What they drink athletes to grow muscle stimulants. What you need to eat for muscle growth. Creatine for power growth

Wallpaper 31.05.2021


Athletes wishing to increase their body in size must be powered so that the calorie excess is obtained. This is the main condition for the growth of muscle mass. You can achieve this, having a clear workout plan, nutrition program and additional sports nutrition. Such a set will reduce the time to increase weight.

Main types of sports nutrition

There are many options for additives, but not every sports nutrition is suitable for a set of muscle mass, for example, fat burners for muscle buildings are not suitable. Among bodybuilders are recognized as such a complex:

  • glutamine;
  • protein;
  • heiner;
  • BCAA;
  • multivitamins.

This set of sports nutrition not only contributes to an increase in muscle mass, it provides the body with a necessary energy reserve for productive, full-fledged workouts. There will be no fat stupor, but muscles. It will not be dried with such a complex, so it's not about dry mass. All this is needed to drink with a full-fledged tower of ordinary food.

Protein for a set of muscle mass

The main goal is a set of muscle mass, so without protein in this complex can not do. This is the main source of protein, which will become a building material for muscle tissue. Protein sport Power for muscle growth is conditionally divided into three main types:

  1. Serum. The main type of protein, which enjoys the vast majority of athletes. He necessarily enters sports nutrition for a set of muscle mass. It has a number of amino acids, useful for the body of elements, is quickly absorbed.
  2. Casein. This is a source of slow protein, which will come to the athlete from the GTS for a whole day, providing the necessary amount of protein to grow muscle mass. This moment is especially important at night, rest days.
  3. Soy. Protein in this type of protein has vegetable origin and is more often inferior in the utility whey. However, it is not bad, it is used by vegetarians and people who have intolerance to any elements from other protein options.

Weigner for a massset

We can say that the heiner is the most important sports nutrition for a set of muscle mass. It has many carbohydrates and the required amount of calories to achieve their excess in the diet. When choosing a party, carefully examine the composition of the product, it should not contain too many sugar and carbohydrates per serving. The optimal will be the option with a small predominance of them over proteins. For example, you can advise:

  • BSN True Mass;
  • Dymatize Elite Mass Gainer.


To gain a mass, you need to work intensively in the gym, otherwise it turns out to increase only a fat layer. To maintain the desired amount of forces, creatine is used, which hydrolays muscle tissue, making it more, stronger, increases the amount of energy. The perfect synergy of creatine is obtained with beta-alanine, the first influences anaerobic force, and the second - on aerobic power.


This element refers to the class of amino acids, which are many in muscle tissue. The human body is capable of producing glutamine independently, but when the mass set, the additional reception will not be superfluous. This sports nutrition is better to take before bedtime, immediately after training, because it helps to recover. For those who wish to quickly gain a mass, glutamine is simply necessary.

Vitamins and Minerals

By themselves, these drugs are not affected by the masses, but directly participates in maintaining the necessary processes to achieve the goal. According to the reviews of athletes, sometimes the absence of one of the necessary minerals or vitamins strongly slows down the process of increasing muscle mass. The course of multivitamins has not yet harvested anyone, so it will be useful to drink it to every athlete.

Other additives

In addition to the main additives, it is necessary to take the BCAA drug, which is able to reduce the negative impact of catabolism. It copes with this as efficiently as possible, the metabolism of amino acids will occur directly in muscle tissue. As a rule, BCAA is part of many proteins, so it should be taken separately only in training, in the morning after awakening.

How to choose the best sports nutrition for muscle growth

Beginners athletes are often interested, what sports nutrition for a mass set is the best. For men and for women, the set will be the same, the difference lies in dosages, because the goal is different. The main task is to choose the right price / quality ratio for each item from the list of sports nutrition:

  1. Protein. The production of this type of hardy is not complicated, so the overestimated price is not always justified. Look for an option in which the ratio will be as optimal as possible. Do not buy isolate with the highest cost. Explore the composition, find how much Pure Protein is in the bank. What it is more, the better. Do not trust inscriptions that they say that natural berries and fruits have been used in production, it is impossible.
  2. Integrated products that allegedly absorbed all elements from the list of sports nutrition, they will not significantly affect the mass. The maximum benefit will be with a separate reception of all items. You will not be able to determine exactly what is mixed in this jar with the complex, calculate the amount of substances obtained.
  3. If you see unfamiliar components in the product - do not take it. First, read in the directory what they mean if they need you or you just try to pull extra money.
  4. Heiner. Some manufacturers are trying to save in production and added to the composition of sugar more than need. This is not the element that is necessary for a set of muscle mass. In the perfect embodiment, its amount for a portion should not exceed 5% of the total mass. Be sure to read the composition.

How to accept

With the usual physique, a new protein will be enough for a set of mass. The amount of incoming protein into the body will increase, and the growth of muscle mass will begin. Better at this stage suits whey protein, which is consumed before and after training. It will become the main material for the construction of muscles. If the growth is not enough quickly, you can use the casein type of protein. It will ensure the flow of protein throughout the night, so that the muscles did not destroy after intensive workout. The course of reception protein for beginners is:

For more experienced athletes of such a diet may not be enough. Those who are working regularly over the year, it makes sense to add a heiner to Protein. Depending on the starting point, another BCAA, creatine and multivitamine complexes may be needed. Calculate the dosage for a man or woman need, based on their weight at the moment. Below are examples of different courses of sports nutrition, depending on the need for substances. They are divided into the initial, standard and full. Choose a scheme for yourself that suits you:


Before classes, g

After classes, g

Before bedtime, g









All calculations for these schemes were taken for a man with an initial weight of 80 kg. For other parameters, the dosage will be different. You can adjust the volume of portions using a coach or yourself based on the results. Sports and sports nutrition schemes will be the basis for you for conducting our own calculations in the preparation of a muscular mass set.

Muscle Massive Power Program

Sports food is not cheap, only it will not work, even with a big desire, and you do not need it. Along with it, observe the proper nutrition for a set of muscle mass. It is very difficult to name dietary, because the goal is to consume a large number of calories, and this is easier to achieve than to cut them. It is very important to eat tight for breakfast, it will provide the stomach with work and will launch metabolic processes. It is impossible to go before bedtime. If there is a feeling of hunger, then there is a snack with fruit, vegetables.

