Swing caviar with the help of running. How to remove pumped caviar on your feet with exercises for the week? Exercises for training IKR

Wood plates and products 31.05.2021
Wood plates and products

Pump caviar Perhaps only if the person strongly hypertrophies all other muscle groups.

In general, if the caviar is genetically set well, they do not have to separate them separately, they grow from squats and other basic exercises on their feet.

If the caviars have high attachment points, or if there are few muscle cells, their hypertrophy is possible only with the rest of muscle groups, when using heavy approaches to 4-6 repetitions in specialized exercises.

The specificity of the calf muscles is that they initially slow motor units are larger than the rapid, which affects the difficulties with their hypertrophy.

It is impossible to pump caviar by running, jumping, multi-proper approaches in simulators, although it is very often possible to meet recommendations for the training of orphan muscles in such a style.

Yes, at athletes, with well-defined icy muscles, such a way of training will work, but they have caviar and so would be hypertrophies, even if they did not train them separately.

In the case when small muscle groups are genetically defined, indeed, there is enough of the indirect load that they get in the basic exercises, and their specialized work comes down to pamping, which makes it possible to improve their relief and increase the capillary mesh. If you wonder how to pump caviar, then, obviously, you have problems with it, and in this case there is no damping!

Exercises for training IKR

Basic exercises: It is, first of all, about squats with a barbell and barrel, but also about other types of squats and dead treagors, and other power exercises. The fact is that the lagging muscles always remain lagging behind that you do, no matter how you swing them, the lagging muscles will lag behind.

You can look at professional bodybuilders to make sure. People are already a pharmacy in their own injections, tried all the methodological instructions, but even they have muscles that "fall out".

The only thing that can be done is to maximize the muscle volume as much as possible so that the muscles have become poorly defined genetically, and their "lag" has become less noticeable.

Rises on socks: This is a large group of exercises for the Cambalo Muscle and the Blood Muscles of the Blood, which can be sitting, standing, in the slope, shifting the load in one or another muscle, but the essence of all these exercises in one thing is to stand on the sock.

If you want to pump caviar, then perform these exercises is necessary on 4-6 repetitions with a lot of weight and before the "failure". Of course, that the technique of exercise is somewhat different from the classical, which is recommended by newcomers and is used for pamping.


You can not lower the heel below the sock, because in this technique you "before the failure" will not be able to work.

You need from parallels a powerful effort to get up on the socks, then omit the heel to the parallel and repeat the exercise the required number of times so that on 4-6 repetition you have achieved "failure."

Shone socks: Also presented a rather extensive group of exercises, but the most effective of them is the bench of platform socks.

In this case, the exercise is also necessary in the force style if your task is to pump caviar, since it is impossible to have a really hypertrophing of slow motor units so that they affect muscle volumes, it is impossible.

Yes, if there are no problems with eggs, we recommend that they train them in a large number of repetitions, but if the task is to turn into fast, namely, it is necessary to do when there is no muscle behind, they need them Training in high-intensity style, reaching "failure" in 4-6 repetitions.

Bodybuilding training programs

Source: http://fit4power.ru/programm/kak-nakaceati-ikri.

How to remove pumped caviar on your feet with exercises for the week?

Many women are unhappy with the size of their legs or feet as a whole, dream of reduce caviar even surgically. But is it really the only way?

In fact, there are less expensive and dangerous ways that can be used:

  1. Do not walk on the socks, as it pumps the shin. High heel holds muscular tone, and it contributes to a reversal growth, like any activity associated with the tone of the legs, be something ballroom dancing, and even a rope. All individually. One jumping and dancing will give a decrease in the leg in volume, another increase. Track the results by a centimeter ribbon and do not fall into panic;
  2. Run to reduce the thickness of the legs. Running is a powerful tool of weight loss, but it is worth compare the body of the runners for short and long distances. Athletes running marathons are distinguished by thin legs, and sprinters are powerful hips and eggs. Running on a long distance in flat terrain, at low speed and without acceleration - the answer to the question of how to remove fat with IR and the legs in general;
  3. Avoid activity that requires the development of durability, power and foot speed - this leads to muscle growth. For example, short intense cardio workouts, running along the hills and treadmill with a slope, jumping on the elevation are building large calf muscles in response to the load;
  4. Avoid intense jumps, including the rope, in interval training. Swimming, walking, cross-training and the elliptical simulator will help to lose weight in the lower leg. Walking lengthens the muscles between the rear of the knee and the ankle. Avoid steppers, as they pump the calf muscles;
  5. Training with burdens can be left in an active lifestyle in arsenal, but use light weights and a large number of repetitions. If you need to eliminate fat around the icy muscles, you will need to limit carbohydrates in nutrition and increase the share of cardio;
  6. Stretching makes the muscles of the legs longer and slimmer - classes in Stretching, yoga and Pilates are recommended to everyone who wishes to be tightened and not to increase the Muscles of the IR.

Move your legs even sitting! To quickly lengthen the shin, pull it at any moment. Sitting on a chair with a straight straight, knocked back, rotate the left foot clockwise and against it 6-10 times. Repeat the movement with another foot.

Remove caviars on the legs like folds on the stomach or halif - it will not work, as the shin is rarely saved fat, and its form is defined by the icy muscle.

The increase in the adhesive layer occurs, especially in the winter, but with regular walking the caviar returns a slim state pretty easily.

Thus, remove fat helps regular aerobic physical exertion - walking on distant distances will be ideal for any level of preparedness.

For a week, remove fat on legs and caviar - real, but difficult. Work on speed involves an increase in load intensity - the use of jumps. Of course, the fat will burn, and the muscles of the legs are strengthened in response to tension in them. Once a person uses the muscle often, the body receives a signal - it needs to be raised.

The exercise complex will help to quickly burn fat and not get too punished caviar if three types of load combines:

  1. forceful multi-speaking;
  2. cardio;
  3. stretching.

Each exercise is performed in a minute without a break. First, we perform lifts on socks without using dumbbells. Next jump from side to side, you can pause if your breath is knocked down.

We perform jumps aside in the style of the "skater" - we jump from my feet to the leg, tilting the body and removing the bent foot back.

In the fourth minute, we become in the position of PLILE - the legs are wider than shoulders, squat and begin to tear off the heels from the floor in turn.

Fifth minute - stretching at the wall: we retain one leg back, we rest in the wall and fed, bending the left leg in your knee, and we touch the floor with the right heel - for each leg.

Sixth minute - stretching in the slope: I put one leg forward on the heel, bend the housing ahead, keeping your back straight, and pull your sock on yourself.

"Bottles" - the folk name of the legs with developed ion muscles. Most likely, the girl with bulk eggs is distinguished by an enviable rounded boost, hands without decreasing - heredity predetermines the form of muscles.

