Why we do not love fat people. The worst people in the world they blame everyone in their fullness

Drainage 31.05.2021

Sometimes a person is gaining overweight as a result of the disease. But most people have a different reason - they eat too much and move little. Obesity can make a person's life incredibly complex and moral and in physical terms. However, some people even became famous due to their weight. Here top 10 the worst people in the world From now living.

10. Jambulat Hatokhov - 240 kg

The worst person in Russia was born on September 24, 1999 and by 1 year weighed 17 kilograms. And to the first class, the weight of Jambulata reached 115 kg, thanks to which his name appeared in the Guinness Book of Records. His mother says that the Bogatyr Distributs Son inherited from the grandfather.

Dzhambulat won world famous thanks to the documentary video "The Big Boy in the World", which was broadcast on many television channels around the world.

Currently, the weight of the young man reaches 240 kg, and he is completely shy at all. On the contrary, the mass of the body of Hatukhov increases consciously, and plans to perform in the competitions of sides. He actively engages in sports, participated in the TV show and at the invitation of journalists visited Japan and England.

9. Donna Simpson - 290 kg

This enterprising lady with overly magnificent forms created its website where her fans paid to watch how Donna eats to fill even more. According to foreign publications, it earned $ 90,000 a year. In 2010, Donna received the title "The Thick Mom in the World" and perpetuated her name in the Guinness Book of Records.

However, in 2011, a woman decided to lose weight up to 170 kg to be more independent and to be able to fully take care of her children.

Simpson is a supporter of the movement of its own fullness and ridicules people who "feel guilty when overeating."

However, at the "peak of form", Donne was far from now the late Carol Jager, which, with an increase in 170 cm weighed 544 kg.

8. Terry Smith - 320 kg

Once this dark-skinned American was an active woman, despite the fact that since childhood was distinguished by completeness. By 20, she weighed 100 kg, but at the same time lived a full-fledged life, and then married and became his mother.

As Terry aging is constantly thick, and in the end, it turned out to be chained to the bed. The situation is complicated by the fact that the woman suffers from permanent headaches and doctors suspect a brain tumor. However, MRI for patients with such dimensions is not.

7. Paul Mason - 445 kg

Mason breakfast was a meal for ten people and turned on bread, bacon, sausages and chicken eggs, and snacks consisted of 40 packs of potato chips and 20 chocolate bars per day. The National Health Service of England had to expand the doors and corridors in Mason's house, so that the restaurant's employees could take food directly to the bed of the fat man.

Mason was called the fatest man on earth, but it did not make it happy. Briton is tired of his appetites; He no longer wanted to consume almost 20,000 calories daily.

In 2015, Paul Mason has undergone gastric shunt procedure. In order for the operating room to withstand the weight of the patient, the engineers had to install metal supports under the floor. To get rid of excess weight, a man pushed love for Rebecke Mountain. Thanks to this bright feeling, he lost 305 kg and got rid of 21 kg of excess skin. Unfortunately, the pair broke up.

6. Katrina Raiford - 454 kg

In childhood, Katrina was sexually violent, and began to "eat" stress. At the age of 14, she had to undergo treatment in a psychiatric hospital due to overeating problems. Most of the life, this resident of Florida spent on four walls of his own home, communicating with peers only on the net.

However, Katrina did not lose hope for a normal life and managed with the assistance of an operation on the gastrointestinal tract and a strict diet to lose weight by 261 kg. It is not going to stop at what has been achieved and already goes to romantic dinners with the ukhager.

5. Andre Nasre - 468 kg

The most fat man of Australia in 2015 appealed for medical care, as he could not leave his home over the past two or three years. Daily Andre consumed 12,000 calories - six times more than the indicator recommended by Australians.

Australian became so fat that I had to disassemble one of the walls of his house so that medical workers could deliver him to the hospital. There he joined a special treatment program.

Since then, the number has lost more than 170 kg and says that he wants to help others overcome extreme obesity.

