How to increase the speed of running. How to improve endurance: training program, running for long distances How to increase the speed of running for long distances

Cement 31.05.2021

Running on long distances is an excellent workout of endurance, heart strengthening and the whole organism, active burning calorie. The goal of many athletes is running 10 km, but it is necessary to take into account that this is a rather large distance, and it will be not so easy to run it. Consider what you need to make such a jog, and we will analyze the popular questions that concern it.

Consider answers to popular questions. So, many wonder how many calories are burned for 10 km running. To understand this, you need to refer to the general formulas. If the speed of running is about 10 km / h, then in an hour about 9 kcal per kilogram of weight is consumed. The more weight, the more calorie consumption, respectively. Suppose a person with a weight of 60 kg runs 10 km about an hour. Calorial consumption in this case will be about 540 kilocalories in the entire distance.

Raiting discharges for 10 km will be following for men:

  • 1 category - 32.30 at the stadium (circle of 400 meters) and 32.50 on the highway;
  • 2 discharge - 34.40 for the stadium and 35.00 for the highway;
  • 3 discharge: 38.00 and 38.20, respectively.

For women, the standards are as follows:

  • 1 discharge: 38.20 (stadium) and 38.40 (highway);
  • 2 discharge: 41.30 and 41. 50;
  • 3 discharge: 45.00 and 45.20.

The results of running 10 km are excellent endurance, strengthening of all organism systems, as well as a great figure. The average run time will be different from everyone depending on the level of preparation. To begin with, an excellent result is 60-70 minutes.

How to run 10 km: Highlights

Preparation for running 10 km suggests, first of all, the development of endurance. Each person has its own physical border, defined as the reaction rate. You can improve your results to this limit. Running 10 km is just a step towards the maximum norm. If it is given to you easily, you can limit the time for this (for example, 52 minutes). If you have withstood and abbreviated time, reduce it yet, and reduce until the moment when you just do not have time.

To improve its results, it is necessary to know its basics such as the right technique, warm-up, breathing and others.

An important point is the psychological mood.10 km initially may seem an insurmountable obstacle. It is important to prepare for it both physically and morally. Tune in. Think about the distance and its possible paths, as well as, which is very important, realize what you need.

The first third of the distance you can run cheerfully, the second is to be tired enough, but on the third body can hardly want to stop. It is important to ignore this refinement and run further - it is at this moment to overcome you to train the brain as much as possible. Psychological excerpt is a very important moment in running, especially if we are talking about long distances.

A very important point in how to learn to run 10 km is the development of breathing. It is necessary to breathe correctly, inhaling the nose, smoothly and measured. In the last steps of the run, when it is difficult to breathe, there is a powerful strengthening of the lungs.

When running long distances, you can feel unpleasant tingling in the left either right side, in which you want to stop. This moment is called "dead point". It is important to overcome it, first of all, psychologically. Ask yourself the pace and accelerate the movements with your hands, feeding the body forward. Make two steps to inhale, and two steps to exhale.

An important point is comfortable clothing that should not be shy movements. Be sure to start the laces well - it is important not to stop when running, so as not to knock your breath. It is better to run without music to focus on your breath and distances.

The choice of route is also important. Avoid roads with traffic lights, as in this case you have to make unwanted stops. Let the road be smooth, without pits.

If you work out properly prepare for running 10 km, both morally and physically, you will probably overcome this distance, although it may not be easy with unusual.

Running training program for 10 km

You can cope with such a task, how to run 10 km without preparation, but in the absence of such no need to chase over time. The training program can be divided into five levels that differ in time and designed for 8-10 weeks each. The initial levels will allow the technique to hone, will give experience and teach their body.

If you consider that you are ready for the next level, spend the control ride and check the time. If the pulse is not more than 80-90% of the maximum heart rate (which is calculated by the formula 220 - your age), then this is your level. But ideally, before serious training, it is worth consulted with a doctor.

Now consider the levels themselves.

