Gnome tarot review and full gallery. Tarot of the Gnomes: lasso Jester Tarot of the Gnomes divination online

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Tarot cards are not just a deck of cards, they are magical, secret, mysterious symbols with which it is customary to guess. They interpret the future, help to learn something unknown, avoid upcoming mistakes, warn and suggest. 78 different cards, each with its own design and designation to it. Astrology, alchemy, occultism use these magical objects in their practice, and this suggests that they keep a secret and a riddle in themselves.

The Gnomes Tarot was created in the twentieth century

History of origin

The history of the emergence of classic Tarot cards goes back to the distant 15th century. In the XX century, the famous Italian artist decided to create a unique, very beautiful, interesting not only for adults, but also for children, a deck of cards - the Gnomes tarot. He painted a little gnome on each. As in a traditional deck, each illustration is exceptional, it does not repeat the idea of \u200b\u200banother and has its own special meaning. All cards of the deck have a common plot - they tell the story of one brave dwarf named Siken, this name and picture of the hero is the first card "0", he is also the Fool and the Fool. You ask: "Why a gnome?" The answer is simple - because this is a fabulous, fantasy, magical character who is mentioned in mythology. And simply because gnomes, like elves, we have never met, but as you know, the unknown attracts even more.

What do the gnomes say?

As far as we know from legends, fairy tales and ancient traditions, the gnomes are not very sociable by nature, but quite the opposite. These are small grumpy, not very hospitable bearded men who are used to working hard all their lives. They love good and tasty food, drink, they are masters of telling fascinating tales. And they are also the custodians of huge underground wealth. So, like the main characters, the tarot of the gnomes will not talk about high things, the cards will help to sort out everyday problems, give advice on the account of business, career, successful investment of money. A distinctive feature of these particular cards is that they help in solving family problems.

Gnomes who love their way of life, like hens, guarding and guarding their hearths, will become an example for building ideal relationships. It is not for nothing that the entire huge Siken family is depicted on the cards.

Be prepared for the fact that the tarot of the gnomes will give you a clear and direct answer to any question asked, sometimes it will be harsh, maybe it will not be what you expected, but the gnomes are not used to standing on ceremony. These little people do not like empty talk, so be short, concise and clear in formulating your questions. If you become the owner of this fabulous deck, get ready that the tarot cards of the gnomes will certainly take you on an exciting and inexplicable journey into the mysterious world of magic.

Tarot cards of the Dwarves provide accurate and concise answers to questions

78 cards as an opportunity to look into the future

Literally all the suits in such a tarot have a pattern, it is customary to apply paints brightly, in the original there is even embossing with gilding. All cards are divided into:

  • senior Arcana (trump cards) - these are the dominant 22 cards, they are like a ruling caste over all the others - they represent the Keepers of the main energy of nature;
  • minor Arcana - 56 cards: they are all divided into 4 suits, 4 families that control various elements - 16 cards - rulers, 4 aces - the banner of each element, 36 remaining cards - rulers, those with whose help ruling cards express their power.

Minor Arcana:

  • cups;
  • coins;
  • wands;
  • swords.

The main rule in reading this deck should be imagination. It cannot be simply interpreted according to the traditional Tarot, in each scenario it is important to model the entire looming history, go through the resulting path with Sikhen and draw conclusions from this. Dwarf tarot cards have a special pattern, each of which has a hidden meaning. On all the Younger Arcana, a phrase is applied that cannot be taken literally, it only prompts possible speculation, the development of the situation, and is not a specific interpretation. Major Arcana are numbered and bear names, there are no additional meanings on it. Next, we will try to reveal at least a little the meaning of the cards, but remember that in each scenario it is necessary to focus not on a specific description, but on the prevailing combination.

Wands, cups and coins - minor arcana

22 trump cards

Trumps are the dominant part of the deck, they characterize the most significant events in the life of a fortuneteller and reveal all the reasons for what is happening. Sichen is a silly dwarf, he is distinguished by absent-mindedness and idleness. This card usually falls out when some devastation has come in your life, you wander along the road, like this gnome-traveler, not noticing where, why and why you are going. She hints that it's time to make informed decisions, not rely on chance. Alepos is a wise wizard, he is in poverty, but he keeps in himself firmness, generosity and humility. This card makes you believe in your talents, encourages you not to be afraid to act and insists that you will definitely achieve everything that you plan. You lost heart, became indecisive.

Beteil - the highest princess opens knowledge for the fool. It encourages you to listen to your intuition, real knowledge comes through solitude, immersion in the world with yourself.

Listen to what the inner I whispers, take your time, act as obstacles appear. Gimlar is an empress who demands from a gnome to heal her daughter. This is a map of tenderness, a woman's love need, which is revealed as a mother, wife or lover. This can mean marriage, the birth of a child, noble shoots. Pay attention to women's health. Detlev - the emperor who promised to punish the dwarf, symbolizes intelligence, wisdom, authority. Seeks to prove that truth is above all and your goal is to achieve it. He favors those who make efforts to accomplish their plans.

