Features and rules for swimming in a hole for baptism. How to swim on baptism. Rules and tips of men in the hole on baptism

Pipe 31.05.2021

On the night of January 18-19, the Orthodox all over the world celebrate the Baptism of the Lord: after worship services in the temples and sanctifying water, many believers go to Epiphany bathing.

On the eve of the Baptism of the Lord - in the evening of January 18 - the Orthodox all over the world attend solemn services in the temples, they also take consecrated water. The custom of sanctifying the water to the Epiphany was committed in order to prepare it for those who will be baptized in it.

"Today, the sacred water takes and use it at home to strengthen physically, believing that it can have some healing, strengthening properties," said Gazeta.Ru. Kochetkov.

As for the Epiphany Mass Swimming, they appeared from the joint of two traditions: to make the sacrament of baptism on the feast of the Epiphany (like on Christmas, and at Easter, before it was one of the most popular days for the rite) and walk to the places where the described in Gospel Events. "Since the baptism is rarely committed on this day, then people kindly imitate an ancient custom, and if they are not baptized, then at least diphwashes," added Georgy Kochetkov.

In the pre-revolutionary time, the Baptism of the Lord was celebrated on the old style - that is, on January 6th. In the central province of the Russian Empire, the eve of this religious holiday was called "candles", since after serving on this day, the townsunks were set by a vessel in which the water was consecrated sent by colored threads or candle ribbons. Although after Christmas and until the end of the carnival, it was possible to eat, whatever, it was January 5, Orthodox Christians held a strict post - even children were not allowed to eat to the first star.

In the evening, in the temples there was a real crush, as people believed - the earlier they paint the consecrated water, the "holy" it will be. But in some provinces it was forbidden to take water from the well to the morning on January 6th.

After the decreement, each family member did a sip of water. The remnants were sprayed through the territory of the house, thereby protecting the dwelling from the trouble and the evil eyes. Mass baths were not practiced: people preferred to simply approach the water and observe when the water is saved in the corner. It was a sign of the fact that the Lord plunged into the water, then, after that, the water even became saint in the twelve sword.

In the modern church, the Epiphany swimming in the modern church, calling for a liturgy, and not to Jordan if "the dive into the hole is accompanied by the separation of alcoholic beverages, matery."

"From the point of view of the church, the person who plunged the person from the not dipped in nature is no different. The church rejoices when people feel that something changes in their lives when they want to wash away from sins. But if for a person, immersion in water is just a wellness procedure, hardening or entertainment, it has nothing to do with faith, nor for the holiday of baptism, "said the priest George Kochetkov.

Experts advise to well eat before immersion in the hole, but it is better to eat at least an hour before bathing.

Before rushing to the pool (in no case with the head - it is possible to spasm the vessels in the head, and, in addition, there will be no hair to dry the hair), it is recommended to sit down several times and make a couple of slopes.

It will warm up the muscles and turn away the blood on the body.

For security reasons, it is not worth crowding on the approach to the hole, because the ice may not withstand a large cluster of people. Extremes Rescuers are asked not to dive into the holes forward. After a three-time immersion in Epiphany water, they recommend citizens not to linger and release the place for the next believers.

The diving into the hole for baptism is a deed that can not do any. First, frost and ice water is very difficult to withstand, even from a psychological point of view, secondly, some believers are forbidden to do this for health. How to plunge into the hole for baptism? Under this procedure, a triple ablution is implied, not necessarily with the head. Before that, it is necessary to cross and pronounce prayer, traditionally it is "our own".

Immersion in ice water is a strong stress. The glands of adrenal glands sharply and powerfully react to it, throwing into the blood a large dose of potent anti-inflammatory hormones, which normally stand out on slightly. They oppress all inflammatory responses by the fact that it is simply "devastating" immunity, help to carry cold, fit the body to carry stresses.

If you properly prepare for immersion, a disposable dive of a middle health person will take place without difficulty. But if he is at least a little weakened, after three or four days the courage will have to pay. According to Boris Zacco, the effect of adrenal hormones continues after the release of a maximum of two days. After that, their deficit arises, and the body has a sharply weakens and becomes sensitive to any infections.