Level 1 -10 km in 70 minutes

The base level is designed for three runs 10 km per week:

  • Try to gradually increase the distance from 10 to 12 km. Sketch so that you can pass the distance without stopping and transitions per step. Over time, try to run at an average pace.
  • Perform power exercises aimed at feet, back, cortex muscles.
  • Workout distance - 3 km. Then you need to run 10 sets of 600 meters of running, so that the speed is 90% of the speed at 10 km during no more than 3:40 per segment. Between segments, the break should be not more than a minute.
  • As a hitch - 4 km.
  • Workshop distances - 4 km.
  • Then 6 sets 300 meters at maximum speed. For each minute, run holidays at least 3-4 minutes.
  • Zaminka - 5 km.

After 8-10 weeks before training, run 10 km for a while. When you manage to achieve time 60 minutes, go to another level.

Level 2 - 10 km per hour

A little more complicated program, but from 2-3 weeks you will notice explicit results.

  • Distance gradually increase from 12 to 14 km at an average pace.
  • Make the power exercises on the back, legs, core.
  • 3-4 km warm-up distance.
  • 10 sets of 0.8 km run in 90% of the speed of 10 km during no more than 4:20. Between the segments, rest e less than a minute.
  • 4 km of zaminki.
  • Workout 4-5 km.
  • 6 sets of 400 meters at maximum speed. At each minute, the run should have at least 3-4 minutes of rest.
  • 4 km.

After 8-10 weeks of workouts before training on the second day, run 10 km. If you manage to run 10 km in 50 minutes, go to the next program.

Level 3 -10 km for 50 minutes

To fully develop explosive quality muscles, you can add specialized exercises to the training program - high jumps, jumping in full quivering, jumping "frog.

  • Increase the distance from 14 to 16 km at an average pace.
  • Make power exercises on the back, legs, muscles of the bark.
  • Make jumping exercises, repeating every at least 30 times.
  • 2-3 km warm-up.
  • 10 sets 1 km at a speed of 90% of the ten-tone-tetal distance, during no more than 4:30.
  • Between the segments you need to relax at least a minute.
  • During the rest period, take 20 squats.
  • 2 km of zaminki.
  • 2 km warm-up.
  • 5Inters 400 meters with maximum acceleration.
  • Rest at least 4-5 minutes per minute of running.
  • 4 sets of interval run 2 km - alternation of 100 meters of accelerated and 100 meters of light run. Break - no more than 2-3 minutes
  • 2 km of light running zaminka.

Turn to the next level when after 8-10 weeks can run 10 km in 45 minutes.

Level 4. 10 km in 45 minutes

For further development, the number of workouts is recommended to increase to four. It will help better work out important aspects. For the development of endurance it is recommended to add an exercise.

  • Gradually increase the distance at an average pace from 16 to 18 km.
  • Make strength exercises.
  • 40 repetitions of each of the jump exercises.
  • 2 km of the warm-up distance.
  • 8 approaches 1400 meters run at a speed of 90% of the distance total time - not more than 5.30. Recreation should be not more than 60-80 seconds.
  • 10 Bepi during the rest and 2 km of Zarnokhnaya run.
  • 3 km of the warm-up run.
  • 4 sets of interval run: 2 km with alternating 100 meters of fast and 100 meters of light run. Rest between approaches no more than 2-3 minutes.
  • 2 km of zaminki.
  • Warm running 2-3 km.
  • 6 boalth approaches 400 meters with maximum acceleration. Rest in a minute between the sets.
  • Repeat the power and jump training of the first day.

At the end of 8-10 weeks, run 10 km for a while. Go to the latter level when you can get the time in 45 minutes.

Level 5. 10 km in 40 minutes

Running time 10 km in 40 minutes is an adequate level of professionalism and excellent endurance. If you have successfully passed the previous steps, you must cope.

  • Increase the distance from 18-20 km at an average pace.
  • Make strength exercises.
  • At least 50 repetitions of jumping exercises.
  • 3 km of the warm-up run.
  • 6 approaches 1500 meters at a speed of 90% of the maximum for the period not more than 5:15 for one segment. Rest between them no more than 60-80 seconds.
  • Make 15 berp.
  • 2 km run for the hitch.
  • 3 km warm-up.
  • 3 approaches of the interval run for 3 km: alternate 100 meters acceleration and 100 meters of calm run. Break - no more than 2-3 minutes.
  • 2 km of the hitch light run.
  • 2 workouts.
  • 8 approaches 400 meters with maximum acceleration. Rest within a minute after approach.
  • Power and leaping exercises from the first day.
  • 2 km of zaminki.