To adjust it, you need to maintain physical activity at the level of 2-3 aerobic workouts per week, and also actively engage in stretching, for example, power yoga.

Dog Pose Moroda Down gives a good tensile icy muscles. Stand in the position of the bar on the palms. Raise the pelvis up, straining the press, stretching the rear surface of the legs and the deflection of the top of the back.

Heels strive for the floor, and then there is a tension in caviar. In this position, try to go ahead on straight legs. Make 10-20 steps in three approaches, improving stretching.

Produce a reverse "procedure". Instead of extension of muscle mass in the field of the lower leg - burn it with cardion loads. But remember that the muscles leave evenly on all legs. To preserve the muscular mass of the rest of the legs, back and arms, you will have to load them more more intensively, but about caviar - simply forget for a while, add a slow run of 40-60 minutes.

To quickly remove the muscles of the ICR or fat on the legs - it means to swall as a change in body composition. "Replace" fat muscles or burn both. Cells are not burned per day, as they do not grow.

It will be possible to lose weight only with caloric deficiency at least 250 kcal per day in combination with cardio or lifestyle "on the legs" - mobility and activity. Be slight and irresistible!

Source: http://mjusli.ru/sport_i_zdorove/fitnes_i_ajerobyka/kak-ubrat-nakachennye-ikry

100% effective ways how to reduce caviar on the legs

Clock in the gym, multi-kilometer jogging, hard restrictions in nutrition ...

What are the victims of the victims of the sake of the sake of accurate and slender legs! And the results are unlikely sooner or later they become visible: buttocks are tightened, fat leaves the hips. But the shins are not always responding to efforts, and sometimes even become larger.

This may be due to heredity, improper selection or technique of performing exercises and even lifestyle.

Volumetric caviar looks inhamoniously, interfere with wearing short skirts and narrow pants, become the cause of complexes. Sometimes the desire to reduce caviar reaches the absurd. So, in the United States, a plastic surgery for the correction of this part of the body is gaining.

However, there are less radical ways. Let's learn how to grow caviar, and how to make them slim and elegant.

"The culprits" of fat IKR - who are they?

In order to quickly and properly get rid of large caviar, first of all, you need to learn the main reason for their appearance and try to eliminate it.

The main "culprits" is an excessive layer of subcutaneous fat, too volumetric muscles, which appeared as a result of training or are a hereditary feature.

Genetics. If large legs are your genetic feature (you can see if you can see, looking at your parents and the nearest relatives), then reduce the muscles on caviar will be extremely difficult.

You can try to slightly change the proportions of the body and adjust the features of the anatomy. For example, if you have a short Achillovo tendon that connects the back of the heel with the calf muscle, then the caviar will look more. This is due to the fact that the muscle has to stretch much down to connect with short tendon.

If the tendon is long, then the place of its connection with the muscle is above. As a result, the icy muscle "sits" is high, the shin looks thinner and more elegant. Unfortunately, it is impossible to lengthen the tendons. The only thing that can be advised in this case is to avoid loads that provoke the growth of icy muscles.

Gait and movement. Repeating days a day are able to affect the shape of your feet. For example, a permanent walking on the socks, when the body weight falls on the front of the foot (as when wearing heels), can lead to the buildup of the icy muscles.

It is also worth analyzing your gait: with the weak other muscles of the legs, especially the front tibial, caviar can compensate for the entire load, increasing with time. The solution to the problem is a complex strengthening of the muscles of the legs.

Fat deposits are another very common reason why caviar look big. Each person has its own specific problem areas, from which fat leaves last. If it is caviar and ankles, you will have to be patient and show persistence to find your dreams of your dreams.

The most effective ways to reduce caviar on the legs

To remove thick caviar, follow several uncomplicated rules:

  • Remember that locally lose weight is impossible, and the thighs and buttocks will decrease with the eggs. Perhaps you have to add isolated exercises for them if your goal is a beautiful sports form.
  • Give preference to low heels or flat soles. Walking on socks stimulates ICR growth.
  • Run! Running is the most powerful tool for weight loss and changing the shape of the ICR and the legs in general. Remember how sprinters and runners for long distances look like. Marathonians are usually thin and dry legs, in contrast to sprinters with expressive eggs and developed thigh muscles. From this we can conclude that for the correction of the ICR, it is best for long distances. Do you want the ankles lose weight? Run more slowly, but for a longer distance (such a training simultaneously develops endurance).
  • For slimming feet, drying muscles of the hips and ICR recommended cardiotrements with minimal burdens or at all without resistance. This means that on the street you need to choose a flat place, and on the treadmill set the minimum slope. It is in such training that the legs and caviar will lose weight and at the same time acquire a beautiful form. Running to endurance helps to reduce the icy muscles and fatty fabrics around it (as in the whole body), which are forced to look like legs with cumbersome. Double use - burn fat and reduce the muscles!
  • Avoid exercises directed, first of all, on the development of the leg strength, as they cause muscle growth and make caviar even more voluminous. For example, short and intense cardiographies, power exercises for legs (crushed, lunges), step aerobics, hiking hiking are contraindicated. Walking uphill, including on a treadmill with a high bias, make caviar even more.
  • Do not jump through the rope and generally avoid jumping with a high leg climb. Slimming ICRs are more suitable for swimming, walking, crossings and classes on an elliptical simulator. The elliptical simulator is a great tool for low-intensity cardiovasculations, if you set resistance to a minimum. Instead of burning calories due to an increase in resistance, increase the execution time of the exercise. Long-term hiking also contribute to the slimming of the lower legs, as they are lengthened by the drop-down tendons and ICR muscle.
  • Avoid step-simulators and other exercises imitating the rise in the steps or in the mountains, as they first increase the ionic muscles. Remember that your goal to make caviar thinner, and not "throw" them even more.
  • From workouts on resistance it is better to refuse or perform a greater number of repetitions with small weights. Exercises with burdens, in which the icy muscles are involved, lead only to their increase, even if your goal is fat burning. Reduce point shores with their help will not work. Effective methods for getting rid of fat on caviar - diet, low-intensity cardio and liposuction.
  • Stretching exercises help pull and lengthen large calf muscles, including "thrown". For this purpose, you can attend stretching training, yoga or pilates. Excellent exercises for ICRs can be performed by the wall. Become a face, one foot at a distance of 25-30 cm from the wall, the second - in 70-80 cm, the feet are parallel, the heels on the floor, and the socks look at the wall. Bend the front leg, keeping the back straight, lean and mind your hands into the wall. You must feel stretching the back surface of the foot and, especially, caviar. Hold in this position for 15-30 seconds, change your legs and repeat. This exercise helps stretch the calf muscles.
  • Pilates is perfect for the formation of taut and elongated muscles. Even with intense training, your caviar do not swell.
  • The next simple exercise that helps stretch caviar can be performed at any time at work and at home. Sit on the chair, straight back, squeeze to his back. Lift the left foot and make the steps 6 of rotational movements clockwise. The amplitude must be maximum. Repeat the same time in the other side, and then perform the same exercise on the right foot.
  • There are many ways to visually reduce major caviar with clothes and shoes. Running to them, it can be done so that the legs in the girth will look for several centimeters less.

