Brutal loggers. No you are a lumberjack: why Men-LambeSexuals are unbearable. Differences of LambeSexes from lumberjacks

Children's 31.05.2021

Since 2015, the world began to admire the lumberjack style.

The style originates in North America and Canada, where during the years of logging, the image of the woodcutter is formed - strong harsh bearded.

In the middle of the XIX century, in the United States and Canada, there was just a boot of wood blank. On the forestworker worked a huge number of woodcutters. The harsh working conditions dictated their work style rule. It was simply no need to shave in the conditions of heavy labor everyday life and the cold climate.

Over time, the image has been typing: this appeared the harsh bearded bearded in the flannel checkered shirt with an ax on the shoulder.

In Russia, the wood-level style chose:

  • Konstantin Khabensky
  • Danil Kozlovsky
  • Grigory Dobrygin

What looks like

The main style attribute is a chic, carefully well-groomed beard.

This style is slightly similar to other directions, such as hipsters and causal. The first was borrowed hairstyle and the type of beard itself, and the second is some style features in clothes.

Consider the main signs of this trend image:

  1. Beard always looks neat and gently.
  2. Shoes are leather shoes from high quality material.
  3. Tightening, as well as a sound watch or other accessory.
  4. Well, what a logger without a tattoo on any part of the body.
  5. Ban on sport style. Preference is given to everyday classic clothing.

Men wearing a beard of the woodcutter, usually physically strong physique. But the style of "woodcutter" does not indicate the use of hard manners in society.

If you need to visit the official celebration, then such a bearded man will put on a classic suit.

One of the attributes of the modern logger is a tattoo on the body. Today, this direction has become quite popular and accessible to every person, regardless of ownership of nationality or sex.

"LUMBERJACK" in translation means "woodcutter".

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LambeSexuals include men of mature age. They can go to work in the selected image. Most often, the style of beardes involves wearing the clothes of the business direction. This same classic costume, pants, shirts.

From real loggers, modern bearders are distinguished by the acquisition of activities. Today's fashionists were unlikely to take an ax. Usually they carry iPhones and other gadgets. The work is associated with mental activity, therefore, for visiting the office, men should follow their appearance and maintain vegetation on the face in proper form.

In order for the beard to have a neat look, it is required to cut it in a timely manner, use cosmetic hair care products.

But the real woodcutter is unlikely to do it. Most of the beardeds also follow the physical form, visiting the gyms. Such men love to go hiking, mountains, make forest walks and admire picturesque places. A vintage backpack will be assembled in the campaign, the flashlight, take a warm woolen plaid and a camera to do selfie against the background of nature, who will be told to the Word, look very harmonious!

This style chose such actors as:

  • George Clooney

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  • Jim Carrie
  • Joe Mangannello
  • Chris Pine

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    Moreover, some of them began to look older than 20 years. This same J. Clooney, Jim Carrie. Apparently with the help of such an image, the actors attract additional attention to their person. It is clear that the fans also began to imitate their idols.

    With a thick and lush beard, important programmers, lawyers, an accountant of large companies began to go to work ... It can be seen today from many followers of this style, regardless of age.

    Instructions for the creation

Full information on the topic "Fashion wearing a beard as a woodcutter that does not chop trees" - all the most relevant and useful on this issue.

i liked it now: I am looking for in Yandex "Organic Cotton T-shirt", a search query "Organic Grunge Organic Cotton T-shirt" has been falling out. To tweemed, I think this is what a brutal grouse-metal car, which is still baked that a 100% organic cotton trocery is? - Megabrott!

Now it looks fashionable like a woodcutter. Which does not rub the trees, and all day cares for himself, in order to please other woodcutters.

- Harry, I have a glitter enough?

- Yes, John, your ax is beautiful

- this is because I cleaned it 100% organic linden fiber with flax oil of the first cold spin

polishing handle better, John, carefully

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About woodcuttoes

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Men's trends of 2015. LambeSexuals. Lesorba style

Men's trends
On Labuten

Honally met a friend who had not seen the last few months, and with difficulty he learned. It should be noted that this my friend is a sufficiently secured, educated person working in the fashion industry. It could never be supplied in the fact that he did not follow himself or looks like a start. This time in front of me stood a healthy bearded man.

