What accelerates metabolism. Effective ways to improve the metabolism in the body to lose weight. What affects the metabolism

Finish 31.05.2021

Do not console yourself with a phrase: "Have a nice man should be a lot."

Where do extra kilograms come from? There may be a bad metabolism for one, although if desired it can be accelerated. But what is this exchange such? Let's figure it out.

In the human body, together with food, proteins, fats and carbohydrates fall. Then the amazing process of their conversion occurs in the cells.

How metabolism occurs

This is a chemical process to maintain life. It is also called metabolism. The greater the speed, the greater the calorie body. Simply put, this is the most complicated food process that we use, in energy.

With an insufficient number of enzymes or hormones, the substances are poorly disintegrated and accumulated in the body. There is a process of obesity. Or, on the contrary, the rapid decay. Then there is a strong weight loss and the problem of insufficient weight.

Separate the exchange rate on such types:

We conclude that the metabolic rate is the volume of calories, incinerated for a certain amount of time.

Causes that affect the speed of metabolism

As soon as the suspicion arose that the metabolism was broken, it means that it is necessary to immediately pass tests for hormones.

How to find out what is broken by metabolism? Usually such problems arise Due to incorrect nutrition.

Characteristic signs of violations

Attention should be paid to such an unpleasant symptoms:

Noticing such signs, you should think how to restore your metabolism.

Slow metabolism

There are many factors that brake exchange processes. But the position can be corrected, because there are many ways to speed them up. The main thing is to find out the reason. It can be anything:

The reasons for bad metabolism are clear, but you need to do something.

How to speed up metabolism in the body

The path to normalization will be unprecedented. There are several ways. Why start? Can start with food.

It suggests that it is impossible to starve and sit on a diet, it is possible and you need to eat, but small portions and often. And what isSo in order not to fat and speed up your metabolism?

Products for raising metabolism

For weight loss - you need to eat! Paradox. Let's find out what exactly can be eaten to dispersed the metabolism and lose weight.

Proteins. Do not give up meat, fish and eggs. It is in them a lot of protein contains, which serves as an impetus for the launch of the exchange processes. The body spends a lot of energy to get, transport and assimilate the protein. It is the main building material for muscles that play a significant role in strengthening metabolism.

Cellulose.Beans, vegetables, fruits, cereals. These products are absorbed for a long time, which helps for a long time to keep the level of insulin in the blood at a constant level. Insulin is a hormone, which is responsible for fat reserves on "every case". If insulin is normal, metabolism can accelerate by 10%.

Ginger. The enzyme contained in this product comes to the digestive aid, which contributes to better absorption and transportation of the necessary nutrients. Better absorbed oxygen in the muscles and quickly decreases calories.

Citrus. Oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits are not only tasty, but also very useful. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is improved, excess water and harmful substances from the body are excreted. Cholesterol level in the blood is descended.

Cinnamon . With its constant eating, the level of glucose in the blood drops and the metabolic process is accelerated. Fat stocks disintegrate quickly, which releases the desired energy and promotes weight loss.

Water. With lack of water, the body temperature decreases, which contributes to the slowdown of metabolism. The body is trying to raise or maintain the desired temperature and begins to accumulate fat. In order to avoid this trap, drink more water.

Green tea.The content in this drink caffeine and catechins increase the level of thermogenesis, it enhances the body's energy consumption, and as a result, even more calories are burned, even at rest.

Coffee. In a cup of fragrant drink contains 200 mg of caffeine, which stimulates the CNS. 5-6% increases metabolism to destroy fat stocks.

Folic acid. It is located in the following products: carrots, liver, eggs, beans, wheat bran. When they regularly use the body is cleared, metabolic processes are accelerated and the immune system is improved.

Chromium. This trace element is rich: onion, cabbage, corn tomatoes, buckwheat, rye, oats, peas, beans. Including these products in your menu, you can guarantee the burning of carbohydrates and fats. Good assistant insulin, reduces blood sugar levels.

Calcium. Actively participates in the digestion and delivery of the necessary substances into the cells. Displays excess fat from the body. It should be included in its diet sesame sesame, dairy products, poppy, rosehip and beans.

This, of course, is not the entire list of products that will make your figure thinner.

Acceleration of metabolism with physical exertion

Movement is life. Another way to lose weight. To burning calories lead all movements. So you should keep a more active lifestyle. It is better not to go to the elevator, but climb the stairs.

Hiking will only benefit. You can walk a couple of stops after work.

Even the work on the house helps to destroy the extra calories.

Of course, force loads will lead to higher results. This is an exercise for the growth of muscle mass.

You can perform intensive workouts. It is focused on exercises with rapid and intense approaches.

The most impatient wants to get results as quickly as possible. To do this, there are different drugs to accelerate metabolic processes.

Magic preparations for faster metabolism

These wonderful pills include:

All of the above drugs entail a pot of harm and problems.

  1. It will require more food.
  2. Will not fall asleep to a certain time.
  3. Create a positive emotional background.

Excessive acceleration is also stress, and the body will also try to stabilize, which will lead to the following factors:

  • A sharp decline in mood.
  • Permanent drowsiness.
  • Reducing appetite.
  • deterioration of the skin, hair, nails.
  • Reducing vitality.
  • Risk of developing diseases of digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine systems.

If you take too long a body from the balance, then you can get a violation of metabolism.

In this case, the body ceases to resist changing the metabolic rate and begins to increase turns.

In case the exchange is accelerated, it will accelerate even more. And, if you hungry for a long time, the body can go into "sadness and sadness", which will lead to a stable slowdown and the deposition of fatty tissues.