Remember, you can be in good physical shape, taut and slender without repellent muscle bugres. The main thing is to properly draw up a training program that includes power and cardoratives and avoid loads and diets provoking the growth of muscle mass. With such tactics, the volumes (and not only ICR!) Will steadily decrease.

How to treat complete icers, every woman solves herself. For example, actresses Misha Barton and Katie Holmes are not shy of these parts of the body and look excellent. Even if you can't reduce the volume of the ICR, do not dwell on it. Focus on the best parts of the body and emphasize them.

Source: http://easy-lose-weight.info/kak-umenshit-ikry-na-nogah/

How to pump caviar at home and in the hall * can I download caviar jigs?

The question is how to pump caviar mainly disturbing athletes with experience. Initially, everyone wants breasts and biceps. But the time comes when the athlete begins to understand that the bodybuilder is not alone bitsha)))

The double-headed calf muscle is on the back surface of the lower leg of the leg, forms the top of the caviar. With good relief, both heads are clearly divided. Cambalo-like muscle is a little wider than the calf, and is located right below it.

Well-developed cambaloid can be seen on the sides and slightly below the calf. The icy and cambaloid muscles together make up a group of so-called. Extensors of ankle. At the top of the calf is attached to the femoral bone, and Cambalo-shaped - to Tibial and Malobersova. Below they are "merged" into a single Achillovo tendon, which is attached to the heel bone.

How to pump caviar?

Icres is a very interesting muscle and I would even say that exactly like the forearm gently) The fact is that this muscle genetics! I will not lie to you as some modern editions and say that genetics does not greatly affect, and if you stubbornly download, then you will catch up with Matarazzo T-shirt or Dorian Yatza. It's a lie!

To make sure that it is more closely to look closely, for example, for all the favorite female legs. Looking around, you will see that the calf muscles like all the other has a different structure, but unlike larger muscles, in the case of ICR, it is actually a sentence.

As I read an interview about Matarazzo, where he was asked how he achieved such ICR. He replied that the father had even more (!) And he did not shook them at all ...


What surprise was this man when the girl approached the simulator, twisted and asked: "How to use it?" He was shocked and immediately asked: how did you pumped such amazing caviar, if you don't even know how to use this simulator? She replied that he just loves to run, and caviar was not shaking at all!

The third example is already from my practice. A slender cute girl came to my hall. When she changed into training shorts, I saw her caviar almost more honey! I asked her: how did you achieve this? How to pummend the caviar? She said that he didn't do sports at all!

This is me to confirm the words about genetics. You must learn to put adequate goals, otherwise you are waiting for disappointment!

But let's come back to the topic of ICR. I understand that I have a little upset you with his truth about the importance of genetics for calf, but, nevertheless, this is not a reason to completely challenge the training of ICRs. Still, bring them to a sports type can each!

How to pump caviar - a little theory

One of the problems of the CFR is that it is an ads of hardy muscle! It works throughout the day and therefore it is perfectly adapted to the load! Therefore, what to pump it, you need to use from 4 sets and from 20 repetitions at least! I warn you right away that the question is how to pump caviar very painful! The fact is that caviar when you truly load them very much, they are very much burned! Therefore, with tears in their eyes will have to tolerate.

Extreme diagram for pumping IKR

In general, articles from the cycle: "How to pump up ...?" My bodybuilding blog will be periodically updated, and the information will be added! Here will be not easy, some typical schemes, but techniques that really work and which are difficult to find on the Internet!

If you answer the question "How to pump up caviar at home?" You can advise one long forgotten exercise that will be described below.

Here is the first, in my opinion, a very interesting scheme that I want to tell you. There is such an interesting exercise, as a rise on socks in the slope or in common "Donkey". Who watched the famous film "Download Iron" with Arnold Schwarzenegger, after which all of America began to be insolent to bodybuilding, probably remembers this moment:

This is the same donkey. The scheme is this: you need to do an "donkey" 8 * 20, with weight (burdening in this case a partner, which if you have little, can take a pair of pancakes with you), from which already on 4-5 approach you will not be endowed hard! When 8 * 20 will be given "easily" (I do not know how appropriate for this exercise is this word) Work on quality.

Try to do more slowly. Then, you can immediately after 8 approach to use SMS (maximum reduction system).

This means that on the 8th approach, your partner sits on you with a stopwatch, and after 20 repetitions you get up on the tiptoe (this is the abbreviated position for the ICR), as high as possible and hold on to this position 40 seconds! Very terrible scheme! And you thought to pump caviar easily?!

It is in this exercise all the salt! After you survived after the donkey 8 * 20, you can break to your usual program. I recommend in addition to make rise to caviar sitting in the same scheme (8 * 20) or so.

Once again I will say that the exercise is very heavy and painful, so do not hurry. To begin with, you can master 4 high-quality sets of 20 repetitions. Then add one setup.

The reading at the end is allowed, but this does not mean that throughout the exercise you must throw your partner! This technique from the discharge of extreme and long sit on it I do not recommend.

It needs to move to a dead point.

Many people ask about how to pump caviar jigs ... The fact is that the aerobic load trains mainly fast muscle fibers that will not give you a large volume. It is possible to pump large caviar with large weights.

As I said, this article will be replenished as soon as other effective and not trivial approaches to muscle pumping will be seen and tested! In the meantime, I wish you productive training!

Many women are unhappy with the size of their legs or feet as a whole, dream of reduce caviar even surgically. But is it really the only way?

Simple rules for every day

In fact, there are less expensive and dangerous ways that can be used:

Move your legs even sitting! To quickly lengthen the shin, pull it at any moment. Sitting on a chair with a straight straight, knocked back, rotate the left foot clockwise and against it 6-10 times. Repeat the movement with another foot.

Burn excess fat in the field of shin

Remove caviars on the legs like folds on the stomach or halif - it will not work, as the shin is rarely saved fat, and its form is defined by the icy muscle. The increase in the adhesive layer occurs, especially in the winter, but with regular walking the caviar returns a slim state pretty easily. Thus, remove fat helps regular aerobic physical exertion - walking on distant distances will be ideal for any level of preparedness.

For a week, remove fat on legs and caviar - real, but difficult. Work on speed involves an increase in load intensity - the use of jumps. Of course, the fat will burn, and the muscles of the legs are strengthened in response to tension in them. Once a person uses the muscle often, the body receives a signal - it needs to be raised.