Beard is a new male trend, so obvious and powerful that its own name is invented - LambeSexual. Lesoruba style, a strong man with a beard - this is the complete opposite of the metrosexual - a stylish and sophisticated urban resident.

Actually lambeSeksualy - This is not just a man with beards, there are other classic lumberjack style attributes - flannel checkered shirts, knitted caps and of course male tattoos. It is so in the mass consciousness looks American loggers who served as the type of style. However, a luxurious beard is the main distinguishing sign of LambeSexual.

It is easy to see that this man with a beard, tie tie looks quite harmonious. Tattoos, earring in the ear and beard are perfectly combined with a white shirt, vest and tie. The secret is that this Lambexx is not at all a logger and to the business suit, it is obviously not used to it. Lambersexuals are, in fact, successful modern people, businessmen or highly paid professionals who are followed by trends, and most often grab new trends before others.

Lambexxual has a great taste, his beard is always well maintained, and a simple suit, regardless of style, is always well chosen.

Nothing is new, everything has already been earlier and the modern trend is a repetition of the desire for men, such a natural desire to release the beard and go to throw trees, climb the mountains, cross the oceans and engage other male affairs. The definition of LambeSxual appeared now but the LambeSexuals themselves have always existed, albeit not in such quantities.

LambeSeksualy! We need your experience

Ferrance brothers are interested in - is it not hot in the summer with a beard? Does not prevent reading books? and phone? What does your lady say?

Leave comments, your opinion is very important for us!


I am not a bearded, I am rarely sharing)) usually grabs for a week, after a week it becomes unbearable, shave and get great pleasure and relief. P.S. Cool Screensaver - Marx, Engels, Lenin - LambeSexuals

Nothing interferes. And in the winter so also the chin warms)

And the lady nicer than beard than barbed bristles.

That's how the climber, he himself is not wanting and not the attachment special for that effort turned out to be in the trend. Guys, what's up with music?

I think blues, psychedelic stooner (about music)

Read this article in english

The Men's Trends of 2015. LumbersExuals. The Lumberjack Style.

If You Seeem to Meet American Lumberjacks Too Often It's Okay, The Are Just LumbersExuals.

Men's trends

LEBERSEX LITE. Checkered shirt without beard.

Men's brands have never offered so many cellular shirts as this spring. The market happily satisfies suddenly emerging demand for the image of LambeSeksäxual trying to suggest the growth of the beard.

Men's trends

Fashionable Male Colors 2015 - 2016

9 male colors in which not ashamed to go outside this year.

Men's trends

Dad Body - guys not athletic addition now in trend. As it turned out, girls prefer slightly fat dudes, and they have objective causes.

Male style

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Fashion wearing a beard as a woodcutter who does not rub the trees

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Woods They are like homosexuals, only with trees.

No, well, Cho, the bitch fell out - the finished technological hole.

And you are smart. Immediately visible, Oldfag)

Intenitant n * idiot)) (you need to understand)

it's me. Shake me, humiliate

it's funny to look at the men who are discussing who as dresses and what haircut wears and like it or do not like it.

someone this reminds me.

and not do not care what and how does we carry?

such a feeling that such posts will catch out the one beard does not grow, and it is not necessary to equid all over one comb.

With a beard like hipsterosk

as if they feel that without a beard, they are still worse

Beard is well hiding the second chin!

lambeSexuals. For any g, invent the word special

Come on, you, what do they interfere with someone?

And if the beard does not grow, what to do?

Sit down the same.

Text (words) songs "Who did you want to surprise" (Print)

And you can fully shave everything.

Who did you want to surprise?

You believed in the guitar, "Bitles" and flowers,

Dreaming the whole world to love

But all these songs did not come up with you,

Who did you want to surprise?

Tell me what are you happy?

Wait back,

Wait back,

As a fossil fall,

And crows are circling

You became a rig, and trembled darkness,

The whole world you wanted to change,

But all the risks await the prison,

Who did you want to surprise?

