Urban type: dancer in the club. Work in striptease - is it just just? What do people say? Is it difficult to work strippers girls

Batteries, radiators 31.05.2021
Batteries, radiators

Hipov's headband, a blouse with a decollete, ideally balancing on the border of the concepts "moderate" and "deep", black office pants, for the appearance of years 25. At first glance in this young blonde from a 35 year old dancer in a nightclub only name - Natalie.
19 years old she devoted to this case and absolutely not regretting it. Thanks to the profession, Natalie lives perfectly, she has a whole army of fans and regular trips abroad. She does not consider his work with something ample - on the contrary, teach people to art.

11.00 at home

"I have the same ordinary life as everyone else. I am erased, cook, I get out the garbage and go to the supermarket. I have an ordinary human bed! Not a huge little love box, made in the shape of a heart and in the crimson tones, and nothing inclusive bed from the famous Swedish store. Recently I bought an apartment in the mortgage. Is that at home I go to low heels and in a translucent galatik. My relatives and relatives relate to my profession without prejudice, they are even proud of me. In addition, my life is distinguished by high attention of men. In stores, in traffic jams, on the streets, I constantly become the object of attention of the opposite sex. My young man strained even more than my profession. At first, he was very jealous to work, but then I realized that this makes no sense. I'm just dancing, it's art. I give people beauty and joy. "

12.00 Preparation

"My kind of activity requires constantly working on yourself, infinite self-improvement. Striptease, no matter how strange it sounds, starts with breakfast, lunch and dinner. I want to say that the stripper with the tummy and sides is like deputies sitting in a suit of pink bunnies. Therefore, I observe a strict diet, we regularly attend the fitness room and just lead a healthy lifestyle. I believe that Strip Girl is a really creative profession. Before going to the scene, you need to work as you should work: create an image, draw a suits sketch, pick up music and put the dance. That is, I have to act as a designer, sound engineer, choreographer and sometimes seamstresses. I have no boss and a strict plan, I'm just a free artist who draws as he wants. "

19.00 Preparation for the Speech

Overnight, I dance minimum in two clubs. Sometimes their number reaches five. This usually happens like this: I come for half an hour before the show, I swallowed, I paint and go out to dance. I go out tuned to the fact that I will give people beauty and pleasure. No Pokhabshchina, which occurs in the strip bars. View for a sexy nurse, Queen of the Magic Country or Merlin Monroe is a social game on the verge of instincts and feelings of the beautiful.
It happens, of course, I work very closely with the guest, something like a personal dance, but this is solely part of the show. Lucky I also choose for security reasons - most adequate and sober to do without adventure.

20.00 Visitors

"As for the strip bars, everything is clear there. Men rarely come there to enjoy female beauty. Rather, to assert or satisfy some dark sides of their desires. When the men offer a girl to change clothes into the form of the police, and then in every way humiliate her, what is it, if not the most dark sides of desires? It was the strip-bars that became a source of negative attitude towards Strip Girl profession. Girls here come to work differently: someone for money, someone to increase self-esteem and for fun. In fact, there are many advantages from our work. For example, I earn very well - from 150 thousand per month. Still in the striptease there is a "exchange program". We are invited to different countries, and this is a good opportunity to earn, so and see another country. "

1. Never boast your earnings and compliments to colleagues. Experienced and intelligent strippers about themselves only laugh at you - they have tip and proposals to get married much more, but they pose! Experienced and stupid strippers will envy once, and then accuse you that you will take clients from them, and start survival from the club with the dirty methods.

2. Never boast your earnings before the bosses. The bosses can decide that you live too well, and will increase the percentage, which dancers should be detached the club.

3. But do not follow. The bosses can decide that the club does not make sense to keep the stripper, which does not success in men.

The first three points is explained why the strippers with experience about their earnings usually pose.

4. If a man came with a girl ... nothing terrible, you can also approach the couples and even consult with them, but! First, come to the girl, dancing for her, and only then to her man for the remuneration of such an order? As the director of one famous strip club said: put yourself in her place!