Run in front of the disarm, and after the exit - warm the tea. And if on a sidewater below ten, it is better to transfer the session to the next time.

1. Before dipping, you must be consulted by a doctor. People with diabetes, arrhythmia, kidney problems, women with gynecological diseases about the hole, alas, better forget. In hypertensive and at all may have a stroke.

2. A week before diving it is better to start cooking the body to the frost. The first 3-4 days just go to the balcony for a minute in shorts and a T-shirt. On the remaining days - add poultry with cold water. Enough one or two (in the last two days) basins with cold water.

3. Also, a week before the fat congestion, citrus, greens, rosehip and other products rich in vitamin C are needed to be excluded, and it stimulates the immune system, and it is not necessary to stimulate immunity than the aircraft act is not necessary: \u200b\u200bit will be too much, immunity strongly "falls "

4. Your clothes and shoes should be easily and quickly removed. Love right. Ideally, it should not be fasteners at all, in the extreme case - "Lightning". Butt the buttons do not listen after frost with your fingers, and even more so tie the shoelaces problematic. You will only spend time standing in the cold. In addition, take the rug. On it you will stand until you wander and change clothes. Do not forget and head - wear it immediately, how to pop up from the water.

5. Not every weather is suitable for swimming. The perfect temperature for beginners - from 2 to 5 degrees below zero. You can take a chance to dive in the frost, but -10 is an already dangerous threshold for a person for the first time trying to dive into the hole.

6. The hole should be well cleared of ice fragments so that you do not slip and not hurt and to get out it is easier. It is desirable that she had a staircase or shallow zone for easy outlet of the water. Never bold alone - suddenly need help.

7. Two hours before diving, it is necessary to eat tightly, that is, to provide the body "fuel". When you find yourself in cold water, the body will begin to spend all the resources on heating and no cyocaloria will be superfluous.

8. Come into the water preheated and gradually. It is easier to carry cold. To warm up before the procedure, you can run a few minutes, to pour, do active movements. Come into the water slowly, at an average pace: if slowly, you can have time to frozen, and if quickly, it may occur, a strong stress, pulse and pressure rises sharply, intercepts breathing. Going on your knees, rinse the face with water, begl. This will also prepare a full immersion organism.

9. Do not eat alcoholic beverages before bathing, otherwise the freezing after the exit will be much stronger. In addition, the risk of breaking blood vessels is great. After diving, it is possible to warm up a small amount of alcohol (best - vodka), but ordinary tea is also perfect for Sugrev.

10. Do not sit in the ice "waters" to goosebumps. Chills is a sign that the body has begun to translate. As soon as you felt it, immediately pop out from the water. On average, it is enough to stay in water for 10 seconds - just enough to plunge on three times, as it should be in tradition.

Doctors categorically prohibit swimming in the frost to children. Little children, especially in infants, an imperfect thermoregulation system. Frostbite can occur very quickly and parents simply will not have time to notice it. The consequences of this bathing are the most serious: the child may be sick with pneumonia, meningitis, or another disease of the central nervous system.

Orthodox people are celebrating baptism on January 19, or on the eve of the 18th, the Epiphany Christmas Eve is celebrated. Among believers there is a popular tradition - swim on this day. How to plunge into the hole for baptism, so as not to harm your health? We will try to figure it out with this question.

Baptism is an important event in the Orthodox Religion

On this day, believers immediately celebrate two events in the history of religion - the baptism of God's son in John the forerunner in the waters of the river, which Jordan was called, and the phenomenon of the Trinity of God, that is, the Epiphany. It is said that from the moment of baptism began the exit of Jesus Christ to people.

Epiphany completes the cycle of Christmas holidays and requires special preparation. As the strict post before Christmas is observed and on the eve of the Epiphany, it is necessary to adhere to the same strict Epiphany Christmas tree.