Now you are tired, and you don't care

How to live the rest of the rest.

And here you are all like a long time ago

Who did you want to surprise?

Tell me what are you happy?

Wait back,

Wait back,

As a fossil fall,

And crows are circling

Where there used to be a flowering garden.

You can walk like a launched garden,

And you can fully shave everything.

Both I have seen more than once

Who did you want to surprise?

Tell me what are you happy?

Wait back,

Wait back,

As a fossil fall,

And crows are circling

Where there used to be a flowering garden.

Nich! Emo survived these homo. Khm. Woodways to survive))

New fashion trends: Canadian logger came to change the metrosexual

To replace refined men-metrosexuals, the excellent manicure of which every girl will envy, hairy beardeds come, looking courageously and rudely. The new trend in fashion gradually covers the whole world, and now on the podiums are demonstrated by clothes are not rampant beauties, but the brutal representatives of the strong floor looking aggressively. Urban "American lumberjacks" appeared after the society is tired of the imposed standards of male refinement.

Experts declare that the metrosexuals carefully caring for a long time have long passed their positions, and all due to the appearance of style, whose name is borrowed from English.

LambeSexa - who is it?

The word Lumberjack is translated as a "lumberjack", and the appearance of North American woodcuts, conductive a lot of time in the fresh air, lay down the basis of a modern style that gains popularity. The main attributes of LambeSexuals are, of course, vegetation on the face and numerous tattoos (the so-called sleeves - from wrists before the neck), emphasizing the individuality.

Beard - the real male decoration, followed by to take care, because by itself it will not grow beautifully. Therefore, it is often necessary to refer to professionals to maintain a neat appearance, because the carelessness is not welcome. In Russia, a solid beard was once a national peculiarity, and after the order of Peter I, many men, swaying with her, committed suicide. It seems that now we return to our origins.

Woodways without an ax

A fashion trend called "Canadian Lesorb" is closely associated with the recently emerged hipsters who are fond of arthouse culture, original music, copyrighted cinema and preaching internal freedom.

Of course, it must be admitted that LambeSexuals, unlike real woodcutters, never kept an ax in their hands. A typical city resident looking is deliberately rude, gets a good salary, working in the field of modern technologies. He is engaged in mental labor, sitting in the office for a laptop and does not release the latest iPhone model from the hands. By the way, in the nagging of a brutal man will definitely be found the most modern gadgets from Apple, as well as expensive smoking tubes.

The combination of good physical form and appearance

Each representative of the trendy direction does not spend mad money on male cosmetics, and trying to follow his hairstyle and beard, which the Canadian logger does not precisely do. Many support a good shape and depart after work not in a beer bar or a fashionable club, but in the gym. It must be said that women who are tired of physically and morally helpless men near themselves are incredibly rejoiced by a new trend. The representatives of the finest sex are delighted with the brutal images, because an attractive and well-groomed bearded, and even succeeding in the work - is it not a dream?

LumbersExual loves nature and rests with his companion not at popular resorts, but in a mountain or forest area, confirming its campaigns with a mandatory photo report for social networks.

Passed negligence

It seems that men are not very bother with style: they wear simple T-shirts, knitted sweaters, fur caps, shabby jeans, heavy shoes and, of course, shirts into a wide cage (National clothing of Canadian lumberjacks - flannel "Scotch").

Brutal bearders can be found in jackets and business costumes that are incredibly going to them. It is clear that they dressed in accordance with the official event, but remain at the same lambsons. As stylists are joking, LambersExual is a beautifully cut bearded man who seemed to come out of the forest, but instead of an ax in his hand a fashionable gadget.

What to wear?

A rude man, the next modern direction, visually looks like a courageous woodcutter, and supplement the style called "Canadian Lesorb" will help rendered direct cut jeans, free T-shirts without any beams, shirts in a coarse cage. Wool trousers, sweaters of coarse mating, leather jackets are suitable. Frequently Lambexäxuals are used in clothing multi-layered: over bright t-shirts you wear loose shirts.

