Divination Lenormand combination and meaning. The meaning of the Lenormand cards. The most important combinations with each other

Mechanized tools 29.11.2020
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The interpretation of the meaning of each card separately can be found in the reference book on our website. Simple ones can be viewed all at once on a separate page.

On the Internet, you can find the interpretation of the combination of Lenormand cards. The most famous interpretations are given from the classic books describing Sylvia Stenbach's "The Secret of the Lenormand Oracle" and AA Kotelnikova's "Lessons in Fortune-telling with Maria Lenormand". On our site, interpretations of the combination of Lenormand cards are given in accordance with these books. Interpretations are interesting, although any alignment needs to be interpreted, listening to the subconscious, capturing the general energy, based on personal experience that will come over time.

In the book by AA Kotelnikova "Lessons in Prediction with Maria Lenormand" the first card serves as a kind of soil on which the action of the second card develops. When interpreting the layout, it really plays a role which card goes first and which second. So if the Horseman comes first, and then the House, then this is an arrival. If the House goes first, and the Horseman follows, then this is, on the contrary, removal. Despite the seeming favorableness of the House and Rider cards for a relationship, it can mean parting. Sign that someone is leaving the house.

The interpretation also includes some values \u200b\u200bof paired cards based on personal experience. So, in combination with a strongly negative Serpent card with the Horseman card, it can be interpreted as a sudden and strong blow from a previously unintended enemy. In the layout of the health of the Snake and the Rider, there are minor health problems, problems with internal organs, problems with the intestines and stomach. A strongly negative Scythe card with the Horseman card also predicts a blow, a dangerous and rapidly developing situation. In a combination of other cards with a negative scythe card, everything is also bad, nothing good can be, it is a scythe. When a negative Kos card is present in a combination of cards, you need to remember the words of the poet Omar Khayyam: Be careful - the villainous fate is near! The sword of time is sharp - do not be a peephole! When Fate puts halva in your mouth, beware - don't eat: sugar is mixed with poison in it! Improve such bad cards as the Scythe, the Cross, the Coffin can only be the Sun, rarely even the Bouquet.

The Fox card is also considered negative, according to the position in which it is, they look at the negative card. It is believed that the Fox, in combination with the Stars and next to the Anchor, says that the work of a loved one is associated with creative activity. If the Fox is combined with the Horseman card, then there is a meeting where you need to hold everything in your hands and be more resourceful, and the Fox points to this. A fox in combination with the Moon indicates deception, a lie. It is noticed that the Fox, together with the Tree, often means a bad, unknown disease, or not diagnosed. Interesting combinations, time-tested.

There are opposite interpretations and opinions. So there is an opinion that the Clover card is neutral, it can add a positive moment only in combination with positive cards, it means a good period. It is believed that Clover is not given to influence bad cards, especially the Cross. But there is an opinion that the combination of Clover and Cross is unpleasant, the end of hope, and says that it is better for a person to abandon his intentions, everything is in vain, nothing good awaits him on this path.

There are layouts when the triad consists of positive cards, and the result is the Cross. What can this alignment mean? For example, 16 Stars, 25 Ring, 31 Sun fall out. In total, 36 Cross. How, in this case, to answer the question: "What events are expected?" Does this mean that the Cross card has some kind of neutral meaning? Or, then, should all cards in the triad be considered negative? The opinions of experienced connoisseurs differed in interpretation. According to one opinion, this may mean that these events will have a weighty, fateful significance. And in another opinion, this may indicate that events will come in trials, not quite smoothly, with a creak, hard. The third opinion is a marriage in which it is destined, predetermined to be karmically happy.

Listen to the subconscious, your intuition in each specific situation will help you draw the right conclusion, look into the future and, possibly, soften the troubles and blows of fate.

Given in combination of cards with each other in accordance with the books: Sylvia Stenbach "Secret of the oracle Lenormand" (translated from Italian) and A. A. Kotelnikova "Lessons of prediction with Maria Lenormand".

The first values \u200b\u200bof the combinations came to us from Lenormand herself. These triple combinations, or as they are called, triads, which help to consider the alignment more deeply. Please note that only cards in a row can be considered a combination and nothing else. The card is designated by its serial number (see card meanings).

The value of a combination of cards in triads

1 + 18 + 27 \u003d Thoughts of a soul mate about you. Good news from him. Arrival is possible or at least a phone call.

