How to swing triceps at home by dumbbells. How to pump up triceps by dumbbells, on the bars and from the bench - exercises and anatomy. Exercises for Training Muscles Back

Paint rollers and brushes 31.05.2021
Paint rollers and brushes

Hello, friends. A beautiful figure is not only slim, but also touched. Therefore, we turn to the theme of fitness again.

And today I will find out what and how best to performexercises on triceps with dumbbells And why are they needed specifically.

Anatomy of the issue

Triceps otherwise refer to the three-headed muscle - she immediately has three heads (beam), which also wear the name of the horseshoe triceps.

It is customary to relate to the number of those parts of the body that the visual idea of \u200b\u200bthe figure most brightly form.

And now one more way

Lying on the bench

In this training session, the widest muscles of the back also involved.

Take the starting position - lying on a horizontal bench, the hands are raised and bent in the elbows. Keep dumbbells omitted near the head, turn your palms to each other.

Get off the hands raising dumbbells up. Watch that the elbows do not disperse on the sides.

Lower your hands, returning to the initial position.

It is also possible to simply lying on the floor. It is designed for beginners, and is also suitable for women.

Extension of hands with dumbbell due to head

Also applies to the number of the most popular and simple.

Worry up the long bundle of the muscle.

Sitting or standing.

Initially, the dumbbell holds above his head, the hand raised vertically up.

On the breath, the hand bends in the elbow, the burdation falls behind the neck.

On the exhalation, returning to its original position, raising the hand again vertically upwards.

To guarantee a cleaner exercise, your hand is fixed with the other hand.

You can do this in two ways - either clasping her free hand elbow or shoulder.

Important:during execution, keep your stomach in voltage, do not let the lower back bent.

Hand extension back in the slope

Simple and efficient training of all bunches of three-headed muscles. Allows you to add volume, emphasize the relief. For girls is also useful - helps to remove the dear side of the back of the arms, improves the form.

Stand up at the chair (or benches), you mood in it with your knee and palm of one hand for equilibrium from the same side as the knee.

Second leg - on the floor as a support.

Tilt the housing so that it becomes parallel to the floor.

The back is straight, the neck is leveled at its level. Tighten your belly, strain the press.

Take the dumbbell to another hand, bend it at right angles.

At the breath, raise your hand so that its part above the elbow leveled parallel to the floor. The forearm (hand from the elbow to the brush) at the same time is directed down.

In exhale, break the hand back, completely straightening.

Lock it in such a position, mostly strain triceps, while holding the burden in this position for a few seconds.

In the breath, lower your hand in the initial position.

The complex of the best women-oriented exercises is presented in this video.

And this is a male version

What to remember

  • For efficient pumping, enough 2-3 workouts per week.
  • In order for the development to be harmonious and the figure was proportionally built, perform the basic exercises aimed at several muscles at once.

And how do you train, how do you do, in particular, your hands, beautiful? Waiting for your opinion in the comments, friends. To new meetings!

Still, workout with free weight remains more efficient classes on block simulators. The more unstable body position or its individual parts in the exercise, the greater the muscle fibers are involved.

Extension of dumbbells with two hands due to head

In this exercise, all the beams of the treachel muscle (medial, lateral, long) and the elbow muscle are working. Performing both standing and sitting:

  1. Holding two hands, boot the dumbbell behind the head, pressing the bent elbows as close as possible to the head.
  2. Exhale: Sleep your elbows, straining triceps, at the top point, leave the elbows a little bent, it will remove the load on the elbows. Do not assign elbows to the sides.
  3. Inhale: Smoothly lower the dumbbell behind the head, without throwing weight on the neck.

Perform 4 approaches 8-12 times.

Extension with one hand with dumbbell standing

In this embodiment, the extension of dumbbells on triceps is only one hand. In the work involved Lateral and long triceps head, tendon and elbow muscle.

  1. Standing or sitting, lift your hand with dumbbells above your head, the brush is located above the shoulder joint.
  2. Inhale: Holding the elbow motionless, lower the dumbbell behind the head, without touching the blade.
  3. Exhale: Sleep the elbow with effort due to triceps. Do not shift the shoulder from the place, do not fuse the housing. If necessary, at the end you can help a triceps with a free hand, pushing the forearm, or keeping the shoulder in front, for the stability of the joints.

