Where you can hide money in a private house. Where to hide money at home, and where do you not want to hide them? Belt with a pocket for money

Country house 31.05.2021
Country house

"Why, in fact, to hide them?" - you ask. Indeed, at first glance, it will seem that this will be done only by a person exposed to paranas. But no. This question is pretty appropriate in real life.

Each thief tends to find and carry with you from the home or other object as much money as possible and values.

But even more he seeks how to quickly carry legs from the crime scene. After all, the longer he is there, the greater the likelihood that it can grab it.

Therefore, it is necessary to hide money to the poppy so that there are as much time on their search for thief.

But many places in the apartment that we seem good and secluded, thieves check first.

Here is a typical departure case. A resident that equipped the cache for his money in the ventilation pipe did not suspect that though thieves usually look there. Especially if the location of the cache immediately gives a poorly adjacent lid or tile, traces of the fingers on dust, etc.

First, thieves check everything in the bedroom: cabinets, mattresses, pillows. Suspicions cause pictures on the walls - Suddenly there is something for them? Then they watch all the kitchen jars, climb into the stove and refrigerator. The bathroom will definitely check the drain tank, the space under the sink, behind the mirror, and also shake the jars with cosmetics. By the way, to hide money in the books is also a bad idea, because they are very easy and quickly perfect.

Where you do not need to hide money

Where it is not worth hiding money, found out.

These are such places, access to which does not cause any difficulties, both physical (open the box of the table, look into the sugar club) and mental. The difficulties of the thief cause the places for money, access to which is associated with severe exercise. Thieves come to this last time, if they did not find money in standard places of values.

And, of course, if they still have time!

Where then to hide?

It should be a non-obvious place. For example, in the hollow cornice, you can safely hide currency on the ventilation tube. You can still hide money in the cavity inside racks, windowsills or shelves. The thieves will not check each line of all furniture items in the apartment. They do not like to move cabinets, pianos, sofas, servants and similar large and heavy furniture. Here for her (or under it) and you can hide money. The risk that they will find them (will find immediately) - decreases. And if the thief does not have enough time, patience or brains, then money and values \u200b\u200bwill remain there where you hide them!

You can make some caches. Divide money into several parts: the main part is hideing hopefully, and minor amounts put on prominent places: for example, in a closet with clothes or between books on the shelf. Then thieves can calculate that it is all savings, and will not break the entire apartment to you. Maximum will take some money and something from electronics.

How else to secure your home from thieves?

You can set the security system that you want to turn off each time you come home. And you can also put the camera at home, which will send you a notice to the phone if some movement will move in the apartment.

Another way to hide money and values \u200b\u200bis to put them in a reliable safe.

Of course, the safe itself will hide it difficult to hide somewhere, especially if he is heavy and large. But this is usually not aspiring. It is enough that it is reliably mounted into the wall, fastened to the floor, or, at worst, is chained with a thick chain to the central heating battery.

In general, you need to strive to make as many obstacles as possible for thieves, if they decide not to hack the safe, but to carry it (along with money and values \u200b\u200bin it) with you.

Naturally, the castle itself on the safe should be good and reliable.

By the way, the British thieves for example have long come up with and use their own apartment encoding system called "Da Pinci code". This is a kind of communication system between the thieves, which allows you to determine if one or another one should rob or not. Thieves, usually drawn in chalk, can also tell a lot about the character of the owner. For example, a crossed circle means that there is nothing valuable in the apartment. And flower petals are a good sign for criminals, meaning that there is in the house what to get used. A sign in the form of a revealed book may say that a fragile and vulnerable woman lives in the house. The cross means "good goal." Three parallel lines can tell that the house has already been robbed. Two intersecting rectangles may mean that the owner of the house suspected something wrong. Thieves leave marks on the walls of houses, sidewalks and borders.

In Russia, houses use similar methods of work. Russian thieves are first trying to learn as much as possible about the schedule of the day of tenants, and only then apply a visit. Frequent calls on the phone or on the door, as if mistaken, can also talk about the thief exploration. There are tags, but in our case they are different depending on the nationality of the houses. However, in many cases there is one general one - the one who gives the tip most often lives nearby.