1 + 25 + 20 \u003d Willpower leads to happiness.

2 + 23 + 10 \u003d Allowing losses and conflicts due to mental simplicity and own naivety.

2 + 33 + 20 \u003d Happiness as a result of finding the Truly Wise path in your life. Simplicity and love will open the doors to special achievement.

3 + 30 + 20 \u003d Striving and diligence in terms of spiritual self-improvement. Nobility and honor. Intelligence and sagacity. Good consequences. Beautiful Karma.

4 + 15 + 19 \u003d Between Heaven and Earth. A test for the true titans of the spirit.

6 + 25 + 32 \u003d Constant indecision, doubts of the spirit, darkness of consciousness. Stagnation and ignorance.

6 + 32 + 33 \u003d Looming disturbing events. The dangers will apparently be overcome.

7 + 5 + 31 \u003d Development of mental centers. Kundalini energy awakening. Consciousness growth and its stabilization.

7 + 27 + 16 \u003d Wise advice from the invisible world.

8 + 24 + 31 \u003d To rise from the ashes, to perk up, to awaken from the long slumber of consciousness, to understand the essence of what is happening.

8 + 32 + 31 \u003d Bursting with a tragic past. A way out of spiritual slumber. Resurrection through the struggle of the spirit.

8 + 36 + 31 \u003d End of the black bar. Spiritual revival. Aspirations and inspired hopes.

9 +10 + 23 \u003d Gifts of fate that do not promise happiness.

11 + 12 + 35 \u003d Hard memories, deep thoughts.

11 + 13 + 21 \u003d Infantile contradictions and, as a result, karmic tests.

11 + 23 + 35 \u003d Quarrels and conflicts that aggravate karma and bind the spirit to the Earth.

11 + 24 + 36 \u003d Remorse, self-flagellation, remorse.

11 + 32 + 21 \u003d Internal aggressive blocks.

12 + 33 + 31 \u003d Clairvoyance, insight, wisdom and foresight. A mind leading to a clear goal.

12 + 34 +15 \u003d Deep thoughts of the Sublime. Thinking about your future and the Teacher.

13 + 36 + 15 \u003d Karmic connection with the Esoteric Teacher.

14 + 17 + 12 \u003d Consider the duplicity and hypocrisy of the employee.

14 + 19 + 21 \u003d False goals and aspirations. Meeting obstacles.

14 + 34 + 6 \u003d Disingenuous and proudly lying. Weakness of spirit.

15 + 21 + 19 \u003d Hermitage, loneliness of spirit, withdrawal from the world, denial of the social sphere of society.

15 + 27 + 36 \u003d Warning of invisible forces. Sign of the Teacher.

17 + 21 + 16 \u003d Transcendental, romantic-lofty naive dreams and aspirations through mountains of obstacles. Changing plans in accordance with new spiritual projects.

18 + 24 +5 \u003d Constant benefit from a faithful friend, fellow believer or kind helper.

20 + 5 + 31 \u003d A wise path to abundance, joy, happiness, prosperity. Success in creativity.

20 + 8 +13 \u003d Leaving the physical plane. Fast reincarnation.

20 + 32 + 35 \u003d Refinement of feelings and manners, light sadness, love of the past, the attraction of the past, the call of karma.

21 + 5 + 7 \u003d Not an easy awakening of the psychic centers (chakras).

21 + 33 + 20 \u003d Courageously overcoming all obstacles and getting on the right path in life. Everything was good.

22 + 20 + 31 \u003d The road to fame, honor, recognition of merit.

22 + 26 + 31 \u003d Path of Spiritual growth, spiritual evolution of consciousness. Powerful positive change through wise lifestyles and continuous self-improvement.

23 + 24 + 14 \u003d Hidden vices, dark flaws in the soul that must be eliminated immediately!

24 + 8 +18 \u003d Depression, longing, nostalgia, the influence of thoughts about the past, stagnation in the sensual sphere.

24 + 19 + 15 \u003d Teacher's love and care. High Spiritual Protection.

25 + 3 + 8 \u003d Quick completion of the life path. End of married life.

25 + 26 + 20 \u003d Karmic merits that take the soul away from the Wheel of Samsara (the wheel of reincarnation). Knowledge leading to Truth.

25 + 30 + 36 \u003d Positive events in family matters as an Act of Help from the Higher Powers.