The exercise complex will help to quickly burn fat and not get too punished caviar if three types of load combines:

Each exercise is performed in a minute without a break. First, we perform lifts on socks without using dumbbells. Next jump from side to side, you can pause if your breath is knocked down.

We perform jumps aside in the style of the "skater" - we jump from my feet to the leg, tilting the body and removing the bent foot back.

In the fourth minute, we become in the position of PLILE - the legs are wider than shoulders, squat and begin to tear off the heels from the floor in turn.

Fifth minute - stretching at the wall: we retain one leg back, we rest in the wall and fed, bending the left leg in your knee, and we touch the floor with the right heel - for each leg.

Sixth minute - stretching in the slope: I put one leg forward on the heel, bend the housing ahead, keeping your back straight, and pull your sock on yourself.

Too pumping caviar - how to remove the volume?

"Bottles" - the folk name of the legs with developed ion muscles. Most likely, the girl with bulk eggs is distinguished by an enviable rounded boost, hands without decreasing - heredity predetermines the form of muscles.

  1. To adjust it, you need to maintain physical activity at the level of 2-3 aerobic workouts per week, and also actively engage in stretching, for example, power yoga.
  2. Dog Pose Moroda Down gives a good tensile icy muscles. Stand in the position of the bar on the palms. Raise the pelvis up, straining the press, stretching the rear surface of the legs and the deflection of the top of the back.
  3. Heels strive for the floor, and then there is a tension in caviar. In this position, try to go ahead on straight legs. Make 10-20 steps in three approaches, improving stretching.

How to remove the volume if the caviar is pumped?

Produce a reverse "procedure". Instead of extension of muscle mass in the field of the lower leg - burn it with cardion loads. But remember that the muscles leave evenly on all legs. To preserve the muscular mass of the rest of the legs, back and arms, you will have to load them more more intensively, but about caviar - simply forget for a while, add a slow run of 40-60 minutes.

There are several ways to reduce feet caviar from girls, there are several: liposuction, drying, weight loss. The optimal option is selected individually, based on the desires of a woman. In order to achieve an operational result in the fight against the volume of the oscillatory muscles, it is recommended to use several ways at once.

How to remove fat with caviar

Many women who impute thinness want to be always slender, taut and beautiful.

To achieve such a result, they are sitting on diets, exacerbate themselves for long-term daily workouts, intense physical exertion, are actively engaged in sports for several days a week.

In this case, excess weight goes, but the problem of thick calf zones, which cannot be reduced instantly, remains unresolved. What to do in this case?


The shin is always under heavy load, subcutaneous fat acts as a protective barrier, so the female body consumes it very slowly.

How to reduce caviar in this case? Experts recommend to engage in gymnastics, several times a month practice quick run, perform jumps, refuse to use carbohydrates and limit plant fats in the diet.

It will help to reduce large goals walking, regular walks, squats, their integrated strengthening.

Main ways how to make caviar to the legs thinner:

  • sports, a complex of specially designed exercises;
  • drying, stretching;
  • liposuction;
  • massage.

Before choosing a suitable way, which will achieve subtle ICRs, it is necessary to establish the cause of completeness. It can be:

  • regular edema extremities;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • gait;
  • accumulated fat.

Packed icy muscles - no less serious problem resulting from excessive load on the legs (to pump the calf muscles, if you allocate the minimum time for stretching). How to reduce caviar if they are overly pinched:

  • Exercise 1: Sitting on the floor, legs tilt to the socks, socks pull to themselves, then towards yourself. In each position they are detained for one minute. Perform 3 approaches - so you can reduce the volume of the problem zone by 1- 2 centimeters.
  • Exercise 2: in the standing position, bend one leg, to put a little forward, to pull on yourself, lean to a straight leg, stand in such a position for 30 seconds, after which it is changed. This exercise will help reduce the problem area after 5 - 6 lessons.

Reduced caviar can be reduced if:

  • reduce the load on the legs;
  • eliminate long-term execution of the same type of exercises;
  • running to replace hiking walks;
  • before each training, stretch the muscles well;
  • periodically resort to drying.

How to quickly lose weight in caviar legs

If the calf muscles seem fat due to the accumulation of excess fat to reduce them, recommend to sit on the diet.

It will help to lose weight in caviar to the legs and a complex of specially selected exercises, which can be performed at home.

Exercises for ICR

Pay attention to the beautiful legs of ballet dancers or gymnasts - their calf muscles do not contain anything superfluous and can be considered a benchmark for beauty and perfection. The following exercises will help to solve the problem to resolve the problem:

  • it is necessary to get up straight, push the legs on the width of the pelvis, take a deep breath, to rise to the socks on the exhalation (first it is recommended to perform this exercise for ICR 20 times, with time the number of repetitions can be increased to 30 to reduce the problem zone by several centimeters);
  • having taught the same position, put the foot to the sides, the weight of the body to transfer one leg, the second - bend in the knee, breathe, climb the sock, to do the exercise alternately for each leg at least 15 times.

Stretching IKR

How to remove caviar on your feet using this method? First, as experienced trainers advise, you need to warm up muscles to prepare them for intensive loads. Otherwise, you can get injury or stretching. Recommended to perform daily exercises:

  • exercise 1: Stand facing the wall, take a step back one foot, fix the heel, roll the body forward so that the knee moves to the wall, hold the position for thirty seconds, repeat the other foot;
  • cAPTION 2: Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, stoke, straighten your back, rely on the hands of the back, fix the pose on thirty seconds (such a stretching of the ICR will help to relax squeezed muscles and make them plastic).

Drying the calf muscles

How to reduce caviar in such a way? You need to change the water and power consumption mode. At the same time, you should not forget that the drying of the calf muscles is not a slimming, but the disposal of subcutaneous fat with the preservation of muscle mass.

Fat and carbohydrates must be excluded from the diet, which are deposited as a liquid created by an unnecessary volume. The less carbohydrates consumes a person, the fastener is burned.

To improve the effect, the use of various auxiliary means and vitamin complexes is relevant.

Liposuction IKR

Before reducing caviar in this way, it is necessary to evaluate all its pros and cons.

What is liposuction IKR? This is a surgical operation, in the process of which the shape of the icy muscles is adjusted, which allows you to quickly reduce their volume without grueling workouts.

It assumes the preliminary dissolution of subcutaneous fat with a special solution, with its body from the body. Liposuction disadvantages:

  • the need to use anesthesia, which will help facilitate the flow of the operation and reduce pain;
  • the presence of a number of contraindications;
  • long recovery period;
  • high cost of the procedure.

Massage IKR foot

This method of reducing the calf muscles contributes to relaxation of squeezed muscles, makes them plastic. Foot ICR massage is carried out within 15 - 20 minutes.

It has a strengthening, reducing effect, normalizes blood circulation, prevents bulk swelling, relieves fatigue, feeling of gravity.