Violation of metabolism usually occurs when a change in power plans and physical activity is too sharp, or when improper balancing. For example, in the case when the number of incoming nutrients is not balanced, and it cannot adapt to new conditions.

Otherwise, the essence of the metabolic adaptation is in one simple fact: after weight loss, you should always have a set and vice versa!

How can I improve the metabolism

If you want to speed up the metabolism for weight loss at home, then for a start, you can try to balance it, and, therefore, improve. For this, it is not necessary to chase some sophisticated diet. Just try the following recommendations:

  1. Try to reduce the number of rapid carbohydrates and review your diet.
  2. Pights more often than 1 time per day (the optimal number of meals are 5 - 6).
  3. Normalize the amount of sleep. At least 8 hours + 1-2 hours Seside.
  4. Increase the amount of protein in your diet.

The protein can help in accelerating and improving metabolism, as protein molecules are fats transport cells, which helps to digest oily food and take it as slags.

In addition, the abundance of the protein will allow to run all the functions of the body, which will increase the energy consumption per day.

Well, and finally, an abundance of water and fiber can help to improve metabolism. Eat salads, and drink them with water. The fiber will allow you to link extra nutrients and safely derive them without disrupting the rate and rhythm of metabolism.

Acceleration of metabolism

Now we come to the most important thing, namely, to direct acceleration of metabolism.

Note: Following the further principles set out in the article, try to switch to the specified power modes, workouts, sleep, etc. smoothly, since in this case you reduce the risk of violation, and you can better control your body, which ultimately will allow you to achieve goals.

Why need to accelerate the metabolism for an ordinary person. There are only 3 reasons for which this step is justified by:

  1. Emergency slimming. Yes, usually, when accelerating substances, you can free up excess energy that the body will spend - which will lead to more rapid weight loss.
  2. Weight set. This is important for the so-called hardgeuner who cannot gain muscle mass. Acceleration of metabolism will increase the synthesis of protein fibers from the resulting amino acids, which will increase the beneficial weight of the athlete.
  3. Constant weakness. Sometimes slow metabolism is not at all bad weight, but a lack of energy. People are accustomed to using caffeine to produce additional energy, but this can be done with the help of acceleration of metabolism.

Direct acceleration with exercise

The most efficient way to disperse your metabolism is a direct impact on metabolic processes. This is done by strengthening the processes of additional oxidation in the heart muscle (- the textbook "Sports biochemistry", Mikhailov). To do this, it is necessary to increase the rhythm of its reduction. Everything is very simple - the faster the heart beats, the more intense the body works. It always works.

Power loads

It is precisely about heavy basic exercises that women do not like. However, they are necessary for one simple reason. Power loads are a powerful stimulator leading to an improvement in metabolicism.

  1. Physical exhaust exhausts all glycogen. As a result, the body seeks to replenish it (due to food or due to adipose tissue).
  2. This leads to a large insulin emission after a workout, which opens the fabric.
  3. Next, after closing the carbohydrate window, a powerful inflammatory process begins.
  4. Muscles that have received microtravum begin recovery.
  5. This in turn creates a powerful anabolic background.
  6. When trying to overcome inflammation and create a platform for a superservation, the body is highly accelerated for a speedy return to normal.
  7. In the aggregate, it stimulates the production of the male hormone of testosterone, which in a psycho-emotional level improves well-being and makes a person energetically.
  8. As a result, an increased calorie consumption, and the acceleration of all processes in the body.

As can be seen, hourly power loads accelerate metabolism three times a week, and their effect is preserved for several days.

Aerobic loads

A separate mention deserve aerobic loads. They use this level of heart rhythm, in which the fat depot is opened even without insulin, which allows for a short time to overclock the metabolism without large catabolic effects. In fact, at this time, the heart muscles are directly powered by fat cells.

Important moment: Cannot eat food closer than 40 minutes before aerobic load. Otherwise, insulin sealing new energy into a fat depot will not allow to pull out energy from it.

Changing the power plan

You can still speed up the metabolism in the body using nutrition. The easiest way is to change the power plan. If you are not accustomed to count calories or stick to a specific diet, try simply adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. We break all the food that you consume per day, for more receptions.
  2. Try to use more natural food.
  3. Use more complex carbohydrates.

This will be enough to speed up the metabolic reaction. The more often you eat - the faster the metabolism.

Important: Try not to exceed the number of snacks 7 times a day, as this can lead to a violation of the pancreas.

Failure to starvation

Very often, people seeking to lose weight, begin to restrict themselves in nutrition. Sometimes diets imply critical malnutrition in the form of a shortage of 70% calorie. All this they recommend damping with water or chamomile tea. Yes, in the short term, such starvation will help relieve 1-2 kilograms, but in a longer period, metabolic adaptation will come in the form of a global slowdown.

The main thing, even if you do not feel a feeling of hunger, the stomach must constantly work.

This can help salads and protein products (which are clearly cleaving, but at the same time equal to the energy value of carbohydrates).

Increase the amount of liquid consumption

As we have already written, an enlarged amount of fluid consumption can help dispersed the metabolism several times.

The essence lies in the fact that any incoming liquid has an intermediate state in our organism.

It becomes part of the blood. Excessive fluid consumption will allow to disperse the blood according to the body, which, in turn, leads to the acceleration of metabolism. Well, and, of course, extinguishing the excess fluid stimulates the entire excretory system.

With increased fluid consumption, be extremely attentive - try not to consume more than 4 liters of fluid and follow the salt and mineral balance. Since in the case of the depletion of minerals in the blood, the body will enter the protective phase and will begin to slow down the metabolism instead of accelerating it.