In the Dwarf tarot, the Emperor means wisdom and authority

Enil - the priest taught Siken to use his skills wisely and take responsibility for thoughts and actions. On your way, you have come across a “teacher” for whom you are ready to follow, or you yourself have the strength and ability to become this guide. Ur - lovers represent choice. There is a fork in your path, you decide which path to take. Also new feelings, mutual attraction, temptation are involved here. Zank - a chariot with a general of gnomes represents victory, he saves the gnomes from enemies. Violence goes side by side with force and it is important to feel this fine line, so as not to keep your place on the pedestal and prove your power. Helga - justice in the form of the priestess Helga, she is blind. This card shows that after any action there are consequences, so be careful in your actions, otherwise you will not escape punishment. It helps to find a compromise in difficult situations, to weigh the pros and cons.

Tecla is a hermit who let Siken into his "world" and showed him the path to enlightenment, meditation. This card calls for learning to feel deeply, to reveal the ability to clairvoyance in oneself, not to strive for earthly goods, but to find gold within oneself.

Jaudim is a wheel that attracts everything like a magnet; it exists in harmony with the world. The card symbolizes your coexistence with the world, rotating, the wheel either gives you ups or makes you fall painfully. It all depends on what deeds you do, and Kaitavranos hints you to think about them - the strength, strength, courage bestowed on Siken in the fight against the monster. On this card, two opposites meet, complementing each other - the winner and the loser. You now have obvious or internal enemies that need to be overcome. Lambda - Siken himself turned out to be the hanger, suspended for punishment, but he smiles. This suggests that you are at a dead end and the current situation is to your liking, or that an avalanche of huge changes has fallen on you. Look at things from a different angle. Michem - death is on guard of souls going to the kingdom of the dead. The card speaks of a possible rebirth, farewell to the past, the inevitability of parting, the moment has come when it is time to radically change something. Nain is moderation, restraint, caring that accompanies Siken on his journey as a mother. This card inspires hope in your own strength, prepares you for future ups, but hints at balance in everything, inevitable ups and downs. Xemel is the devil who tempted the gnome.

Xemel - devil tempter

It symbolizes deception, temptations, mistakes that you have made and now you have to fight them, open your eyes to the things that are happening, try not to succumb to addictions, understand what is a vice. Oyn - the tower was destroyed by the Demon and Siken sank into horror, he was consumed by destruction. The card says that it is important to be able to use the power given to you correctly. The fall of the tower hints at personal collapse in material, family, and career spheres. Feyar - the stars appeared as a saving image for the gnome. As the night ends, a miracle awaits you. Be calm, do not panic, harbor hope in your soul, because there is not long left to endure, and you will be rewarded, all secret desires will come true. Tsaddi - The moon hides everything in the darkness. And only the most intimate and deepest secrets, feelings and fears come out. You are too closed in your thoughts, it's time to break the shackles, get out of the twilight, stop looking at things through the fantasy world. Quin - the sun awakens the dwarf from sleep, returns to real life. The darkness has dissipated, and you can fully enjoy life, success awaits you in everything, you mentally and physically reached a climax, life is a success. Ruash - judgment, punishment, judgment, atonement. The angel notifies everyone that Siken has become the chosen one. This card speaks of the upcoming changes, how good or bad they will be suggested by other cards. And all this is a consequence of your previously committed deeds, the sky does not punish you just like that. Esir - the world unites all the gnomes, speaks of the integrity of everything. The card says about the victory over your earthly desires, you have achieved inner balance. This is an exceptional joy, a triumphant victory, all undertakings end with an achieved goal.

Gimlar - The Tarot Empress of the Dwarves

Cast of wands

This suit of cards belongs to the Minor Arcana and each one depicts a mace. The gallery speaks about hard work, about everyday work, career, about the vital affairs of a person, and also teaches to overcome difficulties and hints that it is wrong to place your responsibilities on a weaker one. Ace - labor, the ability to carve a club from a tree on your own. The card says that your endeavors will end happily, it may be current affairs, or those that you only dream of. Now is the time when it’s time to make dreams come true, but without efforts, nothing will budge.