  • 370 carbohydrates (1500 kcal);
  • 155 protein (600 kcal);
  • 110 fats (1050 kcal).

If you wish for the preparation of protein cocktails, you can use home recipes, so you get the required amount of protein instead of sports nutrition. Here is an approximate menu for a day for a set of muscle mass (all values \u200b\u200bin grams):

  • 100 cottage cheese, preferably, 9%;
  • 100 yogurt;
  • 50 oatmeal without sugar.

Lunch dinner

  • 300 chicken;
  • if desired, any number of vegetables;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil in salads;
  • 100 g of dry buckwheat or 400 g of boiled potatoes.

Before training

  • 50 oatmeal without sugar;
  • jam 2 tbsp. l.;
  • apple.

After workout

  • 5 pieces. eggs without yolk (fried eggs);
  • bread (no more than 2 slices);
  • apple;
  • 50 almonds.

Where to buy and how much sports additives cost

Sports nutrition for a set of muscular mass is sold in specialized stores. It is possible to find everything you need on Internet sites, where the cost of products is usually somewhat lower. The pharmacies sell multivitamin complexes, but they do not differ from those lying in sports stores. Try not to take a public sport, not always the seller behaves in good faith. Approximate price for sports nutrition in online stores:

  • Amino acids - from 1500 r.;
  • Protein serum - from 1300 r.;
  • Casein protein - from 1300 r.;
  • Heiners - from 1000 r.;

Video review: Best sports nutrition for beginners

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Sports nutrition for a set of muscle mass

Many people involved in sports halls face the lack of muscle growth. And the training is chosen correctly, and hiking in the gym constant, and the nutrition is normalized, and the absence of bad habits is obvious. All favorable conditions have been created for the body, and the muscles do not grow. How to be? In such cases, sports additives will help. No chemistry - only natural product! The purpose of this article is to describe such products as sports nutrition for muscle growth. How to choose which brand to give preference, how to consume, is it possible to gain muscle mass with a special diet?

Without knowledge of physiology muscles will not grow

Ignorance and misunderstanding of the processes occurring in the body make millions of people spend their strength, time and money wasted, as evidenced by thousands of reviews of both beginners athletes and professionals. It is important to know what metabolism is and how they are properly controlled, the growth of the muscles will not wait a long time.

Metabolism is the metabolism metabolism. It includes anabolism (growth) and catabolism (destruction). An anabolism is important for a set of muscle mass. Slimming - catabolism. Sports nutrition for muscle growth can be taken only after the complete calculation of its own metabolism, which complex substances and in what volume are absorbed how much energy is allocated.

How muscles grow

If you explain the available language, then the whole human body consists of complex substances - fats, proteins, carbohydrates and water. Food consumed also consists of these same complex substances. For normal life, the body needs the energy that it can get from any complex substance except water. Any aerobic load causes the body to spend its own complex substances for energy. First of all, carbohydrates, then protein and fat. But the physical activity, together with energy consumption, contributes to the rupture of muscle fibers, which the body tries to restore so that they do not break down in the future, increasing their thickness by a few percent. A proportional increase in the thickness of the fibers and leads to an increase in muscles, which people see them. Proteins are needed for growth. A specialized sports nutrition for muscle growth allows you to significantly accelerate the healing of torn fibers, respectively, and quickly gain muscle mass.

Emptying in mathematics

Before choosing sports nutrition for muscle growth, it is recommended to calculate the necessary calorie and protein intake for beginners. For a set of muscle mass, the consumption of protein and carbohydrates should be 3 and 4 grams, respectively, each kilogram of body weight. For the full functionality of the body during the day, consumption is needed 33 kcal per kilogram of an athlete weight. To help calculations attached calorie content of complex substances:

  • 1 gram of protein \u003d 4 kilocaloria;
  • 1 gram of carbohydrates \u003d 4 kilocaloria;
  • 1 gram of fat \u003d 9 kilocalories.

From theory to practice

Below we give an example of calculating for a person weighing 60 kg. The need for calories is 33 x 60 \u003d 1980 kcal. The need for protein is 3 x 60 \u003d 180 grams, and in carbohydrates - 4 x 60 \u003d 240 grams. Transferring protein and carbohydrates in calories, we get 720 and 960 kokilorius, respectively. To calculate fats, quite simple mathematics: 1980 - 720 - 960 \u003d 300 kcal, or 33 grams.

By reaching your own power menu for the day using the protein content tables, carbohydrates and fat in products, will not be difficult to calculate how much protein and carbohydrates are not allowed every day. This disadvantage and block sports nutrition for muscle growth. For girls, calculations differ by 20% at a smaller side. That is, all the results need to be reduced by 20%.

Protein - the basis of muscle growth

Very often after mathematical calculations, novice athletes discover a huge deficit of protein in food consumed. Trying to save on sports nutrition, the athletes increase the volume of consumption of meat, fish, cottage cheese and other products with high protein content. After a couple of months, considering its costs to such food, they involuntarily come to the thoughts that cheaper to buy sports nutrition for muscle growth. Reviews both beginners athletes and professionals confirm such a conclusion.

For a set of muscle mass primarily an athlete should pay attention to protein, replaceable and indispensable amino acids, as well as creatine. Protein contains a large percentage of a protein, which, falling into the body, is split into amino acids, enters the blood and is again assembled into the protein molecules, and muscle fibers are built. Amino acids immediately enter blood and turn into a construction protein. And creatine delays water in muscular cells, increasing in size all the muscles, thanks to which the athlete is able to work with a lot of weight in training.


By origin of the protein there are several species - serum, egg, soy, milk and casein. But at athletes they share somewhat differently - according to the degree of digestibility.

  1. If you need to quickly saturate the body with proteins, serum concentrates, isolates and protein hydrolyzates are accepted. Their consumption is recommended in the morning, after sleep, when the stomach is empty, and the body has no construction protein for muscles.
  2. There is no possibility of a snack or in the diet lacking proteins and carbohydrates - the complex protein will help. The mixture includes almost all known proteins in different proportions. Often, this composition is also caloriene due to the presence of carbohydrates.
  3. Proteins with slow assimilation are used for the night, because for their complete processing, the body takes up to six hours of time.