4. Kenneth Brahli - 468 kg

At one time, Kenneth was considered the most fat man on Earth, and the documentary film "Half Ton Dad" took about his life. For four years he was chained to bed, and the fire team had to break the wall in his house to pull the fat man and deliver the Renaissance Hospital to the hospital in Texas. There, Brahli managed to throw 76 kg within 40 days.

The weight reduction procedure included limit the daily diet of a man about 1200 calories per day. For comparison: Daily Kenneth used about 30 thousand calories.

3. Mayra Rosales - 470 kg

If you look at the photo of Mayry in 2008 and at present, it will be difficult to believe that this is the same person. This woman is a living proof of what no matter how much you weighing. Important correct motivation to lose weight.

In order to take care of the nephews of Mayra lost up to 91 kg. Her sister Khaime Lee is serving a prison sentence for the unintended killing of his two-year-old child. Rosales first took the blame on himself, told that she accidentally sat on the nephew and crushed him. However, during a loud investigation, the truth was floating out. And the real criminal suffered punishment.

2. Huangpedro Franco - 585 kg

In 2016, Mexico was in the Guinness Book of Records as the fattest man in the world. The weight of it at that time almost occasioned to 595 kg. In the short film shown by the BBC, Franco explains that after the automotive accident at the age of 17, half of his body was "broken", and he failed to fully recover. Nevertheless, doctors did not understand why the man scored so much fat. Franco suffered from diabetes, high blood pressure and hypothyroidism.

Currently, he threw 132 kg, up to453 kilograms. In this, he helps a whole team of 30 professionals. The man's goal is very simple - to get up on their own sofa. This motivates it to perform exercises and even move the gastric shunt.

1. Khalid Ibn Mukhessen Shaari - Maximum weight 610 kg

In adolescence, a resident of Saudi Arabia weighed 610 kilograms. He just did not reach a record, established by the most fat man in history - American John Minnock, with a mass of body 635 kg.

Extremely dubious, in terms of health benefits, the achievement of Calid was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

In 2013, the King of Saudi Arabia ordered the young man to hospitalize. He paid for treatment. In the clinic of a young fat man delivered on a military aircraft.

Two hundred ninety kilograms - this is how much the weightless fat man in the world after all medical manipulations. The efforts of the doctors and the Khalid himself he managed to reset 320 kilograms. And by 2016 the worst person in the world gained the ability to walk.

Being a woman in the body, I'm already tired of hearing how people tell me that I can, but I can't do. For example, that they will not be taken to work because of my weight, that I can not wear a pencil skirt above the knee, that I will never be happy until I wanted. Well, now I have a wonderful job, I wear a mini skirt and is quite pleased with my life. "Thick" women every day destroy hundreds of myths about themselves, and love relationship is not an exception. Here is at least 10 such myths:

1. Thick women should not have high requests.

Just like with any woman in the world, with me should contact as a queen. If a man does not apply to me with respect, which I deserve, I say goodbye to him. If I don't like musicians or shorteys, I have the right to be passing and not to meet with them. This is my life.

2. You have to lose weight to meet with someone.

If I am comfortable in my body, then it is my confidence and attract a man, not a figure on scales. Beauty in the eyes of the watching, and the fact that for one man "too fat" for the other is "just right." Someone likes full women, there is no one. If I lose weight, then only for myself, and not for the guy.

3. Thick women should not upload attractive photos to "not deceive anyone."

So, do I post ugly photos? It is unlikely that someone does that. I'm not going to deceive anyone, I myself consider myself a big and beautiful woman. And if I like some kind of my photo, I will lay out it.

4. Thick women like only fetishists and lovers of lush forms.

Of course, there are such, but it is immediately noticeable. When the guy tells you: "I like full women," it sounds strange. But when a man is trying to know you as a person, why not reward it with your forms?

5. Fat woman should be grateful to the guy who meets with it.

I had a girlfriend who met with a thin guy who once threw her phrase. As if he made her a favor, meeting with her. He also said that no one else would like to meet with her. This insult and humiliation - I would immediately threw it.

6. Thick women are available or desperate.

We love sex as well as other people, but talking about every woman with magnificent forms - it's like saying that all the blondes are stupid, and redheads. All women are different, but I love sex, because it is nice, and not because I have little chances to do.