Bathing in Jordan - Healing Soul and Body

For the holiday, they make a hole in the shape of a cross and called "Jordan", so called the river in which Jesus baptized. On the night of January 19, absolutely all the water becomes holy, even from under the tap. But on this day, believers still go to church in order to sanctify it and put a candle. Used to cure diseases, strengthening the moral spirit and physical forces, removal of the evil eye and damage. The holy liquid can be washed or drinking small sips. It is sanctified housing with all the faugs, as well as hlev, which contains livestock. But here is the dip in the hole for baptism - the procedure is optional, especially if a person is not ready for this, neither morally or physically. To this step should be consciously and with faith in the heart.

The diving into the hole for baptism is a deed that can not do any. First, frost and ice water is very difficult to withstand, even from a psychological point of view, secondly, some believers are forbidden to do this for health.

How to plunge into the hole for baptism? Under this procedure, a triple ablution is implied, not necessarily with the head. Before that, it is necessary to cross and pronounce prayer, traditionally it is "our own".

What happens to a man's body during dipping in ice water

Swimming on baptism is possible even without a special challenge procedure. The human body is used to periodic cold, which allows you to transfer a low temperature. It is very important to prepare morally before swimming on baptism in the hole, and also comply with the further consider what basic processes occur in the human body during diving in cold water.

  • As soon as the human body comes into contact with ice water, the central part of the brain is instantly awakened, its work is enhanced.
  • The ultra-low temperature is perceived by the body as severe stress. Basically, this situation acts positively - pain relief occurs, spasm passes, inflammation is removed and swelling decreases.
  • When immersed in water, the temperature of the human body reaches forty degrees. At first glance, this is very bad, but in fact there is no harm from it. Such a temperature stays literally a few seconds, and for a short time, various microbes, malicious bacteria, viruses manage to die in the body.

For whom such a sacrament is taboo?

How to plunge into the hole for baptism so as not to bring harm to yourself? Before you go swimming, you need to consult with your doctor. After all, there are many people for whom such events are taboo. There are various diseases in which swimming in the holes for baptism is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to a fatal outcome.

These include such pathologies:

  • hypertension, angina - high pressure is fraught with a sudden sharp narrowing of vessels, which can lead to such serious consequences, as or stroke;
  • hypotension (low pressure) - a sharp change of temperature of the fainting, after which the human life is already completely dependent on rescuers and doctors;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs (nose, throat, ears);
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • epileptic seizures, brain injuries, atherosclerosis;
  • neuritis, polyneuritis;
  • high level of sugar in blood, thyrotoxicosis;
  • eye diseases;
  • pathology (tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma);
  • inflammatory processes of the urogenital system;
  • digestive diseases (ulcer, enterocolitis, hepatitis);
  • venereal ailments;
  • allergic reaction to cold.

Pluses of winter bathing

After hardening the body, the cold is worth noting such positive points:

Cons of winter bathing

It should be remembered that simultaneously with the pros, there are often cons:

  • breathing becomes frequent and deep;
  • very rapid heartbeat is observed, there is a high probability of developing arrhythmias, hypertension;
  • significantly increases blood sugar levels, which can provoke the development of diabetes;
  • increases cholesterol in the blood, which is fraught with the appearance of atherosclerosis;
  • immunity is suppressed against oncology;
  • the protective functions of the body, aimed at combating seasonal influenza and ORVI viruses.

General principles of hardening

If you decide to handle your body, you need to remember that three factors play a huge role in this matter: and sunlight.

There are several common ordinary rules:

How to plunge into the hole for baptism? Now let's try to deal with this question. If you decide to plunge for the first time, then decide why you need it. Well, if this is a real faith, but many make the sacrament for the company with friends or because the dispute lost. It is necessary to go to the hole solely with the true faith and a brief, but sincere prayer. Words that are addressed to God must go from a pure heart, and charge with a huge force of water (at least they believe Orthodox).

What to take with you?

  • A terry towel and a warm bathrobe.
  • Comfortable non-slip shoes.
  • Dry warm clothes.
  • Swimsuit or smelting.
  • Thermos with tea.
  • Will and desire power.

