that time was that the Americans underestimated the importance of heavy ballistic missiles. Like Soviet colleagues, American experts studied the experience of the German engineers who built the A-4 missile during the war (Fow-2), but did not give these projects of serious development, believing that in the context of the Global War there would be quite distant bombers. Of course, the Werner Team von Brown, exported from Germany continued to create ballistic missiles in the interests of the army, but they were unsuitable for space flights. When the Radstone rocket, the heiress of the German "A-4", was finalized to launch the first American ship "Mercury", she was able to raise it only on the subborobitative height.

Nevertheless, the resources in the United States were found, so American designers quickly created the necessary "ruler" of the carriers: from "Titan-2", admitting a double maneuvering ship "Gemini" in orbit, to Saturn-5, capable of sending a tribal ship "Apollo "To the moon.


Of course, before sending expeditions it was necessary to hold a colossal job. Space devices of the LUNAR ORBITER series conducted a detailed mapping of the nearest celestial body - with their help managed to outline and explore suitable places for landings. Surveyor series devices made mild plungers and handed over beautiful image of the surrounding area.

Lunar Orbiter spacecraft carefully mapped the moon, determining the places of future astronautsy

Surveyor spacecraft studied the moon directly on its surface; Details of the Surveyor-3 apparatus took and delivered the crew "Apollo-12" to Earth

In parallel, the program "Gemini" developed. After the unmanned launches on March 23, 1965, the ship "Gemini-3" started, which maneuvering, changing the speed and inclination of the orbit, which at that time was an unprecedented achievement. Soon, "Gemini-4" flew, on which Edward White made the first exit to the Americans. The ship worked in orbit four days, having experienced the orientation system for the Apollo program. At the "Gemini-5", which started on August 21, 1965, electrochemical generators and a radar designed for docking were tested. In addition, the crew set a record for the duration of stay in space - almost eight days (Soviet astronauts managed to beat it only in June 1970). By the way, during the flight "Gemini-5", the Americans first encountered the negative consequences of weightlessness - the weakening of the bone-muscular system. Therefore, measures were developed designed to prevent similar effects: a special diet, drug therapy and a series of exercise.

In December 1965, the ships "Gemini-6" and "Gemini-7" got close to each other, imitating docking. Moreover, the crew of the second ship spent more than thirteen days in orbit (that is, the full time of the lunar expedition), proving that the measures taken to maintain physical form are fully effective at such a long flight. On the ships "Gemini-8", "Gemini-9" and "Gemini-10" worked out a docking procedure (by the way, the commander "Gemini-8" was Nile Armstrong). In September 1966, "Gemini-11" tested the possibility of emergency start from the moon, as well as spans through the radiation belts of the Earth (the ship rose to a record height of 1369 km). On "Gemini-12" astronauts tested a series of manipulations in open space.

During the flight of the ship "Gemini-12" Astronaut Basz Oldrin proved the possibility of complex manipulations in open space

At the same time, the designers prepared to test the "intermediate" two-stage missile "Saturn-1". During its first start on October 27, 1961, she surpassed the "East" rocket, on which Soviet cosmonauts flew. It was assumed that the same rocket would lead into space and the first ship "Apollo-1" into space, but on January 27, 1967 there was a fire on the starting complex, in which the crew of the ship was killed, and many plans had to revise.

In November 1967, the tests of the huge three-step rocket "Saturn-5" began. During the first flight, she raised a command-service module "Apollo-4" with a mock module module. In January 1968, the Lunar module "Apollo-5" was tested in orbit, the unmanned "Apollo-6" went there in April. The last start because of the failure of the second stage almost ended with a disaster, but the rocket pulled the ship, demonstrating a good "vitality".

On October 11, 1968, the Saturn-1B rocket launched a command and service module of the Apollo-7 ship with the crew. For ten days, astronauts were tested by a ship, conducting complex maneuvers. Theoretically "Apollo" was ready for the expedition, however, the lunar module was still "raw". And then the mission was invented, which was originally planned at all, is the flight around the moon.