Artificial Stimulants Direct Access

Another way that is used to overclock the metabolism are artificial stimulants.

This includes:

  1. Energy.
  2. Fat burners.
  3. Adrenaline and norerange substitutes.
  4. Nicotine.

Consider the effect of each of them.

  1. Energy drinks is an integrated approach that allows simultaneously launching lipolysis and dispersed the heart muscle. In addition, they have a huge amount of antioxidants, which leads to oxidation of fatty tissues. As a result, a small insulin emission (thanks to the sugar), a small emission of adrenaline (associated with hypoxy due to the availability of CO2 in beverages), and the acceleration of the heart muscle. All this allows for a short period (up to 4 hours), dispersed the metabolism.
  2. The fat burners are essentially the same energy, only with displacement to oxidation of fatty acids. Energy enters the body not by stimulating the heart, but by creating a positive balance of glucose in the blood. As a consequence, when using fat burners, it is necessary to increase the load (thereby stimulating the flow rate of kilocalorius).
  3. Adrenaline and Noranedrenalin are natural optimizers of the body in case of stress. The body falls into an extremely stressful situation, in view of which it launches all systems by 120%, which leads to a temporary acceleration of metabolism. It is important to understand that in this case, the acceleration leads full exhaustion, and as a result, a strong slowdown will come after such an acceleration.
  4. Nicotine. And here everything is somewhat more complicated. Yes, cigarettes really help to lose weight. But for those who prefer a healthy lifestyle - nicotine can be replaced with vitamin B6 (, nicotinic acid). What happens to the body in this case? Acid stimulates the release of gastric juice, which is perceived by the body as a new meal. As a result, the discovery of insulin cells and a decrease in feeling of hunger. Energy comes from fat stocks.

Sleep effect on metabolic rate

How else can you improve metabolism? One way is to normalize sleep mode. Our body is not only a machine, but also a computer that periodically needs a reboot.

In particular, during wakefulness in the brain and muscles, life products that interfere with normal functioning are accumulated and are ballast.

In addition, the energy efficiency of food consumed is significantly reduced. All this is stress for the body, and it seeks to optimize its own resources to save energy. Naturally, therefore, not sleeping people are always sluggish, and sometimes even badly concerned. In order to speed up metabolism, use 2 tricks:

  1. Regardless when you go to bed, strive to normalize the amount of sleep on the 4-hour cycle. The optimal option is two 4-hour cycles at night (i.e. 8 hours of sleep).
  2. Before bedtime, the use of casein protein is recommended. Casein allows you to stimulate digestion at night, performing two functions at the same time. Increases calorie flow at night and nourishes the necessary muscle amino acids.

Do not strive to replace caffeine and other energy powers. Since after a sharp acceleration of life, there comes a rollback that can last much longer, and the resulting stress will lead to a systematic and stable slowdown of metabolism. People who constantly drink coffee, if they do not drink a cup a day, then their metabolism will not be attended and, as a result, they will not be able to enter the working mode, which will affect their performance.

Products affecting the metabolic rate

In order to change the speed of metabolism, it is not necessary to use extreme methods. To begin with, you can use products accelerating metabolism.

Product Operating principle Recommendations for use
SugarLaunches insulin synthesis - opens the cells, produces energy.3-5 grams hour each hour after each meal.
Hot peppersRuns digestive processes.Abundantly supply food with this ingredient.
Green vegetables
SaladThe fiber starts an additional cycle of digestive processes, you can speed up metabolism due to additional meals with zero calorie.Separate meals 2-3 times.
TomatoesThe fiber starts an additional cycle of digestive processes, you can speed up metabolism due to additional meals with zero calorie.Separate meals 2-3 times.
FruitsThese are sources of fructose - low-calorie fast carbohydrate. Which, together with an abundance of fluid, accelerates metabolism.Replace all the usual sweet to fruit.
KefirEqual milk products are sources of protein participating in digestion. A large amount of fluid stimulates the acceleration of metabolism and blood purification ..1-2 times a day on an empty stomach.
YogurtEqual milk products are sources of protein participating in digestion. A large amount of fluid stimulates the acceleration of metabolism and blood purification.1-2 times a day on an empty stomach.
Product with negative calorie - introduces the body into a stupor. In an attempt to digest it, additional resources are involved, which increases the rate of metabolism.100 grams of celery together with green vegetables.
RootNatural antioxidant. Causes a tide of gastric acid, which is perceived as an additional meal.
Broth Romashki.Normalization of metabolism.In the form of tea - at least 2 times a day.
Strong teaDirect stimulator increasing heart rate.Up to 250 mg in terms of pure caffeine.
Sour juicesCauses a tide of gastric acid, which is perceived as an additional meal.250 ml 2-3 times a day.

Note: It is not necessary to take all these products in one day. List is exclusively for recommendation purposes with an explanation of the impact of certain substances on the body.

Proper power plan for acceleration of metabolism

If you are looking for a way to rapid slimming, remember the following nutritional principles:

  • Creating a calorie deficit.
  • Reducing the number of rapid carbohydrates in nutrition.
  • Increase the number of food meals.
  • Increased water consumption.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Caffeine.

An exemplary power plan can serve as a carbohydrate alternation or the following approach:

Sizes of portions choose themselves based on the daily deficiency of calorie.