Thus, training gradually and regularly, you can achieve the desired results. Do not immediately chase at minimal time. Arrange 10 km is the feat itself. At the same time, it is important not to be injured and not harm yourself. In training, be careful, watch your well-minded and make up programs taking into account individual features. This will help to achieve new records and defeat yourself.

How to run 10 km - video

Learn how to increase speed indicators, examples of exercise and training techniques.

Everyone knows that the speed of running depends on the genetic predisposition and there is some truth in this, for example, look at some people who are not fond of sports, but they have no powerful legs at the same time, namely, with a large proportion of muscle mass, but there are vice versa thin Like matches and quickly tired of physical exertion.

But even if genetics played to your hand, nothing will happen if you do not develop your potential, because it is not for nothing that success is 1% of talent and 99% of labor, only after that you can achieve maximum explosive strength and rabid acceleration.

Remember to become faster need to be patient and train from month per month, every year adding and improving, you want to become like a lightning football player, and an explosive sprinter, then fascine and make training your lifestyle. By the way, who has problems with a set of muscle mass on the legs, running on short sprint distances will help to wake sleeping muscles and make them grow due to the inclusion in the work of muscle fibers, which are sleeping in the gym with a regular power workout.

How to increase speed in running

There are 3 most proven and simple ways to increase run speed:

1) Power training - these are special exercises in the simulator room for, the only exception will be the work in a faster pace on the phase of effort, for example, performing to climb it quickly, let rise will be outwardly slow, but the acceleration of the muscles specified at the beginning of the rise and the body will feel that it will be included in the work Stimulation for power growth.

2) Biomechanics- It is worth improving the running technique so that the movements are more coordinated, coordinated, the whole body should work as a single mechanism. What happens in most cases - many run as hit, then the hands hang out, then the legs in different directions are generally like drunk.

3) Stretching - This is a very important way affecting the strength of the legs, remember that in the process of power training, the muscles are thickened and decrease in length, the constant execution of stretching legs, allow you to maintain the initial length of muscle fibers, and accordingly maintain a large amplitude of movements and power, respectively.

From school bench known formula:

a. = v. / t.,

where but - acceleration,

v. - speed

t.- Time

To develop speed - it is necessary to comprehensively use all 3 methods to increase the running speed, only running without strength training will always lose someone working according to the + scheme.

Exercises for running speed

1) Mahi hands - The various movements of the hands are developing the flexibility of the shoulder joints, which improves the coordination of movements and contribute to the well-coordinated work of the body during running. During the run, follow the angle in the elbows to be 90 0, if it is higher, the frequency of steps during running decreases, which slows down the speed of the run.

2) Motion Technique - It is very important that the steps are wide and frequent, that's why the long-legged athletes have a co-friend. The width of the step is greatly engaged in the forest or at another crossed area, where they will have to jump through obstacles or, on the contrary, jump further to overcome the barrier. Do not forget about fast run up the slope of 20-30 meters, it perfectly stimulates the body to make a step as wide as possible in order to pass the distance.

3) Steps - This exercise can be performed with any weather, which makes it very affordable and simple. The explosive force will be higher than the stronger the back of the back leg, follow the leg to be completely straightened in the knee joint, and the hands bent in the elbows under 90 0 worked in unison with the whole body.

Run up the stairs at the maximum temperature of 30-35 steps, and then calmly descend down the downside or foot, it will be a rest time, after immediately run up. Instead of a staircase, you can find a hill with a height of 10-15 degrees.

Do not try to quickly flee from the slope, the probability of lying to the earth is very large.

Before such heavy races, do not forget to perform a light stretching at the beginning to improve blood circulation and heat the muscles, and after performing a more complex harness of the legs to speed up the restoration of tired muscles. Also remember that they play no unimportant role in running.

4) parachute or tires - Very effective tool, increased air resistance forces legs to work at full capacity, but if there is no such possibility and you live on the plain without hills, do not be discouraged - a couple of automotive tires attached cable to your belt. Excellent resistance and active load on the muscles of the legs.

Train using 4 exercises at the very beginning. For two or three months, performing 3 workouts weekly, after you increase the amount of up to 5 workouts per week. Behind the intensity of work and the number of repetitions, follow yourself, the body's condition will prompt the correct decision, but each time you can quickly run, stronger to repel, and the time to overcome the distance to gradually decline.