The flight of the Apollo-8 ship was not planned by NASA: he became improvisation, but was brilliantly held, consolidating the next historical priority for American astronautics

On December 21, 1968, the Apollo-8 ship without a lunar module, but with the crew of three astronauts went to the neighboring celestial body. The flight was relatively smooth, however, before the historical landing on the moon, two more launches were needed: the crew "Apollo-9" worked as a docking procedure and dominated the ship modules in an near-earth orbit, then the crew "Apollo-10", but already next to the moon . On July 20, 1969, Nile Armstrong and Edwin (Basz), Oldrin stepped on the surface of the Moon, which proclaimed the leadership of the United States in the development of outer space.

The crew of the Apollo-10 ship held a "general rehearsal" by performing all the operations necessary for landing on the moon, but without the landing itself

The lunar module of the ship "Apollo-11", named "Eagle" ("Orel") goes for landing

Astronaut Basz Oldrin on the Moon

The exit to the moon of the Nile Armstrong and Basza Oldrina was carried out through the Parks Observatory radio telescope in Australia; There were also saved and recently discovered the originals of the historical event record

Then new successful missions followed: "Apollo-12", "Apollo-14", "Apollo-15", "Apollo-16", "Apollo-17". As a result, twelve astronauts visited the Moon, conducted exploration of the area, established scientific equipment, assembled soil samples, tested risters. Only the crew "Apollo-13" was not lucky: the tank with liquid oxygen exploded on the way to the moon, and NASA specialists had to work to return astronauts to the ground.

The theory of falsification

On the Space Apparatus "Luna-1" installed devices for creating an artificial sodium comet

It would seem that the reality of expeditions to the moon should not be in doubt. NASA regularly published press releases and bulletins, specialists and astronauts gave numerous interviews, a lot of countries and the world scientific community participated in technical support, tens of thousands of people observed the takeoffs of huge missiles, and millions watched direct televisions from space. Lunar soil was brought to the ground, which could explore many selenologists. International scientific conferences were conducted to understand the data, which came from devices left on the moon.

But even the time rich on the events appeared people who questioned the facts of disembarking astronauts on the moon. The skeptical attitude towards cosmic achievements was manifested back in 1959, and a probable reason for this was the policy of the secrecy, which was conducted by the Soviet Union: he also hid the location of his cosmodrome for decades!

Therefore, when Soviet scientists stated that the Luna-1 research apparatus was launched, some Western experts spoke in favor of spirit that the Communists simply clutch the head of the world community. Specialists have foreseen issues and placed on the "Luna-1" device for sodium evaporation, with the help of which artificial comet was created, on the brightness equal to the sixth star.

Conspirologists conpact even the reality of the flight of Yuri Gagarin

Claims arose later: for example, part of Western journalists doubted the reality of the flight of Yuri Gagarin, because the Soviet Union refused to submit any documentary evidence. There was no camera on board the ship "East", the appearance of the ship itself and the carrier rocket remained classified.

But the US authorities have never expressed doubts about the accuracy of what happened: even during the first satellites flight, the National Security Agency (ANB) launched two stations of observation in Alaska and Hawaii and installed radio equipment capable of intercepting telemetry, which walked from Soviet devices. During the flight, Gagarin station was able to get a television signal with an image of an astronaut transmitted by the onboard chamber. After an hour, the printout of individual frames from this broadcast were in the hands of government officials, and President John F. Kennedy congratulated the Soviet people with an outstanding achievement.

Soviet military specialists who worked at scientific and measuring clause number 10 (NP-10), located in the village of School under Simferopol, intercepted the data coming from the Apollo ships throughout the flights to the Moon and back

Soviet intelligence did the same. At the Nip-10 station, located in the village of School (Simferopol, Crimea), a set of equipment was collected, allowing to intercept all the information from Apollonov, including direct television broadcasts from the Moon. The head of the interception project Alexey Mikhailovich Gorin gave the author of this article an exclusive interview, in which, in particular, said: "To guide and manage a very narrow beam, a regular system of actuators on azimuth and angle of space was used. According to the place of place (Cape Canaveral) and the start time, the calculation of the path of the spacecraft flight was calculated on all areas.