5. Never complain to the guests of the Club to Life. Begging, you will cause them not pity, but only a desire to escape from you. The desire to reward you can be caused a much more decent way: entertaining the guest by dancing and a pleasant conversation.

6. If the clubs are resting in the club, you will not earn money on them, but trouble - easily! People are harsh, without sublimation (not as in the movies). Do not be frightened: you will behave correctly, nothing will happen to you, the gangsters and scumbags are not the same thing. Bandits have its own "Code of Honor", the so-called "concepts", which they try to follow, if not completely drunk. Just hold on this night more modest and, if possible, away from them.
What do people say?

Naive modest girls dreaming to dance in a strip club, very worried about this question. It seems to them that, becoming strippers, they will turn into rogues of society, everyone surrounding will begin to despise them, shame, and no one will take married.

Only here is the question - and who will be shame? In the striptease-bar, people come to admire the beautiful dances performed by beautiful girls. If you are really a wonderful girl and you have a beautiful dance, then the attitude towards you will be appropriate: a mixture of admiration with reverence. Well, do not go to nightclubs in order to find a loud sheep there and instruct it on the right path!

What will mom say? Most likely, mom and other close relatives will be unhappy, but they, of course, will try to hide this disgraceful fact from other birth and acquaintances. Thus, the rest of their parents and acquaintances do not know anything about it, unless accidentally get acquired in the striptease bar, where you are dancing. If they still get wisely there, and you are the same beautiful girl with a wonderful dance, they will automatically turn into admiring viewers.

What do people think?

Most of all, this question worries girls who decided for themselves that they will not be engaged in prostitution, but will only dance. No, the strippers involved in prostitution, of course, also do not seek to advertise their kind of activity anywhere, except for their usual circle of communication, but this is still a little other approach: to do so as not to know. The girl, which "just dances", sets itself the task of glorially: to make it learned that she is not like that! To even think about her badly did not dare!

Well, what can you advise? First: Relax - you will not come out. People who believe that all the strippers are prostitutes will remain in their opinion, so do not even waste time.

Second: offended by anyone, you knew what they walked. If you went to work in a strip club, be prepared for the fact that there will always be someone who will think bad about you. The most amazing thing is that thinking about you badly does not interfere with even sincere admiration for your beauty and your dance.

The third (which neutralizes the first two): Since you now have a limitless choice, you can choose your own circle of communication, i.e. You can communicate only with those people who relate to you with due respect, and such as you will find out with surprise, will be an indisputable majority.
And now - definitions from dictionaries

The stereotype of thinking is a psychological installation that prevents adequate perception of messages or actions. As a rule, a particular person is not aware of and / or does not wish to realize that he is prejudice, and considers his attitude towards the object of prejudice as a result of an objective and independent evaluation of facts.

Prejudice is usually a consequence:
- low cultural level;
- suggestion;
- Hurry and unreasonable conclusions based on personal experience.

Social stereotype (from Greek. Stereos is a solid and typos - imprint) - standardized, steady, emotionally saturated, valuely defined image, idea of \u200b\u200bthe social object. Individual may not have enough information about the object and nevertheless make its judgment, supported by feelings and actions.

Many of our acquaintances have never been to the strip clubs. Yes, and not all of the editorial office brodude happened there to be. What is the reason? Perhaps prejudice, perhaps there was no time. Whatever it was, the place is extremely interesting in principle and at least once it is still worth it. At least in cognitive purposes and to expand their horizons.

You may say: "Yes, what should I do there, I'm above it." And we will reply: We do not offer you a strip club, which is more boutinal than the club. We have not yet confused the conscience and moral principles - on the contrary, we share with all the suffering. Therefore, now attempt to change your idea of \u200b\u200bthis phenomenon of our life.

To do this, we have not found such a striptease club, where all the savings will be disjected and where sin and debauchery rule, and a much more decent institution is an erotic show club. From other places it differs in the much better. Here, the work of dancers made art, and the main goal is to turn your stay in a sexy, exciting and beautiful show that will be like you want.