Consider a Read more:

  1. The first meal accelerates the heart. Fiber and carbohydrates stimulate the emission of the first insulin. In addition, complex carbohydrates are digested for a long time, which allows for a long time not to feel hunger.
  2. Additional insulin emission. With low calorie fruit, the adipose tissue will be released from the depot, which will give an additional charge of energy.
  3. Abundant amount of fluid with an abundance of fiber and vitamin C. Allows you to increase blood volume (which will result in excessive fluid release). Plus protein to stimulate digestive enzymes.
  4. Insulin emission stimulation.
  5. Casein protein is very digested by the body for a very long time. As a result, when you fall to sleep, the body will not too slow down the metabolism in attempts to split low-fat curd, which will increase the cost of night calorie content by 20-25%. Read more about.

In case the metabolism overclocking is needed for a set of muscle mass, increase the amount of carbohydrates and protein in accordance with the correct power plan.


Whatever purpose you have set itself in sports, weight loss or any other type of activity, remember the most important difference between the rapid, normal and correct metabolism:

  1. Fast metabolism. It is characterized by the highest amount of energy consumed and waste, it is necessary to constantly feed the body not only by carbohydrates, but also by other minerals and microelements (Source - Wikipedia).
  2. Proper metabolism. It is not associated with speed, the basis is the balanced admission of all micro and macroelements, which allows the body to function for all 200% percent.
  3. Normal metabolism. This is what mode your functioning is genetically laid. No matter how you eat, no matter how sought to disperse / slow down, improve the metabolism, the body will still return to the balance state at which it will feel the most comfortable. That is why people who rapidly lose weights, or held a sports form, while moving from the regime, restore its original balance.

And finally, if it is very long to maintain a certain rhythm and the type of metabolism, then over time it can find a new balance point. So, if you sit on a diet for weight loss for several years, then the body will not immediately start typing new kilograms after changing the power mode, sleep and loads. Therefore, many athletes manage to keep part of the form after the end of the career and faster to restore it when returning to the previous regime.

In continuation of the consideration of the main metabolic processes passing through the body to achieve the parameters of the perfect body, many are faced with the main problem - the features of exchange processes in their own organism. Therefore, many immediately begin to search on the Internet, how to speed up metabolism. However, is this faithful approach, and is it worth accelerating it? Is it possible to achieve the necessary condition without accelerating metabolism? We will try to figure out with you.

Types of metabolism

Before you consider how it is possible to speed up the metabolism, you need to understand the main postulates of metabolism and understand whether the metabolism should be accelerated in general.

So, there are 8 main categories of metabolism:

Type of metabolism His essence
Normal Normal metabolism is the natural state of our body, genetically and hormonally resolved thanks to natural evolution processes, and depending on our lifestyle and nutrition. Regardless of your goals, any change from this parameter will be considered stress for the body, and it will strive to return to return to its original state.
Balancing Balanced by the acceleration and deceleration of metabolism. In contrast to the previous type, it is characterized by artificial condition, and this is a combination of factors to counteract the body (aspiring to normalize metabolic processes), and forced changes in terms of nutrition, workout plan, quantities of sleep and other factors.
Disabled The metabolism undertaken is the first stage of the start of the formation of balancing metabolism. The body does not always have time to change in the lifestyle of a person. And when he strives to speed it up / slow down, this process can pass unevenly, which will be characterized by the dismissal of some regulatory factors.
Related The main characteristics are excessively frequent food intake, an increased load on the pancreas, on the secrets of insulin, the thyroid gland, the gastrointestinal tract. Increased load on the heart muscle. Change in lipid formation processes. Violation of the hormonal background, in the direction of increasing catabolic reactions.
Delayed The subspecies of the disabled metabolism. The main characteristics are lowering the energy balance in the body. Infringement in the development of ATP, changing the processes of lipidoid formation, reduce mobility, constant drowsiness. The tendency to the set of unnecessary fat layers. Reduced load on all systems. Usually the result of sedentary work.
Fast Fast is the subspecies of normal metabolism, characterized by prevailing catabolic processes over anabolic, and most importantly - all organs work in normal mode. It is not balancing, which means change and reactions can lead to disorders in metabolism. The power layout is to continue overclocking metabolism and not slow down it, as it allows you to increase anabolism without changing the functioning of the main power systems.
Vassed Draised metabolism - the most dangerous stage. The thing is that our anabolic-catabolic scales always strive to balance each other. Therefore, the acceleration-deceleration, always need to be carried out smoothly, so that the body does not exit the balancing state. At the same time, with a sharp change in metabolic processes in the body under the influence of external factors, the scales may break. We are talking about excessive and long overclocking / deceleration, or just about sharp inputs and outputs from a diet (power plan / training mode). Restore the disturbed metabolism without the help of nutritionists, doctors and endocrinologists is almost impossible, due to the fact that the body does not respond poorly to any attempts of change, since it does not have a balancing catabolic / anabolic counterway, which leads to sharp changes characterized by a constant freelancer of all organs , and the complete non-emptyness of the body to change.
Slow It is one of the most favorable metabolic species for a person. A characteristic feature is a need for a thin nutrition planning, to reduce lipidoid formation. The advantage of slow metabolism is the possibility of fixing the resulting form, in a smaller need for nutrients. And the most important thing is possible to carry out more controlled corrections in terms of food, which will make it possible to more precisely regulate the anabolic processes passing within the framework of the main metabolism.

As can be seen from the table, fast metabolism is good for an athlete. But not always well accelerate metabolism. So, for those who strive to lose weight, you need to understand that the acceleration of metabolism is a large load for the body, which it will strive to compensate for any available way, which will lead to a tireless struggle for each extra kilogram. It also concerns those who want to type high-quality muscle mass with slow metabolism by accelerating metabolic processes.

Conclusion: overclocked metabolism It is not always good, as it makes the body work at the limit of its capabilities, which can then not very well affect the health as a whole, and according to the total, such an excessive acceleration of metabolism can give reverse results.