I wish everyone good luck in the development of the cheetah speed, the main thing is not lazy and the results will exceed all the expectations!

Sergey Konyakin, a multiple winner and a medalist of Russian races, a master of sports in athletics, shared secrets of his preparation and told how to improve his time on the "dozen".

To properly build a training process, it is necessary to take into account several of the main points: health condition, degree of preparedness, age, gender. Running on long distances, in particular running 10 km, is a discipline requiring, above all, the development of common and special endurance. An important point is also the technique and tactics of running.

Build training

Determine the level of preparation

An occupation race at the amateur level is a way to improve your health and quality of life, so before the start of full-fledged training, you need to go through the full examination from doctors to protect yourself from health care. Sports medicine does not stand still, and in our time of high technologies there is a great opportunity to determine the degree of its preparedness in laboratory conditions.

Find trainers

Having learned your level of preparation and determining the zone of the pulse and (maximum oxygen consumption), it is possible to build a training process with maximum efficiency. In order to move in the right direction from the very beginning of classes and not learn from your mistakes, I would recommend to refer to a qualified coach.

Progress gradually

Many believe that to achieve the best result you need to run a lot and quickly. Such an approach leads to overtraining and injury. More and faster - does not mean better, in training it is necessary to comply with the principle of moderation!

I recommend the main running volume to: Training in these zones develops overall and special endurance, increases the adaptation properties of the body. The smallest part of training should occupy the work on about-maximum and maximum pulse.

Observe the principle of constancy

Endurance training requires a long and continuous process, so try not to make big breaks in running (more than three days).

Alternate different types of training

In order to achieve the greatest success in training and competitions, it is not enough to run crosses with different intensity. It is necessary to apply various types of workouts: interval, high-speed, tempo running, training for improving the running technique (technical). All of them can be included in the weekly cycle: for example, on Monday, we make training on improving high-speed qualities, on Wednesday - Fatlek or tempo running, on Friday run the long-lying intervals, and a long crossway on the weekend you can run on a weekend.

At least once a week, you need to do exercises for the development of general physical training (OFP), on all muscle groups with their weight. The OFP is an integral part of the training process, it allows you to harmoniously develop all the body and creates additional reserves in running long distances.

Teach tack

Long distances require high energy costs, so the more economical running, the better your result. Setting the right technique of running - a difficult process. It is unlikely to put it, so it's better to contact a specialist. Each person is individual, there is no identical person, therefore, you need to build training personally to each person, taking into account his features.

Pay attention to nutrition

During training and recovery after them, a large number of proteins, vitamins and trace elements are consumed. Currently, food quality leaves much to be desired, properly and rationally feed with the modern rhythm of life does not always succeed. To replenish missing substances, it is necessary to take complexes of vitamins, microelements and amino acids.

Racing Strategy and Tactics

How to run a distance of 10 km?

1. In long distances run, the most effective tactic is reduced to an almost uniform distribution of force throughout the distance. It is necessary to calculate about what time the passage of the distance are you willing, to calculate the speed in minutes per kilometer and try to make a clear chart.

2. A widespread error is a quick start. On emotions, under the influence of adrenaline, many begin to escape with a critical speed, the pulse takes off, the muscles gradually accumulate the milk acid, and in the end a person slows down the pace or goes away.

3. It is also necessary to take into account the weather conditions: if the race takes place in hot weather, drink more fluids during and after the race.

4. Clothing should be configured to weather conditions: its choice can also affect the result.

5. During the passage of the distance, it is important not to clamp, the cutting movements will not be allowed to fully work with the muscles. Each kilometer needs to mentally check the arms, legs, back, neck for pressure and, if necessary, try to relax them without driving the pace.

Distance 10 km today is one of the most popular. What does not mean that it is just overcome. For a successful finish and professional runners, and beginners need to be remembered about the basic principles of preparation for the 10-kilometer race. After all, on the day of the start, everything will depend on how you planned workouts.


At this distance, two indicators are most important - a high anaerobic threshold and high IPC.