New style - lifestyle

So, the stylized Canadian logger is a strict male image. Representatives of strong gender show that they create models, and not follow its trends.

Careless style is manifested not only in the appearance, but also in the lifestyle and thoughts. A man clearly knows what he wants, and achieves it in any way. A businessman who must be in a tone all the time, understands modern fashion and keeps up with the times.

LambeSexuals seem to assure others that they do not care about themselves and do not follow the male fashion, but in fact possess an excellent taste. And it is in this that the style that was called "American lumberjacks" is.

Style Lambersexual

LambeSexa is a fashionable word, formed from Lumberjack, which in English means "woodcutter", and Sexual, hinting that the wood level is well maintained and is not dangerous.

In no case cannot be taken for the spacecraft.

Often, it was a handsome hipster who received an increase to the salary, which began easier to treat clothes, but did not stop photographing himself.

Sometimes these are men who prefer masculine style. Actually, they did not change anything in them, this is a fashion brought their focus of relevance on them. After a couple of seasons, fashion will go further, and these men will only be easier: finally it will become clear who is a real woodcutter, and who is fake.

However, now it is clear who is fake: according to the ideally trimmed and laid beard. Whatever it was, underlined by masculinity in fashion. And regardless of whether you are striving to keep up with trends or gravity to harsh simplicity and convenience, our tips will help you.

Classic courageous smells are no longer the first season as a unisex, and this trend is still strong. Therefore, having shaved, take the Dior Eau Sauvage lotion, Ralph Lauren Polo or Givenchy Gentleman and sprinkle them again became a human face.

And no creams for sensitive skin! Let a little plotter-it leads to a tone and configures on courageous actions.

You can use lines designed specifically for shaving by classic brands like Aqua di Parma, Truefitt & Hill or Democratic Old Spice.

It is better to have a whole line that includes, by the way, and the fragrance so that the smells of shampoo, lotion and deodorant do not argue, but supported each other.

And, of course, no machines are only a clink razor.

LambeSxual clothing

In the cabinet closet, along with a juniper branch of moths and other unclean, you will certainly find several flannel shirts into a coarse cage, reminiscent of the plaid, but simply.

This is the main item, the style axis.

Most often, the shirt is painted in red tones - to be seen from afar if the firewood hunter goes too far into the forest.

Among the shirts can be found and a couple of denim. T-shirts are held a worthy place. Their rover puts on when it is too hot in the bike.

T-shirts, as a rule, without frills - a lot of white, there are other colors, monophonic or monochrome faded patterns. Planned jeans rely on such shoes and t-shirts.

However, the pants of cargo or pants from coarse wool are suitable. In the shoe department, there are options for different weather and mood: A-La Hunters rubber boots for slush, working boots for moderate dirt, rental, deserts - if warm and sunny.

For cold weather there is a sweater of coarse mating, a couple of harsh leather jackets and for sure something from sheepskin. Frequently lumbering practices multi-layered: for example, it puts on a t-shirt a denim shirt, on her a shirt from the plaid flannel, and the jacket is also on top.

On the head in the cold, the simplest knitted hat is relying.

Some woodpeakers prefer to keep an instrument with bare hands, part prefers to throw a forest in gloves. It should be thin, but durable gloves with good clutch - that is, leather or with rubberized inserts.

Sometimes fingers are cut into them, as in gloves from another subspecies of wild men - bikers. It, so to speak, the basics of style.

Fashionable designers, as it believes, beating all this with a sufficient fraction of irony, mixing in different proportions. Those or other elements of style and intertwined it in the context of the metropolis.

So, the cage from the shirt can move on other items, for example, on a jacket with a fur of sheepskin.

A tie is put on the leathering top of a denim shirt or kardigan. Sometimes LambeSexual is also called a guy in a tricke suit at all, but with a volatile beard. This is really not good anywhere - especially since the beard is time to get rid of. Tired.

Chief Element of Style - Beard

Although the woodlook, certainly there is a beard, increasing facial hair from urban imitators of this style begins to annoy. The last few seasons men's part of the population just moved on this soil.

The global male celebrities were led by indecent vegetation, put the night at once twenty years.