26 + 5 + 3 \u003d The Teaching of Light will lead you to prospects and victories.

26 + 5 + 20 \u003d Evolutionary growth of consciousness. Dreams come true.

26 + 9 + 20 \u003d Art, poetry, music classes. Reading religious or spiritual literature.

26 + 16 + 19 \u003d Know your Cosmic Nature! Your True Home is in heaven.

26 +16 + 31 \u003d Telepathy, clairvoyance, prophecy, prediction, intuition, forebodings, which have a solid foundation.

26 + 21 + 31 \u003d Passing the Path of Trials and exit to the Light. The victory of spirit over matter.

26 + 36 + 19 \u003d Preaching, spreading beliefs, missionary work.

26 + 36 + 21 \u003d Karmic obstacles are inevitable.

27 + 22 + 19 \u003d New karmic opportunities and prospects.

27 + 36 + 21 \u003d Unexpected Karmic obstacles.

28 + 19 + 29 \u003d Highly moral relationship with a lady, rather spiritual than sexual.

28 + 25 + 29 \u003d Deep karmic connections. Unity of kindred souls.

29 + 4 + 28 \u003d Finding solid support in yourself.

29 + 24 +20 \u003d Narcissism, bright feelings and dreams. The victory of feelings over reason. Erotic aspirations and hopes.

29 + 31 + 1 \u003d Reaching the inner harmony of the heart. Esoteric androgenicity (spiritual combination of yang and yin in consciousness).

29 + 35 + 20 \u003d Sexual addiction contrary to the spiritual path.

30 + 13 + 2 \u003d A clear conscience, purity of deeds, words and thoughts.

30 + 24 + 31 \u003d Sincere faith in God. Following the Ideal.

32 + 26 + 31 \u003d Spiritual revival, the path of discipleship in esotericism.

33 + 13 + 31 \u003d "Be like children and enter the kingdom of God."

33 + 16 + 19 \u003d Correct knowledge of esoteric doctrines. The road to the Temple of Truth. The Upper World is the Native Home of the incarnating soul.

33 + 22 + 8 \u003d Missed opportunities.

33 + 26 + 36 \u003d Correct understanding of the scriptures, esoteric books.

35 + 8 + 4 \u003d To be burdened by your own home. Shackles on the sails of the soul. Heavy life. Living on weekdays. Soul emptiness.

36 + 32 + 35 \u003d Prejudice, superstition, dogma, atavism, persistence in false ways.

On each divination card of the Mystical Oracle Lenormand there are two images: in the center is the main symbol, and above it is the image of a playing card. While you learn to guess, focus on the symbols depicted in the center. Later you will learn to understand and interpret the secret meaning of playing cards.

Fortune-telling cards of Lenormand are always interpreted in an upright position and never in an inverted position, because each card initially has several meanings at once. So, the Child card can be interpreted as something new, for example, the birth of a child, the appearance of a young man, a naive view of things, immaturity, excessive gullibility or spontaneity.

In addition, depending on the question you want to answer, each card can represent a person, object, lifestyle, or action. You will learn to identify each specific meaning based on the question posed as soon as you memorize the main keywords and phrases associated with each card. As a result, they will help you understand the essence of the alignment.

For example, the Stork itself means change, and the Moon characterizes work or reputation. If these two cards fell out together, then the second, as a rule, describes the first. Thus, their location in the layout affects the interpretation: Stork + Moon do not mean the same as Moon + Stork. If the Stork first falls out in the layout, it affects the Moon card, the meaning of which becomes secondary: this combination can be interpreted as upcoming changes at work - perhaps, career advancement. If the Moon falls first, the value of the Stork card becomes secondary, and this combination can be interpreted as a change of job or a change in reputation. The next additional map can show in which direction these changes will be - for the better or for the worse.

In the table below, in the "Name" column, the number and name of the Lenormand card, as well as the corresponding playing card, is indicated. The "Near" and "Far" columns indicate temporary values. If your key card is at a distance of 1-2 cards from the significator, select the "close" column; if it is at a distance of 3 or more from the significator, see the column "far". Also, each playing card has its own meaning to help you associate it with the picture.