Ten rules that cannot be neglected

On the basis of the above information, it is possible to highlight the rules of bathing into the holes on the baptism, which in no case cannot be neglected:

  • consultation with the doctor;
  • the right choice of corruses;
  • the presence of all necessary things;
  • warming up before dipping;
  • rejection of diving with head;
  • compliance with the time of stay in water;
  • consumption of warm heating beverages;
  • abstinence from alcohol.

If the idea of \u200b\u200bswimming is horror itself - then it is not worth doing this. Do not forget to pray. Let this bathing bring you only the desired cleansing and benefit.

Bathing for crelation. Photo: Sanrussia.ru.

The Baptism of the Lord is a great Orthodox holiday, which has a centuries-old history, its rites, rules and traditions. It is this holiday that Christmas shints end in January 7 to 19.

The history of the holiday is rooted in the distant past, when the Son of Jesus Christ Christ is baptized in the Jordan River. It is from here that the integral tradition of swimming in the corruption went.

Every year the number of people wishing to plunge into the hole only grows. However, not everyone knows the basic rules that must be observed when immersed in ice water.

When it is better to swim

Many wonder when it is better to swim - on the eve of the holiday on January 18, or on the Baptism of the Lord on January 19.

It is believed that on January 18, it is best to go to the temple on the evening service. There it is necessary to read the prayer and dial home holy water. In this case, it is impossible to gain water plastic or bottles from alcoholic beverages. For holy water should be its own packaging, pre-well washed.

Already after the festive evening service, you can swim in the hole. The best for this action is the time interval from 00:00 to 01:30. It is at this time that baptic water has the most strong healing properties that help from any ailments. Of course, not everyone can get up at such a time to swim, so it can be done at any time already at the Baptism itself on January 19.

How to dip in the hole

It is possible to plunge into the hole only in the places specifically allocated for this and under the supervision of rescuers. Initially, a special Jordan should be carved into the ice, after the priest drops the crucifix to the water and read the prayer, you can swim in it.

Just to enter the water can not. The body and so will be in shock and if you do not comply with certain rules, consequences can be deplorable:

  • an hour before swimming, it is necessary to eat, but not to use alcoholic beverages;
  • before bathing you need to warm up the body, make a workout, run;
  • clothing should be simple to make it easy to remove and dress;
  • before the holes, bare can not go, best in shoes or good woolen socks, they need to be worn so as not to slip;
  • check the staircase staple or descent into water;
  • you need to go to the water gradually, not to do this sharply, otherwise you can provoke problems with pressure. Dive into water is also not recommended, as a shock state may occur;
  • the maximum time staying in water should not exceed 30 seconds, it is quite enough to plunge on three times;
  • it is impossible to dip with your head, it is best to do it only on the neck. If you dip with your head, the vessels can be dramatically narrowed, it will lead to a sharp decrease in temperature and a shock state of the body;
  • try not to swim in cold water, the limb can be reduced by convulsion;
  • if you are a child, watch him, in a shock of cold water, he may forget that he knows how to swim;
  • leaving the water, hold on to the handrails not with wet hands, but dry towel;
  • after swim again, laugh with a towel;
  • to warm up the best one is suitable for herbal or berry tea, but again, in no case alcoholic beverages.

What you need to have with you

In order for swimming in the Epiphany Rubbing, you need to have successfully with you to have a row at first glance, but in this case very necessary items.

These include:

  • towel and terry bathrobe;
  • a set of dry clothes;
  • swimsuit or changeable underwear (it is also allowed to dip it);
  • slippers, not to slide on the ice, and better woolen socks;
  • rubber hat, so as not to danguate the head and then do not blur on the frost;
  • will and desire power.


As it turned out, in the case of bathing in the hole there are a lot of contraindications that can not only spoil the effect of this action, but also lead to exacerbations of diseases.