Before decreasing the volume of calf muscles, resorting to the massage, it is necessary to pre-consult with a specialist.

Video: how to lose weight in caviar

The information that can be obtained from the video below will help in a short time to get thin legs. A set of exercises and general rules that are recommended to follow, will be useful to all women who, although ideally look. If you follow these recommendations, it will be possible to achieve an excellent result in one to two months.

Source: http://sovets.net/10646-kak-umenshit-ikry.html.

How to quickly and efficiently pump the caviar of the legs, the complex with photos and video

Man becomes harmoniously developed and attractiveIf the same distributes physical exertion in all parts of the body.

Agree, funny and ridiculous looks like an athlete with an inflated riding body and lowered ionic muscles. Unfortunately, there are often bodybuilders ignore the leg muscles.

Today in the article we will deal with what is the calf muscles, where they are located, from which parts will consist, for which they should be downloaded to a person who wants to have a sports figure, consider some exercises on caviar, learn how achieve a better result Thanks to training and nutrition, find out how to pump up caviar to men and girls!

Anatomy and the functions of the calf muscles

There is such a thing as three-chapped leg muscle. Includes ion-axis, cambaloid and plantar muscles, which form the visible contour of the leg. All of them are connected in one Achillovo tendon and are attached in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heel.

Perform approximately the same functions: Flexing, extension of the foot, stabilization of the body in a vertical position when walking, climbing on tiptoe. The calf muscle is involved in the bending of the knee joint, is the main muscle when walking and running.

We can see it, as it covers the rest of the leg muscles. It works when the leg in the knee is straightened, for example, climbs on the socks standing.

As soon as the leg bend, the muscle tension weakens, it almost turns off from the work and turns on Cambalo-shaped.

Cambalo-shaped muscle is under the calf closer to the outside of the lower leg. It is much larger in size than the calf, and creates a greater volume of the ankles.

The tropping of the leg muscle consists of 50% of the slow muscle fibers. Slow muscle fibers are saturated with mitochondria. Mitochondria Quickly recycle lactic acid and provide muscles with the necessary energy. Muscles do not have time to "scream" - walking and runs do not bring us discomfort.

The shin is one of the strongest and hardy muscles in the human body.

Fast muscle fibers occupy the remaining 50% of the leg muscles. Easily succumb to hypertrophy, therefore, we will go.

  • Before proceeding with the exercises, it is necessary to peel muscles thoroughly, the joints of the ankle and stop. This is necessary for the muscles and joints slightly warm, become softer. So you will protect yourself from injuries.
  • Exercises on caviar follows one or twice a week. It is not necessary to abuse the processing of calfs, as they carry a greater load in everyday life, and any muscle group need to give rest for a good result.
  • Weighting weight at least 50% of the maximum weight.
  • Four - five working approaches.
  • The number of repetitions is from 20 to 30.
  • In the breaks between approaches (5 - 10 min.) You can work out other muscle groups (breasts, shoulders or hands).
  • Cardionaging is better to perform before training the calf muscles. It can be a kind of warm-up.
  • After training, make a stretch, massage. Stretch the muscles that worked with, it will help make muscles more elastic and strong.
  • Stick to balanced nutrition. Try to consume at least 6 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of weight, protein is about 2 grams. Salads refuel with vegetable oils or natural yogurts. Exclude simple carbohydrates, sweet and carbonated drinks, transgira and excess protein in the diet.

A faithful solution will be a combination of exercises on the buttocks, the front, rear houses of the hip and on the calf muscles in one workout.

It should work at the end, but to solve an important question about how to pump up legs at home, the article of the same name will help you.

Exercises on caviar at home

Below are some tips on how to pump caviar at home, it is not necessary to go to the gym at all.

Run will answer the question: how to quickly pump caviar. This is a universal sport! Almost all muscles are involved. It will help you not only quickly pump the caviar of the legs, but also bring the whole body into the tone.
Run with pleasure at any time convenient for you.

You can perform both at home and on the street. Jump to burning in caviar.

Very simple and at the same time effective exercise. Tear away the heels from the floor as high as you can, and walk around the house on the socks with small steps like a ballerina.

Stand smoothly, tear off the heels from the floor and slowly rise up. On the breath, go down, without touching the floor, and repeat again. You can perform 100 times in a row, and can be divided into approaches.

Take into the hands of burdens (dumbbells, water bottles).

Stand on the edge of the thick book, steps or steps. Lower the heel as much as possible (so you better spread the calfs) and go up to the sock.

Try to perform such lifts, standing on one leg.

Rises on socks sitting are necessary for the study of chibaloid muscles.

  • Sit on the chair;
  • put burden on your knees (saucepan with water or put a child);
  • slowly tear the heel from the floor to the maximum height;
  • slowly lower the heel down.

Perform 4 approaches of 30 repetitions.

As you can see, pump the caviar feet at home is not so difficult. Choose any of the above methods, and your icy muscles will very soon find the desired forms.

Exercises on caviar in the gym

In the gym, the same rises on the socks are performed, but using special equipment. Below are some exercises for the development of icy muscles in the gym.

Working muscles: calf, square muscle back, spin extensors.

  • Install the required weight on the simulator;
  • stand your socks to the edge of the simulator platform, the heels must be behind its edge, place the shoulders under the supporting rollers;
  • straighten the housing and knees in one line;
  • on the breath lower the heels down, feel like the calf muscle completely stretched;
  • on the exhalation, instill the shin in the ankle joint, climb on the socks as much as possible;
  • at the top point, fix the pause for two seconds;
  • in the breath, come back to its original position.

Performing an exercise, strain the muscles of the press and back, keep the body fixed. Do not bend your knees. Do not spring at the bottom point, strive to exercise smoothly, without jerks.

In this exercise, the calf muscles are stretched as much as possible due to the inclination of the case. In this position it works more efficiently. The axial load on the lower back is reduced, the back is fixed and not swing. This, by the way, is one of the favorite exercises of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

This exercise is excellent because, because of the bent knees, the calf muscles do not participate, and all the load falls on the Cambalian muscles.

  • Sit on the seat of the simulator, distribute the weight on the pelvic bones;
  • put socks on the edge of the platform, the heels must be behind its edge;
  • place the hips under the simulator pillows;
  • remove the stopper;
  • on the breath lower the heels as lowered, stretching muscles and tendons;
  • on the exhale, lift the heel up, strain the Cambalo Muscles, fix the position for two seconds at the top point.

Perform an exercise with a smooth back, the press is tense.

We do not recommend that you wraink socks inside or outTo shift the load. The load changes the minimum, and the risk of injury in the ankle or knee joints increases at times! Take care of joints - put the feet parallel to each other!

Presented video will clearly introduce you to caviar exercises, embodiments, possible errors.