But you discovered the article because of the conference header. So we will not pull - about all of the most interesting we asked one of the girls Virgins, which wished to remain anonymous.

What are the prices of entertainment in the club depend? Is it possible to get a discount from a girl?

Prices in the club are primarily dependent on artist bracelets. Each artist has its own color bracelet, which means its specific role in relation to guests. Therefore, some of the entertainment has a different price. There are also certain entertainment at a fixed price for everyone. All this is spelled out in the entertainment menu, so guests never have confusion with the choice, and there is a concierge girl who will always tell about everything that is interested in the guest.

All prices we have fixed, so artists cannot do discounts. Discounts can act on a privileged club map for all bar, restaurant and hookah menu. Plus, various shares are constantly conducted on our site, and guests receive gifts. For example, on the shares you can get a treat with any drink to choose from. There are shares on which you can get a privilege card and many other pleasant surprises from the club.

What girls are in general in the club (dancers, party girls and so on)? Can I order any you like?

In our club there are several main "categories" of actors: experienced dancers, club girls party girls, elite girls Black Diamond, Hostes, concierge and the main club's club, highly estimated by most guests, - Virgin (inexperienced young girls who never worked in striptease , Still fresh and naive). And each wears a bracelet, which symbolizes the color of her amplua.

Depending on the bracelet, the solo number of each artist is distinguished by its highlight: the artist with a white bracelet will slide touchingly, gently and slightly embarrassed; An experienced girl with a blue bracelet will show this skill and cool technique; Party Girl with a red bracelet will break all the borders and lights the fire in Guest.

Guest can offer to go to a private dance of any artist, hostess or a concierge girl who will like it. The cost of dance is also divided and depends on the level of the bracelet. In addition, the guest can free the girl from work within the club. Since each artist has its own program and from time to time comes to the scene, many guests prefer so that she does not leave, but sat only in his company and dedicated himself only to him.

What makes a salary of girls? Is there a percentage of guest orders?

The salary of girls standardly consists of a fixed payment for the output plus a percentage from a private dance and entertainment. Consumption, common in many clubs, we are completely prohibited. We do not pay any percent with guest orders. If the guest wants, he may well treat an artist with a drink, but, except for the drink, the actress will not receive any remuneration. As far as I know, this club policy was introduced from the very beginning.

Tell me how you came to this work (which served as a reason)?

For about two years I worked for a go-go and a dancer in the regional club. I like the night lifestyle, the atmosphere of fun and relaxes. In the office I do not see myself at all, although I have a higher education. And then I wanted a new level. Definitely it was Moscow. He studied the sites of many clubs, their conditions and chose as a result of Virgins. Thanks to the conditions of the club, moving and adaptation was very easy. I paid for a ticket to the capital and at first staged a female hotel for new employees. After I already met people and now with a neighbor I take off the apartment. I like the atmosphere of the Moscow club very much, and I am completely pleased with the work.

Did you think that such a job is unnecessary to liberate you or seems to see? How do familiar and relatives treat your work? Are there problems in relationships because of her? Do you think that work in the club is cooler than in the office?

I do not think that work somehow affects my views. I loved to visit clubs from 17 years old, hang out, walking. Relatives are also aware. Of course, the first time parents were worried, but now belong to a complete understanding of my activities. With relationships, too, was always order. Moscow is still easier. If in the regions, people wind up different stereotypes and taboos, it is much easier here; Consciousness of people, let's say it is more open. On the other hand, if someone believes that it is possible to work in a strip club and be in relationships. Of course, in Moscow there are many clubs in the style of "hard", where guests can demand from acts of any action. Included in the official Association of Stripteases of Russia. This is the so-called eco-friendly striptease. , excitement, but no massage and sex. Guests come for enjoying, contemplating beauty and communication with girls. We have strictly prohibited sex, there are no rooms for privacy with guests and it is impossible to pick up the artist from the club. Such a policy also played a big role in choosing my place of work.

What if familiar come to the club? Does the physical attractiveness of the client affect the quality of your work? And if a very terrible man?