Acceleration methods

When we talk about how to overclock the metabolism, it is worth understanding that we do not strive to break it, but only to withdraw from the state of equilibrium in such a way that the subsequent balancing state does not exhausively have a fully and all weight loss is not allowed to roll back and combat themselves. There are several basic ways to improve and disperse metabolism:

  • Forced stimulation of the heart muscle.
  • Use of adrenaline stimulants.
  • Use analog adrenaline stimulators (energy, caffeine, etc.)
  • The use of thermal generics, which will increase the basal flow, and therefore will accelerate the metabolic processes in the body.
  • Changes in bulk balance due to increased fluid consumption.
  • Creating additional stressful situations, as a result of which the optimization of the body of the body will be launched, but the extension of new energy consumers.

Physical activity

Physical exertion are the main stimulus at the same time both for weight loss and for a set of muscle mass. However, it is necessary to remember that at the same time pick up muscles and burn fat - it is impossible, and various approaches are used for this. Why do physical exertion have a favorably affect the metabolic processes themselves, besides this, accelerating them and not deriving out of the initial balance sheet?

With an increase in the overall level of physical exertion:

  • The frequency of heart rate increases, which in turn leads to the fact that the body begins to force the blood in the body faster, introducing and deriving livelihoods.
  • Cortisol hormone level increases, which increases catabolic processes in the body.
  • In the process of recreation - begins the synthesis of additional testosterone for balancing cortisol.
  • Glycogen and fat is intensified, which get into the blood increase the total energy load on all systems, which leads to the factor that the body, is faster in oxygen and sugar saturation.
  • Stimulates the synthesis of new protein structures, which are the main energy consumables in the body. In order to feed them, they need to eat more often and more, which indirectly affects the speed of metabolism.

Changing the power plan

The optimal solution to accelerate metabolic metabolic metabolic processes associated with the body's vital activity will be the change in the power plan. To do this, exist both special diets and individual food selection.

Consider what basic signs should have a diet to overclock the metabolism in a person who is not engaged in sports:

  1. The most important thing is the absence of food caloric deficiency. In the presence of a deficiency in caloric content of food, the body would not be tricky, instead of overclocking, metabolism will begin to gradually slow down in order to maintain its own resources and actually survive.
  2. If the main goal is to lose weight, with the help of extreme restriction of nutrient nutrients, the whole diet must be interval. 2 days of ultrafast acceleration due to the increase in calories and the number of meals. 3-5 days Increasing the number of food intakes with a sharp nutritional limitation for energy value.
  3. An increase in the number of food meals is 2-3 times relative to the initial power plan.
  4. Dog separation for fractional elements.
  5. Eating quickly digestible food.
  6. A sufficient level of fluid in the body.
  7. A large number of products with high fiber.

For athletes everything is somewhat simpler. Diet to accelerate metabolism implies only an increase in the number of food intakes while maintaining a total power caloric deficiency.

Planning proteins

Those who want to understand how to speed up the exchange of substances for weight loss, you need to close to the layout of your nutrition on nutrients. It is important to understand that not all proteins, fats and carbohydrates contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body of a particular individual. Here everything is quite individually, and that for one can be salvation, for the other will be torment. However, simple recommendations should be followed:

To accelerate metabolism using protein products:

  • Proteins should be distributed in different types during the day. In the morning and in the afternoon, it must be quick whey proteins that will allow faster to start the synthesis of useful amino acids and digestive enzymes.
  • At night, it must be long-term casein proteins.

Planning fat

As for the laying planning in nutrition for weight loss and how to speed up the metabolism in the body, everything is quite simple here.

  1. On short-term diets completely abandon omega 6 fatty polyunsaturated acids.
  2. Refuse trans fat.
  3. Refuse fat with a polymorphic saturated structure.
  4. Provide a sufficient influx of omega 3 fats.

Products - accelerating metabolism among fats - this is omega 3 acids. They are contained in:

  • Fish fat.
  • Olive oil not subjected to heat treatment
  • Linen oil not subjected to heat treatment
  • Unrefined sunflower oil non-heat treatment
  • Coconut Butter not subjected to heat treatment

For a long-term change in the plan, it is not necessary to completely abandon omega 6 polyunsaturated acids, it suffices to provide a balance 3: 1 in relation to the consumption of omega 3.

Fats - are the main regulator of the hormonal system. And the main stimulator of overclocking is testosterone, which affects the synthesis of the main energy consumer in the body - protein. The more useful fats, the more cholesterol, there is more testosterone, and therefore more proteins.

Well, and most importantly, do not interfere with the fats with carbohydrates, since under the emission of insulin, the liver begins to work very specific way, which will slow down the achievement of the result with the general acceleration of metabolism by insulin injections.

Planning carbohydrates

As for the planning of carbohydrates for the overall acceleration of metabolism, everything is more complicated here than it seems. The thing is that carbohydrates themselves are accelerators of metabolism. At the same time, all this is two sides of the same medal. In particular, the large consumption of fast carbohydrates leads to energy exhaustion, in view of the fact that energy is not spent and locked in a fatty depot.

Therefore, how it would not sound strange, to accelerate metabolism, you need to use slow complex carbohydrates, which will slow down the body for a long time, and consequently block the possibility of starting the optimization processes to slow down the exchange processes in the body. At the same time, sugar and other fast carbohydrates can be used in an unlimited quantity in 20-30 minutes to the training complex.

Sample Power Plan

Editorial note: This power plan is given solely for example, to show how the recommendations, the data in the previous sections are implemented in practice.

Total calorie diet: 2000.

Number of meals 7.