Choosing Protein as sports nutrition for muscle growth, it is important to know the body's need for carbohydrates. One wrong calculation - and the set of muscle mass will turn into an increase in fat folds, as many beginners give their choice when buying a cheap complex protein.

Protein manufacturers

At the beginning of his career, many athletes face the problem of how to choose sports nutrition for muscle growth. For beginners, many advise to use the cheapest protein. This is the wrong approach. The right one is considered to choose the best product from the famous brand. Such a choice is guaranteed to provide a newcomer to see the result when using sports nutrition. Later you can acquire cheap products and the results obtained do your own conclusions.

Ultimate Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition, San, Allmax and Scitec Nutrition are considered the best manufacturers of proteins. The proteins of the market leaders are not suiced, but numerous positive reviews of athletes indicate that these products are workers and contain a large percentage of protein in one portion.

What kind of protein give preference?

All beginners without exception primarily recommended for use protein with slow digestibility. Casein protein is the best sports nutrition for muscle growth. The composition of Casein always distinguishes it from other proteins the highest protein content. If finance allowed, it is recommended to buy milk or egg isolate, which must be taken in the morning, immediately after sleep. If mathematical calculations that the novice athlete made mandatory, show a large drawback in the body of carbohydrates and proteins, it is recommended to buy a complex protein. Attention must be given to the percentage ratio of protein, carbohydrates and price for packaging. Each manufacturer's ratio is different. Someone focuses on the content of the protein by raising the price of his product, and someone reduces the price due to the large caloric content of the product.

Easy way with amino acids

Many manufacturers trying to please athletes independently processed protein proteins in replaceable amino acids, which, when entering the body, immediately fall into the blood and are used as a building material with the body during protein synthesis. The charm of amino acid complexes is that they have instant digestibility. You do not need to calculate how many minutes the porridge dish in the stomach will be processed and sports nutrition for muscle growth will be synthesized. How to take amino acids, indicated on the packaging. Each manufacturer dosage is different.

But negative in relation to complex amino acids, judging by the reviews of athletes, a lot.

  1. Overcharge. If you compare the yield of amino acid composition with whey protein, then complex amino acids are more expensive one and a half times at least.
  2. Not all amino acids in the complex are needed by the body. Many replaceable acids are independently synthesized by the body and are in a person in excess.
  3. If the dosage of excess amino acids are exceeded with urine from the body, Since they do not have time to participate in synthesis, unlike any protein.

Expensive option with quality guarantee - BCAAA

On the question of whether sports nutrition is available for muscle growth and burning fat at the same time, you can no doubt answer positively. His name is an indispensable amino acids with branched chains, and if briefly - BCAAA. There are only three amino acids that are synthesized by the body only from the external protein obtained in the process of use. Synthesis is also due to the use of meat, fish and eggs.

The price of Amino acids BCAAA is very high, but justified. After all, these amino acids are the guarantor of the success of any athlete. Hundreds of experiments conducted in research institutes of different countries of the world have repeatedly confirmed the effectiveness of the reception of BCAAA. In addition to improving the metabolism and promoting muscle tissue growth, indispensable acids cause the body to receive fat burning energy, launching lipolysis.

What brand give a choice when buying BTSAA?

Another dilemma for those who are looking for sports nutrition for muscle growth - how to choose the manufacturer of the Amino acids of BCAAA. The market of indispensable amino acids is quite interesting. There were many brands that apply on a par with world leaders to conquer the attention of the buyer. The world leaders for the production of BCAA is considered to read Ultimate Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition, San. However, cheaper competitors make offers to buyers, from which it is very difficult to refuse.

Judging by the reviews of professional athletes, the following companies have proven well and their products:

  1. AminoCore from AllMax.
  2. XTend from Scivation.
  3. BCAA XPLode from Olimp.
  4. Modern BCAA from USPLABS.
  5. AMINO X from BSN.

Another important component when set of muscle mass

Creatine is an important sports nutrition for muscle growth. What is called in the biology of the molecule, from which the body gets energy? Adenosine Trifosphate (ATP). So, this molecule is created by the body with the help of creatine, which in small quantities is produced by the liver, kidneys and pancreas. In the case of high-intensity load on the body, creatine is leaving for energy creation, as a result of which the athlete feels fatigue and spends more time on rest between the exercises. Creatine consumption will allow the body to always be in a tone, reducing the rest between approaches can be achieved large results in muscle growth.

A negative point in use is the ability of creatine to delay water in cells. On the one hand, the total agent of athlete increases by 5-8%, and accordingly, the power indicators increase. On the other hand, when weakness and drying with the joint application of creatine will not be able to observe the results.

Useful to know novice atlit

All novice athletes without exception are interested in sports nutrition for muscle growth at home. Cocktail preparation recipes and occupation complexes can be built independently, having studied the bodybuilding base, respectively, and get an answer regarding lessons at home.

To increase muscle mass, you need to force the body to consume energy to improve metabolism and by loads to carry out muscle tissue gaps. The more muscle, the more energy is required to work. Breasts, legs and spin are the biggest muscles. Accordingly, satuned with a barbell or dumbbells, pull-ups, traction of dumbbells and a rain thrust, push-ups, beasts from the chest and bars are mandatory exercises for execution. The rest of the muscles are pumped proportionally.

In conclusion on joint use

For a set of muscle mass protein and amino acids, it is recommended to be used separately, since protein slows down the absorption of amino acids. But creatine can be safely mixed with both protein and BCAA, there is no harm in this. The following recipes are recommended as protein cocktails.

In the morning, after sleep. One portion of fast protein is whipped in a blender with one banana, one boiled egg with a yolk and two boiled eggs without a yolk. The density of the mixture, at the request of an athlete, is regulated by milk. The more fluid in the mixture, the less the cocktail will be.

When typing muscular mass you need to make a low-carbonate cocktail at night. One portion of casein protein is dissolved in a cup of kefir without adding fruit and sugar. As an alternative to Kazuin, a soybean isolate has proven itself, which is capable of providing the body with proteins all night.