Anaerobic threshold (ANP) is a pace in which lactate (lactic acid) in muscles and blood accumulates faster than the body has time to delete it. In essence, this is the maximum pace with which you can run one hour. It is the ANP that primarily determines the operability of the runner on long distances.

Knowing your ANP, you can choose a suitable tempo for competitions. Remember: it is impossible to greatly exceed this threshold, especially at the beginning of the race, otherwise you will soon have to slow down due to the sharp accumulation of lactate in muscles and blood. The distance in 10 km is overcome in the pace a little higher than anaerobic threshold. This means that the level of lactate during the run will grow slowly.

The second indicator is the IPC, the maximum consumption of oxygen, which the heart can deliver to the muscles to generate energy. For a healthy, but not engaged in sports man, the IPC is 3200-3500 ml / min. For training people, this indicator can reach 6000 ml / min. What is the IPC so important? The ability to consume as much oxygen as possible primarily affects the efficiency of the body, especially when running. It is necessary to develop it in order to power the working muscle cells and reduce the load on the central and peripheral nervous system. The higher the IPC, the higher the speed of the run, which you can support.

Before you start training

So, it's time for workout plan. To begin with, it is important to establish the goal of your participation in the competition - high, but achievable. If you have the first start in the season, think more about working capacity than about record time. If you go on a distance of 10 km for the first time, then focus on your previous achievements. An approximate finish time can be calculated based on the results that you showed on other distances. To do this, use the table:

Coefficients to predict the result of the race by 10 km

To learn your time at a distance of 10 km, you must multiply the finish time in seconds on one of the distances shown in the table to the corresponding ratio.

So, if you remember, your main task is to increase the anaerobic threshold and the IPC. In addition, your preparation plan will include training for the development of pure endurance and an increase in base speed (although it is not so important on this distance).

The training plan is designed for 12 weeks. However, before switching to it, you need to undergo preliminary training. A few months before the race, we only share time for the development of pure endurance. To do this, start running slowly, every time it is slightly increasing the distance and tempo. Attention: when running, do not move to a coward or walk, they are completely useless for the development of endurance. But do not run too quickly, it is dangerous, - after training with the maximum intensity, your body will have to recover for a long time.

The main types of training for preparing for run 10 km

The preparation plan is always individual, but it must include the following types of training.

The longest run - The most prolonged training of the week. It is designed to develop endurance, so the distance should gradually increase during the first six weeks. For example, runners with a kilometer over 70 km per week can start 15 km from the distance, at the end, by increasing it up to 20 km. Runners with a kilometer less than 40 km are better to start with 11 km, gradually increasing the distance of up to 14 km.

The speed of the run should be 0: 45-1: 25 seconds of a slower competitive tempo at 10 km run, no less. Only your body will begin to adapt to the run, requiring high endurance.

The second long run - The second long-term training in the week. It is designed to enhance the effect of long workouts. The distance increases by the same principle as for the first.

ANP-training, including several types of preparation: tempo running, unp-intervals, control classes and capeat starts.

The tempo running is running at an anaerobic threshold for 20-40 minutes. The rate of anaerobic threshold is usually close to a competitive pace at 15-21 km distances. Before the 110th tempo, the warm-up is recommended about 3 km, and after it - a hint of 2-3 km long.

ARP-intervals are also performed at the anaerobic threshold pace, but the distance is divided into 2-4 segments. There are no stops between the segments, run slowly.

Control classes and capext starts differ from other HP training higher intensity. Control training puts the task to overcome the distance as quickly as possible - so you can estimate your current speed. Caidening starts are trial competitions during training. They show how much you are ready for the start as a whole - physically and psychologically.

How to enter all these workouts in your plan? In the first weeks, focus on the implementation of the ANP intervals and tempo training, and closer to the end - in the control sessions and capeful starts. A simple principle works here: the closer the day of the competition, the more an antp-training should remind your target race.

MPK training We are running at intervals from 600 to 2000 m. They can be performed on a treadmill, herbal coating, soil trails. The best way to develop the IPC is to train with an intensity of 95-100% of the current level, that is, close to the competitive pace at a distance of 3-5 km. The recovery time between the intervals is 50-90% of the time of the previous interval.