Repeat 8-12 times on one hand, then change. So 4 approaches.

Read more about how to make french bench sitting and standing,

Extension of one dumbbell in a bench

For exercise, a horizontal bench will be required. Lateral, long triceps head and elbow muscle.

  1. On one side - the palm of the left hand and the knee of the same legs rest in the bench. The second (right) foot of the foot on the floor, and the free hand holds a dumbbell.
  2. Raise the elbow right hand from dumbbells to the body, constantly holding a fixed position from the shoulder to the elbow. Forearm perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Exhale: Intripping the elbow, pulling your hand into a straight line with the case, the sweeping triceps as much as possible, for a second it is delayed at the top point.
  4. Inhale: I lower the dumbbell at a starting point, relaxing the triceps.

Take one's hand 8-12 times, then change to the second. For each side 4 approaches.

Extension of dumbbells on triceps with two hands in the slope

The second name of the exercise is the "Grasshopper". Performing standing in the slope. In addition to triceps, the muscles of the press, back and legs are involved in the work, to hold the position of the case.

  1. Standing, legs put in the width of the pelvis. In the hands of dumbbells.
  2. Run the slope with a straight back to the horizontal line, bending the knees. Hold your back motionless, in no case do not round lower back.
  3. Lift and press the elbows to the body, keep your shoulder stationary. The forearms are freely omitted with dumbbells to the floor.
  4. Exhale: Fully instill both hands before parallel with the floor. Holding dumbbells for a second at the top point.
  5. Inhale: Slowly and smoothly lower the dumbbells at the starting point.

Perform 8-12 times, as usual - 4 approaches.

Extension with one hand with dumbbells standing in the stop

The exercise technique is similar to the previous version of the extension by two hands, but is slightly simplified due to the eagle on one hand.

  1. Foot together, bending the knees, run the tilt of the straight back, resting the forearm in the thigh, stabilizing the position. Second loose hand holds a dumbbell.
  2. As in the past version, press the elbow to the housing, slightly lifting the shoulder and turning the housing toward the dumbbells. The forearm is free below.
  3. Exhalation: Perform the full extension of the elbow by making a pause.
  4. Inhale: smoothly lower the dumbbell.

Perform one way, then change, total - 4x8-12..

Option number

The option implies the same position of the body and extension technique, the difference is only in the stop on the feet.

  1. Feet together, perform a step right foot back, taking the position of the half-off - right foot straight on the sock, knee left at right angles.
  2. Left elbow assume the left thigh.
  3. The right hand from dumbbells is pressed to the body, also the housing is slightly deployed.
  4. Exhale: The right hand fulfills the extension of dumbbells.
  5. Inhale: Slowly lower the dumbbell down.
  6. Change the position in the floor of the twine on the other side, having triggered on the left hand 8-12 times. For each hand 4 approaches.

  • For high-quality studies of triceps with dumbbells large weights do not need.
  • Than slower You will perform phase relaxation (Lowering weight), the greater load will receive a triceps, therefore - it is better pumped.
  • At the top point, make a small pause, Extension perform faster than bending.

Girls Working on a triceps is less intense, for the tone of this problem zone is enough 3 approaches 15-20 times With a slight weight. The main thing is the feeling of burning in the last repetitions.

Exercises for triceps with dumbbells in video format

Triceps is a small forearm muscle, whose training for many athletes is unsuccessful. But why? And all, because not everyone takes into account the anatomy and the muscle functions in its training. But we will deal with you in detail in the anatomy, and consider exercises on triceps with dumbbells, on bars and bench.

The anatomy of triceps and a set of exercises

Triceps consists of three heads:

  • Medium (medial)
  • Long
  • External (lateral)

The middle head is most easily to train. Each of the beams develops depending on the physical exertion. Almost all exercises work the middle head, and the external and long assist her help. To find out how to pump triceps with dumbbells, you need to figure out, in which exercises there are different parts of it.