  1. Deuce - enthusiasm, passion, zeal - only they will allow you to completely burn with the idea and bring what you started to the end. You have deep long-term plans and ideas for the future, and so the double rod indicates their indispensable implementation. Any projects will bring long-awaited results, everything can be accompanied by a journey.
  2. Three - take care, worry about your tomorrow, you must certainly today. Taking on a new business, it is important to feel the ground under your feet. New perspectives are opening up for you, more likely your plans will begin to come true, but, as before, nothing will fall from the sky, only your mind, obsession will help in the implementation of your plans.
  3. Four - cooking, it is worth a little more patience and the soup will certainly be cooked. This card carries confidence, pushes you to take a bold step. If you want to confess something to someone (love relationship), you have not decided for a long time to meet, a duty (unpleasant to you) - take it and do it today. The main thing is to do everything with a smile and a positive attitude, and you will emerge victorious from any situation.
  4. Five - growth, development, cultivation will not work if you miss at least one mouse. The card symbolizes competition, a fight in which you can only win with a lot of effort.
  5. Six - luck, luck. Today is a good day for you. Rewards, riches will simply rain down on you from the sky, everything that you have been going for so long begins to be realized, in all matters you will be successful. The black bar has turned out of your way and life hints that it's time to get to the start to victories.
  6. Seven - disagreements, desire and reality often have nothing in common. Surely someone wants you to stumble. Be vigilant, do not let your rivals take the prey out from under your nose, do not sit idly by, get into an argument. Don't underestimate enemies, but don't bend under others either.
  7. Eight - an accident, an accident, any action has a consequence. The card speaks of the expectation of good news and favorable changes in life. Everything that could have stalled for a long time will certainly budge today. You have an interesting idea in mind - do not delay, act today and you will be satisfied with the result.
  8. Nine - punishment, punishment. The card calls not to trust anyone but yourself. Wait, don't expose yourself to the blow, but don't take a step back either. If the business you started did not go the way you wanted, do not continue, postpone it for the next time. Take care of yourself, do not reveal yourself to anyone, someone can take advantage of this.
  9. Ten is a battle, a quarrel between two dwarfs may not start if everything is resolved peacefully. Discipline and endurance will help to move mountains, do not rush to panic. You may be entrusted with a difficult task, but this is only at first glance, do not be afraid to take risks and take a closer look around, there is someone who wants to help you.

Eight of wands - accident, accident

Servant - dependence, submission symbolizes a formidable gnome. Today you will be given a chance not to be missed, do not be afraid if it is associated with a risky business. It can be a tempting offer at work or a long-awaited love meeting, which will later leave a pleasant imprint. A knight is a career, courage leads a gnome along the path of life. Today portends to be hot, your ardor and temperament will burst out, the main thing is not to restrain your emotions and choose the right place for this. Go to "relaxation", do not rage at work in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and consequences.

The Queen is inspiration, inspiration, an indispensable springboard for creating something new. The card hints that today you are full of strength and energy to administer, rule and lead.

Even the most difficult work is nothing to you. You will meet a strong-willed woman on your way, which will play an important role in your life. The king is strength, power loves when it is in good hands and is properly disposed of. Restrain the aggressor, today you can move mountains, but you should not shed blood. Be reasonable, don't start a war. It may be that you will meet an interesting, temperamental man.

Five of Wands - Competition

Cups caste

The gallery of this suit carries the idea of \u200b\u200babundance, but anyone who shows greed will be left with nothing. Designates the love sphere, is responsible for feelings and experiences. Ace is pleasure, life was created in order to be content with it. This card mainly hints at things of the heart, it gives you a chance so that you can fulfill your secret desires, the so-called "magic pendel". Deuce - harvesting grapes, it's time to harvest. Today is completely under the auspices of love, the aroma of aphrodisiacs is in the air, devote yourself to your soulmate, take the first step, demonstrate your feelings.

Three - constancy, only in painstaking work and care the sweetest fruits arise. The card encourages you to rejoice at your personal victories, enjoy every day, look for beauty today, do not wait for common holidays, create your own.

Four is a custom, do not rush to believe without seeing with your own eyes. If you are offended, do not make grief out of this, do not transfer your inner experiences to the whole world, otherwise you can absurdly miss the chance you need so much. Five - experience and knowledge help the gnome create wine. A hard day awaits you ahead, some undertakings will fail. Accept the downs and troubles with honor: the sooner you overcome them, the sooner they will flourish. No need to feel sorry for yourself and get stuck in tears. Six is \u200b\u200bthe marriage of the dwarfs. This card brings you back to the past, hints that you have forgotten what you dreamed about for so long. Most likely, the past will somehow pop up in your present in order to give advice, direct you on the true path. Seven - truth, truth on the lips of a drunken gnome. Alcohol can play a cruel joke with you, do not get fooled by sweet speeches, divide everything by two. Today there is a chance of being deceived. Dreams can give a lot of real ideas, but do not grab onto them, think well about the pros and cons.

Four of Cups - Traditions

Eight - society, the loneliness of a gnome, a vivid example of the deprivation of joy. Today has come the day when you will have to part with your usual affairs, people, places. To change your life for the better, you need to drop stones that drag you to the bottom. It can be hard and painful, but it's worth it. Nine - the drunkenness of two dwarfs calls to stop before you fall under the table. You don't have to wait for the weekend to rest. Drinking wine symbolizes the holiday. Take a day off for yourself today, spend it in a state of complete euphoria. Ten - vacation, a boar drunk with wine does not always personify relaxation. Today you will be visited by joy, it can be:

  • new people;
  • new completed project;
  • a new area that will become meaningful to you;
  • all dreams related to personal life will come true.