7. Thick woman should meet with any guy to like it.

I have the right to say "no" anyone who does not like me. Just because it shows interest, does not mean that I automatically must answer him reciprocity. Especially funny those guys who immediately indicate my weight when I refuse them. It only confirms my correct decision to say "no".

8. Fat woman will never marry.

If I can find a guy, then why can't I find my husband? Finding yourself a couple, especially since you can create a family, difficult for everyone, and it does not depend on size and weight.

9. No one wants to have sex with Tolstoy.

I'm sexy, and there will be the one who considers me sexual. I am confident enough in myself so that nothing bothered me to have sex as I want it. And my man will definitely be satisfied.

10. A man is shy to a fat woman.

If he is shy for me, it means not really loves. If my partner is to humiliate me or shame for my weight, he will not be my partner.

10 myths about relationships with a thick woman who is time to dispel

Why are there people very complete, even fat? - Often, most of the thick people sparkling on the TV screens are constantly saying that they do not feel at all in their plate that they don't want to become ordinary size at all, reset a little excess weight. Only here it is believed in it with difficulty.

Those who at least once in their life were fat (and such, believing us, very much), understand what we are talking about.

A fat man has more complexes than your hair on your head!

Any of them realizes this, but the inability or reluctance, laziness or what other reason makes them remain in the same body.

  • Most often, the reason they would have grown, lies back in their childhood. After all, in order to gain a large amount of excess weight, should take more than a dozen years.
  • Often the cause of excessive weight is the violation of metabolism, launched, in view of what the stomach is already stretched, which now can no longer absorb small portions of food. Often parents want so much. In order for their favorite child, he went well that (consciously or not) spoil their child themselves.
  • It also happens that the cause of great weight lies in the generators of the person himself, because his mother and dad themselves had a huge excess weight, which was inherited by a child. Well, another common cause of the completeness of people is depression that people love to eat sweets and not only.

Thick complex of inferiority

Most often, it is at school that the largest complex of inferiority is laid, from which the fat man suffers then all his life. Still at school, he is beginning to tease, perhaps, the most insulting term "Zhirttrest".

Especially strong children are afraid of physical education lessons, where you need to demonstantly demonstrate our weakness by changing or by performing complex physical exercises. And around a thick man will only be able to break away from his classmates.

Love and relations

We will not be equally colorfully to paint the problems that arise from such a person in a transitional age when he falls in love with the chance that there will be no response to him, there is practically no. Such a person will always be preceded by a normal, thin physique (of course, if his thinness has a healthy essence, and not pathological).


Even from their own friends, they always hear often suicide comments. For example - Oh, you know, I just saw our common acquaintance, so he can imagine, even thicker than you!

Or it happens that the condition when you have almost stopped feeling fat, because everyone has already become accustomed to your weight, all the jokes and mockery have already become boring, but suddenly the question is asked - did you always be like that? Then you realize that this topic will never be closed for you ... Now you can only live in the real world, and not in the world of dreams and illusions.

So, in addition to the above, in the form of a call, mental issues and comparisons of what else to be afraid of?

Thick reflection in the mirror

Most of all the fat man is afraid of a large mirror in full growth. It is in such a mirror you see yourself entirely and completely. For example, you can often see yourself in shop windows.

What is your full size?

More such people are afraid of such institutions where they should call their size, for example, clothing workshop or underwear store. It is from this that loves for his old clothes and dislike for any new clothes.

They are also scary not like tailors, which are infinitely crawling along them with centimeter ribbons and unusually loudly announce the results that they managed to remove.

Tunnel disease

They also have a lot of fear in front of narrow aisles, a different kind of turnstiles, where they will not be able to fit on, because when they were designing, it was not calculated on the fact that there would be such a thing about them. Full people are very much afraid of public transport, where people do not differ modesty and sympathy, so therefore there will be some kind of a ham that will begin to be outraged by the sizes of a thick man, while in this transport and the usual one has nowhere to extend.


Thick people do not like to go to the dance, because they are quite clumsy moving, because they are not in demand as partners, because they are immense.