All three beams are push-ups on the bars.

Long beam - extension of hands due to head.

Side beam - French bench because of the head neutral grip.

Exercises for triceps

How to pump triceps on the bars? Let's start with pushups. Pressing on triceps is performed with a narrow handmaker, the housing is deflected back. It is advisable to perform this exercise first, as it will warm up all triceps bundles. Perform a few approaches, say two or three, 10-15 repetitions.

This exercise can be replaced by pushups from the bench. Hands are set narrowly, legs bended in the knees. Lower the housing on the hands to an angle of 90 degrees in the elbow. Enough 2-3 approaches of 10-15 repetitions.

Exercises for triceps with dumbbells

After a good warming, go to the long beam training - the extension of the arms from behind the head. It is done with a dumbbell one hand alternately. Take the dumbbell in your hand, pull it out near the head, hand forward. Flex a hand in the elbow until it stops and returns to its original position. Make 3-4 approaches in 10-15 repetitions.

The last exercise is performed by French bench because of the head neutral grip. You can perform it with dumbbells. Take two dumbbells in your hands, raise over your head and move together. Palms are parallel to each other. Bend your hands on the elbows until you stop and return to the original position. Perform 3-4 approaches to 10-15 repetitions.

Do you want your hands visually seemed more and massive? Then you just need to train triceps. Often, athletes believe that they are impossible to pump without simulators. However, this is not true, it is enough to have only ordinary dumbbells.

Basic rules for performing triceps exercises

Before starting to train, it is important to understand the structure of the triceps. This will help to form the right set of exercises. The first thing to understand is that any movement of the hand is due to this three-headed muscle. At the same time, it connects the shoulder and elbow bones, and is located on the inside of the hand, closer to the shoulder.

To feel triceps in the course of the movement of the hand back for the housing.

It is this muscle that determines the visual kind of hand, it gives more than half of the thickness, and it's not necessary to forget about its proper development in any way, otherwise there is a risk of getting disproportionate and ugly hands. Strong triceps need for pushups, pull-ups, a variety of planks and breast exercises.

So, what rules need to be guided when performing exercises on triceps with dumbbells:

  • perform the exercises after the warm-up;
  • training with dumbbells - insulating, and, therefore, other muscle groups are not involved during training. Almost all the exercises should be the work of a triceps, if you do not feel exactly this muscle - therefore, the technique of implementation is incorrect;
  • stay behind the position of the hands, the shoulder area and elbow hold the stationary. The main load occurs on the elbows;
  • gently pick up the weight - for this, increase it gradually from small to more. If you want your muscles to grow up, the dumbbells should have a fairly big weight, if you just work on the strengthening and tone of the muscles, then perform 20-25 repetitions of 4-5 approaches, but with a smaller weight;
  • everything is done without jerks, slowly and controlled.

It is also worth noting that the key to the success of domestic workout is the regular exercise. It is important to remember that in order to achieve higher results, the correct mode of the day and balanced nutrition is also needed, namely the increased consumption of proteins and an exception from its diet of alcohol, carbonated drinks, energy and confectionery.

Exercises on triceps with dumbbells outside the hall

With different body positions, different parts of the triceps are loaded in different ways. However, it makes no sense to do all three identical exercises. For efficient training, dumbbells are performed, straightening hands for the housing and French bench. Other exercises for training in triceps can be performed optionally or sometimes change places.