Name Basic meaning Close Long away The meaning of playing cards
1. (9 worms)News, announcements, mediator, updates, messages. Soon, within a week. For monthsDesire fulfillment.
2. (6 tambourines)Luck, opportunity, risk, hope, carefree, happiness. Now or right away. Temporary.Augmentation.
3. (10 peak)Traveler, transport, abroad, visionary, navigation, longing. For several months.It's not time yetRunning on the waves.
4. (King of Hearts)Home, hearth, family, hospitality, refuge, shelter, inner. December. Sometimes.Keeps the family hearth.
5. (7 worms)Health, environment, peace of mind, nutrition, roots. Now. Very slow, chronic.Health is flourishing.
6. (King of Clubs)Confusion, insecurity, doubt, protecting, hiding, emotional swings, depression, illogical behavior. November.Subject to change.Darken the mood of the King of Clubs.
7. (Queen of Clubs)Jealousy, temptation, difficulty, alternatives, manipulation, unreliable, envy, unconventional.February. Caprice.Firmly stands his ground.
8. (9 tambourines)Ending, closing, ending, stuck, dead end, disease. Midnight, a few months later. Earlier than you would like.Mourns what is past.
9. (Queen of Spades)Gifts, awards, beauty, gratitude, abundance, grace. Spring. Breeze of fashion.Gives everyone a flower.
10. (Jack of Diamonds)Reap the benefits, sudden losses, rupture, separation, necessity. Autumn. Very suddenly.Mows everything sideways.
11. (Jack of Clubs)Sweep, tidy up, discuss, quarrel, brush it off. September. DisagreementsKnight of the Round Table.
12. (7 tambourines)Gossip, fashion, chatting on the street, couple, excitement, topic of conversation. At any moment, now. You can forget.Sings and chirps.
13. (Jack of Spades)Child, young man, innocence, naivety, spontaneity, new perspectives, immature, naive. August. Unlikely.Protects the child.
14. (9 clubs)Cunning, deception, vigilance, ruse, lie, freedom of action, smart. Noon, a few months later. On the sly, soon.Creeps through the woods like a fox.
15. (10 clubs)Strength, power, possessive, protection, overwhelming, mother. Very soon. Period 10-20 years.A symbol of strength and power.
16. (6 worms)Inspiration, vision, leadership, destiny, healing, improvement. At night, very soon. (not forever.Lights the way.
17. (Lady of Hearts)Change, migration, nesting, caring, facilitating, adoption. March. Subject to change.Flies into its nest.
18. (10 worms)Loyalty, trustworthy, friendship, patience, support. Not soon. Not in the near future.Loyal dogs follow your trail.
19. (6th peak)Inside, institution, ambition, profession, personal interest. In the near future. Difficult to achieve.Crowns the top.
20. (8th peak)Outside the home, countryside, social events, public interest. Next month. Will be canceled.Resting in the garden.
21. (8 clubs)Obstacles, delays, dead end, heights, difficult task. Next month. Difficult to implement.Climbing the mountain.
22. (Queen of tambourine)Choice, decision, options, fairness, voluntary. April. Go astray.She chooses her own path.
23. (7 clubs)Gradual loss, decrease, stress, debt, illness, poor conditions. Right now, soon. If possible.Eats food.
24. (Jack of Hearts)Love, romance, nobility, emotions, sympathy, compassion. October. Subject to change.Protects the heart.
25. (Ace of Clubs)Union, contracts, marriage, agreement, bonds, obligations. June. Long period of time.The symbol of unity.
26. (10 tambourines)Knowledge, secrets, information, history, experience, research, learning, education, secret. Suddenly. Wait not long.Reads books.
27. (7 spades)Communication, correspondence, documents, forms of written communication, certificate, mail, newspapers. With you soon. Delay.I sent a message.
28. (Ace of Hearts)Man, male business, friend, lover, partner. July. Indifference.A keen man.
29. (Ace of Spades)Woman, female business, girlfriend, lover, partner. May. Subject to change.Strong woman.
30. (King of Spades)Maturity, harmony, peace, wisdom, passion, intention. Winter. Very slow.Protects the world.
31. (Ace of Diamonds)Lighting, happiness, vitality, success, conscious, charisma, day. During the day, every day, in the summer. World events.Daylight.
32. (8 worms)Honor, work, creativity, dreams, unconscious, night. At night, at night, next month. A cause for fear.Leads into the night.
33. (8 tambourines)Decisions, revelation, opening and closing, breakthrough, escape, significant. Next month. Access.The key to the door.
34. (King of Diamonds)Money, financial flows, circulation, exchange, income, luxury. January. Circulation or flow.Lots of coins in stock.
35. (9th peak)Security, foundation building, goals, livelihoods, good conditions, reliability. At dawn in the next few months. Unfinished business.Tranquil harbor.
36. (6 clubs)Spirituality, sadness, fate, trials, suffering, crisis, overcoming. Comes earlier than you would like. Delay.Follows holy law.