Servant - love, falling in love inspires, makes a big man out of a little gnome. This card indicates a specific person from your environment with whom you have sincere and tender feelings, and in a difficult situation you can easily rely on him. The knight is temptation, seduction moves the handsome gnome in conquering the heart of his beloved. This card will give you confidence in yourself and your strengths, wings will grow behind you. And with them you will be able to resolve all even difficult cases. The queen - pregnancy, says that an empty vessel needs to be filled and only then will it bear fruit. This is a sensual and gentle card filled with happiness, she, like this lady, promises support and protection for you and your family. King. The family is not just a bunch of people, they are tied by sacred and fundamental threads. The man that falls on this card symbolizes your patron, this is a close and loved one. Now only he will give you good advice on a happy life.

Seven of Cups - Truth

Coin caste

The value of cards of this suit is material well-being, pleasure and success in everything, a practical and thorough attitude to all areas of life. Ace is a business, any wealth starts with one coin. Catch luck by the tail, it is spinning under your feet. Today is the day when you can lay the first brick in the foundation of your home, start big deals, invest in promising projects. Deuce - unification, merger, association between two dwarfs promises common growth. This card says that you are able to snatch victory in any business, play boldly, you have a flair - it will not let you lose your balance. You won't lose anything if you take the risk. Three - economy, excessive frugality can turn you into a curmudgeon. It is enough to remain in the shadows, the moment has come when it is time to move to a higher level. Stagnation does not lead to prosperity, especially since all paths and opportunities are open to you. Four - vanity of vanities, vanity will make you a rich, self-confident magpie. This card signals:

  • about upcoming prosperity;
  • financial stability;
  • will give confidence in the future;
  • you will find complete satisfaction from what is happening to you.

Five - collapse, failure befalls everyone who moves towards their goal. Today, little will change your situation for the better, just accept everything with honor, live this period with pride. It will be hard, the main thing is not to renounce the help that relatives will try to provide you. Six - a treasure gives rise to a toad in us, which slowly strangles itself. Generosity drives today, lend a helping hand to those in need. Or get ready for the fact that today you will be rewarded for the work done, you will be appreciated. Seven - distrust, doubt that you will be deceived. The card promises that you will certainly succeed, but not so soon. The grain has already been planted, which means wait for the fruits. But, in the hope of future wealth, do not forget about today, continue to work with the same strength.

The knight of coins brings gold to the needy

Eight - poverty, poverty overtook the old gnome, he asks for help. With this card, it's time for you to learn something new, master a craft, learn languages, change profession. By persistence, the ability to organize your work, you will certainly achieve success. Nine - greed, greed will preserve your wealth, but will not increase it. It symbolizes profit. Good luck has announced a hunt for you, it's time to buy a lottery ticket. You will receive material stability and confidence in the future. Ten - the theft occurs imperceptibly, you do not even know about it. You will find happiness, prosperity, wealth that you share with your loved ones. You are surrounded by people who love you, their support helps to move mountains. A servant is a loan, a loan is sometimes better than a solitary flounder. A person will appear in your life, maybe he will be from your environment, who will be able to drastically change your usual way. This could be:

  • advice:
  • job offer;
  • good deal.

The knight is the treasurer who brings gold to the needy. This man will share with you his savings, knowledge, achievements. You will receive a domineering strong patron, under whose wing you will achieve everything you want.

The queen is providence, be prudent so as not to break the wood. You are under the auspices of some woman, she will give you the opportunity to increase wealth.

Try not to give up your ideas and plans. King - success is like a king when dreams come true. You will find yourself on the throne - great success, prosperity, career growth. All the best awaits you and you will get nothing for it. Enjoy your social status, but don't waste your time.

Nine of Swords - negative card

Swords caste

The gallery of swords carries with it struggle, striving for victory, overcoming difficulties. Conquests, trophies are the main thing for a warrior, but when one wins, the other is defeated, and this should be remembered.