The most banal place where money is stored is various boxes and bedside tables that are "at hand". There first and seek thieves their prey.

All sorts of figurines, caskets, vases are also not suitable for the role of reliable caches.

Oddly enough, some still hide values \u200b\u200bunder the mattress or in furniture, on the mezzanine or in the aspirations, chairs, sew in the pillows.

It is worth understanding that there are cases when not only money and values \u200b\u200bare taken out, but even clothes, shoes and small household appliances. Therefore, to hide also money in these things is unreasonable. Some people think that the wage will be hard to look for the mountains and linen in the closet. But it will take him a couple of minutes for this to shake out everything from the cabinets and forgive in search of mining.

"Original" places that thieves know

It seems that the thief will not look for in the auxiliary premises, like a bathroom or kitchen, but it is not so. They are well known places such as a toilet tank, ventilation windows, do not circle search and in the garbage bucket or in a basket for dirty linen.

Some store values \u200b\u200bin the croups or in the refrigerator. This is also not reliable.

It seems that the most faithful is to hide the values \u200b\u200bat the stage of repair. However, this is a delusion. If the thief is sure that he has a lot of time before the return of the owner, he will check and under the plinth, and the walls will appear, and turn the wallpaper.

Reliable protection

As for safes, this is a controversial place. If the robber is a professional, he will find a way to open it. Also, some of them can be elementary due to their small weight and size. The safe can be reliable protection if it is built in a hard-to-reach place, which will eliminate the removal and will require time and strength to open it.

Based on the above examples, we can conclude: Popular places are the most unsafe. There, thieves will look first.

The thieves are two types: random robbers who could not pass by the light profit, and the homemade professionals who act on the tip and carefully study the object before robbery. The pros will quickly find a cache in any apartment.

You might think where to keep values \u200b\u200boutside the house, or provide a dwelling with maximum security. For example, bank safes are now very popular. But minus safes is that this is also not 100% guarantee of reliability, since the bank is unknown that is in the cell and it cannot be responsible for its contents.

Money is logical to post on the banking deposit: in addition to reliability, it is also interest.

How to limit the time

The main weapon of thief is time. If there is a sufficient number of time - the thief will find any cache. Therefore, creating caches, take care to limit the time that the thief will spend in your home.

You can install the alarm system, connect to the security company's console - this will not bring high service costs, but you can count on the reaction when penetrating the home.

Put the door opening sensors that will include a loud siren: disable it quickly - it is difficult, this creates a panic, professionals are hurry.

The most basic protection is high-quality locks to the entrance door. This is what you can not save. They will be able to delay the thief if they are hard to open. Unfortunately, most castles and lichnoes that you will find in business stores are very easily opened. Here the Council is one - take a look at the products of eminent brands, their locks though are expensive, but usually a guarantee is given, each castle has a certificate.

Finally, there is still a defense method: insurance.

10 money caches for money

Several ideas where you can hide money in the apartment.

  1. Toy. It can be sewn into it or invest your savings. Family families with children. The thief will not tele all the cars in the children's room. The main child is explained, this toy daddy and she can not play!
  2. For the cabinet. If he is in all the wall and there is an opportunity to climb on it, you can put money in the bag, pull the cabinet in the center and consolidate the rope along the length of the elongated hand so that it is possible to get.
  3. Pot with plants. We pack bills into a waterproof cellophane, lay out around the circle. We take care of flowers as usual.
  4. Written accessories. You can twist money with a tube and decompose on empty markers or wagons. Remove in a writing desk.
  5. Aquarium. We also use waterproof material and place a treasure on the sunken ship or in the underwater castle.
  6. Album with pockets for photo. Unlock bills in the photo. Even if the thief nervously starts smudging books, nothing should fall out.
  7. From the bottom / top of the wooden interior door, we make a hole on the surface of the parallel floor / ceiling in size for a small pack of bills. You can always slip wealth and make scotch.
  8. Threads. Twisting money and soak woolen threads in the form of a round meka. Store with cutting facilities and sew.
  9. On the ceiling. Remove the chandelier, put money through the hole at a possible distance and hang to the chandelier back. Working and suitable for those who can handle electricity.
  10. You can also store bills in Christmas toys. And in the winter, decorate with these "rich" balls a New Year tree.