Basic speed - This is the maximum speed that an athlete is able to develop and maintain at a distance of up to 400 m. Workouts on the base speed teach your body to the rapid run, which will later increase the finish speed. They may include exercises with burdens, jumping exercises and runoff. Many prefer the last option, since when running up the risk of injury is minimal. Although at a distance of 10 km, net speed is not so important, such training will help you improve the tagging technique.

Before starting

Remember that when running at a distance of 10 km you will need an assedictionity and restraint at the same time. A slow start in such a race is unacceptable, but if you start too fast, it will be difficult for you to experience the second half of the way.

If you do everything right, the first and last 3 km will be quite simple. A lot depends on how you run the middle of the distance. It is at this time that you are worstly controlled by what is happening, and here it is important to maintain a good pace - the finishing result will depend on it. Prepare for everything during training. Watch your results and correct errors. Successful to you race!

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Sprinters should pay great attention to physiological, as well as biological factors. To achieve positive results in running short distances, you need to train a lot by spending a lot of strength and time. Also, the athlete must always work on improving the coordination of movements, because the result of the race depends on them.

Since the athlete moves at a distance at the maximum speed, he must be able to control all the movements of his body. Even the most insignificant error in the technique can lead to a loss of speed or even injury. It is for this reason that you must pay enough time to catch up with technical nuances.

It should be noted that running a hundred meters is included in the program of mandatory standards in educational institutions. To be able to control the results, special standards were created. For example, the title "Master of Sport" is awarded to men who managed to overcome 100 meters in 10.4 seconds. For women, the standard is somewhat less and is 11.6 seconds.

100 meters running technology

Running on short distances, and besides the statercutter, it is also a distance of 60 meters, assumes the presence of four steps - start, overclocking, movement at a distance and finish. Before starting the race, the sprinter should take the position of the low start. Note that there are four kinds of low starts:
  1. Normal - The distance from the pads to the starting line is one or two feet. Beginner sprints are recommended to increase this distance on the foot.
  2. Narrow - The distance between the pads by 0.5 of the foot is less compared to the distance from the starting line to the first block.
  3. Stretched - The distance between the pads is from 1.5 to 2 stop, and between the first block and the starting line is from two to three hundred.
  4. More than - The distance between the pads is equal to one foot, and from the starting line to the first block is 1.5 feet.
When choosing the starting position of the athlete should be guided by the power of its muscles and the reaction rate.

When the judge gives the team "to the start", the sprinter should take his place on the treadmill allotted by him and lay down his legs into the pads, lowering the knee joint of the back leg to the ground. At the same time, the large and index fingers must be placed on the starting line.

After the "Attention" command, the athlete transfers the center of gravity of the body and feet, lifting for this pelvis. At this time, the sprinter is a compressed spring, which is ready to straighten at any time. For the sound of a shot or team "Marsh", you must simultaneously push off with your hands and a foot from the ground and the pads, respectively. The front leg should straighten at a time when the second performs the battle movement. Also make sure that the hands at the beginning of the movement work synchronously to quickly dial the maximum speed.

Starting acceleration is carried out throughout the first 15-30 meters of the distance. To gain speed, the case must be slightly tilted forward, and the hands should work energetically. The remaining segment of the distance is overcome with the strained case. Hands are located near the housing and work with maximum activity. It is important to be able to control the work of the muscle of the body, since only the necessary muscles are tightened during running, and the rest are in a relaxed state.

When an athlete can retain the speed gained to the finish line, you can talk about not in vain time spent. If you want to know how to train 100 meters run, then get ready for hard work. To adhere to the maximum speed, it is necessary to increase the step of steps and the activity of the movements of the hands. The finish line is considered crossed after touching the tape with a chest or shoulder joint.

How to train running 100 meters?

Above the technique of running you have to work constantly, but it is important to remember about the strength training. Most often, the sprints use shuttle jogging on their classes. This is a great view of the start training and the subsequent run. We recommend using for a shuttle running distance of 30 meters or a little more. At each training session, it is necessary to perform from four to ten occasions at this distance.

Note that the scheme of the shuttle run of 10x10 is especially popular among military personnel. The main advantage here has an athlete who has a well-developed start and coordination of movements, because at the turn it is impossible to lose speed. To quickly turn around, the last step should be jumps like, after which the athlete unfolds on the supporting leg.