  1. Ace is strength, power has no boundaries. This card means success. Your decisiveness, will, faith in yourself and your strength will help you overcome all obstacles, defeat all opponents and rise to the podium. You will gain power, you will be able to exert influence.
  2. Deuce - anger, evil responds to evil in the same way. Today, more than ever, you will doubt everything. But your intuition left you for a short while and if you don't want to break the wood, then postpone making important decisions for another day. Three - charity, the gnome shows mercy in relation to the beggar. This card carries disappointment, indicates a mental wound, betrayal, treason. All thunderstorms end sometime and the sun comes out, so your failures will soon be replaced by joy. Four - justice moves the little gnome, she divides a huge watermelon in half. A period of stagnation, you will feel overwhelmed. You will have to reschedule your scheduled events and take a break before the upcoming battle.
  3. Five - freedom in joy, everything goes to him alone. An unpleasant card, it promises big losses. Trouble awaits you, the outcome of the case will also not be in your favor. Get ready for a long recovery and do not lose your fortitude, only it will now help you not to break completely. Six - idealism, self-belief helps the little gnome to fight the dragon. The map advises you to rest and go with the flow. The main battle is over and you have the opportunity to gain strength for its new stage. Seven - imprisonment, suggested temptations can captivate. Be alert, prepare for the fact that today, you will be deceived. Or it is a signal that you just need to cheat in order to achieve what you want.
  4. Eight - practice, training is made from a gnome master. It's time to face your fears face to face. Everything that you fear, today, like an obstacle, will stand in your way. Try not to hide from them, because you have nowhere to run. The main thing is not to pull them into the future. Nine is a battle of the dwarfs, in which one will be the winner. This card carries with it negativity, it will mark a difficult period in your life. Disappointment, suffering, betrayal await you, it can be a disease, a tragedy. Ten is treason, traitors cannot be called friends. Look around, there is an enemy in your environment, whose machinations will derail your train. Troubles, problems, diseases are foreshadowed by the card. Tune in to the fact that nothing can be changed, beware of the footrest.
  5. Servant - fanaticism should not involve you in someone else's war. It can be a friend who supports you, ready to protect you from enemies. Or the card hints that the enemies are at the gate - no need to relax. Intrigues are already weaving around you, sharpen your knife and make your dreams come true. Knight - diplomacy has never led to destruction. This knight is your patron, he will help to overcome difficulties, will defend your interests, will not allow enemies to break you. Stay close and you will succeed.

The Queen is harmony and justice at the head of everything. This woman will become your patroness, she is authoritative and will help you achieve rapid career growth, improve your financial situation. Also today you can take a decisive step.

The king is conscience: before you judge others, you need to try it yourself. The map invites you to make plans, but they must be really backed up. Don't paint sandcastles. A professional will help you in implementing your plans.

This tarot gives incredibly accurate answers, the cards are easy to use, they will become irreplaceable companions in solving pressing problems.

Tarot of the Dwarfs is a unique deck that will take you to the magic kingdom and allow you to participate in the amazing journey of the Dwarf Siken.

In the article:

Features of the Gnome Tarot deck

Pietro Alligo and Antonio Lupatelli are the creators of this amazing, unique deck full of magical creatures. An attractive magical attribute will be not only for young magicians who are just starting their journey in the world of magic, but also for adult tarot readers who, despite their age, have not lost their purity of the worldview.

At first glance, tarot seems too simple, but in fact, a symbolic message is encrypted in the "little gnomes". Before starting to work with a deck, for interpretation it is necessary to understand who is gnome.

At first glance, he seems to be a cheerful and good-natured simpleton, a skillful craftsman, but his life is also filled with tragedies, experiences, he can be very greedy, aggressive or unhappy.

It is based on a legend that tells a story Sikena, a little gnome who crossed the whole world of gnomes. This magical attribute is perfect for everyday layouts, fortune-telling on everyday topics, since the deck is very practical.

Perhaps, at first glance, you don't even quite recognize the familiar arcana. For example, the Magician is a gnome who is mending his boot, and a slothful person has decided to rest in the sun (Sun). The deck is different from the usual ones, etc.

Correct interpretation of the deck

To decipher the meanings, you can use the traditional interpretation, but you should immediately warn that the classic meaning of Ryder Waite will not be able to fully reveal everything that the Tarot of the dwarves will tell. This is due to the fact that the special nature of this magical attribute is more suitable for a different type of interpretation. The tarot reader has the opportunity to use his imagination.

You can start with a simple experiment. For example, take seven cards and place them together. Don't think about their classic meanings.

Look at them and see the story that the characters drawn in the illustrations are ready to tell you. Feel which one of them is the main character, how other characters are connected with him, what are the possible events that happened on his life path.

It is believed that this way of reading the gnomes Tarot is not only useful, but also helps to better feel them. The author's interpretation is suitable for those who are able to take into account the subtleties of the plot of the cards. In this case, a whole phrase is most often used, and not one word, which makes it possible to interpret the fallen lasso.

Major arcana - the meaning of cards

Siken - a slacker, immersion in their dreams, absent-mindedness.

Alepos - wisdom, humility, awareness of their poverty.

Beteil - the fairy queen, inability to understand reality or an obsession. Cognition.

Jimlar - the queen of the dwarfs, at one time asked Sikenas to cure her daughter, willpower.

Detlev - the king of the dwarfs, who was ready to punish Siken if he did not help heal his child, the power of reason.

Enil - responsibility for their actions and words, getting directions, wise advice.

Ur - a princess, a beauty capable of making a choice in the name of love.

Tsank - a general capable of protecting another from enemies, but not knowing how to control his aggression, which brings violence.

Helga - blind priest, messenger, executor, consequences.

Tekla - meditation, comprehension of the secret life, the ability to give someone the right advice.

Yaudim - part of something bigger, harmony with the world.

Kaitovranos - courage, courage, risk.

Lambda - trial, noble sacrifice,

Meacham - rejection of the past, transition to a new level, transformation.

Nain - the spirit of the mother, patronage, tenderness, care.

Xemel - tricks of the devil, temptation, lies.