Priority BPU 80/15/5.

1st meal:

  1. Cup of coffee / tea
  2. Belkaya fried eggs from 3 eggs, minus yolks.
  3. 2-3 sugar spoons.

2nd meals:

3rd food intake.

Light vegetable soup (order of 1st liter). It should no potato, and cereals. Meat and vegetables.

4th meal.

Protein cocktail, or apple. Half-liter mineral water.

5th eating:

Fruit juice + portion of rapid fructose carbohydrates. Dietary baking is possible for diabetics.

6th meal.

Protein cocktail, or apple. Half-liter mineral water.

7th eating:

  1. Degreased cottage cheese - 250-350 grams.
  2. Cup Cocoa without sugar
  3. Dark chocolate without sugar - 100 grams.


There are some tricks that help in the short term improve and speed up metabolic processes in the body.

  1. Drink more fluid. When passing water consumption, the blood changes its composition, can carry more oxygen, and the renal energy consumption is further increasing to maintain the desired thickness, which speeds up all metabolic processes.
  2. Drink more caffeine, which is directly an alternative to physical exercises, as it increases the frequency of heart abbreviations, and as a result, accelerates metabolism.
  3. Fit correctly. In this case, even without acceleration, the normalization of metabolic processes will lead you to the desired result.
  4. Refuse fat food. Digestion of fats, and the release of energy from them is one of the most complex processes for our body.
  5. More fiber.
  6. Keep the calorie balance. Do not do too large deficit. This can lead to optimization processes that directly affect the rate of exchange of substances.

Summing up

In fact, the reason for excess weight should be sought not in the speed of metabolism, but in the reasons that initially led to a slowdown. If this is the abuse of harmful food, it is enough just to abandon it. If this is a surplus of calorie content - cut. If the change in the plan of metablicity, then it must be not accessed, but to understand how to improve metabolism. After all, in fact, there is a chief myth of rapid metabolism.

Accelerated metabolism in the human body still does not indicate his hoodoob, as well as he will lose weight. This is just a larger energy capacity and consumption of each individual cell tank. This means that with rapid metabolism, all processes are faster. Starting on what everyone's seeking is slimming, and ending with the sediments of adipose tissue.

You noticed that people suffering from pathological obesity are not at all slow metabolism. They simply use tens of thousands of cyocalories per day. So, for example, a man listed in the Guinness Book of Records, as the biggest in the world - used about 12,000 kokalorias per day, of which most of them took place on Sweet Pepsi Kola, which quickly created a surge in insulin and glucagon, which in turn led to even more Acceleration of metabolism.

It was worth him only to abandon the cola, as his weight rapidly flew down. Then, of course, the diet adjustment and addition of minimal physical activity followed. However, as a result, he slowed his metabolism more than 7 times, and about a year fought with the consequences of the fact that his body, without having a counterweight levers, could not stabilize the work of the hormonal, gastric system, and all organs worked on the grain of their capabilities.

Let's take the truth in the eye, mentally remembering how many emotions, energy and strength you may, of course, have already left to become slim and healthy. Remember how many times you had to face the huge proposal of diets.

Perhaps you have repeatedly suggested to count calories and just eat the fact that before? It was so? Or can you remember anything like that (pills, pills, berries)? ... well, you will agree finally, it all sounds too beautiful to be true. Familiar to all and one of the fashionable Cosmopolitan magazines in his article competently described the whole process of how easily seduce you on these ridiculous ways of weight loss, simply submitting you, fraudulently, recommendations of the next star.

And I would like today and right now to reveal the truth about the right and healthy weight loss. Give me just a few minutes and you will learn the best products reinforcing metabolism and helping you to cope with overweight on a lot faster.

And in fact, they work! Just need to change your habits in nutrition and add some important products as your metabolism improve and you can burn several hundred calories per day, for example 200-300. How do you? ... And combined such a power plan with several physical exercises, you can simply become a star in the next few weeks. Before we proceed to these amazing products accelerating our metabolism, let's find out a little more about our metabolism and what it is ...

What is metabolism?

Most likely, you have already had to read many sites and blogs on this topic and how to increase your metabolism. However, let's see ...

According to the medical center "Nohaumed": metabolism - these are certain chemical transformations that occur in our body from the moment of the intake of nutrients and until the final products of all transformations and transformations are output from the body into an external environment. Speeding strictly scientific language, metabolism (metabolism) - a set of chemical reactions arising in a living organism to maintain its livelihoods. The processes combined with metabolism, allow any body to develop and multiply, maintain all its structures and respond to environmental impacts. Simple words, this is the process that turns everything you drink and eat into energy.

Even when we alone, we need energy for breathing, recovery of cells and pumping blood to our organs. And this is about 70% calories that we burn every day! Of course, body sizes, gender, genetics and age, mainly affect the metabolic rate, as well as your level of physical activity. However, there are some foods that are capable of drowning our calories like fire. Let's go to the case ...

Products enhancing metabolism

If you hold a balanced nutrition plan and regularly work or do some even the simplest movements, but still does not lose weight, as fast as you would like to accelerate metabolism by incorporating the following foods (and drinks) in your diet.

1. Water

You most likely read and know that the water is very important in the correct weight reduction. We can say that this is the strongest ingredient of any healthy menu. By the way, remember the water formula from chemistry? ...

The old good H2O is not only able to fill you when there is a deceptive feeling of hunger, but also perfectly helps you burn calories. The US National Institute in one of the studies showed that the use of only 0.5 liters of water can increase metabolism by 24% - 30%, by 1.5 hours approximately. Therefore, you can try to drink this amount of water before each meal, half an hour before meals. Some argue that some people it allows you to lose 44% more weights for a 12-week period than those people who do not. In addition to the acceleration of your metabolism, water increases the feeling of satiety, so do not abuse it.