It should be noted that for about three days, the flight only occurred was the deviation of the beam from the settlement trajectory, which was easily corrected manually. Started with Apollo-10, who made a trial flying around the moon without landing. The following followed flights with the planting "Apollonov" from the 11th to the 15th ... took pretty clear images of the spacecraft on the moon, exit both astronauts and travels along the surface of the moon. Video from the moon, speech and telemetry was recorded on the appropriate tape recorders and transferred to Moscow for processing and translations. "

In addition to interception of data, Soviet intelligence also collected any information on the Saturn Apollo program, since it could be used for its own lunar plans of the USSR. For example, scouts watched the starts of missiles from the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean. Moreover, when preparing for a joint flight of Soyuz-19 and Apollo CSM-111 ships (EPAS mission), which was held in July 1975, Soviet specialists were admitted to service information on the ship and rocket. And, as you know, no complaints about the American side have not expressed.

Claims appeared from the Americans themselves. In 1970, that is, even before the completion of the lunar program, a brochure of a certain James Luxury "Is a man on the moon planted?" (Did Man Land on The Moon?). The public ignored the brochure, although in her, perhaps, the main thesis of the "Conspiracy theory" was first formulated: the expedition to the nearest celestial body is impossible technically.

Technical writer Bill Kassing can be rightfully called the founder of the theory of "lunar conspiracy"

The topic began to gain popularity somewhat later, after the exit of the Samizdat book Bill Kassing "We have never been to The Moon, 1976), in which now the" traditional "arguments have been set out in favor of the conspiracy theory. For example, the author of seriously argued that all the deaths of the participants of the Saturn Apollo program are related to the elimination of unwanted witnesses. I must say that Caseing is the only of the authors of the books on this topic, who had a direct attitude to the space program: From 1956 to 1963, he worked as a technical writer in Rocketdine, which was just engaged in the design of the F-1 heavy duty engine for the rocket " Saturn-5. "

However, after the dismissal "At his own will", Kesing was begging, grasped for any work and, probably, did not feel warm feelings for the same employers. In the book, which was reprinted in 1981 and 2002, he argued that the Saturn-5 missile was "technical fake" and could never send astronauts to the interplanetary flight, so in reality "Apollles" flew around the Earth, and televallation was carried out Using unmanned vehicles.

Ralph Rena made a name to himself, accusing the US government to falsify flights to the Moon and the organization of terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001

At the creation of Bill Kassing, too, at first did not pay attention. Glory to him brought American conspiracyologist Ralph Rena, who gave himself to scientist, physics, inventor, engineer and a scientific journalist, but in reality did not finish a single higher educational institution. Like predecessors, Rene published the book "How NASA has shown America Moon" (NASA Mooned America!, 1992) for his own expense, but at the same time he could have referred to other people's research, that is, it did not look like a psychos, but as a skeptic in Search for truth.

Probably, the book, the lion's share of which is devoted to the analysis of certain photographs made by astronauts, would also remain unnoticed if it were not for the era of the TV show, when it became fashionable to invite all sorts of freaks and marginals to the studio. Ralph Rena managed to extract the maximum of the sudden interest of the public, the benefit had a well-suspended language and did not hesitate to nominate absurd accusations (for example, he argued that NASA specially ruined his computer and destroyed important files). His book was reprinted repeatedly, and with each time increasing in the amount.

Among the documentaries dedicated to the theory of "lunar conspiracy" come across frank mismatches: for example, the pseudocumental French film "The Dark Side of the Moon" (Opération Lune, 2002)

The topic itself also suggested that the film appeared, and soon there were films with a claim for documentary: "Was it just a paper moon?" (Was It Only A Paper Moon?, 1997), "What happened on the moon?" (What happened on the moon?, 2000), "Something strange happened on the way to the moon" (A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon, 2001), "Wild Astronauts: Investigation of the authenticity of landing on the moon" (Astronauts Gone Wild: Investigation Into The Authenticity of The Moon Landings, 2004) and the like. By the way, the author of the last two films, film director Bart Sibrel, twice praised the Bazz Oldrin with aggressive requirements to confess to deception and eventually got a blow to face from an elderly astronaut. Video of this incident can be found on YouTube. Police, by the way, refused to make a matter of Oldrin. Apparently, she considered that the video was forged.