Muscle Growth Preparations

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Those who are far from sports and bodybuilding, consider all sports additives with clean "chemistry." The athletes know that sometimes balanced and high-calorie food becomes not enough to fill the needs of the body. Moreover, each early or later faces an obstacle in the form of a lack of progress: the force does not increase, the muscles do not grow. To overcome the so-called "plateau" use sports additives. The choice of a particular brand and the type of high-cost depends on the physical form of an athlete and its goals.

Who needs drugs for mass?

The need for additives occurs when the athlete rests on the so-called plateau effect. Its essence is that each body has its own defined limit. When a person is just starting training, it is easy to progress. The body dwells in constant stress, the muscles are damaged and grow, weights are actively increasing. But over time the body gets used to stress. Standard training it is no longer surprised. It was then that progress begins to replace the "stagnation".

So comes the effect of the plateau. Athlete is no longer so easy to increase weights from training to training, the muscles cease to be strengthened in geometric progression. Even the change of training process does not help overcome this obstacle in the absence of tangible shifts.

With permanent training, a person has a need for additives

There are many reasons for a plateau: from illiterately built training process to an insufficient calorie consumed. The first step towards overcoming "stagnation" will be obtaining the necessary amount of energy from food. This is easy to achieve, using "natural" products (buckwheat, chicken, rice). It should only competently recalculate consumption and incorporate products missing products.

However, there are cases where the problem is not solved by the problem. This primarily concerns two categories of athletes.

  • Experienced athletes that need additional "fuel" to increase the strength and growth of the muscles
  • Facials with accelerated metabolism and high loads that cannot satisfy all the needs of the body classic food

In such cases, sports additives are added to their diet. Not all of them implies "Chemistry" or forbidden doping. We are talking about the use of drugs for muscle growth without harm to health. A specific choice depends on the experience of training, the goals of the athlete, personal parameters.

Such additives can be divided into the following groups:

  • Pharmacy preparations for muscle growth
  • Vitamins
  • Sports nutrition

Specific selection of sports additives depends on training


It should be clarified that drugs for muscle growth sold in a pharmacy are not magic pills. The muscles will not rise from such additives themselves. The effect is achieved by a combination of pharmacological agents and training extremely high intensity.

The role of drugs in this case is to activate the anabolic processes, reduce fatigue, to help as quickly as possible to restore between training.


The drug can be purchased without a recipe. This is a medicine from general medical practice. By name it is clear that it is used to treat diabetes. Diabeton stimulates the work of the pancreas. This drug has the strongest anabolic effect among pharmacy free access. Accordingly, it is actively used by athletes for a set of muscle mass. The principle of action of the drug is to enhance insulin production, which is directly related to anabolic processes. The drug will help those who plan to quickly gain weight. Reception of diabeton greatly increases appetite.

Contraindication to the reception of the drug are: diabetes mellitus (I), breastfeeding period, infection.

Diabecont is used for a set of muscle mass

Calcium glycera phosphate

The drug has a common effect. It is prescribed with calcium deficiency, nervous exhaustion, overwork, dystrophy. When admitted, protein digestibility increases. It is due to this property that the drug is popular with athletes seeking to gain muscle mass.

The drug has no contraindications and side effects. His uniqueness is that, possessing a powerful anabolic effect, it is at the same time an indispensable for athlete mineral.

Potassium orotat

In medical practice, this drug is used as an element of complex therapy of heart pathologies, as well as liver. Its action is aimed at stimulating metabolic processes in the body. Basic effects: anabolic and regenerating. The combination of these two effects makes the drug attractive among athletes. It allows you to quickly restore force, promotes muscle growth and makes an athlete rustier.


It has a metabolic effect - normalizes the metabolism in the body. This fills potassium deficiency, magnesium and regulates their balance. In Used to improve performance and promotes muscle growth. The last effect is achieved through an activated magnesium transfer, which stimulates protein synthesis.

Contraindications: overabundance of potassium and magnesium, the presence of heart pathologies.

Asparkov normalizes the metabolism in the body


The drug relates to a group of metabolic stimulants. It prevents the development of oxygen starvation in tissues and organs, improves blood circulation. All these effects increase the efficiency of athletes workouts, speed up the recovery process (due to the regeneration function). From the point of view of optimal muscle muscles for men, riboxin is not the most effective means. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to combine with other means, for example, potassium orotat.

Contraindications: Increased sensitivity to the drug, gout, pregnancy, lactation period, age up to 18 years.

Fish fat

The main benefit of the drug is known to each athlete: fish oil is saturated with useful omega-3 acids, as well as antioxidants. This element is indispensable for an efficient training process. By gaining muscle mass, the athlete should always include in his diet of fish oil, as well as other additives rich omega-3.

The contraindication is only individual intolerance.


Is Bad. Hematogen is not just a sweet delicacy, as many thought in childhood. This drug restores iron content in the body, and also improves metabolic processes, saturated with vitamins and minerals. By virtue of such a rich composition, hematogen is an integral part of the Athlete Arsenal.

Contraindications: diabetes, anemia.

Hematogen restores iron content in the body

Enzymes and vitamins

For a high-quality set of mass athlete, not only stimulation of internal processes (metabolic activity metabolic activity) is needed, but also a regular feeding of the body with useful substances. It is a kind of fuel for our body, which allows you to maintain a tone, to be resistant to stress (each training is a huge stress for the body), improve the functioning of internal organs. So to drugs that accelerate muscle growth should be added a vitamin complex.

Help in a set of muscle mass following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A (Retinol). It has a wide range of favorable actions. For athletes, the ability of vitamin A is important to influence the growth and development of cells.
  • B (B1, B2, B3, B6) vitamins. B1 - activates oxidation processes, which helps to absorb food as efficiently possible. B2 - normalize fat exchange. B3 - regulates proteins and fats synthesis in the body. B6 - controls production.
  • Vitamin E. has antioxidant property, neutralizing decay products in the body.

Athlete Arsenal is also present enzymes. These are chemical compounds that split proteins, carbohydrates and fats. They are popular in athletes precisely because due to their split effect, the nutritious elements are absorbed as quickly and efficiently as possible. If for any reason, the enzymatic activity of the body was broken, it will not only affect the overall athlete well-being (edema in the morning, meteorism), but also reduce the process of set of muscle mass.