Well, well, Clooney, but Carrie? It is clear that these comrades need to constantly attract attention.

But why did they do that at the moment when everyone let go of the beard?

It is clear that after the starry approval of the beard went to the masses.

At first it was even funny: you see the Mother's Guy Street, look at the street - and this is a young man, and yesterday I have mastered the face with a lotion from acne.

Urinated on the floor of the face, programmers, clerks and pizza cutters were brought. It won the chin of each third fashion. But there is a good little.

Gentlemen, enough tolerate on the face of this attaway atavism! Urgently to the brand! And it is better to take the blade yourself - the Barbers have managed to make good money on our torment.

And what is it for the woodcutter who can not shave himself? It's time to show your present face to the world.

Especially since masculinity is not manifested in wildness, but in the power of will.

Men Lambersexuals - who is it?

Remember how you raised your eyebrows in surprise, first hearing the word "metrosexual" for the first time and how to break the entire Internet in search of the definition of hipsters?

And how often, looking at the harsh biker, did you think "I would still wash it and combat him - would be such a man!"?

For a long time, the strong floor was forced to be content with either the style of an office clerk (costume, shirt, tie), or deny the possibility of careful care (stretched sweater, proven jeans and sowing on the fingers), or hit all the grave - to make manicure, laying the hair and Wear jeans-skinnie.

The time of strange men passed! And they came to replace the organic style in clothes, which combined the brutality of the real man and the essential of the city dandy. His name is Lambexxual or, in our opinion, logger.

Style LambeSexal implies three main features: simplicity in clothing, tidiness and presence of well-groomed beard.

Clothing LambeSexa is a classic croes jeans (forget about skinny and glue), monophonic T-shirts, checkered flannel shirts, direct sweaters of coarse mating, white T-shirts and boots or sneakers in Causual style.

LambeSexuals do not chase a fashion, for they know that their style is out of time. They will not spend the whole salary on the tie "from Versace" because they do not wear ties, but to a greater extent because they did not take a real man to chase brands.

With all the external brutality, representatives of this style are tidy and well maintained. They live in the city and fully accept his rules. It smells pleasant from them, they are always combed and if they shoot shoes, then you do not have to stack your nose.

LambeSexal cultured, read and is an excellent companion in an exquisite society. Behind the external simplicity is hiding an interesting and clever person for which it is equally easy to build a house and support a conversation about the global economy.

In short, LambeSeksual - the dream of all women!

Beard - one of the most important items in the description of the style of LambeSexuals, however, the paradox - many of the style representatives are perfectly bypassed without hair on the face.

Of course, the classic logger is simply obliged to have a thick beard in Pollitsa, but many beard men do not go, or they are too young for this "decorations", so the beard although it is desirable, but is not a 100% sign of Lambexäxual. As a compromise, the beard can be replaced with a well-kept weekly bristle.


The Lumberjack's Lumberjack from the English word was obtained from the English word Lumberjack, which is translated as a logger.

It is such men that can be seen in films about the northern latitudes of America and Canada.

And it is this criterion that can be used to check whether a man LambeSxual is: if you mentally add a woodcutter ax to his current image, and it will look organically, congratulations - before you the real LambeSexa!

The image of the woodcutter originally appeared in gay culture! However, this does not mean that a man who prefers this style has some attitude to the same-sex love.

After all, in the traditional orientation of the most famous Lambersexuals, no sensible person will not be diverse: the main fans of the style in Hollywood are adored by the millions of Women Hugh Jackman, Jensen Ekls and Gerard Butler!

Men's Trends 2016 - Lesoruba Style

Recently met a friend who did not see the last few months, and he hardly recognized him.

It should be noted that this my friend is a sufficiently secured, educated person working in the fashion industry.

It could never be supplied in the fact that he did not follow himself or looks like a start. This time in front of me stood a healthy bearded man.

Beard is a new male trend, so obvious and powerful that its own name is invented - LambeSexual. Lesoruba style, a strong man with a beard - this is the complete opposite of the metrosexual - a stylish and sophisticated urban resident.