Oyun - horror, devastation, loss.

Feillard - salvation by love, hope for the best, angelic strength.

Tsaddi - feelings, emotions, affection.

Quinn - awareness of reality, getting rid of illusions.

Rausch - redemption.

Ezir - awareness of oneself as a part of the world, integrity.

Bowl interpretation and gallery

The suit is responsible for abundance. Whoever drinks everything to the bottom will remain at a broken trough.

Ace - the joy that the world around exists, the awareness of splendor, enjoyment every day.

Deuce - the right time to collect fruits.

Troika - hard and painstaking work will bring a worthy reward.

Four - form cannot exist without essence, a tribute to traditions.

Five - the accumulation of experience, growth is impossible without knowledge.

Six - the joy of getting married.

Seven - sweet speeches are not always true, but the truth will still be revealed.

Eight - an active social life is not a guarantee that a person is not alone, it deprives him of happiness.

Nine - addictions, alcoholism.

Ten - rest is possible without changing the place of stay, bliss is the state of the person himself.

Page - love can make a giant out of the smallest person.

Knight - in order to charm a beloved, it is necessary to show courage and nobility.

Queen - pregnancy, the appearance of offspring.

King - family is the most sacred thing that every person can have.

Clubs - meaning

The suit is responsible for hard work, the ability not to shift offenses to the weak.

Ace - hard work always brings joy and fruit.

Deuce - in order for the business to be successfully completed, you need to be passionate about it.

Troika - if you don't work, you will never know the fruits of your work.

Four - the difficulties will not last forever.

Five - minor problems can cause serious damage.

Six - do not rely only on luck.

Seven - desires and reality do not always coincide.

Eight - do not dwell on such incidents.

Nine - any problem can be solved.

Ten - in a quarrel it is better to stop in time.

Page - depending on the circumstances.

Knight - ambition is needed to move up the career ladder.

Queen - you need inspiration.

King - to be a wise ruler, you need to know how to use your power.

Coins - gallery and meaning

The suit is responsible for success, insight, prudence.

Looking at the image of funny, funny little people on the Tarot cards of the Dwarfs at once you will not believe that you can work with this deck of cards at a serious level. And, by the way, this deck of cards gives the most accurate everyday and everyday layouts. There are no two concepts in these cards, each meaning is given simply and clearly. The artist Antonio Lupatelli revived strict concepts with his drawings, but the cards did not lose their significance from this. In the image of each little dwarf, a symbolic meaning is encrypted, which helps to correctly interpret the meaning of the Arcana. There are drawings, both on the cards of the Major Arcana, and on the Minor ones. It just seems that the Tarot of the Dwarfs is more in line with the fairy tale, in fact, the basis of this deck of cards is quite solid and serious. Anyone who knows how and who wants to understand the deck of Tarot cards of the Dwarves should first get acquainted with the history of the main character of the Sichen deck, who, wandering through the kingdom of the Dwarves, became a participant in many interesting events. Many funny and serious stories happened to him until he got to Mir. We already know that there are twenty-two guardians of the Universal Power, which is the energy of nature - these are the Major Arcana of the Tarot of the Dwarves. The 16 rulers of the secret kingdom are represented by Palace cards, four suits, families that rule the elemental elements. Living water, Immortal fire, Mother Earth and Eternal wind. Strong cards of the deck, the rulers lead thirty-six Sovereigns and with their help realize their plans. The essence of this reign is expressed in each of the four Aces. According to the description of the creator of the Dwarven Tarot card deck, the main character during the journey manages to assemble a deck of cards, each of them depicts a certain life period, a lesson. Sichen became the main Sage of the Dwarves, and these little men do not spread so easily with titles.

Let's talk a little about gnomes, then the cards will become more understandable to us. It is known that gnomes are very zealous owners. They never throw anything away in the hope that it might still be useful. Dwarfs have a strong sense of ownership. And, if a gnome marries, which, by the way, happens quite rarely, does not even allow anyone, in a word, to spill over with his soul mate. Gnomes don't like being called little men or fairy creatures. Yes, they are not like us. But they are what they are and from this they did not become, neither better nor worse. Dwarves are extremely touchy. Maybe that's why they in every possible way avoid contact with a person. Gnomes settle in remote places and build their dwellings where humans cannot penetrate. Creatures with a strongly developed sense of clan or family rarely conflict with each other. Yes, this is understandable, only absolutely close-knit individuals manage to survive in the conditions of underground life. Dwarfs have a peculiar sense of humor, according to our concepts they do not have it at all. Gnomes absolutely hate being made fun of. And for any joke, they can take serious enough revenge. Women do not have equal rights with men. They never leave their native settlement. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the gnomes have very few women and they carefully protect them from the human eye.
Dwarfs work hard and hard. There is no such force that would force the gnome to interrupt the work begun and take up a new one. The gnomes have their own laws, which they sacredly honor. True, they reserve the right to think differently, but they will do everything in compliance with the rules and regulations. Gnomes never boast of wealth, especially since wealth is a gain for them. Any of them can become rich, it all depends on labor productivity.