Pancreatin - an effective enzyme

The most effective in this case enzymes will be:

  • Pancreatin
  • Mezim Forte
  • Panzinorm Forte

Sports nutrition

A separate categories of additives contributing to a set of muscle mass is the so-called sportsport. This group includes the most popular drugs in bodybuilding for muscle growth. They do not lead to mindful results, but allow you to have the missing norms of day consumption of calories, increase the amount of protein consumed necessary for muscle growth.


The main purpose of this additive is to provide the highest possible weight set. Pay attention - it is weights that is, not the muscles. Geiner is a combination of proteins and carbohydrates. At the same time, the latter often make up the basis of the mixture. More suitable, which have difficulties with a set of mass. The result of the reception of the header will be the overall increase in body weight (not only clean muscles). The market presents different product options. For those who are concerned about the possible consequences in the form of fat deposits, it is recommended to choose a heiner based on complex carbohydrates.

Lightwind promotes muscle mass


The most common among bodybuilders sports. The basis of the protein additive is a protein, which is necessary for the construction of the muscles. The need to use occurs when an athlete cannot retain the necessary daily protein intake of natural products. In contrast to thegener, protein - low-calorie additive.

Amino Acid (BCAA)

It is a combination of three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, valine. They are basic elements of man muscle construction. The reception of this additive allows the athlet to restore between the workouts as quickly as possible. It is possible to attribute to indispensable drugs for rapid muscle growth.


First of all, it regulates the energy exchange at the cellular level, thereby increasing the muscular strength and endurance of an athlete. Thanks to creatine, the body is also restored as quickly as possible between the workouts.

Preparations for muscle growth without training

Imagine muscles and look athletic possible and without training. True, it is helpful to call this method difficult. We are talking about the use of anabolic steroids. The studies have shown that the reception of increased doses of testosterone leads to muscle growth even in the absence of workouts.

At the same time, other studies demonstrate how harm with steroids causes human body. It increases the risk of developing arrhythmia, violates the hormonal balance, can develop infertility and even lead to cancer.

The modern sports nutrition market offers a wide selection of additives that will help the athlete to achieve their goal. It can be a set of muscle mass, the development of endurance, an increase in force. In this case, we are talking about legal preparations for muscle growth. This includes not only traditional sports nutrition (protein, heiner), but also a number of drugs that are sold in pharmacies without a recipe. All these funds are sold in free access and do not harm the body.

The main nuances that should be considered when choosing additives:

  • Training experience
  • Build and metabolism

By virtue of the features of metabolic processes, some people are not recommended to use additives designed in a short time to increase body weight (in particular, heiner). Such an experiment will only lead to an increase in fat deposits.

  • Physiological features

Anyone, even harmless drug, always have contraindications. At a minimum - individual intolerance. This should be borne in mind when choosing an additive.

Hi friends! How is your pre-New Year mood? Everyone fell a lot of snow?) As promised, today I wrote the most practical article. It will be useful as boys who loved iron and girls dreaming of a beautiful pope. In order for advertising to do not modify you to lower money in the toilet, buying arsenal of various incomprehensible colorful jars with a sportpit, I will tell you about the most workers of sports additives that give a tangible result. There will be no clear distinction. There will be sports nutrition for muscle growth, as well as helps to lose weight. The main criterion of my selection is the result.

A short route is not the fastest, and the long route is not the longest. I say it to the fact that many start-up athletes think that by bought more sports nutrition, they will immediately begin to show unreal progress.

Often it happens, just the opposite. Progress remains unchanged, and money goes to the toilet. It happens, this is usually not the fault of the novice.

How not to believe advertising of sports nutrition producers, which promises just incredible results from the use of various additives? Bright jars, depicting the top bodybuilders of the planet, and also with the titles of the type "Super Protein", "Mega Pump", etc. So they ask them to bought them.

I want to make one digression:

Sports nutrition is not a substitute for conventional, balanced nutrition. This is only an addition to the main diet.

It is like an addition that it may not work badly. But it is not necessary to think that if you instead of ordinary food you will have only a sport, then a week later you will be like Hulk.

If you stop there is a conventional food, then your body will not need to produce enzymes for her digestion, because the publication is absorbed much easier, it will be learned without them. Therefore, everything is good in moderation.

Sports nutrition that works

What sports nutrition works? Everything! But many supplements do not cost the money that manufacturers are asked for them. The effect of some additives is very low, and, frankly, it is often imperceptible.

This is what sports additives are really worth paying attention to:

  1. Creatine monohydrate.
  2. Protein.
  3. BCAA amino acids.
  4. Vitamins and minerals.
  5. Fat burners.

Creatine monohydrat

Much more details I told about this additive in the article :. Very advise you to read!

Creatine is contained in our muscles, glands, kidneys and liver in the form of creatine phosphate. It circulates daily in quantity, about three grams in our blood.

If we talk about some kind of abstract harmfulness of creatine, then you should not worry about this account, it is an absolutely natural substance that refers to the class of immimines, i.e. Is protein.

Approximately 98% of creatine is contained in our muscles. When admitting creatine, muscles are made more massive, voluminous and stronger. Creatine accumulates water. Muscular fibers are thickened due to the delay on their walls of the additional protein, i.e. Muscular weight grows.

Just do not confuse. Water accumulates not between muscle fibers, as it happens when accepting steroids or cortisone, and inside muscle fibers, which contributes to an anabizm (growth) in muscle cells.

Creatine acts as follows: when the ATP molecule is oxidized (the adenosine three-phosphate) is released by the energy required for the life of the body. As a result of oxidation of the ATP molecule, one phosphate atom loses and turns into an ADF (adenosine di phosphate) molecule.

The amount of ATP contained in the muscles is only 10-15 seconds of active work. After that, creatine is needed to replenish ATP stocks. The response of ATP is due to the creatine of phosphate, which restores the destroyed phosphate bond and turns the ADP in ATP.

You can take it and men, and women. After all, everyone has ATP?))) It works about 70% of people. This is due to the fact that y, about 30% of people from nature elevated the level of creatine in the blood.

Why does a person can do intensive work for a maximum level at the maximum level?

Very simple! This is due primarily to the rapid exhaustion of the stock of phosphate creatine. Hence the simplest, logical conclusion: the additional admission of creatine allows us to work more intense and longer than usual.

Is it possible to get creatine from ordinary food?