In the 1970s, NASA was trying to cooperate with the authors of the "Lunar Conspiracy" theory and even released a press release, where he had disassembled Bill Kassing. However, it turned out that they did not want a dialogue, but they would gladly use any mention of their fabrications for a self-esteem: for example, Cassing was suused in 1996 with the astronaut Jim Lovell for the fact that he called him "fool" in one interview.

However, and how else to call people who believed in the accuracy of the film "The Dark Side of the Moon" (Opération Lune, 2002), where the famous director Stanley Kubrika straightly accused that he took all the landings of astronauts on the moon in the Hollywood Pavilion? Even in the film itself, there are guidance on the fact that it is a fiction in the genre of mokumentari, but it did not prevent conspiracy to take a version with a bang and quote it even after the creators of the hoax were openly admitted in hooliganism. By the way, another "evidence" of the same degree of reliability has recently appeared: this time the person's interview appeared, similar to Stanley Kubrik, where he allegedly assumed responsibility for falsifying materials of lunar missions. The new fake exposed quickly - he was too painted.

Socialization operation

In 2007, the scientific journalist and popularizer Richard Hogglend released in collaboration with Michael Bar Book "Dark Mission. NASA Secret History "(Dark Mission: The Secret History of Nasa), which immediately became a bestseller. In this weighty Tomik, Hoggende summarized his research on the "hidiment operation" - its allegedly conduct government agencies by the United States, pulling out the fact of contact with a more developed civilization that mastered the solar system long to humanity.

As part of the new theory, the "Lunar Conspiracy" is considered as a product of the activity of the NASA itself, which specifically provokes an illiterate discussion of falsification of landings on the moon In order for qualified researchers to disperse this topic from concerning the "marginal". Under his theory, Hoggende deftly adjusted all modern conspiracy, from the murder of President John F. Kennedy to the "flying plates" and the Martian "Sphinx". For violent activities on the exposure of the "Operation of Holding", the journalist was even awarded the Schnobel Prize, which he received in October 1997.

Believers and unbelievers

Supporters of the theory of "lunar conspiracy", or, more simply, "Antipolonovtsy", they love to blame their opponents in illiteracy, ignorance or even in the blind faith. Strange stroke, given that it is the "Antipolon" believe in the theory, which is not supported by any significant evidence. In science and jurisprudence, the golden rule is valid: emergency statement requires emergency evidence. Attempting to accuse space agencies and the global scientific community in falsifying materials that are of great importance for our understanding of the Universe, must be accompanied by something more significant than a pair of Samizdatov books released by the offended writer and self-free lie.

All Multi-Operable Pivy Materials of Lunar Expeditions of the Apollo ships has long been digitized and accessible to study.

If you submit for a minute that there was a secret parallel space program in the USA using unmanned funds, then you need to explain where all the participants in this program are: designers "parallel" technology, its tests and operators, as well as cinematographers who prepared kilometers of lunal missions films. We are talking about thousands (or even tens of thousands) people who needed to attract to the "lunar conspiracy". Where are they and where are their confessions? Suppose they are all, including foreigners, swore to observe silence. But there should be pile of documents, orders contracts with contractors, corresponding structures and polygons. However, besides the pick-up to some NASA public materials, which are truly often retouching or submitted to a deliberately simplified interpretation, there is nothing. Nothing at all.

However, "Antipolonovtsy" never think about such "trifles" and persistently (often in aggressive form) requires all new evidence from the opposite side. The paradox is that if they, asking "Caverzny" questions, they themselves tried to find answers on them, it would not be a lot of work. Consider the most typical of claims.

During the preparation and implementation of joint flights of the Soyuz and Apollo ships, Soviet specialists were admitted to the official information of the American Space Program

For example, "Antipolonovtsy" are asked: why the Saturn Apollo program was interrupted, and its technologies are lost and cannot be used today? The answer is obvious to anyone who has at least a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat happened in the early 1970s. It was then that one of the most powerful political and economic crises in the history of the USA happened: the dollar lost the gold content and was devalued twice; The prolonged war in Vietnam pulled the resources; The youth covered the anti-war movement; Richard Nixon was on the verge of impeachment in connection with the Watergate scandal.