2. Green tea

Green tea is one of my most favorite drinks. When it came to losing weight, he helped me 100%. This is one of the best drinks to speed up your metabolism. It improves metabolism, accelerates metabolic processes and removes toxins and slags from the body. Thus, the weight is reduced naturally without harm to health and even with benefit. It is also known that the process of weight loss on green tea is not only due to the improvement of metabolism. Green tea displays an excessive fluid from the body due to a soft diuretic action.

Of course, I will be honest, tea will not be able to burn most calories, but additional 50 - 60 calories are quite easy. And in conjunction with other products, this process will accelerate even more. Green tea contains catechins. These are the strongest antioxidants of plant origin, which contribute not only to the increase in metabolism, but also important in the prevention of many diseases of the vessels, hearts and others. Green tea is an important drink in improving the overall state of health and weight loss!

3. Spicy products

Here you can say one thing - eat more sharp spices! The best of the best is chili pepper, Khalapen and Kayensky. These sharp monsters are able to significantly strengthen your metabolism. But the whole thing in the colorless element of capsaicine, which carries the entire burden of responsibility for the most beneficial properties of sharp peppers, including the metabolism.

When you eat sharp pepper or taking capsaicin as a food additive, it can help improve digestion, enhance the release of gastric juice and struggling with bacteria that can cause infection. Although these sharp peppers give a rather small increase in metabolism (about 8%), do not forget also that they can also increase the feelings of satiety and save you from overeating. Try adding some spicy spices to your porridge, stew vegetables or make a drink for weight loss-filled with antioxidants. If you are not very familiar with the benefit of the health of sharp products, pay attention to the article - 6 bomb facts about why acute food is so useful for you

4. Broccoli.

About the benefits of broccoli can say a lot. You can use the case and see the article about all the unique properties of broccoli cabbage. I'm sure you do not know much about this cruciferous vegetable. Broccoli packed with nutrients and boasts countless advantages for your health. Even if you do not pay for many of its useful properties, I strongly recommend adding broccoli to your power plan regularly. It has already been proven that broccoli antioxidants are capable of fighting free radicals, winning many inflammation in the body. Thus, it helps our immune system to strengthen the metabolism without much effort. Of course, some of other cruciferous similar to this cabbage, such as cauliflower, and will also help raise your metabolism.

5. Coconut oil

Remember, not so long ago we have proven with you that coconut oil is one of the best oils of plant origin. It contains a large number of healthy fats that are able to raise our metabolism to a completely new level. So, if you want to increase your metabolism, choose coconut oil. As we have segregated, coconut oil does not highlight carcinogens about heating time, which will contribute to your correct weight loss. However, the research has proven its effectiveness. So participants (31 people) who consumed coconut oil for 16 weeks instead of olive, burned fat around the abdomen more than it could be. If you seriously engaged in the question of weight loss, you should consider this option in the cooking of dishes in your kitchen.

6. Avocado

Coconut oil not only improves metabolism, but also adds more healthy fats to our power plan. However, avocado deserves places on your product loss list. This creamy fruit is a rich source of L-carnitine, amino acids found in the liver. It contributes to a better fat exchange and fat burning. I do not know how you, but for me avocado is a frequent ingredient in my salads and especially green smoothies. If you are not very familiar with this product, I suggest you give him a chance. And be sure to look at the article about all its useful properties - is avocado useful? ... or 20 reasons to fall in love with avocado!

7. Brazilian walnut

Brazilian nuts also contain a large number of healthy fats that are very useful for our heart. In addition, they are an excellent source of Selena. One nut contains up to 137% of the recommended daily consumption. You will now imagine what we are talking about. This is a real find for each healthy diet. Selen in turn supports our thyroid gland responsible for regulation of metabolism. However, you should not exercise a stick. It is worth remembering that too much selenium can be dangerous to health. Just be taking 2 - 3 Brazilian nuts per day, for competent weight loss.

8. Walnuts

These nuts are also very helpful. They contain Kolo 7 g of protein for 30 g of nuts, which makes them an excellent choice to improve metabolism. Walnuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which, as it turned out to affect your metabolism positively. Enjoy walnuts, sprinkling salads or oatmeal in the morning.

9. Seeds of Chia.

These tiny seeds will give you a maximum of nutrients with minimal calorie consumption. They not only benefit the digestive system and heart, but are ready to increase the metabolic rate significantly. Just like walnuts, chia seeds are filled with omega-3 fatty acids. They contain both soluble and insoluble fibers that stabilize blood sugar levels and raise your metabolism faster. As F-Journal writes, thanks to its ability to absorb a large amount of moisture, Chia seeds give a feeling of satiety, warning the overeating, easily absorbed and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Food fibers and fiber that they are rich, improve intestinal motorcycles, remove toxins from the body, so the seeds of Spanish sage can become an excellent assistant for those who want to lose weight or save weight.

10. Ginger

I confidently can say that Superfood appeared before us! Dr. Oz argues that ginger increases the body temperature and the level of metabolism by as much as 20% after we eat it. Ginger also helps well in digestion and can even increase the feelings of satiety.

11. Oatmeal

It seems to me that many morning begins with a plate of oatmeal. Or I'm wrong? ... Write in the comments under the article that you prefer for breakfast.

If you start your morning, you are not mistaken. Oatmeal from the morning will help resolve blood sugar levels and raise your metabolism.

Only when choosing porridges. Read the label. Not all cereals are created equal. There are some ready-made porridges with dried fruits, but at the same time contain sugar, which all your attempts to lose weight is great, will reduce it.