Yes! Can! Only the problem is that in order to obtain the daily rate of creatine (5-6 g per day), you need to eat approximately 4 kg of meat. It is very harmful because In addition to creatine, you strongly load your digestive system, greatly increase the level of cholesterol and fat, as well as your kidneys will be overloaded with other proteins that will not be able to assimilate the body. And imagine if it will be repeated daily?

That is why it is advisable to take creatine in concentrated form.

What form to take creatine?

There is no difference at all, in what form creatine will go into your body. The main thing is not to overpay, buy creatine monohydrate! It is a monohydrate.

What form does not matter. It is produced both in white powder, odorless and in capsules, for example. It is much more convenient for me to take it into powder. It turns out cheaper.

Why am I so focusing on the monohydrate, and all because now the manufacturers of the gym are trying to entangle the brains with newcomer names and useless "super-worker" transport systems.

The transport system is something that helps to deliver creatine in the blood at a speedy way, but the chip is that creatine is best absorbed and transported at the maximum level of insulin in the blood.

Insulin (transport hormone) is produced, to reduce blood glucose levels. Those. All "Transportists" (transport systems), it is, in fact, simply fast carbohydrates (sugar), which increase the level of insulin, for the transportation of creatine.

In short, if you buy creatine with transport systems, then you pay 2-3 times more simply for adding, roughly speaking, glucose into creatine monohydrate. Do you need it?

Many advise to take creatine from the phase of the so-called. "Downloads". Those. Take 20 g Creatine per day during the week, and then simply maintain the level of creatine, drinking 5 g (one teaspoon) per day.

I think that this is not necessary for FIG! Swedish scientists have experienced the essence of which in the fact that two groups have gathered, one group has taken creatine from the loading phase, the other without it. After a month, the level of creatine in the blood in all people from the two groups was the same, increased by 20%.

I will say on my own. Creatine monohydrate accepted and so. There was no difference. Then the meaning is useless to translate the product?

Creatine reception scheme:

  1. Take creatine 5 g (one teaspoon) or immediately in the morning, on an empty stomach with sweet (grape) juice, or 30-60 minutes after workout.
  2. If you missed one reception of creatine, nothing terrible, just continue the reception further according to the plan. It accumulates cumulatively in the body and reaches the desired concentration (about 8 g) for 2 weeks.
  3. Take it follows cycles. Although the creatine molecule itself is very small and hardly it can create a kidney problem, but still people in white coats recommend it to take 6-8 weeks, and then take a break for 2 weeks. I do the same.


I will not paint in detail about the protein in this article, because We have already considered this issue. Better consider how to take it correctly.

Now my goal is to tell why the protein is a working additive that brings the result.

Protein produces in dairy plants from serum remaining, for example, from cheese or cottage cheese, dried, add taste additives and scattered into colorful jars or packages. In essence, it's just a protein, but more easily digestible.

It can be used to replenish a lack of protein in the diet. It is still very convenient. Instead of serving food just stirred protein in milk or water and drink a delicious cocktail.

It is not necessary to fully replace the food protein "from the bank", but as an addition to the main diet is a good assistant.

You can drink it and girls, and guys. Contraindications naturally no. Drink often and a couple of times a day Drink protein cocktail.

Protein reception scheme:

  1. Wrestling protein (serum - whey) Drink 2 hours after the lifting and immediately after training 1-2 scales (30-60 g) with 200-300 ml of water or milk. I advise you to read my very powerful article about that.
  2. Mid-handed protein (eggs (Eggs), beef (Primal). Drink between feeding of food throughout the day.
  3. Slowing protein (from cottage cheese (Casein) Drink overnight, before bedtime.

In fact, in most cases, you will be more than enough complex protein, where all the above types of protein are contained.

Amino acids BCAA

BCAA is amino acids with a branched chain. Especially indispensable on "drying" and for vegetarians, because They need to carefully follow the amino acid profile due to the lack of animal protein in the diet.

BCAA Restore the energy potential of the cell after training so that the cell can start a "construction" of new contractile elements.

Such amino acids include three amino acids:

  • leucine;
  • valin;
  • isoleucine;

A lot of studies have been conducted, which proved the real efficacy of Amino acids of the ASA, namely:

Quote from conclusion:

"When adding a BCAA (76% leucine) to the daily portions of Protein, it was possible to increase the amount of dry muscle mass, increase the strengths of the athletes, the level of muscle proteolysis decreased. The amount of fat in the body has decreased Here is a link to the study.

Here is another curious conclusion from one study:

Quote from conclusion:

"The indispensable amino acids accelerate the synthesis of muscle protein, but the introduction of replaceable amino acids for these purposes, as the experiment showed, is not necessary. The larger the dose of the ISA amino acids entered, the greater anabolic response was obtained. Here is a link to the study.

As a rule, on banks with amino acids, the ratio of these amino acids in relation to each other is indicated.

For example, a very common ratio 2: 2: 1 will be decrypted in absolute values \u200b\u200bas, 5 g of leucine and valine, relative to 2.5 g of isoleucine.

The individual features of the digestion and assimilation for each person are so specific that it is impossible for everyone to choose the universal working supplement BCAA, but there are still general recommendations on the features of their reception, which I will tell further.

BCAA amino acid reception scheme:

  1. Never take BCAA on an empty stomach!
  2. Take BCAA during and after training for 15-20 g. During the workout, it is more convenient to take amino acids in the form of a powder dissolved in water.
  3. Sometimes it is necessary to take BCAA to workout to eliminate the possibility of an insufficient amount of glycogen in liver cells.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals participate in almost all metabolic processes of the body. We must try to get to the maximum of their food, but at present they are not so much in food, because Vegetables and fruits pass various types of cleaning and disinfection. Also for their cultivation use various stimulants of growth, but now it is not about that.

As a rule, each person engaged in sports is required by the reception of these trace elements from additional sources.

There are excellent specialized vitamins for athletes sold in sports nutrition stores. Another thing is that they have become increasingly fake, so buy vitamins or in large, specialized sports nutrition stores, or in a pharmacy.

Pharmacy vitamins have a much smaller concentration than special, therefore it makes sense to increase their dosage twice.

The most important among vitamins is. Not only because of his ability to stimulate the immune system, but simply because it is vital, because His drawback causes zing (sorbut).