  • with cardiovascular system;
  • with the central nervous system - epilepsy, the consequences of severe skull injuries; Sclerosis of the brain vessels in the pronounced stage, Siringomily; Encephalitis, arachnoiditis;
  • with peripheral nervous system - neuritis, polyneuritis;
  • with an endocrine system - diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis;
  • inflammatory nasopharynx processes;
  • with the organs of vision - glaucoma, conjunctivitis;
  • with respiratory authorities - pulmonary tuberculosis, lung inflammation, bronchial asthma;
  • with a genital system - jade, cystitis, inflammation of appendages, inflammation of the prostate gland.

Maria Babich

During swimming in the ice baptized font, a person experiences approximately the same stress as during a parachute jump. In order for such a test, the subsequent decrease in immunity is necessary to prepare in advance for immersion, gain a positive attitude and overcome the fear of ice water. If everything is done correctly and take care of warm clothes, a soft towel and hot tea, baptism will be one of the most joyful and unforgettable days in your life.

What should be known

You can swim in the corner only healthy and tempered people. Do not immerse yourself in Jordan people with obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, diseases of the respiratory organs, chronic skin diseases and inflammation of the urogenital system. Bathing in ice water will not bring benefits to persons suffering from insomnia, as well as people with a frustrated psyche. Such categories of citizens can hold a ritual at home, simply by taking a contrasting shower.

Before you go on the river or the lake, find out what weather to prepare for you Mother Nature. The ideal temperature for newbies ranges from 2 to 5 degrees of frost, you can dive into a frosty day, but minus 10 degrees Celsius is a too dangerous temperature threshold for a person who decided to immerse themselves in Jordan for the first time.

Preparation for bathing

It is best to prepare a long shirt in advance for swimming, because the dive into the hole is not a holiday of nudity in the middle of winter, but a sacred rite. Such shirts are the same for men and women. It is believed that if the parishioners are putting a telecaase, dressing swimsuits and smelting, they contribute dissonance to traditional Christian decency. Therefore, the rite should not be turned into a demonstration of its charms or age flashes.

If you do not have a suitable shirt, and you decided to hold the rite of dive into the hole in a bathing suit, it is better to wear it at home. You should also put on thermal underwear, woolen socks, a warm sweater, mittens, cap and free shoes. Clothes and shoes should be easily put on and removed, ideally for clothes should not be fasteners, as a last resort - zipper, because it will take the shoelaces in the cold and the button of the buttons on clothes will be very problematic. It should take a package with slippers, a rug, a towel and a set of replacement linen. You also need to prepare a small thermos with hot tea and several hot water bottles to lure after swimming.

Stripe before bathing you need from bottom to top: you must first remove the upper clothes, then shoes, trousers, sweater, shirt. Last but you need to remove the socks, put on the legs of the slippers and go to Jordan. If you feel that you have frozen your fingers or legs, it is better to move first, break, warm up, and only after that dipped into the water.

Immersion in water

The clear rules of immersion in the water does not exist. Rescuers advise: do not jump into ice water from the shore, especially down the head. It is best to quickly and resolutely go down to the stairs quickly and decide, find a suitable depth, make a dive rite and carefully get out of the stairs to the shore.

You do not need to swim along the corner. Going along the stairs or by going from the shore about the chest, you need to cross, say: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!", Hold your breath and plunge into the water with your head three times. After that, it follows without a delay to leave the water. In total, it is desirable to be at no more than 20-30 seconds in the hole, then there will be neither inflammation of the appendages, nor prostatitis, nor inflammation of the kidneys and lungs.

How to act after swimming

Select from the hole carefully, try not to slip on the stairs and do not hurt the body about sharp floors on the edge of Jordan. Immediately after the hole, pour a pair of hot water bottles brought from home. If you do not have such bottles, remove the wet bathing suit or shirt, take a soft terry towel and turn the body to them energetically, ranging from the top and ending with heels. After that, start dressing in the reverse sequence: first put on socks, then shirt, pants, sweater, top clothes, cap, scarf, mittens and shoes.

Experts advise not to walk after swimming in the corruption on foot on long distances, but to sit in warm transport and drink a cup of hot tea with honey or herbs. The church is not welcomed to the baptism of drinking alcoholic beverages.

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