Robbed apartment but not found where the jewels are hidden

The story of the readers.

We lived with my husband and did not exist in our oddish. But they decided to smear a week at sea. The money was accumulated for this, the vacation was asked. Cat neighbor and flowers there. Tickets are bought, the door is locked and we flew into the distant edges.

Of course, we did not break away from reality. Enjoyed the rest, but they sometimes did not forget to call the neighbor and find out how things. She assured that everything is fine, the cat dirty, the flowers grow, the apartment is in place.

But the week went, we arrive home and what we see? The apartment is turned upside down, some things disappeared, and the door was not on the castle.

I have tears, my husband is rage, and at the neighbor sincere bewilderment. It looks like thieves managed to hack the door so that no one heard and did not see them. Of course, they called the police, there was a statement about theft.

But at least one consolation we had - thieves could not find a cache with money and jewels. We live in the city, so they knew that anything could happen.

Made in the floor, in the tie - deepening, put the iron box with jewels there. Top put a piece of plaster and covered with parquet. A stranger is hard to find this cache.

So we have at least some savings remained safe and preservation.

Editor: In our heading, the Antimospene - many more interesting stories about how to protect your savings.

Well, when there is a snack for a black day. Even better when it is a lot and not only on black, but also on the white day. It is bad that sometimes our blood has species of bad people. And here, any of us who has any cash reserves in your pocket, cares only one question - where to hide money in the apartment so that they do not become the prey of the houses?

They know it

According to the old famous tradition, we are accustomed to hiding money under the mattress or in a row under a stack of towels. Women's logic does not know the borders at all. Solving where you can hide money in the apartment, ladies first run to the kitchen, I sincerely believing that it is that thieves are unlikely to look. And hide money in jars with rice, buckwheat or peas.

Another place where people hide their riches in the hope of saving them, is a drain tank. But alas, and this place of thieves is well known. Books are also hopeless. Perhaps their thieves will not be any difficulty.

If you think that the thief does not make up your underwear, then you are very mistaken. He will make it so met, that even a sock with a hole does not hide it, not the fact that your casual.

For some time, people have become carefully tamped their cash bills into the freezer. But believe me, thieves there will certainly look, even if it threatens to be frostbite.

Where does not hide bills

So, we figured out that the thieves knew perfectly well how to find hidden money in the apartment. Therefore, before thinking where to hide, let's figure it out where not to hide our cash reserves:

  1. First of all, do not try to stubbind them in the bathroom, behind a sink or mirror.
  2. On the mezzanine, too, they do not need to hide them from thieves.
  3. Clothing, mattresses, pillows, underwear will be thoroughly stuck and tack. Therefore, hiding money in the pocket of the fur coat, you risk staying and without money, and without a fur coat.
  4. Carpets on the walls and on the floor are inspected first.
  5. Pictures, cabinets, bedside tables are also subjected to a detailed inspection.

The thieves do not scribble to check even the garbage bin, not to mention the ventilation holes, toilet or basket with dirty things and linen. Therefore, do not hide money in easily accessible places. As a rule, the thieves have no time, so they are looking for immediately where it is easy to climb, raise or move away.

"Citizens, keep money in a savings cassation ..."

The famous phrase from the cult Soviet film "Diamond Hand" as never relevant in today's realities. Perhaps the most reliable way to maintain your capital is a bank, a card, a PIN code ...

Of course, many people, especially the symptoms, do not trust the banks, fear them, preferring to keep money near themselves. But still they can save and even multiply your well-being.

Today, banks are trying to come up with something new in their work with customers, creating various projects by which depositors can receive interest or discounts. Therefore, if the amount is satisfied good, then perhaps it is a great option for storing money.

Safety storage locations

Time is your assistant and enemy of thieves. Well, they do not have so much in stock to overtake and inspect each centimeter of the apartment. Therefore, when you think where it is best to hide money in the apartment, look for the most hard-to-reach places.