Reception scheme of amino acids of vitamins and minerals:

  1. Everything is very simple. The main rule: vitamins drink in the morning, and minerals for the night.
  2. Buy vitamins and minerals in large specialized stores or pharmacies.

There are some more very interesting additives that work perfectly and are available in almost every pharmacy, such as adaptogens, glutamic acid and enzymes, etc. They can read in a very detailed article in my article about.

Fat burgers

Really work well in conjunction with proper nutrition. It is in combination! The fat burners will not replace you with proper nutrition aimed at reducing the fat layer. They really work, but at the same time it is necessary to control their nutrition. As a rule, it should be sent to weight loss. And are the best options in my opinion.

The fat burners work, but give a temporary effect. They bring their fruits only during their reception, so most likely you don't need them!

They are used, as a rule, on drying, when it is necessary to show a short-term result. Usually, their acceptance is appropriate by professional athletes in order to achieve a competitive form.

There are preparations and additives that are prohibited by the Law of the Russian Federation (for example, Ephedrine). I will not consider them. I will not consider drugs that interfere with your endocrine system. I will consider only those that are safe for your health and them, if you wish, you can buy without any problems.

  • Caffeine and Guarana

Stimulate the CNS (central nervous system) and the production of nor-adrenaline, which launching fat burning in our body.

Guarana is the same coffee, only in the grains of Guarana twice as many caffeine than in the grains of coffee.

A positive "invigorating" effect of these additives has been proven, so if the olympic athlete will find an increased dose of caffeine, then it is disqualified for applying doping.

  • L-Carnitine (L-Carnitine)

In any sports nutrition store, you will easily find this additive. Carnitine does not burn fat in itself, but it greatly facilitates this process when you stick to the diet (there will be no sensitive without a diet).

In other words, he helps the body use fat as energy. Also, it increases the digestibility of food at the expense of an increase in the secretion of enzymes involved in digestion.

Freak-killer reception scheme:

Caffeine: 3-6 mg of coffee for every kilogram of the body 30-60 minutes before training.

L-Carnitine: from 0.5 to 5 grams per day in the morning (in the morning, at lunch and before training)


  • sports nutrition is only an addition to the main diet;
  • creatine monohydrate is worth buying it, because It is cheap (500 r. 500 gr, on average), but gives a very tangible effect;
  • protein can help well in replenishing the daily rate of protein, but if it is possible to eat well (6-8 times a day), then in the protein there is no particular need;
  • bCAA amino acids work perfectly, but it is a very expensive protein in terms of grams. They are especially necessary on drying and vegetarians;
  • vitamins and minerals will not damage anyone. A good thing, although there is a lot of disputes about the digestibility of "tablet" additives;
  • the fat burners work only in a coupe with a diet. If there is no diet, then do not wait for any weight loss;

That's all, friends. Now choose sports nutrition for muscle growth or slimming, I think you will succeed without any problems. If some questions remained, I will gladly answer everyone in the comments.

Swing your muscles, transform your body and life.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. Further will only be cooler.

With respect and best wishes,!

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Every athlete sooner or later reaches a certain "ceiling" in his training process and begins to look for ways to overcome it. At first, it may be attempts to bring changes to the training program or nutrient ratio in the diet, and then there are already sports additives and anabolic steroids, there are already countless.

Who needs drugs for mass?

First of all, I would like to talk a little about which at all you need to include sports additives and farm in your daily diet. If you are a beginner, do not even think about the protein and even more so about the use of pharmacological preparations. Prior to this, it is necessary to grow in the sense that for the beginning of the first few months should be established their food, study all the principles and methods of building muscle mass, disassemble the technique of each exercise, understand, etc.

In general, there are a large number of concepts and principles that need to be mastering both theoretically and in practice. Only after you become less to understand the nutrition, diets, will be processed correctly, perfectly observe the mode, only then can you begin to apply SPORTS NUTRITION (not farm) in his diet. To start, just try to train properly, keep diet. If you really like, you will achieve some results, then you can go further. That is, with increasing mass, the need for nutrients increases at times. Many cannot or do not have time (due to life circumstances: work, study) consume enough BZHAwhich is necessary for growth and recovery. Therefore, additives in its diet can be included in its diet, which contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. What am I talking about this? Everything is very simple, drugs to increase muscle mass is not "magic pills" from which muscles appear from nowhere. With their help, you will not get to gain a mass without proper nutrition and solid and hard workouts.

As for pharmacological preparations, things are going out somewhat differently. Powerful androgenic preparations are designed for use of exclusively professional athletes who have everything you need for the correct course and post-case therapy (PKT). This is a fairly serious step to which it is necessary to approach consciously, weighing everything in and against. Despite such a loud name - "Anabolic steroids" (who did not understand, anabolic means substances that accelerate the formation of new cells, fibers, etc., that is, contributing to muscle growth), they also do not guarantee a person a colossal set in weight. In order for pharmacological drugs to act, it is necessary not just to train, but "plow", while consuming a huge amount of nutritional components to ensure the growth of muscle fibers. Many simply think that due to pharmaceutical, muscles appear from nowhere, inflated and so on. In fact, this is the root of the wrong opinion and a stupid stereotype.