In the training of the calf muscles, regularity remains an important factor. Do not skip the workout and stunning results Do not make yourself wait. Listen to the advice of professionals, choose the best exercises for yourself.

Do you include in your workout exercises for caviar? Which of the most presented do you like most? Share your experience and impressions in the comments.

Source: http://www.davajpochudeem.com/sport/uprashneniya/nogi/kak-nakachat-ikry.html

How to pump caviar feet at home? Effective exercises

I swing the icy muscles yourself at home

This article describes the exercises and detailed guidelines for the pumping of IRS for both beginners and advanced athletes.

How to pump up caviar feet at home

Civilization not only gave a good man, but also added a number of problems. Among them, oddly enough, and incorrectly formed leg muscles, especially ICR. What does Civilization, ask? And despite the fact that we have become much less walking.

Public transport and personal cars took away the cherished 10,000 steps a day, so necessary for us for beauty and health.

As a result, weak and unaesthetic icy muscles, with complexes on this occasion in addition.

More girls can boast of sickly cellulite chopsticks instead of beautiful female legs. And about men generally silent: the chicken legs sticking out of shorts look even more disgusting, especially if they are tested by the impressive gabarites of the carcass.

Even the boys now prefer virtual football real and waiting in the morning, shifting at the door with one fine leg on another, when the parents will bring them to school, instead of passing five hundred meters.

However, the problem of thin CFR is solved as much in our lives. And it is possible to decide without leaving the house. You only need a little patience and time.

Exercises Forming Beautiful Celonous Muscles

Girls should pay attention to the legs of dancers and gymnasts. It is in their feet that there is nothing superfluous. Such perfection is achieved by repeated exercises and proper load.

Artistic gymnasts, for example, do not use any additional sports equipment during training at all during training, bypassing only a mass of your body, including to pump the ICR.

For this, their daily training arsenal has wonderful exercise efficiency.


  • We become smoothly and slowly climbing up on the socks, taking the heels to the maximum possible height. Then not completely lower the heel almost to the floor and immediately up again. And so 3-4 approaches 30 times or just 100 times in a row.
  • We take in the hands of burdens - small dumbbells or water bottles - and make the same spring lifts on socks. If you can't keep your equilibrium, take the load into one hand, and the second stick over the wall or the back of the chair.
  • Complete "springs" are made alternately on one, then on the other leg. You can also with burdens 4 times 30 times.

Find out here Is it possible to drink water during training

Rises on the stand

Platform for step, thick encyclopedia or just a step will need for the next exercise. Become socks on the step, leaving your heels in the air. Now rise "on the tiptoe", and then go down, stretching ankle to the limit, touching the heels to the floor.

On the step or step platform, the possibility of maneuver appears: you can adjust the angle of turning the foot and to work out the same department of the caviar that is needed. Girls often need to swing the inside of the caviar.

If you keep the middle part of the muscles when performing the foot climbs, then the middle part of the muscles will receive a large load, if the heels together, and the socks apart, then the inner part will work, and vice versa - heels apart, socks together - load the outer part of the ICR muscle.

Male lifting option using the platform: Raise with a maximum amplitude, holding a dumbbell in one hand, and relying about the wall for equilibrium.

Walking on socks

The simplest and most affordable exercise is: walking on the socks, like a ballerina. Highly climb on the tiptoe and walk with small stepships without bending legs in the knees.

Walking on the stairs

An excellent way to pump up caviar, this time, without leaving the entrance. Find out what time the movement of residents and ahead subsides in your entrance! Up-down the stairs. You can through the step and with dumbbells. 15-30 minutes will be enough.

Jumping with a rope

Everything is clear here. If it allows living space, take the rope and jump to burning in caviar. This is an exercise from the arsenal gymnasts and boxers.

Light jumps

Jump out of the squat up, holding dumbbells in the hands. This is another exercise that gives a serious burden on caviar.

Squats with cargo

In the hands of dumbbells or six-liter canister with water, in the legs - burning from the multiple repetition of the same act: squats.

Sitting Rises Sitting

You must download the caviar and sitting, because only this is hidden by a cambaloid muscle hidden from the eye, which gives three quarters of the volume of icers. Exercises made standing, give a load on the outer muscle of caviar, and this is only a quarter of volume.

Sit on the chair, take the canister with water or put on the baby's knees. Raise the foot on the socks. If after 15 repetitions of the tibia "burn", then the weight you took the right one. Exercise is performed slowly.


Remember this exercise with physical education lessons at school? Surely remember. True, it is difficult to do it, so it is suitable for advanced athletes.

Hold on to anything with your hand and, stretching one leg ahead, squat to another as many times as you can.


Jogging (how to breathe when running) will help very quickly pump caviar. Do not neglect this way, especially in good weather.

Bike, skiing, tennis, rollers, skates - occupations, educational muscles

Any of the above sports is "icro-forming" and gives a striking result for the muscles of the legs. So buy rollers or racket and pump the right muscles, enjoying the uncomfortable sports. True, this time it will not work out at home.

Learn here. how can you do dumbbell do it yourself

  • Before the set of exercises on the development of IRS, be sure to disperse the joints of the ankle, fingers and the muscles themselves.
  • After exercises, do not forget to stretch the leg muscles. To do this, make a wide step back, putting the heel to the floor, tilting the housing forward. Throws for 10-20 seconds each foot.
  • The amplitude of movements when performing exercises should be maximum.
  • The load should be changed. Variate the exercises and load, otherwise addictive will come, which will reduce the effect of classes.
  • You need to train caviar two or three times a week, giving muscles to restore.
  • Aerobics should be at the beginning of a workout, and the power load on the caviar needs to be completed. Only so you can achieve the growth of ICR.
  • If you carry the weight on the thumbs with the lines, then the load on the muscles will be better.
  • For even greater complication of the exercises and pumping men's CFR, a delay of five accounts at the upper point of the rise is suitable.
  • By pumping the ICR, the main thing is not to overdo it and do not redistribute the muscles, otherwise you can bring ourselves to cramps. And this is at least unpleasant.

The Muscles of the ICR belong to difficultly inflated, as we use them constantly, and the nature in them is laid a lot of endurance. They slowly respond to the load and do not immediately give a tangible increase in volume. For stable results in the growth of these muscles will have to hardly work hard.

For a good result, you must regularly do exercises.

But how beautifully the well-decorated calf muscles and men, and in women! Especially if you begin to form them from childhood.

Pompous ilicor muscles It looks beautiful. To pump them, it is required to apply great efforts. The complexity of the study of this muscle group is that they are involved in everyday life, and, therefore, we are familiar with permanent loads that come to their feet during walking. Therefore, it is very important to pick up the most efficient and effective exercises.