Large furniture, for example, a wardrobe or piano, the thieves move will be difficult and reluctant. Therefore, if you hide a large amount, which is ready and will not be supplemented, then shove it where it can only be reached with certain efforts. For example, for a heavy cabinet, well, or under it.

Another good way to save a large amount is a hoax. Divide money into several parts. The main hide into a suitable cache, and small - in easily accessible places. For example, near books, in a box or in clothes. Deciding that it is all that you have and that he is very clever, the thief will leave. At the same time, he still does not defeat the entire apartment.

Plants not only oxygen source

Well, in the apartment, so that no one has found them? Here is a good option. Many hold houses flowers in pots. Home plants enrich air oxygen, soothing the nerves, protect against radiation, like cacti. We will not say all the accuracy of this fact, but the fact that the cactus will be able to protect a certain amount of money is definitely.

Jump gloves, you know how cactus is able to prick hands. If you are the owner of a pushed representative of the plant world, you are lucky. Gently remove it from the ground, do not be afraid, it's hard to harm him. In the most thick, cut down a small hole and insert there wrapped the ventilation tube. Then put it back to your place of residence.

Consider such a cache. And it is good that he does hurt anyone who takes it. Therefore, it is suitable for storing such money that you do not want to pull out every minute to admit that they are your charm. So, where in the apartment to hide reliably money, you already know exactly.

Electrical assistants

"Yes, there will be a light," said the Lord. Since then, many centuries have passed, and people invented electricity. And it is sockets, chandeliers, switches. And this is not only a source of light in our housing, but also excellent caches from a her husband-alcoholic, a smoke wife or houses. I decide where to hide money in the apartment from thieves, do not pass by these small but faithful "safes."

Turn off the light, remove a carefully socket, there you will see a small hollow hole. In order to avoid a fire, finish money in a silicone glove and shove there. Screw the outlet back. By the way, now on sale you can find both a rash stale. It looks like a real one, only inside there is a small box where you can hide money or jewelry. However, be careful, choose a suitable color with the rest so that there are no differences. Otherwise, the thieves will not be difficult to guess that the case is unclean.

Similar procedure can be done with switches. Well, if you have a stretch ceiling, then God himself ordered. Unscrew the chandelier and laid your wealth there. It is unlikely that the thieves will turn off the electricity, unscrew the chandelier, to look for money there and risk your life.

"In the morning chairs, in the evening money ..."

Where to hide money in an apartment from thieves? And furniture to you for what? Chairs, sofas, puffs, chairs - all this thief if they check, then literally on an ambulance hand. They tracked and frightened further in search of treasures. You should simply be a bit of insight.

Remember the proverb? So, in this case, the situation is similar. Shoot your hand away to the foam rubber and gently, preferably a blade, make a slot in it. There in the detailed form to remove the bills. Upholstery of a sofa or armchair can be stapled to nobody, so that no one guessed. Thus, the thieves will be very difficult to grope money.

You can also recall all spy films and attach an envelope with bills under the chair or drawer of the chest with a scotch. Things are thieves, maybe, they spread around the room, but turn the box is unlikely to guess.

Bathroom and toilet are always needed

Bathroom and toilet - our salvation in apartments. This is not a private house to you, where you need to run for 100 meters in need or swim in the river. These 2 small rooms are also suitable in order to hide money in the apartment.

Let's start with the toilet. We do not advise hiding money in the tank, we have already written about it above. But it is possible to hide in a tank with a secret. "And Larchchik just opened" - Remember the Krylova fan? So with us. Opened the tank - they did not find money, and the money and now there. Only not in the tank itself, but in the float. To do this, you need to carefully remove the float, cut it in the middle, hide inside the bills and stick it back with the help of a superclone or lighter.

In the bathroom, too, you can "be frozen", hiding your treasures. Many have such a special eaves to which the curtain hangs so that the splashes are not spilled. So, inside it is hollow. Hide the money there and install the corzeal more. It is unlikely that the thieves want to take a shower.

Another magnificent way, and maybe even the best, is Falstrub. Look carefully on those pipes that are already laid in the bathroom or toilet, buy a similar one. Slisse the bills in it and attach to the rest, as if it was so.