Sports additives and non-steroid preparations for a mass set

  • Proteinwhich is a concentrated protein in which it includes PROTEIN (the most important building material for muscle buildings) and a small concentration of amino acids. It is not mandatory for use, since the required amount of protein can be obtained from conventional food. The explicit advantage of protein appears to obtain a large amount of protein, while not loading the gastrointestinal tract with huge volumes of solid food. There are a large number of types of protein: serum, casein, egg, soybean, etc. Also, protein is produced with different protein concentrations and many other differences that are necessary for one goal - promote (preventing) and muscle tissue growth. Useful article - "?".
  • Creatine - Additive that affects the energy exchange and contractual abilities of the muscle, due to the increase in the amount of creatine phosphate. Also creatine to some extent delays water, giving an increase in weight in the first weeks. Most often athletes like this substance due to the ability to give solid strength gains, and therefore, and muscular mass. The additive increases the restoration abilities of the human body, gives greater endurance during the training period. In more detail how to take creatine, which is generally such.
  • Heiner - a mixture combining protein and carbohydrates. The latter, as a rule, is largely dominated by the amount of protein. This additive is designed for a fast and intense weight set (with proper use), some of which, for obvious reasons, will not be pure muscular mass. Also, the heiner finds the use as an additional source of energy before training. To understand whether you need a heiner for mass gain, read.
  • Amino acids - Substances preventing the devastating effects of stressful hormone cortisol, whose effect falls on the most height of intense power training and the period after it. Popular leucine-based additives, valine and isoleucine helps speed up both recovery between approaches and between directly workouts. Thanks to the easy assimilation, even during classes can be applied. Simply put, it is a split protein in a ready-to-use form. You can purchase amino acids in both sports nutrition store and in. About the need to purchase BCAA-amino acids read.
  • Pre-trial complexes - Additives based on psychostimulating substances like caffene. Also, their composition often includes creatine, rapid carbohydrates, vitamins and electrolytes. Pre-trial complexes help to achieve a state of increased activity in training, and thanks to the forces obtained overcome the frontier, followed by further progress. You can read more in more detail.
  • Testosterone Additives - testosterone boosters. As a rule, produced on a vegetable basis, for example with the addition. But unfortunately, they are far from always effective, as those testosterone levels that are achieved through these drugs are still insufficient to serve as an impetus for the intensive growth of muscles.
  • - Sport supplement from natural components, which contributes to an increase in appetite and a set of muscle mass with appropriate training and proper nutrition.
  • A growth hormone and peptides.. These drugs are popular mainly from experienced and professional athletes, and usually used in combination with anabolic steroids. However, the "solo" used they can cause significant muscle gains, especially in those athletes whose body is not familiar with steroids. These drugs cause an increase in somatotropic hormone, thereby stimulating the growth of muscle tissue. Of course, the results will not be as high as when taking steroids, since the growth hormone acts on the growth of the muscles is quite indirectly. For example, you can familiarize yourself with a fairly popular peptide.
  • Pharmacy drugssimilar to orothat potassium, riboxin and folic acid. They do not have a pronounced effect on the growth of muscles, but can contribute to him when an athlete organism is too tired against the background of heavy workouts, diet or intense work schedule. In any case, due to their useful properties, the use of these funds will not be superfluous.

To begin, it should be recalled that the use of steroids makes sense only when the remaining methods no longer have any benefit, or if the athlete is seriously configured to create a sports career. Otherwise, the use of steroids is not justified and the potential hazard for the health of the athlete. But still, since it was about the "dark side of the force", then consider the most common options definitely worth it. It is not recommended to take ac without proper control by the attending physician.

  • Of course, known to all methandienone, or people - " methane". This drug was tested by hundreds of thousands of athletes, and probably methandienone was the first steroid in the life of most of them. Its so high propagation is explained by a low price, a relatively small number of side effects, and of course - the ability to give enormous muscle gains and strength. One of the most popular methane variations is.
  • Testosterone - In fact, is the father with all the existing steroid, they are its derivatives. The drug is notable for small cost and flexibility in use. That is, from testosterone you can not expect any unexpected or unpleasant effects. This drug acts exactly as the athlete wants, when it counts the dosages and selects the accompanying pharmaceutical support. Another obvious plus of testosterone appears its low toxicity and security in general.
  • Nandrolon - The most famous as "deck" (slang cutting of the Nandrolone of the Decanate). It is common most often among the Powerlifters, as it has a property to "pour" strongly, and therefore - to protect muscles and ligaments from injuries. In conjunction with nandrolone, be sure to use testosterone, since the drug in the "solo" mode can noticeably hit the sexual system. Also known is the ability of Nandrolone to influence the mood, causing a plasticity, then excessive aggression, which is caused by severe prolactin jumps.
  • Stanazolol. - a well-known drug, most often used for fat burning and maintaining muscle mass in its process. But in fact, it can also be applied for the purpose of a set of muscles. To achieve this goal, testosterone is jointly used, which not only enhances the action of the steelolol, but also reduces the likelihood of injury, which is always raised on the course of stanasolol in connection with its ability to "drive out" water.
  • Insulin - It is extremely dangerous with an illiterate application that, with an incorrectly calculated dosage, may entail death. It is a kind of transport system, tens of times reinforcing not only the absorption of food, but also anabolic steroids. Its use can be justified only in very experienced and understanding the principle of insulin athletes. Otherwise, irreparable damage to the pancreas, expressed by the development of diabetes, is possible. With excessive dosages and disadvantages of carbohydrates, a fatal outcome is possible in the diet.

Anabolic effects:

  • One of the effects (actually for which most pharmacology is accepted) is the growth of muscle mass - from 5 to 10 kilograms;
  • Naturally, the increase in force endurance, the growth of working scales, etc.;
  • Fat burning effect;
  • Promotes bone strengthening;
  • Also, when taking drugs that delay water in the body and do not dry the joints, the shoulder rotators are strengthened (with proper nutrition). In the future, it will help to increase the power in the gims.

Side effects:

  • Problems with liver and kidneys;
  • Decrease in the level of production of its own hormone testosterone;
  • Virilization;
  • Prostate hypertrophy;
  • Testicular atrophy;
  • Hair loss alopecia;
  • Acne or angry rash;
  • Problems with cardiovascular system.

Applying steroids, it should always be remembered that the relevant supporting drugs must be present during the course, as well as funds contributing to the overall support of the body. Do not go around the side and the period after the course ( PT.), While receiving anti-estrogenous agents that contribute to the speedy restoration of the oppressed steroids of the sexual system. By the way, before taking any potent substances, it is necessary to pass all tests for hormones, the level of cholesterol, etc. It is not necessary to simply, spontaneously buy drugs and apply them without supervision of the attending physician. If you approach with the mind of the use of pharmacological preparations, most side effects can be avoided.

Attention!!! This article carries exclusively information. The site is not engaged in selling anabolic steroids. The site does not approve of the reception of potent substances without proper control by specialists.


So, in this article we reviewed both safe drugs (sports nutrition) and unsafe substances that can greatly damage human health. What can be concluded? If you can't increase muscle mass, first of all it is worth reconsidering your nutrition, the training program, it can matter exactly in this. Do not rely on various drugs. They do not have any magic properties.

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