  1. Castle dumbbells behind the head sitting. This exercise is performed while sitting on the bench, you need to get back in the lower back, put the legs wide. The dumbbell takes 2 hands behind the head, the elbows must be parallel to the floor. On the exhalation, the dumbbell rises vertically up, the hand area is above the elbow is still.
  2. The dumbbells beside the head standing 2 hands - to perform the exercise you need to get up straight, legs to place wide, the dumbbell to start the head. On the exhalation, raise your hands up, follow the movement to be only in the elbow area.
  3. Rather dumbbells behind the head standing 1st hand. Ensure should be inner, free hand is lowered down or worst housing.
  4. Hand straightening back with a slope - you need to get up near the bench (or stool), rest in it with palms and knees. Take the dumbbell in the hands and raise it upstairs, bending the elbow to 90 degrees. The zone of the forearm must be perpendicular to the floor. On the exhalation of straps in the elbow, left the upper area at the same time. Length for a couple of seconds and come back to the initial position.
  5. Hand straightening back with a slope sitting. Sit on the bench and take a dumbbell inner grip in one hand. Tilt forward, the back must be parallel to the bench, the hand is bent in the elbow at 90WORDS. On the exhalation of breaking the hand back so that it was parallel to the floor. Length for a couple of seconds and come back to the initial position.
  6. French bench with dumbbells. Lagged on the bench, spin and buttocks, we arrive to the surface. Take the dumbbell straight grip, extending hands vertically up. On the exhalation, put the hands down so that the shoulders and forearms are at an angle of 90 degrees. Length for a couple of seconds and bring your hand to the starting position.
  7. Handicate of dumbbells lying a narrow grip. Lagged on the bench, feet of mois in the floor, back and pressed to the surface. Hands with dumbbells are taken inland grip, elbows bend and pressed to the body. On the exhalation of raise dumbbells vertically, the hands are perpendicular to the floor. In the breath come back to the original position.

French bench - how to pump up triceps with dumbbells quickly and efficiently

It's no secret that the best insulating exercise on triceps is French bench. Being a very specific exercise, you need to carefully monitor the correctness of its execution. French press is carried out:

  • lying - this kind of preferably for the athletes in the period when the mass is increasing. Athletes having a short triceps prefer to do it lying. The exercise makes it possible to work as much as possible to work in triceps;
  • sitting - Holders of long triceps prefer the situation sitting, during this exercise three-headed muscles work more naturally;
  • standing - for those who have a long triceps and the point of his attachment is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forearm, you need to do French bench with dumbbells.

But it should also be remembered that this is a simple exercise pays a lot of dangers for joints and ligaments. Almost all people have a tricecers weaker than biceps, so it is necessary to train with a lighter weight. French bench press do not recommend making people who have problems with elbow joints. In this case, the exercise must be replaced with a narrow grip on the bench. It is safer, since the joints are less loaded. However, with non-compliance with the implementation technique, using even a small weight, injury may occur. The most important thing is without jerks. During the lead, the dumbbells back can be injured by ligaments. Because of this, the exercise must be done slowly, not in a hurry. Only so you can protect yourself from various damage.

How to pump triceps dumbbells: training programs

As you see, achieve beautiful hands and pump triceps is not at all difficult, for everything you need only a training. To achieve tangible results to exercises with dumbbells, it is also better to add strength exercises, such as: push-ups from the horizontal surface, from the bench, tightening on the horizontal barns and bars. All workouts must be performed several times a week. Exercises with their weight are performed every other day, and insulating, they include exercises on triceps with dumbbells or other equipment - 1 time per week, no more. It will effectively combine the training of a biceps with a triceps. With simultaneous pumping of the muscles of the biceps and triceps, your hands will be subject to maximum load. Exercise and triceps is best in turn.

For pumping triceps, each athlete individually selects the optimal set of exercise for him. The constant change in the training regime is noticeably increasing the muscles. This happens because the greatest effect of any training process is achieved only at the very beginning. If we continue to exercise triceps on the same scheme, they will lose "training stress", the body will get used, and the muscular mass will cease to increase. To prevent injuries and greater efficiency, the warm-up is required before each training. Following the rules of training, it is possible to increase muscle hands relatively for a short time.

Also, do not forget that more than other muscles are inclined to overtraining, so you do not need to abuse the number of approaches. The stronger the muscle is loaded - the more time it is required to restore it.

  • with elevated and reduced pressure;
  • with cardiovascular diseases;
  • with asthma.

Do not forget about safety technician - as soon as you feel a sharp pain, you need to stop training and think about your mistakes. Carefully monitor the position of the body - excessive load on the back can lead to detrimental consequences.