(all suits)
Divination, cards, essentials, true, esoteric, holistic, spirit-calling. - - -

Basic meaning. Describes the properties and capabilities of each divination card in the layout.

Keywords. This is a list of words from which you can choose the most suitable for interpretation in the layout.

People. The people, occupation, or traits associated with this card.

Love. Aspects related to love, romance and relationships between people.

Job. Aspects related to work and service.

Finance and business. Aspects related to money, cash flows, as well as exchanges and trading transactions.

Well-being. A description of your general condition (physical, mental, psychological and spiritual), health and lifestyle.

Comparison. List of cards, the main meanings of which are closely related; it is provided for comparison to help you interpret more accurately.

Playing card. The main meaning of the corresponding playing card, an indication of the number of points for calculating the final parting words.

Connection with myths and legends. Reflection of the main meaning in folklore, myths and legends.

Combination with other Lenormand cards. When one card comes up in front of another in the layout, together they form a combination. In the description of each card, the meanings of several combinations are indicated so that you have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to interpret them yourself. There is no complete list of combinations, otherwise you will constantly be guided by someone else's interpretation and will not learn to think for yourself. When reading the layouts, you will come across various combinations, try to analyze them in each specific context of the question for the one to whom you are guessing.

Part one: Rider, Clover, Ship, House, Tree, Clouds.

All the combinations presented here are given only as examples of how the cards can be combined, for a better understanding of the cards. In different layouts, fortune-telling situations, in other matters, of course, the interpretation of such combinations can and will differ. These are not all possible combinations, this note has only an example purpose.

  1. Rider. The main meaning of the Horseman card is news, news, as well as a communication and movement card.

In combinations, the Horseman card is very simple, for example, Clover + Horseman will show unexpected and pleasant news, and Horseman + Rats - the news of loss. These are very obvious card combinations.

Mountain + Key + Rider, and similar combinations - will show the solution to the problem, thanks to the communication skills of the questioner. There is a problem, it is solved thanks to the Rider.

And Broom + Rider + Mountain will show the harsh words that led to the problem.

An interesting combination of House + Horseman + Broom, can show that dirty linen is washed out of the hut. There is a house, from the House - the Horseman gallops from left to right, then the broom goes, like disputes and conflicts that are carried out by the Horseman outside the house.

  1. Clover. The main meaning of the card is pleasant surprises, surprise, joy, transience.

And in combinations, the Clover card has such a property as reducing and simplifying the values \u200b\u200bof adjacent cards. If these are negative cards, then Clover can reduce the negative, if positive cards, then make them simpler or fleeting.

But, it is important to take into account the position of the Clover card in the layout and the cards with which it is combined. For example, the combination Anchor + Owls + Clover is empty talk at work, and when combined with two negatively colored cards, for example, Clover + Rats + Mountain, it is obvious that Clover will no longer have enough "strength" to reduce both cards. As a result, this combination is already interpreted as follows: troubles appear unexpectedly and lead to big problems.

  1. Ship. The main meanings of the card are transport, road and change.

A ship is movement, but the combination of Rider + Ship + Stars - can only show conversations about the trip, closes the combination of the Star card, which speaks only of plans or dreams, but not actions. It turns out that they are talking about the trip (Rider), but so far they are not going anywhere. And the location of the Star + Horseman + Ship cards can already show the fulfillment of the dream of traveling.

And the combination Broom + Ship + Anchor - can show the fuss before the trip, in this case the Anchor, which goes after the Ship, shows that the Ship has not yet departed from the Anchor. And the combination Anchor + Ship + Broom, can already show a nervous business trip at work.

Ship + Mountain - May show problems with transport or obstacles with departure. And Mountain + Ship - border crossing.