Unexpected places in the apartment

Hide money is not a problem. The problem is to find a place that no one else is guess to check. The main advice we have already given you, everyone described. Now let's see the most unexpected options that thieves will not be able to foresee:

  1. Shoes, especially old. There will be no thieves to try it out or carry it out. Pull the insoles, put the bills, close the insoles.
  2. Kids toys. Even the most cynical thief is unlikely to become a toy. Therefore, you can hide money there. Well, or in a typewriter, asking the Son not to play with her.
  3. Cut in the table, in the kitchen, for example, a narrow hole. Hide money and tighten the edging back.
  4. In aquarium, if any, you can install a castle for fish or shell. Hide your wealth there. Let's hope that the thief in the lunization will pass by.
  5. If a woman lives in the house, let her read this article. She knows exactly what we are talking about. And we are talking about threads for knitting. Let me sweep the motility along with money and removes the needles, spokes and hooks. And away from the cat.

Where to hide money in the apartment so that the thieves do not find them, we cannot say for sure, since they are not less inventive than we. But this is what experts advise to protect their housing from the penetration of other people:

  1. Buy a safe. Not banking, but not children. With a strong lock, squeezed. And be sure to secure it so that it was very problematic in his hands. Let it be a wardrobe, wall behind the same picture or clock, in the extreme case of a battery with a chain.
  2. Install a reliable door. This is not what should be saved. Of course, professionals will open any locks, but do not let it do in 2 seconds, let them suffer.
  3. Tracking sensors, and even better cameras. Not that it is very cheap, but effectively. Not every thief wants to shine its physiognomy.

The Da Vinci Code

In Europe, the thieves are insection, although they are everywhere. But they thought out the sort of code, with which they leave special signs on the doors or walls of the house, sidewalks and borders.

For example, daisy petals suggest that this house should be climbed and there is a lot of good. And the circle, crossed out by the line, on the contrary, means that there is no point in opening the house, for the naught is not available. Other signs can say that the house has already been robbed or that there is a security system and so on.

Our thieves will not hit the face too. They love to depict detectives. Follow the house, behind the owners. Learn their habits and time of absence. So be careful. Sometimes the inclusive light left at night can save from penetration into the dwelling.

Well, you learned where to hide money in the apartment. Now it remains to hope that the thieves will not read this article.

Hello, friends! You need to be able to make money not only to earn, but also to store and multiply. Everyone knows about it. But it is unlikely that there is a universal ideal recipe, how to do it.

Bankers most likely will say that the best way is bank deposits, brokers will offer to invest in stocks and bonds in the stock market, insurance companies - to open storage deposits, etc. And for someone, the most reliable way to save your funds - hide them at home in a secluded place away from foreign eyes.

And, if you believe the data of sociological research, about 40% of Russians do it. They are in the old manner keep money at home, explaining such a choice by the fact that it is convenient and pleasant: the money is always close, you can say "at hand". They can be quickly used in any situation requiring urgent costs.

There are more advantages, for example, in this case, it is not necessary to worry if the bank suddenly falls into the disfavor of the CBB and suddenly go bankrupt, which happens rather often.

But there are fatses:

  • savings stored at home "under the pillow" are not protected from robbers and inflation. In the case of a robbery, the chances of returning their money are reduced to almost zero. In this case, the risk of bankruptcy of the bank or the review of his license seems less dangerous (the chance to return savings from the financial institution is quite high).
  • the temptation is greatly spending savings (or part of them) by the owner himself and ruin the accumulated reserves. Nevertheless, some of the owners of their savings remain unshakable supporters of the way of storing money at home.

But is it possible to hide money reliably? So that nobody found them?

We will not disclose secrets and talk about hidden places, where it is necessary to hide their money and treasures, in order not to take advantage of the attackers. And, on the contrary, we share with you by the advice of experts on where, most often, the apartment robbers are also looking for values \u200b\u200band money and where they certainly do not need to hide their accumulations.

There are places in the apartment that, according to law enforcement agencies, the houses check in the first place. And they do it very quickly, literally minutes for 10-15.