We do not have customers, we have all the applicants. If familiar come to the club, there is nothing terrible. We also have the opportunity to communicate. Moreover, if the guest has a premium card, a special opportunity is available to him - we can exchange telephones and rewrite outside the club. The attractiveness of the guest does not affect the quality of my work. I'm an artist! Our activity is a kind of art where there are no ideals of beauty, there is only a variety. Yes, and beauty for everyone. Different guests choose different artist. If you communicate with the guest and you understand that you are not his type, and he has been looking away for another girl for two minutes, for us it is normal and not hurt. We will go and call for him that in his taste.

What happens if the guest allows himself too much? What can I do that, what is impossible? Describe the perfect guest. Are there any categories to which you divide visitors?

Regarding the behavior of the guests there is a clear understanding that you can do and that it is impossible. Allowed to touch, iron, hugging. Guests are forbidden to bare their intimate parts of the body and penetration is completely prohibited. With such actions, it does not matter who was the initiator - the actress can fire, and guests, if he decided to rude rules, brought into the blacklist. However, in fact, this is very rare. For my three years of work was only one case, when the actress decided to play a little, after which it was fired. There are still guests who cannot calculate strength. Sometimes men, especially strong physique, can slap so that there will be a small bruise. Of course, we politely explain to such solubs that fragile girls need to be preserved.

Equipment of the perfect guest for us does not exist. All guests are different, all have their own requirements and wishes. It was for this that the bracelets for the artist were introduced - so that everyone could find his type of girl, with which he will be most comfortable and cozy.

We do not divide guests in the category. Moreover, new guests, those who infirmly attend men's clubs, have a small fear: if he won't spend money, the actors will not communicate with him. We have this problem solved by the Rules. Artists move around the club and when they have no solo number, they communicate with the guest. It doesn't matter whether he ordered a couple of cats for the evening or eats, drinks and walks without a break to private dances - for artists to communicate. Who to choose and what to order, only the guest itself decides.

Were funny or funny cases? Injuries at work or something similar. Do you have any rituals before work and performances?

We have no special rituals before performances. Only granted things: that before the performance, each artist is obliged to take a shower, use delicious perfume, hairstyles, eat tick-like candy, in general, look a hundred percent in all respects and be in a good mood.

Nobody gets injuries. If we talk about injuries in training, they actually do not happen. The entire program is built so as to gradually teach new elements, increasing your level. Of course, if a new actress immediately decides to fulfill the most difficult element, looking at the experienced colleague, most likely, she will suffer Fiasco, but it will be more easy to bruise than noticeable injury. If we talk about injuries from guests, then at the entrance we have a trained guard, so too drunk, inadequate or rude people in sports costumes just do not pass. Because of this, the safety of girls and guests is always at the level.

Regarding the funny cases, yes, it happens, small funny incidents occur. I'll tell you one cheerful story. Once the company came from three sufficiently wealthy guests. Up to 7 in the morning, they drank together, went to private dances, smoked hookahs, and at 7 am the work of our club ends. There were almost no other guests, but the guests decided to continue and eventually extended the work of the whole club for another hour.

As a result, guests asked to find a bucket and persuaded the bartender to embroider a mad cocktail from all sorts of drinks (everything was in a bar on a little bit). Waitress girls took a big grandmother and entered the guests with this cocktail - they competed, who will drink more.

Another waitress girl danced nearby in Kokoshnik from his own apron. The hostess was located on the table and overlook the guests a fan. This evening was fun not only to guests, but also all the staff.

Guide - what is it? How do you belong to you? What you are forbidden to do, and what is preferably?

Club management is fair. Of course, it's always good, but everyone can not please. If any of the actors makes one and the same mistake more than two times, of course, they will report and make it take to learn the regulations. It is interesting to observe how managers come to the club and test new chips themselves before entering anything into the regulations. We are constantly tested by different innovations to make interaction with guests even more comfortable and improving service.

What do you have to sacrifice because of work? Have you learned how to work in striptease?