Well and most importantly - They are terribly afraid of scales. Well, here you do not need to explain why they have this fear.

Of course, each individual fat man has its own additional fears that are not included in our list, but still take place.

How to live a person with such a big weight and such a large number of complexes?

Come to humble and calmly live

Such a person you just need to accept my position. It is very important to be humble and not to exercise in relation to the opposite sex of aggression. It was then that all men will become your friends.

You can not hope for what a miracle happens and you will definitely love someone in yourself. Men will always like thin - this is a fact. There are exceptions, but they are so rare that the chance of being lucky to you is very small. So it's easier to configure yourself for failure and live calmly than hope and after each fails to tear your heart into parts.

You must come to terms with the fact that your tender and fragile soul will always be enclosed in your huge body.

We urgently do not advise you to try to change the situation and try to lose weight convulsively, to look out on all the others. The fact is that all your complexes will stay with you, despite the amount of weight you will be able to throw off. You will always remain the same drunk fat man inside, how you beat earlier.

The actual problem of complete people

And the problem of thick people is that when they lose weight, they always lose weight first of all - that is, head, hands and legs, which and so themselves have a smaller volume. So, looking at yourself in the mirror, the fat man will be deceived that since he has such little limbs, he himself, in fact, is not so big. At the same time, the opinion of the surrounding about it will not change completely.

To live a thick man in our world is hard, but it is also hard to live a man thin, ugly, crippled. So remember that almost every person has some kind of ugliness in the shower, some big complex going with him side by side all his conscious life.

Do not miss. . .

How do they live? -

Ltd., do you have acne? And you did not try to lose weight? Did you throw a girl? Maybe this is because of your weight?

If your weight exceeds the norm, be prepared sooner or later hear the caustic comment on this. And it's better early, because then you can immediately get rid of people who put the constitution of your body above human qualities.

The only problem is that most of these people. We are obsessed with appearance and always pay attention to human weight. And although someone does not give it much importance, not everyone has enough tact not to mention weight loud. Why do we treat full people?

Full people regret themselves

And who likes miserable people? You have repeatedly heard phrases "I would lose, but I have a bad hormonal background" or "I would sign in the gym, but I have a job." Such excuses and pity to themselves lead to the fact that you cease to regret and respect others. Especially those who passed through and realize that it is not so difficult.

With full people uncomfortable

In the US, the infrastructure for full of people is well developed. For example, individual chairs or places in transport.

But if there is a really fat man next to you in an airplane or bus, you remember this article. And now you are already in an awkward situation: on the one hand, you disastrously lacking space, and on the other hand, a statement that you are inconvenient, will not make fates of your neighbor less, but obviously offended.

They accuse everyone in their fullness

Fastfud manufacturers, gyms that take huge money for visiting, people who build proper nutrition and a beautiful figure in the cult, "not paying attention to the inner world of man." In fact, it all depends on what you put into your mouth. And if you do not want others to try to consider your inner world under the folds of fat, then better put in your mouth.

We subconsciously consider full people with sluggish and passive

Full people are healthy only a while. This is proven by research. It seems to us that completeness contradicts sports and an active way of life, and this is actually so. Therefore, we subconsciously consider full people less active and interesting. Although you probably can immediately call several familiar people who are not preventing the life of life.

No need to perceive the completeness as the only criterion for evaluating a person. Be sure people and so know how they look from the side, and the unnecessary reminder from you is unlikely to change their lives. Think better here about:

If you can not normally communicate with a full person, perhaps the problem is in you, not in it?

Psychologies, Gurini and other obscurantists of all the masters, drew intimate fears from large-sized ladies and promise to get rid of them for grandmother. Bedouin dance arranged around simple and understandable excess weight. Cellulite elevated into the rank of existential experiences, and the cloud of salla retracted into the cloud of hidden meanings and hyperstrankness.

Clear delints cultivate someone else's fat to progress. Since the time of ancient Greece, the problem of excess weight was solved by traditional and understandable methods: the man began to eat and move. The figure was becoming beautiful, well-being - excellent. Law, axiom, boring prose of life.