In fact, LambeSexuals are not just a man with beards, there are other classic lumberjack style attributes - flannel checkered shirts, knitted hats and of course male tattoos.

It is so in the mass consciousness looks American loggers who served as the type of style. However, a luxurious beard is the main distinguishing sign of LambeSexual.

It is quite clear that LambeSxual, like any other modern urban resident, is dressed in accordance with the weather and the case, which means, going to the theater or an official event, it is officially annoying or so officially as possible, while remaining LambeSexual.

It is easy to see that this man with a beard, tie tie looks quite harmonious. Tattoos, earring in the ear and beard are perfectly combined with a white shirt, vest and tie.

The secret is that this Lambexx is not at all a logger and to the business suit, it is obviously not used to it. This, in fact, successful modern people, businessmen or high-paying professionals who are following the trends, and most often grab new trends before others.

And yet the natural medium for LambeSexa is the styles of Causual and Country, since the very appearance of urban lumberjacks is caused mainly by desire to return to traditional male style, simple, rude and everyday. Style of men's clothing working arms and outdoors.

Nothing is new, everything has already been earlier and the modern trend is a repetition of the desire for men, such a natural desire to release the beard and go to throw trees, climb the mountains, cross the oceans and engage other male affairs.

The definition of LambeSexa appeared only recently, but the LambeSexuals themselves always existed, albeit not in such quantities.

New style

New tendency in men's style and fashion covered the world: these are men-LambeSexuals. Their main signs are a big, but well-kept beard, simple clothing (T-shirts or flannel shirts) and deliberately rough and simple appearance.

The style of LambeSeksuals has become an antithesis style of metrosexuals - well-groomed men who prefer expensive fashionable clothing.

The name "Lambersex" comes from the English word "Lamberjack" (Lumberjack) - woodcutter, logger. It is the appearance of the North American (USA, Canada) of lumberjacks: bearded strong men in flannel plaid shirts and with an ax in hands - lay out the basis of a new style.

"The metrosexual is now a dying view that is replaced by men, more interested in life in the fresh air, than leaving the beauty," writes a popular American blogger Tom Puzak

In addition to the style of the North American Woodcutter, the culture of hipsters affected the appearance of Lambexäxual. Lambersexuals are actually typical urban residents working in the field of new technologies and receiving a decent salary.

At the same time, Lambexxual remains a fairly refined man: his beard and hairstyle are well maintained, it has a refined taste and loves her home kitchen.

The drover storage type has long been distributed in gay culture and porn. "The heterosexual culture fully binds the gay culture, using its external codes," says Silvan Zimmerman, who heads the culture department of the French magazine for GEEV "TêTU".

Lambersexuals are inspired by an example of "bears" - subculture inside the gay community. "Bear" is an image of a brutal bearded man who cultivating their virility.

At the same time, the style of LamberSexuals is to create an idea that he does not care about his manner at all.

Bright representatives of this style - American actors Ryan Gosling, Joe Mangannello, French Footballer Eric Canton, Australian Hugh Jackman, Briton Charlie Hannam.

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In November 2012, I began to engage in the texts of the "Things" headings in one very good Moscow journal (now, by the way, whether it is closing, whether it turns into almanacies, but this is a completely different story), and the first task was to go and write a review on only What moved to the Fott store in Dmitrovsky alley. It was an excellent male shop that was responsible for the image of Moscow fashion lumberjacks. There are in mind Borodachi in Spiewak parks, ASICS sneakers, Barbour jackets, sandy pants, Alden shoes and, most likely, with a backpack.

I really liked the then in this store. It was opened by excellent guys, really asking rules, style, real ideologues of their business. I stayed in a light bewilderment from how much they believes on outdoor clothing and the so-called Herityage. I will say more, I have imbued with all this that I left there in Spiewak Park, khaki's color with an orange lining (she is still with me).

But what I tell me - this story about the lumberjacks, strictly speaking, not quite new, we somehow hear about it for the last three years, often together with the mention of Barbershop - male hairdressers, not alien to this style, and all the same FOTT store . But already Fott in Dmitrovsky Lane closed, and somehow it seems to be a trend to be releasing, but not - he is more living living and even gained development, now such men are called the beautiful word "Lambexaxual". Because the style of the American-Scandinavian logger is a classic. And by the way holy place is not empty, let Fott, surviving complex times, at some point and decided to temporarily close, but the Lumberjack bar fully flourishes.