At the same time, the total costs of Saturn-Apollo program amounted to $ 24 billion (in terms of current prices, you can talk about 100 billion), and each new launch cost 300 million (1.3 billion in modern prices) - it is clear that further financing has become exorbitant for a scooping American budget. Something similarly experienced in the late 1980s, the Soviet Union, which led to the inglorious closure of the Energia-Buran program, whose technologies are also in most part.

In 2013, the expedition under the leadership of Jeff of a chance, the founder of the Amazon Internet company, raised from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean fragments of one of the Saturn-5 missile engines, which delivered "Apollo-11" to orbit

Nevertheless, despite the problems, the Americans tried to squeeze a little more from the lunar program: the Saturn-5 rocket launched the Skylab orbital station (three expeditions visited it), a joint Soviet-American flight took place " Union-Apollo "(Epas). In addition, the Program "Space Shuttle", which came to change "Apollons", used starting structures "Saturnov", and some technological solutions obtained during their operation are used today when designing a promising American SLS media.

Work box with lunar stones in the Lunar Sample Laboratory Facility Storage

Another popular question: Where is the lunar soil, brought by astronauts? Why not study it? Answer: He can't go anywhere, but stored where it was planned, - in the two-story building of Lunar Sample Laboratory Facility, which was built in Houston (Texas). There should also be handled with applications for the study of the soil, but only organizations that have the necessary equipment can get them. Every year, the Special Commission considers applications and satisfies from forty to fifty of them; On average, up to 400 samples are sent. In addition, 98 samples are exposed in the museums of the world with a total weighing of 12.46 kg, and dozens of scientific publications came out for each of them.

Pictures of places of planting ships "Apollona-11", "Apollo-12" and "Apollona-17", made by the main optical camera Lro: well visible lunar modules, scientific equipment and left by astronauts "Tropins"

Another question is in the same vein: why there are no independent evidence of the visit of the Moon? Answer: They are. If you drop the Soviet testimonies that are far from completeness, and the wonderful cosmic television shows of landfills on the moon, which are made by the American Lo apparatus and which "Antipolon" also consider the "fake", then for analysis, quite enough materials represented by Indians (CHANDRAYAAN-1 apparatus ), Japanese (Kaguya) and the Chinese (Chang'e-2 apparatus): All three agencies have officially confirmed that they found traces left by Apollo ships.

Lunar deception in Russia

By the end of the 1990s, the theory of "lunar conspiracy" came to Russia, where he found hot supporters. Its widely popularity, obviously contributes to the sad circumstance that historical books dedicated to the American Space Program, in Russian, is very small, so the inexperienced reader may have the impression that there is nothing to study.

Yuri Mukhin became the most Yury Mukhin - a former inventor engineer and a publicist with radical prostalist convictions, seen in historical revisionism. In particular, he released the book "Selling Girl Genetics", in which he refutes the achievements of genetics to prove that repression against domestic representatives of this science was reasonable. The style of Mukhin repels the wrong rudeness, and he builds his own conclusions on the basis of quite primitive coupling.

Tele operator Yuri Elhov, who participated in the shooting of such famous children's films, as the "Adventures of Buratino" (1975) and "About the Red Hat" (1977), took the analyzing kinocadras made by astronauts, and came to the conclusion that they were fabricated. True, for verification, he used his own studio and equipment that has nothing to do with NASA equipment of the late 1960s. According to the results of the "investigation", Elhov wrote the book "Butaforskaya Moon", which never came out on paper due to lack of funds.

Perhaps the most competent from the Russian Antipolonovans remains Alexander Popov - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a specialist in lasers. In 2009, he released the book "Americans on the Luna - a great breakthrough or a cosmic scam?", In which almost all arguments of the theory of "conspiracy" leads, complementing them with their own interpretations. He has been conducting a special website dedicated to the topic for many years, and at present agreed that not only the flights of Apollonov, but also ships "Mercury" and "Gemini" were falsified. Thus, Popov claims that the first flight in orbit Americans were committed only in April 1981 - on the Shuttle "Columbia". Apparently, the dear physicist does not understand that without a huge preceding experience from the first time, to launch such a complex aerospace system for reusable, as Space Shuttle, simply impossible.