Training, of course, best in the gymwhere there is all the necessary equipment and sports equipment. However, there are no less effective exercises that allow, with patience, achieve the goal and at home. The main thing is to pay out training enough time and attention, but in reasonable limits, not allowing overtraining and overloads. If the load is too big, then caviar begin to root. This signals the need to reduce the intensity. The correctness of training shows a sense of fatigue and burning sensation. There should be no pain.

It is not worth questioning the fact that weak and thin legs do not paint a man, especially if he has a pumped and powerful torso. Such disproportion looks quite comical. Athlete's figure looks completely different if the legs are perfectly worked out and decorated with an attractive relief. And in order to achieve this, you need to properly and competently organize the training of calf muscles. Make it allows a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow this muscle is arranged.

The icy call the double-headed muscle located on the rear. At first glance, it may seem that it is alone, but in fact the muscles are two. Such a misconception is due to the fact that it is possible to see and touch only the upper, under which the second, referred to as Cambalo-shaped. It is the "invisible" eye of the muscles and is responsible for the volume. By increasing, it affects and as if inflates the top.

While running and walking immediately both muscles. Permanent load does not always give the desired result. The main reasons for this may be the following:

  • selection of training with too low intensity;
  • a similar effect, that is, the lack of a set of volume, gives both excess loads;
  • incorrectly selected training.

To competent compilation of the training complex, it should be borne in mind that the lower (cambaloid) is worked out in the sitting position, and located above it (superficial) - in the standing position. To get the maximum result, you need to use in the training and lower, and the upper.

The key to success is not an indispensable repetition of the same exercises, but a heavy training with burden. Regularity of classes should choose moderate. It is recommended to train once or twice a week, but no more. Otherwise, it will cause overload and the result will be the opposite desired.

The frequency of workouts should be so that those present in the schedule of cardio loads, if any, were carried out before working with iron. Working the calf muscles is best at the end of the workout on the feet, and begin with the cambaloid, since it is stronger than superficial.

How to start training on calf muscles

Go to the immediate exercise, follows after a warm-up - warming up. An excellent solution will be a massage, you can make it yourself. There is no difficulty in the very well to stretch and massage caviar. In addition, it is required to stretch the fingers and ankles. These "measures" are prevention of stretching.

It is necessary to start with the most simple exercises that relate to the warm-up, they can be performed at home.

Exercises on caviar at home

Initial position

Stand, keep your back smoothly.


Climb slowly on socks. Try to do it so that the heels are as high as possible. Next, take the dumbbells. When an equilibrium is difficult to keep, you can hold on with one hand for the support, and the weightlifier to take only one.

Completely exercise allows one-item one first, and then to another leg. The main thing is to do it with burdens.

Springs 3-4 approaches 30 each.

Doing the exercise needs slowly.

A simple, but effective exercise, the essence of which comes down in walking on socks for some time. The main thing, try to make the knees not bend.

Rise and go down the steps until you feel fatigue in muscles. You can just walk or stop the steps. It is better to alternate both approaches.

These exercises are very simple, do not require the use of simulators, easily can be performed at home.

Instead of a platform, you can use staircase.

Initial position

Holding your back straight, stand on the edge of the platform or on the step socks.


Rise first on tiptoe as above as possible, and then lower the heels until it stops to clearly feel the stretching of the ankle. You can rely with one hand about the wall, and take a dumbbell to another hand.

Change the position of the legs. Keep the feet in parallel, then move the heels or push the socks. The combined approach to the exercise will allow to work out various parts of the ICR. The parallel position of the stop is aimed at the development of the middle part, the shifted heels - on the inner, and the socks are on the outer.

Very complex and difficult exercise that has a high load.

Initial position

Sit, take dumbbells.


Jump out of the received position as high as possible.

Complex for the gym

The exercises presented below are specific. They are aimed at separate pumping and superficial, and cambal muscles, are carried out with the involvement of simulators.

Similar to those that make dumbbells at home, but are performed on the simulator.

Starting position

Stand out the socks on the support stage, and kick your shoulders under the stops. The heels at the same time should be omitted, in caviar to feel tension.

Technique execution

Lift as much as possible on socks.

Delay for a few seconds in the extreme position.

Move socks

Made on the simulator for the press of the legs, which is an extremely efficient sports device, ideally guided and with the elaboration of all muscles on the legs, and with the pumping of ICR.

Starting position

Lying on the simulator, straighten your legs, squeezing the platform, lock the stops.

Technique execution

Remove the platform from the stops, hover it with socks, go back to the original position.

To avoid injury, apply limiters.

Selecting weights should be similar to pancakes when performing squats using a rod. The optimal is considered such weight that allows you to maximize eight repetitions and no more than three or four sets.

No matter where you do fitness, houses or in the gym, it doesn't matter what your ultimate goal does not matter - to lose weight or gain weight, the problem of flabby, inexpressive ICRs probably familiarize you. And if you are trying to achieve aesthetic and proportional figure, I don't have a whim, but necessity. The training complex for calf muscles combines diverse exercises to caviar, which can be included in the workout program and periodically alternate, giving the muscles a good, comprehensive load. Consider what exercise must be performed to pump the calf muscles.

Anatomical reference: icy muscles

The ion muscles are visually easily identified. They are located on the surface of the tibia, covering themselves part of the cambaloid muscles. The training caviar looks twisted, this indicates the specifics of the muscle structure: the calf consists of two connecting muscle heads - medial and lateral. Their basic function is reduced to bending legs in the ankle and knee joints. In addition, the calf muscle allows you to fix the shin in various positions while walking and running. And also lateral and medial beams act as a stop subinctor, that is, they allow you to change the position of the foot in space.

The icy muscles allow us to take a step (tear off the floor from the floor, to hold it) and, therefore, walk, run, swim, jump, dance, ride a bike, perform gymnastic tricks and much more. Therefore, it is important to have strong, trained icy muscles not only for the sake of aesthetics, but also for the sake of health, sports achievements, an active lifestyle.

How to pump caviar feet at home? Exercises on caviar feet for men and girls at home

If you are a girl, a woman and want to tighten the caviar, make legs more elegant and attractive, then you should not allocate a lot of time to workout ICR. It is enough to include 2-3 exercises at the end of any training program. If your goal is to build up the icy muscles, then in this case it is necessary to form a small workout that is completely dedicated to icers. However, exercises for training caviar, regardless of your end goals, are the same for each case. You can choose and adjust how much pumping caviar and the intensity of classes yourself depending on the desired pumping and the result. You can pick up caviar at home, performing effective exercises described below.

Runs on socks in position standing with their own weight

This exercise is the basic to study the ICR, it does not require any sports equipment, so it can easily be performed at home. All you need is a comfortable support (stool back, windowsill, wall).