Triceps are exactly the topics of muscles that are able to visually increase the size of the hands and make them the most as large as possible. It is by developing them, and not biceps, it is possible to add to the amount of hands.

The key to the success of domestic training is that the exercises that will be described below should be performed regularly, gradually increasing the load. To achieve better results, healthy sleep and proper nutrition are needed.

Progress will go faster if you increase the consumption of proteins and completely eliminate alcohol, carbonated drinks, energy and confectionery. Pay special attention to the correct nutrition, as a healthy diet plus a workout is the basis of good muscular growth.

Preparation lies in the workout. In addition, it is necessary to perform light gymnastics, heat the muscles and joints, you can add a cardion load in the form of running or exercises on a cardiography, if any at home is available.

Remember that only your desire to achieve the result depends on the efficiency of the training. The exercises described below are suitable for both guys and girls. At the same time, it is necessary to understand the structure of the pumped muscles to understand in what place on the body and how they should strain. We will analyze this moment further.

What are triceps from?

It is important, before proceeding with training, understand the structure of the triceps. This will help to make the right set of exercises and feel in the process, which part of the muscle is given to work.

The first thing that is important to understand is that thanks to the three-headed muscle there is any movement of hand. At the same time, it ensures the joint of the shoulder bone and the elbow. It is named "three-chapted" for the reason that consists of 3 "components", called heads:

  • lateral;
  • medial;
  • long.

It is located on the back of the hand, closer to the shoulder joint. You can use it when you assign your hand back for the housing. The power potential of the hands is precisely a triceps.

French bench press

To fulfill it, you will need a bench or two stools delivered by a number, which will be able to withstand your weight.

  • It is necessary to lie on the bench so that the back is completely relaxed.
  • You should take two dumbbells or a rod of suitable weight. The load with each workout should be gradually increased.
  • When you take dumbbells or bar, there should be a distance of 40 cm between hands. Make sure that the hands are turned the back of the palm to your face. In this case, the handling will be correct.
  • Smooth movement assign your hands behind the head. Try to the elbows remain in the same plane.
  • Flex and extension the elbow joints, do not forget to breathe deeply at the same time. Perform 10-12 repetitions. It is recommended to make 3-4 approaches.
  • After performing the last approach, stand up, raise a few minutes, make several sips of water. Now you can start performing the next exercise.

Execution with dumbbells

It may be an alternative to the first exercise if you have only one dumbbell at home. Need to:

  • Put the chair. Lie on it so that the blades rest in his surface.
  • Take a dumbbell in the hand so that the back of the palm is directed to the face.
  • Holding the elbow with a free hand, lift up the hand from the dumbbells and take 10 bends and extensions. Make sure that the elbow is in no case fell forward. After completing the approach, change your hand. You need to perform 3-4 approaches. Remember the correct breathing - on the breath, we lower your hands, squeeze the dumbbell on the exhalation.

It is important to breathe correctly during the exercise. Also, try to measure the pulse, pressure before and after training to independently control the condition of the body and avoid overvoltages.

Exercise on the bars

This exercise is considered one of the most effective due to the fact that during its implementation there are many muscle groups. Execution technique:

  1. Locate your hands on the bars you need at the distance shoulders.
  2. The body should always be strictly in perpendicular position to the floor.
  3. To lean or expose your hands is too wide, it will make an exercise useless.
  4. It is necessary to lower the body on your hands before the formation of an angle of 90 degrees in the elbow.

If there is a desire to do just this exercise at home, then you need to take 3 stools. They must be placed on the extreme points of an equally traded triangle. Two of them will replace the bars themselves, and the third will serve as a support for the legs and will allow you to lower the case in accordance with the technique of exercise.

It is important to have both hands and feet in the center of the stool. Feet to put on the stool recommended on socks.

Push up from bench

This exercise is convenient to perform if available you have two benches or a pair of stools. If this is not, then your legs can be lowered on the floor.

  • Put benches or stools at a distance of 80 cm parallel to each other.
  • Put your feet on one bench, and on the second accept such a position to feel the ejection by your hands.
  • Gradually bend the elbow joints, and it should be sink so low as soon as you can. Then climb into the starting position.
  • Make 10-15 repetitions, not forgetting about breathing.