This deck is believed to be down-to-earth. Unlike philosophically-minded classic decks, it answers everyday and ordinary family questions. On the one hand, this violates the concept of the Tarot itself. But on the other hand, most of the situations in our life are not related to vital ones. Sometimes the thought arises that it is a shame to disturb the Great Tarot over such trifles. Tarot of the Dwarfs is just for such cases. All his arcana looks practical and often it is not worth attracting the mystical.

For example, SA Strength. This card is far from the high spirituality displayed in other decks. Sicentupo and physically show his strength.

Or SA Sun. It's not like getting an Oscar or completing a lifelong endeavor. Have worked - have slept. Labor means physical. A person doesn't need much. He lives here and now. The goals are narrow-minded.

And one also gets the impression that these hardworking people work because they have to. They would gladly rest and have fun around the clock. Many cards show entrepreneurship, practical acumen, these people will not miss their own. For the sake of profit, they try, although the benefit in most cases does not promise great wealth. It's just such a mentality. On the other hand, they also easily let go of the acquired.

The features of the deck allow you to view any practical and everyday issues on it. Today we propose to look at the work of the deck in layouts related to the professional field.

In our piggy bank of layouts you can find layouts on the topic

An example of the layout "FORECAST OF PROFESSIONAL LIFE"

This alignment is used in order to analyze the current professional situation, take a closer look at emerging and impending problems, as well as the development of the situation in the future. It can also be laid out in the case when the questioner wants to know whether the chosen profession is suitable for him and whether it will allow him to realize his creative potential. The layout was made by Needle for one of the forum users.

S - Signifier. Ace of Coins You are starting a new stage in your life, which should lead you to prosperity.

OS: new stage, yes. And as for well-being - I hope so!

1 - profession; King of Wands I think you fit your profession and have achieved very good results. You are doing well and you really like your profession. I think you are completely absorbed in it and make no small efforts to this.

OS: I like it, I am absorbed, the results as a beginner - nothing like that. A lot of efforts. But more could be.

2 - another option; 9 of Wands is not suitable for you, because it will require great mental costs and headaches from you. This is not yours and you will not be comfortable.

OS: I think so too

3 - what I think consciously;Ace of Cups The fact that you like your job, but you have not yet reached a certain level and want to improve, for which you have all the possibilities and desires.

OS: Quite right! I have everything I need, and even time!
And desire.

4 - how are things really going? Strength Perhaps not everything is easy for you and you are trying to turn the tide. You are in a constant struggle for existence and until you succeed.

OS: I haven’t got a penny of money yet and had to start a book of expenses.

5 - what I feel subconsciously;Lovers, you love your work and enjoy it. But you want something else and you are faced with the problem of choice. Maybe you want to expand your capabilities and improve your skills or leave it as it is.

OS: I am considering another field ...

6 - the future awaiting in this profession; 3 of Wands The work is endless and hard enough, but nothing is wasted. The groundwork that you make today will be useful to you in the future, nothing will be wasted.

OS: I really count on it.

7 - is satisfaction possible? 2 Cups yes you will get full satisfaction as the result will be excellent.

OS: I want!

8 - will dreams come true?2 Coins and dreams will be realized in interaction with someone specifically, or with some organization that will agree to cooperate with you.

OS: This is great!

An example of the "PROFORIENTATION" layout

A. Klyuev's layout, which helps to determine the creative abilities of a person, to find out what field of activity he is most capable of. Each position has its own ruler card. if it was SHE that fell out in it, it means that in this area a person has OUTSTANDING abilities. The layout is made by Needle for one of the forum users.

1 Sphere of material production (ruler - Chariot): how does this sphere affect a person? 2 Cups no this is not his sphere - to consume yes - to make no.

OS: Yes, there is no desire to make anything.

2 - HIS attitude to this area (ability to craft, solder, tin, interest in technology, bake pies, make boots, etc.) 10 Wands no interest in working with your hands.

OS: Yes, he is not a master at doing anything with his hands.

3. Organizational sphere (Manager - Emperor)Sun I suppose that I could, but he does not really strive for this, as if there is no interest.

OS: He says he could, but so far apparently there is little life experience and does not quite imagine how it is in life.

4 - HIS attitude towards this area (management, trade organization, government, politics, etc.)Death Obviously, he understands that once in this sphere, he must abandon his worldview and be able to reincarnate, here you can rise, but you can also fall losing everything, there are a lot of temptations.

OS: We were offered to go to legal, but after some thought it turned out. The man is too young, and what you wrote is rather my position. Perhaps I imposed it unconsciously, I will improve, I will try not to put pressure on my life experience. They suggested and dissuaded myself.

5. The sphere of "human reproduction" (High Priest). How does it affect a person?The hermit will assume that he can try this area, obviously he loves to think and loves to study, and has his own point of view which he adheres to.

OS: He loves to think and study, he has his own point of view. I still dimly imagine what this sphere is.