But let's go back to terminology. Who is this, LambeSexa, why "lumberjacks" have now become also called this strange term denoting the complete opposite of metrosexuals, deliberately followed? This word now uses the Guardian. So, I tell. The neology is formed by the merger of English words:lumberjack ("Lumberjack") and Sexual ("sexual"). How much we knew them, different types of sexes: a metrosexual, asexual, self-sexual, Sapiossexual (one who excite only smart people). And we wrote about broo-movement, it is closer to freedom, naturalness and harmony and to what we are talking about. Now at the peak of the popularity of Lambersexuals.

Our art director calls all these sexy men "undefined." But, in my opinion, everything is very definitely. Suddenly it turned out that a man with a beard and Woolrich Arctic Parka is not only fashionable, but also very, very sexy, I would say aggressively sexy. The image of a hefty bearded man in a checkered shirt with an ax, like that has just left the forest and wild - do you like it? Very very much.

But in brackets, we note that the difference between the guys from the Fott store from LambeSeksuals is still there. The first were very much easier for their appearance, and Lambexxual, on the contrary, the appearance is not impressive, and he almost does not pay attention to the brands. Instead of fresh haircuts from Barbershop - elongated hair, beard - the salary and wild. Yes, he also chooses retro style: But it is rather not things from the latest collections, but unnamed T-shirts, semon-hand shirts, knitted sweaters, fur hatches, sometimes gloves-butterfly.

What conclusion here can be done? In our difficult time, masculinity returned, the very notorious "real man", and very traditional. Why is the LambeSexa again popular? Perhaps because this type of type is missing in today's world.

To replace refined men-metrosexuals, the excellent manicure of which every girl will envy, hairy beardeds come, looking courageously and rudely. The new trend in fashion gradually covers the whole world, and now on the podiums are demonstrated by clothes are not rampant beauties, but the brutal representatives of the strong floor looking aggressively. Urban "American lumberjacks" appeared after the society is tired of the imposed standards of male refinement.

Experts declare that the metrosexuals carefully caring for a long time have long passed their positions, and all due to the appearance of style, whose name is borrowed from English.

LambeSexa - who is it?

The word Lumberjack is translated as a "lumberjack", and North American woodcutters, conducted a lot of time in the fresh air, lay down the basis of a modern style that gains popularity. The main attributes of LambeSexuals are, of course, vegetation on the face and numerous tattoos (the so-called sleeves - from wrists before the neck), emphasizing the individuality.

Beard - the real male decoration, followed by to take care, because by itself it will not grow beautifully. Therefore, it is often necessary to contact professionals in order to maintain carelessness is not welcome. In Russia, a solid beard was once a national peculiarity, and after the order of Peter I, many men, swaying with her, committed suicide. It seems that now we return to our origins.

Woodways without an ax

A fashion trend called "Canadian Lesorb" is closely associated with the recently emerged hipsters who are fond of arthouse culture, original music, copyrighted cinema and preaching internal freedom.

Of course, it must be admitted that LambeSexuals, unlike real woodcutters, never kept an ax in their hands. A typical city resident looking is deliberately rude, gets a good salary, working in the field of modern technologies. He is engaged in mental labor, sitting in the office for a laptop and does not release the latest iPhone model from the hands. By the way, in the nagging of a brutal man will definitely be found the most modern gadgets from Apple, as well as expensive smoking tubes.

The combination of good physical form and appearance

Each representative of the trendy direction does not spend mad money on male cosmetics, and trying to follow his hairstyle and beard, which the Canadian logger does not precisely do. Many support a good shape and depart after work not in a beer bar or a fashionable club, but in the gym. It must be said that women who are tired of physically and morally helpless men near themselves are incredibly rejoiced by a new trend. The representatives of the finest sex are delighted with the brutal images, because an attractive and well-groomed bearded, and even succeeding in the work - is it not a dream?