* * *

The list of questions and answers can be continued to infinity, but there is no point in this: the views of the "Antipolon" are based not on real facts that can be interpreted in one way or another, but on the illiterate ideas about them. Unfortunately, ignorance in life, and even Hook of Basz Oldrina is not able to change the situation. It remains to hope for the time and new flights to the moon, which will inevitably disappear all in their place.

45 years ago, July 16, 1969, the piloted spacecraft "Apollo-11" went to the flight, during which the residents of the Earth for the first time in history landed on the surface of another celestial body - the moon. On July 20, 1969, Astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person ever stepped onto the surface of the moon. At that moment he uttered his famous phrase: "A small step for a person, but a gigantic leap for all mankind."

1. The crew of the Apollo-11 ship: Astronaut Neil Armstrong (left), who was the commander of this mission, the pilot of the lunar module Edwin Basz Oldrin (right) and Michael Collins, which during the Armstrong landing and Oldrina on the moon piloted the command module in orbit . May 1, 1969. (Photo NASA | Handout | Reuters):

2. The Saturn V rocket with the Apollo-11 spacecraft is rolled out on the launch site at the Kennedy Space Center before the start of the moon, May 20, 1969. (Photo NASA):

3. View near. (Photo NASA):

4. The crew "Apollon-11" before departure, July 6, 1969. Neil Armstrong waves his hand. (Photo AP Photo | File):

5. Many all over the world watched the start of Apollo. This is a passersby in Berlin, watch TV through a shop window, July 16, 1969. (Photo AP Photo | Edwin Reichert):

7. Earth and clouds. The picture is made from the ship "Apollo-11". (Photo NASA):

8. Interior of the Moon Module "Apollo-11" and Edwin Oldrin. (Photo NASA):

10. Exit to the lunar orbit. Lunar craters are already visible. (Photo NASA):

11. Earth beyond the horizon of the moon. (Photo NASA):

12. Descent on the surface of the moon. (Photo NASA):

13. Moon module "Eagle". (Photo NASA):

14. After graduating, Armstrong handed over land: "Houston, talks of calm. "Eagle" Sel ". (Photo NASA):

15. The first person on the moon - Astronaut Neil Armstrong, steps on the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969. (Photo AP Photo):

16. The first photo of Nile Armstrong after descending to the moon. (Photo NASA):

17. Lunar landscapes. (Photo NASA):

18. Meanwhile, some researchers call the landing of Americans to the moon of the biggest hoax of XX century. In their opinion, there are a number of irrefutable evidence that American astronauts did not fall on the surface of the natural satellite of the Earth at all. On the network on this topic you can find a lot of materials. (Photo NASA):

19. It is possible that by virtue of certain reasons, the Americans were really engaged in pavilion films. Some photos are really more like a fake than the real pictures made on the moon, but for this could have a number of reasons. For example, some photos could be simply unsuccessful, because the cameras at that time were without viewfinder. Or some film crew on the moon fell out. It is possible that part of the photos had to be drawn, and part of it in the pavilions. But the very fact that they were there, doubts do not cause.

By the 40th anniversary of the man landing on the Earth's satellite, the US space agency launched the Space Probe into the orbit. For the first time in history, he handed out detailed snapshots of all space modules left by astronauts of equipment and even traces from all-terrain vents, on which American astronauts moved along the moon.

After exactly the year, Indian astrophysicists also launched an automatic probe to the moon, and it, as well as American was able to make detailed photos of landing modules and other traces, proving that flying man on the moon was still.

Cosmonaut A. A. Leonov: "To seriously believe that the Americans were not on the moon can only absolutely ignorant people. " (Photo NASA):