For me personally, the only thing for me is to sacrifice because of work, this is a morning jog. Finishing work at 6 am, it is necessary to sleep at least to the hour of the day, but it doesn't upset me at all, because I'm 100% owl. I think the larks are a little more difficult to get used to such a regime.

Work in Striptease teaches mainly three things: it is beautifully moving, to communicate more freely with the opposite sex, anywhere and follow yourself.

Tell about the benefits of your club. Why did you go to work in it? What is it better than others?

What attracts in the work that I do not like? How long do you plan to work and where to go after?

In general, I am attracted to me in work, otherwise I would not work and went somewhere in the specialty. I like my sphere, and after work, the actress opens the prospect in adjacent professions, from the strip-plastic coach to the art director in the entertainment industry.

This text, practically no change, sent me a reader of my blog. It is best to go to the Q & A section, so read ...

We earn $ 1000 per night and live in luxury

Yes and no. In general, it is not true. In the yard of 2014, and, as far as I remember, the world has not yet moved away from the global crisis. The waste of money on the strippers is a non-disabilities of money, and this is not an invoice for which it is necessary to pay. Dancers work much longer and go to work more often than ten years ago. Probably, on average, stripters earn 150-400 dollars per night, but there is no accurate statistics. Of course, there are nights when we earn a lot of people, but it happens very rarely. It is also necessary to take into account the cases when the dancer exercises the entire shift, and leaves 1000 small bills or anything. We will come back to this. It happens quite often.

We did not study in schools, and we have no higher education, because the strippers are stupid

"Do you have a diploma? Where did you study? " - Smiling client smiling smiling. Well, in fact, maybe a stripper to study at school, and even more so get a scientific degree. If they really had a diploma, would they really do it? Would they not believed to be "too smart" for such work? (I often hear it quite often). Sometimes I just accidentally rushing the word from scientific jargon, you risk that the clients fall off the jaw. The strippers must be shakenless brainless beauties, but in fact it is not so.

We are drug addicts / alcoholics

For those 17 years, that I work in this industry, I did not see the strippers the drugs be bothered more often than ordinary people. Of course, there is a stripper on the needle, but they are not delayed for a long time in the club, they are either fired or they disappear somewhere. Even in the club there are such "homework" (work in the club nurses), they tend to go drunk every night. The strippers are unlikely to allow themselves to drink too much, as they need to control the situation, otherwise they will not earn the money that planned.

We are heterosexual nymphomanka

Yes of course.

We all suffer from the "Elektra complex"

The electric complex is a phenomenon, akin to Edipov complex. But he manifests the girls. The complex is in the unconscious imposition of girls, like the daughter of Agamemnon Elektra (in honor of which the complex is named), to his own father and rivalry with his mother for his attention.

Why all about strippers of this opinion. I personally have a very trusting relationship with my father. He was near, when I enhanced. Maybe some dancers really suffer from this, but ...

I want to quote my mother with which I am very close. Once she said: "No one leaves this life is unharmed." I do not believe that the girls become strippers due to attraction to the father and rivalry with his mother, as well as I do not believe in ubiquitous alcoholism and drug addiction.

We all suffered from sexual violence

Here are some interesting facts about the life of a woman, regardless of the profession:

One of the three girls suffers from sexual harassment in everyday life
- One of the four was sexually violent to 18 years
- One of the six was a victim of rape

Thus, many women were subjected to or being sexually violent, it does not depend on the profession. Does it happen more often with strippers? We do not know about this there is no official data.

As a rule, we are "unclean"

Do you generally know how much the pins of the stripper? You can't even imagine how much time we spend on treating ourselves: pulling out hairs, wax hair removal, washing, shaving, cream, the processing of those places on the body, about which the ordinary girl does not even worry. We are quite often a comparison of "clean, like a stripter vagina." We are very clean. Why? Yes, because we sellers, and we sell our own bodies. We cannot neglect hygiene. Think your head, the one that on the shoulders.