3x10 scheme, which is actively used by football players and basketball players is also popular. With the help of a shuttle run, the sprinter can improve the coordination of movements and respiratory technique. Let's consider a few simple rules that will help you understand how to train 100 meters run:

  1. Regularity - Only regular workouts can bring positive results, and for this, for a week it should be minimal twice.
  2. Comfortable sports equipment - If you use uncomfortable clothes, it is difficult to count on high results.
  3. Wide steps - To run quickly, you need to make wide steps, moving your feet as quickly as possible and actively helping yourself.
You also need to pay the time and development of power parameters. Agree, if the muscles of the legs are developed weak, it will not be possible to quickly overcome the rig. Now we will tell about several exercises that need to be performed in a rapid pace without pauses:
  1. Hands with dumbbells need to lift to the shoulder joints. Start slowly and deeply squat, then make a jump, pushing your legs from all over the might. To increase the load on the muscles of the legs, hands with dumbbells during the execution of the jump can be raised up.
  2. Effective exercises are running with a highly raised thigh and a tapel. In the first case, the knee joints need to be raised on the level of the chest, and in the second, to touch the heels of the berries.
  3. Pay attention to workout movements with hands. Only shoulder joints should participate in work during the run. Note that this skill can be trained at home while in front of the mirror and imitating the movements of the hands.
Each lesson must begin to begin with a warm-up, which includes light dynamic junction and exercises for stretching muscles. To strengthen the icy muscles, we recommend working with a rope, as well as running with barriers. It is quite obvious that the sprinter is not to do without strength exercises, which develops muscles of the lower body. However, about the muscles of the top of the body do not forget.

If you look at the well-known sprinters, it is easy to notice that their body is harmoniously developed. Of course, they do not possess such muscles as bodybuilders, but this is, nothing. Excellent way to prepare for short distances are jumping exercises. Today, many methods of training sprinters have been created and we cannot pay attention to all within this article. Now we give only general recommendations that will help beginner athletes to draw up a training program.

How to train running 100 meters in two months?

There is one very effective technique, thanks to which you can quickly learn how to run the rigging well. If you want to know how to train 100 meters for two months, now we will tell about it. The only condition is the regularity of training. Exercise below the program in the most thorough way.

Distance from starting line up to 15 meters

Lower your head and assure your hands into the ground, slightly swing the housing ahead. During the start, it is necessary to strongly push off the working foot, directing the body is not up, and strictly ahead. To master the starting technique, you can perform classic squats. Do this exercise to the limit and after a two-minute rest, repeat. You need to perform from four to five such networks.

Distance from 15 to 40 meters

On this segment, your body should be straightened, and the look is directed strictly ahead. We also note that it is necessary to breathe a nose. Here the explosive power of the leg muscles is of great importance, to develop plyometric jumps will help. Recall that under the explosive speed it is necessary to understand the ability of muscles to exercise the maximum effort on a short time segment.

To perform plyometric jumps, you will need a low bench or platform. Put your leg socks on its edge and jump down. After that, it is necessary to return to the starting position with another jump. It is necessary to work with the highest possible speed, performing three sets of 10-12 repetitions in each.

Distance from 40 to 100 meters

This is a finishing distance of the distance and you need to develop maximum acceleration on it. However, it is necessary to move easily and without strong overvoltage. It is necessary to brake only after the finish line is passed.

To train the skill of the maximum acceleration, you should use the exercise - running with cargo. Attach to the belt using a cable or chain any burden. This may be, for example, damn from the bar. Note that the weight of the cargo must be chosen so that there is no need to shorten the steps.

How to increase the speed of running?

The speed of the distance depends largely on the length of the contact of the foot with the Earth. The less this time, the faster you will move. For training skill, you can use such an exercise as running on socks. In addition, a fairly effective exercise is and running along the surface rising in the mountain. They will help you strengthen the muscles of the legs and get used to run right, namely, landing the foot on your fingers.

Try not to perform spring movements, as they make you spend precious seconds. As we have talked above, it is important to follow the movements of the hands. They should work with the same amplitude as legs. Also, it was also briefly mentioned about breathing, the technique of which must be followed. You must breathe so that the body does not experience the deficiency of oxygen. As a result, the distance will be much easier to overcome.

More detailed on how to train without 100 meters, see this video:

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