From this immutable truth staged a lightweight. In the Tolstoy woman revealed a whole needle of intimate fears. Being a certain, unloved, notaded, not know yourself, do not reveal your, not to achieve heights.

That is, in a thin woman, such experiences are silent completely, it becomes an insensible and all indifferent, totally fearless, globally pofigistic and fatally frigid? And only, you see, you are interested in the bbw, it is interesting to reveal in a timely manner, to confidently implement and regularly end. The rest is parallel to this, yeah.

And fat is such a protective barrier from these intimate horrors and experiences. Right like a toilet duckling from rust. According to the theory of cunning deltsi, these fears are pushing to devour the tenth bun. And she is excessive fold and an additional centimeter, protects from these fears.

Around the wrong and excessive nutrition built a real circus arena. Do show and grandmother.

The psychopators of all the masters is very profitable so that aunt, the burda of the cell, in the account of the dumplings, did not include the inner calculator and did not pretend to which powerful calorie overruns for a week had arranged for himself this evening. Let it better feel like a thin, horn and gentle. Wherever there is a fold, then a flutter button of emotions, feelings and experiences. And Foodaaa, Daaa, Oh, Daaa. And this whole mechanism is so gentle that it will fly to the hells of the dog, it is worth come to yourself and stop cracking, as not to yourself.

The fat waist does not speak of a thin nature, and fluttering the belly at every step - about the trembling lard. And he does not say hard life. About the full - yes. Woman with excess weight can be arbitrarily lyric and romantic. But in a separate fat on triceps and cellulite on the inner surface of the thigh there are no romance or lyrics. All this indicates a sedentary lifestyle, food illiteracy and licentiousness, conscious or involuntary. Yes, there are exceptions in the form of hormonal failures, but we are not talking about them, but about typical curd. Which elevated in the rank of existential experiences, personal tragedy worthy of becoming the basis for the new masterpiece of Spielberg.

At some point, the fat can be so much that he will start spoiling an appearance. Disadvantages - always the reason for the complexes. But one thing, when you are clogged, an enthusiastic teenager who does not understand where all this salty took up and how to get rid of it. In his fusion life, the food was always tightly associated with pleasure and happy childhood. He, like John Snow, does not know anything, but always finds out the refrigerator and its cholesterol tolik happiness.

When you are small and naive, it is precisely to hope to endorphins that will arise after the tenth chocolate. When you are an adult, you can already turn on the brain and, at a minimum, learn about alternative sources of joy hormone. Sports, sex. Sad - PRESSED. Go to the cosmetologist. Drink a delicious, useful orange apple Fresh. Make yourself a beautiful pedicure. But no, nicer on the sofa with a TV series and ice cream in an embrace. Because we were tightly inspired. They knocked into the gullible heads, and we are happy to deceive and play giveaway with pleasure. But the trouble is that the face is lost in these notes, which separates imaginary reality.

And now we are already thinking that the calorie food can solve some of our problems, to sweeten the bitterness of the loss, help cope with stress. For some reason, the proud role of super heroes always falls on mayonnaise, breads and milk chocolate. What are bad carrots and green apples? But do not essence.

Food does not solve any problems, even to ulcers to ulce or to pancreatitis. Do not allow yourself to breed pseudoofers. Do not look for hidden sacralities. Salo is fat, and not "the husband misunderstood the perch of the years", "in childhood he was disliked" and other Achinea. Particularly earliest have already begun to encode from food. In the regions where the average salary is 15-20 thousand, the pleasure costs 12 thousand rubles. The cost of the procedure is zero, stabbed and found himself on the apartment for a couple of months.

Fat is just fat. And the longer you behave from this, look for the second bottom, which is not, and the trembling lunya we have palms from emotional experiences, at the sight of the bull, as it turns on some kind of muddy super-sensitive reaction, pushing the activated receptors of some brain cleaner, invented by another charlatan The longer you can not lose weight.

The only border, which in this simple and understandable business needs to be realized - the boundary of its own refrigerator. And while you do not figure it out with her, no expensive sessions, self-analysis, hypnosis will not be able to help.

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