Most often savings are hiding in popular places such as cabinets, wardrobes, dressers, naively believing that the thieves are very difficult to find savings in endless stacks of bed linen, in ducts and pillowcases, in pockets of jackets, trousers, jackets, socks and other clothes, Craved until the next season for storage. Do not doubt, profi-robbers will spend no more than 10-15 minutes.


The second most popular place where you should not keep money - these are books. How quickly your savings will be deleted, it often depends on the number of books in the apartment. If this is a dozen books of favorite writers and poets, lonely standing on the shelf, the probability of finding the hook is approaching 100%. The robber with experience in a few minutes can overflow a whole rack of books. In the library, which occupies a few walls or a whole room, find savings, of course, more complicated. Here their owners have more chances to perfectly hide money in books.

There are other original places in which inventive citizens often hide their savings and which thieves and robbers are well aware of:

  • cakes in sofa lining and pillows;
  • musical instruments (piano, guitar, piano) and furniture;
  • boxes with shoes;
  • behind the frames of the paintings and behind the mirrors;
  • in the drum of the washing machine;
  • in the freezer;
  • in the drain bowl of the toilet;
  • under mattresses and inside mattresses;
  • in empty dishes;
  • garbage bucket and in basket for dirty linen;
  • in the ventilation hole;
  • in shoes;
  • in spices;
  • on antlesol in old things, tools;
  • in flower pots;
  • in video tags and CDs.

Plowing in the underwear and books, most often, uninvited guests will begin to look for your values \u200b\u200bin ventilation or such a well-known even to housewife-toilet plants, as in a flush tank in the toilet.

Does not save from robbers and a small home safe if it is not mounted in the wall or is not attached to the supporting structures. Otherwise, the safe, together with the content, is easy to connect to another, more convenient for its opening place.

Experts do not recommend hiding money into televisions, laptops, multicookers and other homework. These things themselves can be an attractive object for the thief. And then it will be disadvantageously will be doubly - along with a valuable gadget, in which its contents were arranged, its contents will disappear.

There is an opinion that the hardest thing to see and find what lies in sight. But, you will agree, it is unlikely that the thief's magnificent experience will not notice as if prepared for him are neatly folded money and decorations in the beloved crystal vase in the closet. An envelope with money is very easy to detect on the opposite side of the mirror, the beloved paintings, carpet or under the wallpaper.

In detective films about robbery in the room after visiting the thieves, we often show all sorts of saucepans scattered in the kitchen, jars for spices and seasonings, containers for storing cereals with their contents, scattered throughout the floor. Despite the abundance of kitchen items in each apartment, thieves in a short time will check their contents, while not particularly ceremony.

Some subtleties of storage and saving money

To protect your property from robbers, apparently, you have to show a considerable ingenuity and a completely non-traditional approach. After all, almost all the places that could be a cache in the apartment have long been known to the thieves. And even the strongest doors and intricate locks can not always stop the robbers. At best, they will spend more time to penetrate housing.

By the way, on Feng Shui, it is recommended to store its savings in the bags or in red envelopes in the southeastern part of the house. And if there is also a symbol of family wealth next to the storage location - a special frog - then it will increase wealth even more. And their owner will provide a permanent success.

But the experts of law enforcement bodies involved in the consequences of apartment corners are advised:

  • Do not fold all the money in one place. Part can be put there, where, most likely, they will be found thoughts. Perhaps it will satisfy the robbers, and further search will be discontinued.
  • The presence of a reliable safe in the house is an opportunity to reduce the risk. True, a high-quality copy itself costs a lot of money. Sometimes it can be used not for its intended purpose. And rather, in the role of bait, if there is nothing in it. The meaning is that the thieves, trying to open it, will spend pastime.

Traditionally, the number of apartment buildings increases in the summer in the country and the holiday time, as well as on weekends. But even on weekdays, when the owners are not at home, thieves can visit "visit" and get used to your good. How to protect your savings?