  1. House.The main meaning of the card is family, place of residence, stability, protection.

Basically, the House card shows the events that occur in a person in the house or in the family. What kind of events will be shown by the maps surrounding the House. For example, Broom + House - conflicts in the house. A, Rats + Tree + House - health problems in relatives. Spit + House - damage or destruction in the house.

An interesting combination, Stars + House - can show that a person limits himself to too much ambition.

An important aspect of the House card in the layouts for personal life for single people is due to the fact that the House itself will not show that a person suddenly starts living with someone for no reason at all, first the cards must be shown acquaintance, the appearance of a partner, and then cohabitation. For example, the combination, House + Clouds + Anchor, will not show unexpected cohabitation, because there is no such event as an acquaintance or the appearance of a man, but the combination of Horseman + Heart + House will show acquaintance and love that lead to cohabitation.

  1. Wood.The main meaning of the card is health, experience and family.

Basically, the Tree in the layouts speaks of events that are related to health. Obviously, Clouds + Tree in the event scenario will show a cold.

In combinations, the Tree will fix lighter cards, increase the strength of positive cards, negative cards will spoil the Tree, the Scythe will cut down, Anchor + Scythe + Wood, constant scandals destroy the family. Rats will gnaw, Rats + Wood serious health problems.

  1. Clouds. The main meaning of the card is emotions, troubles, instability.

Clouds, in combination with bright cards, will show strong tears, strong emotions, for example Rats + Clouds, these are strong experiences, strong disappointments, serious fears. In combination with stronger cards, Clouds can show that a person has been experiencing for a long time, for example, Cross + Clouds.

The combination of Mountain + Clouds + Moon can show the emotional winding up of the problem, emotional inflation of the problem. Clouds + Fox + Owls can show great imagination in terms of coming up with problems for themselves. Stars + Clouds, in a relationship, disappointments in their expectations regarding a partner. Clouds + Stars + Broomstick in a partner position in a relationship layout can show nitpicking.

To be continued…

Best regards, Yulia Lysenko.

Each card from the oracle Madame Lenormand contains 2 images, in the Lenormand Big Deck there are 6 of them, this is a very complex deck that requires knowledge in several related fields, for example, astrology, numerology, geomancy, the language of flowers in villages, as well as knowledge of the mythology of Ancient Greece. There are two images in the Small Deck: the main drawing, which is intuitively easy to interpret and is close in meaning to the dream book, as well as a playing card - it is usually located on the side or top in the center - this part of the card is more difficult to interpret and for beginners it is recommended to guess, focusing on the main symbol. Later, with the accumulated experience, you will be able to interpret the meanings and gypsy cards.

Traditionally, Lenormand cards are interpreted in an upright position, because each card has several meanings at once, for example, the child card can be the significator of a child, indicate something new, excessive gullibility and naivety, inexperience, the birth of a child.

There are also bad-good-neutral cards in the deck, besides, cards are read in a special method, we will talk about this in more detail later: in pairs and triads, which also greatly expands the value of one card and does not require their inverted position. Depending on the Querent's question, each card can represent the person himself, some kind of action, emotion, object or way of life. Each specific value in a separate case, you can easily determine when you study the main meanings of Lenormand cards. It is the keywords that will help you understand the essence of the alignment in relation to the question posed.

For example, the Garden card itself means public awareness or collective initiative, and the Child means simplicity. The combination of Garden and Child cards means: some kind of social initiative will prevail due to its simplicity. This is not the same as the Child and the Garden, because if 2 cards fell out together, then the second card describes the first, it characterizes the first card, its value becomes auxiliary for the main value. The location of Lenormand cards in the layout greatly influences their interpretation. The Rider and the Fox are false information or a cunning courier; and the Fox and the Horseman are a chatty deceiver, they will speak their teeth, an agile criminal. The card that fell first affects the next card, its meaning is secondary and more as an adjective or definition. The next side map expands on this story, but also within the first map!