The technique of lifting on socks is as follows:

  1. Stand before the support, the legs are positioned at the distance less than the width of the shoulders.
  2. Foot put in parallel to each other (in the recommendations there are other options for the levels of the feet for the development of individual muscle beams).
  3. Holding his hand for the support, slowly climb the socks to the maximum.
  4. Then also slowly return to its original position.
  5. On the last repetition, lock the socks in the peak position and will hold up so 20-30 seconds.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 3 × 20 times.

Video instruction to the exercise: how to perform lifts on the socks standing

The video shows how to quickly pump caviar at home

Side rise sitting with extra weight on the knees

A similar exercise on the lifting of socks, but already in the sitting position and with additional weight is a more complex level, which is often used by athletes and athletes in the simulatory halls. And its complexity is that only the power of the calf muscles to raise burden placed on the knees. To do the exercise, you will need a chair or a bench and an extra weight, which will be suitable: dumbbells, weight, wheels from the rod, a large water bottle, books, vulture, bodybar, etc.

Exercise technique:

  1. Sit on the chair, straighten your back, place your legs at an angle of 90 o.
  2. Take the burden and place it evenly on the front of the thigh closer to the knees.
  3. From this position, raise the feet on socks as high as possible.
  4. Then come back to its original position, based on the entire foot.

Number of approaches: 3.

The number of repetitions: 8-10.

Video: Performing lifting on socks with Bodybar to pump shin

Lifting on socks standing on the elevation

To increase the working amplitude of the lifting and, consequently, increase the efficiency of pumping the icy muscles, use various elements of the elevation in the exercise: discs from the rod, high threshold, boards, steppes for aerobics, etc. Such lifts can be performed both standing and sitting, With the use of burdens or without them. If your goal is an intensive training of calf muscles to an increase in their volumes, use dumbbells, rods or vultures as an additional weight. Newbies recommended the first workouts to perform without burdening - to develop perfect execution techniques.

Execution technique:

  1. Stand on the edge of the hill so that the heels are in Wiste.
  2. Take (if necessary) additional weight in both hands.
  3. If you do not use weight, hold one hand for any support for equilibrium (wall, back chal).
  4. The exercise begins with lowering the heels below the level of the support, and then the maximum lift on the socks.

The number of approaches and repetitions individually: for newcomers 3 × 10, for amateurs 3 × 15, for 4 × 10 professionals. When using burdens, you can reduce the number of repetitions.

Video: lifting on socks standing on the elevation + dumbbells to swing up caviar

Pumping ICR in the simulator room: the best effective jokes for pumping caviar

In the simulators, a large number of diverse power simulators are represented, including to train the icy muscles. The design of such simulators may differ depending on what position (standing or sitting) is running on socks. The rest is a metallic design with a counterweight consisting of discs of various weights.

Lifting on socks in the simulator standing

To perform the lifting the work of the calf muscles, a simulator with a support on the shoulders, which creates a pull down with the previously adjusted weighing. So the position of the body is fixed in the simulator and the effect of additional burdens is created.

Execution technique:

  1. Stay at the simulator so that the feet are on the elevation, and the shoulders are under the top platform.
  2. Heels must be in Wiste, socks on the elevation.
  3. Straighten your back, grab both hands for holders.
  4. Start push the platform lying on the shoulders, up, lifting on the socks.
  5. Then slowly go away, the removal heels as low as possible.

Number of approaches and repetitions: 3 × 8-10.

Video tutorial to the exercise:

Lifting on socks in a simulator sitting

Another option to work with a simulator - lifting on socks sitting. The design of the machine is different here (with a horizontal frame and platform), but the meaning of the exercise is the same as in the previous case. In front of the direct classes in the hall, examine the technique of exercise on the development of icy muscles in this power machine.

Execution technique:

  1. Adjust the working weight in the simulator.
  2. Sit into the simulator, put your feet on a special exaltation so that the heels remain without support.
  3. From above to the knees, lay the fixing rollers counterweight.
  4. Both hands grab the handles in front of you.
  5. Raise the legs on the socks, pushing the rollers up.
  6. Then lower the knees as low as possible so that the heels are under the opposite angle to the floor.

Repeat the exercise 10 times 3 approaches.

IMPORTANT! Pick the weight under your physical abilities. If you use large weights, the number of repetitions can be reduced.

The video structure of the lifting on socks in the simulator sitting:

Snippers on socks in the simulator Smith with a barbell

Smith simulator can be considered a universal machine for performing completely different exercises to different muscle groups. In the case of training of the calf muscles, this simulator can also be used as an alternative to special machines and exercises with free inventory. The feature of the smith simulator is in its hard locks that hold the neck or bar in the same plane.

Execution technique:

  1. Set the weight of the rod (or use an empty neck), define the stand under socks. If you do not want to exercise with an elevation, do not use it.
  2. Stand on the simulator so that the Gryph is on your shoulders.
  3. Slowly rise to the socks, pushing up the neck (both end of the inventory will be toughly fixed in the simulator, which will allow you to maintain the balance in the peak point of the exercise).
  4. Then slowly go on the heels or, if you use the elevation, remove the heels down.

Approximate number of approaches and repetitions: for lovers 3 × 10, for beginners: 3 × 8. Excel from our own power and weight you use.

Video tutorial to the exercise:

An important feature of the lifting on socks is the position of the feet. When performing the exercise, it is possible to put the feet differently: socks together - heels apart, socks apart - heels together, parallel arrangement of socks. This feature relates to all similar exercises on the lifting. With parallel stage formulation, both muscular beams of ICR are uniformly loaded. When the heels are directed to each other, and the socks apart - the medial head is more activated. In the case when the socks are located together, and the heels apart - the lateral beam is kept stronger. It is necessary to train each beam individually in the case of a pronounced asymmetry of the icy muscles. How to ride the external and inner side is shown in the picture:

Rarely when athletes highlight a special day for ICR training, most often of all kinds of lifts are performed in the complex with basic exercises on the muscles of the legs (animals of legs, squats with weight, etc.). However, if you want big, embossed caviar, do not forget about the warm-up before the scenario training, to eliminate the dislocations, stretching and injuries of the joints.

As you can see, exercises for caviars are pretty the same type. An additional weight and work in the simulators with a counterweight play a decisive role in building muscles here. Consequently, caviar will grow with increasing load.

Each exercise on caviar should be brought to burning in the leg muscles. If you do not feel this effect, it means that the exercise is incorrect, or there are implicit errors in the technique. If you think that with the performance, everything is perfect, try to increase weight weights: instead of one dumbbell use two, instead of a grid - bar. When there is no sports inventory, which is characteristic of lessons at home, you need to increase the volume of bottles with water, the number of books used and so on.

Beautiful caviars are essential not only for general aesthetics, but also for the health of the legs. And regardless of whether you want to lose weight, score a lot or strengthen the joints, the best training complex on caviar will help achieve high results in the tasks set.

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