If the girl decided to become a stripper, she chose an easy way for himself

Easy way? Is it easy to go on stage in a room in which a bunch of people, then remove your clothes, and look confident, sexy and beautifully dancing? Would you do so? And this is just the beginning. How about strangely smelling men, who then and then let some bad jokes let go? Sometimes customers can afford to say a lot of offensive things about your body, faces, appearance. Easily? Not. Especially withstand the condemnation or mockery of family members and friends, sometimes it happens. Yes, very easy.

We hate our work and our lives

Some - yes, most - no. In my opinion, here we do not differ from people of other professions, such as a person who worked in the factory all their lives.

We are no longer able to do anything, this is the only thing that we

I have no children, but I have a diploma of higher legal education. In fact, in my life there were no terrible life circumstances that would be forced to become a stripper. I do it because I like it, like most dancers, I like it because it gives me freedom and money. With such work, I can pay almost all my needs, and they, believe me, more than most of the readers. But at the same time I postpone money for the future. This is my choice, and I my soul. A lot of girls who have children do this to be able to spend more time in the afternoon with their children, and at the same time their children have everything you need. I do not see anything wrong with it, and if you think otherwise, I would like to know why.

We can't have permanent romantic relationships.

Once your half will understand that striptease is just work, everything will be in place. I know many married strippers.

We all sell something "extra"

Maybe some are selling, but not me. Some of this really do, but there are few such, at least among whom I know. Although we actually sell the body, we sell it entirely, and not slices to meet primitive needs. The stripper is not a prostitute, so stop asking stupid questions. No, I will not go to your room.

We can all dance on the pole, and money we earn right on stage

There are "scenes" clubs and "dance" clubs. There are even no poles in some. In most clubs, where I worked, money earn dancing.

All that we earn, gets only to us

It hurts me most. Did you know that the strippers are paid for to dance? When a stripper device signs a contract, where it "rents the club space". We pay for every night when dancing. It came to us from America, there is a standard scheme. There are other people in these establishments that need to pay: DJs, managers, assistants. Some even pay taxes. In general, the stripper receives only 60-70% of the total earned.

We earn only on rich papinquic sons

Not. Every week to our club comes the usual such as a manager to see how I dance. We have already communicated with him for a long time, although I'm afraid that we will soon go this line of friendship. He hurts all week, earns money, and on the weekend comes to me. And yes, I like it, but I can't stand the papinkiny sons.

Be a stripter - humiliation

The last time I felt humiliation, was when I worked in retail. There I received a salary to which it is impossible to live. Now in one night I can do as much as earlier earned for a month. The humiliation is if the client drank all night, fell asleep at the table, waking up saw a huge check, which he must report before his wife. This is how the truth is humiliating.

The stripter does not have moral principles

If you think that the strippers are devoid of moral principles, and the only thing they want is to find a golden custody, something is not so rather with you than with me. I do not remember that, signing a contract, I sold the soul to the devil. I am an ordinary girl, I love my family and my friends.

And already enough prejudice ...

Copyright Muz4in.net

We teach the art of erotic dancing and seduction of men. Customers generously encourage such ideas, and girls remain completely satisfied with tea. For a shift you can earn from 5,000 rubles and higher, having been on the stage of just a couple of hours!

Besides, work in Striptease Club - This is an indescribable atmosphere of excitement, couch, fun and pleasure. With us you can not just become secured, but also famous and in demand. We guarantee absolute security and lack of intima!

Also, in your disposal, spacious, comfortable dressings and solarium. The agency pays for all girls master classes on strip-plastic, art of communication and seduction. Here you can make money, valuable experience in the seduction of men and, of course, profitable dating.

Visitors of our club Solid men with whom you certainly like to communicate and even be friends. Choosing profitable work strippers in Moscow, You automatically become a spectacular star!

We are waiting for your response! Try yourself in a new and interesting role. By the way, the work schedule you make yourself at your own discretion. This is an excellent option to combine other things and dances in our club.

The brightest and active girls get premiums and even offers work in striptease abroad! This is a new level with steep opportunities and prospects. All in your hands, act!

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