"Rider and Fox" and "Fox and Rider" - Not the same

  • Keywords - a list of words from which you can choose the most appropriate for the interpretation of the meaning of the card in the layout.
  • Description of the map - a description of the image on the map, taking into account the nuances.
  • Symbolism - the key symbolism of the map, allows you to understand where the meaning and interpretation came from, because the images are archetypal and, in principle, easy to read.
  • Characteristics - at this point, the connection of Lenormand cards with astrology, the elements, organs in the body, terms and time frames, profession according to Lenormand cards, as well as a card-advice, a card-warning and a card-of the day.
  • Character - the person under this card; people, occupation, main features.
  • The main value is the key block, since it reflects all the main aspects of the interpretation of the meanings of the Lenormand cards. We compare cards, the main values \u200b\u200bof which are closely related, so that you can more accurately interpret their values \u200b\u200band not get confused at the beginning.
  • Negative value (Shadow of the card) - every card, even the best in terms of its values, has a negative side, for example, from an overabundance of quality, this point should also be taken into account. When a positive card is described as negative.
  • Questions of personal relationships are the most popular topic for fortune telling - love and relationships. We will tell you what is the meaning of Lenormand cards in divination for love.
  • Business and finance - the second most popular topic for fortune telling - work and money. We will tell you how each card describes a given area of \u200b\u200blife.
  • Medical issues - covers the main areas of health that each card describes
  • Personality Map - questions about third parties are very often asked, this description will help you characterize a person in general terms.
  • Interpretation of the card in the layout - we reveal the nuances of practical work.

Combinations with all cards from the Lenormand deck - gives clues to how you can independently compose interpretations by summing the values \u200b\u200bof two cards. Combinations are presented here, but, of course, not a complete list of all possible options, but only an example of how you can read the cards together. In fact, it's like adding syllables or collecting sentences from a given noun, verb, adjective, definition, pronoun. When reading the layouts, you will come across various combinations that form pairs and triads of Lenormand, they must always be analyzed individually and in the context of the question asked.


Those who use in their work not only the Tarot, but also the deck of the famous French fortuneteller, it will be very interesting to learn about the meaning of Lenormand cards in love layouts. Cards can be interpreted both by themselves and in combination with each other. Of course, the best way to understand what this or that symbol means is to rely on your own intuition, however, a hint from other fortune-tellers will definitely not hurt.

Features of the Lenormand deck for divination by relationships

Clients turn to Masters on a variety of issues: work, finance, self-development, future, real estate, however, it is the topic of personal relationships that is perhaps the most popular. As the saying goes, when the heart is calm, then the rest of life somehow improves by itself.

Lenormand cards, like Tarot, are great for revealing the most accurate nuances of relationships in a couple, especially if the querent is more concerned with events, and not their background. It is believed that, according to the Tarot, it is the reasons for the events that are happening more understandable, but the Lenormand deck will clearly answer what exactly will happen or happened between the lovers - a meeting, a date, a declaration of love or a quarrel, parting, a conflict. The interpretation of Lenormand cards in love layouts is not particularly difficult, the main thing is to rely on the basic meaning and be able to apply it to the field of relationships.

The main meanings of Lenormand cards in love layouts

Let's look at the basic meanings of Lenormand cards in love layouts, knowing which, you can intuitively understand what event can be discussed in a particular case.