20. Basz Oldrin on the moon. (Photo NASA):

21. Basz Oldrin and lunar module. (Photo NASA):

22. Basz Oldrin on the moon. (Photo NASA):

23. Basz Oldrin on the moon. (Photo NASA):

24. Armstrong shadow and lunar module. (Photo NASA):

25. Moon module "Eagle". Our land is visible above. (Photo NASA):

26. Return home. The lunar module broke away from the lunar surface. (Photo NASA):

27. Last view of the moon. (Photo NASA):

28. And here is the Earth. (Photo NASA):

29. The crew of the Apollo-11 ship successfully returned to Earth and driven. (Photo AP Photo):

32. Also see the "Other Side of the Moon" and the Lunar Bridge in Beijing.

45 years ago, July 16, 1969, the piloted spacecraft "Apollo-11" went to the flight, during which the residents of the Earth for the first time in history landed on the surface of another celestial body - the moon. On July 20, 1969, Astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person ever stepped onto the surface of the moon. At that moment he uttered his famous phrase: "A small step for a person, but a gigantic leap for all mankind." The crew of the Apollo-11 ship: Astronaut Neil Armstrong (left), who was the commander of this mission, the pilot of the lunar module Edwin Basz Oldrin (right) and Michael Collins, who during the Armstrong landing and Oldrin on the moon piloted the command module in orbit. May 1, 1969.
The Saturn V rocket with the Apollo-11 spacecraft is rolled out on the launch site at the Kennedy Space Center before the start on the moon, May 20, 1969.
View near The crew "Apollo-11" before departure, July 6, 1969. Neil Armstrong waves his hand.
Many all over the world watched the start of Apollo. This is a passersby in Berlin, watch TV through a shop window, June 16, 1969.
Start of the ship "Apollo-11" on the moon, June 16, 1969. Earth and clouds. The picture is made from the ship "Apollo-11".
The interior of the Lunar Module "Apollo-11" and Edwin Oldrin.
Nile Armstrong's wife with a photo of her husband from the start of the ship, July 18, 1969.
Exit to lunar orbit. Lunar craters are already visible.
Earth behind the horizon of the moon.
Descent on the surface of the moon.
Moon module "Eagle".
After graduating, Armstrong handed over land: "Houston, says the calm base. "Eagle" Sel ".
The first person on the Moon - Astronaut Neil Armstrong, steps on the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969.
The first photo of Nile Armstrong after descending to the moon.
Moon landscapes.
In the meantime, some researchers call the landing of Americans to the moon of the biggest hoax of the 20th century. In their opinion, there are a number of irrefutable evidence that American astronauts did not fall on the surface of the natural satellite of the Earth at all. On the network on this topic you can find a lot of materials.
It is possible that due to certain reasons, the Americans were really engaged in pavilion films. Some photos are really more like a fake than the real pictures made on the moon, but for this could have a number of reasons. For example, some photos could be simply unsuccessful, because the cameras at that time were without viewfinder. Or some film crew on the moon fell out. It is possible that part of the photos had to be drawn, and part of it in the pavilions. But the very fact that they were there, doubts do not cause. By the 40th anniversary of the man landing on the Earth's satellite, the US space agency launched the Space Probe into the orbit. For the first time in history, he handed out detailed snapshots of all space modules left by astronauts of equipment and even traces from all-terrain vents, on which American astronauts moved along the moon. After exactly the year, Indian astrophysicists also launched an automatic probe to the moon, and he, as well as American, was able to make detailed photos of landing modules and other traces, proving that the flight of a person on the moon was still. Cosmonaut A. A. Leonov: "To seriously believe that the Americans were not on the moon, only absolutely ignorant people can."
Basz Oldrin on the moon.
Basz Oldrin and lunar module.
Basz Oldrin on the moon.

Armstrong shadow and lunar module. Moon module "Eagle". Our land is visible above.
Homecoming. The lunar module broke away from the lunar surface.
Last view of the moon.
And here is the Earth.
The ship's pile "Apollon-11" successfully returned to Earth and driven.
Residents of New York and a motorcade with astronauts, August 13, 1969.
Astronaut Neil Armstrong with family. Houston, Texas, August 16, 1969.

On July 20, 1969, in 20h17m Greenwich, the American ship "Apollo-11" landed on the surface of the moon. For the first time, a person embodied his dream and stepped onto another heavenly body. It was the success of all humanity prepared by many generations. But it was the success of the United States, which in the "lunar" race managed to get ahead of the USSR, first indicating the result of the "Cold War". 6 hours after landing (the term "Plutching" does not exist so far) Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Oldrin put Spacks with the Ranger System, opened the hatch and descended to the surface of the moon.

The crew commander Neil Armstrong, stepped on the surface of the moon, said the words entered into the history, which, clear case, were not an expression: "This is a small step for a person, but a huge jump for humanity!" This idea was agreed with all American instances, but after a small pause, Armstrong suddenly said the second, unapproved phrase: "Successes to you, Mr. Kinsky." Over the years, Neil Armstrong was discharged that they mean these words and who is Mr. Kinski, but the first person on the moon kept the secret ...