LumbersExual loves nature and rests with his companion not at popular resorts, but in a mountain or forest area, confirming its campaigns with a mandatory photo report for social networks.

Passed negligence

It seems that men are not very bother with style: they wear simple T-shirts, knitted sweaters, fur caps, shabby jeans, heavy shoes and, of course, shirts into a wide cage (National clothing of Canadian lumberjacks - flannel "Scotch").

Brutal bearders can be found in jackets and business costumes that are incredibly going to them. It is clear that they dressed in accordance with the official event, but remain at the same lambsons. As stylists are joking, LambersExual is a beautifully cut bearded man who seemed to come out of the forest, but instead of an ax in his hand a fashionable gadget.

What to wear?

A rude man, the next modern direction, visually looks like a courageous woodcutter, and supplement the style called "Canadian Lesorb" will help rendered direct cut jeans, free T-shirts without any beams, shirts in a coarse cage. Wool trousers, sweaters of coarse mating, leather jackets are suitable. Frequently Lambexäxuals are used in clothing multi-layered: over bright t-shirts you wear loose shirts.

New style - lifestyle

So, the stylized Canadian logger is strict representatives of strong gender show that they themselves create models, and not follow its trends.

Careless style is manifested not only in the appearance, but also in the lifestyle and thoughts. A man clearly knows what he wants, and achieves it in any way. A businessman who must be in a tone all the time, understands modern fashion and keeps up with the times.

LambeSexuals seem to assure others that they do not care about themselves and do not follow the male fashion, but in fact possess an excellent taste. And it is in this that the style that was called "American lumberjacks" is.

Lambersexual - Another alleged subculture (and in fact the next style from the fashion world) is virtuously designed by modern media along with, metrosexuals and so on. A man-a citizen, adhered to, in contrast to the metrosexual, deliberately coarse style in clothing and hairstyle: thick sweaters, flannel shirts, workers boots, beard; Hipster, pretending to the woodcase.

LambeSexual - Lesoruba style

The main attribute of LambeSexual is of course a large well-groomed beard, and since the real loggers are strong men, the style of Lesoruba implies a large-sport man. In the cloth, Lambexäxuals, at first glance, do not whim, wear simple t-shirts and jeans, prefer checkered shirts, but it looks rude simply.

And of course, one of the main attributes of modern bearded, it is a tattoo, they are now available to everyone, and therefore have gained tremendous popularity. If a couple of years ago, the beard was associated with hipsters and young people, then LambeSeksualai is more aged Men who can afford to go to work with a beard.

Hipster to LambeSexa one step

Style and appearance: LambeSexuals borrowed a lot from Hipsters: hairstyle, some features of the styles of Casual, even a beard - and that first had a hipster. But, nevertheless, there are main features of LambeSexual: good physical shape, comfortable clothing and shoes, love for rest in the fresh air and home kitchen, as well as - masculinity and self-confidence.

In the clothes, LambeSeks adhere to a deliberately careless, rude retro style: T-shirts, flannel shirts, knitted sweaters, vests and hats on the fur. An important attribute of LambeSexual is a thick beard beard, lush mustache and extended hair. At the same time, clothes and hair should always be clean and well-groomed, which requires quite a long time, attention and costs.

LambeSxuality is a manifestation of a request for a return to masculinity, evidence of fatigue from the standards imposed on it.

Philosophy: It is important to remember that Lambexxual is not only an external style. This is, above all, lifestyle and image of thought. Strange, if you look like a real woodcutter, but it's not able to fix the door from the closet or score a nail into the wall. LambeSexal is a real man with healthy interests and relevant appearance. He clearly knows what he needs and how to achieve it.

Lambs in Russia

The forge of hipsters, labels and other urban mods can be rightfully considered the network of men's hairdressers "Chop-Chop" and caffeine "Starbucks", which distributed their networks almost everywhere, where there is both the demand for urban culture for intellectuals. You can meet domestic labels in local pubs, art cafes, cavking and gathering of urban intelligentsia in the form of workshops, festivals, mitapov, forums and so on.

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