Other cereals, such as buckwheat, millet, brown rice, rye will also help you increase metabolism.

12. Lentils

It turns out that not only the meat is an excellent source of protein. Yes, and lentils can largely surpass it, for example, on fiber. It is also a super source of iron. And it in turn increases the level of hemoglobin and plays an important role in the exchange of substances of the body.

One cup of cooked lentils contains 37% of your daily iron needs. Lentils also refers to rich fiber products that have a beneficial effect on the health of our heart.

This croup also acts as a natural appetite suppression means.

You can also add some other legumes to your diet, because they carry tons of useful elements.

13. Lemons

As I mentioned in my article about 13 advantages of lemon juice for your health, this is a great way to speed up metabolism. They also increase immunity, reduce the bloating of the abdomen and carry many other values \u200b\u200bfor health and slender figure.

Not everyone can eat lemon due to the fact that it is very sour. But add 1 - 2 tablespoons of lemon juice into a glass of warm water from the morning will help you squeeze this fruit maximum benefit. Be sure to look at the article -

You can also squeeze his juice into your salads or make fresh vegetable slimming juice.

14. Greens

Vegetables, such as spinach, cabbage Kale, turnip and other greens are superfood, filled with nutrients to failure. They contain a minimum calorie, so it is the perfect option for those who are now only dreaming about weight loss. Dark greens also contain a lot of iron, which, as we said, is vital for the right level of metabolism. Greens is usually rich in magnesium (in particular, Spinach and Mangold). This is a mineral, the lack of which is capable of bringing us to death. It also contributes to better metabolism and proper slimming.

A few words in conclusion ...

Now you have the best products reinforcing metabolism. However, even if I recommend that you include some or all of these 15 healthy foods in food, it does not mean that you just have to eat them and happen a miracle. They add you more opportunities for healthy weight loss in the shortest possible time with a properly balanced plan Nutrition and some physical activity. Of course, in a healthy weight loss, it is necessary to take into account the sleep mode, and the number of stresses. Published

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

Reading time: 3 min

If you want to reset the overweight and find beautiful forms, then you need to solve an important question for yourself :. With incorrect nutrition, it is very easy to disrupt the metabolism, and then the weight loss process may become more complicated several times. What rules must be observed to increase your metabolism and improve the figure?

How to speed up metabolism?

1. Avoid low-calorie diet

If you want to speed up the metabolism, forget the low-calorie nutrition forever. You will never register your metabolism if you eat 1200 and less calories per day. In response to such strong restrictions in food, your body will simply go to the "energy-saving" mode and will store fats. How to lose weight, you ask? Calculate your daily calorie rate and manifold according to this figure. In this case, you can and reset the overweight, and save metabolism.

2. Do not make long interruptions between meals

How many of us love to skip lunch because of the avral at work. Or in general, to arrange a full meal of food only for 8 o'clock in the evening. You just imagine, the body does not know what to expect from you: feed it today or not. Why should he risk if you can simply save energy and slow down the metabolism? You do a bad body, he gladly meets you with reciprocity. Therefore, if you are not an enemy yourself, then you should not stay without fulfilling meal more than 5 hours.

3. Love strength training

Do you think that dumbbells and rod are purely male attributes? You are mistaken, the girls strength training are needed no less than men. The more muscle mass in your body, the better your metabolism. Muscle cells require several times more energy than fat cells. Sitting on limited nutrition without strength training, you lose your muscles. Just imagine that you yourself complicate the task of weight loss. It is always important to remember that one of the key ways to accelerate the metabolism is strength training.

4. Drink water

You still do not consume 2 liters of pure water daily? Then now time to start. Water speeds up metabolism, reduces appetite and saturates skin moisture. Drink needed in 20 minutes before eating and at least 40 minutes after. Do not drink with water, it can not disrupt digestion. It is important to note that when counting two liters, it is necessary to take into account only clean water: coffee, tea and juices do not belong to it.

5. Perform interval cardio training

Cardio-training is not only a way to train the heart muscle, but also a magnificent opportunity to get rid of excess fat. However, if you want to increase the efficiency of aerobic classes, make them interval. For example, during the run every 5 minutes, accelerate to the highest possible tempo for you and keep it within a minute. And do this intervals throughout the cardio training. Why is it important? Such explosive loads will increase to increase your metabolism not only directly during classes, but also within a few hours after. Those. You will ensure quick metabolism even after training. True, great?

6. breakfast every day

Run to work or studying without breakfast, and the first full meal to arrange for myself as much as a noon .. is familiar? If so, it's time to get rid of old bad habits. Breakfast is the most important meal of food that sets the tone for the whole day. A nutritious breakfast will help you to activate all organism systems and include metabolic processes. Forget about the sip of coffee and a piece of cookies. If you want to speed up the metabolism, start your day with a useful porridge, for example, with fruits and nuts. Those who are limited in time in the morning can make themselves a smoothie with oat flakes, milk and banana and drink on the way to work.

7. Use protein food

Meat, fish, cottage cheese and legumes should become the main products of your table. Protein that contains them is construction tool muscles, And about their importance in the process of accelerating metabolism, we wrote in detail above. In addition, protein products (in contrast to carbohydrate) do not cause an increase in blood sugar, which means they do not provoke the creation of fat cells in the body. When sports, it is necessary to consume approximately 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. If you can not gain a protein rate by conventional products, you can use protein cocktails or bars.

Observing these simple rules, you not only speed up the metabolism, but also learn how to eat balanced and useful. A good metabolism will help you to handle overweight much faster.

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