All countries were led by a television about the landing of a person on the moon. In addition to the USSR and China. Chinese logic can only understand the Chinese. As for the USSR, our country simply could not allow their citizens to attend the sacrup triumph. The USSR did everything in order to overtake America with landing on the moon. By automatic devices, we were out of competition - the first root of the moon, the first photos, the first soft landing, the first lunas. Three times, our automata managed to bring the lunar soil to Earth - only 330 grams (6 American "Apollonov" delivered 380 kg of lunar soil). On July 21, 1969, the next Soviet automatic machine "Luna-15" again landed on the moon, but must pay tribute to our delicacy, not on the head of Armstrong. The program of the USSR for research on the moon with the help of automata was closed only in 1976.
But the ultimate goal is a man landing. However, the Soviet lunar rocket H1, laid by Korolev and intended to deliver the crew, failed to take off - four tests ended in accidents. Several crews were intensively prepared for the lunar expedition, the best forces were thrown on it. The first crew commander was Alexei Leonov - the first person who came into space. The chief designer of the moon ship was Yuri Semenov, now the General Designer of the NGO "Energy" them. Queen. As Academician Semenov said, work on the lunar program was fascinated by him so much that he was then refused to become a cosmonaut himself.

Three minutes after landing on the moon, astronauts were in a state of complete readiness for an emergency start. This would happen if the chassis supports went deep into the ground or the slope of the surface at the landing site turned out to be more than 30º. Armstrong's pulse frequency was 160 shots at this moment, Oldrina - 156 shots per minute.

After half an hour after Armstrong, Oldrin came to the surface of the moon. 15 meters from the ship were installed a tripod with a television camera, which led to the ground. Astronauts made photographs, assembled soil samples. Various ways of movement were tested in the conditions of weak moon gravity: Oldrin jumped, Armstrong insured. For about two minutes, the US President Richard Nixon spoke with astronauts. Scientific appliances were installed on the surface. The duration of staying on the surface of the moon was 2 hours, the astronauts were not removed from the ship further than 30 meters.

The moon program of the United States started, one can say, on April 12, 1961, when under the influence of the success of the USSR in astronautics, President Kennedy decided to strengthen attention to the national education system, to science, to the cosmonautics. Already on May 25, 1961, Kennedy in the Message of the Congress and the American people announced the purpose of the nation: the exercise in the current decade of the piloted expedition to the moon. From 1969 to 1972, 7 crews started to the moon, only one of them failed to land. Whenever in orbit, one astronaut remained, two planted on the moon, then returned to the main compartment. In the first expedition in orbit, Michael Collins duty.

Of course, the United States could not but give the lunar political color program. But they did it not so straight as in the USSR. On the landing stage, which remained on the moon, the map of the Earth and the signboard with the inscription were attached: "Here people from the planet the Earth first stepped on the moon. We came with the world from all mankind." Under these words, there were signatures of three astronauts and president of the United States. The medals of the dead American astronauts and Soviet astronauts were delivered to the moon, including Gagarin, as well as a capsule with the messages of the heads of 74 states, among which the USSR was not.

For the moon program of the United States, a high price has been paid. One of the crews "Apollo" died during the earthly workout. The crew "Apollo-13", without coming to the moon, barely returned to the ground. The financial costs of NASA on the Apollo program amounted to $ 25 billion (equivalent to current 120 billion), which turned out to be a heavy burden for the American budget. Only 30 years after the closure of the Apollo program, President Bush junior spoke again about lunar expeditions.

Starting from Columbus, any great expedition rate in many legends. Flights "Apollonov" on the moon is no exception. Last of legends: Astronauts on the moon saw skeletons of Soviet cosmonauts, whom the USSR sent to the moon to serve their numerous lunas and devices. But the USSR did not report anything about these expeditions, because these were suicide bumps. It was not destined to be returned to the Soviet Motherland. Essentially refute the legend meaninglessly. But it is worth noting: there are no rotting bacteria on the moon, and the astronaut cannot turn into a skeleton.

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