  • During a long lack of an apartment, you can connect to the console by concluding an agreement with the security agency, set the door opening sensors, including a loud siren when penetrating the home, reliable signaling.
  • You can leave values, money and important documents for the lack of in the bank cell.
  • Property insurance is another way to protect against the consequences of illegal penetration (read more about it in the article).
  • If you are friends with your neighbors, the most reliable way to protect yourself from the invasion of unreasonable guests is to ask them to look after your absence for your apartment.

In general, financial advisors are advised to be thoughtfully and responsibly approached to the issue of savings and cash savings. And do not recommend to keep them at home (especially in large quantities). To accommodate them, the most reliable and rational methods bringing profit and their increasing amounts should be selected. And so far ...

How to save your money in the long-awaited vacation is an urgent problem for all tourists. Even in the most civilized countries with a friendly population, no one is insured against the rogues-professionals and simply unclean to the hand of people, for example, among the hotel staff.

So, sitting on the hotel. Standard Room: Bed-bed and air conditioning bed. It would seem, hide cash and a card just nowhere. But no wonder all residents of the CIS watched on Sundays "crazy hands" - the mind and fantasy suggest a lot of options. The main rule is if a person is engaged in small steady, it means that he is stupid and no longer suitable for anything. Therefore, overcome the potential thief is very simple.

Great plan

In little less suitable hotels at the entrance to the room hangs the evacuation plan. Often in the frame and under glass. So, on the back and you can attach a bag with money.

Compliment from Chef.

In the bedside table or on the table there is a menu of a local restaurant. This is usually a massive folitic folio with fully ill-cable pages, and most importantly, in a thick opaque cover. It is under it, on the back side, you can stray your blood.

Wireless cache

The remote control from the TV or air conditioner, or rather, the batch for the batteries is also a great place for money. The main thing is not to lose the console.

Do not look down

The envelope or bag with cash can be screwed up to the bottom of the table top, the cabinet or refrigerator.

Money does not smell

Method for more or less decent hotels: Cash money into a roll of toilet paper. The risk is that maid toilet paper can also take home and write off on too wasteful and voracious guests. A more traditional option is a book.

Under the circus dome

Suspended ceiling is the best friend of a suspicious tourist. Raising and shifting one of the panels, any values \u200b\u200bcan be put on the neighboring.

On vacation with scolding

Wall panels and boards are often fastened, the money beneath them is easily placed, and no attacker will disassemble the pubescent.

For brave

Present pros can spin out the socket and use a small space in the wall as a safe. But it is dangerous, especially in Asia and Africa, where there has always been a free relationship to construction technologies and safety techniques. If what, we warned :)


Hide money in inconspicuous personal belongings. For example, you can hide bills on the handle rod. Or put in a closed case from a deodorant, previously cleaned it from the inside. The highest aerobatics is a small plastic tube for drug-vitamins. Instead of content, we put money and something for the sensation of weight, we cover the pair of "native" tablets from above. The inscriptions in an unknown language will definitely scare the thief.

Hold money in a bank - the option is not the most reliable, and finding a jar with pickles on vacation is not easy.

Ok, part of the money in a reliable place, but you don't want to run for them in the room from the beach. And even a small amount to a couple of cocktails and a photo with a monkey still disappoints, at least with an extreme help. How to be?

Classics of the genre

Verified option - money in the bag is imperceptibly picked under a towel or nearby. Mark the place can be pebble or beer can.

Kangaroo method

All valuable is always with you. There are many different waterproof wallets for money and documents. You can attach them on your hand, leg, on the belt or on the chest - a lot of models. Surely find such things in specialized stores for surfers.

Secret Cashechki

Girls have a way tested by centuries - bra. Ideally with pockets for cups, even the volumetric package will not be visible from the side.

Trusted friend

Men can also protect their capital. If there is no special hermetic pocket in melting or bath shorts, a regular small bag is quite suitable, in which banknotes are tied.

Spy Games

If you are lucky, a cache can be organized in the toilet or in a dressing room.

Super cheat

Have a special "fake" wallet. Your old, for example, which is not sorry to throw out. If you fill it for solidity with small Belarusian bills, add a couple of dollars in local currency and put on a prominent place, any villain will bought at the time.

Photo: ThinkStockPhotos.com, Flickr.com

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