6. HIS attitude towards this area (doctor, teacher, educator, priest ...) the ability to empathize, keep a distance, express group, collective interests. Wheel of Fortune I think it makes sense to try this area, it should work.

OS: There was an impulse to go to a doctor, I don't seem to mind teaching, they stop small earnings, but let's think about it. The main thing is to “find myself in the profession.” To empathize, keep a distance, support the interests of the team - that's all for him.

7. Sphere of information. Its influence on humans (MAG)10 Cups it is not interesting to him, he perceives it only as information and entertainment.

OS: Yes, that's right.

8 HIS attitude to this area. Ability for creativity, for individual and independent activity, for science, for the production of information or symbols. 5 There are no wands, there are no talents in this area and he avoids it.

OS: Right, avoiding.

9. Prospects for growth (World) The level that a person can achieve in career or professional Excellence. The Ace of Wands is probably still difficult to talk about the growth prospects, the main thing is that it chose the right direction.

OS: There is potential and desire, it is smart, and if the work is to your liking and ability, everything will be fine.

10. The level to which a person can reach independently - as an individual, entrepreneur, businessman, etc. (Wheel of Fortune) Tower He cannot work independently and will not become a businessman, but in a good team he can work normally and achieve certain success.

OS: He himself talks about it, but I understand that an individual business is a dead end for him, you need to go to government agencies, at least for a start, to gain experience.
In general, I stopped at the choice of subjects - English and history, this year I took the Unified State Exam on them, not very bad. Foreign languages \u200b\u200bare good at, there is a desire to learn them. We think that the work will be related to linguistics, diplomacy, something from this angle. It is a pity that he changed his mind about going to the doctor. There is still time to choose, I realized that the main thing is not to put pressure on him, I hope that he will do everything right.

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Looking at the image of funny, funny little people on the Tarot cards of the Dwarfs at once you will not believe that you can work with this deck of cards at a serious level. And, by the way, this deck of cards gives the most accurate everyday and everyday layouts. There are no two concepts in these cards, each meaning is given simply and clearly. The artist Antonio Lupatelli revived the strict concepts of the Tarot with his drawings, but the cards did not lose their significance from this. In the image of each little dwarf, a symbolic meaning is encrypted, which helps to correctly interpret the meaning of the Arcana. There are drawings, both on the cards of the Major Arcana, and on the Minor ones. It just seems that the Tarot of the Dwarfs is more in line with the fairy tale, in fact, the basis of this deck of cards is quite solid and serious. Anyone who knows how and who wants to understand the deck of Tarot cards of the Dwarves should first get acquainted with the history of the main character of the Sichen deck, who, wandering through the kingdom of the Dwarves, became a participant in many interesting events. Many funny and serious stories happened to him until he got to Mir. We already know that there are twenty-two guardians of the Universal Power, which is the energy of nature - these are the Major Arcana of the Tarot of the Dwarves. The 16 rulers of the secret kingdom are represented by Palace cards, four suits, families that rule the elemental elements. Living water, Immortal fire, Mother Earth and Eternal wind. Strong cards of the deck, the rulers lead thirty-six Sovereigns and with their help realize their plans. The essence of this reign is expressed in each of the four Aces. According to the description of the creator of the Dwarven Tarot card deck, the main character during the journey manages to assemble a deck of cards, each of them depicts a certain life period, a lesson. Sichen became the main Sage of the Dwarves, and these little men do not spread so easily with titles.

Let's talk a little about gnomes, then the cards will become more understandable to us. It is known that gnomes are very zealous owners. They never throw anything away in the hope that it might still be useful. Dwarfs have a strong sense of ownership. And, if a gnome marries, which, by the way, happens quite rarely, does not even allow anyone, in a word, to spill over with his soul mate. Gnomes don't like being called little men or fairy creatures. Yes, they are not like us. But they are what they are and from this they did not become, neither better nor worse. Dwarves are extremely touchy. Maybe that's why they in every possible way avoid contact with a person. Gnomes settle in remote places and build their dwellings where humans cannot penetrate. Creatures with a strongly developed sense of clan or family rarely conflict with each other. Yes, this is understandable, only absolutely close-knit individuals manage to survive in the conditions of underground life. Dwarves have a peculiar sense of humor. By our understanding, they don't have it at all. Gnomes absolutely hate being made fun of. And for any joke, they can take serious enough revenge. Women do not have equal rights with men. They never leave their native settlement. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the gnomes have very few women and they carefully protect them from the human eye.
Dwarfs work hard and hard. There is no such force that would force the gnome to interrupt the work begun and take up a new one. The gnomes have their own laws, which they sacredly honor. True, they reserve the right to think differently, but they will do everything in compliance with the rules and regulations. Gnomes never boast of wealth, especially since wealth is a gain for them. Any of them can become rich, it all depends on labor productivity.

It is easy to work with the Gnome Tarot deck, so it is with it that beginners are advised to start learning Tarot.

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