After performing the exercise, drink water and rest a bit. Make 3-4 approaches. If you want to increase the load on the triceps, then after each approach, press the floor 10 times with a narrow grip.

French bench press sitting

  1. Sit on the chair, keep your back smoothly.
  2. Take a dumbbell in one hand, the second should be free.
  3. Lift the dumbbell over your head so that the back of the palm is turned up.
  4. Lower the dumbbell behind the head, while you should feel how the triceps is stretched.
  5. Runly straighten your hand.
  6. Make 10-15 repetitions and change your hands.

This exercise is not recommended to those who injured her hand for six months, as well as people who have not previously trained. To avoid breaking bundles, do not make more 5 approaches. The load intensity, as well as the frequency of repetitions should increase gradually. Do not forget to breathe correctly.

Hand extensions in the slope

  • Take the standing position.
  • Bend forward, one hand is solely to a stool or bench.
  • With a free hand, take the dumbbell (the position of the back of the palm does not matter), remove the dumbbell back. The elbow should be at the level of shoulders. The hand should be one straight line, keep it closer to the body.
  • Lower the dumbbell so that the hand takes the position of the letter "L".
  • Rod straighten your hand until the original position.
  • Change hands.
  • Make three approaches for each hand, take a break and take a few approaches again.

If, when performing the exercise, you feel pain, then you have to do it too early. Remember that excessive load in the first days of training is fraught with negative consequences.

Push-ups narrow grove

This is one of the most effective exercises that can be performed at home. It will perfectly fasten the effect achieved after the previous exercise.

  1. Take the position stop lying.
  2. Hands should be put on the width of the shoulders. Elbows press to the housing. Make sure that this condition is respected.
  3. Love so that the hands gradually bend down towards the body.
  4. Smoothly rise.
  5. Make 10 approaches. With each training session, it is necessary to increase the number of repetitions.

If you want to increase the level of load, you can put your hands closer to each other. At the moment when they are under the center of the housing, the load on the triceps will become the maximum.

Use rubber

You need to purchase a tight rubber loop, which to attach to the most convenient vertically surface, and most importantly - stable. It can be a closet or a cabinet. It is important that such a rubber loop is located at the shoulder level.

Under the exercise, the cable handle attached to the simulator is used. But at home, a similar system is hardly possible. Exercise should be performed as follows:

  1. Having been following the attached rubber loop for training with two hands, you need to position them in the position perpendicular to the floor.
  2. The essence of the exercise is to extend the hands to the level of the hips.
  3. It is important to monitor the tension of the rubber cable, it is necessary to attach it in this way (or move away for a certain distance) so that the tension is slightly more comfortable.

Training programs

There are several programs aimed at developing a triceps muscle. The exercises are described below, the number of times in one approach and repetition approaches.

Total Program on Triceps

For the usual development of triceps, giving it the relief and this program is useful to increase the mass. Required regular execution:

  1. French press lying.
  2. Holding one hand in the sitting position.
  3. Hand extensions in the slope.

Each of the specified exercises must be performed 12 times, at three approaches.

Acquisition of power potential

Each muscular structure has a power potential, i.e. That power parameter measured during impact. To increase such an indicator, you need to perform such a program from the exercises:

  1. French bench.
  2. Purchase from the bench.

Each exercise is performed 8 times in the approach you need to do at least 5.

Lightweight Load Load

If there is no desire to give too large loads on the elbows, but this is the desire to develop a triceps, then such a program is suitable:

  1. Narrow grip.
  2. Extension of hands in the slope.

Each exercise is performed in 3 approaches, 15 times in each approach.


  • only regular training and precisely executed programs are able to give the desired result;
  • for the speedy set of muscle mass worth remembering the importance of nutrition. With food, it is necessary to provide an increased amount of protein structures for the body;
  • you need to eat protein before and after training for (after) 40 minutes;
  • do not stand in pursuit of the beautiful triceps to give immediate loads at once. This not only will not give the desired result, but also cause harm to the muscle, which will require recovery;

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