Card name

Meaning in love scenarios

Rider A message about a loved one, fast-paced events such as a fast-paced romance
Clover The chances of success in the relationship, provided that efforts are made, the hope of finding mutual understanding with a partner
Ship Favorable changes, sometimes - resort romances, flirting while on vacation, an occasional affair on the road
House Stable, reliable relationships, common life, the desire to start a family, "to make a family nest"
Wood Excellent prospects for a joint future for a couple, deep feelings, sometimes - a romance between people who have known for a very long time
Clouds Test of feelings for strength, adverse events
Snake Powerful sexual energy, a relationship based on sexual interest
Coffin Fading of feelings, ending of romance, breakup, divorce
Bouquet Pleasant surprises from a loved one, the beginning of a relationship, a candy-bouquet period, a new impulse in an established couple
Scythe Quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings, relationship crisis, breakup
Broom Lack of understanding, unhappy romance, failed marriage
Owls Doubt, lack of confidence in a partner, disappointment
Child Childhood love, first love, relationships full of romance, sometimes - infantilism
Fox Cunning, deceit, deceit, homeless person or homeless person, treason
Bear Caring for each other, reliable rear, strong family
Stars Sublime feelings, platonic relationships, relationships of the "artist and his muse" type
Stork The birth of a child, a new round in the relationship
Dog Loyalty, devotion, sincere feelings, friendship, willingness to sacrifice something for the sake of a loved one
Tower A strong union, but without unnecessary emotionality, stability, practicality, in the first place - everyday life, earthly concerns
Garden Relationships in which people are highly dependent on the opinions of others. On this card, a wedding can take place solely for the sake of "everything was like people," the union of two careerists, etc.
Mountain Misunderstanding, obstacles that prevent people from coming together, a hopeless union
Fork A choice that faces one of the partners or a couple, a love triangle
Rats Relationships between two egoists, vicious relationships or sexual desires, promiscuity, "dark deeds"
Heart Sincere feelings coming straight from the heart, reciprocity, good prospects for relationships, a happy romance that, even after its end, will give a feeling of pleasant nostalgia
Ring Engagement, formal marriage, fulfillment of undertaken obligations, equal partnership
Book Relationships that for some reason people do not want to advertise, or an affair with a person who looks very secretive, but in fact he has the richest inner world
Letter Couple message, love confession, secret discovery, internet romance
Man A man, or "masculine" human behavior (activity, determination, willpower), sometimes - a relationship that rests on a man
Female A woman, or "feminine" behavior (emotionality, impulsiveness), sometimes - a relationship that rests on a woman
Lilies Enthusiastic feelings, admiration for the chosen one, honesty, openness, relationships in which spirituality is in the foreground
The sun Warmth, love, maturity of feelings, serious intentions, the ability to realize oneself in a relationship
Moon The card takes on a positive value (peace, care, warmth of the hearth) when adjacent to other positive ones, and negative (lack of stability, "ebb and flow" in relationships) - when adjacent to negative
Key A new level of relations, overcoming existing problems
Fish Deep feelings, sometimes excessive attachment to material goods
Anchor Constancy, stability, finding one's own "cozy harbor", strong feelings, creating a social unit. Sometimes the Anchor can talk about boredom if unfavorable cards are nearby.
Cross Karmic relationships (but whether they are with a "+" or "-" sign, the surrounding cards will show)

The value of combinations of Lenormand cards in divination for love

The value of combinations of Lenormand cards in love layouts can be easily learned to determine on your own, knowing the basic interpretation of each symbol. To do this, it is not at all necessary to be guided only by "love" interpretations - you can also connect ordinary, classical ones.

Let's take a look at examples. Let's imagine that in the scenario, when asked about the near future of the pair, we got the Clouds and Letter cards. A letter is a sign of some kind of news, Clouds are trouble, bad mood, anxiety. Putting the two together, we get "bad news that will make the couple worry." And what will Fox and Woman mean if we are talking about relationship problems? The fox is cunning, deceit, deceit. A woman is most often the significator of a person of the fair sex. By combining the interpretations of both cards, we can say that the problems between the lovers arose due to the cunning and deceit of some woman. The meaning of the cards Lenormand Woman and the Snake in a love story is a sexual interest in some madam, and if there is also a Fork nearby, then we are definitely talking about a love triangle.

The most difficult thing is to be able to interpret the proximity of two cards from different categories - positive and negative. Take, for example, the meaning of the combination of the Lenormand Cross and Lilies cards next to each other. Lily is the purity of feelings, honesty, openness, the importance of the spiritual component. The cross is a card that is most often perceived as negative (remember the expression "carry your cross"?), But in love relationships it usually serves as an indicator of a karmic union. Karmic relationships, as you know, are of two types: in the first case, people "disliked" each other in a past life, and in the current incarnation, the meeting is given to them as a reward, as an opportunity to experience happiness together again. In the second case, karmic relationships are, on the contrary, a very problematic union, which is given to a couple to work out the mistakes of a past life. If we combine the meaning of Lilies with the Cross, we will understand that in our case, people's relations are karmic in the positive sense of the word, but if the Broom or Spit card were in place of Lily, then it would be negative.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Check out a few more values \u200b\u200bto practice.

Values \u200b\u200bof combinations of Lenormand cards

  • Ring + Rats can be interpreted as an insincere marriage proposal made from selfish motives, for example, for a selfish motive
  • Baby + Stork is generally a classic combination that speaks of pregnancy
  • Owls + Coffin - doubts in a partner that will lead to a break in relations
  • Heart + Anchor - sincere, deep feelings and desire to start a family with a hidden person
  • Mountain + Key - serious problems that, nevertheless, the couple will be able to overcome
  • Bouquet + Ring - marriage proposal

The Lenormand deck is quite straightforward, and each card does not have dozens of interpretation variations, as in Tarot - which is why many novice predictors love these cards.

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